#gave her kiddo one of her snail's babies
the-owl-tree · 10 months
I meant Onestar’s wife Whitetail :)
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more cats should have interest in wildlife. where is my cat dedicated to cataloguing every tree in the forest
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nightmarerodent · 1 month
Back on my Kombat Kid BS. Hop in kiddos! Frost is here too!
Cassie uses the default browser and Jacqui and Takeda hate her for it. When Frost found out she also questioned Cassie’s intelligence.
Takeda is practically immune to spicy foods. He spent the first eight years of his life in Thailand and was then raised by a pyromancer, a little heat means nothing to him.
Cyber Frost makes the dial up tone when confused.
Cassie is a heathen that puts milk before the cereal.
Takeda can pole dance. The guy fights like an acrobatic gymnast. He can 100% pole dance.
Jin is a fan of Dolly Parton.
Jin used to brake into libraries after closing hours and would spend the whole night reading only to be discovered the next morning by opening staff asleep, surrounded by books. After doing this a few dozen times at one particular library, the staff just gave him an extra key and the alarm codes.
Takeda is the type of person that if he’s walking down a trail and sees a snail trying to cross it, he’ll pick it up and move it so it won’t get crushed.
Jacqui absolutely adores how much of a dork and goofball Takeda is. It’s hard to portray herself as serious with him constantly making her laugh, but she honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kung Jin and Jacqui had a sort of rivalry going over who could win and keep Takeda’s affection born from Jacqui’s mild jealousy and Jin’s need to be a troll. It was never anything malicious and the whole thing actually brought the two closer together as friends. He’s the number one supporter of their relationship and she insists that he gets full guardianship of any future kids should anything happen to her or Takeda.
Jacqui owns a motorcycle and likes to go on rides on the weekends to help clear her head. Jax does not approve of the bike as he views it as being too dangerous for his baby girl.
Out of everyone in the SF, Takeda has had the least amount of formal education, having only completed the second grade before dropping out entirely.
Frost doesn’t know what school is.
Sonya, Kuai Liang, and Hanzo have started a tradition where they meet up every few months and talk about all the stupid things their kids get up to over drinks. Kung Lao also joins in on occasion.
Takeda’s biggest fear is being left alone/abandoned by the people he loves.
Cassie’s biggest fear is that she’s not good enough and that she’ll fail everyone.
Jin’s biggest fear is that everyone secretly hates him.
Jacqui’s biggest fear is everyone dying and her not being able to protect them.
Frost’s biggest fear is that none of this is real. That she actually died in those fighting pits and all the friends and happy moments are just her brain hallucinating in her final moments all the things that could have been.
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themaribatpit · 2 years
A Return To Gotham: Chapter 1
Prompt: Target (Jasonette July) @maribat-calendar-events
Rating: T
Ships: Jason Todd/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Contains: OC children, tooth-rotting fluff, 
A/N: Sorry these are coming out at a snail’s pace, been very busy with other life stuff. We hope you enjoy it as these ideas have been in the works for a while now. - Maribat Girl
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Marinette sat bored at the cash register at her family bakery, it had been a slow day. She watched people walk past, with a customer or two stepping in. She hoped business would pick up, she checked her watch, school should be closing soon and then they'll get a wave of customers.
Jason emerged from upstairs carrying their infant son asleep in his arms, wearing a frilly pink apron, wiping his sweat with a towel. "Have the kids come home yet?" 
Marinette chuckled as she saw her husband in a pink apron, in all their 14 years of marriage, she still never expected him to turn out like this. "Not yet, school won't be over for another five minutes." She gave her husband a kiss on the lips. 
Their child stirred and cooed in his father’s arms "Wakey-wakey, happy to see me, kiddo?"
"I'm pretty sure Louis likes you more," Marinette joked as the baby laughed in Jason's hands. 
Laughter quickly turned to cries, Jason gave a quick sniff before passing the baby to Marinette "Do you mind doing it? Customers probably don't want any surprises in their pain au chocolat." 
Marinette laughed at Jason's crude joke and brought the child upstairs for a diaper change, while Jason took over the register.
On cue, students from Collège Françoise Dupont across the road flooded in for treats and snacks. Students selected their favourite bread and cakes and queued to pay, one student however just grabbed one from the display and began eating.
"Hey! That girl didn't pay!" One student yelled and pointed.
"I live here dumbass," the girl said as she took another bite from her palmier.
Jason couldn't help but chuckle from his daughter's response "Welcome home Emma," he said with a grin. 
Emma smiled back "Palmiers are great as always," she said as she made her way behind the counter.
Emma Todd, handsome, clever and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence, and had lived nearly thirteen years in the world with very little to distress or vex her.  
As the sudden rush of customers died down, a young boy entered all on his lonesome. There was a large backpack over his shoulder and a sketchbook tucked under his arm. “I’m home.” 
Jason greeted his son with a smile, “Welcome back Hugo, how was school?” 
“Good, can I have some macaroons?” Hugo asked politely. Jason nodded in response and gave the boy macaroons in a paper bag. “Thank you,” Hugo said as he made his way upstairs. 
Hugo Todd, clumsy and scatterbrained, eight years of age with a love of art that rivalled his mother’s love of fashion. He carried his sketchbook almost everywhere and would usually get sidetracked and draw whatever caught his attention. 
Hugo took after his mother, and little did he know, Jason kept his many drawings over the years in a little drawer in his study.  Hugo would also watch in awe as their hamster, Marron, made his way through his cage.  Emma took after Jason, and in more recent years he pretended not to notice his copy of Dracula being moved ever so slightly every time he saw it on his shelf.  Jason made sure to keep his copies of Madame Bovary, Les Liaisons Dangereuses, and Thérèse Raquin far out of her reach. Hugo was a gentle soul who wouldn’t hurt a fly, while Emma was brash and stubborn.  She was a lot like him that way, but Jason always hoped her sharp mind would be used as a tool and never a weapon.  
If you had told Jason over two decades ago that his trip to Paris would end with him meeting their local heroine, falling in love with her, and raising a family with said heroine, he would have laughed in your face.  Yet, here he was, as Marinette and her family welcomed him with open arms into their lives.  They didn’t know or care about his past, they treated him as part of their family.  Marinette was the only one who knew the truth about his past, considering that they first crossed paths as Ladybug and Red Hood.  He told her all about what happened, from fighting crime at Batman’s side since he was 13, to dying at 15 and being brought back to life, to becoming one of the most formidable crime lords in Gotham.  It should have had her running for the hills, but she also got her powers at a young age and took on the heavy burden of becoming the Guardian of a box full of magic jewelry.  One morning, Sabine caught him in Marinette’s room hastily putting on a shirt to cover the bandages, she gave Marinette a knowing smile before inviting them down for breakfast.  Not long after they got married, Marinette got pregnant with Emma. Considering his own sordid family history, Jason couldn’t even imagine raising one kid who wouldn’t turn out as messed up as he was, nevermind three.  Yet, so far his children weren’t afraid of him, they weren’t fending for themselves on the streets, and they weren’t going toe to toe with criminals every night.  So, he told himself he was at least doing something right.  He still kept tabs on what went on in Gotham, but he hadn’t spoken to anyone in the Bat clan for some time.  Jason had been given the chance to begin anew in Paris, and so far it worked out well for him.  
Jason was brought out of his thoughts with the jingle of the door opening “Welcome to the Jason & Marinette Boulangerie Patisserie.” 
A young woman with blue hair entered the shop and chuckled as Jason said his line, “Must you say that tacky line all the time Uncle Jason?” 
“Just for you Lian,” Jason said as he hugged the young woman. “How’s your old man? What’s that crazy asshole done now?” 
Lian sighed, “He asked Auntie Emiko to team up as Red Arse,” 
“Oh shit, here we go again,” Jason jokingly groaned.
“He misses you, keeps asking me to check up on you and make sure you’re staying out of trouble,” Lian said as she looked through the various loaves of bread and pastries. 
“Bold words for someone who once tested out their flamethrower on the shower,” Jason retorted. “Is he staying out of trouble?” Roy fought his inner demons with tooth and nail, in hopes of becoming the father that Lian deserved.
Lian tapped her chin thoughtfully, “It’s been 30 days since one of his experiments blew up in his face,” she remarked jokingly, “So, yeah I’d say he’s doing okay.” Lian pointed to the loaf she wanted, “I’ll have the Boule,”. 
“Good choice, it’s on the house,” Jason said as she packed the loaf into a paper bag. “The door’s always open for him to visit himself if he’s ever free,” Jason said as he gave the bag to Lian. “Also tell him he’s not getting any freebies,” Jason quickly added as she walked out of the shop with her free loaf of bread.
Roy was one of the only people who knew what really happened to Jason, not that he told him, he just found him.  Emma was a toddler at the time, when one afternoon, a familiar face with a hideous auburn goatee walked into the bakery.  Jason tried to keep his back turned, hoping Roy wouldn’t recognise him.  He’d managed to make a new life for himself here, and the last thing he needed was his past showing up on his doorstep once more.  He busied himself kneading the bread in the back room, while Sabine was working the counter.  
“Jason!” Sabine called out to the back room, “Give this young man a fresh loaf of pain de campagne,”
Jason swore internally, “Uh, the next batch of brioche needs a bit more kneading,” 
“Oh that's fine, Tom can help you there, can’t you darling?” Sabine asked her husband. He gave a quick nod and walked into the kitchen. 
Jason walked out with the requested loaf of bread, already packaged into the shop’s signature paper bag. Roy squinted his eyes slightly as Jason handed him the bag, “You look familiar…”
“Is that so?” Jason kept his gaze low, as he pulled his hair net down. 
“You American as well?” Roy asked, knowing the answer as he clearly heard their exchange earlier.  
“Yeah, I’ve been living here for a few years,” he said and hoped that would be the end of it. Roy would walk out of the shop and leave him to his new life.  The trouble was that he knew Roy, he’d seen him persistently tinker away at his inventions and it was unlikely that this trait of his ever faded.
“Seriously, you remind me of an old friend of mine,” he said, the goatee twitched as he smirked, “his name was also Jason, and he just kinda fell off the face of the earth one day.” “Is that so? Wondered what happened to him?” Jason asked, he looked out the window at the pedestrians strolling past. 
“Dunno, some people thought he died.” Roy shrugged, Jason wondered if he was better off having Bruce thinking he got himself killed a second time. Roy looked around to see if anyone was listening before he whispered, “Personally, I never believed it, I thought he was too stubborn to die a second time.”
Jason sighed, resigned to his fate, “Been a while, Roy.”
“So it really is you, what are you doing here?” Roy ran up and enveloped his friend in a hug. 
Jason hugged back a little reluctantly, he wasn’t too happy about an aspect of his past reemerging. But, in the case of Roy, he was willing to make an exception. 
Sabine gasped when she came back and saw them, “Two old friends meeting again, how lovely. How did you two meet by the way?” she asked. 
“Dude, what’s your cover story?” Roy whispered.  
“Um, our families were close,” Jason quickly answered Sabine. 
“Jason, go take your break, it's fine. Catch up with your friend.” Sabine shooed the two out of the bakery. 
Jason and Roy walked into a quiet alley near the bakery to talk, “So, you became a baker?” Roy said as he tried to hold back his laughter.
“Mhmm, I’ve left all of ‘that’ behind. I got married and settled down, I have a daughter too,” Jason admitted.
“Ah, so who’s the lucky lady?” Roy winked, unaware of the fact that he literally summed up his wife in two words.  
“My wife’s family owns the place, that tiny old lady you saw a moment ago is my mother-in-law,” Jason told him.
“Do they know?” Roy asked, “About literally anything that happened in your past?”
“Only my wife knows, and no one else. Red Hood has no place here, and I intend to keep it that way. I’m not raising my daughter to fight supervillains,” he doesn’t know what he would do if something bad were to happen to Emma and his veins burned with rage at the thought.  Marinette could hold her own, but neither of them planned on passing the torch to Emma.  
“Fair enough,” Roy said. 
Jason exhaled, “I’m trying to lay low, I guess you could say I took this chance to start over. I don’t want word getting out, especially to Bruce,” he explained “I sure as hell don’t want them to become a target either.”
“Hey, what do you take me for? Some loud blabbermouth?” Roy put his hand to his chest in a show of being hurt.
“Yes,” Jason responded bluntly, and there were too many people close to Roy with the power to go rooting around in people’s minds. 
“Ouch, fine point taken. I won’t tell anyone, you have my word.” Roy raised his fist towards Jason, he responded by bumping his fist. 
Jason smiled as he reminisced of his chance encounter with Roy all those years ago. Ever since then him and Lian would occasionally stop by the bakery whenever they were in Paris.  Over the years, Roy had become more and more busy, either fighting crime in Star City or helping rear a new generation of heroes in Jump City. 
“The kids and I are going for a quick walk in the park,” Marinette announced as she walked down the stairs, stroller in hand and their following behind her. 
“Alright take care,” Jason said.
That afternoon in Paris, Terry McGinnis stepped out of the taxi into the heart of the city. He gaped at the beautiful sights, the Haussmann Architecture of the surrounding buildings. “Wow, so this is Paris, it's just like the post cards.” 
“Stay focused, Kid,” Bruce said over the headset, “You’re looking for the ‘Guardian’, and our only lead is Ladybug.”  
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Woke up this week to 200+ followers! Wasn’t sure how to react! I didn’t  think i was going to get 5 followers on a blog just for my writing let alone this many so thank you!
So I’m giving you a small treat, it’s a “trailer” (i guess i’d call it that?) for the story after the Broken Butterfly. It’s part of the Fantasy series and the reason it’s so special is because it’s the first fantasy story i’ll do with more then two parts. it’ll be a long multichapter story that will take a while to tell but i think will be worth it? (Charmy take out the question mark)(no, bite me!) Because i still plan on writing a few fantasy shorts and other stories in the mean time. Including a Sci-fi au i think y’all will like
Anyway thank you all again! here’s my trailer (can i call it a trailer? or is it a preview?)
He couldn’t stop shaking
Not out of fear but from excitement as he hung from the thick tree branch his little hands had latched onto. The Child wiggled around before pulling themselves up with some considerable effort, having to primarily rely on his unhurt leg to swing up till he’s finally sitting on the branch with a giant grin. “I’m so high up!!” He said throwing his hands into the air excitedly, “Dad! Dad do you see!? Do you see how high up I am!?” He said to the black haired yokai standing by the tree, “I’m almost as tall as you!”
Len chuckled, “Yeah look at you kiddo” even though he had been to the one who had helped the Child reach the branch in the first place. The Child put his hands on the branch, wobbling slightly until they were in a standing position. He put his hands out for balance as he began walking down the thick branch at a snails pace. Lens’ hands hovered at his sides, ready to catch him if he fell, but the Child was having too much fun to be deterred by Lenards protectiveness, “Careful kiddo.” He said
“Can I climb higher?!” The Child asked eagerly.
Len looked up at the tall tree nervously, “Not today kiddo.” Before holding his hands out to him, “Hop over.”
The Child pouted for a moment, before carefully turning to face Len. He shifted his feet around and braced his legs before jumping over the small gap between him and Len who immediately hugged him, “Atta boy!”Lenard said smiling at him in a way that took away the Childs disappointment as he set him on his hip, “That new leg brace Mickey made you is really doing  you wonders huh?”
“Yeah Yeah!” He said swinging his dubbed ‘hurty leg’ that was now carefully wrapped in a brace that his Uncle had spent almost a year perfecting. Not only was it far lighter then the one they had bought from the Healing Hut, but it allowed him to run and jump with almost no trouble. Course now Len spent most of his time chasing Him down, but to the Child that made it more fun (not the time outs that followed when He took it too far, he hated those) IT took a moment for Him to notice his Dad was giving him a big if thoughtful smile and tilted his head questingly   “you’re getting so big,” Len said as a explanation using his free arm to hug him closer with his cheek resting on His temple, “I can’t believe you’re only six. You sure you ain’t really thirty? Or fifty?”
The child giggled, “No!” Before bringing his hands up squish Len’s face in his hands, causing the yokai to laugh and gently pull his hand away from his face, ‘Alright alright don’t cut your hand on my tooth.” He said, “Today is actually very special, today is when we officially start training.”
“Training?” The Child tilted his head, “Like tumbling?” He was used to that. It was fun to summersault on the soft grass.
“Not exactly, it’s a little more to it then that.” Len said kneeling down and setting Don carefully on the grass, “I want to get you started on basic fighting skills, “
The excitement the Child had felt at the thought of tumbling gave was to nervousness as he dropped his chin to his chest and poked his fingertips together, “I-I don’t wanna hurt no one though.”
“I know baby boy.” Len rubbed his scalp  before cupping his sons face in his hand, using his thumb to rub the worry line between his eyes. The Child giggled lightly at the contact but kept his gaze on the ground. “You wouldn’t be learning these skills to hurt people, but to protect yourself. And you being safe is all I care about. So is that ok with you?”
The Child puffed up his cheeks in contemplation. He still din’t like the idea of hurting people, but Len was his dad, he was the one who took him in, held him when he was scared, sang to him when he was sad. If he though it was a good idea then, “Okie, cause I love you.”
Len grinned and rubbed his scalp again ,”That’s my boy.” He said, “Now stay right here ok?” Len stood up and took several steps back and pulling out a familiar wooden handle, with a spin and a flash his hookstaff appeared. “Ok kiddo, the staff is a weapon mostly used for defense. When we start again I’ll teach you some spinning exercises that will help strengthen your hands and wrists. Its one of the most versatile weapons because even if your staff breaks in battle, you can usually find a good substitute for it nearby. But my favorite thing about using a staff is that it’s a great way to fight people off without leaving long lasting damage.” He puts the staff in a wide hold, with both hands at atleast, he shuffles his left leg forward, thrusting the opposite end of the staff forward, “See?” Len asks, “This is a basic strike, even if you get to my level this is what you’ll be using if your’e ever in a fight.” Before taking his other step forward and bringing the other end with a thrust and a shout
A scream of terror coupled with a earth trembling thunder snaps Him back to reality. Half his vision is stolen by a a mixture of darkness, a icy downpour that seems content on bruising the hell out of him and a heavy fog that takes him a moment to realize is his own breath. A moment  later pain shoots through is stomach with enough force to double him over, wrapping his free arm around it as though trying to protect it from a  invisible force. Its only by plunging the object in his hand into the ground and leaning on it that he keeps from falling over completely. Desperate to offer his aching body some semblance of support.
His vision finally starts to clear  up and he realizes the staff  holding him up is unfamiliar. It is far heavier and metal and has a barbed wire end facing forward in a c-shape. Before He can contemplate why he’s holding it, a fear filled sob reaches him and reality comes rushing back in a unforgiving wave
The man in front of him is standing his with arms out, as though shielding the other man behind him who his also holding a small child to his chest. The man being protected has a large gash on his scalp that drenches his tattered clothes. Before He can comprehend what’s has them so scared, he finally notices the end of his weapon has the tangled remains of the mans shirt in its wire, as though it had been a  second away from piercing his chest cavity.
With a choked gasp, horror overwhelms Him as he takes several steps back, “I-I’m so-i’m sorry!” his vision is filled with bright lights, blinding him again has he rubs furiously at his eyes, desperate for reason or answers.
He gets both
What had once been a humble but fair sized villages is now in ruins, buildings crushed in as though a Child had stomped through with little to no regard for the life it could of held. He can hear whimpers and cries of pain around him, the hurried footsteps of people running away from the village
No not from the village.
He looks down to the weapon he now recognizes as a sodegarami to the family still cowering in front of him before covering his mouth with his free hand
He understands.
He is horrified .
“Run!” He shouts, causing the small family to jump,” Run! Get out of here before its too late!” With the grace of frightened ants, the family scrambles to their feet and hurries away. Glancing back as though to make sure he wasn’t going to chase them down to finish them. When they’re out of sight he allows himself to give a shaky sigh of relief and lowers himself down onto his knees to offer his body a semblance of rest.  Before a voice whispers by his head somehow far colder then the rain itself.
”Now now, I can’t keep having you breaking free my gargalmelly baby,”
Terror shoots through him as he spins around swinging his weapon to aim directly at the intruder.  What at first simply appears to be a shadow slowly takes from as the rain parts away from it. As though natures itself is too scared to touch the queen. Judging by her wrinkled nose the Matriarch is more concerned with his appearance then to the weapon aimed at her “And just look how filthy you are now. I’ll have to tell the maids to scrub you down when we return to the castle,” The Queen looks back to the remains of the village and its devastation, “I will say this you do make quick work. But on second thought, perhaps this isn’t the place I want my vacation castle.” She gives out a pained sigh as though reflecting on all the work she put into this ‘project’ “Oh well it was far too good for the likes of those tax dodgers anyway. I”ll find something to do with it.” She says, taking a few steps forward as though there was a floor of glass blocking her perfect shoes from being dirty.
“You-“ He is only now aware of how thirsty his is as he desperately tries to wet his cracked lips. It feels as though his entire body has been deprived of everything it needed to function properly, but he glares after the Queen, “You made me attack a village of innocents just so you can have a vacation home!?” He asks
“Now now don’t get in a tizzy, I can’t have a Prince who gets so upset so easily,” She shakes her head solemnly ,”These ,after all, are criminals. They’re dirty, weak, Ugly,  and don’t deserve mercy.” Big Mama looks off into the ruined village with almost a bored eye, “They had the nerve to say the latest tax increase was far too gargantuan for their little families to afford. But you know what I hate more then tax evaders?” She asks in her sickly sweet voice that makes His stomach squirm
He thinks of the family he had almost killed and screams in rage, grabbing his staff from the ground and plunging the tip into her chest. But before he can consider the consequences, theres a strike of lightning as the Matriarch herself appears in his line of vision unharmed, her now completely yellow eyes glaring  out from beneath her bands as tilts her head at him, “when my Princes disappoint me.”
A scorching heat fills His brain as he cries out. The feeling shoots through his arms and legs and his causes his left up to suddenly twist up his back as he’s forced to his knees, his face in the mud blinding his vision again. He hears her step closer and her disappointed sigh
”Looks like we have our work cut on you.  But until then, you have a job to do.”
Out of the corner of his eye, a darkness crawls across his vision. IT rings a terror of familiarity that makes his eyes burn before the darkness takes him completely
“Wake up boy.”
A strangled breath escaped Him, but the sudden reflex jerk makes pain shoot through his side in a blinding pain that makes him double over. The world has eerie white sheen to it as he struggles to fill his sting lung. The pain in his head that he h had felt previously has now spread to his eyes. He’s sitting on a chair he doesn’t recognize. There’s a cup of water in his hands that looks like  he’s been drinking out of it but he can’t remember. His hand comes up to check his chest only to find it tightly bound in bandages, through his blurry vision he can see a red stain at the center that only raises more questions then answers.
“What is your name boy.”
IT is more command then question. The voice sense a shiver down His shell that he can barely hide. It doesn’t help when the chorus of laughter joins in from his ‘visitors’ shoulders. Dark eyes glare at him from underneath his gold pointed crown, expecting obedience. He is not under any illusion that Draxum is asking out of genuine concern, but rather the same concern one would have for a favorite war horse,
Draxum expects a answer
His teacher demands a answer
“O-othello.” He whispers. It’s the only answer he knows to give, but he knows it’s a lie,  and that alone makes his eyes burn again, “My name is Othello.”
The Baron dips his head response, “follow Apprentice, we have a kingdom to save.” with a snap of his cloak, Draxum leaves the room. Muscle memory immediately has Othello on his feet following, his body is not the only part that just wants to lie down and give up.
His name is Prince Othello
And he is Alone
                                                       Look for
                              Do Not Go Gentle Into that Cold Night
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koala-soap · 5 years
| Dog Walk |
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Thanks for the request, anon! I have a giant soft spot for fluff with absolutely no plot  (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Also if you’re wondering, I messaged back and they wanted the reader to be five.
Story below.
“Where the fuck’d your boots go?” Your dad whispered to himself, bent over in the cupboard under the stair case, flinging his arms around in the sea of big and little shoes. He saw something bright yellow, and snatched then up with a smile. “There you are.”
“Hello, puppy!” He heard you giggle from the lounge room, and the sloppy panting and collar jingling as well. He came around the corner to see his precious little girl bouncing around with dog spit and fluff all over her hands. “Bouncy, bouncy, bounce!”
“Here, squirt.” Bakugou smiled, sighing and sitting down on the couch, waving you over with teeny yellow rain boots in his hands. You hopped over and he lifted onto his knee, and started helping put your feet into them. “These things stink like a elephant’s ass...”
“Butthole boots!” You grinned, putting your hand over his to help put them on.
“Language...” Bakugou frowned with an amused little smile. He helped you jump off his knee, and snatched up the doberman’s leash to head out the door. Princess looked intimidating, but all dobermans do, really. She was a huge softie. She slept on the couch with you every time she’s let inside, and sat with you when you colored.
Katsuki shoved his wallet and phone in the pocket of his shorts, and shut the door with his foot, since he was holding a little hand and a leash. You were already at the end of the driveway, kneeling by the mailbox. Your dad smiled and looked at what you were fiddling with. “Whatcha got there, kiddo?”
You stood up quickly and jumped up and down, holding something up at your dad’s face. “A snail! His name is... Paul.”
“Paul?” He chuckled, looking at the little snail in your hands. “Does Paul wanna come for a walk?”
“Princess can carry him! Like a dog-bus.” You smiled innocently, and let Paul slide onto the big dog’s collar.
“Paul got a bus ticket?” He chuckles with a very amused smile. He loved your stupid little nonsense, no matter what it was. Things just like a ‘dog-bus’.
“Mm... Nope! Paul gets a free ride today.” You say, and make sure the snail wouldn’t fall off any time soon before skipping to the end of the driveway to cross the road with your dad. It was a little cold, but the sky was bright blue and it was sprinkling. Pretty.
You all saw the street was empty of cars, so Bakugou said it was okay to cross and you held his hand the whole way across. “Hey, we have to go get a brown shirt for you from the shops after this, ‘kay, baby girl? For your assembly.”
“Oh, yeah...” You pout thoughtfully, squeezing Katsuki’s big hand and looking up at him. “Are you coming?”
He scoffed in the old fashioned Bakugou way with his smirk, and let go of your hand to ruffle your hair. “Course I am! You bet your stinkin’ little nose I’ll be there.”
“My nose isn’t stinky!” You smile up at him, and he uses a finger to poke it a little bit, making you giggle and put both your hands over it. He chuckled and said, “You sure about that? When was the last time you showered?” He teased.
“Yesterday!” You said back. “You made Mr Duck talk.”
Katsuki smiled and said in a weird, nasal-ly voice, “Hey there lil’ miss [Name]!” It made Princess look up at him like something was wrong with him, so he gave her a quick pat on the head while you giggled. “What you lookin’ at, huh? Can’t a duck enjoy some peace?” He jokingly said again in the voice.
You were talking about when you had a bath last night, and he was sitting on the floor, one arm leaning on the side of the tub, the other moving a rubber duck up and down making him talk. He ended up slipping on the tiles covered in water, like a grandma on an ice skating rink.
You gasp, and hurry over to Princess’s collar when you saw poor little Paul slipping off and landing on the ground. Bakugou stopped when he heard your little gasp and watched you scoop him up. “Paul!”
“Paul okay?”
“His shell is cracked. We have to give him CPR!” You say alarmingly, holding the creature close to your face to look at him. Princess’s head appeared and licked your hands, as your dad bent down and patted you back.
“That’ll probably kill him, kiddo.” He said, figuring out what to do with this snail you had. You didn’t have a good reputation with seeing things die. You had a grasshopper last week, and when Princess ate it, you cried quietly and had a funeral for him in the backyard with Katsuki. 
“Uh...” He looked around and stood up. “How ‘bout Paul-”
“Princess! Paul isn’t doggy food.” You said, with a worried face, and your hands out to reach for Princess who was chewing up your little snail friend. Bakugou frowned and tried to open the dog’s mouth.
“What is it with you and eating bugs?” He grunted, opening her jaw and watching the big pool of shell and slobber and muck fall onto the foot path. Well, this was the end of the road for Paul.
You looked at the snail and your eyes started to water. Katsuki pressed his lips together sympathetically and looked at you. “Baby...”
The puddle of slime and guts was forgotten pretty quickly after you got the offer for a piggy back ride. You were on his shoulders, bopping up and down with every dramatic step he took. You made it all the way to the park like that, and when you got there, Bakugou let the dog off the leash and set you on the ground to run around.
You and him spent a little while running up and down the playground’s slides and rock climbing walls. You weren’t good at those, but he held your arms and helped you up.
“Boo!” A loud voice called, honestly startling Katsuki a little more than he’d like to admit. It was followed by a wet dog tongue slobbing all over his face.
“Phngh!” He scrunched his face up and he tried to push the dog off him. he chuckled and wiped the spit of his face, “Okay, okay. You guys found me.”
You smiled at the fact you and Princess had just won your game of hide and seek. You heard your dad grunt as he tried to get up out of his hiding spot, which was him crumpled under the little kiddie slide.
He sat in the sand with his legs spread out and his arms behind him. He felt your arms wrap around his neck and you putting all your weight on his back. “All right, your turn, kiddo. Go hide.” He smiles, tilting his head back to look at you.
Thirty seconds later, and you and Princess were squished behind a fat tree in the bush surrounding the park. You peeped around to watch the blonde walk every where, looking behind things.
“Shh!” You giggled, at the dog who was moving around in the leaves.
Next minute, you were found, thanks to Princess, but it was fine because you got a piggy back over to the drink fountain. He lifted you up so you could drink some water.
“Cold!” You gasped, and Bakugou chuckled.
Right now, you were sitting in his lap while he was cross-legged in front of the little swivel-ly plastic cylinders with naughts and crosses on them. You had your little finger in your chin to make you seem more mysterious.
“Mm.. here.” You smile, and rotate one of the cylinders.
“Ha!” Bakugou grinned, spinning around another one, which gave him a straight line of three circles. “And that is bingo, my dear.”
“Aw.. again, please!”
He gave into your cute little smile and you ended up playing another three rounds, and you won one of those, so your dad ended up winning anyway but he wasn’t a bragging ass about it. At all, really.
“Alright, squirt.” He said, rubbing your shoulder and standing up. He stretched his tight limbs and grunted. “Wanna go home? Dinner’s gonna be my kick-ass curry. And I got some cheese sticks for ya.”
“Yummy! I love cheese sticks.” You smile through your chubby little cheeks, and you felt your dad’s hand pat your back gently.
“Hell yeah you do. You’d have a cheese fountain in your room if you could.” He laughed, helping you down the chain climbing frame onto the ground.
You gasped with excitement. “Can I?”
“There’s not enough dairy in the world for that.” He scoffed with a laugh.
The walk home was pretty fun. You were allowed to hold Princess’s leash most of the way and you collected honky nuts in your shirt that you curled up. You gave them all names, and Bakugou did his best to try remember them all.
While dinner was being cooked in the kitchen and the house smelled like spicy curry, you were at the kitchen table with Princess, coloring in your honky nuts with textas. They all had little faces and rainbows.
“Look, pa! This one is... Suzie. I think.” You pouted, holding up your masterpiece covered in hearts and a smiley face. He turned around from the stove and chuckled to himself.
Couple minutes later, you had a plate of curry in front of you with a cheese stick on a napkin next to it. You smile and shoved in in your mouth as soon as you realized what it was. 
“There ya go, babygirl. Curry with a side of cheese.” He smiles and sat next to you with his own plate. “Don’t know how you eat that stuff.”
“It’s good!” You muffle with it all in your mouth. 
He laughed, shook his head and ate his dinner with you, talking about honky nuts and cheese sticks. Sure you had some weird conversations, but he loved you. How’d he get so lucky?
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antarestyl · 6 years
PTA Sans – The one where there is an PTA meeting. Again.
Azzy got a lot to think about and figure out for himself. School might help. But before that, we have a PTA meeting. Remember when this was about PTA meetings?
Some of the stuff Linda and Sans talk about is a product of some headcanon talking on the Soriel Discord. The people there are really great and were a big reason for me to get to write on this again. *waves at all of them*
Warnings: Talking about human biology stuff, PTA Linda, emotions, Azzy’s issues with Asriel, Toriel, Asgore and Flowey.
AO3 Link
Quiet honestly, Azzy was still trying to figure himself out at this point. But one could argue that every kid is figuring themselves out growing up so going to school with Frisk and the other children would be good for him. After all, he still WAS just a child in a way... he was just a bit death and then soulless for a while.
…maybe he shouldn't ever say that one out loud.
  Anyway, school it was for him and he couldn't be happier. Frisk had told him all kinds of fun things about school. Teachers and lessons and breaks and friends. They also had told him about Toriel who was a great teacher, about Undyne and her soccer practice, about Sans who would sometimes substitute for a science teacher and be super embarrassed about it.
  They told him about sitting outside at good days and watching the rain on bad days. They told him about lunch period and about the cookies and muffins Muffet had delivered for lunch and how that one lady Sans was arguing with often would always look really funny when she looked at the fine baked goods.
  They told him about their family too. About how Mettaton would sometimes pick them up. About how Papyrus would make them lunch sometimes. About how Toriel was their mom and Sans a strange mix between dad and uncle and therefore a dunkle. They told him about Sans taking them to soccer practices, about how happy Sans was looking now-a-days. They told him about Papyrus being really good with magic and in charge of safety when they were together with Undyne. They told him about Asgore too, how awkward it was sometimes between him and Sans and Toriel but also that they tried their best, that they were friends again.
  Honestly, all of this made Azzy's head spin but in the best possible way.
  A lot of that stuff was stuff he kinda knew as Flowey already or had been told by Toriel and Asgore. The first conversation between all three of them was... really strange to be honest. Strange and very uncomfortable.
  Azzy still felt a strange mix of regret and happiness and sadness thinking of the conversation.
  Seeing Toriel for the first time as Azzy was hard. He had all of Asriel's memories after all, remembering calling her mom and cuddling to her soft fur, eating her pie and helping getting snails from the garden.
  He remembered loving her, feeling comfort just looking at her, feeling safe and cared for and warm.
  The feeling was missing.
  It was not “nothing”, like being Flowey but the total certainty of love and comfort was just missing. Oh, he still liked her, he still would trust her with his well-being, but she just... was not his mother. Not a part of his new soul.
  That didn't mean it couldn't be anymore, of course. Azzy was sure that he could learn to love her like a mother again. It would take time and patience and would require making new memories for himself and to separate them from Asriels memories and feelings, but it could be done. Still, Azzy was more than a bit disturbed by his own feelings when first seeing her and the conversation after that was not helping that much.
  Toriel hadn't cried. Her eyes got watery but she didn't cry. She did hug him tightly, even after Azzy gently told her that he wasn't her Asriel anymore, that Asriel had died a long time ago.
  “I know.” she had said. “I know. A mother feels when her baby is gone. But let me pretend for a moment?”
  And Azzy didn't had the heart to deny her that. He whispered to her that Asriel still loved her, that he had loved her all the time and that he had been sorry to worry her so much. It seemed to be the right thing to do.
She had held him a good while, while Asgore was silent during the whole thing. Azzy kinda was glad that they had sent Sans, Frisk, Papyrus and the others outside after the initial explanation was finished.
  The hug ended finally and well, they all knew about the giant elephant in the room.
  “So... you are not Asriel,” was the first Toriel said after she dried her eyes off a bit. “so who are you now?”
  “I... honestly don't know yet.” Azzy said, looking at his leave-like pawns. “Frisk gave me the name Azzy. I am a new soul with Asriels and Floweys memories. Everything else... I gotta figure out now.”
  “That is a really mature answer.” said Toriel and Azzy just could nod at that. “And I thank you for telling me.”
  “... I am not your son anymore.” said Azzy quietly, better to do it now than later. “Asgore was involved into making this new soul for me but he isn't “dad” as I knew him as Asriel too. He is different and you are different and... and I am really different. You should know that.”
  Toriel nodded. “What do you want to do now?” she asked. “We could still be your parents...”
“I... want to stay with Asgore for a while.” whispered Azzy. “At least for now.”
  “Why?” asked Toriel, not able to keep the hurt completely out of her voice. Azzy didn't know if it hit him more to know that she was hurt or that she was unable to hide it.
  “... it's nothing against you.” he tried to explain. “I still got all the memories of Asriel and he loved you and you were his mother and... and it just feels wrong in the moment.” He paused, struggling to put all of this into words. “The emotions just aren't the same now and it kinda feels like I am stealing you from this... memory of Asriel. With Asgore it would be easier in the beginning because I can feel his love that was part of creating this soul but... yeah. I need time for anything else.
Also... sorry but you live together with Sans. I... I got nothing against him now but... I did a lot of very bad things to him. And he to me to stop me. Uhm... don't hold that last part against him, I pushed and pushed at him until he snapped and at that time I really thought it didn't matter at all what I did but that is no excuse. He does remember a bit of the stuff and I nearly all of it and... it would be really bad if we would live under the same roof now.” he looked down, unable to look at Toriel. “I just... want to figure some things out for now. Live a life on my own. Be Azzy. Until I am good enough to... you know, apologize and make up for it. To you too.”
  “... will you let me visit you?” asked Toriel softly.
  “... of course.” said Azzy, smiling. “I am just not living here but... I want to get to know you again. All of you, it that is okay.” “Well... then there is nothing more I can say on that matter.” said Toriel. “I am very proud of you... Azzy.” She looked up to Asgore, a lot of unspoken things still between them. “Tell me if you need anything.” she said to him, voice gentle and soft and for the first time since they sat down that day, Asgore smiled a bit. “I will. Thank you Toriel.”
  “No, thank you Asgore.” she said. “Take good care of your son.”
      Asgore and Toriel told him a lot of stuff too, but that was more serious. They told him about education, about human-monster interactions and how Frisk somehow managed to make the humans not fear the monster. They talked about how happy everybody was, how hopeful.
  Toriel, with a wink, told him that more little monster souls were formed in the few years they were up here than in the last ten years down there. The new Hope the monster were feeling did all of them good.
  The humans seem to be really interested in keeping things peaceful for the most part and Frisk kept working hard to keep up the good relationship between monster and humans.
  It all sounded like a dream. Sure, Azzy, as Flowey, had had the chance to learn some stuff while he was with Grillby and the two other flame elementals and their happiness sure was obvious. But to think that it really was this good? It was so strange. Weird even. But also nice.
  Still, he felt a kind of awe when he looked at the school where Frisk was dragging him too, their hand holding his little paw tightly.
  One more bonus of walking on two legs, apparently: he was able to hold hands. That was nice. Really nice. Frisk turned to him, grinned as if they could read his mind, and winked.
  “Gaaaaaah!” made Azzy (really smooth there, boy, he thought to himself just a moment later), blushing with a deep purple and Frisk laughed in their airy high-pitched giggle.
  “Welp, looks like you kiddos have fun.” said Sans, waiting for them at the school. Azzy huffed a bit. It was so unfair that Sans could teleport. He was still behind them with Toriel when they started walking! And now he saw Azzy being all flustered. Unfair. All of it.
  Sans laughed when he noticed Azzy's glare at him.
  “Awwww come on, lil' lion.” he said, winking too. “You gotta work on your roar but it was a pretty nice effort already.”
  Azzy huffed. Frisk laughed again and Toriel put her big paws on both of their shoulders.
  “Alright, my children. Let's go inside.” she said smiling and Azzy was still kinda conflicted about being called “my child” by Toriel. But he still nodded and followed Frisk inside.
  “... I now kinda wish my dad was here too.” Azzy mumbled to Frisk and Frisk finally let go of his hand to sign.
  “He would have come but there was an emergency he had to attend, remember?”
  “Yeah, I know.” mumbled Azzy.
  “And you still got me and Sans and mom here... well... mom has to go to some stuff before but she'll be there after a bit too!”, Frisk signed out happily and almost too fast to follow for Azzy.
  “Uh... okay?”
  “Don't worry, Azzy. It's going to be alright.”
  And Azzy... well... he believed them.
      Sans sighed a bit when he dropped down on his seat, Frisk and Azzy beside him. PTA meeting. Again. To give a very very abridged and human-friendly explanation of Azzy and how he would join the school next week.
  Sans really wished that Toriel was here but she had a meeting with another class she had to attend to so there was nothing he could do.
  Maybe he could stall a bit? There were other things on the agenda...
  “Woah, Sans! Nice to meet you again!”
  Sans looked up and smiled a bit when he saw Steven and Pia standing in front of them, both of them grinning brightly.
  “Hey guys.” Sans greeted them. “How is it going?”
  “Fine, fine... it was boring without you.” said Pia. “Like, really. Uhm... it's nice to see you back.”
  “You brought your kids?”, asked Steven, looking to Frisk and Azzy. “Hi there.”
  Frisk giggled and waved and Azzy frowned a bit.
  “I am not his kid.”
  “Ah.. sorry...?”, said Steven slowly.
  “It's complicated.” said Sans slowly. “I uhm... will explain later. Azzy here is Asgore's kid.”
  “Ah, well... uhm... welcome?” Steven really looked a bit uncomfortable now and Azzy waved a bit at him.
  “It's alright.” he mumbled, shaking his head to shake his pedals out a bit.
  “Well... okay.” mumbled Steven before turning to Sans. “So... anyway, it's really nice to have you back. Linda and the strange Mrs. Smith is driving everybody nuts.”
  “Who is Mrs. Smith?”, asked Azzy.
  “Somebody who is inspecting the school.” explained Sans. “I don't know her but Papyrus and Toriel told me about her.”
  “Well, Mom's school is great so everything is fine, right?”, signed Frisk.
  “Heh... of course, kiddo.” said Sans, petting over Frisk's head. “It's all right, you'll see.”
    And things were pretty good at first. Linda was there, yeah, and she was her irritating self but it was more like comfort than grievance at this point. Like after facing his past, bringing back a dead monster prince and having several serious breakdowns in the last weeks... Linda was kinda that kind of problem Sans could smile at.
  Nothing like some heavy breakdowns to shift the world perspective back to where it should be huh?
  So Sans stepped into the heated discussion going on right now with a big smile on his face.
  “Linda, there is something I don't understand...” he begun and Linda rolled her eyes at him.
  “Oh look at this, the skeleton doesn't understand something.”
  “Hey, despite having no brain, I got some PhDs.” chuckled Sans and knocked on his head. “This numskull here understands a lot more than SOME people with a brain.”
  Linda was actually growling at him while Steven and Pia giggled softly. Sans could see Frisk leaning over to Asriel (no, Azzy, scolded Sans himself. He should respect that name-change!) out of the corner of his eyes, signing something a bit too quick for him to understand.
  “What are you going on about then?”, huffed Linda.
  “I don't understand what the issue with the biology lessons is now.”
  “What is there not to understand?”, huffed Linda, crossing her arms. “Children shouldn't be subjected to... to you know, THIS kind of human biology.”
  Sans blinked at Linda. Linda started back.
  “Uh... I really don't understand.” he said slowly. “Are we talking about pooping or something? I mean I know humans don't like talking about it but come on, they gotta learn how food gets processed and it's kinda new stuff for monsters because we don't have that whole squishy stuff going on inside us.”
  Pia was now openly giggling and even Frisk couldn't suppress a small laugh,
  “It's the same about the toilet thing, honestly, I still don't get that either.” continued Sans, smirking a bit but still playing the fool. “I mean for something you don't like talking about you make an awful lot of noise about this...”
  “THIS IS NOT ABOUT POOPING!”, screamed Linda finally, prompting everybody in the room to break down with laughter. “URGH, we can never discuss anything of importance here!”, continued Linda, raising her voice so she could still shout over the still-laughing crowd.
  “Well, it was kinda important for monsters to know what the bathroom is for humans, you know.” said Sans, winking. “There would have been so many misunderstandings and hilarious incidents ...”
  “Nah.” said Sans, winking. “I thought we were having a serious conversation here?”
  Sans fake-gasped. “Linda! Not in front of the children! Think of the children!”
  Linda made a strangled-sounding noise of pure rage and Sans saw several dollar bills change owners.
  Yes, it was good to be back.
  It took some time until everybody had calmed down so Sans could talk again.
  “But seriously, what is the issue with that?”
  “Well, it's unnecessary, especially for children so young. It will corrupt them!”
  “Uhm... aren't you a parent?”, asked Sans, blinking.
  “Yes?”, huffed Linda. “What does that have to do with...”
  “Shouldn't you, like, talk to your kid from time to time about that stuff too?”
  “I mean, do you want them to live in a bubble? You humans are obsessed with that kind of thing, or at least it seems to me like this.” said Sans with a shrug. “I mean they will learn about it someday, Why not get facts and stuff before they learn from anywhere else? I mean, I DID look through the Internet from time to time and as much as I don't have a clue about human biology, some of the stuff there doesn't seem to be even do-able...”
  “W- would you shut up about his?”, hissed Linda, face still in a deep red shade. “They shouldn't be taught this is school yet! They are way too young!”, hissed Linda.
  “Linda, we are talking basic sex ed in their sixth grade.” huffed Sans. “There are kids that go through this weird puberty thing you humans have at that time. They have to learn somehow, at some time in some way.”
  “You want to teach them about sex!”
  “...did you even READ the thing?”, asked Sans confused. “They are not getting taught about this sex thing, they are getting taught about your biology and sex kinda is a part of that.”
“It will encourage them to... to DO stuff!”
  “We teach them about war in history and I don't see them fighting and about the moon landing and you don't see any of them building rockets.” huffed Sans. “They are kids, they still think of each other as icky.”
  “So it's way to early.”
  “What, about the messy stuff?”, asked Sans. “Yeah maybe, but we are not teaching that. We are teaching that humans are mammals and how they reproduce. Like, knowing what bit is called what, the use of it, some health stuff... and yeah, what this sex thing is and what it's good for. They need to know the basics so we can build up on that when they are a bit older. But they should at least understand where human babies come from.” He frowned a bit. “Honestly, what DO you do when one of your kids get a sibling?”
  “It still should be in the hands of the parents.” huffed Linda.
“Yeah, so, when do you plan on telling and teaching that stuff to your son?"
  “NOT NOW!”
  “Thought so.” huffed Sans. “But look, this is not about... your strange hang-ups about this kind of thing. They need to know some basic things. And it's important for monsters too. We just... don't GET all of this but maybe this way we at least understand why you humans are all so weird about some stuff and not about other stuff. We teach magic and the science of souls after all too.”
  “That... urgh...” huffed Linda.
  “It really would clear up so many misunderstandings.”said Sans, winking. “I mean, just a few months before you all up in my face because of that one class I taught...”
  “You were taking off your shirt in class!”
  “Yeah, to show the kids how ribs are connected to the sternum...”
“That is super indecent.”
“... Linda, I repeat what I said the last time, I am all bones. There is literally nothing here. I am not just a human in a costume.”
  “It is still indecent!”
  “Well, and that is why we have to learn it, because none of us Monsters can understand stuff like that otherwise. And in an inclusive school like this, we gotta work together, right?”
  “What are they talking about?”, whispered Azzy to Frisk who grinned and giggled at the dialog.
  “Mom tricked Sans into being a substitute teacher. He did it a few times since then. Last time he was supposed to teach the bones of a human to the kids and used himself as a display. He always gets a weird look when he looks at the display skeleton that is meant for that stuff.” Frisk signed almost too fast for Azzy but he got the gist of it and giggled.
  “And why is that human lady so against that?”
  “Many humans insist very much on clothes. It's all still a work in progress. And Sans and Linda are always going against each other.” Frisk pointed at Steven and Pia. “Those two sometimes bring popcorn.”
  “Nice.” chuckled Azzy.
  “If you really are so against it, you can take it to the school committee I guess...” said Sans finally and shrugged, the topic getting obviously stale for him.
  “I demand that we take a vote.” hissed Linda. “Everybody in favor to demand leaving the sex ed out of sixth class raise their hand.”
  Some of the monster parents that didn't have hands looked at Linda a bit flatly but even the humans hesitated. There were a few raised hands but mostly the others seemed to be in favor of keeping the biology lessons as they are.
  “Well I think that settles then.” chuckled Sans.
  Frisk and Azzy also giggled softly at Lindas face who now looked like something nasty was passing through her stomach.
  “And after all of THAT stuff... how about something better, huh?” chuckled Sans and pointed to Azzy. “Azzy here will be a new student in Frisk's class.”
  “H...hey!” squealed Azzy, a bit overwhelmed when suddenly all eyes turned to him. “Uh... yeah, I'll start... school soon.”
  “Hey there.” said Pia, waving while Steven smiled nicely at him. Linda looked like she wanted to say something but a look from Sans brought her back to silence. Finally she just huffed.
  “If Mrs. Smith comes to grill your behind, fine.” she spat out. “I'll keeping it in the protocol that I protested.”
  “Yeah. Sure.” said Sans, waving with his hand. “You do yours.”
  The rest of the meeting was pretty mellow all things considered. Azzy was kinda bored but it WAS interesting to learn about stuff that went on in the school behind the scenes.
  In the end, Toriel came to the meeting too, explaining some changes that will happen around the school. A new indoor swimming pool would be built soon so they could offer swimming lessons for humans and monsters alike. Undyne apparently was very happy about that. There were some minor things too like that the cafeteria menu will be mostly monster food now because it seemed like humans didn't get harmed by it and it didn't trigger any allergies in general. A few teachers would leave, new teachers and staff would come and Toriel also announced that Mrs. Smith would continue her inspection of the school for the next weeks still.
  “Why does the inspection take so long?” mumbled Azzy.
  “Mom said it's because we are the first monster-human-school... they want to be really sure everything is going well. But it is and will be and then there will be lots of schools like this.” signed Frisk with a nod and a spark of determination in their eyes. Azzy just smiled and shrugged.
  Most likely, this won't concern him too much.
      When the meeting was finally over, Toriel drove him home again. Azzy felt a bit awkward saying goodbye to Toriel but decided on a small hug and a “thank you” before running to Asgore.
  “Hey, hey, son.”chuckled Asgore as he caught Azzy with his arms. “How was your day?”
  “It... it was great.” said Azzy. “... dad.”
                In the void there was life. A soul-beat and magic crackling around an almost finished soul, glowing brightly in the otherwise endless darkness. There were thoughts and emotions and abstract concepts.
  Where am I?
  Who am I?
  Why am I alone?
  My name is... my name is..
  I want.
  I need...
  I want to go home...
  Not yet, not yet.
  They knew they were almost there. Just a little bit more. The memory of somebody needing them, somebody calling for them kept them going. Just a bit more, just a bit more.
  Another piece clicked into place. Just a tiny bit longer.
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sunshinemiranda · 7 years
King of the Lost Boys - Anthony Ramos x Reader (Chapter 2)
Summary: A leather jacket needs to be returned to it’s rightful owner, leading to an uncovering that isn’t at all ideal. Things are repaired. A home is found. Then, the world starts to suck again. 
Warnings: LOTS of curse words. A lot. 
Words: 4,855
A/N: I am so sorry this took so long. Thank you @secretschuylersister for proof reading for me, and of course my lovely @hamilbye for letting me feature her! So far, this fic (to me) sucks a lot, but let’s try this anyway! I’ll tag the people who asked here too: @robotic-space @daveedsbra @attackonmikaelson @pearltheartist
askbox | masterlist
Morning broke with a harsh light. The weekend beckoned you back to bed with warm hands but the sun that shone insistently through the window was too bright to let you rest peacefully. Feeling, as always, as if you hadn’t slept enough, you trudged down the stairs to arrive to two lovely conclusions: the first being that you had slept all the way till one in the afternoon, and the second being that Nat had too.
“Hey. Get up, you lump. It’s one.” You kicked at the couch she was resting on and she only replied with a groan.
“I feel like shit.” She brushed her hair out of her face and sat up, squinting at you.
“Yeah, you and me both, kiddo. Maybe you shouldn’t have let Daveed buy you, like, eight shots.”
She groaned again, flopping back onto the couch with a hand thrown over her face to block the sunshine from worsening her state. “Fuck. I knew I forgot about something. That must have been it. Jesus, did I really make out with him?”
“Well, the fact that I had to endure even a second of your mouths and tongues… interacting should last me a lifetime in your good books. Seriously, Nat. It was gross.” You shot her a grin, moving to the kitchen to sniff out anything available.
“Oh, shut up. Besides, I totally saw you holding Pan’s hand. Then, he followed us and asked if he could see you again. What the hell happened?” She re-ripped herself from the couch and rose woozily, moving to slouch at the kitchen table with her head in her hands.
“Nothing happened, Nat. We just danced a little, and kissed once. Want toast?”
A pause rang through the room, abrupt and demanding to be noticed.
“Do not ask me if I want toast in the same sentence as you casually mention you kissed Pan.”
“It’s not that big of a deal!” You argued, mimicking her emphasis on every second word. Angrily, you shoved four pieces of vengeful bread into the toaster.
“Not that big of a deal, my ass. Explain. And tell the truth.” She stood so she could join you in the kitchen, disregarding her hangover as she approached.
Breathing in, your shoulders eased tension away and settled as you leaned against the counter, turning to face her. “Okay. But don’t make anything big about it, alright? He asked me for a dance and promised he didn’t want anything else, so I gave it to him, but while we were dancing I got…a little carried away and we kissed. After, I freaked out ‘cause I couldn’t find you so we went looking. That’s when we found you attached at the mouth to Daveed, so that was great. After that, Anthony chewed him out and I dragged you home. You passed out on the couch and when I got up to my room, he started throwing rocks at my damn window. We talked on the roof for a while, he gave me his jacket. Then he left.”
Again, a silence fell, and for longer, this time. Nat stared at you, expression vacant as she milled through all this new information. She pushed herself up to sit on the counter, sighing a breath.
“This is…a lot. Do you-do you…like him?”
“Like him? We’re not kindergarteners, Nat.”
“You know what I mean. Do you feel for him?”
“You’re lying.”
“Only partially.” You gave a frustrated groan and reached to pull the toast onto a plate, loading peanut butter onto your two slices.
“Talk to him. Promise me you’ll talk to him. That Pan character might be dangerous, but from what I hear about this Anthony boy, he seems to be quite different from what we expected.”
Nat was (as always) painfully correct.
The weekend oozed by slowly, like viscous molasses. Not all your time was wasted, but you found yourself wrapped up in thoughts about the local gang of “bad kids”. Love, to you (at least up until this point) had all been analysis. You had boiled it down to the odds of getting hurt, the probability of happiness and correcting the dice accordingly. There were no if’s, and’s or but’s about your methods and they had stayed the same ever since your heart had fluttered for the first time when someone beautiful had smiled at you. Analyze the situation. Understand the risks, take other factors like temptation and manipulation into consideration, and adjust accordingly. It was mathematic and not at all the kind of romance you had once craved. There was no time for that anymore.
Monday morning actually made you nervous. However much time you had tried to fit Anthony into the equation of relationships you used as default, the answer always seemed to be undetermined. This was a trial and error encounter and oh, God, how you hated those.
After careful consideration and a lot of stressing out, you had decided that you would join the Lost Boys at the back of the school during lunch period, under the excuse that you were simply returning Anthony’s jacket. If he invited you to stay for the duration of lunch, that was a good sign. If he pretended not to know you, that was a lesser good sign. Either way, your stomach was churning uncomfortably and a feeling of nausea had been floating over your entire body for the first two periods.
As soon as the bell rang, you saw Nat waiting next to your locker, hands wringing at the side of her green binder. She was nervous too.
“Okay. Are you going to go talk to him? I asked around, he’s with the Lost Boys out back.” She pressed her lips together, tucking stray hairs behind her ear.
“Yeah, I’m going to go talk to him. Be right back.” You reached to pull his leather jacket from its hook.
“Do you want me to come with you?”
“No,” you smiled. “It’ll be fine.”
You had a feeling it would be anything but.
As soon as you pushed through the doors and saw a group of leather jackets bunched together, fogged in cigarette smoke, your heart plummeted into your stomach. You pushed your feet to continue their pace.
As you moved closer, it was Tink who noticed you first and she turned, raising an eyebrow as she assessed you thoroughly.
“You lost, babe?” Her voice brought all attention to you and from your peripheral, you caught sight of Anthony’s face register surprise. It quickly faded into indifference.
“No.” You answered simply, swallowing as you took a quiet breath to steel a breath. “I have to return something that doesn’t belong to me.” You nodded toward Anthony, and Tink looked taken aback for a moment.
She paused, looking you up and down. “Knock yourself out.” As she moved back, the rest of the crowd parted to allow you safe passage through to deliver Anthony’s leather jacket.
“This is yours.” You said, holding your head tall and with your hands squeezing your binders so hard that it started to hurt.
He looked at you, searching your eyes for something you weren’t quite sure of, wordlessly took the jacket and slipped his arms into the fabric, then turned away and busied himself with lighting a cigarette. His silence stung and before you knew it, your mouth was opening and there was no stopping the words that demanded to come out.
“You’re welcome.”
The crowd murmured. No one spoke to Pan like that, not even his own boys. He turned slowly; cigarette perched on a corner of his lips. He opened his mouth and you assumed it was to speak, but instead, he breathed out and a cloud of smoke assaulted your senses. Coughing, you stepped back and glared.
“I’m not going to thank you, princess.” He grinned, flicking ash from his cigarette.
“Right, I forgot.” You spat. “Someone like you only has manners when it counts, like when you’re trying to find your sleazy way into some girl’s pants.”
Daveed, who was lounging on a picnic table beside Anthony chuckled.
“Whoa, hold up, princess,” Anthony stepped forward, raising an eyebrow. “What makes you think I want in your pants? After all, you were the one who asked me to kiss you.”
The world was spinning. This was not him. It could not be the same boy who had promised that his star would look over you, or the boy who held your hand in the dark of a club and helped you without a second of hesitation, or told lame jokes just to get you to laugh. And yet, here he was, in broad daylight, contradictorily beautiful despite his rotten interior.
“You’re an asshole.” You seethed.
“I’d rather be an asshole than a liar, baby.” He smiled.
Without thinking of consequence, without a second thought, your hand was flying towards his cheek. The sound reverberated in the space and for once, the Lost Boys were speechless. So was their leader.
“Stay the fuck away from me. If you ever come near me again, I will turn you and your little club into dust.”
As you walked away, there was no triumph inside you. A victory that required a tear in your heart was no victory at all.
The worst part of the day was not yet over. After the lunchtime confrontation, time seemed to try its best to spite you by moving at a snail’s pace. Nat, still furious about the horrible encounter you had explained, was determined to keep you going through the day and she stuck by your side when she could, sending comforting texts if the two of you had separate classes. The girl was something. That was for sure.
The relief that washed over you as the final bell rang was not as satisfactory as you had hoped it to be. The dark cloud that was the memory of the Lost Boys had seemed to ruin the entire twenty-four hours of the day in a second. The worst part about being disappointed is not the immediate feeling. It is the gaping hole it leaves in your chest that you must attend to for as long as it takes to heal. Hurt and pain are sometimes quick dealings that don’t take too much effort or time. This occasion was not such a case.
After retrieving your things from your locker, you entered the flow of students filing out to catch the bus or go to their vehicles, but turned left and went out the side door. You were counting on Pan’s crew to be waiting in the parking lot for the straggling members of their group and you’d try your damn best to avoid another shitty encounter. Just as you had hopped off the concrete steps at the side door, a hand on your right shot out and grabbed your wrist. You took in a sharp breath and reached out blindly, managing to raise your free limb and backhand your assailant.
“Ow, fuck.”
The stranger stumbled back, dropping your wrist in the process, and you recognized the curly head of hair immediately. Anthony was holding a hand to his cheek, a childish pout curving his lips down as he stared at you through errant strands of hair. Your jaw tightened, teeth grinding together. How dare he try to approach you after today?
“That’s twice today that you’ve gotten me.” He half-grinned, pointing to the red mark that you assumed was from the slap you’d left him with at lunchtime.
A feeling of triumph rose within you as you noticed the injury, but a general wave of regret at hurting him held it back. You hadn’t really meant to mark him. It was just supposed to humiliate him the way he had humiliated you.
He reached forward to take your hand, as casually as he had in the club. “Hey, so about the-“
You wrenched your wrist away from his grip, hands curling into fists. “Get the fuck away from me.”
He stared at you, assessing. Then, something in him seemed to break, and his gaze softened. A pleading look came about his face. “(Y/N), please, just listen to me.”
“Listen to what, Anthony? A list of shitty excuses that will never explain why you were such a dick to me?”
“You don’t understand,” he groaned, rubbing a hand over his face tiredly. “That’s not who I am.”
“Well you could have fucking fooled me.” You spat, whipping around and walking away with a newfound purpose.
“(Y/N)!” He called, jogging to catch up then falling into step beside you. “Let me just make you an offer.”
“Oh, I’d love to hear that.” You scoffed, cryptic to the point of breaking, not even bothering to stop walking.
“I know. So just stop and hear me out. Please.” His hand was brushing at your hand again, light, barely there. Like a fairy’s touch.
You stopped there, froze and stared down at the ground, a flurry of thoughts making it hard to come to a clear conclusion. This boy was causing such uproar in your life. All the things you thought you knew had changed the moment Anthony had bought you that damn martini. You weren’t as afraid to speak your mind. You weren’t shying away from fate. And despite all the mess, you liked it.
“You have one minute.” You stated coldly, looking up and crossing your arms. “Go.”
He grinned. “Okay. I know I fucked up today, and I need to apologize, and make it up to you. I will, I promise. But not here. Let me take you somewhere.”
“Where?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“I can’t tell you. It’s a surprise.”
“Of course,” you rolled your eyes, picking up the pace again as you started to walk away. “Don’t waste your breath, Anthony.”
“(Y/N). Come on.” He caught up again, turning you so he could look right into your eyes. “Do you trust me?”
“No, not really.”
He chuckled, a half smile coming back to his lips. “I swear you can. I swear on the second star to the right. I swear on my star.”
You bit your lip, drumming your fingers against your thigh as you mulled over the decision. “Okay. But only if you tell me where we’re going.”
He shot you a grin. “It’s called Neverland.”
“This place is a dump.”
“No it’s not!”
“It so is, Anthony.”
“It’s charismatic.”
Despite your remaining anger, you laughed in spite of the situation. “You and I have a very different definition of ‘charismatic’.”
He shrugged, pairing it with a grin. After tugging you away from the school, he had pointed you towards his car and remained incredibly silent in describing your destination, however many questions (and threats) you threw at him. Upon arrival, the place didn’t look like much and that was only cemented as he parked, pulling you down an overgrown driveway that had no room for the car. You stumbled over holes in the broken asphalt, using Anthony’s hand, clasped in yours, for support.
“How long are we going to play ‘Explorers in the Underbrush’? I’d like to get back to civilization soon, please.” You huffed, looking up at the tree branches that created a forest arc, leaving no view of the grey sky.
“It’s not far.” He smiled, giving your hand a squeeze. “I promise.”
The difference in his demeanour struck you yet again. He was completely changed now, back to the sweet, graceful, angelic boy you had become acquainted with in the dark of the Belle Rêves club. There was no sign of the venomous person who seemed to spit fire as gently as a cool breeze brushed your cheek, not even a hint of vehement bitterness that he seemed to deliver so well. Your heart twisted into confusion, leagues deep in your own thoughts.
“We’re here.” His voice broke you out of your thoughts, and you looked up to see an old, ivy-covered sign.
It was tall and arching, with two metal frames that held it just tall enough for a vehicle to drive underneath. The sign was engraved with two fairies resting on each end, balancing it out as they laughed with mirth-filled eyes. Between them, one word, half covered in ivy residue and roots, gave the mystery destination a name. All in caps, NEVERLAND curled into the metal, a word so heavy that, when said aloud, sounded like casting a spell.
“It’s a movie drive-in.” He murmured, watching you the entire time as he smiled. “Well, a deserted movie drive-in. But the gang and I come here and dust off the projector sometimes, just to watch a movie this way. Yeah, it’s kind of a dump. But it’s home to us.”
It was home to them. The Lost Boys, known for their ability to disappear from all civilization had found a place to grow roots, laugh like true children in the night, and watch James Dean fall in love on a movie screen just to get away from reality for a night. The Lost Boys had a home, and it was called Neverland. 
Brushing your hand against the metal frames that held the sign up, you smiled, turning back to Anthony. He looked nervous for once, hands tucked into his pockets as he stared at the ground. “It’s beautiful.”
He grinned, taking your hand, to lead you underneath the arch. The place was old, that was a given, but it had such a lived-in, infinite touch that it felt possible that time would just decide to stop moving, just for now. The yard was covered in a thick green pelt of grass, the odd rusted hubcap scattered here and there, remnants of a successful business that attracted young teens and their beat up cars. It was a circular plot, not unlike the fairy circles you would find deep in the forest. Tall, reaching pines and willows curved gracefully around the area, broken up only to have enough room for a tall screen. Adjacent to the screen, a small shack was set up, just big enough for a stash of movies. It was small, even for a projection room, with moss pawing at its sides but it belonged just as much as everything else did.
“How did you find this place?” You murmured, still entranced as he led you across the wide lot.
“Pretty much by trial and error. The boys and I would sort of wander the forest before we had this place, finding new places to drink and get high, just for the night. It wasn’t until we came here that we thought it would be possible to feel like we belonged.” His voice had become so small, barely a whisper.
Your eyes widened at that, but you stayed silent. Society’s take on who this gang of unruly kids were had been completely disbanded in a sentence. The Lost Boys, notorious for tough outer shells that kept out any threat were, after all, just boys. They were young, wanted to have a part in the fairy tale just like anyone else. These children were lost, indeed.
He led you to the projection house, covered in cracked brown paint that was flaking off the sides of the building, waving you over with a silent smile. As he pushed at the screen door, you held your breath, as if expecting a cloud of dust, a result of disuse. Instead, you were greeted with a homely, brown panelled room, complete with a couple wooden chairs and one patched up, hand-me-down couch. The walls were covered with a mix of whatever appealed to the group; movies, posters, shelves of books, rusting auto parts and was that a sword?
“These place is insane,” you breathed, turning in a slow circle to take in the entire room.
“I know, right?” He laughed, letting himself fall against the couch, stretching like a lazy cat in a patch of sunlight.
You stepped over the wooden floor to join him, eyes still scanning the walls with endless wonder as you settled into the worn couch.
“(Y/N), listen, I…I owe you an apology.” Anthony murmured.
His words commanded your attention and immediately, you turned to face him. “Yeah.”
“I just…there’s a part of me…” he started, looking down at his open palms as he explained. “There’s a part of me that is Pan. And there’s also a part of me that’s…well, me. It’s not a case of split personality, but more like-“
“An image.” You cut in, voice quiet and resigned.
He breathed out, eyes closing for a brief moment before looking up to meet your gaze. “Yeah. To the people at school, to the adults in my life, even to the boys, I am always Pan. Pan, the brave, the king, the leader, but ultimately also the asshole. In that club that night, I wasn’t expecting things to go that way. I approached you with that part of me leading but it didn’t work. I realized that what you wanted, and deserved, was the truth. That is why I am Anthony to you.” He reached out for your hand, all tenderness as he stroked a thumb over your knuckles. “And today at lunch, it was like two worlds clashing. On the one hand, you represent who I really am, who I should be. And the Lost Boys are who I want people to think I am. I got scared. I reverted back to the person you don’t know, and for that, I am so sorry, (Y/N).”
A sigh rang through your lungs, taking with it the anger and humiliation left over from the confrontation. You managed a soft smile, raising his hand to brush a feather light kiss against his fingertips, a rare moment of vulnerability. It was an indulgence. You knew all too well that this (whatever this was) was bound to crash and burn. A kiss with an angel, as you had thought before, would be consequential. But for now, you ignored it, just for a second, a fleeting second of blissful ignorance.
“I forgive you.” It was said in a breath, and you could visibly see the tension drain from his posture.
Without another word, he leaned, hand rising to find a familiar place at your jaw as you surrendered, yet again, to that momentary ignorance of consequences. Your grasp transferred from his hands to the roots of his hair as his mouth came down, soft and beautifully innocent, against yours. With his curls entwined around your knuckles, the world seemed altogether simpler and much prettier. It was an instant transformation, like your vision had been cleansed by a miracle. This was the taste of possibility, of living without suffering through regrets and worry. It was so Anthony that it took your breath away. There, again, was the tug of your heart, a bittersweet coming-to that made an annoying voice in the back of your head become cryptic and criticizing. This was good, perfect even. But it couldn’t last.
In your distraction with your thoughts and Anthony, the footsteps sounding against the wooden stairs fell on deaf ears. Even the unlatching of the screen door remained unheard. It wasn’t until a member of the bemused group of Lost Boys cleared his throat in that you broke apart.
Leather jackets. A cigarette each. The scent of the forest surrounding Neverland came breezing through the door as you sat, frozen in your spot.
“Sorry. Didn’t know we were interrupting something.” Daveed grinned as he lounged against one of the chairs, as casual as anything.
Unsure of what to say, you turned to Anthony and nearly paled. His face had hardened, become closed off and so unlike the soft-voiced boy who had just begged for forgiveness. A feeling of dread trickled like ice-cold water down your spine. In the anticipating feeling of silence, the entire room tensed.
“You didn’t.” He stated, voice like steel as he stood. “(Y/N) here was just going. Isn’t that right, princess?”
Your hands had started to tremble the moment he had said your name. A sick feeling of hurt twisted in your gut, the voice in your head telling you to curl up and build walls fast. And that was exactly what you did. You stood; chin held as high as possible, mustering every last shred of dignity you had left.
“Oh, of course. Call me again when your split personality disorder starts acting up. Perhaps we can plan for some time when your clique won’t interrupt and you won’t have to turn back into a spontaneous prick.” Your hands, still shaking, were shoved deep into your coat pockets to hide them from sight.
Anthony’s jaw clenched, but he stayed silent. Though you didn’t know it at the time, you had hit him where it hurt most.
“You sure you can find your way back through the forest, babe?” Lin smirked, arms crossed as he leaned in the doorway. “It’s getting awful dark out there.”
“I’m competent. It’s something we don’t have in common, I’ll be fine.” You managed, fighting tears that prickled behind your eyes. If you could just get out of that wretched place. You moved forward, surging for the door but couldn’t find your way past as Curly took a place next to Slightly.
“Come on,” he raised an eyebrow, head tilted to the side. “There’s no need to be mean about it.”
As you opened your mouth to throw something back, the feeling your stomach getting worse and worse with every moment, Tink shoved her way to stand next to you.
“Alright, alright, just shut it Chris. Slightly. Move, moron. I’ll walk her back to the highway.” She rolled her eyes, giving Lin a generous shove.
There was no way you’d let that chance go. As you stepped forward, your peripheral registered just a glimpse of Anthony. He had his head dropped, you couldn’t see his face, but there was a resignation in the way his shoulders were set back.
Fuck him, your mind volleyed against the wave of sentiment rising. Just go.
And you did. Thankfully, Tink didn’t say anything during the walk and though it was silent, it was a welcomed moment. The light was fading, and you were incredibly grateful for the cover it provided as you turned your head, hiding the stray tears that rolled down your cheeks. Pippa, though you didn’t know it at the time, had noticed but refrained from commenting.
As the highway came into sight, the familiarity gave your restless heart a bit of ease. As you rummaged through your jacket to find your phone to call a cab, Tink hesitated, unsure of whether she should leave or not. In the end, she took your silence as acceptance and turned to leave, tucking dyed strands behind her ear.
“Wait!” You called out, cell in one hand as you turned to look at her retreating back. She froze and turned, in the midst of lighting a cigarette.
“What do you want?” She raised an eyebrow, skeptic.
“I just…” You breathed out, staring at the ground. “Thank you.”
She exhaled a breath of smoke, pausing to think. Then, a half smile lit up her face and she chuckled. “You’re welcome.” Stepping forward, she reached into her pocket and offered you a cigarette, to which you declined.
“Listen,” she sighed, looking down as she absently cracked her knuckles. “You should know that Pan…he…well he’s different.”
“He’s an asshole, is what he is.”
“No, he’s…different.” She took another drag of her cigarette. “I’ve never known a boy so fucking ballsy in my life, honestly. Nothing scares him. Well, except for you.”
Incredulous, you laughed coldly. “Me? Yeah, right.”
“No, really. He was really shaken up after that encounter this afternoon. Like I said, nothing scares Pan. Except for feelings.” At this, she raised her eyebrow at you. “That boy has never known love in his life. And it’s funny; I used to think I had a chance with him, until…well, until that night at the club. Until you.”
Too full of emotion and thought, you let out a frustrated grown, hands tightening into fists. “Jesus, I just…I’ve got to get home.”
She nodded, already stepping backward as she started on her way back. “I know he’s a dick, (Y/N). That’s a given. He’s just not that much a dick when he’s spent time with you. Think about that.”
With that, she disappeared into the underbrush of the forest. It seemed Pan wasn’t the only member of the Lost Boys who could fly. As you slid into the cab, mumbling an address, your mind was an entire hurricane. There was no centre to this one, no eye to provide calmness or just a brief moment of actual sense. All day, your opinion of who this Pan character was had been in flux, ever changing and you had thought that, in your anger, his cold words would cement your hatred for the boy. Yet still, this was something your frazzled, hectic mind could not comprehend at the time.
Whoever he had decided on being, Anthony was soon becoming all you thought about.
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emilyjoymcdonald · 6 years
Winding Down
Hello, again!
It’s time for your “weekly” recap about my time here in sunny Merida, Mexico!
Week 6: As you already know, week 6 was a short one because of Carnaval on Monday and Tuesday. I was in the thick of my full-time teaching, and February 14 happened to fall on one of those days! I did this fun lesson with my kiddos where they listened to a song in English and used a worksheet to follow along with the lyrics and fill in the blanks that are missing. I remember doing this sort of activity in my Spanish classes in high school, and I always LOVED it! For my little ones, I chose the song “Taylor the Latte Boy.” If you haven’t heard this beaut, please look her up. It’s such a silly song about a girl that falls in love with her barista at Starbucks because he gave her an extra shot of espresso. Kristin Chenoweth is my hero. For my advanced kiddos, I introduced them to two types of love songs from Hamilton! Whenever I have an opportunity to combine my loves of Hamilton and teaching, I take it. They listened to “Helpless” and “Dear Theodosia.” It was challenging enough for them with new vocabulary and phrases in English that we could go over. One student told me that she was going to dance with her father at her quinceañera to “Dear Theodosia.” My heart melted to the floor. Another student told me that I had hooked her on Hamilton. If I didn’t accomplish anything at all in my entire student teaching experience, I know that I have succeeded in this child. Her life will be forever changed.
I’ve noticed that people LOVED to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Everyone had some sort of treat to give to everyone else. By the end of the day, I had gathered a cupcake, a few bars of chocolate, and two suckers! We even had a fun photo op in the English department!
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I taught two other classes this week which were particularly enjoyable! I taught students how to write an autobiographical poem. I went through one about myself first, and then they followed my example and wrote one about themselves. I really loved hearing these kids pour themselves into a poem. I had them present their poems to the class if they wanted to, and they were so proud. I loved it! Another lesson I taught was a Mad Lib lesson. They had never heard of the fun Mad Lib game where you fill in blanks with parts of speech and other kinds of words to make a silly story. I was able to introduce it to them and we created a funny story together! It was great to see learning English be such an enjoyable experience for them!
That weekend, I FINALLY made it to the beach! Heidi, Michelle, Jenna, and Katie came with me to Progreso, and I WAS SO EXCITED! We spend the day splashing in the water and chatting to a kind man who spoke ELEVEN languages!! It was a BEAUTIFUL day, but we definitely got a tad pink.
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On Sunday, we finally went to the English speaking church service at the church near my school. It was AWESOME. There were only gringos in the service, but it was such a cool thing to be able to worship in my own language again. I LOVED it. 
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Week 7: I had my last three days of full-time teaching! On Monday, I gave a speech in their general honors assembly about Dutch culture in English. I’m fairly certain not a soul understood what I was saying, but it was cool to be able to participate in one of their traditions as a school.
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Wednesday, my last day of full-time, was just the best day ever! So many wonderful things happened. Let me tell you about them!!
1. It was my last day of full-time teaching. That was exciting enough to get out of bed at 5:25 AM!
2. I saw two puppies in the park before school! One of them only had 3 legs. They were the cutest things, and if you know anything about me, seeing a dog can make my whole entire day. Let alone TWO dogs! Wowwie wow wow, my day was a goodie before 7 AM.
3. My students were angels today! How? I don’t even know. Even my most difficult class behaviorally was a dream. I was a little skeptical, but I was definitely fine with it! I even noticed how they were really soaking in what I was teaching them over the last 9 days especially. That’s such a satisfying feeling as a teacher.
4. In one of my classes, I was telling them common mistakes that were used in their oral presentations, and the students were just so invested in what I was saying. One student asked me how to pronounce the word “curtain.” Apparently it sounded SO silly to them and they just couldn’t stop laughing. It made me start laughing, and laughing just lifts my spirits in general. It was a lighthearted class!
5. One student gave me a thank you note she had decorated for me. She was thanking me for coming to her classes and helping her learn English. It was so sweet. Any moments like that warm my heart.
6. I treated myself to some yummy chicharrones after school. I happily ate them on the bus that was waiting for me at the bus stop (which it normally isn’t doing).
7. A stinkin’ cute baby was on the bus on her momma’s lap facing the back of the bus. I witnessed three people get on and off that sat behind this baby. I watched as they just couldn’t hold back smiles. All of them even began to make faces at the baby so she would laugh. It was so fun to see how much joy a baby can bring to a hustley bustley day.
8. Right after that, I looked out the window and saw ANOTHER baby in a park chasing a pigeon with arms wide open. It was precious and just made me joyful. BABIES BRING SO MUCH JOY TO THIS WORLD.
9. When I got home, I learned they had set up the pool on the balcony! I was so excited! The students were leaving for Chiapas on Friday, and I wanted something to do while they were gone. I wasn’t sure if it was going to go up quite yet, but they did it just for me! Thank you, Carlos!!
As you can tell, it was a lovely week!
To top things off, Jaime graduated from Marine boot camp on Friday! On Thursday, it was family day, so a lot of his friends and family were able to come and hang out with him for a few hours on base! I even got to call and say a quick hello. My mom was able to go to San Diego and surprise him, too! I was so thankful for that!
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On Friday, he officially had graduated! I’m so dang proud of him and so thankful to be able to communicate with him in another format other than snail mail! It had been a long 13 weeks. I’m so proud of you, Jaime! I love you!
This weekend, I just had to wrap up loose ends with my student teaching requirements. I’m observed one last time on Monday, so I wrote a lesson for that day. Otherwise, I’ll be doing observing and phasing out for the rest of my time mostly. It’s crazy how fast this time has gone. However, I’m very ready to go home and hug my Marine, fam, and pupper.
*One funny tidbit from this weekend. I was craving movie theater popcorn, so I took a bus all the way out to the Altabrisa mall to get it at the movie theater for my supper. I proceeded to sit in the lobby eating my popcorn and apple pop. I’m sure I looked like such a lost gringa grande. One worker even came up to me and asked me in Spanish if I needed anything or if I was okay. (I think that’s what she said.) I kindly nodded and said thank you, but she definitely caught me off guard. I felt like I had to leave or something. I think she was worried about me. I found it slightly humorous, though. It was quite the mini adventure, though. :)
One last week!! HOW NUTSO IS THAT? I’ll make sure to write one last time. Talk soon!
-la gringa grande
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