#gelgoog menace
zakovt · 4 months
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Gonna turn this fucker into a Zeon suit because I’m having cognitive dissonance with liking a seed model, also the movie was ass but fun
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gremoria411 · 1 year
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Alright, new Gundam Seed Freedom Trailer (and other materials)
We now know what most of the new Main Character Mobile suit designs are - we have the new Rising Freedom Gundam (shown above) and Athrun’s new suit, the Immortal Justice Gundam, which seems to be patterned more off the Aegis this time around (the red colour scheme and it’s a little bulkier).
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I’m going to wait until the movie actually comes out for my full opinions on the designs, but notable features are:
The Rising Freedom seems to be based at least partially on the Destiny Gundam, as seen with it’s forearms, chest and shoulders (makes sense).
The Gelgoog Menace, which is almost certainly Lunamaria’s new suit, appears to be a directly upgraded Zaku Warrior, presumably with a greater emphasis on close-combat.
Shinn’s apparently back in the Impulse, almost certainly so they can reuse the model design.
I think that the Immortal Justice is going to be a transforming unit (the Rising Freedom kind of is already).
While the Gyan Strom certainly appears to be *checks notes* Agnes Gieberath’s new mobile suit, I should call out that there were two of them alongside the Immortal Justice in the trailer, so it might be that it’s a limited-production suit handed out to ZAFT’s best? It’s possible that Yzak and Dearka might also be piloting them.
The Shi-ve and Rud-ro of the Black Knight Squadron (boring name) *seem* to be patterned after the Crossbone Vanguard? Though that might just be the head fins. Otherwise, I find the Rud-ro’s rather generic looking.
From what we can tell, the Black Knight Squadron is going to be backing ZAFT (we see DINNs in the background in the trailer) and is composed of these characters (going off the matching colours and approximate numbers):
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(I would go through them all but honestly I think only two at most are going to matter).
My final point is; What’s with everyone using old equipment? All I’m seeing in the trailers is GINNs, DINNs, ZuOOTs and 105 Daggers. The Impulse is maybe excusable, but it’s odd. I’d buy that ZAFT reproduced an upgraded GINN after the second Bloody Valentine War, but if they’re all using outdated equipment then it really doesn’t sell them as actual threats to the Protagonists. Yes, they should still be stopped, but it makes it feel like the conflict between the two forces is background, when the Tragedy of War is kind of Gundam’s whole thesis statement.
(Though again, I’ll probably complain a lot less is this gives us new kits for the GINN and DINN)
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gundamfight · 6 months
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thaliarchus · 3 months
Let me Gelgoogle that for you
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I wimped out on some of the stickers.
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temmye-temmye · 2 months
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HG ZGMF-2025/F GELGOOG Menace for Hilda Haken
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shin-meddlesome-hero · 2 months
So I watched “Gundam Seed Freedom” despite knowing nothing about the series because maybe I won’t get the chance to watch Gundam in movie theaters in my country ever again. So here’s my impressions.
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(Spoilers ahead)
Things I liked:
*I wanted to see giant robots fighting in the big screen and the movie delivered.
*I didn’t know that they revisited some of the Mobile Suits from UC. I liked the Gyan, the Gelgoog and the Z’Gok.
*My favorite part was when someone was hacking something and the computer screen said “hacking”.
*Also that part when Athrun defeated the mind-reading psychics by having horny heterosexual thoughts.
*"You don’t love someone because you need them; you need them because you love them”. It’s a nice corny phrase, I wanted to steal it for my fanfic but then I remembered that most Gundam series exist in my fic’s universe so if one of the characters were to use it, someone else would get the reference.
*The theme song is cool.
*There are some parts about the cosmic era lore that I didn’t understand but intrigued me.
Things I didn’t like:
*The concept of genetically engineered psychics using their mind-control powers to brainwash Kira and make him to kickstart an international incident was entertaining, but after that one battle, these powers turned out not to be as powerful and menacing as it was implied at first, so what’s up with that?
*Also, if I understood correctly, Lacus was genetically engineered to be admired by everyone? Isn’t this supposed to be a huge revelation? It didn’t go anywhere.
Things I didn’t like but weren’t the film’s fault:
*I guess most of the story would’ve made more of an impact if I knew who all these people were.
*This is a general Gundam complaint, but why is the final boss always some Giant Death Laser?
*The movie ended with Kira and Lacus kissing while naked in the beach after repeatedly saying how much they loved each other… …. I GUESS THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS OPEN TO INTERPRETATION, RIGHT BANDA— *gets shot by a Giant Death Laser*.
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gatormeister · 10 days
Gundam SEED Freedom!
I enjoyed the hell out of this movie.
Some spoilers for the film ahead
Let’s get this part out of the way fast. The villains suck. The Accords come outta nowhere, rehash both Le Creuset’s and Chairman Zala’s “kill all naturals” and Durandal’s “we’ll make everything eugenics” plots. They just exist for Cosmic Era to say “eugenics is bad,” “war is bad,” “peace and love good,” all over again. There is nothing complex to this plot outside of figuring out how to make Kira and Compass the bad guys to the rest of the world.
We don’t get the character drama back- well we sorta do, but it’s mind control weirdness and does not last long, but you do get to see a lot of nice small interactions and moments between the main cast, something that the first show did great and was less present in Destiny. Kira just sort of goes and does his character arc from SEED over again. Athrun shows off why he’s a better mc. Shinn decides to spec harder into being a human puppy with how he acts. It’s all great stuff. Lacus I’d even say is at her best in this movie, having a full character arc of her own. Agnes is a new character, she’s a very jealous traitor, who really just feels like she exists just so that Lunamaria can fight someone at the end. I wasn’t a huge fan.
The action is mostly done in 3D, and I’d say it looks great the whole way through. The new designs were fantastic. The Mighty Strike Freedom feels like a massive improvement of the original Strike Freedom’s. Athrun’s Z’gok is great alongside the Infinite Justice hidden inside it. The Rising Freedom is also a very good design. The Impulse is mostly the same as Destiny which is to say fantastic. The Gelgoog Menace is yet another incredible SEED variation of an OG suit like the Z’gok. The Gyan Storm is okay, wasn’t super big on its original, and this is about the same. The Knights’ suits are cool enough, but I don’t think I’d jump to build one.
Great movie overall. Not as good as the two Thunderbolt movies or Endless Waltz, but it is absolutely no slouch either. Well worth watching.
I suppose Hathaway’s going to the next Gundam thing I watch. It’s the last of the early UC stuff for now, so might as well knock it out. I’ve heard great things.
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zakovt · 4 months
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It’s weathering and rollout colors totally didn’t have enough time to paint and topcoat so the primer’s chipping conveniently hahahahahahahahaha
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gundamfight · 3 months
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