michguerin · 2 years
it’s crazy how much it seems like taliesin doesn’t think they’ll survive this encounter with the gearkeeper when in actual fact, it’s the next one??
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iii3999ooooiiii · 6 months
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👀 제품보러가기 👆클릭
🐌이포스팅은 쿠팡파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로 일정액의 수수료를 제공받고 있습니다.
‼️가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요🏳️‍🌈
💠메신저(쪽지)와 dm은 못봐서 죄송해요
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crayon-market · 6 months
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🍰 주문하기 🏹클릭하기
📌이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로,일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
📣가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요📣
📢죄송하지만 메신저(쪽지)와 DM은 못읽어요ㅠㅠ
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toostarlightmiracle · 9 months
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🚀 구매정보 ✔️클릭하기
🖋️위 글은 쿠팡파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로 일정액의 수수료를 제공받고 있습니다.
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🙅메신저(쪽지)와 DM은 NO!
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ee22iicoi · 9 months
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🧡 주문하기 👈클릭
📌본 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로,일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
✔️가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요✔️
😂죄송하지만 메신저(쪽지)와 DM은 NO!
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opwkv2955j · 2 years
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🌷최저가 알아보기<-클릭
✅기어키퍼 GEARKEEPER GEARKEEPER 기어키퍼 캐러비나마운트
오늘하루 특가!! 알뜰쇼핑은 역시 정답이쥬~
💥가격비교 후에 결정하셔도 늦지 않아요
💥품절되기전에 서두르세요 슝슝
😀쿠팡파트너스 일환으로 일정액의 수수료를 지급 받습니다.
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ru-titley-knives · 6 years
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Stonewashed clash hook and rustic leather with added brass hardware for a post apoc /mountain man style gear keeper .
 Available now .
 Custom knives , sheaths and gear from [email protected]
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blackbeargear · 3 years
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GEAR KEEPER 20% OFF SALE! DISCOUNTED ADDED AT CHECKOUT 💻Www.blackbeargear.ca The Gear Keeper Super Zinger Snap Clip is made of tough construction and a high-break strength– perfect for all your different tools when flyfishing. 📷: anglingactive.co.uk Reposted from @gearkeeperproducts #DEAL #GEARKEEPER #BLACKBEARGEAR #CORRECTIONS #CORRECTIONALOFFICER #teather #ccfr #sale #discount #VeteranOwnedBusiness #airsoft #ems #security https://www.instagram.com/p/CNIA_corydW/?igshid=12me27u090tb9
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beauregardlionett · 4 years
Beau: A Study in Scars
@swordshapedleaves made this post two weeks ago and i cannot draw for shit but i said i would list out the scars for reference because i am obsessed with our resident monk
some notes before we begin! i skimmed through every combat and only took down notes on damage that would leave physical scars (i.e. psychic and necrotic and poison damage were not counted) and ran with the assumption that bludgeoning damage resulted in bruises that did not leave scars. this also means that i might have missed a few scars because i know there were likely a couple of times Beau might have obtained a scar outside of combat times.
additionally liberties taken include assuming that despite cleric healing spells, wounds were not all fully healed and still potentially scared over. if i learned anything while going through all these battles, it is that her stupidly jacked AC probably saved her ass in the early days of the campaign since she was running up on enemies when she had less than 60HP to her name.
one last note - while Matt does a WONDERFUL job of describing a lot of the combat, there were times where less significant damage was not as fully described, so some scars do not have the best descriptions of where they are on her body, so I used context clues and took my best guess on some, and on others just labeled as unknown. feel free to let me know if you find out more accurate descriptions!
with that - list is below the read more!
e001 - zombie claws dug into abdomen (scars would be shaped as such) and teeth embedded into and between knuckles (scars would be messy and slim)
e004 - busted lip from initiation fight with Dairon (likely a slim, paler scar on lower lip); potentially contusion scar on right wrist
e005 - bite scar on right forearm from gnoll (marks would be on top and underside of forearm); spear to the abdomen (scar would be shaped as such, likely a little jagged around the edges)
e006 - cracked right elbow into the ground hard enough to break skin (potentially light very faded scaring)
e007 - 40ft fall down a hole resulting in landing on rocks on her back (scars - if any - would be jagged and sporadic from impact and scrapes)
e012 - rug of smothering likely resulted in rug burns but damage was categorized as bludgeoning; slashed in the chest by a sword through said rug (specific area not specified)
e013 - assassin left two sword cuts across upper chest in an ‘x’ pattern (scars would likely be clean, long lines as wide as the blade); arcane brand seared on her sternum from an attack; sword slashed across her chest from just under right clavicle to left upper ribs (this attack KO’d Beau and would likely also be a clean scar)
e017 - otyugh bite to torso & infects wound (specific area not specified; scars would reflect size of mouth); piercing wound from tentacle wrapping around her (body part n/a)
e019 - wolf claws/teeth damage (wasn’t sure where but i believe it was on her left arm)
e021 - poison/acid burns on the front of her neck, face, and upper torso from venom troll (this attack KO’d Beau; scars would likely have splatter pattern and the skin would look a little rough, almost like blisters); troll claws dug into thigh and side (side of body not specified; scars would likely be piercing instead of slash marks)
e022 - trident to upper left side of chest and shoulder (scars slightly jagged and piercing wound, not slashing); merrow bite (scars to arm/chest?); took lightning damage while in water (burn scars would be similar to acid scars; right cheek, down her neck and over her shoulder); secondary bite attack to left clavicle and catches her cheek (this attack KO’d Beau; scars would likely be jagged and messy since merrow ripped away from her after biting)
e023 - acid/poison spray to face/upper chest from venom troll (again)
e025 - heated shrapnel sprayed likely over the front of her body (misc. piercing/burn scars); whirling blades scars from gearkeeper (body part not specified, likely over her arms); busted knuckles against armor plus additional shrapnel blast (attack KO’d Beau; scars would be misc. and jagged)
e026 - acid shot (body part unspecified); cold burns/frostbite from Lorenzo (misc. body parts; scars would look almost like heat burn scars, but likely with a different color tinge to them); arrow wound to the shoulder (clean scar; side not specified)
e028 - arrow just below sternum between two ribs (Nott shot her; scar would look disproportionately older in comparison due to Cad’s healing)
e029 - glaive to the back from Lorenzo (scar would be clean line, possibly wider toward the bottom and thinner toward shoulders from slashing motion); cold burn/frostbite from Lorenzo (this attack KO’d Beau; misc. body parts)
e035 - arrow wound (grazed her; small, clean scar); heavy crossbow wound (potentially to the shoulder, side not specified)
e039 - bite from snake priest/yuan-ti to her right shoulder (scars would reflect fang punctures more than teeth); scimitar strike to the chest; hydra bite to right side of her abdomen, secondary bite to her upper torso (area n/a); two additional bite attacks (area n/a; attack KO’d Beau)
e044 - bite/claw scars from merrow to the right side of her neck and shoulder (scars likely long and messy from momentum); claw slashes from Dashilla to abdomen and chest (clean lines from slashing)
e047 - pincer strike to left side of her neck (likely a piercing scar)
e050 - lava burns to hands and forearms as well as blisters to her face and neck from proximity
e052 - shoosuva bite to left shoulder and chest (scars would reflect creature size); piercing scar from tail to left lower back just off to the side from her spine
e055 - misc. burns to upper body from Caleb’s fireball
e059 - mild scrapes from erupting earth during giant fight (scars are likely not even visible); burns from proximity to wall of fire (misc. to the front of her body); slashing strikes from claws to the left side of her face and right shoulder down right arm from babau (scars would likely be clean lines, thicker toward point of origin and thinner at the other end)
e063 - greatsword slashing damage from strikes to her chest; one specifically cuts up the front of her chest, up the right side of her neck, barely missing vitals (scars would be clean lines, thicker toward point of origin)
e065 - scrapes from being thrown off moorbounder (scars likely not visible); gloomstalker bite and claw scars (area of body n/a)
e067 - mist lightning burns on misc. body parts; specific burns on her right palm and fingers from grabbing the gem power source
e069 - slashing scars from the Laughing Hand’s sword/blade arm; one attack left scar on unspecified body part while other was to the left side of her chest, just under her clavicle; two additional scars from sword strikes from Yasha (body part n/a)
e073 - fire damage to knuckles/fists from Remorhaz; bite mark spanning whole torso plus additional burns (attack KO’d Beau); further proximity burns when attacking with her staff
e075 - cold burns/frostbite from proximity to dragon’s breath
e079 - greatsword scar from shoulder down her chest from Yasha (area n/a)
e081 - cold burns from proximity to magical ballista in the HFB
e082 - bite attack from mutant Halas in HFB (body part unspecified); also took bludgeoning damage from being slammed into the wall, but scars likely do not exist (she just took a decent hit here)
e085 - sword strikes from the Caedogeist across her stomach (scars would be clean lines)
e086 - burns from fire storm that Respa cast; sword strikes from the Laughing Hand (scar specifically on her left palm from her attempt at parrying the strike and down from the left side of her chest to her right hip); greatsword scar from Yasha (scar from right shoulder across her upper chest; this attack KO’d Beau); large, long piercing scar just below her sternum from Yasha’s near fatal strike with the Skingorger; left lower side stab wound from the Caedogeist (unclear if this was a piercing wound or a grazing wound)
e094 - misc. slashes from zombie claws (body parts n/a)
e095 - acid burns from balderakes on her legs and arms (potentially; description was unclear); claw attack on right outer forearm
e098 - rusty blade strike from a sea spawn (potentially to her back, description was unclear); minor misc. piercing wounds from poison quills that she did not take poison damage from, no piercing damage was stated even though the quills “hit”
e104 - sword strike from left shoulder toward right hip from ghost on Rumblecusp
e105 - burns and blisters to her knuckles from punching Vokodo; extended exposure to heated water and continuous punching left misc. burns on her body and aggravated burns to the point of burst blisters and bleeding on her knuckles; some on her feet from kicking attacks
e107 - quote, “crushing tooth abrasions” from t-rex bite attack (likely to her upper torso and mid-section; massive teeth puncture wounds)
honorable mention - the scar she probably has on her ass from when Nott shot her with a gun when they were racing up a tree
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devenrue · 3 years
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If you throw a Gearkeeper Construct for a Swavain Basilisk, will it retrieve it or will this Ginsu wielding murder ball be the one doing the retrieving? In pieces. We need a Monster Battle Royale: Wildemount style! From @wizkidsgames & @critical_role Monsters of Wildemount set 2 #dnd #ttrpg #critters
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iii3999ooooiiii · 7 months
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🚀 구매정보 ✔️클릭하기
🖋️위 글은 쿠팡파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로 일정액의 수수료를 제공받고 있습니다.
‼️가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요✔️
🙅메신저(쪽지)와 DM은 NO!
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crayon-market · 7 months
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🧡 주문하기 👈클릭
📌본 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로,일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
✔️가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요✔️
😂죄송하지만 메신저(쪽지)와 DM은 NO!
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🚀 구매정보 ✔️클릭하기
🖋️위 글은 쿠팡파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로 일정액의 수수료를 제공받고 있습니다.
‼️가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요✔️
🙅메신저(쪽지)와 DM은 NO!
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syntec4 · 7 years
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Taking photos whilst riding the africa twin. Riding through Derbyshire in the Autumn is amazing. #bikersofinstagram #derbyshire #adventuremotorcycle #crf1000l #bikerphotography #adventurerider #nikon #nikonphotography #nikonaw130 #gearkeeper #gopro
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treeofcups · 5 years
The M9 are discussing tactics for bringing down the Gearkeeper, and are planning to get a bucket of tar to disable its sensors:
Beau: I mean, how do we transport it?
Nott: In a bucket?
Beau: Heated tar? In a bucket?!
Molly: It doesn’t have to be hot--
Nott: It has to be a little hot.
Fjord: If only we knew someone around here who was pretty decent with fire *pointed look at Caleb*.
Nott, dripping with sarcasm: Hey, you could heat up a bucket of tar as we walk into a prison. That wouldn’t be suspicious at all!
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