#gedeon burkhard x reader
fangirl-imagines · 4 years
Dating Wilhelm Wicki Would Include...
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A/N: I wrote these at like 3am and they read like it. 
Ooooh boy, okay
This will be mildly NSFW, you have been warned. 
His voice, omg, I could listen to him talk forever. 
He would know the effect his voice has on you too and would absolutely use it to his advantage/to tease you whenever possible. 
If you can’t sleep though or are feeling particularly nervous/anxious he will sit down next to you and whisper to you in your ear, even just very casual conversation or affirmations, to help you calm down. 
Sometimes he’ll say something to you in German and you have no idea what he said but Hugo is rolling his eyes at the two of you. 
You’ll take that as a good thing you guess. 
Hugo, omg Wicki is Hugo’s best friend right? Well at first he would not trust you at all but by the end of the war you are his favorite basterd. 
For the most part Wicki is quiet though and doesn’t say much sometimes but the two of you can have an entire conversation with just a few glances. 
The others find this both fascinating and kind of creepy sometimes. 
You are also trying to learn German from him and Hugo though so you can understand them better which Wicki thinks is kind of cute. 
The first time you tell him you love him in German he gets a big (for him anyway) smile and kisses you. 
Some (most) nights you're all camping out in the woods, you and Wicki will just go missing for a few hours after separately heading for a walk and not return for hours. 
One time you came back with a few hickeys and Donny would NEVER let you live it down. 
He's protective of you but in small casual ways. 
Like he's always worried about you freezing when it's cold out and will casually through the day take off one of his own many many layers and offer them to you. 
If you're all out drinking during a break or while laying low he is always trying to offer you water between drinks. 
 Small acts that show he cares about your well being because really he just wants to look out for you where he can. 
All the other bastards would love to tease the two of you anytime they can. 
Donny in particular keeps asking you for the first couple of weeks why you didn’t pick him but after enough slaps to the head he finally lets it go. 
I don’t think that Wicki would like to talk much about his life in Austria before the war. You learn quickly not to push him on that. 
He doesn’t have anyone waiting for him back in the states after the war is over but he does have you now and he will follow you wherever. 
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Dating Wilhelm Wicki | IB headcanon
Link to my IB masterlist
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Content warnings: profanity, mentions of violence, and slight suggestive content below the cut.
Dating Corporal Wilhelm Wicki would look like:
The way I envision Wicki getting involved with someone during the war is if they were a spy for the allies. You were assigned to the Basterds to deliver intel during their first year in France where you relayed information regarding the advancements in the Germans occupation of the country.
The meetup was held in a small tavern members of the Resistance owned. They were impending the arrival of the Basterds, so when the group of men situated in a large round booth away from prying eyes, a waitress brought over a tray of drinks with the code phrase, “The lady/gentlemen/patron at the bar has offered the first round of drinks on them.” That’s when ten pairs of eyes drew over to you seated at the bar with a cigarette in your hand and face away from their view. Usually Aldo was the one who had to make first contact with their agents, but after an injury to his leg the man had Wilhelm go talk to you since he was seated at the far end of the booth.
“Well well, i guess the rumors of the basterds being quite the lookers was true,” were the first words from your mouth when he sat down next to you. They were warned to not have you join their table if the place was busy as to not draw any suspicious attention. Wilhelm was surprised by your boldness, smirking as he accepted a cigarette from your tin. For an hour you relayed the information from your OSS superior—and after Wicki passed it on to Aldo and the basterds, he joined you once again.
“I already told you everything I know, handsome.” “Oh I know, liebling, but it would be rude of me to not buy you another drink. Would it not?”
By the end of the night, you and Wilhelm had talked for so long—smoking cigarettes and drinking Whiskey in between—that Aldo had to get his ass up to collect him when it was time for them to leave. It saddened the both of you, having enjoyed the company you gave each other. And to keep up with the act that you two were simply strangers who shared attraction (although it was true and you wanted to keep the night going) you leaned over and kissed Wilhelm on the corner of his mouth. “Hope to see you soon, Wilhelm. Try not to die and take my heart with you.” In return, Wicki winked and said, “as long as you promise the same to me, schatz.”
Much to your joy, you and Wilhelm are reunited a few months later when the Basterds arrive to the allied base camp just outside of France. As a spy for OSS you were called to report back to the base every few months to feed the allies any updates on the war front. Wilhelm couldn’t help the smile on his face when he spotted you smirking at him from across the room he and the basterds entered with your feet kicked up on the table while your superior started giving a rundown on your next assignment. Which just so happened to be with the Basterds. “Looks like we got plenty of catching up to do, Corporal.”
What was supposed to be a temporary assignment with the Basterds ended up extending to two years. In that time, you and Wilhelm became friends before blossoming into something more. It was obvious the two of you were attracted to one another—ever since your first meeting the flirtation progressed and became more open, not even caring if the others heard you—so it was no surprise when you got together.
The Basterds all made bets on how long it would take before either you or Wilhelm asked the other out. Donny and Hircheberg thought it would be within the first month of you joining the team, whereas Aldo and Hugo betted it would be maybe six months to a year. The reason it took so long before you both cracked was because you knew the risks of having a relationship during the war, and the fact he was a soldier and you were a spy. You wanted things to be professional and not jeopardize the missions by having feelings get in the way.
Anytime the team ambushed a Nazi patrol, you would stay close to Wilhelm and take turns scalping. And seeing you spoke multiple languages including German & French, you often translated if it was needed. “How’s your English, Warner? Cause need be we got a couple fellers who can translate. Wicki here, an Austrian Jew—got the fuck out of Munich while the gettin’ was good. Became American, got drafted. Came back to give y’all a whoopfard. That piece of eye candy next to him, L/n, best goddamn spy you’d ever lay your eyes on. Knows eight languages and can take down anyone twice their size. They may look calm and collected right now, but you don’t want to piss them off.”
After it’s y’all’s turn on watch, Wil loves to hold you by the fire while you two look up at the stars. Sometimes he’ll tell you stories of his home in Austria or you’ll talk about your life back home. Whenever it’s been a long and rough day for you Wilhelm will lay his head on your chest while you stroke your fingers through his hair. It makes him feel safe and secure knowing you’re right next to him and you’ve lived to see the next day.
It’s second nature for you guys to watch each other’s back. Whether it be knee deep in the woods or going undercover in a French village, you are constantly keeping an eye out for suspicious activity and making sure Wilhelm is safe. He’s always got his eyes on you (which gets him in trouble sometimes because he misses out on something important). If you’re at a bar cozying up to a drunk German soldier to gain intel, Wilhelm is gripping his glass in an attempt to keep cool. He doesn’t get jealous whenever the guys playfully flirt with you, but whenever its a Kraut he’s wishing he could just walk up and scalp the bastard where he stands.
PDA is reserved for closed doors (except when you’re undercover he sometimes can’t help himself and will pull you to his lap in a tavern to show everyone you’re his). Wilhelm will kiss you when no one is looking, hug you tightly, cuddle you, wink at you from behind one of the guys shoulder, and will playfully pinch your side or bottom when he passes you. All it does is make you step it up by biting his lip after a kiss, rubbing against his front when bending over to grab something you drop, and whisper dirty things in his ear when he’s trying to pay attention to Aldo. It’s really a competition to see who will crack first. “You think they’ll notice if we ditch for a ‘walk’ for a couple hours?”
Something you two like to talk about is what will happen after the war. Wilhelm wants to go back to city in America he settled in and have you by his side. You want the same, but would have to tie up some lose ends with wherever you’re from—especially if you are from somewhere in Europe. But once that’s settled, you would go anywhere he is. Every so often you two envision what it would be like to live together in America with a nice little house/apartment, going to work everyday only to come home to each other. The talks of kids and pets would be brought up if that is something you both want. “You’d make a great parent, Wilhelm.” “As would you, Schatz. And I wouldn’t want anyone else in the world to share that honor with.”
The whole disaster in the basement in Nadine happened when Wil purposefully had Aldo send you to scope out an area where members of the Third Reich frequented. The anger you possessed when you got back to find your lover shot in a botched rendezvous and barely breathing had you cursing out everyone in your sight. Then when Wicki finally woke up in the vet clinic hours later and stitched up (thanks to you knowing first aid) his face wiped back at the force of your hand slapping him. “How dare you set me up like that?!” “Liebling, please—.” He caught your hand when you went to slap him again and pulled you close to him despite your protest and attempt to pull away. “I ought to kill you myself you bastard—don’t—I’m so fucking mad at you, Wilhelm.”
Yeah it took a lot of making up before you forgave him. Lots of apologizing, kisses, promising to never scare you like that again.
When you joined him in America weeks later after the war ended, Wil met you at the airport where he spun you around before kissing you so passionately you felt the love flow through him and into you. It was the beginning of your future together, the one you always dreamed of when you nuzzled into his arms under the stars in hopes you two would get your happy ever after.
“I love you, Wilhelm. Even though you deserve an ass whooping.” “I love you too, Y/n. I promise you can kick my ass after I make up for it once more by getting you to bed.”
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italianraviolos · 3 years
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Not me scared as hell to open Tumblr in Germany, cause here everybody knows who the german actors on my Tumblr are...
(by the way I'm really proud of my balaclava scarf)
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arianadevareux · 5 years
Wicki and Stiglitz helping you learn German.
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“I want to understand some of what our enemies are saying, here, men. Can you help me?”
Wicki and Stiglitz shared a questioning glance before it was WIcki that responded.
“We’ll help you. We could give you lessons on our down time.”
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SFW Alphabet—Wilhelm Wicki | IB headcanon
Link to my IB masterlist
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Wicki can be affectionate when the time calls for it. It’s hard in y’all’s situation—not to mention nine other soldiers are breathing down your neck 24/7. But Wicki is a gentleman and will often show you affection like wiping the dirt of your face, kissing your head before you fall asleep, and holding you after a nightmare. The times he showers you with love and affection occurs after a mission or ambush where you two had a close call. “It’s alright, baby. I got you—you’re safe right here.”
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship with Wicki bloomed shortly after meeting. Of course you naturally befriended all of the Basterds, but there was an instant connection with Wicki. He was charming, sincere, wise…and you could count on him for always having a pack of cigarettes on hand.
The man is very protective of you and literally goes to war to keep you safe. Very dependable, Wicki will help you regardless of the favor you need and only asks questions if he’s concerned with the consequences you would face. For example, “Y/n, I do not think it is a good idea to shave Aldo’s eyebrow when he sleeps just because you are bored.” “It will grow back though.” “And is that worth getting demoted?”
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Of course he likes to cuddle. Being deep in the forest in the cold hours of the night means you have to rely on campfires and body heat to keep warm. So, Wicki enjoys the ability to cuddle you to his chest when you two are finally able to get some hours of sleep. It helps when both of you are assigned to keep watch together and then get to check in for the night at the same time.
Wicki sleeps on his back and therefore likes to have you cuddled into his side with his arm wrapped around your back. He doesn’t mind the rough ground—having grown used to it after months of camping in the woods. On the rare occasions where Aldo manages to get you all rooms at an inn during ops missions, Wicki takes full advantage of cuddling you in a bed. He’ll lay his large body on top of you with his face in your neck. Do expect some snores cause Wicki is out like a light after five minutes in that position.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Settling down is the goal. First is to survive the war of course, but then it’s finding a nice house in the suburbs with you by his side. Cooking may not be his forte, but he will take on the duties of cleaning. You’ll never have to worry about coming home to a dirty house or full dishes in the sink because Wicki is on it.
E = Ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would kill him to end things with you. If you two were together at the time he was drafted, Wicki would want to end things to prevent you from dealing with the pain and grief if he were to never return. He’d also not want to hold you back from living your life by making you commit to him while he’s off overseas, despite your protests and promising you’d wait for him. “I can’t ask that of you, hasi. You should not have to worry about me and be able to live your life.” There would be tears and it would break his heart all the same, but it would be for the best.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Like settling down, getting married is also a goal of Wicki—if you want the same. There isn’t another person on Earth he’d rather be with for the rest of his life. You two had been through so much with the war and the aftermath that as soon as you land in the states he’s wanting to take you to the court house with the Basterds in toll.
Now if we were to envision this with you two both going down in La Louisiane, then you two probably exchanged some sort of vows prior to stepping into the basement. As soon as the team got word of Operation Kino—with Wicki being assigned to the suicide mission of bombing the cinema, you demanded to be part of it. “If you fucking think I’m letting you do this while staying here, then you’re out of your goddamn mind, Wilhelm.” “This is not a game, Y/n. I’m not coming back from this—.” “Then I’m fucking dying with you! And don’t you tell me otherwise.” Then it ended with Donny yelling “just fucking get married right now while you’re at it. Have Ultivich officiate.” “W-what? Why me?”
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Wicki is a gentle giant, quite literally. The man stands tall at nearly 6 fucking 4 yet is the softest when it comes to you. He will shoot a Nazi point blank and scalp them with no hesitation, but will blush like a tomato if you compliment him. And if you’re sad or just feeling down expect him to drop everything he’s doing until you’re smiling again.
H = Hugs (do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
To be honest, Wicki is not a hugger. But if you are in need of one then I’ll be damn he is lifting you off the ground in his strong arms and keeping you there for however long you need. Most of the time hugs occur when a mission has ended or there’s a close call where you both are in need of holding each other.
I = I love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
Knowing how everyday could be your last, Wicki probably said he loved you during a stressful situation. Hell it may have even been the start of your relationship although Wicki knew he loved you long before you two got together. Being best friends and having to spend every day together brought you close and needless to say feelings progressed. He loved you so much and the words spilled out when he saw you lying on the ground with a bullet to your side. It wasn’t fatal, thankfully, but he was so worried and scared that he had to let you know in case the worse happened. “You’re gonna be okay, Y/n. I love you—you hear me? I love you and you can’t leave yet!”
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Wicki would never get jealous when one of the Basterds playfully flirted with you. He knew it was to get under his skin and Wicki trusted you with his whole heart and soul. And of course the Basterds would never intentionally hurt the man and respected y’all’s realationship.
Now, if you two are deep in recon or having to go undercover in the city and someone tries to get a little too friendly, then Wicki may pull a little something to get the message clear. For example, when in Paris at some bar trying to get intel there was a German officer who got handsy after you rejected him and Wicki full on gripped him by the collar to throw him out of the bar. When you confronted him, smirking and with lust in your eyes, Wicki simply replied, “he is lucky we are in public, Leibling. If we were outside in the alley he wouldn’t be breathing and his scalp would be in my pocket.”
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kisses with Wicki are world stopping. So much passion is put into every kiss because there are times when you truly believe it could be your last. Your lips are his favorite place. Wicki will cup your face in his large hands and guide your mouth to his. You’ll never forget the kiss where you two were ambushed and had to take down five Krauts with only a pistol and knife in both of your hands. Both of you were covered in dirt and blood and Wicki stormed up to you, panting and kissed you so hard it left you breathless.
He loves when you kiss his cheek or jaw. Because he’s so tall you have to crank your neck up or stand slightly on your toes to kiss him. It makes him laugh when you attempt to kiss his lips and end up catching his jaw. It became such a habit and Wicki quickly realized it was his favorite place to be kissed.
L = Little ones (how are they around children?)
Let’s be honest you didn’t see Wicki interact with children until after you two were safe home from the war. When you finally did, you weren’t surprised by how well he was around them. Wicki was one of the most down to earth men you knew and treated you with nothing but amazement, so it was no surprise how gentle he was with kids. He secretly hope you two would have/adopt kids in the future, but if you weren’t interested in it he’d understand.
M = Morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
The morning is always a rush as a Basterd. Aldo will get y’all’s asses up before the crack of dawn and make you run a lap or two before hauling your shit to the next site. The ‘coffee’ is pretty much water with a splash of grounded coffee beans with absolutely no cream or sugar. You personally love the mornings where you guys do end up crashing at an inn because then you get to shower and have a descent breakfast. Wicki will be the type of partner to gather your things for you so you don’t have to worry about it and can sleep in. “Wilhelm, you don’t have to do that.” “It is the least I can do for you, love. You just keep resting, Aldo is giving us the morning off.”
N = Night (how are nights spent with them?)
Almost every night starts with you and Wicki taking first watch. The rest of the Basterds will get a fire started and once you two finish your shift then you’ll either do prep, clean your weapons, eat whatever food you have left before lying down and falling asleep under the stars. “We got to see the night sky again,” he’d say while running his fingers through your hair, “may tomorrow we see the same.” Then before you drift off, Wicki presses a soft kiss to your lips muttering how much he loves you and can’t wait for the day you two get to go home.
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