#garrett and hannah
Hannah Wells 🤝 Anastasia Allen
Falling for the ice-hockey Captain
Knowing a toxic guy named Aaron
In therapy for a time
Cries in said ice-hockey Captain lap (while in their boxers)
Gets pregnant in their 20’s
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edietrent · 1 year
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random girls x garrett graham messy headers
like or reblog if you save.
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bookishpedia · 1 year
Logan: I think I have a crush on Grace.
Garrett: Congratulations! You're officially the last person to know.
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evacrstairs · 2 months
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the deal (hannahgarrett) headers. like/reblog if you save or use. 🏒
art by @ kkristenarts on ig
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tearsaura · 4 months
I want Blake Logan and Wyatt Graham to become a couple down the line simply because of the Garrett/Logan dynamic.
Like imagine Blake, who is 21/22 at that point announcing to Logan that she’s dating Wyatt and Grace starts laughing whilst Logan just freezes.
Wyatt and Blake having to elope because Logan and Garrett would drive them insane during the wedding planing?
Garrett and Logan competing as favorite grandfather?
Hannah and Grace just being there for the vibes and happy for their kids?
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ephemeralsx · 1 year
hannah wells x garrett graham
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lexxwithbooks · 2 years
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📖: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒍 (𝑂𝑓𝑓-𝐶𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑠 #1) 🏒🍕📑
✍🏽: 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲
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instalovediaries · 2 years
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Hannah Wells & Garrett Graham
The Deal by Elle Kennedy
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mbat · 3 months
i think its really funny that with every other ghost hunting channel ever, a good chunk of the appeal is 'woah are they gonna find real ghosts?' or whatever and they make these really over the top videos about it acting like every single thing is definitively ghosts and cant possibly be any other thing (or they completely faked it themselves) and they dont really shine as people quite as much and theyre probably trying to appeal to kids with this style of video, or just make it exciting so it doesnt feel like its just people in an empty old house blah blah
but then we have shane and ryan who have literally never found proof, they dont really pretend theyve ever found proof (ryan has thought so a few times but he doesnt exactly sit around going 'holy shit remember that piece of proof we found one time that totally proved we found ghosts!' which a lot of channels do in my experience)
no we just all kinda stick around cause we love the dynamic. the shenanigans. if they ever proved ghosts were real it probably would be overshadowed by some funny thing they did they episode aside from that lol
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milevenxdepression · 1 year
the deal — elle kennedy
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conejin · 1 year
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"Oh, and I love being with her, plain and simple."
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Garret Graham 🤝 Nate Hawkins
Sex god
Ice-hockey Captain
Went pro after graduation
Man whore before meeting girl
Lives with other ice-hockey players
Their girl crying in their lap while in their boxers and shirtless
Toxic father
Dead mother
Gets their girl pregnant in their 20’s
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jessread-s · 1 year
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When it comes to sports romance books, “The Deal” is absolute perfection!
“The Deal” alternates between the perspectives of Hannah Wells and Garrett Graham. Hannah is a straight A student and talented singer, but when it comes to the art of seduction, she is out of her comfort zone. When an opportunity arises for her to tutor Garrett— the cocky, captain of the hockey team—in exchange for a pretend date, she takes it hoping to learn how to win over her crush. Garrett doesn’t mind, so long as she helps him raise his GPA and secure his position on the hockey team. But when one wild night ignites real feelings, Garrett is determined to convince Hannah that what they have is far from pretend. 
The dual points-of-view in this book are SO good! I don’t know how Kennedy did it, but she made Hannah and Garrett’s voices so distinct and unique to their characters that I felt like they were real people I had gotten to know.  
I really love how Kennedy incorporated the fake relationship trope into her storyline. Oftentimes, I feel like the two characters that agree to fake date in romance books are either strangers, mere acquaintances, or rivals. While Hannah and Garrett start out as strangers to each other, they actually become great friends before they pretend to date, which eliminated feelings of awkwardness and discomfort between them and made their transition from friends to lovers more natural and realistic. 
I also really love Garrett and Hannah’s chemistry. The banter in this novel is fantastic, especially when the two first begin to interact, and their drastically different dynamics compliment each other well. 
I will definitely be reading the other books in the off-campus series, but I have a feeling this book will forever remain my favorite!
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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bookishpedia · 11 months
Garrett: *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Which hospital were you born in?
Logan: Bold of you to assume I was born at all.
Dean: I personally was created in a lab.
Tucker: I just straight up spawned, lol.
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thatpunkmaximoff · 6 months
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[Book Five Novellas]
Story: 4 out of 5 Smut: 1 out of 5
I forgot how much I loved these couples AND hockey romance.
These stories are supposed to tie up everyone’s stories from the Off-Campus series, but for me all it did was leave me wanting more! How dare Elle Kennedy leave each ”part” as a mini cliffhanger. Especially Hannah and Garrett’s story!
Each “part” made me laugh. A couple left me aggravated, but thankfully the issues were handled fairly quickly. I got so attached to these characters that I hated any drama. I just wanted my babies to be happy haha.
As was the case with the first four books, Elle Kennedy did a fabulous job here. This is one series I will never forget.
Now here are my rambling thoughts…
* Not Logan and Grace role playing at the bar. Holy shit haha.
* Aww. I forgot how much I loved Grace’s dad Tim. He’s such a sweetheart.
* Lmao. A creepy haunted doll? These idiots mail it to each other when they least expect it 😂
* Fuck this puck bunny. I just know this is going to cause issues 🤦🏻‍♀️
* Oh I’m so glad the article took a completely different turn 😂
* Lmao. Stuck on the side of the road during a blizzard? Fuck it out in hopes of keeping warm. That’s the obvious choice, duh.
* “A pact requires the agreement of both parties,” he argues. // “Not when my life is at stake.” I stick my tongue out. “Sorry, babe, but I’m eating your ass whether you like it or not.”
* Wait, what?! How are you gonna end part one like that?! We better get to find out if they eloped or not!!!
* Aww. Dean’s practicing his proposal on his best friend 😂
* They totally fucking eloped. Logan’s being secretive about that day!
* Oh my god.. Hannah’s queasy?! She’s pregnant!
* Oh no. So Allie doesn’t wanna get engaged right now? but Dean already has the ring!!!
* Logan and Grace did get married!!!! I knew they were the eloped part of this lol.
* And now Hannah’s barfing in the bathroom. Friends episode indeed 😂
* Wow. I’m totally Team Dean in this. My heart hurts for him.
* I’m so happy she saw the error of her ways. And Logan’s dick 😂 Her proposal was sweet.
* “Fuck. I wish I had the ring on me. But it’s at home.” // “Is it big?” // “Huge.” // “How huge?” // “Massive. Even your dad was impressed.” // “You showed your dick to her father?” — 😂😂
* Lmao there’s that creepy doll again. And of course she let the cat out of the bag. Now Dean knows Logan’s married too.
* Lmao. Oh no. Their flight would have the worst crotchety couple in front of them and then smoke filling the plane. Poor Sabrina and Tuck. All they wanna do is bang each other’s brains out and they ended up with the worst flight ever.
* Lmao. Dean’s such a dick. He would send them the creepy doll on their honeymoon.
* They threw the doll into the ocean. I’m gonna laugh if it winds up back with them somehow.
* “That was for the plane, wasn’t it?” // “I would never.” // “You almost let a man pee on me, Sabrina!” // “That’s how much I love you.” — I love them.
* Awww. Hannah confirmed her pregnancy. But she doesn’t know what she wants to do.
* A coconut knocked her tf out 😂 They’re having such bad luck on this trip.
* Lmfaoooo. The doll fucking returned. I can’t 💀
* And now Tuck got arrested 🤦🏻‍♀️
* Damn. They both got offered jobs in Manhattan. I think they should take them.
* Aww. All Garrett wanted was a good night. Now his dad is there handing out an award. Barf.
* Oohhhh. The Legacy is a show. And they want Garrett to do it with his dad. Ouch. I hope he does… and then outs Phil Graham as the abusive asshole he is.
* And now he’s spiraling. Fuck, Hannah is never gonna find a good time to tell him she’s pregnant.
* Oh no. She’s spotting. Please let her be okay. Or freak out enough to go to the hospital and this is where Garrett finds out.
* Goddamn. That interview was not going too well at all. And then Hannah tells Garrett she’s pregnant over voicemail. This day sucks already.
* I’m happy she’s giving him the silent treatment. And now that he’s freaking out because he saw the number she took for a realtor. It’s totally not what he thinks, but this is the kick in the ass he needs.
* Awww. They’re gonna have the baby 🥹
* He’s going to do the interview solo and tell the world what a piece of shit his dad is! Yesssss!
* Lmao. The creepy haunted doll now has a companion and the expecting couple were gifted them 😂 Sabrina and Tucker are such assholes.
* TWINS!!!!! Oh my god. Why did it have to end there 😭
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scribare-archive · 8 months
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there is an excitment over it, after telling her, when they got to the rink : getting to spend time doing something he loves ( even if the guys gave him crap over using ice time on a date, rather than on practice. ) but they don't get much time together and with college, it'll only start to get busier and even less time together & this is perfect. spend time on the ice, spend time with the person he loves. his own skates already tied and ready, resting weight on one knee infront of her while pulling the strings on her skates tightly : making sure they'll sit in place once she get up from the bench.     ❝   do they feel okay ?   ❞      and maybe he's a little nervous. would love nothing more than for her to love this, perhaps not as much as he does, but to some level at least. that maybe this is the start of going on the ice together, even if it's just to skate in circles, hand in hand.
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