thaliarchus · 3 hours
Hadn't ported this from cohost over to my devblog before: a worked example of a semi-translating approach I sometimes use.
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thaliarchus · 4 days
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Here's the VOD of Books 4 and 5: www.twitch.tv/videos/22570...
Join us next Saturday at 1900 UTC/Zulu. I can promise that giant robots will battle each other.
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thaliarchus · 4 days
Books 4 and 5 of CWKB live in one (1) hour!
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thaliarchus · 4 days
CWKB has a symmetrical structure: eight books, then two mostly in rhyme royal for the katabasis, then eight more.
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thaliarchus · 5 days
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thaliarchus · 5 days
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"yeah I have to wear a dress like a girl to pilot the mech. it's part of being a mech pilot. yeah I know I'm a boy but it's a strat"
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thaliarchus · 6 days
I have a new (short) poem out in FGR
Here it is.
Unexpectedly—I didn't know this in advance!—[link opens PDF] one of the essays in this issue also discusses the poem for its punctilious metrical and alliterative archaism.
I archaised carefully because the contrast was funny. But not wholly funny ('Sink not to laughter'): things like the echo of the Dream of the Rood ('all quail answering') aren't there by accident. The sentiment's probably trite, but I increasingly think that most things worth saying are on some level trite. Much is in the manner, not the matter.
('Okay but Thal, is the poem gay' Yes but very quietly: 'bucks' is plural.)
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thaliarchus · 8 days
So here's an interesting thing you can occasionally figure out in anime shot in a physical camera
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Hiatari Ryoukou episode 46 has a bunch of shots with this same bit of debris visible at the bottom (very possibly in overscan on CRT TVs). These shots were probably photographed together. But they're not contiguous in the episode.
Just in a small way, it's a glimpse of the discontinuous photography that the finished thing works hard to obscure. A hint of Gantt behind the montage.
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thaliarchus · 10 days
No one is enjoying this kabedon
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thaliarchus · 11 days
Cosmic Warlord Kin-Bright live readings so far
These are pretty raw, with mistakes left in &c. And you'll have to scrub through a bit to get to the start.
Book 1:
Books 2 and 3:
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thaliarchus · 12 days
Just to note that the next live reading is tomorrow, Saturday 14 September, at 1900 UTC/Zulu. Twitch link is above.
Or of course you can grab the first ten books in PDF or EPUB and read at your own pace!
Cosmic Warlord Kin-Bright release schedule
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Cosmic Warlord Kin-Bright, this millennium's best giant robot yuri space opera, is complete. To release it, I'm going to read CWKB aloud on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/thaliarchus), in instalments, from start to finish.
The whole poem has been revised and improved, but on Saturday 19 October we will hit material that hasn't been published yet. From that point on, the books premiered each week will be added to the files available on Itch, in PDF and epub.
VODs will be available on Twitch for anyone who can't make it but is keen to follow along or catch up.
Once finished, the poem will remain free / pay-what-you-want.
Streams will be on Saturdays, on the following schedule, in which all times are in GMT / UTC / Zulu:
1900 UTC Sat 7 September: Book 1
1900 UTC Sat 14 September: Books 2 & 3
1900 UTC Sat 21 September: Books 4 & 5
1900 UTC Sat 28 September: Books 6 & 7
1900 UTC Sat 5 October: Book 8
1900 UTC Sat 12 October: Books 9 & 10
1900 UTC Sat 19 October: Books 11 & 12
1900 UTC Sat 26 October: Books 13 & 14
2000 UTC Sat 2 November: Books 15 & 16
2000 UTC Sat 9 November: Books 17 & 18 [the end!]
Note the UTC time change from 2 November on: this keeps the stream consistent at 8 PM London time, and might well keep it consistent for you too, if you live somewhere where the clocks are changing in the same direction.
Please circulate to anyone who might be interested!
Glorious cover art by Szkin.
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thaliarchus · 13 days
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thaliarchus · 15 days
I love it when a villain has an implausibly cavernous office, of a size you wouldn't even get in Romania's Palace of the Parliament.
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thaliarchus · 18 days
Stream for Book 1 starts in one hour's time!
Cosmic Warlord Kin-Bright release schedule
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Cosmic Warlord Kin-Bright, this millennium's best giant robot yuri space opera, is complete. To release it, I'm going to read CWKB aloud on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/thaliarchus), in instalments, from start to finish.
The whole poem has been revised and improved, but on Saturday 19 October we will hit material that hasn't been published yet. From that point on, the books premiered each week will be added to the files available on Itch, in PDF and epub.
VODs will be available on Twitch for anyone who can't make it but is keen to follow along or catch up.
Once finished, the poem will remain free / pay-what-you-want.
Streams will be on Saturdays, on the following schedule, in which all times are in GMT / UTC / Zulu:
1900 UTC Sat 7 September: Book 1
1900 UTC Sat 14 September: Books 2 & 3
1900 UTC Sat 21 September: Books 4 & 5
1900 UTC Sat 28 September: Books 6 & 7
1900 UTC Sat 5 October: Book 8
1900 UTC Sat 12 October: Books 9 & 10
1900 UTC Sat 19 October: Books 11 & 12
1900 UTC Sat 26 October: Books 13 & 14
2000 UTC Sat 2 November: Books 15 & 16
2000 UTC Sat 9 November: Books 17 & 18 [the end!]
Note the UTC time change from 2 November on: this keeps the stream consistent at 8 PM London time, and might well keep it consistent for you too, if you live somewhere where the clocks are changing in the same direction.
Please circulate to anyone who might be interested!
Glorious cover art by Szkin.
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thaliarchus · 20 days
Cosmic Warlord Kin-Bright release schedule
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Cosmic Warlord Kin-Bright, this millennium's best giant robot yuri space opera, is complete. To release it, I'm going to read CWKB aloud on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/thaliarchus), in instalments, from start to finish.
The whole poem has been revised and improved, but on Saturday 19 October we will hit material that hasn't been published yet. From that point on, the books premiered each week will be added to the files available on Itch, in PDF and epub.
VODs will be available on Twitch for anyone who can't make it but is keen to follow along or catch up.
Once finished, the poem will remain free / pay-what-you-want.
Streams will be on Saturdays, on the following schedule, in which all times are in GMT / UTC / Zulu:
1900 UTC Sat 7 September: Book 1
1900 UTC Sat 14 September: Books 2 & 3
1900 UTC Sat 21 September: Books 4 & 5
1900 UTC Sat 28 September: Books 6 & 7
1900 UTC Sat 5 October: Book 8
1900 UTC Sat 12 October: Books 9 & 10
1900 UTC Sat 19 October: Books 11 & 12
1900 UTC Sat 26 October: Books 13 & 14
2000 UTC Sat 2 November: Books 15 & 16
2000 UTC Sat 9 November: Books 17 & 18 [the end!]
Note the UTC time change from 2 November on: this keeps the stream consistent at 8 PM London time, and might well keep it consistent for you too, if you live somewhere where the clocks are changing in the same direction.
Please circulate to anyone who might be interested!
Glorious cover art by Szkin.
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thaliarchus · 1 month
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Is this a technical?
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thaliarchus · 1 month
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Started rewatching Eureka Seven, which I've not revisited since, ah, 2007.
One early thing I like: the time put into detailing these somewhat cluttered spaces.
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