#gemma cherry
wrixie · 6 months
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Lazy Sundays are for napping and visits with Grammy
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timeagainreviews · 3 months
Doctor Who isn't Dead Yet
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Last month “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga,” made headlines for having the lowest box office numbers on Memorial Day weekend. This is in spite of also being number one at the box office, just beating out “The Garfield Movie.” The movie was a certified flop, which is a shame because it’s stupendous (seriously, watch it sometime if you haven’t.)  I saw it a week after its release and already it had been relegated to the smallest theatre in the complex with only two screenings on a Friday. This small theatre had maybe eight people in attendance. To look at it, you would have to agree with those who say cinema is dying. It’s ironic then that Sutekh’s gift of death is what appears to have breathed a lot of life into my local cinema over the weekend.
To celebrate the Doctor Who season one finale, the BBC opted to show it in theatres across the UK. The screening began at eleven o’clock with “The Legend of Ruby Sunday,” and followed into midnight with “Empire of Death.” As we arrived, I saw many happy Whovians in cosplay buzzing with excited energy. The lobby was full of people in Tom Baker scarves and blue TARDIS t-shirts chattering away about their fan theories while they loaded up on snacks. The person dressed like the Fourteenth Doctor sitting in front of me was bouncing in their seat so much that I kept getting glimpses of David Tennant hair in my periphery. Needless to say, people were very excited. I don’t know if it was the fact that it was nearly 1 AM, but I did not see that same energy on the way out. So what happened?
It’s no secret that the overall fan reaction to RTD’s finale episode is one of being very underwhelmed. I even used that exact word to my friends on the way out of the theatre. I chose that word carefully. I didn’t want to imply that I hated it, because I didn’t. But after an entire season of build-up, I expected certain conditions to have been met. I’ve mentioned in the past that one of the benefits of this new midnight release schedule is that I often watch the episodes more than once. I find this helpful because the second viewing always allows me the opportunity to view the story divorced from my own expectations. But I have to ask- were my expectations so unfounded to begin with? Where did they come from if not the show itself?
Recently in an interview, Russell T Davies stated that he has been writing Doctor Who in such a way that it would generate a buzz on the internet. If people were talking about it, then maybe people would start watching it. While I am sure this method can increase engagement, it also has its shortcomings. Trickling information is all well in good, but when is it not enough? There is a point where teasing becomes more tedious than tantalising. Just look at Steven Moffat and Trenzalore- a concept that got so dragged out that by the time we finally got there, it was hard to care. Another downside is that it also raises people’s expectations to such a degree that it can be hard to meet said expectations.
Had this episode been written by Steven Moffat, we wouldn’t have picked up right back where we had left off. We’d have probably begun the episode on Agua Santina with the Doctor receiving the spoon from the kind woman. But this is more of a classic Doctor Who-style episode where the cliffhanger continues along. Last week I had guessed that Sutekh was a sort of trinity of Susan Triad, his jackal aspect, and Ruby Sunday. But as we learn in this story, not only is Ruby not related to Sutekh, but Susan Triad is no more Sutekh than Harriet Argbinger. That is not to say that she is any less dangerous in this moment. She holds out her hand to spread the dust of death which quickly begins to envelop London, then the world, and eventually, the universe, or at least the places where the Doctor has visited.
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I rather liked the getaway scene with the Doctor and Mel. It was great to see Mel taking control of the situation. The Doctor almost feels like the companion following her away from danger. Her “Come on, cowboy!” line was so good. Once again, I really like what they’re doing with Mel in this season. The fact that she could have been this person in classic Doctor Who really annoys me that she wasn’t. While I grew to appreciate classic Mel in her own right, I’ll take modern-day UNIT Mel over screaming Mel any day. Bonnie Langford is coming here to Glasgow Film and Comic Con in August and I fully expect her line to be longer than when I saw her in 2015. She has been a highlight of this season and I fully did not expect to love her return as much as I have.
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As the dust spreads through London, UNIT is still reacting to the presence of Sutekh wrapped around the TARDIS. Last week my friend said to me about Morris’ segway “How much do you want to bet that thing shoots lasers?” And sure enough, it shoots something. The UNIT team unload holy hell on Sutekh and Harriet, but nothing lands. Before getting in a little reference to her father, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart and her team are reduced to dust. Even the Vlinx’s head pops off, so not even robots are safe. Once again, the RTD2 era has borrowed from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As Sutekh’s dust of death spread across the globe causing people to disintegrate, I leaned over to my wife and said “Mister Stark, I don’t feel so good,” in reference to the Thanos snap. Whatever. Marvel doesn’t own disintegration.
We see Mrs Flood and Cherry get swept up in the dust. Before she dies, Mrs Flood delivers some cryptic words that lead me to think she’s more than just a Time Lord but something far more powerful. However, she’s not so powerful as to avoid Sutekh’s gift. It’s hard to say just what is happening there, so I am not even going to attempt it. The Doctor and Mel find their way through the dust back to UNIT HQ where Ruby is still standing in the time window. Last week I mentioned that the memory of a TARDIS could become the Memory TARDIS from “Tales of the TARDIS,” and boy was I right. I love being right, especially after being wrong all season. I still want someone to be the Rani. At this point, they’re just messing with me.
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Before we move along, I do want to call out an aspect of the dust scene that bothers me, and that’s Carla. Last week we saw Ruby tell Carla that she needed to either help or get out of the way. Historically, this would be where someone like Jackie Tyler would find some way to be helpful. I half expected a moment where it feels like all is lost until Carla comes out of nowhere like Ric Flair with a steel chair, saving our heroes from certain doom. It could have even been a self-sacrifice moment where she is still turned to dust. It would have been tragic and fuelled the Doctor and Ruby’s resolve. Instead, we see her in a cab on her way home after having witnessed her daughter's memories invoke the devil. What was even the point of her saying “Well, if your mother's part of it then, Ruby, you can tell her your mother is too,” if they do nothing with it? It felt so out of character for her to up and leave Ruby behind like that, and I feel like that lies solely at Davies’ feet.
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It’s funny to me that in the lead-up to “Empire of Death,” people were saying “I hope they explain how Sutekh escaped the time vortex.” Mostly because it hardly matters, but also because they rarely explain how the Master or Davros escape death time and time again. Why is Sutekh any different? What is funny is that Sutekh escapes dying of old age in the time vortex by hitching a ride through the time vortex for thousands of years. Instead of dying, this just makes him stronger. He goes from an Osiran to a full-blown Titan. Sutekh reveals to the Doctor that Susan Triad was an aspect of the Doctor’s granddaughter who he had learned about while integrating himself with the TARDIS. He peppers these aspects of Susan throughout the universe wherever the Doctor lands. However, other than sharing a name, I don’t understand what Susan Triad has to do with Susan Foreman. They’re both brilliant and kind, but is this implying that Susan Triad is what the Doctor’s granddaughter might regenerate into? It’s a bit confusing.
After using Ruby’s memory to fully materialise the Memory TARDIS, the Doctor and his two companions escape Sutekh’s grasp, but even the Doctor senses that maybe Sutekh is keeping them alive. The visual of Sutekh sitting atop the TARDIS in his silent empire of death is an arresting one. I appreciated the sound design allowing the audience to really feel that silence. No music. No people. Nothing. Though on a scientific level, it does strike me as a bit odd that the entire universe is now dead. The Doctor may have had thousands of adventures across time and space, but I have to imagine there are countless planets out there which remained untouched by Sutekh’s dust. But I’m willing to suspend disbelief in this instance. 
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After tying the Memory TARDIS together with intelligent rope, the Doctor, Ruby, and Mel, drift aimlessly in the Memory TARDIS. It’s uncertain how long they travel this way, but they manage to fit a costume change for the Doctor and an entire episode of “Tales of the TARDIS,” in there. Carrying a television screen still linked with the time window, we learn that the time window is still obeying Ruby’s commands as it had last week. Originally I had suspected this was because she was some sort of aspect of Sutekh, but as we have now learned, it’s simply Sutekh aiding Ruby’s search for her mother. After using the screen to explain to Ruby who and what Sutekh is, the screen also begins to show the Doctor and Ruby a way forward in the form of Roger ap Gwilliam. Meanwhile, Mel is being tracked by Sutekh through the dead cells in her body.
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The scene on Agua Santina with the Doctor and the Kind Woman played by Sian Clifford was one of the strongest moments in the episode for me. We had watched the death wave spread across the earth, but this was a way to see how it affected people on an individual basis. Because the death wave happened at multiple points in time, we were able to see how it manifests from multiple angles. Having established the analogous relationship between time and memory, we can see how memory may begin to fade before life. People may still exist, but they won’t remember the name of their birth city because the person who would have named it died before they were able. But even more chilling is how the death wave doesn’t just travel up through bloodlines, but backwards as well. There’s an undeniable cruelty to making a woman have to experience losing her child before experiencing the same fate. It’s evil for evil’s sake and proof that Sutekh isn’t just an arbiter of death, but a demon as well.
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The Kind Woman gifts the Doctor a spoon which he promises her he will use to save the universe. Fans of the Twelfth Doctor will have gotten excited by this promise as we’ve seen what the Doctor can do with a spoon. Instead, the Doctor uses it for metal, and possibly not even for metal, but for the memories within the metal. I found this all very weird as they literally showed Mel holding the Thirteenth Doctor’s sonic screwdriver which is not only made of metal, but several spoons. Was there really nothing on the Memory TARDIS with enough memory to jam into that TV screen? It’s a weird series of events punctuated by yet another weird occurrence when the Memory TARDIS gifts the Doctor with a whistle like we’re supposed to know why it’s significant. Nothing in the history of Doctor Who has been controlled by a whistle other than K9. Yet the Doctor puts it around his neck like it makes total sense and isn’t just some non-sequitur moment.
I said last week that I was waiting for “Empire of Death,” before I could fully know how I felt about “The Legend of Ruby Sunday.” Sometimes, a follow-up episode can enrich the experience of a previous story, while other times it can sully it a bit. You can imagine then my surprise when the episode that was sullied wasn’t “The Legend of Ruby Sunday,” but rather “73 Yards,” instead. My takeaway from “73 Yards,” was that the Doctor stepped on the fairy ring, releasing Mad Jack and setting the events of the story into motion. Ruby would then use the semper distans woman to scare away Roger ap Gwilliam and then again to save the Doctor. The Doctor doesn’t stand on the fairy circle, and Mad Jack never escapes. So if Roger ap Gwilliam still exists in the future, what was the point of any of of “73 Yards”? This doesn’t feel “wibbly wobbly, timey wimey,” as much as it feels “wibbly wobbly, shitty witty.” It just feels messy.
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The Doctor tells Ruby and Mel that in 2046, DNA cataloguing became compulsory to anyone living in the UK. It feels on brand with Roger ap Gwilliam’s xenophobic platform, so no problems there. Meanwhile, Mel is being used like a spy, but the Doctor has been wary of her since she started appearing exhausted on the Memory TARDIS. The Doctor takes a blood sample from Ruby but just as they get a match on the DNA database, Evil Mel takes the wheel and transports them back to UNIT HQ leaving the Memory TARDIS behind. Finally, Sutekh has the information he needs to learn the name of Ruby’s mother. He will now learn how this unknown person has been able to thwart his gift of death and avoid detection.
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What happens next is probably the weakest part of the entire episode. The Doctor and Ruby manage to fool Sutekh into thinking they are about to tell him Ruby’s mother’s identity, but it’s only so Ruby can get close enough to slap some intelligent rope around his collar. Why this feels weak to me is that it means somehow the Doctor and Ruby managed to squirrel away intelligent rope before exiting the Memory TARDIS. This means they would have had to do this without Mel noticing. And while I get that it’s intelligent rope, they basically pull it out of their asses because it’s nowhere to be seen. The fact that intelligent rope is a McGuffin that’s a callback to a pair of gloves many of us will have forgotten since the Christmas episode makes this moment all the weaker. The Doctor then uses his whistle in yet another McGuffin moment that allows him to control the TARDIS and shoot Harriet out the door. With the TARDIS finally back in the Doctor’s control, it’s time to take doggo for walkies!
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The Doctor drags Sutekh through the Time Vortex bringing death to death, which causes life. Miraculously, if not luckily, people who we had watched die to the dust are now alive again. Colonel Chidozie is back. The Vlinx’s head is reattached somehow. And Cherry whose final memory of Mrs Flood was of her being cryptic and creepy is so happy to be alive again that she’s hugging the creepy old freak regardless. Cool. Not weird at all. Just people acting like real people. I don’t understand Cherry. She thinks the Doctor is trouble, but Mrs Flood is totally normal. What is it with these last two episodes and getting both Carla and Cherry’s characters so wrong? What gives, Russell?
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The Doctor then does the right thing and cuts the intelligent rope, causing Sutekh to burn away in the Time Vortex. I guess this time it’s deadly because he’s not integrated with the TARDIS. That’s my best bet. I’m also willing to bet that the reason it snowed around Ruby and played Christmas music in her presence was due to Sutekh’s influence. He wanted to know the answer so badly that the memory manifested around her any time she got close to it. This is just speculation on my behalf, but it makes enough sense.
Speaking of Ruby’s birth mother (and not her real mother as they kept calling her) UNIT is able to find out who Ruby’s mother is, and she’s just some lady. I know some people were mad about this and I guess I can see why. There was so much emphasis on who her mother was that for it to be nobody special must have been a disappointment. Personally, I thought it was the least interesting mystery of the entire season. I get that she wanted to know who her birth mother was, but I was never emotionally invested in the storyline. The only thing that made it sort of interesting was the idea that there was a reason it was a big deal. You can’t feign surprise when audiences expect something to be big when it’s you who told us to feel that way. 
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What I find strangest about Ruby’s mother is the way she points at the sign that says Ruby Road. First of all, why the hell was she standing like that? As body language goes, she looks less like she’s naming her child, and more like she’s marking the Doctor for death. Furthermore, why is she dressed like she’s about to hitch a ride on Shai-Hulud? But even weirder is how Ruby even ended up with the name Ruby. Ruby says “I always thought I was called Ruby because the social workers chose it or the paramedics or whatever. But, no, it was her.” But literally the only person who would have seen her pointing was the Doctor, and he left immediately after. So it really was the social workers who chose it or the paramedics or whatever. It feels less like she was pointing to name Ruby, and more like she was pointing to get the internet rumour mill buzzing. It worked, but at what cost?
Ruby finally meets her birth mother in a coffee shop. She’s a nice woman named Louise Miller who looks a lot like Lucie Miller, but I’ve learned my lesson this season with getting my hopes up. While Ruby and Louise embrace for the first time, the Doctor looks on remembering the granddaughter he left behind. Divorced from the hype, I’m fine with Ruby’s mum being nobody special. While I wasn’t a huge fan of Rian Johnson’s “The Last Jedi,” one aspect I really enjoyed was that Rey’s parents were just a couple of nobodies. It reinforced the idea that a Jedi can come from anywhere. Ruby doesn’t have to be anyone special for us to care about her. Unfortunately, so much of her story was tied up in this because ultimately, it did hurt her character development. I’d like to think that this is all part of the growing pains in finding a new equilibrium of fan excitement and good storytelling.
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The Doctor knows he and Ruby must part ways. She has a whole new chapter of her life to explore and he would only get in the way. I mentioned after “Rogue” that Ruby was reminding the Doctor to embrace his human side, and here it is all over again. She has reminded him of the importance of family. He lets Ruby go because he can see that her need for a place to belong is greater than his need to have a travelling companion. Even if Ruby can’t see it right away, the Doctor is right. Their time together has come to an end. While Ruby has left the TARDIS, you do get the impression that we’ll see her again. There have been rumours that Millie Gibson has filmed some of season two, so don’t be surprised if we do see more of Ruby Sunday.
On a second viewing, I liked this episode a lot more than the first time. Like I said, divorced from my own expectations, I could see the episode for what it is. But the audience’s underwhelmed reaction is partly the fault of Davies’ machinations to get the internet talking about Doctor Who. He spends an entire season talking about the Doctor’s granddaughter Susan, but the only time we see Carole Ann Ford is in a flashback of her face with zero dialogue. We’re led to believe Mrs Flood is going to be something, but every time we feel like she is about to reveal some more information, she gives us more of the same tired bullshit she’s been doing since the first time we saw her. It begins to feel like television done in the same model as live service games. Keep subscribing. Stick around for additional content. Things trickle out over a gruelling pace. They gave us answers, but it feels like they could have given us more. Who was the Boss the Meep referred to? Is it the same Boss as the one giving Rogue so much paperwork? Will Susan actually appear at some point? Who is Mrs Flood and why is she always dressing like the Doctor’s companions? Instead, we learned who Ruby’s birth mother was, which, as I said, was the least interesting mystery of them all.
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I do hope that these are just Davies and Co. finding their footing. The previous first season with Christopher Eccleston had a lot of experimentation as well. I somewhat wish that they had waited to see fan reactions before filming so much of season two. It might have done them some good to see people’s reactions to some of their big changes. I’m as rainy day a fan as rainy day fans get and even I felt they missed the mark on occasion. I think in trying to court a younger audience they lost a little of the essence of what made the show so appealing in the first place. Good writing and unique situations are the bedrock of Doctor Who. It doesn’t need to be Star Wars or Marvel. The fact that Doctor Who isn’t those things is why I love it so much. I can’t be alone in that.
The Christmas special is next. Followed by season two. After that, who knows? While Doctor Who has been number five in streaming drama, it hasn’t quite done the numbers Disney and Davies were hoping for. The show haemorrhaged viewers during the Chibnall era and even more when culture war pissants cried foul over trans actors and Davros redesigns. But it’s also just a symptom of the times we live in. Television is changing. People prefer short-form videos in portrait mode. The glut of streaming services is pushing away consumers while AI threatens to replace writers and artists alike. I’m reminded of Alan Moore when he said “I believe that our culture is turning to steam.” It’s important now more than ever that we continue consuming art made by real people. Regardless of whether you felt underwhelmed with the finale, keep watching Doctor Who. Show it to your friends. Host watch parties. Go see it when they play it in the theatres. Rewatch it when you’re feeling blue. Keep making fan art. Keep writing fanfic. Keep voicing your reactions, good and bad. Get over petty fandom squabbles. Because there may come a day soon when there is no new Doctor Who to get upset over.
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local-angel · 1 year
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she's priceless, drop dead gorgeous, the most famous face in the world, the hottest model on the catwalk and the cover of vogue
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xthexkillingxgroundsx · 3 months
fearxtoxfreedom asked: "  𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇   𝐎𝐑   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒  “ (gemma @ rita)
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She's smiling, laughing, brow raising, thoroughly amused. "Smash or Pass Clay's Old Lady? Ain't that ironic..." This WAS the same bitch that took a skateboard to her face and broke her nose for SMASHING -- NOT PASSING -- Clay himself. As if she even had a choice if she wanted to stay with the Devils for the patch over into the Sons. "Y'know my answer." But not the SPECIFICS. "I'm just a Sweetbutt, lookin' for someone to make me their Old Lady. They say smash, I ask how many." Fingers curled around a beer at that point, taking a swig off the top, face scrunching in frustration and disgust. "No. No. No. That's not it. Truth is, I'da passed on three hundred guys in the last five years given the choice. But I never had one. Not until Kip. And then somewhere along the way... Well..." She got a far-off look in her eyes, turning toward the bottle, thumbnails absentmindedly picking at the label.
"When the feds came. Wanted me to rat. I never went to Sack. I went to the BITCH who stove my head in with a skateboard..." It had been GEMMA she had told about her husband, the grand larceny and the arson. It was GEMMA that got to hear the name "Rita" for the first time since her dog died. And it was Gemma, and Gemma's son, that had gotten her out of the Goddamn country before she RATTED on SAMCRO. Rita had always known her place. She survived by falling in line. Staying within her limits. Never pretending to be someone she wasn't. (Name not included.) And yet... This thing with Gemma... She'd be lying if she didn't want to be a little bit SELFISH. -- MAYBE A LITTLE BIT STUPID. ...Just this once... "Y'know. Here in Belfast. Every night I had Liam's dick inside 'a me? It wasn't him I was thinkin' about. ...Wasn't even Sack..." She looked away, slid across the beer. "Here, you can finish this." She stood to her feet, looking across to what remained of SAMBEL. Then to the door. "SMASH..." She proclaimed before walking out.
SAMBEL would never see her again.....
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fruitmilkshake · 10 months
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Gemma Ward ✬
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boomgers · 2 years
¿Tendremos la valentía necesaria para enmendar nuestros propios errores?… “Extrapolaciones”
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La serie es un apasionante drama del guionista, director y productor ejecutivo Scott Z. Burns que nos presenta un futuro cercano en el que los caóticos efectos del cambio climático se han enquistado en nuestra vida cotidiana. Ocho historias entrelazadas sobre el amor, el trabajo, la fe y la familia, de distintos puntos del planeta, abordarán las decisiones que deben tomarse cuando el planeta cambia más rápido que la población.
Cada historia es diferente, pero la lucha por nuestro futuro es universal. Y cuando el destino de la humanidad está en una cuenta regresiva, la batalla entre el valor y la complacencia se torna más urgente que nunca.
Estreno: 17 de marzo de 2023 en Apple TV+.
La serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Yara Shahidi, Kit Harington, Daveed Diggs, Matthew Rhys, Heather Graham, Sienna Miller, Tahar Rahim, Meryl Streep, David Schwimmer, Judd Hirsch, Cherry Jones, Edward Norton, Indira Varma, Keri Russell, Gemma Chan, Marion Cotillard, Forest Whitaker, Hari Nef, Eiza González, Tobey Maguire, Ben Harper, Murray Bartlett, MaameYaa Boafo, entre otros.
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somosorigen · 1 year
Trailer Oficial: Extrapolations
Apple TV sigue apostando fuerte a sus producciones, y con tremendo elenco que se carga con esta serie aun llama la atención que no este generando el interés deseado. Continue reading Untitled
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aniraklova · 6 months
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THE ADLER TWINS Matt for @wrixie CHERISHING CHERRY Max for @bloomingkyras GEM'S for GEMMA STONE
In the big city of San-Myshuno, the Adler twins spent their childhood. From very moment they were born, the boys were inseparable. But nothing could be that easy and nice, their rivalry would surface from time to time. Max Adler (personal trainer) is the embodiment of confidence. He is self-assured big boy full of boundless energy and love for physical activity. Whether he was sprinting through the neighborhood or scaling trees with ease, Max approached life with his own style and determination. However, lurking beneath his confident exterior was a hint of jealousy. Especially when it was about the matters of the heart. Meanwhile, Matt Adler (visual artist) is the creative soul. His heart forever tuned to the rhythm of melodies and art. As a music lover, Matt could often be found lost in his own music hobby, his fingers dancing across piano keys or strumming a guitar with finesse. On other days, he painted all kinds of pictures, depending on the inspiration. Yet, his self-absorbed tendencies sometimes led him to overlook the needs of those around him, lost in his own artistic world. The twins stumbled upon an opportunity that would change their lives forever - they both decided to apply for a bachelorette challenge. Matt wants to win the heart of amazing Cherry and stunning Gemma caught Max's eye. Will they succeed or fail on their paths of love?... Fun fact: the boys got similar tattoos, earrings and they are both Scorpio. :)
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wrixie · 5 months
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The final party of the season has arrived, the Black & White Bash!!!!
Julian lookin' FINE
Cherry met Shereé for the first time and absolutely fell in love with the little girl
Matt wasn't too happy about Cherry getting along with Terrance and his daughter
Meanwhile, Grammy Gemma came around to tell Julian that she's important to impress so he soon took Cherry's hand to slow dance with her
beginning | previous | next
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wonderboygenius · 23 days
quick blurbs of some of the 10 plus jax teller x ofc fics i have saved; tell me which i should go with to fully flesh out.
Untitled (Jax Teller/OFC; Main female character is Latina, Her oldest brother is Latino, and her other brother is Black)
Our FMC, along with her two older brothers, move into Charming and open a few businesses. What the club doesn't know, is that these three newcomers are Zobelle's children...only they're his soliders. Zobelle had mixed children for their genetics and trained them each in the typical underground jacket of violence.
He uses them as a last resort to take over a place. Zobelle installs his children before moving into town. First few chapters cover moments in Season One involving the new three characters before getting into the arc of Season 2. AU. Deals with the complicated race issue in Charming, and the MC. Juice's secret may come out more earlier. This is the Zobelle plotline extended. Psychological, racial, familial bonds are all questioned and explored.
2. 2 Fast 2 Untitled (Jax Teller/OFC; Latina)
Our FMC (Sunny) is Luann and Big Otto's adopted child who grew up with our normal players. When Donna is murdered, Sunny comes back into Charming after two years away to help with her godchildren. Tara only remembers Sunny as the little quiet girl, not the confident women who seemed to have a history with Jax, much to Gemma's pleasure. AU. Complex love.
Blurb: Tara waited for Jax to stand behind her as all of the club members who were family did to their Old Ladies. But her face dropped as he walked past her. She was even further shocked when she saw him stop to stand next to Sunny, both facing opposing directions, Sunny facing the funeral, and Jax facing away from everyone. Her stomach churned as she saw Jax place his hand on Sunny’s deeply curved hip. She watched the rest of the scene play out like a bad television show. 
Jax leaned down and kissed Sunny’s temple, walking away without looking back. 
Sunny looked at Opie, an apologetic look on her face.
Opie nodded in the direction Jax walked. 
Gemma squeezed Sunny’s hand that she held. 
Sunny leaned down and kissed Gemma’s head. She turned and walked towards Jax. 
Jax, without looking behind him, held his hand out, knowing she would take it. 
Sunny, like she always did, caught up to Jax, her hand resting in his. 
Tara was fucking confused. She knew she had missed so much, she knew that everyone was keeping so many things from her. But she had no idea what the fuck just happened. She leaned over to look at Gemma, knowing she would have something to say. 
Instead, Gemma just gave her a quick nod and sly smirk.  Tara didn’t like the feeling she got.
3. Guess what? Untitled as well. (Jax/OFC, Angel/OFC, Juice/OFC; Our three MFCs are Latina with an Indigenous background, Mexican with an Indigenous background, and Black with a down South, Texan background.) AU. This eventually will see the truce with SOA and the Mayans through the women.
Through the Grim Bastards, SAMCRO hires three women to jump Cherry and Ima; through the three women, the club is now connected to even deeper gun and drug ties causing the rift between Jax and Clay to only worsen. As some of our MCs partner up with members of SAMCRO, Gemma is pissed as she can't manipulate these three. Mixing representation, with culture and spirituality as both SOA and Mayans MC, this is meant to be more dramatic like the show(s).
4. Untitled Fore! (golf ref haha) (Jax/OFC, Thomas!LivesAU, Tommy/Tara)
An AU where Thomas never died. A little girl became a Cinderella story in Charming. But SOA ain't a fairytale baby. After Jax and Tara break up, Thomas and Tara go to school together, eventually falling in love. Jax and OFC are on and off. A different take of the big events of Season 1; Donna dying, creepy Kohn, sneaky Stahl, and the divide between Jax and Clay. With Tommy and Tara both facing off against Clay and Gemma, it's a race between them both to rope Jax and OFC to either side before the club gets deeper into violence.
5. Cinco de Untitled (Jax/OFC; OFC is Juice's sister. This is SOA from day one with my take of Juice's sister involved. David!Lives, Tara/David Hale) AU. Smutty.
Jo blinked. Before she knew it, she had her hand wrapped around Wendy’s throat. 
Wendy clawed at Jo’s hand, surprised at her actions. Jo never was known to her to ever throw a punch. Her windpipe was narrowing with heavy pressure and speed. She gasped for air that couldn’t be reached. 
David nodded. “I told you, it’s a long story. Let me get there,” he bumped Tara’s shoulder with his own. 
Tara laughed, moving with the small push. She bumped his shoulder back playfully. She giggled as she saw a small blush come across David’s face. She felt a lick in her stomach; it had been a while since she made a man do that, and it made her feel good. “Sorry, sorry, go on,” she broke the moment between them.
6. Still not great at naming things (Jax/OFC) OFC is a newcomer into Charming with her young daughter. AU of SOA from the beginning.
Soleil turned to a shaking Jax. “Jax…”
“Sol, I gotta go. Hairy Dog? They’re–” Jax stopped quickly, shaking his head. Soleil may have suspicions, but she didn’t know exactly what the Sons did. Or that she was even around the mother charter. “I gotta take care of this…I can’t be, I can’t–” his nostrils flared. He shook his head.  Soleil blinked, looking into his eyes. She nodded slowly. “Okay. Okay,” she licked her lips. “Go do what you need to do. Gemma and I will hold off DFCS until you take care of it, but that means,” she reached up and grabbed his chin sharply, making him look at her. “That means you come back. Because you heard what the doctor said. He’s stable. As long as he stays that way, he has a chance. When you come back, I’ll tell you how Selena almost didn’t have a chance when she was born either,” she breathed, watching Jax’s electric blue eyes widen in shock. “And she’s here. You held her. Just like you’re going to hold Abel. Okay?” She squeezed his chin. “You fucking come back,” she hissed at him, tears in her eyes.
7. 7th Untitled Hell (Opie/OFC eventual Jax/OFC)
FC dates Opie after Donna dies. Jax is attracted to her, but keeps his distance as she is Tara's one and only friend. When Opie dies, our FC and Jax both spiral down into each other's arms. Sisterhood of the traveling angst baybay.
8. What's four plus four? Still untitled. (Jax/OFC) Romance/Humor
Jacob Hale's very very young new wife visits Tristan in the hospital after the events in Funtown, bumping into Gemma and Jax, further complicating the already tense political and guardian relationship between the town and SAMCRO.
9. 9 circles of untitled hell (Jax/OFC, Happy's baby sister AU)
Happy's baby sister, who is the opposite of him, comes down to Charming for a quick trial run. Can she be the woman to settle Jax down and be the Old Lady he needs to change the club the way he wants now with Happy in his pocket? (I can probably do this as a one shot or a two parter!)
10. Untitled (Jax/OFC, Juice's baby sister AU.)
Juice's sister Julissa moves to Charming after tragic events; only a few months behind Wendy in pregnancy. As Julissa steps up to be Abel's mother as Jax also is the father that stepped up to Julissa's daughter, the club and Tara think they're involved, when in fact they are not. Butttt obviously that doesn't stay the same for too long. Meanwhile the normal bullshit is happening with the club.
11. Untitled (Jax/OFC)
The little girl that Gemma had sent away long ago comes back with a tragic story. Feeling guilty, Gemma takes her under her wing. Unbeknownst to Gemma, that once little girl knew exactly the Queen's role in her forceful exit and has a plan to take the Queen down. While its Jax vs Clay, Gemma will have her own battle to deal with FC.
12. Untitled (Jax/OFC)
Miguel Galindo's baby sister runs for Mayor of Charming. While appealing to keep Charming, Charming, the town is weary over her cartel connections. (I can probably make this a one shot actually!)
Let me know which one you guys want me to do first! I eventually want to do some of the ones on this list, but let me know which I should do first!
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xthexkillingxgroundsx · 3 months
@fearxtoxfreedom : [ 📲 text: ]  (gemma sends a pic of herself meant for clay @ one of ur chars on accident)
Cherry hadn't exactly been in Charming long, and BOY was it already a trip to remember... Or forget for that matter, concussion from Gemma's skateboard shot pending... As if it was HER fault that Clay had demanded to have sex with her in Las Vegas. Shit, she was just doing her JOB -- LITERALLY. If she had it her way, it would've been Half-Sack splitting her in half that night instead. But as a Sweetbutt, you obey your boss, and when the President of an allied Club wants to have sex with you, you have sex with them. But it was whatever, Cherry was OVER IT. Her nose might not have been, but SHE HERSELF DAMN SURE WAS.
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Not like she could blame Gemma either. She was sure taking a skateboard to CLAY MORROW would have ended vastly differently than taking a skateboard to the new slut in town with no last name. Besides, Gemma was just scared. She wasn't as young as she once was, and if there was one thing that NEVER aged or expired, it was a man's libido. Cherry supposed she should take it as a COMPLIMENT, and as far as her and Gemma went? It was all water under the bridge. ...Until THAT text came... She flipped open her phone, half expecting it to be half-sack. She was NOT ready to be treated to a full view of Clay's Old Lady, legs akimbo, fingers peeling apart the folds of her pretty pussy to splay out her clit and pussyhole to the world.
Confused throb her clit, the drop of a jaw, and a brief internalised note of Gemma's cunt looking good for two kids at 51. Shit, what the fuck was WRONG with her? Even Gemma's YOUNGEST SON was older than her... And what would Clay do if he knew the new Sweetbutt in town was thinking about his old lady's pussy? And what would GEMMA think for that matter? More importantly what sick fucking game of territorial BULLSHIT was that bitch playing at now? She wasn't about to just wait around for the next cheap shot. Grabbing her bag she headed to the car, some old beat up ;84 truck the guys had procured on the cheap. Had a solid 40% chance to skid off the road or explode, but it sure beat walking...
Wasn't long before she made it to Gemma's house, braying on the door without even considering whether Abel was in there. "Gemma get your damn panties back on and open the fuck up. You do NOT wanna have this conversation at your front door..."
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landhficrecs · 1 year
Fake Dating
cause I want you (for the worse and for the better) by nonsensedarling 26k
When Louis gets invited along to Anne's wedding, Harry is prepared to let people think whatever they want about their relationship. That's what Louis said -- let people think whatever they want. That changes when Louis sees his ex, who turns out to be Anne's future husband's son. Now, Louis wants to prove that he's an omega that an alpha could want, and Harry wants to get through this weekend without letting his best friend figure out he's in love with him.
A Boyfriend for Christmas by Chelsea Frew 5.5k
Louis' co-worker, Gemma, asks Louis to be her date for Christmas dinner. She needs a fake boyfriend to keep her family from harassing her about her singlehood. Louis adores her, so he doesn't mind helping out--until he meets Gemma's handsome younger brother.
Whatever Floats Your Boat by larryftnoctrl 24k
When Harry's mother convinces him to attend his ex's wedding, he must enlist support in the form of his handsome and charming best friend, flatmate and convincing fake boyfriend, Louis. With Louis by his side, the ever present sun and the plenty of open bars, an all expenses paid week long cruise doesn't seem like the worst he could do.
Wasn’t expecting that by Cherrie 49k
There were two ways of dealing with ignorant, homophobic parents. First one involved talking, explaining and tons of patience, and well noone ever accused Louis of being patient. That's probably why he always chose the second road: instead of reasoning- piss them the fuck off. The only thing he needed was over the top, flamboyant fake boyfriend to make that happened. And while Harry may not be exactly what he was looking for in a fake boyfriend, he is everything he ever wanted in a real one.
Not Another Lonely Christmas by haztobegood 8.6k
Harry should be more nervous that he’s bringing a literal stranger to meet his extended family, but he figures it can’t be much more awkward than Aunt Sharon’s Christmas parties usually are. Instead, he’s looking forward to having an extra person to buffer the conversation.
A knock comes one minute after eleven. He lets out the breath and opens the door. “Hi there— Louis?!”
Or, the one where the friend Niall sets up as Harry's fake boyfriend turns out to be Gemma's best friend Louis
No Candle No Light (No Friendzone to My Love) by TeamLouis 11k
Louis glanced at his friend, glaring daggers and Niall chuckled. He looked like his idea could end world hunger and Louis was horrified. [...]
“Come on, Niall! Tell me!” Harry insisted, excited.
“You can threaten him other than with violence. You said you want a little revenge, right? What if an ex-boyfriend came to reconquer you? You know, the jealous and aggressive kind.”
Harry sighed loudly, closing his eyes. Louis frowned, just like Liam and Zayn. What was he talking about? And why was he still looking at Louis that way?
“Niall, this could’ve been a nice idea if I had an ex-boyfriend, but-”
“Let me explain!” Niall barged in. “ You don’t have an ex-boyfriend but you can pretend you have one! I’m sure Louis would love to help you with that.”
Liam almost choked on his wine and Zayn bit so hard on his lip to contain his laughter that it might have bled. Niall looked satisfied as hell, of course he was the little shit, and Louis just had time to flip him the finger before Harry turned to him. He was fucking delighted.
Or the one where helping Harry getting rid of his boyfriend may be the only way to his heart
bring out feelings in me I never show by ophan_account 24k
“I really think you should stop reading,” Liam says, having moved to hover behind Louis’ back at some point. “I can already see the cogs turning in your head, Louis, and I don’t like this.”
“Shut up,” Louis waves him off and continues reading.
I can do these things, at your request: openly hit on other female guests while you act like you don’t notice; start instigative discussions about politics and/or religion; propose to you in front of everyone; pretend to be really drunk as the evening goes on (sorry I don’t drink, but I used to); start an actual, physical fight with a family member, either inside or on the front lawn for all the neighbors to see.
[Louis accidentally hires a felon to be his fake boyfriend for Thanksgiving.
Dinner Date by pinky_heaven19 3k
“Sorry, what are you doing?” Louis managed to say, looking at him with his head cocked to the side, trying his best to sound more polite than intrusive.
“I'm on a date, apparently,” Harry replied with a smile so big that a dimple appeared on his cheek. Fuck. “I was at the bar and saw you here alone. People were giving you weird looks and I thought it wouldn't hurt to come here and pretend to be your date.”
OR the one where Louis gets stood up by his date and Harry comes to help him.
Before You Came Into My Life (I missed you so bad) by down_tumble 16k
Louis has made a lot of bad decisions after smoking up with Zayn at one in the morning. Oddly enough, texting a random phone number he found tucked into a library book turns out not to be one of them.
Or an AU where Louis is a closeted A-list actor and Harry is just your average Uni student who only signs things with smiley faces.
Love Me Like You Do by lululawrence 4k 
“Yeah, but is working in a field completely unrelated to what I’m educated in and what I want to do really paying my dues? And Lou, I’m 28. I’m 28 working a job I don’t enjoy, still living with my best friend, minutes from my mom’s house.”
“You’re saying that living with me isn’t the best part of your life right now, fucker,” Louis complained, poking Harry in the ribs where he knew he was sensitive. Harry squeaked and moved his arm to protect his side before apologizing.
“I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just…” Harry sighed. “I feel like I’m just treading water and I have been for ages now. I’m glad I have a job that covers what I need it to, and I’m incredibly lucky to have you with me as well, but like…”
Louis waited, but the silence wasn’t filled.
Or the one where it's time for Harry's ten year reunion and Louis being his fake boyfriend for the night changes things more than they expected.
(That’s Just) The Way I Am by lululawrence 17k
“Yeah, but is working in a field completely unrelated to what I’m educated in and what I want to do really paying my dues? And Lou, I’m 28. I’m 28 working a job I don’t enjoy, still living with my best friend, minutes from my mom’s house.”
“You’re saying that living with me isn’t the best part of your life right now, fucker,” Louis complained, poking Harry in the ribs where he knew he was sensitive. Harry squeaked and moved his arm to protect his side before apologizing.
“I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just…” Harry sighed. “I feel like I’m just treading water and I have been for ages now. I’m glad I have a job that covers what I need it to, and I’m incredibly lucky to have you with me as well, but like…”
Louis waited, but the silence wasn’t filled.
Or the one where it's time for Harry's ten year reunion and Louis being his fake boyfriend for the night changes things more than they expected.
@lululawrence @hlficlibrary @larryfic-recs @haztobegood
( Please @ the authors if you can xx )
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gemmahale · 4 months
No Gemma. Do not go eat more cherries. I do not care how much you crave the sweet, succulent flesh.
Have you already forgotten the Great Plum Incident?
(The funniest thing about that incident was my grandpa - a Midwest farmer - realizing that plums and prunes were the same fruit. 😅)
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marleyelona · 5 months
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Sons of Anarchy. All rights go to Kurt Sutter, FX and any others that made this amazing show possible. I do, however, own my character, Letitia Morrow, and any other OCs I might add in the future, along with their backstories and their storylines within the show.
GRAPHICS: I MAKE the gifs that are used throughout this book. On occasion I will use gifs I find on google, which I will clarify. Any gifs I haven't made, all rights of those should go to the rightful creators. I also DO the aesthetics, covers, tags and trailers that are made. Please do not steal them. HOWEVER most of the images you see in this book are made by A.I imaging unless stated otherwise.
WARNING (Mature Audience Only)⚠️: violence, murder, gore, coarse language, mental health issues, domestic violence, drug and alcohol use, and detailed sex scenes will appear in this book. If any of these are a trigger for you, please take caution if you decide to continue. 
A Trunk Full of Problems
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[Pre-Season One]
" There are two sides to my daughter; the angelic side of her mother and the devious side of me. And you never know which side you're gonna get from one moment to the next. She can switch just like that. "
Emmy Rossum as Letitia Morrow
Penn Badgley as Lewis Mckenna 
TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: Mentions of domestic abuse, a shooting, minor gore and some coarse language.
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A TWENTY ONE YEAR OLD LETITIA MORROW sped down the highway so fast if she took a wide corner her car would most likely turn over. Apart of her was dreading seeing the 'Welcome to Charming' sign. Letty or Lett, as she was called by many of the small town's residences, speed increased, while tears streamed down her beaten and bruised face. A dark purplish bruise hung under her left eye, her bright cherry lips had grown two sizes too big, as blood oozed out of the corner of her mouth. 
Pressing her foot down on the gas, made her engine let out a loud roar, as a sob escaped her lips when she aggressively rubbed her blood stained hands onto her ripped jeans. Her tears continued to flow like a tap, as the memories of the night prior flashed through her mind like an old movie projector. 
A blood curdling scream echoed in her ears, as she gasped, her eyes shot wide open at the sight of a car inches away from colliding with her front bumper, their bright head lights shinning into her eyes, almost blinding the brunette. 
Her shaky hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, as she turned it, managing to dodge the oncoming car without damaging her beautiful mustang - Thank God or her dad would have killed her. 
The car was in fact her baby. She received him on her sixteenth birthday from her father, who just so happened to be the President of Samcro, Clay Morrow. 
Her father and her had a complicated relationship, childhood worth of resentment hung heavy for Letty, and she was just as stubborn as him, so any chance she got, she liked to remind him how much he wasn't there for her growing up. Sometimes they were too similar, because of this, they constantly butted heads. But at the end of the day they loved each other deeply and were very protective over one another - they would quite literally kill for each other. 
Admittedly, it had been a few years since Letty had been back to Charming, she had moved pretty quickly after she graduated from high school, not wanting to end up some Sons' old lady like Gemma. God, she loved that woman like a mother, but she did not want to turn out like her. 
Gemma and Letty had a close relationship. Letty's mother died in 1987 during an emergency c-section. And when her father married Gemma, she became mum to her, as she had helped raise her pretty much since birth, making her the woman she is today. 
Gemma was the one person Letty was worried to see, as she headed towards the club house. After she left, they had talked on the phone a few times here and there, but it wasn't the same. Gemma didn't fully support her leaving town, so she wasn't excited about the lecture she would mostly definitely receive when they came face to face again after three years. 
Her eyes travelled to the back seat of her car at the many bags she stuffed inside, knowing she couldn't return to her house in Los Angeles, not after what happened the night prior with her boyfriend of three years, who she met during her freshman year of college, where she went onto complete a diploma in nursing. 
That was probably the hardest thing about her decision to race back home to Charming, having to quit a job she loved with people she loved. But she was sure she'd be able to pick up a nursing job at the hospital easy, as they always seem to be short staffed. 
As she passed the out dated 'Welcome to Charming' sign, which hadn't been updated since she was born, maybe even longer, a cold chill ran down her spine. She wonder what the small town of Charming would have in stall for this next chapter of her life. Because one thing was for sure, Charming was never boring, there was always something happening, whether it was good or bad that was up for interpretation. 
Sure, she was happy to see her old friends and family. There was Jax and Opie, who were like her older brothers growing up. Before she had left she got pretty close with Opie's wife Donna, while Opie was inside. Donna actually helped Letty look for colleges far away from Charming and Samcro, thinking if she couldn't get out of the crippling town herself and away from the toxicity of the club, she'd want someone to, who else more deserving than the sweetheart that was Letty Morrow. 
She'd love to see all the boys again. Chibs, Bobby, Tig and Piney were all in the waiting room of the maternity ward when Letita Loraine Morrow was brought into this world. They all actually got kicked out for smoking a couple fat cigars. A story that was continuously told throughout her life, the boys thought it was pretty funny, mainly trying to shine some light on the day they lost a good woman, Loraine Morrow, the most caring woman you'd ever meet, a trait her daughter inherited. 
Letty was close with them all, but Chibs was like a second father to her, so even when her dad wasn't around much when she was a kid, Chibs was there to fill that emptiness in her heart. 
Piney was someone she loved to call her crazy grandpa, she had actually went to calling him Pops or Poppy at a young age. 
And Bobby and Tig were like her eccentrically crazy uncles that would willingly get her plastered, partying right into the night together - she loved them to death. 
As Letty finally pulled into Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair Shop, that was used as a front for their motorcycle club's dealings, she gave herself a small pep talk inside her head, 'It's going to be okay. Sure, you haven't seen most of these people in years, but you got this. It'll be fine'. In fact, she was so deep in her own thoughts and still pretty hysterical, that she didn't realise how far she actually drove into the large compound and before she knew it...BANG! 
A loud CRASH! Followed by a continuous horn caught the Sons' attention from inside the Chapel. Like any other day, the boys sat around the table discussing current business, before they were oh-so-rudely interrupted. 
Instantly, they were all on their feet, their senses on high alert, because when you were apart of a motorcycle club that did questionable dealings, you should always expect the worst. Each member had a hand clamped around their gun that sat on their hips; ready to draw it if need be. 
Clay Morrow held up a hand, signalling from them all to stay put. Placing a finger to his lips, he motioned with his head for them to quietly follow him outside. 
Making it outside and around the back of the large compound, they all noticed the familiar red mustang, which had clearly crashed into the garage sliding door. 
"Jesus Christ!" Clay hissed under his breath, running hand through his white-blonde hair, as he released his grip from his glock. Jax Teller, Chibs Telford, Bobby Munson, Piney Winston, Tig Trager and Opie Winston, followed suit, relaxing slightly. Although, both Juice Ortiz and Half-Sack Epps were still clearly on high alert - what the hell was going on? 
Concern and worry had washed over the older members' faces, Clay being the first one to rush over to the car. But all of them sighed in relief when the driver's side door opened and a girl with long, brown, curly hair stepped out of the vehicle. Juice and Half-sack had held back; having no idea what was happening. 
"Daddy!" Letty immediately broke down at the sight of her father, instantly running into his arms and soaking his chest with tears, as she sobbed. And as Juice watched the scene unfold, he felt a small pang in his heart for the poor girl. 
Clay pulled back, holding the woman at arms length, as he cupped her beautiful face. And once Juice finally got a good look at her features, his jaw almost hit the floor. She was hot. No, not hot...Gorgeous. He honestly thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his whole life. And he had been with his fair share of beautiful women, but not one of them held a candle to Letty Morrow.
"Honey, what happened--?" Clay started to ask, before his face fell, noticing the state she was in and the bruises that scattered her entire body, not just her face. "Did he beat you again?" Clay's whole face turned murderous, as he tightly gripped his daughter's shoulders, which made her wince in pain. 
All the girl managed was a nod of her head, which only angered Clay more. 
"I'm gonna fucking kill him!" the man clenched his fists, as he started to storm towards his bike, but Letty was quick to grab his arm. 
"No! You're not going anywhere," she declared, sending her father a stern look. 
Yanking his arm back, he glared at his only daughter, "Don't tell me what I'm gonna fucking do. He put his hands on you, baby!" 
"I understand that," she said, matching his tone. If the situation wasn't so serious the boys would of had a laugh at how quickly father and daughter had started arguing. It was always said, 'You can't have Clay and Letty in the same room for too long or a storm would brew'. 
Clay went to open his mouth to argue once again, but Letty cut him off and continued with what she was saying, "That's why I took care of it," she said in a tone of voice that gave nothing away, her face even remained solemn, so you couldn't even read her facial expressions to guess what she meant by that statement. 
Clay furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What does that even mean?" he slightly snapped, throwing his hands up in frustration. 
"I came here because I need your help," she stated, making her way over to her car, Clay and the boys followed after her as she started to unlock her boot. Pulling the door open, the boys leaned over to look inside and their eyes widened at the sight of a man all tied up with a gun shot wound on his lower region, his blood staining the lining of the boot. 
"You stupid fucking bitch!" Lewis Mckenna hissed, glaring bloody murder at his girlfriend of three years, as he thrusted around, trying to get free from the tight binds. "You actually fucking shot me! Oh, my God, you shot me in the dick!" he cried, looking down at his wounded genitals that oozed with blood. 
While amusement was clear on the older members' faces, Juice and Half-Sack were watching on, completely confused, but also very intrigued, watching this all play out like it was a brand new movie at the cinemas. All they were missing was popcorn. 
"And I should of done worse, you fucking cock sucker!" she sneered, shooting daggers with her eyes at her latest ex-boyfriend. 
A growl sounded from the back of Lewis' throat, as his glared up at her hatefully, "I'm going to fucking kill, you crazy bitch--!" 
The guy's threat was cut short by an elbow to the face, knocking him out cold, "That's enough out of," Jax smirked, owner of said elbow, earning him a chuckle from the girl that was basically his sister, they gave each other enough wedgies growing up to justify that. 
"As you can see..." she said to her father, putting on her best, 'I'm sweet and innocent' look "...I fucked up." 
"Yeah, you should of went for the head," Clay hissed, looking at the man in complete disgust, like he was the piece of gum under his shoe. 
"I thought it showed creativity," Letty pouted like a five year old who was just refused ice cream for dinner, crossing her arms over her chest. "So sue me," she shrugged nonchalantly. 
"I thought it was pretty creative, darlin'," Tig stated with that somewhat sinister smirk of his. "Take away a man's equipment -Worse and most painful punishment there is." 
"Thanks, Tigga," she said, sending the man a kind smile. Her nickname for Tig came from when she was a toddler and just learning to say a few words here and there, so when Tig tried to teach her his name or his nickname, she kept just getting excited repeatedly yelling her favourite cartoon character's name and the nickname just stuck ever since. 
Clay shot his Sergeant in Arms a glare, "Don't encourage her," he scolded. 
Tig raised his hands in mock-surrender, "Hey! She's your daughter."
Clay's glare sharpened at his words, making him take a step back, his hands still raised, "That's all I'm saying." 
"Letty?!" the voice of Gemma Teller-Morrow sounded from behind the girl. The woman had stepped out of the office to investigate what the commotion was all about, she didn't recognise the woman at first, squinting her eyes, as she blocked out the sun's UV rays with her hand. And that's when she saw it, the face she hadn't seen in nearly three whole years. One she'd recognise from a mile away.
Letty was quick to whip her head around and a smile immediately graced her face as she spotted Gemma striding over to her in a quick pace. 
"Well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in," chuckled Gemma, as she reached the girl, looking at her fondly. 
"Gemma," Letty beamed, bringing the woman into a hug. 
"Gemma?" the woman frowned in confusion as they parted. "What happened to Mum?" she questioned, tilting her head to the side, as she raised an eyebrow, staring the girl down. "Been gone too long, you forgot who raised your skinny ass," she teased, cupping the girl's chin as she gave her face a playful shake. "Huh?" 
Letty chuckled, shaking her head amusingly, "Never." 
Gemma smiled, wrapping her arm around her step-daughter's shoulders, before leading her back over to her car and examined the contents of her boot, a hum leaving her lips, "This is the boyfriend I'm guessing?" 
"Ex-boyfriend," Letty corrected. 
"Well, they can't say you don't know how to make an entrance." 
"Well, you know..." she said, shrugging nonchalantly. "I gotta keep the old man on his toes," she said, flashing her father a cheeky smirk, as she sent him a wink, earning a playful glare in response.
Gemma let out a loud chuckle, snapping her head back in amusement, "Well, what do you say, why don't we leave the boys to clean up this mess you created, and you and I grab a cuppa and catch up?" she asked, as she started to guide the girl back over to her father's office. "It's been so long. I've missed you around here, baby!" Gemma beamed happily, as she rubbed her shoulders - glad her daughter was back. 
"Yeah, I've missed you guys, too," Letty said, and it was true, she did. She never wanted to leave the people. She wanted to leave the club and small town life behind. 
Meanwhile, Juice was in a hypnotic state, his eyes watching Letty closely as she walked away, he was practically drooling over her, "She's beautiful, isn't she?" he whispered to Half-Sack in a monotone voice. Juice didn't think about who was around at that moment, as the words slipped from his lips. 
"Yeah," Half-Sack rapidly nodded his head in agreement, while he was actually drooling over her and had to readjust the spring in his jeans. "Hard to think she came from Clay," he chuckled. 
"Hey!" Clay whacked both the zombie like boys on the back of the head.
"Ow!" they both hissed simultaneously, rubbing the back of their heads. 
"Both of your ugly mugs better not be thinking what I think your thinking about," he warned, pointing a stern finger in their faces. 
"Hell no, sir" Half-Sack immediately uttered, his eyes awkwardly finding his feet when he looked away from the girl, not knowing where else to look in the mean time. 
"Yeah, that's what I thought," Clay shot back with narrowed eyes. 
"Damn," Juice whistled, his eyes still locked on the girl, who was now inside, sipping a coffee as she talked with Gemma, still visible through the window, as he remained in his hypnotic state. 
"Oh, Juicy Boy," Tig chuckled amusingly, coming over to wrap his arm over the boy's shoulders, giving him a light pat. "She's gonna chew you up and spit you out." 
"Ain't that the truth," Opie agreed, shaking his head in amusement - Juice could not handle a girl like Letty Morrow, not in the slightest. Stronger men have tried and let's just say, it didn't end well for them. 
Clay joyfully chuckled, finding the boy's crush on his daughter kind of hilarious, knowing she had no interest in dating a Son. He would have applied the rule when she turned eighteen himself, but she had already stated she would never date one of his 'brothers' way before that. 
"There are two sides to my daughter; the angelic side of her mother and the devious side of me. And you never know what side you're gonna get from one moment to the next. She can switch just like that," he said, clicking his fingers together, as a sinister smirk tugged at the corner his lips. "So, this should be fun to watch, aye, boys?" he mocked, as they all roared with laughter. 
Poor Juice had no idea what he was getting himself into; swooning over the President's daughter. 
Originally Published on Wattpad on the 10/03/2024
Please not, all Images were created by Bing's AI generator. Although, the title tag at the top was made by me.
Let me know what you thought of the Prologue to my Sons of Anarchy Fanfiction - Ride or Die.
Marley 😁
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dxncingthroughlife · 2 months
litg s9: mc
i missed my old mc tags from s3/4 so bringing this back for a bit of fun. template is random questions I came up with if anyone else wants to use it or be inspired by it.
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Belle Hughes
FC: Olivia Moore
Age: 28
Occupation: musical theatre performer still
Hometown: Kingston-Upon-Thames
Current Location: Brixton
Which season is she from?: S3 of Love Island UK where she was coupled up with Harry. After things fizzled out with him and she was single for a while, she was invited onto Love Island Australia.
How old was she on her season?: 22 for UK, 25 for AU.
What happened after she left her season of Love Island?: she went on to get a part in Waitress where she understudied Jenna, had a role as Sandy in Grease on the West End and most recently toured with Mamma Mia as Sophie and did a short stint on the West End as Sophie.
How did she leave her season?: for UK, she left with Harry but things turned pretty sour after a boat trip - and she wasn’t going to take his shit anymore so called it off after all that. And AU - self explanatory, left in a friendship couple.
What convinced her to take part in All Stars?: she lowkey thinks she’s been done dirty on her UK and AU season but does love being part of the show. Also she thinks Rohan from S1 is attractive but doesn’t see him around at many events, so in all honesty, she was hoping he’d be on there.
Is there anything she would do differently this season to her previous experience?: yeah, not take anyone’s shit and call people out on it. And if she has to take part in a tent building activity that her LI moans about, she will kick off about it.
Best thing that happened from her season?: meeting her best friend Genevieve in LI UK and quoting H2O with contestants from LI AU.
Worst thing that happened from her season?: Harry forgetting her name in LI UK and probably leaving in a friendship couple in LI AU - she did end up feeling bad over the way Stefan was dumped but didn’t have as strong feelings as he did for her, so was glad she at least got to explore another connection.
Is there anyone she wants on All Stars?: Rohan, she thinks Rocco might deserve a second chance and would love to have Chelsea in the villa.
Is there anyone she wouldn’t want to have on All Stars?: Dylan - self explanatory.
Is she still friends with any of the cast from her season?: Genevieve, Elladine, Nicky, Seb and AJ - they all still keep in regular contact and have catch ups. Genevieve and her were best friends in the villa and remained best friends.
Any hidden talents?: other than her obvious talents from being on the West End, she can do a smashing Gemma Collins impression.
Random facts:
• the public backed her a lot during Love Island UK and she gained a lot of popularity from that which is why producers invited her back for Love Island AU and All Stars.
• she briefly worked with Cherry at a musical theatre charity show.
• there were rumours of her being linked to Lucas from various news articles, but it was all just rumours - he’d simply seen her in a show and was spotted chatting to her afterwards.
• she made a very public threads of tweets about Dylan in S4 and requested producers step in to remove him from the villa.
• she’s met various islanders from different Love Island events and has openly said Oliver is one of the nicest guys you could ever meet.
• she wouldn’t mind appearing on Celebrity Hunted or The Masked Singer as other reality shows.
Current All Stars LI: Jude
Endgame All Star LI: Hamish, probably
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highendhoney · 2 years
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Eats Lingerie Launch Blue Cherry Collection Featuring Renee Murden
The Eats Lingerie Blue Cherry collection will be available exclusively via the Eats Lingerie online store. https://www.eatslingerie.com.
Make-up Artist: Stacy Salazar.
Director: Chris Applebaum.
Creative Director: Gemma Louise May.
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