moorefo1 · 2 years
Some people may be surprised that I learned programming in high school (at President’s College in Guyana, a country in South America and member of the CARIbbean COMmunity). Computer Studies was one subject/course at the school. I had an expatriate teacher who was very knowledgeable. He taught us a lot. However, I found some of the classes to be boring. I actually fell asleep in some classes (partly because the classes were in the afternoon - after lunch). For the GCE examination, I completed a Pascal program to solve simultaneous equations. I chose that topic because I had recently learned to solve simultaneous equations in Math class. I worked really hard on that program. My teacher provided really good guidance. I remember the euphoria I experienced when I got the program to run/compile and work. I also recall the down feeling I experienced when a classmate asked what happens when a user enters an incorrect character/entry. I tried it and the program crashed. I then tried to make the program provide messages when that occurred.
My GCE O-Level certificate shows that I wrote the Computing Studies exam (and, of course, completed the required project). To see the certificate, click/select the statistics or economicsandIT tag.
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fahmeenaodetta · 2 months
Board Games
Response to today's Wordpress writing prompt: What's your favorite game (card, board, video, etc.)? Why?
I chose to focus on board games.
I learned to play lots of board games from about age 8. One of the first board games I learned was Checkers (called Draughts) from my father. My father loved the game and played it quite often. I learned by watching him closely and asking questions. My aunt introduced me to chess. I learned a whole lot more about chess much later and learned to play much better. I also played monopoly with family members. I love to play Monopoly and am usually ecstatic when I win. I learned to play chinese checkers on the computer. I love the game. It is probably my favorite game. When I play, I usually win. Some board games I learned to play at school. The Game of Life is an example. I learned to play the game at President's College. I find that some board games involve more strategy (or strategic thinking) than others. I prefer the games the require more strategic thinking. I don't mind that they may take a little longer to play.
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fahmeenaodetta · 6 months
PC Alumni Events
 I read notices of two upcoming events for President's College alumni in Facebook, which led me to believe there was a meeting of the PCAI officers recently. It seemed obvious to me that the management of the association sat and carefully planned the events, including marketing of the events. A Barbecue is planned for June and the annual brunch event planned for Labor Day. I enjoyed reading the 'Save the Date' notices which were informative, cheerful and fun. They are sure to motivate members to attend. I don't think I'll make the two events because I may not be in the United States. I never attended one of their events.
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fahmeenaodetta · 7 months
Fruit Salad for Breakfast
Good morning from Linden, Guyana! I went out for a brief time at around 6am this morning.
I would like a good fruit salad for my breakfast this morning. Did you know that fruit is a good option for breakfast? Years ago, I made a banana and apple fruit salad that would be really good right now.
That fruit salad is shown below (from my past food blog). It reminds me of a fruit salad I made in Home Economics class at President's College.
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(fruit salad - from my food blog, https://moorefo1wl.blogspot.com/2018/01/happy-new-year-folks-this-is-pic-of-my.html)
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fahmeenaodetta · 7 months
President's College
 I included a short description of President's College in my LinkedIn profile. The school offered subjects/courses that were not offered at other secondary schools at the time. Technical Drawing was one of those courses. Computer Studies was another.
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fahmeenaodetta · 7 months
Seeing or Viewpoint
Good morning from Linden, Guyana! I got up early today.
I am remembering one of my favorite posts that showed how your angle determines what you see. I used photographs of a house for sale in the post to highlight what someone would see from different positions - similar to the different angles/views in Technical Drawing. In one position (from the front - one of the front elevation), only two of the three garage doors could be seen. From the side, the house looked very long. Seeing is clearly important.
I believe that was one of my best posts in that project.
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fahmeenaodetta · 7 months
 I snapped the following photo during the blackout. The photo reminds me of 'still life' art and art class at President's College.
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fahmeenaodetta · 7 months
Personal Benefits of Plant Care
There are many interesting blogs out there in the blogosphere. I found an interesting blog that reported on the benefits of having houseplants (indoor plants). The homeowner learns patience, gets some practice on establishing a routine, and so on. Read the blog post here: https://www.houseofkojo.com/blogs/house-of-kojo/plant-care-is-self-care-seven-lessons-we-can-learn-from-our-houseplants.
When I was young (growing up in Linden, Guyana), I helped my mother to "take care" of the houseplants. It was one of my chores.
I do believe that "taking care" of a kitchen garden or outdoor plants teaches the same things, maybe to a higher degree. I recall that each student in my Agriculture Science class at President's College was required to prepare a planting bed, plant calaloo seedlings (or in my case peas), and water the plants so they would grow and mature. We all did a good job! My experience was fraught with problems.
I currently "take care" of a plant in my condo.
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fahmeenaodetta · 8 months
High School English
There were problems associated with my English training in high school. I had a few good teachers. There were issues with the book selected for first year and the projects/assignments we received during English classes. We received no instruction for a period of time. In the first year, my English teacher was Ms. Luncheon. She was a good teacher. I recall that I found the book selected for the first year very boring. I fell asleep when reading the book (I think that was because I was adjusting to life at the school and also because I was very young). During second and third years, we did not have an English teacher. In fifth form, we were assigned Franklin Langhorne. He was good too. I recall that in the early years, the classrooms for teaching languages were next to each other - the classroom for Spanish, followed by the classroom for French, then the classroom for English. I enjoyed learning how to converse in Spanish and French, enjoyed learning songs in Spanish and French classes, and so on. English classes were not as interesting.
During the early years, English was not one of my favorite classes. I liked and looked forward to other classes, such as music. I did not enroll in English Literature (higher-level English) classes because I (my parents) did not select that option.
I recall that some classmates attended private lessons to prepare for the GCE & CXC examinations. I did not attend/have extra, external training (in any area/subject). I studied harder and longer than usual.
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fahmeenaodetta · 8 months
New Day
Good morning from Linden, Guyana!
Today I am thinking of history. I wrote Caribbean History at CXC (in high school). I enjoyed learning a little French history in French class and some art and Greek history in art class. I remember learning of the French Revolution and the guillotine.
INTERESTING TIDBIT: I am considered a native English speaker because Guyana's official language is English (this is related to the country's history - it used to be called British Guiana). The "everyday language" in Guyana is Creolese, a broken form of English that is like a slang. In my case, I also attended a primary school that educated children of expatriates (associated with the bauxite company in Linden).
Because I grew up in Guyana, I easily communicate with the average Guyanese citizen. I understand Guyanese people from different areas such as the East Bank and East Coast.
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fahmeenaodetta · 8 months
My Jamoon Poem - DRAFT
I first learned of jamoon at President's College (High School) Some of my fellow classmates picked the fruit from trees during the pastorial parent time - the time slot for building relationships with and receiving guidance from their pastoral parent I don't remember a lot about how I got the jamoon I was not in the group that went fruit-picking I believe the students shared some of their jamoon with me I enjoyed eating the fruit
Jamoon looks like a grape The fruit's purple juice makes me think of grape also Jamoon also reminds me of plums Thankfully the fruit has a unique name
The name jamoon suggests an association with the moon The ja is interesting I paid attention to things people say and do when I was young I recall that a certain group of people used ja a lot
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fahmeenaodetta · 8 months
Lard is used for baking. I remember that my grandmother used lard. I believe the lard came in a big 5-gallon bucket.
A 5-gallon bucket at President's College (provided by my family) meant that I could collect "extra" water for daily activities. I wanted a bucket that was larger than the standard bucket sold in stores.
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fahmeenaodetta · 8 months
Economics of IT
As I mentioned in a previous post, there is a lot of economics in my papers. There are numerous intersections between economics and IT in my papers (and ideas on the economics of IT).
I have a strong economics/business background. I was in the business stream in high school. I did economics at the O- and A-levels. Did you see my O- and A- level certificates? Search for 'certificate' in this blog to view. The grades are not shown.
I think my economics background gives me a competitive advantage (something different) in the IT world. I have technical knowledge as well as business knowledge.
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fahmeenaodetta · 10 months
Prescription for living
I remember this poem from high school. It highlights some of the issues with people and prescribes how to behave (what to say, the need for silence etc.).
Max Ehrmann
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
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fahmeenaodetta · 10 months
Fruit at a time in my life
My previous post made me think of fruit-picking at President's College.  Students picked jamoon and maybe mangoes (I don't remember much about this). I do recall that some students picked fruit during the time slot for meeting with pastoral parents. I recall doing other things during the pastoral time slot - in retrospect, they were beneficial; I recall a very different and enjoyable session.
I recall making a fruit salad during home economics class. I believe it was related to desserts. I wonder why the kitchen staff (the dining room) did not serve fruit.
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fahmeenaodetta · 1 year
#Georgetown Memory
Over 30 years ago, my father bought a guitar for my birthday in Georgetown, Guyana. I don’t recall the location of the music store we visited (the street the store was on), but I recall selecting a guitar from about 5 or 6 options. I opted for a yellow guitar. This is a good memory.
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