ask-the-dif-host · 6 years
Where you friends with any of other egos while you were still The Author?
“The Host swallows nervously. Ah well, the Author… knew Dark. In a different way than the Host does now, though, that is for sure. And… he certainly wouldn’t call it friendship, even then. The Author was but simply an idol to Dark. The Host is almost ashamed to think that part of Dark’s current attitude… may have come from his past self.
“The Host didn’t really know anyone else beforehand, though. Maybe he met Wilford once or twice…. Maybe had an interview. The Host does not remember much.”
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conceitedink · 6 years
Sneak peak of “Struggling for Words”, chapter 6.
Be wary of: this is a very rough draft, it hasn’t been revised. After a period of time of no reaction from him, he jerked you so you had to twist your body towards him. Both of your eyes then met.
Sitting by him, hearing nothing but his heavy breathing and having to stare into those eyes, eyes that leer and suggest more that he puts on, you now finally understood that he had different plans in mind.
“Alright, let’s talk then.”
Author sat back up and smirked, leaving a moment of silence in between you and him.
The air felt too crowded, pressure came from nowhere; when you breathed it brought you to those times where an old TV was left on for too long, or a computer. That almost artificial smell of burning dust. 
You gave out a shuddering gasp, feeling Author harshly yank your hair to expose your neck to him. The only thing you could do before his next move was shiver in anticipation, but that was cut short when he pressed his tongue flat on your jugular and was practically purring straight into your ear.
Pain and needle like tingling throbbed on your scalp, it was almost drained out by the sudden warmth you felt through you. 
You know what he was doing, he knew what he was doing.
His chest rumbled as he laughed. “If you say any of the wrong things, then i’m afraid this whole situation will go south,” he jeered, being amused by your terrified state.
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@gay-macaroni-wanna-fite @heartshapedknife @wormdomination
what is up with the ray-ban post
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ask-the-dif-host · 6 years
I know it won’t make you mad at dark. i just wanna test your limits. I’m here to annoy the world. One person at a time *she laughed and ran off* Come get me blindy! *she ran through markiplier manor. Not knowing where she was going even the slightest*
The Host frowned. “That’s not very nice. The Host doesn’t appreciate that… and he’s not going to chase you. He has plenty of extra blindfolds,” he hisses. Although he follows her through some of the manor, he is mostly heading towards where he knows Dr. Iplier is.
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ask-the-dif-host · 6 years
*she stuffed the rag in her pocket* Doesn’t it make you mad, Host? You want your blindfold back. Come get it no-eyes.
The Host would glare at her if he wasn’t still covering his eyes with his hands. “This is no way to get the Host mad at Dark! This will only get him mad at you, and he doesn’t want to do that! You don’t have to do this!”
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ask-the-dif-host · 6 years
The Host looks taken aback. “Why, my dear Listener, do not shout so much! Dark is… misguided, surely…. Misguided and powerful, which is a horrible combination that generally leads to corruptness as it did with the Author. The Host doesn’t think you have to hurt Him.”
“In fact, the Host doubts you’d even get a chance. He really is powerful, and the Host doesn’t want you hurting yourself trying to ‘bring him justice’.”
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ask-the-dif-host · 6 years
Who the hell cares if he’s listening?! How do you NOT get mad?! He treats you like shit dude!! It just isn’t fair! I’m that kind of ‘social justice’ or just ‘justice’ kind of person who when they see something wrong they won’t ignore it. It’s in my blood. I want justice. Justice for you.
The Host clears his throat. “I-! The Host cares because Dark is his boss, and angering one’s boss is never a good idea, especially when they could hurt you as well as those you care about on a whim. The Host does mad, believe him, but he would argue that Dark does not treat him ‘like shit’. The Host knows it is hard for you to accept this as the Host has… but sometimes it must be done.”
“The Host cannot change anything about his situation, and quite frankly you cannot either.” The Host falls quiet. “Wilford and Dr. Iplier are there for the Host. Sometimes Google is helpful. The Host is not alone and abused. You do not need to… worry so much.”
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ask-the-dif-host · 6 years
And there you go again, you saying he doesn’t do it all the time, only ‘sometimes’ or ‘not to much’ and it’s worrying. He shouldn’t be doing it at all. Wilford kills people without thought and Dark still treats him with more respect! He’s taking advantage of your disability! Your blind. And he’s using it against you. You can’t let him step on you. It only makes his ego bigger. *she ripped off his blindfold. Backing away* “You need to learn to have RESPECT for yourself! Defend yourself!”
The Host tries to argue, but she speaks over him. He looks down a little, though he’s not sure if it’s out of shame or frustration. “He’s not using my blindness against the Host! He… does use the Host though. The Host’s abilities to see the future are quite valuable to someone like Dark…. And besides, Wilford is different! He doesn’t kill people on purpose. Everything the Author did was purposeful and malicious. And Wilford… is more powerful than the Host. Dark doesn’t control him as much because not only is Wilford a little too powerful, there would be no point!”
Before the Host can speak anymore, she rips his blindfold off. The Host yelps in panic, immediately covering the bloody holes in his head with his hands. “You can’t do that! Th-the Host needs that, otherwise everyone will be afraid of him! And they could get infected, please! The Host understands your concern, but he’s not going to be able to do anything without that!”
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ask-the-dif-host · 6 years
No! No one deserves to be treated like this for the rest of their life!!
“You do not understand what the Author has done, dear. The Host does not even remember most of it, but what he does remember makes him shudder, you hear?” The Host sits down, fidgeting with his thumbs. “You should not argue this point so strongly. What does it matter to you? The Host is fine most days anyway, it’s not like Dark is a constant threat.”
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conceitedink · 6 years
In context: oh REALLY????
Struggling For Words Chapter 3. You get to learn a lot about Author, his lifestyle, and as to why you are still in his home after a month. Chapter 3 in a 7 chapter story. No spoilers though, I really like this chapter.@gay-macaroni-wanna-fite
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