#gdi ace use ur words
basicallyidontcare · 4 years
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ok, listen, hear me out, @simprovise jst lost its gd caleb, again. if u write for, or wanna write for, caleb vatore, for the love of fuck, msg somebody over there. me? @spiira ? jst show up on the site and be like yo? idk. idc. i play morgyn there, yes the goth red-haired one, morgyn also has a twin ezio (hes goth and hot af and way calmer and nicer and look hes great, dying, but great and if caleb gets a thing for him ykw thats fair cause if morgyn wasnt his twin, he’d have a thing for him too. ... ok he kinda does but its a different sorta th-im-you get it). i realize now i ramble a lot. idk. i have a lot to say and never anywhere to say it? huh.
anyway, we take newbies. pls have discord bc we use it a lot. do w.e u want with him nobody’ll judge u. join the simprovise goth army. dont. let’s do cagyn. let’s do calio. let’s do... whatever happens. i’d ask my boyfriend but he doesn’t write so good. mostly bc he’s got schizo and words are like he hates them but he l-gdi this is getting away again. point is!
what is the point. fuck.
pls. someone come play caleb. and stay. we’ll give u cookies. ok also warning i dont do toxic cagyn and a lot of it is toxic from what ive seen??? im so disappointed tbh. if u try and toxic on me i will ruin ur life bc i wont stop morgyn if he decides to set caleb on fire. ok? ok. come play caleb and let’s do good, healthy cagyn. i like that idea. or good, healthy whatever tf he goes for. or. u kno he can be ace af. also his sister has issues. lilith is played by @spiira and she doesnt know what emotions are. its bad, lots of feels will probably happen.
smh i rly need to shut the fuck up. xD
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katzuyas · 7 years
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I was tagged by my darling @tetsya, bless ur sweet heart alex //smothers u in smooches
I’m a fic writer, nothing new here (not my pic but I’ve had it for ages so I’m not even sure where I got it from tbh)
a slytherin through and through, even tho recently my tests all say ravenclaw but tbh?? I’m still a proud slytherin deep in my heart bc as they say the hat always takes ur opinion into consideration ;3c (the gif does not belong to me but I couldn’t find the original post anymore orz)
welp that me hi uwu
my beloved ships: kurohina, miyusawa and victuuri ♥
I love dogs, especially my floofy baby hina ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I actually like taking pics of pretty flowers when I find some...
...and other pretty things like this little waterfall in the japanese gardens I went to when I was in chicago last year
I actually love watermelon, especially when it comes in a drink and looks as pretty as that one uwu
this was a lot of fun so I’m gonna tag @saniika, @mooksmookin, @softeviktor, @horns-of-diamond and @miyukei! do it if you feel like it, no pressure!
tagged by @story-kat & @miyukei, thanks so much lovelies ♥♥
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
I choose:
       haikyuu!! | ace of diamond | yuri on Ice
The first character you loved:
        hinata shouyou | miyuki kazuya | victor nikiforov
The character you never expected to love so much:
        matsukawa issei | sanada shunpei | christophe giacometti
The character you relate to most:
        oikawa tooru | 
The character you’d slap: (not really slap bc I don’t hate any of them THAT much but I’d surely pitch some snide comments at them bc boooy do they need to fix things)
         tsukishima kei | furuya satoru | yuri plisetsky
Three favorite characters (these are in order of preference):
           hinata, kuroo, oikawa
           eijun, miyuki, mei
           victor, yuuri, chris
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
          kageyama tobio | kataoka | I honestly don’t think one exists???
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
         terushima | kanemaru | jj
3 OTPs:
          kurohina, oihina, bokuhina
          miyusawa, sanasawa, kuraryou
          victuuri, phichris, jj/isabella bc gdi they deserve this let them be
tagging: @maniacani, @wamuura, @airisu7425, @ladyseara, and @sleep-furiously, hope you have fun guys~
tagged by @aphhun thanks so much sami~
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better!
a - age: 25
b - birthplace: poland tho it could’ve been us lol
c - current time: 10:47am
d - drink you last had: the republic of tea’s get gorgeous red tea
e - easiest person to talk to: definitely my daiya peeps on twitter
f - favourite song: currently camila cabello’s crying in the club
g - grossest memory: I don’t think I have any?? I usually just throw gross shit out of my mind asap
h - horror yes or horror no: no thank you
i - in love?: I wonder
j - jealous of people?: oh yea
k - killed someone?: lol no
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again: with fictional charas? hell yes; real people? nah I’ll pass and if u walk by again I’ll pass a second time unless u talk sports anime to me
m - middle name: magdalena ;3c
n - number of siblings: 0
o - one wish: not be so tired all the time
p - person you called last: mom
r - reason to smile: vitya nikiforov //heart eyes&smile
s - song you sang last: there’s nothing holding me back - shawn mendes
u - underwear color: gray
v - vacation: home alone with no one interrupting me, bless
x - x-rays: got my jaw done for braces
y - your favourite food: pizza!!!
z- zodiac sign: gemini
tagging: yo okay since my sister in angst has come back to the land of nerd you go get this one @fuckgrimm ;3c
tagged by @matsinko thanks you so much for the tag, I love writer memes <3
Cite the final lines of five of your fics – your favourites, or the most recent ones. Tag five writers who should do this next.
(I’m gonna go with my personal favs bc they usually end up with few notes so pls check them out if ur reading this?)
to keep you warm - victuuri
The sky around the faraway glaciers was greying and soon the sun would peek from behind them to drown the world with light. Standing at his side, Yuuri pressed their shoulders together. His warmth seeped into Victor, slow and careful, mindful of his melting, and Victor in turn pulled the winds closer around them, locking them in a cold whirl of crisp air.
Together, they watched the new day rise.
oh ye of so little faith - miyusawa
He'd never thought this was possible, he'd never believed. But Eijun... He always knew. He always knew that one day, that this day would come.
Still smiling, Kazuya allowed Eijun to lean in and press a kiss to his lips this time. And happiness never tasted sweeter.
One shot - miyusawa
Eijun pulled the trigger.
The gun recoiled, numbing his hand... and his heart.
You could have loved me when you had the chance - oihina
"Goodbye, Tooru."
He picked his bags and walked away, leaving the man he loved behind on the platform. He didn't look back, and there was no need to. Because this time Tooru didn't come after him either.
And as the wide doors slid shut behind him, the train starting to move and slowly gaining speed, he sagged against the wall, the sobs wrecking his body, and Shouyou was sure that he would never come after him again.
Dressed like a daydream - bokuhina
He scooped up Hinata into his arms, held him close, and while they were still both breathless, pressed a thousand kisses to Hinata's face.
The forehead, temple, brow. Nose and eyelids, cheeks and jaw, chin and lips. And then again. Until Hinata's warm laughter, tired but satiated, filled the air and Bokuto's heart.
Hinata was magic, madness, heaven, sin. But to Bokuto, he wasn't just that.
To him, Hinata was everything.
tagging: @aphhun, @shslshortie, @amaanogawa, @iwritevictuuri and @sagechan, have fun if u wanna do it but no pressure~
tagged by @softeviktor thanks, sweets //sends smooches
Rules: tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better
Name: kat Nickname(s) : kat lol Gender: female Star sign: gemini  Height: 5′7″ish Favourite colour: literally any pastels Favourite animal: dogs <3 Average hours of sleep: 5-6 tho I always try for 8 and fail rip Cat or dog: lmao see above DOGS FOR LIFE Favourite fictional characters: victor nikiforov, kuroo tetsurou, hinata shouyou, miyuki kazuya, sawamura eijun, christophe giacometti Number of blankets I sleep with: 2, sometimes 3 in winter Favourite singer/artist: singer would no doubt be sam tsui, the band is harder but hmmm I guess I’ll say one ok rock Dream trip: japan, anything japan Dream job: writer When was this blog created: somewhere in 2011 I believe?? Current number of followers: huh idek lemme check... almost 6.5k ;3c
skipping the tags on this one, sorry ;u;
Task: answer questions with the initial of your first name and what comes to mind 
Four letter word: kick Something you shout: kurwa (it’s polish for ‘whore’ lol) A boy’s name: kristoff  An occupation: kitchen help Something you wear: knee-highs A colour: khaki A food: kiwi A drink: kinky witch A place: kraków Movie title: kung fu panda Animal: kitten Title of a song: keep holding on - avril lavigne 
(ngl I had to google some of these holy sheet it was hard)
I’ll tag @story-kat and @matsinko and @tetsya for this bc it was super fun!
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aurulenthuntsman · 7 years
-- aurulentHuntsman [AH] 8egan pestering decastichAmazifier [DA] at 17:38 --
AH: Greetings, Kavi! ~}==>
DA: o hey
AH: How are you faring this fine afternoon? ~}==>
DA: lmao uh like ngl im p much blastd
DA: so i mean its a thong
DA: 8thing
DA: wow
DA: charasistic typos
DA: fuckin noice
AH: Hmm???????? ~}==>
AH: It seems a little early in the day for drinking! ~}==>
DA: hey listen
DA: friend
DA: man
DA: len me ur ear
DA: consider this
DA: concept: its night in at least 5 places rn
AH: A fair point... Time is relative! ~}==>
AH: And perhaps that is a social construct that we put too much weight into ~}==>
AH: But traditionally, early drinking is something of a red flag... ~}==>
AH: I beg your pardon if I'm being presumptuous, but is everything alright? ~}==>
DA: uh lol i mean hello no
DA: well yeh but no
DA: idk its complicated
DA: so
DA: shrugmojis
DA: jus think about me like the fun winemom on Facebook
DA: or like those old sitcoms where its funny
DA: and not a issue like yah kids w/e
DA: u n your bottlerockets and blowin up hotdogs in microwaves
DA: i'll go get my xanex and gin
DA: laughtrack
DA: or Karen
DA: you saucy bagel u
DA: fuckin #relatable #classic #same #mood
AH: I see... So, if it's purely recreational, then the fun would only be doubled with company, correct? ~}==>
DA: oh uh....... yah gimme
DA: 45 mins
AH: Certainly! ~}==>
AURYHN: *exactly 45 minutes later, there's a little CLUNK at his window... followed by another a few seconds later.* ~}==>
KAVI: *Shitpissufck now he's gotta... he's gotta... SHOWER. And clean up. He can't be a mess anymore that's enough of that. He got all gross and pathetic on Nellie and he doesn't think he can take looking like a goddamn fool in front of another one of his friends. He quickly got showered and stumbled about his room. Now he only SLIGHTLY smells like vodka. NICE.*
KAVI: *Jumps at the window clunk.... o fuq. He goes to the window and opens it*
AURYHN: *on the ground, waving up at him with a big stupid grin on his face* ~}==>
KAVI: *WOW that's far.... also he's a smiley guy.... lays right against this window sill... Leans and lays, sliding down to chinhands at him..... casually* hhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeyyyyy *calls while sliding*
AURYHN: If you would please stand aside so I can climb in through your window, that would be much appreciated! ~}==>
KAVI: yah
KAVI: *flumps back.... but at least he didn't see that*
AURYHN: *scurries up the tree like he had the night he slept over until he's swoocing through the window, landing gracefully on the other side.* I've arrived! ~}==>
KAVI: *Stays right here on the floor... WHY? HE DOESN'T KNOW..... but his leg is on the wall*
KAVI: *peace sign* sup
KAVI: hey
KAVI: ur sup
KAVI: is was up
KAVI: for me at least
KAVI: wbu
AURYHN: *stands over him, hands on hips, for a moment... before he drops down next to him with his feet propped against the wall as well.* Oh, you know! Exploring the city and what not ~}==>
KAVI: *Hello mountainous man tiddies, oh, hello the whole Auryhn* o... yeah sounds fun
KAVI: still gogogoin
KAVI: none naps n shit
KAVI: s'not good
AURYHN: *chuckles a little, turning his head towards him* I've managed to find time for sleep in my busy schedule... At your behest ~}==>
KAVI: *grins a lil* hah really? well damn... good yeah
KAVI: that's good, i'm glad you r
AURYHN: It was sound advice! After all... Early to bed, early to rise... Makes a man strong, wealthy and wise ~}==>
AURYHN: *grins cheesily some more, but then looks back up at the ceiling... not without a little side eye, though* I do hope you're exercising similarly healthy habits... ~}==>
KAVI: ............. *Feels the side eyeing and sweats mildly* i mean
KAVI: lol
KAVI: so
KAVI: i can
KAVI: i have some off dayz
KAVI: zzzz
KAVI: ss
AURYHN: Ah ha, so you are having an off day! ~}==>
KAVI: ...... *oh gdi* uhhhh
KAVI: alternattitvely.....
KAVI: what the fuck are on days even???????
AURYHN: Kavi, PLEASE ~}==>
AURYHN: You must know, I don't fuss over others often... ~}==>
AURYHN: I only wish to know if you're alright ~}==>
AURYHN: And if you aren't... then I would like to offer you comfort in whatever way would best help you ~}==>
AURYHN: You're my friend! And a very important one ~}==>
KAVI: *Makes a face... why does everyone have to be so supportive... why can't he just be sad and miserable and he kinda feels like shit for just dancing around it when Auryhn DOES give a shit. Even still it makes him sad to talk about and just the friendfection and the sad feels his face gets a little red.. sighs*
KAVI: *rubs his face up so he doesn't start crying again. So he just.... rubs the tears back in his eyes with his palms. Ace strats* me and.. Den, broke up. guess i'm bein a pissbaby about it idk w/e w/e
AURYHN: *oh... now he feels bad prying so much, but maybe he would have felt bad no matter what kavi said. he only knows this wasn't what he expected to hear, and he gazes at the other boy sympathetically* Oh... I... am sorry to hear that ~}==>
AURYHN: Kavi... It's only natural to feel so hurt over something like that, isn't it? ~}==>
AURYHN: *offers him a hand to hold* I certainly can't blame you ~}==>
KAVI: *Looks at the hand then at Auryhn, his brain still going way faster than his mouth can currently keep up but he looks incredulous? And definitely teary* how can u be so sure? how, how do you know i didn't fuck everything up? i can fuggin blame me easy,
KAVI: gee Kavi, maybe you can't shut the hell up about how goddamn gay you are for p much everyone??
KAVI: or maybe ya try so fuckin hard for the approval of others that you backflip off the fuckin deepend as far as people close to u are concerned
KAVI: oh, oh, here maybe you just plain weren't fuckin good enough to handle anyone on an intimate level because you're too wrapped up in your own shit to connect really?
KAVI: or just that you THINK relationships can fix anything and everything and that's myth goddamn busted because look at you!
KAVI: you can definitely blame me, i can blame me and it's deeper than that and why the fuck does anyone GIVE a shit for a fakeass dumbass when they just DON'T. KNOW. *And he's being hysterical... nice. Good job. Just. Gurgles and puts his hands back over his face, get back in there tears. Maybe it was for the best Auryhn kept seeing him like this. An Ass. His final form* i'm, fuck
KAVI: i'm sorry i, ffffffuugghhhh *gibberish and just rolls over, good bye forever*
AURYHN: *stares at him stunned for a good long moment. he doesn't have that much experience dealing with high emotion coming from other people... but listening to all this, he did understand one thing: how it felt to be critical of yourself, the need to always be impressive, the self preservation... he knew those pressures, even if he always denied them. seeing how they effected someone he cared so deeply
AURYHN: for, it sure put things into perspective for him.* ~}==>
AURYHN: Perhaps I don't know you quite as well as I think I do... As well as I would like to ~}==>
AURYHN: *flexes the hand kavi didn't take, deciding to place it on his shoulder* 8ut I have seen your compassion... When you treat me with kindness, do you mean to say it's out of selfishness? I dou8t that very much ~}==>
AURYHN: If you've made mist8kes, that's all that they are! You are not defined soley 8y your worst moments... Nor are you defined soley 8y your 8est ~}==>
AURYHN: I only mean to say... You should allow yourself this heart8r8k, Kavi ~}==>
KAVI: *While he tries to hide his shame and cry lowkey. super lowkey like... no one would suspect. He listens to Auryhn's words. Quietly sniffing and trying to keep his breathing even. They made sense.... which was good but he also didn't feel like he deserved those kind words. Like he's dropping this plate of Hot Mess(tm) that's his own damn self and no one is backing up with their hands in the air*
KAVI: ....why're u so nice..
AURYHN: *scoffs* You know, not many people would agree that I am... I know that for a F8CT... ~}==>
AURYHN: *sighs* But it is easy to be kind to someone who has been kind to you, I believe ~}==>
KAVI: *that's so.. cheesy but also.. it helps. He loves cheese. Sniffs again and wipes his hands on his shirt, trying to calm down* cheddar... pure... 100% milk gdi, ugh... i'm so gross rn
KAVI: you came here for a good time and now idk ur nice you probably don't feel attacked rn
KAVI: it's like playing the floor is lava and we're laying in this shit right now
KAVI: because we're on the floor
KAVI: no imagination required on that part
AURYHN: *snorts* Then what are we doing on the floor? Allow me to rescue you from a fiery demise! ~}==>
AURYHN: *rolls to sit before scooping up kavi with no real warning* I used to play "the floor is lava" when I was a wriggler ~}==>
AURYHN: And I would pretend to be a wise dragon sentinel in my castle upon a volcanic mountain! ~}==>
AURYHN: Which I later went on to insist upon a hive of my own... Though I could not find a volcano, the snowy Avalon mountains suited me just fine ~}==>
AURYHN: *carries kavi over to his plush pile and sets him down. there. he's safe here.* ~}==>
KAVI: *Oh he got scooped. His face is all red from the crying as he looks up at Auryhn while he talks and walks with him. The story is a cute one, he breathes out a short laugh then looks away. Not now dokis gdi* wow... hah
KAVI: yeah they, they did you good *sniff* that's pretty cute tho
AURYHN: *kneels in front of the pile, grinning at him* A young Auryhn would disagree... It was quite a noble pursuit ~}==>
AURYHN: But present Auryhn has the insight to agree that, yes, it was rather adorable... ~}==>
AURYHN: Also, are you comfortable? ~}==>
KAVI: its cute and noble lol he'd have to deal with it *settles back in all this gd plushness*
KAVI: also
KAVI: hell yes
AURYHN: Excellent! ~}==>
AURYHN: Would you like anything else? A blanket, perhaps? A pair of strong arms to cry into? ~}==>
KAVI: .....
KAVI: yes
KAVI: *lifts arms*
AURYHN: *here he comes, leaning in for the snuggles. welcome to his STRONG embrace.* ~}==>
KAVI: *This is a nice embrace..... He cuddles into it. Nice.... :'S :') :'S *
AURYHN: *squeezes him close, resting his cheek against his head. the closeness makes his face flare with heat, but... that's hardly appropriate right now! he ignores it as best he can.* There there... ~}==>
KAVI: .....*SNRK*
KAVI: where is my broom?
KAVI: where are my pets
KAVI: i need my awkward distant pets
AURYHN: Your broom???????? I thought you were a wizard, not a witch ~}==>
AURYHN: *LAUGHS. he might not get the Reference, but he thinks he's hilarious...* I can provide you with sincere, close range pets, however ~}==>
AURYHN: *rubs at his back* ~}==>
KAVI: lol i'll take those..... and also i'll show you memes later *snuggles into him*
AURYHN: Memes, hmm? Well, I look forward to it... ~}==>
AURYHN: *rumbles a little in his chest. he tries not to chirr much, but... now seems like a good time to break out the comforting bug sounds.* ~}==>
AURYHN: For now, you relax ~}==>
KAVI: you'll regret it... but we're makin it happen *laughs softly and cuddles up here against these bug noises... he does like him some bug noises...* kk i'll do that
KAVI: you're cozy
KAVI: great cuddlemate
KAVI: a plus plus smiley face
KAVI: and thanks lol
AURYHN: You're welcome, Kavi... You're welcome for my comforting embrace... ~}==>
AURYHN: *gentle snickering, but he's starting to get relaxed enough to nap himself...* ~}==>
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kyetalksshit · 7 years
Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve updated you, babes! 
(I feel like I flip flop between babes and loves lol. Which is better? Ah, what it does it matter. HELLO.) 
So ok it’s been a little while, that’s true, but I do have some updates! 
Firstly, WE’VE MOVED! And it’s still not ideal, and I’m still frustrated with some things, but like mostly it’s better than the last place. Like the woman of the house here, she’s very talkative and loud and it irritates me sometimes but she’s not a bitch like Loretta (the last woman). She’s got a kid but he’s mostly very quiet and when we do see him (he spends most of the time in his room playing) he’s really sweet. It doesn’t smell amazing/isn’t the cleanest because/but there are a mILLION KITTIES. IT’S SO GREAT. I mean it can be really annoying too and again, it’s not the BEST smelling place, but! THEY’RE SO CUTE. And after awhile you really don’t notice unless it’s bad. Plus we’re keeping our window open most of the time since the central AC/heating doesn’t make a huge difference in our room as it is, and we keep our door shut partly to keep the other kitties out, and so that Dany can hide in here when she wants to. I’ve been trying to get her to go out and explore more but she’s intimidated by all the kitties. I mean she’s definitely been making progress, and I’m teaching her that when she scratches on the door I’ll let her out (I know I know I worked so hard to get her to stop at the last place but this door is already scratched tf up and Dany wasn’t listening anyway ok I just got tired of snapping at her and she’s more likely to do that than to meow at me. I don’t know how to teach her to meow at the door if she wants out) and she mostly is ok with that. I shut the door behind her when she actually exits the rest of the way, like when there’s not another cat waiting for the door to open, bc then she gets scared. I’ve left her out in the hallway for short amounts of time by now, and she’s getting braver. Very veeeerryyyyy minimally, but braver. 
Also! I got to see Remi yesterday!!! She moved to Illinois back when I was still in Charlotte and I hadn’t seen her for like two years. I missed the shit out of her. Actually, it’s kind of funny because we were starting to hang out and talk a little more by the time she left but we still weren’t super close, like the most we talked was to talk shit about our shitty DM (also her ex and the “friend” who sexually assaulted me lol what a gREAT GUY) or rant about other shit, but like we’d still talk sometimes about other stuff. After she left, though, we started talking a little more? Lately we’ve been DMing on twitter every day. It may not be exactly every day, but I’m pretty sure that even on days where it’s been pretty quiet there’s been a message or two. So yeah lol the point is, we’re closer now than we were when she first left and I got to drive down to LA yesterday to go see her pretty early in the morning and I was SO EXCITED. I was a little stressed about gas but like I was not going to miss seeing her you know, and then she was rlly sweet and gave me a 20 for gas even though she isn’t working rn either and I just??? It was really nice and idk it made me a lil emotional but shh it’s ok. I wasn’t sure at first if she liked hugs, I couldn’t really remember and I don’t think I’d ever hugged her before, but I really wanted to hug her--but again, was a lil nervous bc I didn’t wanna make her feel weird, but then when we showed up she got excited and ran over to me and hugged me and idk I was v happy. I missed her a lot. We hung out and talked for two hours, and when I needed to move my car we just wound up parting ways because they had a lot of stuff to do. So we hugged again and talked about southern food and how she still says y’all and then we left and I was simultaneously v happy and v sad. We took a pic before we left, Remi, Con, and I. I wanted to be like “we should take a selfie too just the two of us” bc I like how my selfies turn out better and also idk it was the first time Con was meeting her but not me and idk, for some reason I just like... got nervous to ask for a selfie? I’m not sure why I’m like that, I feel like I LOVE taking selfies with people because it always feels like a “look at this person that I care about!!!” kind of thing but maybe because of that, I never wanna ask to take them, I just kind of hope that the other person asks? Maybe also stems from times where other people took selfies and I awkwardly stood to the side because they didn’t ask me to be in them. Wow I forget how awkward I can be in social situations. rip
Also another update, money situation is more stressful than before. Starbucks is still not transferring me, I’m hearing different reasons why from different people. Still convinced my old SM is trying to sabotage me like she has been for awhile because of me calling her out on her lies. I finally told her I was thinking of just quitting and applying as a re-hire and she was like !!! no!!! let me call one more time and give it one last shot!!! even though she had VERY CLEARLY given up and was like “idk man just call ur SM and have them figure it out bc idk what else to do” so I don’t know, hopefully she’ll do something about it this time. I got a v scary anxiety inducing phone call in which I was threatened with a cease and desist and shit because I haven’t been able to make payments on my car, and I explained the situation (without giving them an address bc tbqh idk where I’ll be living if I can’t start fucking working, and I have been filling out applications for places 45 minutes from me again because gdi I just need a fucking paycheck to sURVIVE ON) and they said I need to call as soon as I can with a specific date that I’ll be able to make a payment on. Unfortunately I ran out of phone service because I HAVEN’T BEEN MAKING MONEY so I’ll have to borrow con’s phone after hearing from my SM on monday. I’ll give them a date no matter what and just fIGURE SOMETHING OUT like I feel like even if it’s a 20 dollar payment or smth at least it’s SOMETHING you know? Ugh. Anyway. I don’t wanna think about this anymore, it’s just stressing me out. (Student loan payments are coming due too btw, so just added stress.) 
BUT! I’ve been writing like a mANIAC. I’ve been working in my second novel, East Of Madness, based around my D&D OC Alyx Driftwood, and what started as an AU version of my other D&D OC Ari Dawne but turned into her own character whose name is Zvea (I don’t have a last name atm). I’m over 24.5k words already. We aren’t even quite mid November. I’M HALFWAY DONE WITH THE 50K WORD COUNT. Granted, I had like a 5k word head start bUT STILL. 
Actually, remi’s part of the reason I got into such a writing streak in the first place, with all the writing talk we’d been doing. We were talking a LOT about d&d characters and somewhere along the line I just got iNSPIRED. 
ALSO I’VE BEEN FALLING ASLEEP AROUND 11:30-12ISH AND WAKING UP AROUND 7:30-8ISH AND I’M !!! IT’S SO PRODUCTIVE and ive gotten myself addicted to caffeine again making coffee every single morning AND I’M WRITING SO MUCH. 
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