#gas central heating southern highlands
tempcoenergy · 2 months
Ducted Heating Bowral | Ducted Heating Mittagong | Tempco Energy Solutions
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bowralau · 2 years
Fabulous Family Home
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psychonedashone · 4 years
Cordillera: A Melting Pot of Culture in the North (Busa&Redelicia)
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The Cordillera central mountain range, dubbed “The Cordilleras” or sometime referred to as “The Highlands”, is the largest in the Philippines. Cordillera region consists of 6 provinces plus one city: Apayao, Abra, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, Mountain Province plus BAGUIO. Each province has its own, different ethnic tribes and their dialects. Nevertheless, all these indigenous groups are generally referred to as “Igorots”
The Indigenous People of the Cordillera
Inhabiting the rugged terrain of the Cordillera Region of Northern Philippines are  ethno-linguistic tribes known as the Ibaloy, Ifugao, Kalinga, Apayao/Isneg, the Bontoc, and Gaddang. They are referred to by a generic term, Igorot, a word coined from the root word, “golot” meaning mountain. Unlike most of the Philippines, which were ruled by Spaniards for about four hundred years, the Cordillera region was generally unfazed by Spanish colonization. The Igorot tribes are held together by their common socio-cultural traits as well as their geographic proximity to each other. During pre-Christian Cordillera (and to some extent, the present), the six different tribes shared similar religious beliefs, generally nature-related, and they make proprietary offerings to “anitos” (spirits) as well as to household gods.
The Bontocs
The Bontoc live on the banks of the Chico River in the Central Mountain Province on the island of Luzon. They speak the Bontoc language and Ilocano. They formerly practiced head-hunting and had distinctive body tattoos. The Bontoc describe three types of tattoos: Thechak-lag′, the tattooed chest of the head taker; pong′-o, the tattooed arms of men and women; and fa′-tĕk, for all other tattoos of both sexes. Women were tattooed on the arms only. In the past, the Bontoc engaged in none of the usual pastimes or games of chance practiced in other areas of the country, but did perform a circular rhythmic dance acting out certain aspects of the hunt, always accompanied by the gang′-sa or bronze gong. There was no singing or talking during the dance drama, but the women took part, usually outside the circumference.
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The Ibalois
The Ibaloi (also Ibaloy and Nabaloi) and Kalanguya (also Kallahan and Ikalahan) are one of the indigenous peoples of the Philippines who live mostly in the southern part of Benguet, located in the Cordillera of northern Luzon, and Nueva Vizcaya in the Cagayan Valley region. They were traditionally an agrarian society. Many of the Ibaloi and Kalanguya people continue with their agriculture and rice cultivation. 
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The Gaddangs
They're known by other names such as the Gadan, Gaddanes, Iraya, and Irraya, meaning “upriver”.  They can be found in the eastern parts of Ifugao, the mountain province in Southeast Kalinga, and in the foothills of Cordillera Central.  During the Spanish occupation, the lowland Gaddangs intermingled with other valley occupants, such as the Ibanags and Ilocanos, while others still, fled to the Cordillera and Sierra Madre Mountains to escape Spanish persecution.  The population of this indigenous tribe is declining as they intermarry with and become absorbed by the larger groups.  Their name derives from a combination of ga “heat” and dang “burned”, hence, they have have a darker complexion compared to other peoples of the Cordilleras.  Chrisitans stereotyped them as 'untamed' and dangerous; in reality, they're of a calmer disposition compared to neighboring tribes.
The highlanders have maintained their unique culture, including their traditional costumes lavishly adorned with beads and precious stones.  For instance, their ceremonial dress and ornamentation are some of the most elaborate and decorative; clothing of Western cut and commercial fabric are obtained from the lowland market.  They have a penchant for decorating their clothes with beads, shells, buttons, and coins – sometimes covering significant portions of the clothing with ornamentations.  Everyday attire, on the other hand, is simple, as evidenced by the men who don G-strings either in the homes or fields but don a pair of pants over their loin cloths when going to town.  For ceremonies, men slip into loincloths (dinega), a small beaded jacket (koton), and cape (tapit).
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The Itnegs
Itneg is an alternate name of Tinguian. Tinguian means "the people of the mountains," It was originally used to refer to all mountain dwelling people. These days it is particularly used to refer to a cultural minority group occupying the mountains of Abra. Music is an important aspect of Tinguian culture. Singing is a normal occurrence in the community and in the work fields. Their musical instruments are the "kalalent" (nose flute) the gangsa (copper gongs) and the "kulintang" (guitar).  Economic life is based on agriculture. It is the principal source of income for the people. Agricultural products are rice, camote, yams, corn, squash, ginger, melon, sugar cane, fruits, and good quality cotton and tobacco. Aside from being farmers, they also do fresh water fishing, weaving various types of cloths and blanket, pottery making, and basketry. A Tinguian village is usually headed by one of the old men or "lakay" chosen by a council of elder members of the village. A "lakay" is chosen based on his courage, health, wisdom and character. His role is to settle disputes in accordance with the customs and traditions. If a dispute is serious or the problem is new, he calls the council of elders or heads of influential families to discuss and decide with him.
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The Kalingas
The Kalinga, also known as Limos or Limos-Liwan Kalinga, inhabit the drainage basin of the middle Chico River in Kalinga Province. The Kalinga are sub-divided into Southern and Northern groups; the latter is considered the most heavily-ornamented people of the northern Philippines.
The Kalinga practice both wet and dry rice farming. They also developed an institution of peace pacts called Bodong which has minimised traditional warfare and headhunting and serves as a mechanism for the initiation, maintenance, renewal and reinforcement of kinship and social ties.
They also speak the Kalinga, Ilocano, and Limos languages. Kalinga society is very kinship-oriented, and relatives are held responsible for avenging any injury done to a member. Disputes are usually settled by the regional leaders, who listen to all sides and then impose fines on the guilty party. These are not formal council meetings, but carry a good deal of authority.
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The Ifugaos
The Ifugao call themselves as i-pugao or "inhabitants of the known earth"; other variations of the name are Ifugaw, Ipugao, and Yfugao. They live primarily in the province of Ifugao in Central Cordillera, in Northern Luzon. The name is supposed to have come from ipugo which means "from the hill." The Amganad Ifugao (Ifugaw) populate the central part of Ifugao Province and has two dialects: Burnay and Banaue.  Additionally, their name is synonymous with the famous man-made Banaue Rice Terraces in northern Luzon, which had once been hailed the "eighth wonder of the world", and attributed to their engineering knowledge and agricultural terracing. Historically, Ifugao was one of the places in the Archipelago least influenced by the Spaniards, even though they did venture into Ifugao territory; the Spaniards were unable to transform their culture and values. Anthropologists have regarded the Ifugao as possibly the oldest residents of the highlands; their origin attributed to Indonesian migration, dating back as early as 800-500 BC.  
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euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Thistle
The Daily Thistle – News From Scotland
Thursday 5th July 2018
"Madainn Mhath” …Fellow Scot, I hope the day brings joy to you….  I wake early in the morning, a chance to enjoy the silence of the day, before the busy little town called Estepona wakes up, Bella my 3 year old  black Labrador and I, start our day walking around the quiet streets and alleyways hidden in the “Old Town” the history of this place stretches back so far, Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, all made their homes here, and in the Franco era, the Germans who assisted him built airfields, which are just being rediscovered and in more modern times, further invasions have taken place, tourists from all over Europe have discovered the beauty of this once little fishing village, which has grown to become a small city on the south coast of Spain, overlooking the Mediterranean, the place I call home….  
WORK TO DISMANTLE GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART BUILDING TO BEGIN…. Work to dismantle the fire-damaged remains of the Glasgow School of Art Mackintosh building will begin on Monday. It follows a warning by Glasgow City Council that parts of the structure could suddenly collapse. The news emerged during a meeting of dozens of residents, who have been displaced since the fire on 15 June. Council leader Susan Aitken told them that it could be up to three months before they can return to their homes. Currently, the residents of 33 properties have been unable to access their homes since the fire. Ms Aitken told the Garnethill Displaced Residents Group meeting that details would be available of how to access a council and Scottish government-backed hardship fund - entitling each affected household to £3,000 - from Monday. Residents attending the meeting said they were desperate for information. Garnethill Community Council chairwoman Jane Sutherland said: "People need information so that they know where they're going to move next. "The city needs to be in a position to say to people 'this is going to be two months, three months'. "(It needs to) make the place safe so that folks can at least start getting on with their lives and making plans for how they manage when they haven't got access to their homes or their businesses." Ms Sutherland said too much attention had been given to the architecture and the building, with too little recognition of the needs of people. "All the emphasis has been on the building and saying that there's no casualties to this fire," she added. "There are - there are loads of casualties to this fire: all the 33 households and the 350 employees of the businesses in the cordon." Survey work of the art school building revealed that its south facade was the most seriously affected by the fire. Building control officers also found that the structure's west gable had deteriorated since the blaze and that the east gable was moving outwards as a result. Raymond Barlow, the authority's head of building control, warned: "With each passing day, a sudden collapse becomes more likely."
SCIENCE CENTRE ROOF 'MELTS' ON HOTTEST EVER JUNE DAY IN GLASGOW…. Scotland's largest city has enjoyed its hottest June day in history. The temperature hit 31.9C in Glasgow, which weather forecasters round up to 32C. Thursday beat Wednesday's record as Scotland's hottest day in 23 years. Temperatures triggered speed restrictions on rail routes in central Scotland and roads melted in Aberdeenshire, Moray and Fife. The "weatherproof" membrane on Glasgow Science Centre's roof melted and dripped black "goo" down the building. Thursday has become Scotland's warmest day of 2018 so far. Forecasters thought the day's temperatures might get close to Scotland's record highest June temperature of 32.2 recorded in Ochertyre in Perth and Kinross in 1893. While the heat did get close, the record still stands. The high temperatures caused problems across the country. Sharon Lyons from Glasgow Science Centre said: "As Scotland enjoys 'taps aff' weather, the weatherproof membrane from our roof is quite literally melting. "The structural integrity of the roof is completely sound, but we are left with a bit of an unsightly black goo on the roof. "When we return to typical Glasgow colder climes, we shall set about cleaning it." Gritters were sent out after roads were reported to be melting in high temperatures. Poor conditions were encountered on the A920 between Huntly and Dufftown and on the A916 Craigrothie to Cupar road. On Wednesday, Aviemore reached 31C, making it the hottest single day in five years before the record was surpassed 24 hours later.
FIREFIGHTERS TACKLE MAJOR MORAY GORSE BLAZE…. A large gorse fire in Moray has prompted a major operation by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. About 50 firefighters have been attempting to control the blaze close to the Buckpool Golf Course at Buckie in Moray. The emergency services were initially called out at about 16:00 on Saturday. Police have warned people to stay away from the area. A stretch of the A990 road between Portgordon and Buckie has been closed. A spokeswoman for the brigade said: "We were alerted at 16.08 on Saturday to reports of a fire in the open, near Buckie. "Operations control mobilised a number of resources to the scene at Buckpool, where around 50 firefighters are currently tackling a large fire within a widespread area of gorse." A Police Scotland spokesman said: "The A990 between Portgordon and Buckie is currently closed due to a gorse fire at Buckpool Golf Course. "The Scottish Fire Service and Police Scotland are in attendance. The public are requested to avoid the area." Earlier crews from Inverness and Aviemore had successfully put out a wildfire at the Slochd, close to the A9. The fire service said their work had prevented the outbreak reaching a nearby forestry plantation. A wider wildfire warning remains in place across Scotland. SFRS area manager Bruce Farquharson is the chair of the Scottish Wildfire Forum. He said: "Grass and wildfires are a common risk at this time of year when warmer weather dries out vegetation - especially dead winter foliage - which offers an ample fuel source. "Just one heat source can cause it to ignite and if the wind changes direction, even the smallest fire can spread uncontrollably and devastate entire hillsides."
SCOTTISH BORDERS COUNCIL CONSIDERS HANDING OVER ITS TOILETS…. A council is considering handing over the operation and maintenance of its public toilets after a charging policy failed to generate the expected income. The local authority in the Scottish Borders will look at identifying "third party partners" for its 41 facilities. It comes after a report showed a 30p charge at 27 toilets would generate £89,000 not the £268,000 hoped for. The council agreed to launch a procurement exercise to gauge interest in running the facilities. Sandy Aitchison, who holds the local authority portfolio for neighbourhoods and locality services, said: "I know that the team have done a large amount of work on this." He recommended looking at the possibility of taking the toilets out of direct council control. "This is a sensible option, and I look forward to the outcome of the review," he said. However, Helen Laing, who represents East Berwickshire, described the situation as a "big mess, literally". "The use of an outside party will inevitably lead to some loss of organisational control, and ultimately it will be service users who suffer," she said. "Good public toilets is not a very glamorous ambition, but nonetheless is essential for our residents as they go about their business in our communities. "We should do this ourselves and not rely on others to sort out this mess."
FIRE DESTROYS THREE GARAGES AND A VAN IN BATHGATE…. The blaze resulted in the Caledonian sleeper service to London being delayed. A fire has destroyed three garages and a van near a railway line in Bathgate. Fire crews were called to reports that gas cylinders were at the site in Whiteside Court shortly before midnight. They said that three appliances attended the incident, before the fire was brought under control at about 01:15. The blaze resulted in the Caledonian sleeper service to London being delayed for more than an hour.
On that note I will say that I hope you have enjoyed the news from Scotland today,
Our look at Scotland today is by George Trudt who felt compelled to capture this snap at the Royal Highland Show The handlers just love their livestock, he said.
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Thursday 5th July 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus #travel #news #Spain #blog #love
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zillowcondo · 6 years
Curious Traveler’s Best Places To Visit On A Bike in Atlanta
Atlanta gets a bad rap for being a motor city. It’s traffic, traffic and more traffic. Well, today we’re dispelling that myth – as we walk, bike, run, shop, eat and visit friends – all without filling up on gas first.
If you’re visiting Atlanta for the first time, you should know that there’s more to this Gone-With-the-Wind city than suffocating traffic, sweet tea, southern belles and stone ground grits. Although, I do highly, highly recommend the Creamy Dreamy White Cheddar Grits and Love Cakes at Flying Biscuit Café on 10th & Piedmont in Midtown. There’s a reason they have a cupid as their logo.
So, since we’re in Midtown anyway, waddle off those grits just a few blocks down and rent a bike where the locals do at Skate Escape. If you’re in a silly mood, and I often am, may I suggest you rent a tandem bike for the afternoon. Daisy, Daisy … on a bicycle built for two …
From here, you’re just a 5-minute ride away from your Atlanta Must-Sees: First, the historic Fox Theatre, with its onion dome, mosque-style architecture in middle of the deep South. Seeing a Broadway show here isn’t enough, you simply must take one of the historic tours, to find out why this odd choice for architecture is here. Just down the street (Peachtree Street, of course. You’ll soon learn that all streets are named ‘Peachtree’ here) is the world-class High Museum, with its bright white modern spiral design and sunny atrium at its center. Now – January 2016, there’s a great exhibition called ‘Seriously Silly!’. (You see how I have a silly theme going on here?) The High is part of the Woodruff Arts Center complex, where you can catch a show at the Alliance Theatre or be uplifted by the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. Insider tip: If you’re visiting Atlanta in the summer, definitely check out their summer concert series. Usually, they have one free concert in beautiful Piedmont Park. Which is our next stop on our little bike tour.
Beautiful, glorious Piedmont Park. I have a soft spot for city parks. There’s just something about the unnatural natural-ness of landscape design. Art you can walk through. Or bike through, in our case. Piedmont Park was designed by the sons of Frederick Law Olmsted, the Father of Landscape Design,. Olmsted also designed New York’s Central Park, the Grounds of the US Capitol, and the Biltmore Estate in Asheville. And you can see bits of those parks’ influences here in Piedmont, with it’s windy trails, quiet corners and open fields for cute kiddies and cute puppies to play in. Part of the park is dedicated to the equally beautiful and serene Atlanta Botanical Garden. Next insider tip: If you happen to visit Atlanta over the holidays, you absolutely must experience their Garden Lights Holiday Nights. Millions of Christmas tree lights and giant ‘Orchestral Orbs’ (you’ll have to see it to understand) all twinkling and pulsating to holiday music. Here comes Santa Claus…
But back to summertime in Atlanta. So, we’ve biked around the best of Midtown, now its time for the real Midtown biking adventure: the Atlanta Beltline. Much has been written about the High Line in New York City, that urban park created out of a crumbling old rail line. The Atlanta BeltLine was inspired by that. I interviewed the creator, an engineer from Georgia Tech, whose original design earned him an A on his graduate thesis. Seriously. How many people can say their college paper became a city park?
From school project to urban playground, the Atlanta Beltline officially opened in 2008, but it’s still a work-in-progress. It covers 22-miles in one big loop, sidewalk or ‘belt’, around Atlanta’s downtown, connecting 45 diverse, historic and hip neighborhoods: Virginia-Highland on the Northeast side, Grant Park to the South, West End on the Southwest and Brookwood to the North. Kinda joining everyone together and ‘buckling’ them into one big happy Atlanta melting pot.
It’s a parade of walkers, joggers, bikers, skaters (there’s even a skate park along the trail), cute kiddies and cute puppies. You’ll soon see why locals call the Beltline “Atlanta’s Boardwalk”.
As you cruise along, there’s great views of the Atlanta skyline, wonderful old architecture, like the Old Sears Building on Ponce de Leon. It’s here that you’ll see some great railroad history: an old cargo train station still standing, with a wonderful ‘Head Clearance’ sign. Duck! For eclectic shopping, Paris on Ponce is right across the bridge. Hopefully you have a basket on your bike for all your purchases, because there’s more to see…
The Atlanta Beltline is also an open-air art museum of sorts, with commissioned artists painting massive murals, and displaying their bike-themed sculptures, some made out of those old rusty train rails! There’s also plenty of pit stops, with savvy restaurants opening back patios facing the trail, and when the summertime heat gets to you, it’s clearly time for a Blackberry Ginger Lemonade popsicle at local favorite: King of Pops.
Oh, and if you’re in Atlanta in the Fall, here’s one more Insider Tip: check out the Atlanta Beltline Lantern Parade– a glowing procession of light, music, color and crazy costumes. It is definitely something to be seen.
No matter the time of year you’re here, ditch the car, rent a bike, let the wind blow through your hair, and experience all the sights, sounds, people and pets of the real Atlanta. Just don’t forget to stop for grits and popsicles. You’ll fit right in.
The post Curious Traveler’s Best Places To Visit On A Bike in Atlanta appeared first on Pursuitist.
Curious Traveler’s Best Places To Visit On A Bike in Atlanta published first on http://bogouzunshang.tumblr.com/
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up-label · 6 years
The Ten Best Pizza Places in Denver — 2018 Edition
The Paulie Walnuts at White Pie burns through outdated notions about pizza. Grabbing a slice at Benny Blanco’s often means finding the first horizontal surface where you can park with your slice.
Benny Blanco’s Slice of the Bronx 616 East 13th Avenue 303-831-1346 This cramped joint, where you can’t even step up to the register to pay for your slice if someone else is using the Parmesan and pepper shakers, is perhaps the closest in spirit to a New York City joint. Only a couple of stand-up rails along the wall are provided so that two or three customers can knock elbows while eating, so stepping outside to wolf a slice (and we do mean one; only the hungriest customer would need more) is often the best option. The crust also has a certain ineffable quality that may stem from years of flour dust burned into the oven decks. Topped-to-order slices come out of the oven nicely crisped without becoming toast, so you can fold or not, as is your personal preference. High foot traffic on 13th Avenue and lots of nearby bars and clubs means the place is always busy and the pies turn over quickly, whether at lunch or at 2 a.m.
A classic Detroit-style pan, complete with stripes of sauce.
Blue Pan Pizza 3930 West 32nd Avenue, 720-456-7666 3509 East 12th Avenue, 720-519-0944 Who knew that Denver would embrace Detroit-style pizza when Blue Pan Pizza debuted in 2015 in West Highland? Under the focused eye of chef and co-founder Jeff “Smoke” Smokevitch (who now runs two Blue Pan locations with partner Giles Flanagin), the cozy pizzeria starts with a traditional base — an airy, crackly crust, Wisconsin brick cheese and a thick, tangy sauce — and adds toppings that modern customers crave, from paper-thin folds of prosciutto and fresh piles of arugula to burrata, green chiles and Tender Belly bacon. Beyond the Detroit-style pies, Blue Pan also offers award-winning Italian thin-crust, an even thinner Chicago cracker crust, and big slices of New York-style pizza.
Cart-Driver slow-rises its dough for a tasty crust.
Cart-Driver 2500 Larimer Street 303-292-3553 Cart-Driver opened in summer 2014 in a trendy, shipping-container development in RiNo. At 640 square feet, the 25-seat restaurant is smaller than some studio apartments, but the pizzas coming out of the tiny kitchen are big, big, big in flavor. Although the spot takes the fast-casual approach, with counter service, a tightly edited menu (no design-your-own pies) and a handful of small plates, the ingredients are top-notch and the food is produced with care. Bargain-hunters should be sure to hit the two happy hours.
We love DDD’s Chicago-style pies, but you can also get a thin, crispy crust if this one’s just not your thing.
Denver Deep Dish 1200 West 38th Avenue 720-619-3337 Tennessee boy Jason McGovern + Chicago-style deep dish pizza + North Denver = one damn good slice. What was once nothing more than a takeout window at the back of the Bar Car became a full-fledged restaurant in January 2015, and while sandwiches, wings and other bar food can be had at this Highland spot, the specialty is Chicago-style pizza built on a buttery, tender crust with high sides to contain the mountain of toppings. Unlike many of the Windy City’s notorious pies, those at Denver Deep Dish aren’t overblown, soupy messes, but rather well-balanced constructions that layer sauce, cheese and toppings in harmony so that tomato doesn’t dominate. Traditional ingredients like spicy Polidori sausage, spinach and mushrooms share space with Southwestern concoctions like the 505, kicked up with green chiles, chicken and Mark Schlereth’s Stinkin’ Good green-chile sauce. Thin-crust versions are also available, and weekend brunch boasts an outstanding breakfast pie loaded with scrambled eggs, roasted potatoes, salsa and breakfast meats.
Marco’s Coal-Fired Pizza is bound by Neapolitan tradition.
Marco’s Coal-Fired Pizza 2129 Larimer Street, 303-296-7000 10111 Inverness Main Street, Englewood, 303-790-9000 Every restaurant is cooking with wood these days, it seems, but in the Ballpark neighborhood back in 2008, true Neapolitan pizza was unheard of. Owner/pizzaiola Mark Dym’s obsession with every step of pizza production led him to becoming the only restaurant in Colorado certified by the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana, the organization that makes sure the right ingredients, equipment and techniques are used to produce the perfect pie. Those exacting standards result in a light crust with just the right amount of bubbling and char, a delicate sauce made from San Marzano tomatoes, and toppings that capture the spirit of the old country. Over the past decade, Dym’s pizzeria has remained the first word in Denver pizza.
Pizzas in the wood-fired oven at Pizza Republica.
Pizza Republica Three locations George Eder, the exec-chef/owner of Pizza Republica, got started early in restaurants, tossing pizza dough at his uncle’s joint. "I was washing dishes, flipping dough and making pizzas — and I loved it, except for the fact that my uncle was incredibly secretive about his sauce," says Eder. "It was so damn good, but he never shared the recipe. Even now, he still won’t part with it." Undeterred, Eder opened Pizza Republica in Greenwood Village in 2008, giving the southern ’burbs a comfortable, stylish spot where customers can find one of the best personal-sized pies around. The business has since expanded to downtown (right next to the Colorado Convention Center) and Glendale, spreading the wood-fired love throughout the metro area.
Whether you’re at the Boulder original dining on wood-fired pizza or sampling the new specials (like this BLT pizza) at one of the fast-casual outposts, you’re in for something great.
Pizzeria Locale 1730 Pearl Street, Boulder 303-442-3003 After Frasca Food & Wine, founders Bobby Stuckey and Lachlan Mackinnon-Patterson looked to another part of Italy for inspiration: the city of Naples. The first Pizzeria Locale, which opened in Boulder in 2011, attempted to re-create exactly the Napolitano pizzeria experience, from the custom-built imported oven to pies served uncut, meant to be eaten with a knife and fork. As Locale expanded, though, the offerings and cooking method were streamlined to fit the fast-casual model. For the most authentic pizza experience, stick with the Boulder original. But for the price, the two counter-service outposts (at 550 Broadway and 3484 West 32nd Avenue) are hard to beat, even if the high-tech gas ovens result in a slightly different flavor and texture.
A margharita pizza with added sausage at Pizzeria Lui.
Pizzeria Lui 5380 West Mississippi Avenue 303-922-3202 On the border of Lakewood and Denver, where tacos, burritos and tamales abound, you’ll find filling fourteen-inch pies (bigger than standard individual pizzas) with fresh, quality ingredients cooked in chef/owner Zach Parini’s 900-degree wood-burning oven. The pizzas are big enough for two, but order more than one for a little variety — that way you can sample seasonal combos like a butternut, bacon and pistachio number perfect for cool weather, or a bright heirloom tomato, sweet corn and pesto pie once summer rolls around.
Chef Andrea Frizzi readies a pie for the oven at Vero.
Vero 2669 Larimer Street 303-296-8376 According to proprietor Andrea Frizzi (who has turned out great Italian cuisine at Il Posto for more than a decade), Vero was born when Central Market developer Ken Wolf asked the Italian chef if he knew anyone who could do pizza. "I said, ‘Dude. The fuck?’" recalls Frizzi. And he signed the lease for a market stall the next day. Vero offers Milanese-style pizza, which is thinner and crispier than its Napolitano cousin, and topped considerably more creatively. (Frizzi says Milanese pizzas in Italy can be topped with oddities like hot dogs and french fries.) Vero’s crust is cracker-crisp, with a nice yeasty complexity; we like ours simply adorned with tangy tomato sauce, bubbling mozzarella and biting fresh basil, though pies here come topped with everything from ricotta and egg to tuna and olives.
White Pie serves New Haven-style pizza.
White Pie 1702 Humboldt Street 303-862-5323 At White Pie, brothers Kris and Jason Wallenta dish up wood-fired pizzas inspired by their childhood in New Haven, Connecticut. But even though their pizzas were inspired by an East Coast classic, they aren’t chained to tradition – just as their tacos at Dos Santos, the Mexican restaurant they run around the corner, aren’t bound by Mexican custom. Freed from expectations, White Pie’s crisp, charred, often garlicky, just-cheesy-enough pizzas open us to new possibilities for what else pizza can be, without straying into the crazy land of pineapple and barbecue sauce. Some are white, like the best-selling White Pie — with mozzarella sprinkled over crème fraîche, plus bacon, garlic, mushrooms and a poached egg — and the mind-boggling (in a good way) Paulie Walnuts, with cheese, mashed potatoes, candied walnuts and bacon. Others are red, like the Porky Porkorino, with sopressata that curls and crisps around the edges from the oven’s high heat, plus pickled jalapeños and chile-infused honey. Even if this style of pizza isn’t your thing, you’re sure to find something that is at White Pie, whether it’s creamy, ten-layered lasagna, cacio e pepe or a frozen Negroni.
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The post The Ten Best Pizza Places in Denver — 2018 Edition appeared first on UP-LABEL.
Learn More: http://www.up-label.com/the-ten-best-pizza-places-in-denver-2018-edition/
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As part of its effort to supply international makers with the methods to enhance precise engineering drawing as well as documentation analysis throughout their supply chain, ASME increased its geometric dimensioning and also tolerancing (GDTP) personnel certification program this summer to align with its most recent 2009 Y14.5 Geometric Dimensioning as well as Tolerancing standard. I have actually never entirely overcome discovering red food colouring, cochineal, is made from Mexican bugs. In this expert-led tutorial, elderly DBA as well as technical trainer Basit Farooq provides a detailed overview for utilizing the SQL Server Import and also Export Wizard to move information in between SQL Web server databases and also Microsoft Excel worksheets. A wonderful location to acquire mementos and regional artworks made by regional artists is likewise a stop at Highland Road. I should say, it's one of the best area I've remained in between Nowy Targ and also Zakopane! It identified five obstacles impacted the caseworker's capability to do their works efficiently and conserve children from misuse. A vital action to take in identifying whether you could have been a sufferer of identification burglary is to check your credit scores report for unexpected activity. In this paper, we deal with highly raised programming for major part analysis, which recuperates a target matrix that is a superposition of low-complexity frameworks from a little set of direct dimensions. See all the theatre-related events arranged today at the intimate location. Obtain the best fare and also routine, book a round trip ticket or discover buses with WiFi and electric outlets. For the last few hours, Dave Davies, a founding participant of fabulous rock band the Kinks, has actually been engaged in a one-man battle with Instagram. Było cudownie PENSJONAT warty polecenia śniadanie znakomite jak i lokalizacja 10/10 Polecamy. We would certainly suggest this area to anybody seeking a remote and one-of-a-kind experience. It is likewise a great starting point in the Tatras, Gorce and Pieniny. General Pathways Program rules are codified in 5 CFR component 362 subpart A. The print variation is provided for cost-free to FIFA's confederations and also participant associations, while the on-line variation is offered to all football fans here on. SZWAJNOSÓWKA is our family ranch which lies in Witów in Podhale region- a town positioned at the foothills of the Tatra Mountains, by the road from Czarny Dunajec, about 100 km southern from Kraków as well as 12 km from Zakopane. Additionally, when several of restrictions are utilized the company should state the restriction in the Pathways job opportunity statements. Have a look inside CSU Sacramento's initial dancing concert of the year. . IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION - in partnership with bet365 supplies over 70,000 live streaming occasions each year. Za udział w agresji na Polskę Niemcy oficjalnie przekazali je Słowakom 21 listopada 1939 r. Do Słowacji włączono 770 km, zamieszkanych przez ponad 34,5 tys. Twenty kilometres north of Zakopane exists the old market community of Nowy Targ. Today's Playbill 5 (just there were too many to pick simply 5). Trening składa się z części technicznej i WOD, w którym czas banter już istotnym elementem wpływającym na intensywność. The most affordable tickets to Nowy Targ offered within the past 7 days were $265.94. Prices quoted are per person, round trip, through defined. Vince Gill discussed Troy Gentry at his funeral at the Grand Ole Opry House. Rotterdam police quit a van with a variety of gas containers near the venue of a concert that was terminated after a risk, mayor says. Conversion to an affordable solution positions is not a privilege. Utilize our filters and sorting functions to find the most inexpensive bus tickets or high-end buses. The name originates from the red color that plants handle in the autumn because of the peat land, developing a superb red rug. The short-term bridge on westbound Broward Boulevard will certainly be taken apart when the deal with the brand-new bridge is done in November. We additionally provide resources especially for the news media. Priebus was persistent on this option, inning accordance with 2 White Home authorities, and called a meeting at Trump's Mar-a-Lago hotel in February where the House's strategy was presented as the lone option to elderly advisors. Exactly how pleasant the team are as well as much more when guests remain at the home they examine out exactly how quiet the space is. The Recent Grads Program is administered mostly by each hiring firm. The MIDS program attracts smart, creative information experts who help leading firms in computer software, health and wellness, as well as finance treatment. is part of The Priceline Group, the globe leader in online travel & relevant solutions. MMKS Podhale Nowy Targ put on play in Polish Organization. Utilizing certain eligibility demands for entry into your agency's Pathways Programs. He got a ring from the man who claimed he was from Florida and shed every little thing in Hurricane Irma. The host family is terrific, solution minded and online for your solution 24/7. Anita Earls, executive supervisor of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, says 'it's entirely possible' to draw maps that deal with the gerrymandered areas. In the inmost snow, they arranged a bon fire for us simply outside the cabin for the evening as well as heated the water in the terrific exterior barrel bathroom - which we suggest you use! Would suggest this location for those that pertain to trek in Tatry hills! Zapisz się na zajęcia lub przyjdź do klubu, a my wprowadzimy Cię w świat CrossFitu. You can additionally have a look on previous matches of your preferred group and see suit statistics and a lot more. Fabulous place to stay, a perfect getaway from the busy life & good base to discover the region. Brows through to Nowy Targ have lately upturned purchase your ticket currently! Polish nationwide cuisine shares some similarities with various other Central European and Eastern European customs along with French and also Italian resemblances. These factors, which need to be videotaped, consist of reasons accordinged to the standards for clinical disqualification under 5 CFR Part 339, reasons accordinged to the standards for making suitability resolutions detailed at 5 CFR 731.202, or various other factors taken into consideration by the firm. Our pleasant customer support representatives are here to serve you 24 Hr day to give aid as well as address any questions that you might have concerning reserving your Nowy Targ trip. When the Intern is converted to a setting in the affordable solution, Time spent on a SCEP appointment will be praiseworthy to profession period. It was carried out by among the marked monks in the name of the abbot. Remembering ASME Past President Richard Rosenberg. Despite intensive thermal power temperature, stress as well as extraction drop are forecasted to nowy targ be at a really low degree. The freedom of Nowy Targ came somewhat as a shock as the Russian army stunned the German pressures by coming from the instructions of Gorce Hills getting in the town with no serious resistance, and the occupying pressures surrounded without battling. Uwielbiam te hale, te szyty, nawet turystów i tłok lubię:D. The choice eligible (or his or her agent) is entitled to a duplicate of the agency's factor( s) for the pass over, after request. Obtain updates with the most recent offers and also tourist testimonials every week. Must you schedule your journey final, nonetheless, you could need to pay a bit much more. My guests can prompt many fascinating routes relying on your rate of interests, eg. A trip on one of the most gorgeous picturesque areas with a breathtaking sight of the Tatras, seeing the local people musicians as well as historical route of wooden design. Agencies may detail candidates either in a ranked listing by score order or in an unranked listing by preference status. I first reviewed The Village Voice in print as a student in the 1970s-that was just how I initially experienced it as well as just how it ended up being as vital to me as it did. Bird's- eye sight of Nowy Targ, the funding of the area. Area climate, home magnificently embellished and also fragrant wood. Accordingly, non-competitive conversion suggests task to a position in the affordable solution. It's about time you take to the clouds, and step out in an unique place. The new Internship Program supplies trainees in secondary schools, colleges, profession colleges as well as various other certifying educational institutions with paid chances to work in firms and check out Federal professions while finishing their education. Along with the jail time, UNITED STATE District Court David Cercone punished Devonte L. Lucas, 22, to 10 years of supervised release. J'assumerai les conséquences", a écrit le Néo-Zélandais sur sa web page Facebook. In December 2009, the European Commission made a decision to honor the Erasmus Charter to the Podhale State Higher Vocational Institution (PPWSZ) qualifying PPWSZ's trainees to take advantage of both the educational opportunities offered by various other EU college organizations and to go after a teaching fellowship placement abroad. National security-related requests are not considered Tool Demands or Account Requests and are reported in a separate category. See the links listed below the weather report for other cities, communities and also villages near Nowy Targ. Powersports lovers raced their snowmobiles on the grass in various courses for a possibility to win prizes. A neighborhood auto dealership is aiding to increase cash for hurricane victims. . Where they will be satisfied by the Golden State Warriors. A suburban Detroit guy who spent 16 years in prison for killing his very first other half begged guilty Wednesday in the slayings of his two little girls and also 2 stepchildren and in the torment of his second better half. The sponges are also significant such that an X-ray can identify them, allowing cosmetic surgeons to more easily eliminate them later on. Job part-financed by the European Union within the Regional Developmend Fund. Nowy Targ experienced no much less compared to five huge fires, throughout which a minimum of fifty percent of the buildings were totally destroyed. Eric Schaeffer routes the Stephen Sondheim-Hugh Wheeler musical that consists of Holly Twyford, Bobby Smith, Will Gartshore, as well as Broadway vet Florence Lacey. We believe evaluation contributions and residential or commercial property reactions will certainly highlight a wide variety of experiences and point of views, which is important in helping guests make educated decisions regarding where to remain. Most of guides were written by survivors from the community, or people from the town who had actually arrived prior to the battle, as well as were mostly released in between 1945 and also 1975, and also generally written in Hebrew or Yiddish.
Right here's an additional referral: remember to take a look at taking a trip times. The effort instructs at-risk young people concerning the office as well as assists load entry-level jobs at UPMC Hamot. The Oceanside family was struck with strange events over a few months starting back in February. This could be used by an attacker to subject sensitive data from the Bluetooth processthat might likewise consist of encryption secrets of Bluetooth interactions. A 91-year-old woman was killed in an auto accident Friday early morning in Windermere, inning accordance with the Florida Freeway Patrol. The main church, with the late-Gothic figure of Our Girl of Ludzmierz wirth the Infant Jesus, likewise called the Queen of Podhale, was positioned in the brand-new holy place. The Recent Grads Program affords developmental experiences in the Federal Government intended to advertise feasible jobs in the public service to people who have lately finished from qualifying universities or programs. Below you could find extra technological information, photos, AIS data and also last 5 port calls of MV PODHALE found by AIS. Pathway work with Cherry Road in between 12th as well as 15th roads has limited web traffic to a solitary lane. Weather Nowy Targ - one of the most precise and stable forecast for today, tomorrow as well as for 2 weeks. This paper presents a brand-new approach for formal verification of technological systems with smartIflow (State Makers for Automation. We had a terrific time at Beata ´ s comfy cabin home. She ´ s an amazing host, she revealed us where to walk around the area and also told us where to buy fresh milk and also eggs from next-door neighbor farmers.
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tempcoenergy · 2 months
Solar Energy Southern Highlands | Tempco Energy Solutions
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tempcoenergy · 2 months
Heat Pump Hot Water System Mossvale | Tempco Energy Solutions
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tempcoenergy · 2 months
Reduce Energy Bills in Bowral with a Solar Hot Water System | Tempco Energy Solutions
Occasionally the PV Solar will make too much power and the extra power is pushed out to the grid via your meter box which is recorded and credited against your power bill. This is the most cost effective forms of PV solar as the infrastructure is low and costs are stabilising. Government grants still apply for now and energy distributors are finding a competitive market in feed in tariffs so this is good news for consumers.
When the PV solar is sized correctly and working it provides all of your appliances and the house with power while the sun shines. At times when there is not enough power being generated the balance will come in from the grid, it is automatic and seamless.
Create and use your own power.
Quality equipment has never been more affordable
Minimise your power bill and gain some independence from your energy provider.
Maintain a secure lifestyle knowing that your expenses are consistently reduced.
You use much less electricity and you only pay for what you use.
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tempcoenergy · 2 months
Bowral Solar Hot Water Systems: Sustainable Solutions | Tempco Energy Solutions
We can tailor the hot water system so that is right for you. Our priority is to save you money, now and into the future using the best energy saving technologies and products available. Solar water heating utilises a clean, inexhaustible supply of energy that helps to significantly reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Electricity in Australia is predominantly generated using non-renewable energy coal fired power stations. Unfortunately as well as electricity they also produce carbon dioxide emissions, ash, particles and waste heat, all the while consuming vast quantities of water and non-renewable coal.
Solar hot water systems reduce the need for electricity to be generated and are part of many major energy reduction programs. Installing a solar hot water system will reduce your electricity usage by up to 80% and your carbon foot print will be minimised and that’s good for everyone.
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tempcoenergy · 3 months
Bowral Solar Hot Water Systems: Save Money & Go Green, NSW | Tempco Energy Solutions
We can tailor the hot water system so that is right for you. Our priority is to save you money, now and into the future using the best energy saving technologies and products available. Solar water heating utilises a clean, inexhaustible supply of energy that helps to significantly reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Electricity in Australia is predominantly generated using non-renewable energy coal fired power stations. Unfortunately as well as electricity they also produce carbon dioxide emissions, ash, particles and waste heat, all the while consuming vast quantities of water and non-renewable coal.
Solar hot water systems reduce the need for electricity to be generated and are part of many major energy reduction programs. Installing a solar hot water system will reduce your electricity usage by up to 80% and your carbon foot print will be minimised and that’s good for everyone.
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tempcoenergy · 3 months
Improve Air Quality & Comfort, NSW | Tempco Energy Solutions
Inverter split system air conditioners are a simple yet affordable way to air condition (cool or heat) either large open rooms up to approximately 60 square meters, or just one single small office or bedroom.
They are by far the most popular type of air conditioning system sold in Australia. Some of the major benefits of split systems are:
Split systems are flexible and come in various styles, Floor mounted, Wall mounted, Bulk Head or In Ceiling Cassette
Cost: Split systems are relatively cheap to buy and install.
Practicality: Split systems can be added to do additional rooms as required at a later date if needs change.
Room Control: Individual people can control their room at different temperatures to other systems giving them total control via their own remote.
WI-FI CONNECTION: all equipped air conditioners can easily be joined to your local Wi-Fi network. Once connected, the system can be controlled from any networked Android or iOS device.
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tempcoenergy · 10 months
Solar Hot Water System Bowral | Solar Hot Water System Mossvale, NSW | Tempco Energy Solutions
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tempcoenergy · 10 months
Gas Heating Appliances Southern Higlands | Gas Central Heating Experts, NSW | Tempco Energy Solutions
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bowralau · 2 years
Superb Bowral Estate - EOI
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