#gce certificate
pwlanier · 5 months
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'As a nurse you could help the recovery of the mentally ill', nursing recruitment poster by Central Office of Information, England, 1950-1966
This poster was part of a drive to recruit mental health nurses and advertises jobs for those aged 18-45. It indicates that GCE ‘O’ levels (General Certificate of Education, now GCSEs) were not required. The poster states: ‘You could help the recovery of the mentally ill’, as was issued by Oakwood Hospital, in Maidstone, Kent. The image appears to be a clear attempt to promote mental health patients as ‘everyday’ people, with a well dressed patient being escorted by a young female nurse. The emphasis on recovery from mental illness highlights an attitude shift. Mental illness was no longer a lifelong affliction, but something one could recover from.
Oakwood Hospital was founded in 1833 as the Kent County Lunatic Asylum. It housed over 2,000 patients by 1948 (briefly before this poster was issued). Like many original 19th century asylums, Oakwood Hospital was closed in the 1990s.
Science Museum
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prapasara · 3 months
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 ระบบการศึกษาในประเทศสหราชอาณาจักร UK
สถานศึกษาทุกระดับในสหราชอาณาจักร จะเปิดภาคการศึกษา ในช่วงเดือนกันยายน จนถึงต้นเดือนตุลาคมของปีที่หนึ่ง และสิ้นสุดภาคการศึกษาประมาณปลายเดือนมิถุนายนจนถึงต้นเดือนกรกฎาคมของปีถัดไป โดยแบ่งภาคการศึกษาออกเป็น
ภาคต้น (Autumn Term) ตั้งแต่ประมาณปลายเดือนกันยายน จนถึงเดือนธันวาคม
ภาคกลาง (Spring Term) ตั้งแต่ประมาณกลางเดือนมกราคม ไปจนถึงปลายเดือนมีนาคม
ภาคปลาย (Summer Term) ตั้งแต่ประมาณปลายเดือนเมษายน ไปจนถึงต้นเดือนกรกฎาคม
ระบบการศึกษาของสหราชอาณาจักรแบ่งเป็น ระดับประถมศึกษา ระดับมัธยมศึกษา อาชีวศึกษา และอุดมศึกษา
การศึกษาภาคบังคับของสหราชอาณาจักร เริ่มตั้งแต่อายุ 5 ปี ไปจนถึง 16 ปี โรงเรียนมีทั้งประเภท โรงเรียนรัฐบาล (State School) และ โรงเรียนเอกชน (Public หรือ Independent School) โดยในช่วงเด็กมีอายุ 3 – 4 ปี จะเข้าเรียนในระดับอนุบาล หรือโรงเรียนระดับ Nursery ซึ่งมีทั้งโรงเรียนรัฐบาลและเอกชน
1. ระดับประถมศึกษา (Preparatory School หรือ Prep School)
ตั้งแต่อายุ 5-13 ปี ใช้เวลาศึกษา 8 ปี
Pre-Prep School (เตรียมประถมศึกษา) ระยะเวลาศึกษา 2 ปี เรียกว่า Year 1 – Year 2 รับนักเรียนอายุ 5 – 7 ปี
Prep School (ประถมศึกษา) ระยะเวลาศึกษา 6 ปี เรียกว่า Year 3 – Year 8 ในบางโรงเรียนเรียก Year 7, Year 8 เป็น Form 1, Form 2
การศึกษาในระดับนี้ เน้นให้เด็กมีความสามารถในการปรับตัว และพัฒนาความคิดตามวัย กับสอนให้เด็กมีทักษะทางการเขียนและตัวเลข และเพื่อการเตรียมตัวสอบ Common Entrance Examination (CEE) เพื่อศึกษาต่อระดับมัธยมศึกษาต่อไป
2. ระดับมัธยมศึกษา (Secondary School + Sixth Form College / College of Further Education)
นักเรียนอายุ 13 ปีขึ้นไป และเรียน ได้จนถึงอายุ 18 – 19 ปี รวมระยะเวลาศึกษา 5 ปี เรียกว่า Year 9 – Year 13 (หรือ Form 3 – Form 6 (Year 12 – 13) สำหรับโรงเรียนที่เรียกระดับชั้นเป็น Form)
การขึ้นชั้นเรียนทั้งในระดับประถมศึกษาและมัธยมศึกษา เป็นการขึ้นชั้นเรียนต่อไปได้ โดยอัตโนมัติ ไปจนถึงอายุ 16 ปี ทางกระทรวงศึกษาธิการและวิทยาศาสตร์ของอังกฤษ จะกำหนดให้มีการทดสอบความรู้ความสามารถของเด็ก โดยคณะกรรมการอิสระ ซึ่งผลการทดสอบดังกล่าว จะถูกนำไปใช้พิจารณาเรื่องการสมัครเข้าศึกษาต่อในระดับอุดมศึกษาต่อไป
การสอบนี้มี 2 ระดับ โดยจะสอบประมาณเดือนมิถุนายน ถึงเดือนกรกฎาคม ของทุกปี คือ
GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) การสอบระดับนี้ จะสอบเมื่อเด็กมีอายุประมาณ 16 ปี ขึ้นไป นักเรียนเลือกสอบประมาณ 6-10 วิชา เช่น วิทยาศาสตร์ ภาษาอังกฤษ คณิตศาสตร์ สังคมศึกษา ภาษาต่างประเทศ ศิลป ฯลฯ และผลการสอบจะแบ่งเป็น 7 ระดับ คือ Grade A, B, C, D, E, F, G ผู้ที่สอบได้ Grade C ขึ้นไปจึงจะถือว่าสอบผ่าน นักเรียนที่สอบ GCSE ได้แล้ว (อย่างน้อย 5 วิชา) หากจะศึกษาต่อในระดับอุดมศึกษาจะต้องศึกษาต่ออีกประมาณ 2 ปี ในระดับ A Level (Advanced Level)
A Level (Advanced Level) เป็นการสอบเพื่อวัดความรู้ความสามารถทางวิชาการของเด็กที่มีอายุตั้งแต่ 18 ปี ขึ้นไป มีวิชาให้เลือกกว่า 50 วิชา ส่วนใหญ่นักศึกษาในระดับ A Level จะลงเรียนเพียง 2-4 วิชา เพื่อที่จะได้ศึกษาแต่ละวิชาอย่างลึกซึ้งวิชาที่นักศึกษาเลือกเรียนมักจะเกี่ยวข้องกับหลักสูตรหรือสาขาที่ต้องการศึกษาต่อ ในระดับปริญญาตรี ผลการสอบ A Level มี 5 ระดับ คือ A, B, C, D, E แต่ Grade ที่ได้ทั้ง 5 ถือว่าสอบผ่านทั้งหมด มหาวิทยาลัยส่วนใหญ่พิจารณารับผู้มีผลการสอบในระดับ C ขึ้นไป บางแห่งอาจรับเฉพาะผู้ที่ได้คะแนนระดับ A และ B
คุณสมบัติขั้นต่ำของการศึกษาต่อในระดับอุดมศึกษา ส่วนใหญ่จะพิจารณาจากผลการสอบทั้ง 2 ระดับ ดังนี้
วิชา GCSE 3 วิชา และ GCE “A” Level 2 วิชา  หรือ
วิชา GCSE 1 วิชา และ GCE “A” Level 3 วิชา
หลังจากจบการศึกษาภาคบังคับเมื่ออายุ 16 ปี นักเรียนสามารถเลือกที่จะไม่ศึกษาต่อ หรือจะศึกษาต่อในระดับสูงขึ้นไปได้
3. ระดับอาชีวศึกษา (Vocational School)
เป็นการ ศึกษาที่จัดขึ้นเพื่อให้นักเรียนที่มีอายุ 16 ปีขึ้นไป ซึ่งไม่ประสงค์จะศึกษาต่อระดับอุดมศึกษา หรือผู้ที่ไม่มีคุณวุฒิ GCSE แต่ประสงค์จะมีคุณวุฒิทางวิชาชีพต่างๆ เพื่อใช้ในการประกอบอาชีพ
เดิมหลักสูตรอาชีวศึกษาของอังกฤษ มี 3 ระดับ คือ First Diploma, National Diploma และ HND (Higher National Diploma) แต่ปัจจุบัน คุณวุฒิวิชาชีพ มี 2 ประเภท คือ
GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualification) เป็นการศึกษากึ่งสายอาชีพ คือ เรียนทั้งภาคทฤษฎีและปฏิบัติ มี 4 ระดับ ดังนี้
GNVQ Foundation (ระดับพื้นฐาน) หลักสูตร 1 ปี รับจากผู้ที่อายุ 16 ปี ไม่ต้องมีคุณวุฒิใดๆ
GNVQ Intermediate หลักสูตร 2 ปี ต่อจาก GNVQ Foundation
GNVQ Advanced หลักสูตร 2 ปี เทียบเท่า A-Level ผู้ที่สำเร็จหลักสูตรนี้สามารถสมัครเข้าศึกษาต่อในระดับอุดมศึกษาได้
GNVQ 4 หลักสูตร 2 ปี เทียบเท่าหลักสูตรปีที่ 1 ของระดับ ปริญญาตรี จึงสามารถเข้าศึกษาต่อปริญญาตรีของมหาวิทยาลัยได้ โดยใช้เวลาอีก 2 ปี
NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) เป็นวุฒิการศึกษาสายอาชีพและการฝึกปฏิบัติวิชาชีพเฉพาะ โดยผู้ว่าจ้างสหภาพแรงงงานและผู้เชี่ยวชาญในสาขาอาชีพนั้นๆ เป็นผู้กำหนดมาตรฐานการศึกษา การศึกษาในระดับนี้แบ่งเป็น 5 ระดับ คือ NVQ1, NVQ2, NVQ3, NVQ4, NVQ5 แต่ละระดับจะยึดตามความสามารถเป็นหลัก ไม่มีการกำหนดระยะเวลาตายตัวในการเรียน
4. ระดับอุดมศึกษา (Higher Education)
การศึกษาในระดับมหาวิทยาลัย ซึ่งส่วนใหญ่เป็นมหาวิทยาลัยในการสนับสนุนของรัฐ การศึกษาระดับอุดมศึกษา แบ่งเป็น
หลักสูตรปริญญาตรี (First Degree)
ในอังกฤษ เวลส์ และไอร์แลนด์เหนือ
หลักสูตรทั่วไป 3 ปี ผู้สำเร็จการศึกษา จะได้รับปริญญา BA (ศิลปศาสตรบัณฑิต) BBA (บริหารธุรกิจบัณฑิต) BEd (ศึกษาศาสตร์บัณฑิต) BSc (วิทยาศาสตร์บัณฑิต) LLB (นิติศาสตร์บัณฑิต) เป็นต้น
หลักสูตรบางสาขาใช้เวลาศึกษามากกว่า 3 ปี เช่น วิศวกรรมศาสตร์ (4 ปี) สถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์ (5ปี) ทันตแพทย์ศาสตร์ (5ปี) สัตวแพทย์ศาสตร์ (5ปี) แพทย์ศาสตร์ (6ปี)
ในสก๊อตแลนด์ มี 2 หลักสูตร คือ Ordinary Degree (3ปี) และ Honours Degree (4ปี) โดยเรียนเพิ่มจาก Ordinary degree อีก 1 ปี
นอกจากนี้ มหาวิทยาลัยหลายแห่งยังเปิดหลักสูตรการศึกษาที่หลากหลายออกไปอีก ดังนี้
Joint Honours Degree เป็นการเรียนร่วมตั้งแต่ 2 สาขาวิชาขึ้นไป อาจเป็นสาขาวิชาที่ใกล้เคียงกัน เช่น เศรษฐศาสตร์และคณิตศาสตร์ หรืออาจเป็นสาขาที่ไม่ใกล้เคียงกันแต่ยังเกี่ยวข้องกันในทางหนึ่งทางใด เช่น คอมพิวเตอร์กับจิตวิทยา ทั้งนี้ กำหนดน้ำหนักการเรียนในแต่ละสาขาวิชา เท่ากัน
Combined Degree คือ ปริญญาร่วม โดยการเรียนแต่ละสาขาวิชา ไม่จำเป็นต้องมีน้ำหนักการเรียนเท่ากัน
Sandwich Courses เป็นการเรียนโดยรวมเวลาฝึกงานกับเวลาเรียนเข้าด้วยกัน เช่น การฝึกงานด้านอุตสาหกรรม การค้า การบริหารธุรกิจ หรืออาชีพอื่นๆ จึงต้องใช้ระยะเวลาศึกษานานกว่าปกติ (3 ปี) เป็น 4 ปี การฝึกงานอาจเป็นช่วงเดียว คือ เป็นเวลา 1 ปี หรือ 2 ช่วงๆ ละ 6 เดือน หากเป็น 2 ช่วง เรียกว่า หลักสูตร Thin-sandwich หลักสูตรทั้ง 2 ประเภทนี้ นักศึกษาต้องกลับมาเรียนที่ มหาวิทยาลัยในปีสุดท้า��ก่อนสำเร็จการศึกษา
สำหรับผู้ที่มีผลการเรียนระดับปริญญาตรีไม่ถึงเกณฑ์มาตรฐานการเข้าศึกษา ปริญญาโทของมหาวิทยาลัย หรือผู้ที่เปลี่ยนสาขาวิชาเรียน มหาวิทยาลัยส่วนใหญ่จะรับให้เข้าศึกษาหลักสูตร Post-Graduate
Certificate/Diploma ระยะเวลา 9 เดือน ถึง 1 ปีก่อน แล้วจึงรับเข้าเรียนต่อหลักสูตรปริญญาโท
หลักสูตรระดับสูงกว่าปริญญาตรี (Higher degree) มี 2 ประเภท
ประเภทหลักสูตรเข้าชั้นเรียน (Taught Course) ระยะเวลาศึกษา 1 ปี
นักศึกษาสามารถเลือกเรียนเฉพาะด้านได้ โดยอยู่ในความดูแลของอาจารย์ที่ปรึกษา หรือผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิในสาขาวิชานั้นๆ วิธีการเรียนการสอนแบ่งเป็น 2 ส่วนคือ ในครึ่งปีแรกของหลักสูตรเป็นการบรรยายในชั้นเรียน การสัมมนาการติวกลุ่มย่อย หรือการทำงาน ในห้องทดลอง หลังจากนั้นอีกครึ่งปีจะเป็นการทำงานศึกษาวิจัยชิ้นใหญ่หรือที่วิทยานิพนธ์ ปริญญาที่ได้รับ เป็นระดับปริญญาโท อาทิ MSc., MA, MBA
ประเภทหลักสูตรการค้นคว้าวิจัย (Research Course) ใช้เวลาศึกษา 3 ปี โดยการทำวิจัยและเขียนวิทยานิพนธ์ ในปีแรกของปริญญาเอก เป็นการศึกษาวิจัยเพื่อให้มีความรู้ความสามารถเข้ามาตรฐานการเรียน
ปริญญาเอก เรียกว่าระดับ M.Phil เมื่อมีผลงานและความรู้ความสามารถตาม มาตรฐานจึงปรับให้เข้าศึกษาในระดับปริญญาเอก Ph.D ปีที่ 2 (ไม่ใช่ Ph.D ปี 1) ซึ่งผลงานไม่ถึง มาตรฐานปริญญาเอกจะไม่ได้ผ่านศึกษาต่อจนสำเร็จหลักสูตร Ph.D. แต่จะได้รับวุฒิ M.Phil ซึ่งอาจเทียบเท่าเพียงระดับปริญญาโท แต่ผู้ที่ได้เรียนครบจนสำเร็จหลักสูตร Ph.D ก็จะได้รับวุฒิ Ph.D แต่ไม่ได้วุฒิ M.Phil เพียงอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่ง
New Route to Ph.D เป็นอีกทางเลือกของการศึกษาใ���ระดับปริญญาเอก ในประเทศอังกฤษ ใช้เวลาเรียน 4 ปี โดย 30-40% ของหลักสูตรจะเป็นการเรียนแบบ Taught Course และอีก 60-70% จะเป็นการวิจัย
Education is important in England, as it is Wales and Scotland too.
British children are required by law to have an education until they are 16 years old.
Education is compulsory, but school is not,children are not required to attend school. They could be educated at home.
1996 Education Act of the UK
Section 7 of the 1996 Education Act states:
"The parent of every child of compulsory school age shall cause him to receive efficient full-time education suitable-
(a) to his age, ability and aptitude, and
(b) to any special educational needs he may have,
either by regular attendance at school or otherwise."
Education is free for all children from 5 to 16.
Full-time education is compulsory for all children aged between 5 and 16 (inclusive) across England. This can be provided by state schools, independent schools, or homeschooling.
About 94 per cent of pupils in England, and the rest of the UK, receive free education from public funds, while 6 per cent attend independent fee paying schools or homeschooling.
(Homeschooling numbers uncertain - BBC report)
All government-run schools, state schools, follow the same National Curriculum.
The School Year
The school year runs from September to July and is 39 weeks long.
For many areas the year is divided into six terms:
September to October
October to December
January to February
February to March
April to May
June to July
(Some counties in England still follow the traditional three terms a year.)
The dates for school terms and holidays are decided by the local authority or the governing body of a school, or by the school itself for independent schools.
School holidays
The main school holidays are:
Christmas- 2 weeks
Spring - 2 weeks
Summer - 6 weeks
There are also one week holidays:
end of October
mid February
end of May
When do kids start school?
Children normally start primary school at the age of four or five, but many schools now have a reception year for four year olds.
Children normally leave at the age of 11, moving on to secondary school (High school).
Please note aslo:
Every three and four year old in England is entitled to 12.5 hours of free early learning per week, in nurseries, playgroups, pre-schools or at their childminders for 38 weeks of the year.
When do kids leave school?
British children are required to attend school until they are 16 years old. In England, compulsory schooling currently ends on the last Friday in June during the academic year in which a pupil attains the age of 16. Current government proposals are to raise the age until which students must continue to receive some form of education or training to 18. This is expected to be phased in by 2015.
At the age of 16, students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland take an examination called the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). Study of GSCE subjects begins at the start of Year 10 (age 14-15), and final examinations are then taken at the end of Year 11 (age 15-16).
In state schools English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education and Physical Education are studied during Key Stage 4 (the GCSE years of school); in England, some form of ICT and citizenship must be studied and, in Wales, Welsh must be studied. Other subjects, chosen by the individual pupil, are also studied.
In Scotland, the equivalent of the GCSE is the Standard Grade.
After completing the GCSE, some students leave school, others go onto technical college, whilst others continue at high school for two more years and take a further set of standardized exams, known as A levels, in three or four subjects. These exams determine whether a student is eligible for university.
Education stages:
Nursery Schools
3-4 years old
Primary Schools
5-11 years old
Foundation Stage - Nursery, Reception, (Infants) Key Stage 1 - Years 1 and 2 (Infants)
Key Stage 2 -Years 3 - 6 (Juniors)
Secondary Schools
12-18 years old
Years 7-13 (Key Stage 3, 4 & 5)
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fluralbannach · 4 months
Art Course and Artist Research
All art courses are different, and various opportunities and knowledge are available. However, in this blog post, I’ll discuss the courses I am interested in. Most of these courses will be at Gray’s School of Art in Aberdeen, Scotland. 
Gray's School Of Art provides a student-centred curriculum in fine art and design to empower the next generation of creative graduates. The curriculum encourages collaboration, exhibitions, international field study trips, and entrepreneurial skills. Graduates often set up businesses or pursue further studies, fostering a supportive environment for innovative thinkers to express their uniqueness and make positive changes.
Course 1 - Foundation in Art and Design (BA (Hons))
The foundation curriculum offers a comprehensive first-year experience that explores subject areas through creative activities and opportunities. It encourages exploration, collaboration, and experimentation with ideas. The curriculum applies newfound knowledge to real-world situations, developing a deeper understanding of creativity, critical thinking, and sustainability. It helps students identify their motivations and interests, providing guidance on the most appropriate creative direction and subject areas for the second year.
This full-time, studio-based year will develop your creative and critical practice and challenge your understanding of the Art and design disciplines. These experiences will expand on your contextual and practical knowledge, introduce you to the Creative Industries, and inform your course options for Year 2.
This course offers a wide range of experience and specialisms, providing numerous employment opportunities. Through the "Creative Futures" module, students can identify and exploit their niche within the Creative and cultural industries while focusing on the relevant creative landscape after the first year.
The entry requirements for the Foundation course include one of the following: an SQA Higher, BCC in Art & Design, a GCE A Level in CC in Art & Design, a H3H3H4 Irish Leaving Certificate Higher in Art, and an IB Diploma in 24. All applicants with the required qualifications will be invited to attend a portfolio review/interview and participate in a selection process. Successful applicants will be offered a place after viewing their digital portfolios. If more information is needed, an interview will be scheduled. Applicants will also be invited to an Applicants Event to meet staff and students, experience the teaching environment, and ask questions. International students must meet direct entry requirements to gain additional points through Robert Gordon University's International College. English language requirements include an IELTS of 6.0 with no lower than 5.5 component.
Course 2 - Fine Art - Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Moving Image (BA (Hons))
The Fine Art course prepares students for their future careers as artists by enhancing their critical aptitude, creative skills, and professional understanding. The curriculum covers various disciplines like drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, and moving images, utilising both analogue and digital methodologies. The course includes studio-based projects, public exhibitions, work experience, and international study options, culminating in an annual Degree Show.
In Year 2, students expand their understanding of theoretical principles through creative interaction and learning from tutors, technical experts, peers, and themselves. They develop critical writing and professional skills, deepening their awareness of the Creative Industries. In Year 3, students develop creative play, risk-taking, and critical thinking by exploring their chosen themes and workshop interests. They gain personal insight into professional ambitions through work experiences, placements, or international study. In Year 4, students have an extended period of supported independence to produce a fully realised body of work, answering critical questions and showcasing their talents.
Gray's School of Art’s curriculum allows students to customise their learning experience through optional study pathways. These include an intensive studio-based study, which focuses on developing a deeper understanding of their studio practice, and a combined work experience and studio pathway, which broadens students' awareness of the professional working environment. Students can also undertake a semester-long international study with partner institutions across Europe, Canada, and the US. 
The entry requirements for Year 2 students include relevant GCE A Levels, HNC/HND or Diploma in Foundation Studies, GCE A Level BCC, or IB Diploma 27. Advanced entry applicants with the appropriate qualifications will be invited to an advanced portfolio review/interview and participate in a selection process. Widening access applicants have minimum SQA Higher CCC entry requirements, including Art / Design and English. Applicants who may not hold standard qualifications are encouraged to apply if they can provide other relevant creative work, qualifications, and life experiences. A portfolio review/interview is still required for this candidate category. Successful applicants should submit a digital portfolio through a Flickr account, and if more information is needed, an interview will be invited. 
Course 3 - Art Therapy - Provided by Alison - Provider website
Art therapy is a psychotherapy method that uses art as a form of communication between therapist and patient to treat various mental health conditions. This course explores the concepts and practices of art therapy, providing skills to work confidently with clients of all artistic abilities in multiple settings. It covers the history, principles, key figures in its evolution, and the critical types of art therapy, including individual and group therapy. The course also explores the value of art therapy in personal and professional lives. Creativity is a powerful tool for improving mental health and well-being; art therapy offers a way to tap into this side. The course discusses creative therapy, mindfulness practices, and techniques for using art therapy with clients. It also focuses on drawing and its application in treating children with physical and mental impairments. The course also covers common mental illnesses art therapists encounter, recording techniques, supervision, boundaries, and therapeutic limitations. This course is designed for anyone interested in learning about art therapy and working with clients with physical and mental impairments.
You can email the provider for further details about entry requirements and certificates.
This course is online and completely free!
In conclusion, the varied range of courses offered by Aberdeen's Gray's School of Art are intended to empower and inspire graduates who are creative. A comprehensive first-year experience is offered by the Foundation in Art and Design course, which promotes creativity, critical thinking, and practical knowledge. Through studio projects, exhibitions, and possibilities for overseas study, the Fine Art programme prepares students for professional employment by allowing them to specialise in a variety of areas. The course on art therapy also covers the therapeutic use of art to mental health issues, with a focus on creativity and mindfulness. Taken as a whole, these courses provide students with extensive chances to investigate, refine, and utilise their creative abilities in a variety of professional settings.
Here's a little about what artists did to get where they are in their careers!
Kara walker
Walker attended the Atlanta College of Art, where she focused on race-specific issues and a double standard often levelled at minority art students. She later attended the Rhode Island School of Design, where her work expanded to include sexual and racial themes based on portrayals of African Americans in art, literature, and historical narratives. An expert researcher, Walker began to draw on diverse sources, from portraits to pornographic novels, that have continued to shape her work. Other artists who addressed racial stereotypes were also important role models for the emerging artist. While in graduate school, Walker alighted on an old form that would become the basis for her most vital early work: cut paper silhouettes, widespread in Victorian middle-class portraiture and illustration. These silhouettes possessed a streamlined elegance that simplified the frenzy she was working on, making them the basis for her strongest early work.
Gone: A Historical Romance of a Civil War by Bettye Walker (1994) was a critical success, leading to representation with Wooster Gardens. She later received the MacArthur Foundation Achievement Award in 1998. However, Walker faced opposition due to her use of racial stereotypes. Betye Saar, famous for her iconic use of racial stereotypes in 20th-century art, questioned Walker's use of racist images and spearheaded a campaign questioning the art world's betrayal of African Americans. Walker's series of watercolours, Negress Notes, was criticised for its brutal and sexually graphic content, while others defended her for exposing the ridiculousness of these stereotypes. Despite these criticisms, Walker's work continues to be a significant influence in American art.
Obviously Kara Walker is an African-American artist, the process and opportunities are slightly different than in the UK where we have apprenticeships, college, university and foundation courses.
Anish Kapoor
Kapoor, a young artist, initially enjoyed finishing his mother's paintings but had no intention of becoming an artist. At 17, he and his brother travelled to Israel to live and work at a kibbutz, embracing communal living and utopian ideas. Initially, he planned to study engineering but realised he wasn't good at mathematics. After hitchhiking across Europe, he settled in London to attend Hornsey College of Art in 1973. His mentor, British-Romanian sculptor Paul Neagu, encouraged him to pursue Performance art, which influenced his sculpture approach.
Kapoor, a postgraduate artist, quit Chelsea School of Art after a year and returned to India. He realised his art was about ritual and doing, leading to a three-year period of creativity and the creation of his first major works, ritualistic pigment sculptures. Initially mistaken for a female artist, Kapoor gained recognition within the international art community despite the confusion surrounding his material.
Nicholas Logsdail, owner of Lisson Gallery in London, invited Kapoor to join the New British Sculptors group in the early 1980s. Kapoor, known for his use of traditional earthy materials and spiritual expression, represented Britain at the 1990 Venice Biennale and won the Turner Prize in 1991. The group included Julian Opie, Antony Gormley, Richard Deacon, Tony Cragg, and Rachel Whiteread, providing a network for Kapoor to exhibit and share ideas.
Kapoor is a good example of studying abroad, and the opportunities are different but only for some.
Judith Tucker
Judith Tucker is an artist and academic who explores the intersection of social history, personal memory, and geography through drawing, painting, and writing. She holds a B.A. in Fine Art from the Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford, an M.A. in Fine Art, and a PhD in Fine Art from the University of Leeds. She was invited to be an artist in Contemporary British Painting in 2013 and is currently vice-chair. Tucker writes academic essays and collaborates with radical landscape poet Harriet Tarlo. She has been a finalist in the Jackson’s Painting Prize, the Scenes of Everyday Life category prize, and shortlisted for the Westmorland Landscape Prize and New Light Prize. She has exhibited in various venues, including Arthouse1 and Collyer Bristow London, as well as in China. She also serves as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Design at the University of Leeds. However, Tucker died on 13 November 2023 in a tragic car accident, but her memory and work will live on in her students and artwork. 
In conclusion, Walker, Kapoor, and Tucker's varying career paths show the range of paths and difficulties artists encounter in various cultural situations. Despite backlash, Kara Walker's emphasis on racial themes and contentious usage of stereotypes have solidified her position in American art. The path taken by Anish Kapoor, who went from communal living in Israel to becoming a well-known sculptor, emphasises the value of cultural inquiry and mentoring. Despite her tragic passing, Judith Tucker's artistic and scholarly fusion of social history, firsthand recollections, and geographic location has left a lasting legacy. The varied experiences and possibilities that these artists had in their home nations shaped their individual contributions to the art world, as these artists' tales illustrate.
Foundation course - Foundation in Art and Design Course with BA (Hons) Degree | RGU University – Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Fine Arts course - Fine Art - Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Moving Image
Art Therapy course - Intro to Art Therapy & Provider Website 
Kara Walker - Why is Kara Walker so important? and Kara Walker Paintings, Bio and Ideas 
Anish Kapoor -  Anish Kapoor Art, Bio and Ideas and The Creative Life of Anish Kapoor
Judith Tucker - Judith Tucker and Judith Tucker - Contemporary British Painting 
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moorefo1 · 2 years
Some people may be surprised that I learned programming in high school (at President’s College in Guyana, a country in South America and member of the CARIbbean COMmunity). Computer Studies was one subject/course at the school. I had an expatriate teacher who was very knowledgeable. He taught us a lot. However, I found some of the classes to be boring. I actually fell asleep in some classes (partly because the classes were in the afternoon - after lunch). For the GCE examination, I completed a Pascal program to solve simultaneous equations. I chose that topic because I had recently learned to solve simultaneous equations in Math class. I worked really hard on that program. My teacher provided really good guidance. I remember the euphoria I experienced when I got the program to run/compile and work. I also recall the down feeling I experienced when a classmate asked what happens when a user enters an incorrect character/entry. I tried it and the program crashed. I then tried to make the program provide messages when that occurred.
My GCE O-Level certificate shows that I wrote the Computing Studies exam (and, of course, completed the required project). To see the certificate, click/select the statistics or economicsandIT tag.
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londonwit · 2 years
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           ❝ let's take a walk on the d a r k s i d e then. ❞
« jack mullarkey, 30, he/him, dc comics » ∙∙ loading case file for john constantine. known aliases, if any: the hellblazer. current location: new york, new york.  current occupation: occult detective. he is known to be quick-witted and selfish, so proceed with caution. their current alliance: civilian. penned by ree. ©
full name: john thomas constantine. nickname(s): johnny, conjob. name meaning: "god is gracious." age: thirty. date of birth: may 10, 1992. place of birth: liverpool, england. ethnicity: white. gender: cis man. pronouns: he/him/his. sexual orientation: bisexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. religion: unaffiliated. occupation: occult detective. education level: general certificate of education (gce). living arrangements: bounces from one place to another; was homeless for several months when he was 16 after being kicked out of his childhood home by his father. speaking voice and accent: british. spoken languages: english, latin, ancient greek, hebrew, sanskrit, ect.
faceclaim: jack mullarkey. hair color and style: blonde, clean cut. eye color: blue. height: 6'0". weight: 158 lbs. body and build: lanky, somewhat muscular. tattoos: several incantations of varying languages inscribed on his forearms, similar to the tattoos he has in the injustice comics. piercings: helix piercing in both ears, yet they've mostly closed up. clothing style: typically formal wear with a tie and trenchcoat. distinguishing characteristics: dimpled chin and piercing blue eyes. signature scent: silk cut cigarettes.
mental disorder(s): suffers from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as brief instances of psychosis following the incident in newcastle when he damned a young girl’s soul to hell by accident. physical disorder(s): lung and cardiovascular complications due to his chain smoking. allergies: cats. sleeping habits: often experiences insomnia and has difficulty falling asleep. he also just stays up until ungodly hours. eating habits: a lot of instant noodles and hot pockets. sociability: he’s rather sociable unless he’s going through a rough time. it’s others who’d prefer not to associate with him given his track record of dead friends and family members. addictions: nicotine. drug abuse: in his early twenties, he was on antidepressants and prescribed olanzapine by his doctors at ravenscar psychiatric institute, where he was a patient for two years. alcohol use: will go on a bender every once in a blue moon but usually sticks to a glass of whiskey (or several) each night.
label(s): the con artist, the devil’s advocate, the bibliophile, the karma houdini, the narcissist, the hellion, the addict, the deadpan snarker, the anti-hero. positive traits: charismatic, persuasive, humanistic, pragmatic, quick-witted. negative traits: cunning, selfish, arrogant, cynical, self-loathing. astrology: taurus. personality type: entp. moral alignment: chaotic neutral. hogwarts house: slytherin. element: fire. primary vice: pride. primary virtue: diligence. weather: rainstorm. color: orange/gold. music: the clash. movie: blade runner. book: the island of doctor moreau. sport: rugby. beverage: whiskey. food: bacon and eggs. animal: fox. season: autumn.
mother: mary anne constantine (died in childbirth). father: thomas constantine (deceased). significant other: n/a. best friend: chas chandler. exes: zatanna zatara, oliver (ex-boyfriend), nightmare nurse, several meaningless flings. sibling(s): cheryl masters, sister (murdered by her husband), unnamed twin brother (died in the womb). children: n/a. extended family: tony masters, brother-in-law (deceased), gemma masters, niece. pet(s): n/a.
short bio: after a botched exorcism in his adolescence led to an innocent girl named astra logue being damned to hell, john has been running from the demons of his past and drowning his sorrows in a bottle of liquor, all while leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake. a conman by trade and savvy occult detective on nights he’s not conjuring demons, john’s spent the last several years swindling the streets of london with his impressive wit and token charm.
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educationnigeria · 14 days
2024 WAEC GCE Exam Timetable is Out - 2nd Series
The WAEC GCE Examination Timetable for the 2024 second series of the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for private candidates has been officially released. If you are preparing for this important examination, it’s time to mark your calendar and get ready for the scheduled dates. Information Details 📅 Exam Dates 25th Oct – 13th Dec 2024 🏫 Exam Body WAEC 📝…
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gazettelk · 18 days
www doenets lk 2023(2024) GCE O/L Results
Result of 2023(2024) O/L exam will be available soon at  in http://www.doenets.lk website, which is official website of Department examination Sri Lanka. The department of examination has confirmed the release of O/L results at the end of next week Log in www.doenets.lk to check your results GCE OL Full Form General Certificate Of Education Ordinary Level Exam Date of Exam 6-15 May…
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chinesetutor · 2 months
Want to Excel with a Chinese Tutor?
Desire to Succeed with a Chinese Instructor? A committed Chinese tutor can customize classes to your learning style and objectives, whether you are looking to improve your conversational abilities or ace exams. Skilled tutors offer individualized instruction that builds on your strengths and targets your areas of need. A Chinese instructor guarantees systematic study that increases confidence and fluency, from mastering difficult grammar to perfecting pronunciation and broadening vocabulary. Whether you are an adult learner looking to improve career opportunities or a student getting ready for exams, hiring a Chinese tutor in Singapore can result in major language skill gains and cultural insights.
Why Opt for Singapore’s Higher Chinese Tuition Program? In order to support students in succeeding at this advanced stage of Chinese language study, Singapore offers higher Chinese tuition. Exam preparation and real-world request are the main areas of tutors, who concentrate on successful students’ reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.
 The Advantages of Hiring a Chinese Teacher
Personalized Learning: Tutors adapt courses to each student’s unique learning objectives and style in order to promote rapid learning and greater comprehension.
Exam Preparation: GCE O-Level Higher Chinese Examination and other Higher Chinese exams are prepared for by specialized tutoring, which focuses on exam methods, subject mastery, and scoring approaches.
Cultural Perspective: Chinese customs, literature, and social mores are all integrated into language training by tutors, who frequently incorporate cultural backgrounds into their instruction.
 Locating the Best Chinese Teacher in Singapore Think about things like credentials, method of instruction, and past performance when choosing a Chinese tutor. Seek out teachers with a track record of improving students’ performance who specialize in higher Chinese tuition. Kinds of Higher Education in China Offered
Individualized attention enables targeted learning, targeting particular areas of weakness and improving general competency in one-on-one tutoring.
Group Classes: Engaging classroom environments encourage peer learning and debate, making them perfect for honing speaking and arguing techniques.
Online Tuition: This simple option connects students with trained teachers no matter where they are, with flexible scheduling and accessibility.
 Benefits Not Just for Academics
 Career Advancement: Being proficient in Higher Chinese provides access to jobs in fields like business, government, and media that need bilingualism.
Personal Enrichment: Learning more advanced Mandarin helps people better understand local culture and integrate into Singaporean society.
 Selecting the Appropriate Higher Chinese Education Program
 Consider factors such as student evaluations, price, tutor certifications, and curriculum quality while evaluating tuition programs. Make sure the course fits mutually your desired learning environment and your academic objects.
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gaeilgeoirguides · 2 months
Entry Requirements for Hibernia College Primary Teaching Program
Introduction to Hibernia College
Hibernia College Entry Requirements
Minimum Leaving Certificate Requirements
University Application Requirements
Application Process
Contact Information
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Introduction to Hibernia College
Hibernia College Irish Oral is a well-known leader in teacher education in Ireland. They offer various educational courses, including Master's programs in Post-Primary and Primary Teaching, as well as courses for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). These programs are accredited by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and The Teaching Council, and are recognized by the Department of Education and Skills (DES).
Their Professional Master of Education in Primary Education (PME in Primary Education) is designed for those who want to make a difference in the lives of future generations. It combines online learning with in-person classes, making it accessible to students across Ireland.
Hibernia College Entry Requirements
Undergraduate Degree
To apply for the PME in Primary Education program, you need to have completed an undergraduate degree that's Level 8 or higher on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). Your degree should have at least 180 ECTS credits, regardless of your grade or the subject you studied.
Minimum Leaving Certificate Requirements
Applicants must meet the following minimum Leaving Certificate requirements as set by the Department of Education:
●     C2 in Higher Level (H4 equivalent)
●     C2 in Ordinary Level (O4 equivalent) or
●     E in Higher Level (H7 equivalent)
●     C2 in Ordinary Level (O4 equivalent) or
●     E in Higher Level (H7 equivalent)
What do I do if I do not have a H4/C2 In Leaving Certificate Irish?
If you do not have a H4/C2 in Higher Level Leaving Certificate Irish you have two options.
Repeat Leaving Certificate Irish
Pass the TEG B2 Full Exam
Should I do the TEG B2 or Repeat Leaving Certificate Irish?
As a teacher with experience in preparing students for both exams, my advice is to choose carefully based on your current level of spoken Irish.
If you're confident in your spoken Irish, perhaps you've taken refresher courses and use Irish regularly, then the TEG B2 exam would be suitable. It assesses your language skills in unpredictable situations, testing your ability to apply the grammar and vocabulary you know.
On the other hand, if you have not spoken Irish in quite some time, I recommend considering repeating the Leaving Certificate Irish exam. This exam focuses more on content and places you in a more predictable testing environment, making it easier to prepare for.
University Application Requirements
Once students have satisfied the State Level Requirements they must sit an English and Irish interview.
English Interview
The English interview is a key part of getting into the PME in Primary Education at Hibernia College. It tests your ability to communicate, think critically, and express ideas clearly. This interview usually involves a 20-minute general discussion on teaching-related topics.
Irish Interview
The Irish interview checks your proficiency in the Irish language, which is necessary for teaching in Ireland. It includes a general conversation and questions about teaching.
Alternative to the Irish Interview
Instead of the Irish interview, you can take the Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge (TEG) B1 Irish Oral exam. Scoring at least 65% on this exam can exempt you from the Irish interview requirement.
Alternative Entry Requirements
For those who do not meet the traditional Leaving Certificate requirements, Hibernia College accepts several alternative qualifications:
GCSE/GCE A Level Requirements
●     Minimum grade C in GCE A Level Gaeilge
●     Minimum grade C in both GCSE English and English Literature
●     Minimum grade B in GCSE English or English Literature
●     Minimum grade D in GCSE Additional Mathematics or minimum grade C at GCSE level in Mathematics
Alternatives for Gaeilge
●     Diploma in Arts (Applied Irish) from University College Cork
●     Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge (Leibhéal B2) from University of Galway
●     Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge Fheidhmeach from University College Dublin
●     Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge from Maynooth University
●     Diploma in Irish from the University of Ulster
●     Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge (TEG) Leibhéal B2 (Meánleibhéal 2) from Maynooth University
●     Minimum grade C in the NUI matriculation exam (pre-1992)
Alternatives for Mathematics
●     A pass grade in Mathematics in the Matriculation examination (up to 1992)
●     A merit grade (65–79%) or distinction grade (80–100%) in QQI Level 5 Mathematics course (5N 1833)
Please note that these are the only accepted entry requirements as per the Department of Education. Hibernia College cannot accept any alternative qualifications beyond those specified.
Contact Information
For further details or assistance with the application process, prospective students can contact Hibernia College through the following:
●     Website: Hibernia College
●     Email: [email protected]
●     Phone: (01) 661 0168 (press 2)
For more information on the PME in Primary Education program and to start your application, visit the Hibernia College PME Program Page.
By adhering to these entry requirements, Hibernia College ensures that all candidates are well-prepared to embark on a successful journey in primary education, equipped with the necessary academic background and practical skills.
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ahz-associates · 8 months
Education System in the UK!
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The United Kingdom (UK) is renowned for its prestigious universities, engaging teaching methods, high student satisfaction rates, and high educational standards.
UK institutions consistently score highly in international university league tables such as the Academic Ranking of World institutions, Times Higher Education Ranking, and QS World Rankings. Moreover, degrees earned in the nation are highly valued by corporations and regarded globally.
What structure does the UK educational system have?
Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and England are the four nations that have authority over the UK's educational system. In the UK, there are several educational systems, prerequisites for education, and regional laws and guidelines in each of these domains. The main differences between secondary and general education in the UK are the causes of the distinctive credit systems and certifications found in each area.
Important Phases
In the United Kingdom, there are five educational tiers: elementary, secondary, further education (FE), and higher education (HE). Every child must attend school from the age of five (or four in Northern Ireland) to sixteen.
FE consists of non-advanced courses that can be studied in colleges and HEIs for additional education, including higher education, and is not mandatory. Studying above the GCE A levels and their equivalents constitutes the fifth stage, or the higher education (HE) system in the UK, which is typically finished by full-time students in universities, other HEIs, and colleges.
All English three- and four-year-olds are entitled to 38 weeks of free nursery education starting in September 2010. In the UK, there are many different areas where early childhood education is offered. These include state-run nurseries, nursery classes, and reception classes in primary schools, in addition to locations outside of the state sector including childminders, nonprofit pre-schools, and for-profit nurseries.
In the UK, the number of early childhood educators and childcare providers has grown dramatically in recent years. The Education Act of 2002 added the Foundation Stage, which was first introduced in September 2000 and covered children's education from the age of three until the end of the reception year, when they are five years old, to the National Curriculum for England.
For the purpose of providing learning, development, and care for children in all registered early years settings from the time of birth until the academic year in which they turn five, the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a single regulatory and quality framework. The three phases of the EYFS came into force in September 2008. Each child's development and learning achievements are formally assessed using the EYFS Profile at the end of the academic year in the UK in which they turn five (EYFSP).
Among the UK education system's key phases are:
Primary education in the UK
Senior high school, grades 7 and 8
Years 10 and 11 of secondary education serve as preparation.
Year 12 and 13 as a preparation for university
Vocational courses as a means of continuing education
University: preparatory classes
Undergraduate studies at university
University: advanced coursework
Primary Education in the UK
The primary stage is divided into three age groups: infant (5 to 7 or 8), junior (up to 11 or 12), and nursery (for children under 5). (Key Stage 2). But in Scotland and Northern Ireland, the difference between infant and junior schools is usually not made.
The Foundation period combines the Early Years (ages 3 to 5) and Key Stage 1 (ages 5 to 7) of the National Curriculum into a single educational period for kids between the ages of three and seven, even if the types of schools in Wales are the same. Children in primary schools in England are usually enrolled from the age of four to eleven. Some elementary schools may have a connection to a daycare center or nursery for the benefit of the younger students.
Most public primary schools have mixed-gender classes with boys and girls enrolled. It is normal for pupils in Scotland and England to go straight from elementary to secondary school at the ages of twelve and eleven, respectively.
In England, nevertheless, a small percentage of kids decide to move through intermediate schools that cater to children between the ages of 8 and 14. Middle schools can be classified as primary or secondary, based on the number of students enrolled. All pupils should graduate from elementary school with a foundational understanding of reading and numeracy, as well as the skills necessary to pursue further studies in science, math, and other subjects.
Upper Secondary: Years 7 and 8
Years 7 and 8 are the first two years of secondary study in the United Kingdom. In some independent schools, they are in the senior school; in others, they are in the younger school. All students in the United Kingdom must take English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, and a Modern Language. A list of elective courses, such as those in art, music, theater, Latin, sports science, design technology, and computer science, is also provided by each school for students to choose from.
Seventh-graders in certain schools sit for the Common Entrance Exam. There are three exam dates available: January, May/June, and November. For such schools, the Common Entrance Exam results could have an impact on the junior-to-senior (year 8–9) transfer. Year 9 of secondary school
Year 9 is a critical year in the British school system since it marks the majority of students' transition from junior to senior high school. It also acts as a springboard for all other institutions and a strong foundation for the GCSE programme.
Languages, arithmetic, physics, and the humanities are studied by the students. In addition, students choose a few subjects from the offerings of each institution's elective list.
Tenth and eleventh years of secondary school
At the age of 14, students start preparing for the GCSE exams throughout their final two years of secondary school, or Years 10 and 11. (Higher Education General Certificate)
For the GCSE programme, students in the UK educational system take nine to twelve courses.
While some of them—like math, science, English, geography, history, and other subjects—are necessary, others are chosen by the individual student in accordance with their interests and skill set.
At the end of the two-year GCSE program, students receive their GCSE certificates after passing exams in every subject they have studied.
Getting Ready for University: Recess 12 and 13
A Level Research
In the UK, students can enroll in a two-year program that prepares them for the A (advanced) level exams after they turn sixteen. Most college students decide to concentrate on three or four subject areas that are essential to their future employment.
A-level results are recognized as evidence of preparedness for postsecondary education in the United Kingdom by all overseas schools and universities.
When students successfully complete all needed assessments at the end of their 13th year of school, they are granted A-level certificates.
The IB, or International Baccalaureate
Under the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, students who wish to study more than three or four subjects can do so at some private schools. Students enrolled in the IB program study six courses: three at the higher level (HL), which is more advanced, and three at the standard level (SL), which is more basic.
Every school offers HL and SL courses in a range of subject areas. The IB's Core Curriculum (CAS) requires the Theory of Knowledge (TOK), the Extended Essay (EE), and the Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) courses. Students take a written exam covering the information presented in each unit at the end of the course.
Popular UK Programs
The following are a few well-liked UK programs for overseas students:
Actuarial Science
Athletic Administration
Surgery and Medicine
Computer Science
Commercial Administration
Civil Engineering
Top Study Locations
More than any other nation save the United States, the United Kingdom boasts ten of the world's top 100 student cities.
Additionally, two new cities—Brighton and Aberdeen—have joined the ranking this year, and London, the country's capital, has risen to the top of the list for the first time. Six of the characteristics utilized to establish each city's ranking on our list of the greatest student cities were derived from data collected from our student survey. These are a few of the top UK locations for both living and studying:
Glasgow Coventry
The UK's Higher Education System
Specifically, the United Kingdom's higher education levels and quality are acknowledged and valued globally. The reputation of its educational system is greatly influenced by the success of its graduates in the workforce. Numerous internationally renowned academics and artists from a wide range of disciplines have come from British universities. Numerous of these universities and colleges rank among the top in the world.
It's no accident that London, the capital of the United Kingdom, is frequently considered to be the center of higher education worldwide. London boasts the biggest concentration of globally renowned UK universities, with four of them ranking in the top 10. The level of the British educational system that follows secondary school is referred to as "higher education."
In order to be admitted to universities in the United Kingdom, students must pass a standardized test at the conclusion of their secondary education. Colleges and universities are handled differently in the UK higher education system than they are in the US.
While the majority of Americans call any higher education institution simply a "college," in the UK the term is used differently. In this sense, a college is a further education establishment that only serves to prepare students for higher education, whereas a university is an accredited institution of higher learning from which graduates will receive degrees.
In summary
The UK's educational system is renowned across the globe for its quality. Within the British educational system, there are normally five main levels: pre-school, primary school, secondary school, vocational training, and university (HE).
In the United Kingdom, compulsory schooling is mandated for those under the age of sixteen. This requirement starts at age three.
The educational systems in England, Scotland, and Wales in the UK are distinct from one another, despite their many similarities. These differences are not significant enough to keep us from speaking of the UK's higher education system as a single system.
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mbbsstudyinrussia · 9 months
Samarkand Medical University Uzbekistan
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Samarkand State Medical University is one of the first medical institutes in the Central Asia. Additionally, This Institute was founded in the year 1930 and is in the city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan. Moreover, it is among the largest medical colleges for MBBS in Uzbekistan, which is approved by WHO and is worldwide known for high quality medical education. Consequently, this is the reason why every year lots of Indian students would take MBBS admissions in Samarkand State Medical University in Uzbekistan. Furthermore, here, you will find about the Samarkand State Medical University’s tuition fees, hostel charges, eligibility criteria, country ranking, world rank and how to get admission in the Samarkand State Medical University.
Why Samarkand Medical University Uzbekistan:
Samarkand State Medical Institute is recognized by WHO (world health organization).
Samarkand State Medical University is Approved by PMDC (Pakistan Medical and Dental Council).
Samarkand State Medical University is Approved by NMC India (Former MCI).
Graduates of Samarkand State Medical Institute are eligible to apply for ECFMG certifications, graduated students of SAAMI are working in USA, Germany, Middle east and Russia etc.
1000+ Foreign Students from Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Africa are studying in MD General Medicine in English Medium.
Samarkand State Medical University have modular system which is modern medical education system.
SAAMI is offering some kind of scholarships to the excellent students by the end of every year.
They have Furnished Hostels and Mess Facility for Pakistani, Indian students.
Syllabus of Samarkand State Medical institute is same as according to the international Medical education standard.
MBBS/BDS from Samarkand Medical University Uzbekistan Advantages:
Bullet Train from Tashkent to Samarkand.
Peaceful, Safe & Secure. No Law & Order problems. Safe for Girls.
Naturally Beautiful & favorable climate with clean & peaceful living conditions.
Oldest Medical Institute in Central Asia.
6 Faculties, 8 Areas of Undergraduate (UG) Studies & 54 Departments.
4 Lakh books in College Library, Also boasts of Electronic Library.
All Educational & Methodological material available through online portal
Samarkand State Medical University have 2 affiliated hospitals with 375 and 200 Beds.
First Hospital established 91 years ago in 1929 and even treated patients during World War-II.
More than 1 Million Patients treated up till now with over 2 Lakh Complex Surgeries conducted.
Hospital has over 200 modern medical devices imported from various countries across the globe.
Over 2 Lakh babies born in this hospital, Over 30 lakh patients have gone through Medical examinations on outpatient basis.
Eligibility Criteria:
Student have Minimum 50% Marks in HSSC/GCE A-Levels with Medical Subjects can apply in Samarkand State Medical Institute. Student will submit the above mentioned documents. University issues the admission letter in normally 7-10 working days. After admission confirmation letter students need to pay for the Visa Invitation letter which can take more time according to the policy of Uzbekistan Ministry of education.
Documents Required:
Student wants to get MBBS/MD admission in Samarkand State Medical University needs APPLY ONLINE.
Passport first page Scan
SSC/O Levels Document
HSSC or GCE A-Levels Document
Fresh photo with white back ground
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scie-pune · 9 months
Symbiosis Scholarships for International Students on the Global Stage
In the vibrant landscape of global education, Symbiosis International (Deemed University) stands as a beacon, attracting students from diverse backgrounds. This esteemed institution takes pride in its commitment to fostering academic excellence and supporting international students through scholarship programs for UG and PG students in India.
Global Recognition of Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Symbiosis International (Deemed University) has earned its stripes as a sought-after destination for international students thanks to its stellar reputation. With a focus on providing a comprehensive and globally relevant education, the University has forged strategic collaborations and achieved milestones that contribute to its esteemed global standing.
UG and PG Scholarships
Symbiosis believes in nurturing global talents, and this philosophy is reflected in its robust scholarship programs for UG and PG students in India. These scholarships aim to empower individuals, providing them with the means to excel in their desired fields of study. The diverse postgraduate programs offered by Symbiosis International (Deemed University) serve as a launching pad for global careers.
Industry Relevance of Symbiosis Graduates
Academic excellence at Symbiosis International (Deemed University) goes beyond conventional boundaries, preparing students for the dynamic challenges of the global workforce. Graduates, fueled by the support of scholarships, have scripted success stories in various industries worldwide. The emphasis on industry-relevant education positions Symbiosis graduates as contributors to global innovation and progress.
Application and Admission Process
The journey to becoming a part of Symbiosis International (Deemed University) is streamlined and accessible to international students. The online admission process ensures a seamless experience, and the University's commitment to global inclusivity is reflected in English Proficiency Test requirements such as IELTS and IELA examinations.
Industry-Centric Approach to Scholarships
Symbiosis International (Deemed University) takes pride in its industry-centric approach to scholarships. These programs are crafted to meet the demands of evolving industries, providing scholarship recipients with unique opportunities for skill development and networking. Collaborations with industries further enrich the academic experience, creating a symbiotic relationship between education and real-world application.
How will you apply for a Scholarship?
Click on your desired degree (Undergraduate or Postgraduate)
Attach all required documents, like passport-size photos, mark sheets, passport copies, etc.
Complete the online application after reading all the terms and conditions.
Make the payment of your application fee. 
Documents Needed for Scholarship
For undergraduate students, 10+2 (class XII) mark sheet or 'O' Levels & 'A' Levels grades (in case any student belongs to Cambridge Board / Edexcel GCE) 
Diploma Certificate (In case any student has done International Baccalaureate Diploma Program or High School Diploma Program) (this is for undergraduate students)
Bachelor Program mark sheet - semester-wise / year-wise (only for postgraduate students)
Proof of student's passing certificate (mandatory)
Student's Provisional Degree Certificate issued by the University or Degree certificate (Only for postgraduate students)
Student's Passport copy for identity proof
The student's Passport size photograph is needed
A Statement of Purpose should describe the student's personal qualities, assets and liabilities, etc, that will influence their education. There should also be a description of your most important professional/academic achievement to date, and lastly, the student's goals and objectives of studying at Symbiosis International (Deemed University) (SIU). How will the University benefit from having you as a student? (Word Limit 1,000)
A Celebration of Excellence
In conclusion, Symbiosis International (Deemed University) is not just an academic institution but a celebration of excellence and diversity. The holistic approach to scholarships for international students underscores its commitment to empowering minds and creating global citizens. Aspiring students are encouraged to explore myriad scholarship opportunities and consider Symbiosis as a gateway to a truly global education experience.
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