#gemstuck x reader
yandere--stuck · 5 years
Eridan gemstuck pls,,,, I beg u,,,
Here you go!! :B
💜 Violet Pearl was Fuschia Diamond's pearl, her favorite out of the entire court, her greatest ally and confidant. WAS. Then, she ran away into the night, almost replicating that who she was supposed to replace. And Violet Pearl was left to face the consequences. It's honestly a miracle that he wasn't shattered, instead he was demoted - as demoted as any gem could be. He found himself on a rinky-dink ship sent to explore a planet of infamous history, and the other team sent to investigate it had their collective asses handed to them so hard, they were practically blasted back into space - or at least, that's what the rumors stated.
🌊 Violet knew what this was, plain and simple - they, he and the other members of such a pathetic excuse of a team, were sent here with the intention of shattering at the hands of whatever had sent the prior team running away, tail between their legs. And yer, none of the others were any of the wiser - not the grumpy bi-coloured tourmaline, not the stern Azurite, not the almost eerie Ruby, and certainly not the excitable Idocrase. They were all heading towards certain doom, and only Violet was aware of it… Oh, how far he'd fallen. He was at the top of the world, not too long ago, serving his destined Diamond, and now look at him…
💜 Well, they hadn't died. In fact, they were welcomed with open arms once their team agreed to reason with the so-called Crystal Gems. Now, they had no chance of returning home, especially because Azurite and Idocrase had gotten the bright idea to destroy the ship so that no one on Homeworld could track them. Violet was stuck, stuck on a nowhere planet with a bunch of gems and aliens who either, 1. Didn't know him, or 2. Didn't like him. Violet Pearl mostly kept to himself as he barely attempted to assimilate. That is… Until someone makes the first step, catching him by surprise… You, introducing yourself, trying to make acquaintances with the lonely, new gem that had caught your eye.
🌊 Meeting you, seeing you for the first time… It was like color and light had finally sparked back into his dull, hopeless world. Ever since Fuschia had left, Violet's entire world had fallen apart. He had no one to fulfill his purpose, no one to serve, no one to be his companion and vice versa. He was lost, so, so lost… But now, oh now, he was found - you had found him, just as he had found you… His purpose.
💜 While you were happy to gain a new friend, especially the more reclusive of the Homeworld gems, Violet Pearl could be a bit… Clingy? In fact, he hardly left your side! You can understand it, in a way - a new, scary situation and planet that's unlike anything you've ever known, so it's only natural to attach yourself to a friendly presence!... But, Violet could go a bit overboard. Always by your side, offering to do even the simplest of tasks for you, acting as a personal bodyguard, insisting to stsy over your place for "protection". It's not as though you aren't flattered, you're just… Worried that his attachment to you is a bit… Unhealthy, is all.
🌊 Your concerns go unheard by Violet Pearl. Nothing else matters now, but you - you are his purpose, his destiny. You come above all else - he was made to serve you, he is YOUR Pearl. You reminded him of his Diamond, in a way - so sweet, so perfect, flawless, you filled his being with warmth and life and love - but, he would make sure you'd never run away. You'd spend the rest of your days with him by your side, serving you, doing whatever you wanted him to do for you. And if anyone tried to stop him, he'd just project his trust harpoon gun from inside his personal storage and use it on whoever would try to disrupt you and his happily ever after...
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yandere-homestuck · 3 years
Hightblood Masterlist
♎ Terezi Pyrope 🐲
Yandere!Terezi x Reader Headcanons
KinkTober Day 13: Petplay with Terezi Pyrope
Yandere!Terezi x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Terezi NSFW Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (I, M, P, and S)
Yandere!Terezi x Reader Headcanons
♏ Vriska Serket 🎱
Yandere!Vriska x Reader Drabble
KinkTober Day 3: Sadistic Giant/Tiny with Vriska Serket
Yandere!Vriska x Reader Headcanon
Yandere!Vriska x Reader Oneshot FLARPing
Yandere!Vriska x Timid!Reader NSFW Headcanons
Sadistic Vriska Praising her S/O for Breaking Down
♐ Equius Zahhak 🥛
Yandere!Equius x Reader Headcanons
KinkTober Day 20: Lactation with Equius Zahhak
KinkTober Day 22: (M!Reader) Somnophilia with Equius Zahhak
KinkTober Day 25: Collaring, Breeding, and Bondage with Equius Zahhak
Yandere!Equius x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C, E, and H)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (K, O, and V)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (L and Y)
♑ Gamzee Makara 🎪
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, N, and J)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B, C, and D)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (H, I, and K)
Emoji Themed Yandere Headcanons (🥀)
KinkTober Day 28: Breeding with Gamzee Makara
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere!Gamzee x Pregnant!Reader Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (I, L, and Z)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, E, and S)
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Gamzee Makara x shut-in introvert!Reader headcanons
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons [Writerohno]
♒ Eridan Ampora 🌊
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Eridan x Human!Reader - Quadrant Vaciliation Headcanons
Yandere!Moirail!Eridan x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Gemstuck!Eridan x Reader Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, H, and Y)
Yandere!Eridan x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Eridan x Yandere!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons
KinkTober Day 11: Femdom with Eridan Ampora
KinkTober Day 21: Shower Sex with Eridan Ampora
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons Cuddling
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons Winning Over a Darling
Pale!Yandere Eridan Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, F, H, I, and U)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C )
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (T)
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Eridan - “I’m trying to help! You had a problem, and I fixed it!”
Yandere Alphabet Sexcanons (A, I, K, M, S and U)
♓ Feferi Peixes 🐠
Yandere!Feferi x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Feferi x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere!Empress!Feferi x Reader Fluff Headcanons
Yandere!Gemstuck!Feferi x Reader Headcanons
KinkTober Day 2: Femdom with Feferi Peixes
KinkTober Day 14: Vore with Feferi Peixes
Yandere!Feferi x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Feferi x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere!Feferi x Reader Love letter
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
gemstuck feferi headcanons????? please????? giamt woman.....
🌊 Fuschia Diamond, Pink Diamond's replacement. She was undercooked with a shallow cut, made in a hurry to fill the void that Pink had left behind - and she knew it well. Fuschia, bubbly and hopeful, so much like Pink that it was painful, did her best to keep her head and her spirits held high. It was hard at times, though, remembering that she was just made to fill in a gap left by someone else, not worthy of any value on her own accord. She was a constant reminder that Pink was gone. She was not Fuschia Diamond, it wasn't that simple - If anything, she was really "Not Pink."
👑 She had gone her whole life feeling unwelcome, in spite of the other gems worship and approval and the Diamonds' affectations and kind words, she knew that all she was, really, was something to fill the hole that Pink Diamond had left. She didn't feel real, not a real person, not a real Diamond, not a real gem. Not like Pink. Such a view of yourself can gnaw away at a gem, so desperate to find someone or something that never knew about Pink and only knew of her. Or, at the very least, could look at her and like her for who she was, instead of who she was meant to replace.
🌊 And she finds it. The other Diamonds hadn't expected Pink's replacement to follow in her footsteps - fleeing in her ship under the cover of darkness, travelling to a planet of a high interest as of late. It was an old colony project back in the day, manned by the gems of Pink Diamond's court! Troubling occurrences had apparently been bubbling up there. A ship containing a Jasper and Peridot had crash landed there, some telipads had reported activity throughout the planet, a ship full of rubies had been intercepted there.  And, even curiouser, that's where the fabled Rose Quartz and her army of Crystal Gems had been vanquished, or so they say… Fuschia doesn't know what she'll find there, but anything is better than what she calls home.
👑 What she finds there is better than anything she ever hoped - a new start, a new life. And most important of all, she finds you. You had been the first to find her after her less than stellar landing. You barely blinked when you saw the ship and it's banged up passenger, gems weren't exactly anything new. Sure, she could have been a bad guy, but the urge to help the pretty gem within the hand-shaped spacecraft. And, gosh, was she beautiful, dark pink with even dark, wavy hair that reached her feet, a gem in the middle of her stomach,  reminding you of a friend you know. Fuschia manages to get her bearings as you help her walk to your home, whispering reassurances to her. She feels something warm bloom in her gem as her wide eyes gaze up at you.
🌊 You… You make her feel… Real. She's real. If she's real to you, then she must be. She's not just a replacement, a sad reminder, not Pink Diamond. She's Fuschia Diamond. She watches you, unblinkingly, at all times, taking in every inch of you. She loves hearing you speak, learning all about "Earth" culture. You don't speak to her like royalty, you don't care about where she came from. All that matters is the now. And right now, Fuschia would be content to spend the rest of forever like this.
👑 But, then… You start leaving her. You start going out on walks and to visit friends. She doesn't understand. Why would you need friends when you have her? Is she not good enough? Did she say something wrong? Would you abandon her, leaving her to make something new and Not You to fill the hole you left?! She can't handle such a thought! She can't do this without you! She may be smaller than her other Diamonds, but she's in now way weak! She'll grab you, forcing you into her arms for as long as you need. You'll never, ever escape. In fact, Fuschia Diamond will make sure you never even WANT to leave her. You've shown her the love and affection and acceptance she's always wanted, accepting her and wanting her as she is and nothing more. You two are MEANT to be, and she won't let you throw that away!
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
yo.. if gemstuck dirk is spinel.. would he try to use a rejuvenator on a gem s/o (especially if they're like a pearl or another type of servant gem) to try and keep them loyal to him? also where are you getting these gemstuck ideas? are they yours? could i request anyone (your choice) with an s/o who's a diamond?
Also ye!! The ideas are my own! :B I just make stuff up as I go along
I went with the first idea (Spinel!Dirk x Pearl!Reader) if that's okay!!
"How do you do, my Spinel, Dirk?" You sang, feeling your form take shape and become physical. "Thank you for bringing me into the world. I am at your eternal service. Welcome to your new Pearl."
The light blinding your vision faded, the world coming into view. Your eyes stared wide, taking in the visage of your new master - Dirk. How odd, a gem with a seperate name. And even odder, a Spinel with a pearl. But you quickly shook that thought away. It wasn't right to question your master.
You gave Dirk a smile and a bow, trying not to question his unusual face markings and sharper appearance in comparison to most Spinel gems.
"What can I do for you?" You asked, looking up at him, feeling adoration fill you at the sight of him - a natural, purposeful feeling ingrained in all Pearls at the sight of their assigned master.
Dirk seemed… remorseful, almost guilty. His lips wobbled, his brows furrowed. His eyes were obscured by his triangular shades, but you were certain that if you had scene them, they'd hold sadness and hesitance within them.
"Did I do something wrong, my Dirk?" You asked softly, shrinking back somewhat.
And like that, the Spinel stood at attention, shaking off whatever thoughts that may have plagued him.
"No, no, of course not." He reassured you, softly. He looked down, staring down at his sharp boots, before sighing. "Can you… Give me a… A hug?"
You blinked, before smiling. "Of course, my Spinel!"
In an instan, you launched forward, taking him into your arms. He immediately embraced you back, holding you close to him. His uniform was so soft, and you nuzzled into his chest, sighing softly.
Dirk snuggled closer into you, his grip tightening almost painfully. He hated this, he hated having to do this to you, his beloved, over and over again. He's so sorry… He was taking advantage of you, he was using you, he was horrible and awful and the scum of this planet and… 
And he wouldn't let you go. He should, but he won't. No matter how many times he has to erase you, no matter how many times you realize how awful he truly is. It's an endless dance of his own design and he knows he's awful for dragging you into it… But, he loves you too much to stop.
Even as you squirm, uncomfortable with the tightness of his grip, Dirk holds you tighter still. He'll never let you go… He can't...
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
OK SO. hear me out. hearmeout. that yandere gemstuck dirk gave me an idea. what if reader was also a gem?? i saw the line about him wanting to stay fused with them and im just :eyesemoji:
"You have to understand… I- I'm doing this because… I love you. I know we haven't been together for too long, but still… You mean so much to me." The spinel gem's voice was low and calm. But, it did nothing to calm the dread and growing panic that flooded through you.
Rain tapped softly against the windows of the beachside cabin that the Crystal Gems had built. Roxy and her family were out in town, helping wayward gems adjust to their new life on Earth. It wasn't really the best weather for such an activity, and part of you wished they would have just stayed home. Another part of you wished you had gone with them.
The tap of rain against the window panels and encroaching rumble of thunder didn't drown out the music that played on the radio, however. It was something soft and slow - no lyrics, just the swaying melody of the instruments' tunes.
Dirk blocked your path to the exit as he slowly approached, giving slightly exaggerated steps as he made his way towards you - a leftover of his former purpose, thousands of years ago. You noted how tall he was, with him having risen to his full, intimidating height.
"Dirk, you're scaring me…" You said, backing away slowly to the portal directly behind you.
"Don't be afraid, please," Dirk whispered. You could hear the strained pain in his voice. "Please… I'm doing this out of love. You have to understand that."
"I just… I can't bear the thought of you leaving me, of being abandoned. I- I can't! Not again."
You felt something inside you clench in sympathy at Dirk's plight… But, this wasn't healthy - trying to force you into a permanent fusion just to make sure you could never be apart from him… It wasn't right.
You bit your lip, looking to be in thought… Before turning and darting towards the portal as fast your feet could carry you, stretching your arms as if to reach out and-!
You felt a hand grab at your uniform, pulling you backwards. Dirk's cartoonishly long arms had shot out after you, and he retracted them just as quickly, slamming back against his chest. You let out a groan, too pained to fight or get your bearings before the pink gem wrapped his arms around you, pulling you flush against his body - almost suffocatingly close.
You let a grumble of pain, looking up just in time to watch as Dirk pressed a kiss to your forehead. A whine escaped your throat as you attempted to wriggle free of Dirk's grip, but to no avail.
"Dirk, please, you don't have to do this..." You pleaded with him.
You felt the other gem nuzzle against you. "I'm sorry… But I have another choice."
You felt as he slowly began rocking you to and fro, before eventually slowly spinning you in time with the music that swelled through the cabin. You tried to struggle free, but Dirk's arms were iron tight, trapping you against him as he forced you to dance along.
A low rumble bubbled up from Dirk as he hummed along to the tune, possibly in a poor attempt to calm your nerves.
"Dirk, please," You began to cry. You didn't want this!
However, your begging went ignored, and, if anything, just made him turn faster, spinning about the room as the background melody seemed to swallow up your senses whole - Lost to the nausea of the dizzying dance and the thrumming music.
The world around you glowed brighter, and you spotted as Dirk's heart-shaped gen began to glow a bright white.
In a panic, you kicked and squirmed and tried to wriggle free. You began to cry, tears falling from your eyes as the world became far too bright to focus on. "Dirk, please, STOP!"
And the world went white...
You blinked open your eyes. Your eyes…? Something… Something felt… Wrong. You blinked once, twice. Again. You squinted, and only then did it sink in what was off. Instead of your regular amount, you had… Four.
Four eyes.
Feeling panic rise in your chest, you shot up to a sitting position, wrapping your… Extra, long arms around your chest. You fought back a gulp, moving your arms away. Your multiple eyes widened as you spot an upside down heart-shaped gem taking up residence in your midsection.
Your mouth hung open as your body began to shake.
"Nn…" A sound croaked out of your throat.
You had wanted to say "no", but something had stopped you.
Dirk. Him.
He… You felt it. His influence on your mind, your now shared mind. 
Your breathing picks up, but - was it even really yours anymore? Was it his? Both of yours? After all, you… You weren't really you anymore. You were him and you, and something that both was and wasn't. Something new.
New and scary and something you didn't want. You didn't want this!
You felt the new body that you and Dirk formed begin to split apart at the seams, and a cry of pain forced its way out of your splitting throat. The world begin to go white as your body, your fusion's body, began to destabilize.
And just as quickly, you snapped back into place. Stable and in one piece once more. 
You felt something come over, like a curtain of bliss and reassurance and calm, muffling your panic and will to fight back. A shiver ran up your back as your arms wrapped around yourself comfortingly.
"Shhh, everything is okay," You, who wasn't you and yet was, said softly against your own accord. How odd, you comforting yourself. But you knew that it was Dirk speaking, or the part of you, your fusion, that Dirk was now a part of. "You'll see. This is for the best. I did this for us, so that we'll always be together."
Your body fought back the whimper that built up in your throat, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes.
One of your multiple arms lifted a hand to your lips, giving it a shaky kiss.
"I love you…"
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
Yandere Gemstuck!Dirk x Reader
You sat on coarse sand that covered the beach, staring out into the horizon as the sky changed to bubblegum pink with the setting of the sun, being swallowed up by the sea.
Dirk sat beside you, legs crossed and one hand clutching yours. You gave him reassuring stroke of your thumb to the side of his hand, soothing the gem.
You and Dirk had only recently began dating, but you two already felt so close… Dirk's affection towards you probably helping quite a bit with that. Though the gem was often stoic and reserved, he was incredibly clingy - in an endearing way, of course! You… Knew of Dirk's past, not in its entirety, but enough - his name used to Spinel, but he had changed it after moving to Earth (new planet, new life, new him, and all that), he had been abandoned and left alone for thousands of years by an old friend of his and had attacked Roxy (a half human half gem friend of yours) thinking she was her. 
So, you understood Dirk's clinginess, his want to always be touching you in some way to make sure you were still there, his worry whenever you went out of his sight… He was still recovering, and anyone would have abandonment issues after that. 
Just thinking about it filled you with dread - thousands of years, all alone, waiting for someone who had no intention to come back - it chilled you to the core, while at the same time sparked a fiery anger inside you, at Pink Diamond, the one who abandoned Dirk in the first place.
Though, at the same time, you supposed that if none of this had happened, you would have never met Dirk. You and he had only been together for a short while, certainly, but he made you so happy. You built each other up and brought out the best in each other… You made peace with the thought that maybe… What happened to Dirk might have happened for a reason. Something akin to fate. Or perhaps that was just wishful thinking on your part.
Your gaze focused on your boyfriend, the way shadows cascaded across gis form, the glint of fading sunlight across his shades. He seemed… Oddly stiff. A trick of the light, perhaps, but still… Dirk was always stiff, as though he was always restraining himself, but this seemed different. Different in a small, unnoticeable way - at least, it would be to others.
But, you knew enough about Dirk to tell the difference by now.
"Penny for your thoughts?" You asked, giving the gem's hand a squeeze.
"Mmph." Dirk made a soft sound and shrugged, trying to look away into the middle distance. He looks gorgeous in the light of the sunset.
"C'mon, please?" You gave his hand another squeeze. "You know you can tell me anything. And remember what Roxy said? It's better to talk about how you feel than to keep it inside."
Dirk's lips pulled into a tight line, brows furrowing in thought, before sighing. He nodded, hanging his head slightly.
He sighed, before eventually speaking. "I've been… Researching human mates- er, couples," He corrected himself. "I've noticed a…. Concerning trend."
You furrowed your brows, quirking your head. "How so?"
You watched as Dirk's jaw clenched, his whole form tensing up. "So many couples… Just leave each other inevitably. It's statistically likely that most couples will separate at some point…" Dirk began to shake, baring his teeth.
Your eyes widened, leaning back slightly. "Dirk?"
"Why…?" The gem hissed, moving forward, seeming much bigger and more intimidating than he had only seconds before. "How could they just part like that, after everything they've been through? And for the most ridiculous reasons?"
You shrunk back, feeling oddly dwarfed by the pink gem. "I… I guess sometimes, relationships can be fleeting…? It's sad, but that's just how it is sometimes..."
Dirk's lips pulled into a tight frown, seemingly restraining himself. "Is that how it will be with us? Will you inevitably leave me? Just-... Just like-"
"No, of course not!" You reply immediately. "I never intended that!... I'm really happy with you, Dirk, and I don't want to let that go…"
You could hear as another growl built up in Dirk's throat. He reached forward, gripping your forearms - but his grip was gentle. It always was. He could never hurt you. He never wanted to hurt anyone again after…
You let out a squeak as Dirk pushed his weight onto you, your back landing onto the sand as the pink gem pressed his body against your own. The Spinel gem took your wrists in his hands, pinning them above your head.
"Still," Dirk said huskily, "I can't let you go, I can't even allow a chance of that happening. I… I want to fuse with you so badly, even if it's not possible. I need to make sure you're always with me, that you'll never ever leave me-"
"Dirk...?" You whimpered, cutting off the gem's possessive rambling.
Dirk looked down on you. You could see his eyes behind his shades, drinking you in. He suddenly launched forward, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss. He moaned softly as he tasted your lips on his own.
"I can't take the risk," He growled as he parted from you. "I'll make sure you never leave me…"
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
Could you also do gemstuck karkat? ´:3c
Yeah baby!!!!!
🖤 Kat's Eye was a crass, undercooked runt of a gem. Even from the moment he came into existence, he was inadequate - far too grey to be sorted into a court upon sight, and so Pink Diamond willingly took him into her line of gems, few in number though they may have been. And like all of Pink's gems, they were seen as weaker and less important, ones who'd never make it a day out in battle. Imperfect. "PINK TOLD ME I WAS PERFECT THE WAY I AM." Kat said, snuggled into your side.
❤ And then, just like that, Pink was gone. There was no one left to pick up the pieces of Kat's Eyes' shattered World. He was shuffled off to Blue Diamond's court where he was left to do cataloging and reports. This wasn't his destiny, he was certain. A fire burned inside him since Pink's death… A fire for vengeance, for blood. It had taken him centuries to claw his way into becoming a warrior, to prove himself worthy enough to lead a group of gems into war. But, he had done it. His squadron was a ragtag group of underdog gems, all the more annoying and bothersome than the last… But it was better than nothing. Kat's Eye had been alive for thousands of years and had only just been allowed to be the leader he was meant to be. His first attack - the one on Earth, months ago - had been his first, and…
🖤 "WE FAILED SPECTACULARLY." Kat whined, planting his face into your side - rather easily due to his short stature. And, he wasn't exactly wrong. The hostile takeover they had planned was anything but. In spite of the chaos at the time, there were no casualties, no permanent damage, and the whole thing had lasted less than a half hour before Kat and his whole squadron got their collective butts whooped straight back into space. Though, in all fairness, the group that had come to replace them hadn't fared any better - even worse by homeworld's standards, most likely - after all, they had joined Roxy's side by the end of that day.
❤ "THERE WAS ONE GOOD THING THAT CAME OUT IT, THOUGH." Kat's Eye smiled softly. Yes, you remembered. It was your first time meeting him. You had froze when the homeworld gems began attacking, too afraid to even move. Kat had spotted you, the both of you locking eyes, staring straight into your very being, and you into his. And the gem hesitated, before turning away and darting off into the other direction. He could have easily taken you out, but… He hadn't. You were surprised when he returned, newly a rebel, intentionally seeking you out. And you accepted, possibly pitying him a bit, letting him hang around and attach himself to your hip.
🖤He would invite you to hang around his team, bragging loudly about how he had led his entire squadron into rebellion and escaping from the Diamond's tyrannical grip. In return, the other gems heckled him. It was nice. Kat was nice - more than nice, really. He didn't act it, but he was a sweetheart. You found that out quickly when he slowly started getting you alone more and more often. It was more… Intimate,  and that wasn't a bad thing. Kat's Eye was much more affectionate when alone, clinging to you or crawling into your lap… Kissing you… 
❤ You hadn't expected it to end like this - Kat keeping you trapped within your own home, moving in with you, constantly clinging to your side. He'd apologize over and over again, saying that everything he had done on homeworld was for Pink, it was almost obsessive and… He couldn't live without someone to cling to, to fight for. And that was you! And now that he had you. He couldn't ever let you go. He needed you… And you excepted him. Maybe you were delusional by now, maybe you loved him just as he loved you, maybe it was pity… Whatever it was, it didn't change that you were going to be trapped with Kat's Eye in your own home… And for the most part, you strangely didn't mind. You… You might even like it...
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
Gemstuck John??
💙 John was his name, or at least that his "Earth name", as the others called it. His given name, however, was Blue Quartz. He was a late bloomer, apparently. He had crawled out of his cramped - ironically, being "overcooked" had made him taller than what was apparently average for his gem type - hole in the earth many centuries after The Crystal Gems had fought against homeworld, and just a little while before Roxy established peace across the galaxy. He was technically the newest member of the Gems, minus Spinel- er, Dirk.
☁️ You'd never tell the others, especially Roxy, but John was your favorite out of the Gems. You know that Roxy would tease you constantly over it, trying to push you two together with a wink and nod, but you preferred to handle things on your own.
💙 You spent your time getting to know John. You two would go into town, talking and joking around. You'd watch the sunsets together and teach John the constellations. In return, John would use his power of flight to take you flying high into the skies, holding you tight, your back pressed flush against his chest so you didn't fall. It was incredible… Though the gem digging into your back was a bit uncomfortable. You also found that John loved jokes, especially the corny kind and pranking people - especially you.
☁️ You find that overtime, John starts to get more and more clingy - both physically and in wanting to take up more of your time. He gets very, very affectionate, constantly hugging and clinging to you and nuzzling against you. Now, you wouldn't have minded that, if he weren't so desperate for you to never leave him.You try to explain that you have other places to be, but John simply asks you to stay a little while longer!... You usually relent.
💙 Eventually, John's presence feels too suffocating to handle. You love him, you truly do. You love his jokes and his positive attitude and his voice and his smile - but this is getting far too unhealthy, and you tell him as such. You watch his face face, blue eyes drowning in confusion and sadness as he asks you, softly, why… You try to explain that he's being… a bit too overbearing. That people need space. And you need space from him. You watch his face fall… Then, his eyes flash with determination. "No."
☁️ What does he mean 'no?' He quickly pulls you into his big strong arms, holding you tight against
 No, he can't lose you! You're all he has! You're the only person he feels truly connected to. Not even Roxy cares about him like you do. He NEEDS you, can't you see? You squirm in his grip, but John pleads with you to stop - he doesn't want you to fight him, for him to hurt you. He slowly rocks you side to side, almost dancing… You panic, asking him what he's doing. 
💙 "I know you're human, but… We have to fuse! That way we can always be together. We have to… We were made for each other!"
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yandere-homestuck · 3 years
Masterlist Beta Kids
👓 John Egbert 🌩️
Yandere!John x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Jealous!John x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Jealous!John x Reader Headcanons Part 2
Yandere!John x Lonely!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Gemstuck!John x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!John - Eye Color Soulmate AU Drabble
Yandere!John x Pregnant!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!John - Shared Thoughts Soulmate AU Drabble
Yandere!John - “I want to tell you I love you until my throat bleeds.”
Yandere!John - “You could rip my heart from my chest, and I’d still adore you.”
Yandere!John - “Pretend you never saw that, I can’t stand it when you look so scared.”
Yandere!John - “I saw you last night, you looked beautiful.” SUGGESTIVE
Yandere!Trickster!John x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Heinoustuck!John x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!John x Fem!Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere!John x Reciprocative!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!John x Reader Chernobyl Diaries AU NSFW
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C,D and F)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (H, I, and T)
Yandere!Jealous!John x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!John x Reader Cannibalism Drabble NSFW
Yandere!Grimdark!John x Reader Drabble
Yandere!John - “Irresistible. I just love it when you look at me like that.”
Yandere!John x Reader Drabble
Yandere!John x Reader Drabble - John B-Day
KinkTober Day 5: Breeding Kink with John Egbert
Yandere!John x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!John x Reader Headcanons NSFW]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (D,P, and X)
Yandere!John x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!John x Reader Headcanon
🔮 Rose Lalonde ☀️
Yandere!Rose Lalonde x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Rose Lalonde - “Just forget about them, alright? I know it’s going to be hard, but you can’t think about them anymore.”
Yandere!Rose Lalonde x Fem!Reader with Anger Issues Headcanons
🕶️ Dave Strider 💿
Yandere!Dave x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Heinoustuck!Dave x Clingy!Reader Drabble
Yandere!Trickster!Dave x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dave x Escaped!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dave x Reader Headcanons
KinkTober Day 17: Praise Kink and Bondage with Dave Strider
KinkTober Day 18: Cunnilingus with Dave Strider
KinkTober Day 23: (F!Reader) Breeding with Dave Strider
Kinktober Day 29: Size Difference, Bondage, and Overstimulation with Dave Strider
Yandere!Dave x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dave x Reader Headcanons NSFW
Yandere!Dave x Skater!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dave x Reader Headcanons Rough Day And Requests Cuddles
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A,E,U and Y)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (J, L, W, and X)
Unhinged Dave Decapitating the Reader
Unhinged Yandere Dave
Yandere!Dave x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dave x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dave x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dave - “It’s not my fault! They wanted to take you away from me, so I had to do something!”
🐾 Jade Harley 🌌
Yandere!Jade Harley x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Jade Harley x Reader Headcanons (Another one)
Yandere!Jade x Reader Headcanons NSFW
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yandere-homestuck · 3 years
Masterlist Beta Trolls
♋ Karkat Vantas ❤️
Yandere!Karkat x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Gemstuck!Karkat x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Karkat x Insecure!Chubby!Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Moirail!Karkat x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Karkat x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Karkat x Reader Headcanons [Explosive-molly]
Yandere!Karkat Vantas x Reader headcanons [Vikkirosko]
Yandere!Karkat x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Moirail!Karkat x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Karkat x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (S, U, and Z) [Yanyan-stuck]
♈ Aradia Megido 💀
Yandere!Aradia x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
KinkTober Day 19: Sadism with Aradia Megido [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Aradia x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B,D and H) [Yanyan-stuck]
♉ Tavros Nitram 🦽
Yandere!Tavros x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Yandere!Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Reader Headcanons [Explosive-molly]
KinkTober Day 30: Master Kink with Tavros Nitram [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Reader Headcanons Darling Who Friendzones him [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Reader NSFW Minific [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B and L) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Tavros x Reader Headcanons [Gamzeeliker69]
♊ Sollux Captor 🐝
Yandere!Sollux x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Heinoustuck!Sollux x Reader Drabble [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Moirail!Sollux x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Sollux x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Sollux x Reader Headcanons [Explosive-molly]
KinkTober Day 8: Edge Play and Humiliation with Sollux Captor [Yanyan-stuck]
KinkTober Day 27: Oral with Sollux Captor [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Sollux x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, C, and Y) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (J and O) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Sollux x Short!Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
♌ Nepeta Leijon 🐱
Yandere!Nepeta x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Nepeta x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Nepeta x Reader Love Letter [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B and C) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (N and Z) [Yanyan-stuck]
♍ Kanaya Maryam 🧵
Yandere!Moirail!Kanaya x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Kanaya x Reader SUGGESTIVE Drabble [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere Alphabet (B, E, and J) [Yandere--stuck]
♎ Terezi Pyrope 🐲
Yandere!Terezi x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
KinkTober Day 13: Petplay with Terezi Pyrope [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Terezi x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (I, M, P, and S) [Yanyan-stuck]
♏ Vriska Serket 🎱
Yandere!Vriska x Reader Drabble [Yandere--stuck]
KinkTober Day 3: Sadistic Giant/Tiny with Vriska Serket [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Vriska x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Vriska x Reader Oneshot FLARPing [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Vriska x Timid!Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
♐ Equius Zahhak 🥛
Yandere!Equius x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
KinkTober Day 20: Lactation with Equius Zahhak [Yanyan-stuck]
KinkTober Day 22: (M!Reader) Somnophilia with Equius Zahhak [Yanyan-stuck]
KinkTober Day 25: Collaring, Breeding, and Bondage with Equius Zahhak [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Equius x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C, E, and H) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (K, O, and V) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (L and Y) [Yanyan-stuck]
♑ Gamzee Makara 🎪
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, N, and J) [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B, C, and D) [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (H, I, and K) [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons [randomnessunicorn-imagine]
Yandere!Gamzee Makara x shut-in introvert!Reader headcanons [Vikkirosko]
KinkTober Day 28: Breeding with Gamzee Makara [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan--stuck]
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan--stuck]
Yandere!Gamzee x Pregnant!Reader Headcanons [Yanyan--stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (I, L, and Z) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, E, and S) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Gamzee x Reader Headcanons [Gamzeeliker69]
♒ Eridan Ampora 🌊
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Eridan x Human!Reader - Quadrant Vaciliation Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Moirail!Eridan x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Gemstuck!Eridan x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, H, and Y) [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Eridan x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Eridan x Yandere!Reader Headcanons [randomnessunicorn-imagine]
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons [randomnessunicorn-imagine]
KinkTober Day 11: Femdom with Eridan Ampora [Yanyan-stuck]
KinkTober Day 21: Shower Sex with Eridan Ampora [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons Cuddling [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Eridan x Reader Headcanons Winning Over a Darling [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, F, H, I, and U) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (B) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C ) [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (T) [Yanyan-stuck]
♓ Feferi Peixes 🐠
Yandere!Feferi x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Feferi x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Empress!Feferi x Reader Fluff Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
Yandere!Gemstuck!Feferi x Reader Headcanons [Yandere--stuck]
KinkTober Day 2: Femdom with Feferi Peixes [Yanyan-stuck]
KinkTober Day 14: Vore with Feferi Peixes [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Feferi x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere!Feferi x Reader NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
61 notes · View notes
yandere-homestuck · 3 years
Masterlist Alpha Kids
🔫 Jake English 🗺
Yandere!Jake x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Jake x Reciprocative!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Jake x Reader Drabble
KinkTober Day 10: Voyeurism with Jake English
Yandere!Jake x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Jake x Reader Headcanons NSFW
🍰 Jane Crocker 🍭
Yandere!Jane x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Jane x Reader Drabble (Blood/Cannibalism)
KinkTober Day 7: Food Play with Jane Crocker
🗡 Dirk Strider 🪛
Yandere!Dirk x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dirk x Reciprocative!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Moirail!Dirk x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Gemstuck!Dirk x Reader Drabble
Yandere!Gemstuck!Dirk x Gem!Reader - Fusion Drabble
Yandere!Heinoustuck!Dirk x Reader Drabble
Yandere!Dirk x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere!Dirk x Concerned!Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere!Gemstuck!Dirk x Rejuvenated!Pearl!Reader Drabble
Yandere!Dirk - “It’s okay to love me. Please love me.”
Yandere!Dirk x Sleeping!Dreamself!Reader - NSFW Somnophilia Drabble
Yandere!Dirk x Injured!Reader Drabble
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, B, and N)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (T and V)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (E, F, H, J, Q, S, and Z)
Yandere!Dirk X Male/GN!Reader Drabble - Dirk's birthday
Yandere!Dirk x Reciprocative!Reader Oneshot
Yandere!Dirk x Pregnant!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Dirk x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW
Yandere!Dirk x Pregnant!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Trickster!Dirk x Reader Headcanons General and NSFW
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, N, and U)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (H and T)
Yandere!Dirk x Reader Headcanons
Ultimate Dirk, Yandere headcannons
😺 Roxy Lalonde 🍷
Yandere!Roxy x Reader Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (I,L and Y)
Yandere!Roxy x Reader Headcanons
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