#gedeon burkhard imagine
fangirl-imagines · 4 years
Dating Wilhelm Wicki Would Include...
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A/N: I wrote these at like 3am and they read like it. 
Ooooh boy, okay
This will be mildly NSFW, you have been warned. 
His voice, omg, I could listen to him talk forever. 
He would know the effect his voice has on you too and would absolutely use it to his advantage/to tease you whenever possible. 
If you can’t sleep though or are feeling particularly nervous/anxious he will sit down next to you and whisper to you in your ear, even just very casual conversation or affirmations, to help you calm down. 
Sometimes he’ll say something to you in German and you have no idea what he said but Hugo is rolling his eyes at the two of you. 
You’ll take that as a good thing you guess. 
Hugo, omg Wicki is Hugo’s best friend right? Well at first he would not trust you at all but by the end of the war you are his favorite basterd. 
For the most part Wicki is quiet though and doesn’t say much sometimes but the two of you can have an entire conversation with just a few glances. 
The others find this both fascinating and kind of creepy sometimes. 
You are also trying to learn German from him and Hugo though so you can understand them better which Wicki thinks is kind of cute. 
The first time you tell him you love him in German he gets a big (for him anyway) smile and kisses you. 
Some (most) nights you're all camping out in the woods, you and Wicki will just go missing for a few hours after separately heading for a walk and not return for hours. 
One time you came back with a few hickeys and Donny would NEVER let you live it down. 
He's protective of you but in small casual ways. 
Like he's always worried about you freezing when it's cold out and will casually through the day take off one of his own many many layers and offer them to you. 
If you're all out drinking during a break or while laying low he is always trying to offer you water between drinks. 
 Small acts that show he cares about your well being because really he just wants to look out for you where he can. 
All the other bastards would love to tease the two of you anytime they can. 
Donny in particular keeps asking you for the first couple of weeks why you didn’t pick him but after enough slaps to the head he finally lets it go. 
I don’t think that Wicki would like to talk much about his life in Austria before the war. You learn quickly not to push him on that. 
He doesn’t have anyone waiting for him back in the states after the war is over but he does have you now and he will follow you wherever. 
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moriarteamisreal · 5 years
... Inglorious Basterds cast answering Imagines about their characters. 
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arianadevareux · 5 years
Wicki and Stiglitz helping you learn German.
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“I want to understand some of what our enemies are saying, here, men. Can you help me?”
Wicki and Stiglitz shared a questioning glance before it was WIcki that responded.
“We’ll help you. We could give you lessons on our down time.”
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The Characters
As I promised, here are the main characters of my Inglourious Basterds fiction.
I precise that the aesthetics are made by me, based on pictures found on the web. Besides, most of the protagonists are the creation of Mister Quentin Tarantino!
Anyway, enjoy!
N.B: The canon characters’s bios are based both on canonical informations + fanfiction ideas + my imagination! ;)
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Lieutenant Aldo Raine aka “The Apache” (Brad Pitt): 
This former bootlegger from Maynardville, Tennessee considers himself at war against all forms of fascism and racism. So, when he went to France with his men to slaughter Nazis, Aldo accomplishes his mission with great pleasure.
Besides, he is accompanied by his wife, Winona, a Native American woman. Aldo cherishes his lover more than anything and was happy to hunt down Nazis with her.
A charismatic and respected leader, he trusts his men as much as they trust him. However, he is violent and cruel towards the German soldiers. His trademark is leaving swastikas carved on the foreheads of survivors, so they could never deny their involvement in the actions of the IIIe Reich.
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Winona Raine-Littlewind aka “The Cherokee Amazon” (Julia Jones) (OC):
Born in the Cherokee tribe, Winona knew Aldo for years, before they fell in love and got engaged. She always followed her husband, no matter if it’s in the bootlegging business, or the hunt of Nazis. 
Raised in the traditions of her tribe, she is a feared warrior among the Wehrmacht troops. Her trademark weapon is her tomahawk, a traditional axe she is able to throw at high speed. The few Nazis who tried to escape the Basterds ended with this tomahawk in their skull.
Respected by the Basterds, she easily get along with all of them: they called her “Mrs. Lieutenant”. Winona is also a cunning strategist and a fearless leader who easily beat machists who dared say women cannot fight...
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Staff Sergeant Donovan “Donny” Donowitz aka “The Bear Jew” (Eli Roth):
Born in Boston, Donny could not stand seeing the mass murder of his people. So, when he had the possibility to go to Europe, he was over the moon. 
He quickly gained a scary reputation among the ranks of the German army as he smashes the heads of the prisoners with his prized baseball bat.
The second in command of the group (officially after Aldo, unofficially after Winona), he is very appreciated by his comrades who always cheer when they watch him slaughter the nazis with his baseball bat...
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Sergeant Hugo Stiglitz aka “The Psycho Man” (Til Schweiger):
Born in Frankfurt, this German soldier was enrolled by force in the Wehrmacht, much to his anger as he hates the Nazi ideology. However, he did not waste his time as he killed 13 Gestapo officers before being arrested.
Rescued by the Basterds, he becomes a loyal man towards his new friends. Even if he is pictured as not social and introvert, he tends to be more comfortable with the Basterds.
His best friend is Wilhelm Wicki, the other German-speaker of the group, and he has a great respect for both Aldo and Winona. Much to the surprise of his teammates, he has some tenderness towards children, and they will discover it soon...
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Private Smithson “Smitty” Utivich aka “The Little Man” (B.J. Novak):
This Jewish-American soldier was born in New York, where he grew up and studied law. However, when the war happened, he joined the Basterds to strike fear in German soldiers’s heart.
Much to his dismay, the Germans nicknamed him “The Little Man”, and Donny or Omar never missed the occasion to tease him about it. But all agree to say that Smitty is a loyal, clever, and funny man.
Even if he is not the most impressive of the Basterds, Utivich never fails to be brave and always tries to save his friends if the mission goes sour. His best friends are Omar, Hirschberg, and Sakowitz. He admires Aldo, whom he sees as a real leader. 
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Wilhelm Wicki aka “The Silent Death” (Gedeon Burkhard):
This Jewish man from Salzburg fled Europe just before Germany invaded Austria. He managed to reach the United States, where he took the citizenship. Disgusted by the fate of his homeland, Wicki swore revenge on the Nazis and joined Lieutenant Raine’s commando unit.
A skilled marksman, he never misses his targets, and often acts as a translator for the prisoners who can’t speak English, or as a medical assistant when he helps Simon. When he does not kill Nazis, he enjoys the company of his new friends. Besides, he is the only person who is close to Hugo, as the latter is not a very sociable person.
Calm and wise, he is probably one of the oldest members of the Basterds, and takes his role seriously, as he does not hesitate to scold Hirschberg for his stunts...
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Private Omar Ulmer aka “The Hunter” (Omar Doom):
One of the Jewish-American soldiers enrolled by Lieutenant Raine, Omar grew up in Washington D.C, where he works in the familial shop. 
One of the youngest Basterds, he easily gets along with his teammates, who appreciates his good mood and his resilience. For the Nazis, however, it’s another story: indeed, Omar is not only a fast runner, but also a good sniper, and knows how to use his knife.
He has a good friendship with Zimmermann, Utivich, Hirschberg, Kagan, and Sakowitz. Besides, he acts like a real gentleman towards Winona, and later Ada and Maddie...
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Private Gerold Hirschberg aka “The Risk-Taker” (Samm Levine):
Like most of the Basterds, Hirschberg is a Jewish-American citizen who wants to defends his people against the murderous spree of the Nazi regime.
Always ready to fight and scalp Nazis, Gerold is a funny, courageous, and hot-tempered man who never fails his missions. However, his impatience often tends to drive him into difficult situations or silly acts, and his teammates must save him, most of the time.
Moreover, he likes to tease Hugo, Donny, or even Wicki, at his own risk: he ends up with a slap on his head or a kick in his butt. At the beginning, Winona scared him because of her fierce glance, but now, he appreciates her.
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Private Michael Zimmermann aka “The Crazy One” (Sebastian Stan):
Born in Philadelphia, Michael worked as a driver for wealthy families until the Second World War happens. His fueled hatred towards Nazis leads him into Raine’s commando.
Like in civilian life, his role in the team is to be the driver: thanks to his reactivity and his driving skills, he can both get his friends out of danger and run over his enemies, using his vehicles as deadly weapons.
Even if the Germans described him as a “psychopath”, Michael is far from being a psychopath: indeed, he is funny, a bit cheeky, charming, and friendly towards his teammates. His friends are Sakowitz, Kagan, and Hirschberg.
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Private Simon Sakowitz aka “Doctor Ripper” (Andrew Garfield):
Born in a middle-class New York family, this young Jewish man studied medicine at university, and has notions of geopolitics. The kind of skills that can be useful for a commando like the Basterds who could need it. 
On the field, Simon does not fight often, as his friends want to preserve the life of their doctor. However, it does not prevent him to slaughter Nazis with his medical tools when he gets attacked, giving him the nickname of Doctor Ripper.
Calm, cultivated, and observative, Simon is unanimously appreciated by his comrades. He secretly has a crush on Andy, one of his teammates. Something that the other Basterds noticed and respected - even Winona finds it cute...
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Private Andy Kagan aka “The Charmer” (David Corenswet):
The third of five children, Andy grew up in the fancy mansion of his family in New York. As he started a promising career in Hollywood, he decided to join the U.S army to defend the European Jewish community against Nazis. And so, he ended up in Raine’s commando.
Elegant, good-looking, charming, cultivated, and athletic, Andy is an excellent spy and a skilled soldier. His favorite weapons are his blade and his dreidel (a gift from his sister) filled with poison.
He gets along with all his teammates, especially with Zimmermann, Hirschberg, Utivich, Wicki, and Sakowitz. Speaking of the latter, he really enjoys to court/tease him. A way to hide that he is in love. But all his teammates notice the romantic feelings between the two young men...
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Lieutenant Archie” Hicox aka “British Aristo” (Michael Fassbender):
Before war, this elegant and smart English man worked as a film critic and wrote many articles about German cinema. When he entered the British secret services, the general staff sent him to France for helping the Basterds in their mission.
At the beginning, the relation he had with the Basters was at odds, as the Americans found him snobbish and arrogant, while he thought they were crazy and reckless. However, the more he works with them, the more he gets to respect them and being respected.
His main characteristics are his cleverness, his sarcasm, and his calm demeanor that forms a contrast with the antics of his American colleagues. But no matter what happens, Archie will always fulfills his mission without question...
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Capitaine Etienne Récamier aka “The Surgeon” (Nicolas Gob) (OC):
This French man grew up between Normandy and Paris with his family. Even if he is not Jewish, he always learns to respect every culture and faith. 
So, when Germany invaded his country, he decides to send his family in England for their safety before entering the French Resistance. If he can kill some Nazis in the process, it does not bother him. Besides, his medicine skills and his precision with his scalpel give him the nickname of “The Surgeon.”
During one of his missions, he crosses paths with his new team: the Basterds. They happily accept this charming and cultivated man among them, even if Aldo tented to get a bit jealous when Etienne had friendly conversations with Winona...
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Adela “Ada” Mandelbaum aka “The Witch” (Vanessa Kirby) (OC):
The heiress of a wealthy Jewish German family, Adela is famous for her beauty and cleverness in high society. But she is not only good-looking: indeed, she always has this adventurous spirit, far from the etiquette of her social background. 
However, with the rise of Nazism and the war, Ada sees her life being turned upside down. The worse happens when she tries to flee France with her family and gets separated from them. Alone on the roads, she finds her niece Maddie and stays with her. During their clandestine life, she meets the Basterds. Happy to have a new feminine presence in the group, those men promptly accept Ada and Maddie in the group. 
The young woman shows her shooting skills, along with her capacity to speak different languages (French, German, Hebrew, English, Polish, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, and Japanese), which impress her new friends. Besides, it looks like Hugo is not different towards her...
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Madelaine “Maddie” Mandelbaum (Mackenzie Foy) (OC):
Born in a French-German Jewish family in Paris, Maddie received a very good education along with her oldest brother, Aloïs. She lived happily with her family until the war happens.
Trying to escape the Nazi threat, Maddie gets lost in the turmoil, much to her chagrin. However, she was not alone for a long time as her aunt Ada found her on the roads. The two girls wandered a long time until they meet the Basterds. 
And to say that Maddie made their hearts melt is an understatement: her cute little person, her lovely smile, her laugh, her maturity (quite impressive for a 7 years old girl), and her loving personality is a ray of sun for the Basterds.
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Edward “Ed” Percy (Tom Holland) (OC): 
10 years old Edward was born in the prestigious Percy family, an English aristocratic family from Northumberland. At the time of the war, his father works at the English embassy in Paris.
However, the events went sour and the family had to flee France. On their way, they got attacked and Edward get lost in the French countryside. Luckily for him, the Basterds found him in a forest and took him with them.
And Edward provs that they did the right choice: indeed, he is a very resourceful boy with cunning ideas. He loves repairing things and learning on his own. Even if he appreciates the company of Maddie who becomes his best friend...
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Bridget Von Hammersmark (Diane Krüger):
One of the most charismatic and admired German actresses of her time, Miss Von Hammersmark. However, no one would imagine that, behind the glamourous looks and interviews, Bridget works as a spy for the Allies.
She meets the Basterds in France where they had to gain some pieces of informations from her. Even if she did not have any military instructions, her charms and quick-witted personality always gets her out of trouble...
However, her biggest fear is to get unmasked by one of the most feared Nazi officers in France: Hans Landa, the same man who hunts down the Basterds...
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Private Fredrick Zöller (Daniel Brühl):
Famous in his country for his military exploits in Italy where he killed 250 enemies, Fredrick Zöller became the national darling and the perfect candidate for the Nazi propaganda, who used his story in a movie called “The Pride of the Nation”.
However, he is not comfortable with his new fame, and sometimes regrets his actions in Italy. Fredrick often wondered if his life has a goal, or if he was just the tool of a tyranny...
Unbeknownst to him, his fame makes him the target of the Basterds who get a huge interest on him. After all, abducting the national hero of Goebbels would be a huge coup for this commando...
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Colonel Hans Landa aka “The Jew Hunter” (Christoph Waltz):
Probably the most infamous Nazi officer in France, this Austrian S.S. officer is nicknamed “The Jew Hunter” due to his ability to hunt down and find all the Jewish people or resistants who tried to escape the German authorities.
At first, he seems to be a very charming, polite, cultivated man with a huge knowledge of foreign languages. However, behind this seductive facade, hides a manipulative, cold-blooded and dangerous man who would do his duty by all means...
Considering the Basterds as a potential threat, he hunts them down by all means and swears to destroy them, even if he had to burn down all France...
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Major Dieter Hellström (August Diehl):
One of the Gestapo officers stationed in France, Hellström embodied the Nazi in all the most despicable aspects: rude, arrogant, brutal, sadistic, and disdainful.
However, he is also a good detective, like his superior Hans Landa, and gains a terrifying reputation among the Resistance networks across France and Europe. He often mocks Zöller for his shyness, calling him a “girlish soldier”.
He hates the Basterds more than anything and swears to kill them all, especially the Jewish members of the squad. But he should be ready, as the Basterds wait resolutely for him...
So, what do you think about the introduction of the characters?
Are they interesting?
Don’t hesitate to like/reblog/leaving comments!
I can’t wait to see your questions!
See you and take care! 💖😘🥰🌻🌺🌹😍
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