braveandsnipe · 11 months
this is the last post im going to make about geats buckles and suits. i was just thinking about it on my walk today, so yeah (this is kind of messy lol)
it bothers me to no end how across the entire show we only see 5 raise buckles and id core matches, particularly since it's established every id core has a buckle that matches it. to me, it just feels odd.. like out of those 100+ id cores, the only buckles that cycle through the game just happen to be the most compatible with the 4 main characters, okay 🤪
honestly, i don't think they needed to give everyone a buckle, since some of those characters were only in like 2 episodes, but for characters like daichi and sae who we introduced as players who've played before, i wish they at least would've gotten their own unique buckles. even sara, though she wasn't a rider for that long, would've been cool to see what a complete form for her would have look like.
and i don't necessarily think this would be impossible to achieve given most rider series within the past 5+ years have had on average 6-8 riders. and for the most part, those riders feel complete / not designed with easy replication in mind. like even if they repainted some stuff from past suits they're no longer using, at least it would feel like something unique within the show.
on the whole, i get what they were trying to do with the geats suits– making them simple (aside from the helmets) to make the mix and match gimmick easier to execute– but even with the (full) armors they just feel lacking to me. while the armor parts themselves are cohesive, it just feels like "stuff on top of stuff" rather than feeling like an intentionally cohesive design. (i don't even know if that made sense oml sorry)
this seems like such an innocuous thing to obsess over, but i just have a lot of feelings and thoughts on suits and transformation devices/gimmicks. i blame revice (because wdym wizard doesn't get a remix for 😔).
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
two things i wanted to add about episode 11
i thought this was a cool transition and i like the angle of the desire lounge following it
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im pretty sure this labyrinth is a mix of the mansion building notably in zi-o for the exterior, and the SOL southern base for the interior. i thought that was pretty cool.
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(though i don't know if the interior/exterior is the same location; in zi-o the interior was different from the one in geats)
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
i couldn’t help myself and looked at geats 10 spoilers despite not have even watched 8 and 9.
im glad it seems tsumuri is in the show a bit more, but at what cost lol?
michinaga is still making the funniest reaction faces, i love him.
the two new riders who are not punkjack kind of just feel like “filler” (having no real purpose other than the fill spots in the DGP)
punkjack himself seems like an interesting guy. he is apparently not the same DGP administrator, but also girori (i think) set him up to take down ace so idk. i’m also jelous he flirted with tsumuri
kind of weird seeing keiwa not his normal self. even neon changed. but ace and michinaga seem relatively the same, though idk whether that’s because they already regained their memories though the ID cores
keiwa has to be coming back soon given he’s in the winter movie, right? so either this cycle is going to move faster, or the just deus ex machina this shit (i’m sure there will be some explanation)
i guess im going to have to catch up on geats now
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
kamen rider geats episode 8-10
finally getting caught up, here are my thoughts
overall i enjoyed the episodes more than i anticipated, but i still don’t particularly care for the series.
i like how keiwa’s main buckle kind of lines up with his mindset/world view. i can see how this also applies to michinaga in a way (with his line towards the end of episode 9), but not with ace or neon
ace says "the shinobi buckle must have resonated with keiwa" which is why it flew away, despite the boost buckle being the only known semi-sentient buckle. sure, maybe they're all sentient, but it's never been brought up before, only that certain buckles work better with certain ID cores. maybe it will happen again, if it does, fair enough, if it doesn't, well than this is kind of BS.
maybe i’m misunderstanding, but since the jamato killed keiwa and sara’s parents, that means their parents were participants in the game given i belice ace said “if you do in the game, you die in real life.” but this doesn’t apply to non-participants as we saw the soba shop owner in episode 2 and the baby in episode 9/10 revive after the world reset. also, i looked like both of them were wearing driver belts, the mom even looked like she was holding it as she fell.
episode 9 was probably my least favorite of the 3 (and over all tbh).
i like the scenes between michinaga and tooru, they're very eerie. i wonder if it's something that will be expanded on later.
the ending between michinaga and ace was very interesting, it almost felt.. amicable? the way michinaga kind of smiled at ace as he was retired...
episode 10 was probably my favorite
i liked the opening with ace, tsumuri, and girori having breakfast together, i was funny and cute
i also like the small detail of giving tsumuri two different slippers to match her regular two different shoes
i don't know if i ever actually posted it, but i do think ace's wish, while bizarre, does make a bit of sense given tsumuri and girori are probably the only people who have been consistent in his life while everyone else has come and gone (either by dying or no longer being a participant in the DGP)
i love punkjack/win. i think this show needed someone more light-hearted. although, i think his character can be that way because he doesn't have as much stake in the game comparatively and it helps facilitate this facade he's putting on to take down ace.
in the beginning i'd be onboard with someone taking down ace, but im kind of sad. like, sure, ace isn't the most pleasant guy and a complete ass sometimes, but i feel like he's just going through some things.
i don't care for how they brought neon back. first off, it's just fodder for ace, but the more pressing thing for me is how girori can just add players as he pleases. this is probably how keiwa will be brought back, despite technically loosing his qualifications.
it's interesting they introduced her to michinaga's team, i feel like it'd have more impact/shock value if she was introduced to ace's team.
between all three episodes, i have to say what makes me dislike the series the most is how a lot of things that happen feel like they happen out of plot connivence. and in a way, i feel like that's just the nature of the game, but i don't find it fun to watch.
there are some characters i like, i am intrigued by the DGP, but i'll probably not be watching on a week to week basis
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
just spitting out some thoughts to the void.
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isn’t it strange how punkjack is (was?) the only side character to get an id core specific raise buckle? i get why some of them don't get them because they die in like one episode. but with the side characters this dgp "season"– particularly daichi– from a real world perspective, he's been in the same amount of episodes as win (excluding his in suit, pre-episode 10 appearances).
and from an in universe perspective (afaik), he and sae are veteran players, so if ace and friends have special raise buckles, shouldn't they (in theory) have them as well?
i mean, it's most likely they just don't have the budget to make raise buckles for the side characters (even if they're there for a decent amount of time). and they're probably spending that money on retooling helmets and making a million different belts and suits for the sponsors or whatever.
i just find it strange that (in universe) the dgp has all these id cores, and each id core (supposedly) has a raise buckle that works the best with it, and we're only using the same five buckles? like sure in universe it could just be luck, but is it just coincidence the game is played with the same 5 buckles, 4 of which are perfect matches for 4 of the riders?
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
i was just thinking, keiwa being retired is just a “reverse secondary.”
cause from den-o to ghost (gaim afaik being the only exception), the secondary wasn’t introduced until at least episode 8 of their series. so the secondary not being in the show for a couple episodes isn’t that unusual (comparatively).
also people are debating why ace is considered the main rider. although the show (so far) has been through keiwa’s perspective, much of the characters and overall “story” tie back to ace. all of the main characters have at least somewhat developed relationships with ace (positive and negative), and i think ace will be the character that shows the audience the true nature of the desire grand prix, and ultimately takes it down (or something of the sort). 
keiwa’s the exposition, while ace it the climax highlight. (ignore this lol)
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
i was thinking..
since girori (game master) chooses each DGP contestant, he probably chose michinaga as a way to take down ace. it seemed like they set something up between them at the end of episode 5. and it’s not like he had to have michinaga play (a known) three times since neon was technically only chosen once and had the qualifications to participate again unlike keiwa or kanato.
all this kind of makes me question why exactly he needs punkjack? is he just a backup? or i guess it could just be he has more control instead of having to wait for something that might not even come.
i don’t know, to me, it just kind of feels like the addition of punkjack was something last minute, but according to bandai toy rumors, it seemed like they planned for him to be a regular character from the beginning.
in conclusion, who is hareruya win, why is hareruya win, and why does geats have to make all my favorite characters hate each other :(
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
the more i watch geats 10, the more i question why the hell they didn’t make the beat buckle (or at least the weapon, since tbh, the buckle itself has more DJ vibes) punkjack’s special buckle over na-go. 
to be fair, it’s not like the buckles are tied to a part of their identity (unless you’re keiwa, in which it is), but it just screws with me that win’s guitar is the same exact shape as the beat axe, so it would just make so much sense for that to transfer to his weapon.
what is punkjack’s special weapon anyways?
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
this weeks kamen rider web article is very interesting. a lot of things are happening in geats. here are some of my overall thoughts (spoilers up to episode 10, technically 9)
so punkjack is not just a halloween gimmick. in the upcoming DGP (or this one, note: i’ve only seen up to episode 7) he has a user. he is a guitarist with a punk rock theme to him.
given that, i’m surprised he’s not the one to get the beat buckle, but i guess that is a bit too on the nose (maybe). the beat buckle is debuting in episode 10 it appears
it doesn’t seem like keiwa will be in episode 10, though i wouldn’t be surprised if they were just saving it for when the actual episode airs.
besides punkjack, there are two other riders. one is an older man, and the other is a woman (who’s age i can’t determine tbh).
in my opinion, i feel like geats is getting a bit excessive with riders, more so than saber/revice. yeah the latters had a lot (12/10-ish respectively), but i felt like you could be invested in most of them and they had some character/decent screen time to them.
im surprised giori is the game master. at least it’s not kuroto lol
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
geats episode 8 thoughts part 1
i haven’t seen the episode proper, so ill either make a part two or edit this when i do. 
keiwa was retired, which means he goes back to his regular life (as per the last episode or two. or is that not a thing because people are talking like he died and is never coming back?) but the magazine scans already indicate he’s coming back so yeah..
we’re giving geats a new upgrade before na-go’s beat buckle??
i mentioned this in my previous episode thoughts, i hate finales, and this is definitely giving finale vibes. again, it’s like a speed run of power rangers which is already a speed run of sentai.
overall, not really feeling geats. this arc’s feeling/structure aside, i don’t particularly care for any of the characters. michinaga is probably my favorite (no surprise..), but i think neon is the most balanced while ace has the most potential of being interesting. in general i think they all work better as pairs/dynamics. but even then, i don’t really care for any of them on their own.
while im here might as well talk about some of the leaks. mary and ginpen were repainted. ginpen looks like a melon, but it’s supposed to be an owl..
neon’s beat buckle was revealed. i think it would’ve worked better with only one accent instead of two to enhance the gold. i don’t think on it’s own it clashes that much, but when it’s next to the others, the design is a bit off sine it’s gradient(ed)
the monster buckle, eh.. it is what it is
to be updated
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
see, it’s like...
i don’t know if keiwa/michinaga was only a thing for the purpose of episodes 5/6. like.. with the second card pull when he pulled keiwa again, is it actually luck and/or subtly setting something up for the future, or was it purely for plot so we could still have this cycle of the DGP end with the “main 4,″ but have some drama in between.
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braveandsnipe · 7 months
so i read suzuki fuku’s wiki page
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according to riderwiki, fuku suzuki, (ziin in geats) was declined a starring role because of his previous role in super hero senki.
i guess in my opinion (which i know they don’t give a shit about) his role in senki isn’t much different than other actors who have guest starred in toku before going on to play a main role. maybe since it was a movie? idk.
all that to say, i wouldn’t mind him coming back to rider (assuming he wants to) to play another rider that gets to stay/gets good development. and i don’t say this just because i don’t care for geats (yes, i think the show had too many characters to give decent development to all of them) but more so cause suzuki had to leave after 12 episodes to work on another show.
side note: does rider cast actors knowing they’ll have to leave? like afaik, suzuki, sakiyama (win), and the actor who played hiromi in revice left they’re respective shows to participate in other projects. and i heard that they would’ve done more with win had sakiyma not have left, and i’d assume they’d probably would’ve done the same with ziin given he was the sponsor of the main character.
also on his wiki page, there was a note about his own rider “oc” of sorts called “kamen rider pizza”. i thought that was cute. maybe it’ll become a ttfc exclusive one day!
yeah. that’s my think piece on this actor lol.
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
every other episode of geats just reminds me of why i think it’s bad (episode 12 spoilers from KRWeb)
Tycoon revives due to Keiro's transfer of entry rights!
why? i’ll watch the episode just to get the full picture and all, but i don’t really like it as it sounds.
edit (not that anyone is reading): not the article implying the four main riders are going to work together when like three episodes ago they were all like “we’re all playing for ourselves” or whatever. 
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
geats 11 thoughts
keiwa was on the bus, because of course keiwa was on the bus.
i liked how keiwa saw the kid loose his game and felt vindicated in buying lottery tickets lol
also, kind of funny how the fever buckle lines up with keiwa’s lottery “addiction”
i kind of miss keiwa. idk, i just feel like the balance is off.
also feel like michinaga hasn’t done much. but, i guess there really isn’t much for him to do.
what’s up with the shit the game master was talking about somewhere between episode 4-6 between geats and buffa. cause it seems like punkjack kind of took that place.
speaking of punkjack, not the show seemingly pitting my two faves against each other despite both of them having similar goals
also, attacking other participants is an illegal move, but stealing another players items isn’t??
anyways, geats will geats; maybe i’ll watch revice or kuuga while waiting for the next episode.
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braveandsnipe · 2 years
geats episode 7 thoughts
in like episode 2 or something tsumuri was like “we don’t know much about the jamato,” but they seem to know quite a bit about them given they know what each one’s special “power” is. i mean, maybe it was referencing like where they are from and where the dead players go, so.
i feel like this is just a speed run of power rangers in that were ending something at a point where it doens’t need to end. not that geats is ending, but this episode and the next (given the preview) just give finale vibes. maybe not to the extent of an actual finale, but more than an episode in the first quarter would give.
the show so far feels very gimmick-y. granted, we’ve only had 7 episodes, but it feel like some items are just for plot convenience. like the team switch thing (which really just became void at the end so whatever) and now the ninja buckle which is the fucking deus ex machina item they need to win the game. i mean, given that ace recognizes it, and it’s implied he’s been playing for at least 2000 years, it’s precedented in the game, but how the fuck is that the secret item when (given future toy listings) there are at least 4 other buckles it could’ve been.
i could go in circles about the usage (and lack thereof) of the secret missions/desire money. cause.. i know they aren’t always going to be used in every round. they don’t need to used their currency and they won’t always clear secret missions. but the way they are used specifically in the show feel like they exist to be used when the plot calls for it to explain something that wouldn’t have another solution. 
prediction: keiwa and sara’s parents were killed in the DGP.
if ace has been in this thing for 2000 years, i wonder how he’s still 21? maybe the DGP stops you from aging. like the ID cores are the rider equivalent to energems lol
edit: i hate that man in the desire temple, riders should be allowed to exercise violence against each other without loosing points (/hj)
overall, didn’t really enjoy the episode, but it’s okay.
i was excited for this episode, then i got home and didn’t feel like watching it. so i slept thinking maybe i was tired, but i guess not. 
around this time last year was when i fell off with revice because i believe it was the daiji/evil arc which i didn’t care for. maybe geats will be the same, maybe it’ll be different. who knows
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