#gender fluid is outside the gender bianary
azureandcrimson · 27 days
LMK Headcanons!!
Just some (a lot of) headcanons of mine I wanted to share! :] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wukong can sleep through a full on war, in any position any place. Macaque absolutely can not, he has to be somewhere safe, quiet, and he has to feel protected to get any sleep. Macaque and Redson have Sensory Issues.
Redson has gold blood. Macaque trained and/or adopted Spindrax (HER NAME TRANSLATES INTO PRINCESS SHADOWS IN JAPENSE AND INTO PHANTOM SPIDER IN TAIWANESE, HOW COULD I REFUSE THE CHANCE?!) And he also adopts or is a Mother/Father figure to Bai He (Mamacaque) Macaque, Redson and Mei all have burn scars, Macaque from Diyu, Redson from his fire powers and Mei from the Samadhi Fire. Wukongs ex's are Spider Queen and Azure, and, Macaques ex is Scorpion Queen. Mk is Trans Masc and Gay. Macaque is Trans Masc, Non-Bianary and Bisexual. Wukong is Trans Fem, Gender-Fluid and Pansexual. Redson is Gender-Fluid and Bisexual. Sandy is Pansexaul and Asexual. Mei is Lesbian. Spindrax is Lesbian. Pigsy is Bisexual. Tang is Gay. Bai he is Trans Fem. Macaque, Princess Iron Fan, Chang'e and Mei. They all meet up and gossip, have a texting group too (There going to go to jail for what they text to each other if it ever get's out to public) Macaque and Wukong got shoved into Sandys cat therapy by Mei, Chang'e, Mk and Princess Iron Fan after Season 4, (Then Mk also started to go after Season 5) Macaque has a pet Flerken named Estelle (I'M BREAKING THE MULTIVERSE, YOU CAN'T STOP ME) Macaque's a Pyromaniac and has burned himself on purpose has a record for Arson!! :3 After Macaques revival. He doesn't have a heartbeat anymore, and, he's always has a freezing cold temperature, he's cold no matter how hot it is outside, or how many blankets he has, he can only be warmed by other body heat (but he's touch averse) or fire (That's how he got obsession with fire). Then you have Wukong and Redson who are like personal heaters 24/7. After LBD. Macaques head was fuzzy, his memories we're all over the place, he didn't know real from fake, he eventually had breakdowns, trying to figure out right from wrong. Wukongs War Form. (WE NEED TO SEE IT HELLO??) I think it would have three tails, three heads, four arms, a gold color with red accents + White eyes and Claws. Mk also has four ears, three tails he can hide in his monkey form. Macaque can hide his emotions really well, but when he's feeling uneasy, nervous or panicked his Shadow Powers will swirl around him and flicker. Some Headcanons of their Favorite Songs!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macaque - Girl With One Eye, Contards Solution, Drunk-Dazed, Dead Girl Walking (HE'S THE ULTIMATE BILLIE ELISH AND AYESHA AND ISABEL LAROSA FAN!!) Mk - Mr Sunshine is dead, Juliet Redson - Alejandro Wukong - Ex's & Oh's, UNBELIVEABLE, Everybody Loves Me. Mei - HOT TO GO! Some Headcanon Fears!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wukong - Fear of Death. Fear of being Forgotten. Fear of Small Spaces. Macaque - Fear of Failure. Fear of Thunder/Lightning. A small fear of Small Spaces. Fear of being Abandoned. Fear of Losing Control (He's already lost control once. He can't afford to do it again.) Mk - Fear of Spiders. Fear of Abandoned. Tang - Fear of Women/jk, I'm joking I swear. Fear of being left behind. Redson - Fear of Failure. Fear of Imperfection. Fear of being Abandoned. He had a fear of Water that Mei and Mk helped him get over. Fear of Being Alone (Sense the Samadhi Fire when he was young) Mei - Fear of being Forgotten.
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inthememetime · 3 years
So I've seen a few posts on here that seem to be getting a lot of notes that are saying being ND (neurodivergent) and a non heterosexual person of any gender identity is the same thing; in the same post, they say that it's wrong and people are faking their sexuality being fluid. The thing is, some of their arguments were very persuasive until I got to reading a little deeper. They also use some of the same arguments TERFs use.
Here's my take on the matter, as a neurodivergent person in the gray umbrella- that is, on the asexuality/aromantic scale.
There's three topics to address here.
1. ND and non-heterosexuality are the same. NO. REPEAT AFTER ME. NO. Many ND traits like Schizophrenia, ADHD, or Depression can and should be treated. Some ND traits like Autism cannot or should not be treated. Being LGBTQ+ is NOT something that needs to be treated! Love is love! Conversion therapy is bad and doesn't work! When someone says being ND and LGBTQ+ is the same, pay attention. They might not mean it, but they're heavily implying LGBTQ+ people need treatment to become 'normal'. Can a pansexual person be neurotypical? Absolutely! And that's fine! Can a lesbian have Schizophrenia? Absolutely! But the only thing she needs treatment for is her Schizophrenia, and the pan person really doesn't need any treatment.
Being ND is great sometimes! I have ADHD, and it helps me see the world in different ways than a neurotypical person! My dad is on the Autism scale, and he's had several promotions BECAUSE of how he sees problems and solutions so differently from his neurotypical coworkers. My dad is also on several medications to treat certain aspects of his Autism. Neither of us would 'treat' my sexuality. Both of us treat our neurodivergencies.
If you have depression, seek treatment, if you have dysphoria, seek treatment so that your outside can match your insides. There is NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING LGBTQ+. There is NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING CIS OR NON-CIS GENDERED. YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN DECIDE TO CHANGE YOURSELF. DO NOT LET A TERF MAKE YOUR DECISION FOR YOU.
2. Fluid sexuality is fake. NOPE. AGAIN. IT IS VERY REAL. We, as people, are always learning, and that affects how we see ourselves and our sexuality. Some people are born with one sexuality, and never change, and that's fine! Some people never really decide on their labels because they don't like them or they don't seem to fit. Some people decide on labels, then change them as they figure out more about themselves. There is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. There is ALSO nothing wrong with keeping one label and changing another! YOU DECIDE YOUR LABELS. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
I started out thinking I was straight because of a very religious mother who taught me that anything else was Wrong. Over the years, through meeting new people, reading, and dating, I started identifying as bisexual. I realized I wasn't very sexual at all, but I didn't have any words for what I identify as for almost 8 more years.
Their arguments imply I was wrong for being bi, and even more wrong for being demisexual or ace. They imply that my cousin, raised in a similar but more abusive home was wrong for waiting to identify as non-bianary until they were 18 for their own safety.
It's not. Maybe I was born that way- maybe after I was groomed and abused I lost all interest and changed. My cousin was born the way they are; they've never felt tied to one gender, and there's nothing wrong with that either.
3. People fake having a fluid sexuality and/or gender. I'm not going to say that it never happens or can't happen; I'm in HR and I've seen first hand that people will lie about the weirdest things. But why would they? In this world, which is very much tilted towards CIS heterosexual people, why would they lie about not being CIS or not being heterosexual?
And personally speaking, it's hard. I say I'm a panromantic ace because that's the label that fits me best....usually. But sometimes I'm not. Sometimes I'm more demisexual than truly ace, and while they are related, it's still not the same. And when I was open about it? Constant teasing, mocking, accusations of just being frigid.
It's hard to have a fluid sexuality. I don't have a fluid gender, but I can easily imagine that it would be even harder. Why would someone lie about that and bring that struggle on themselves?
In summary: Non heteronormativity, gnc, and neurodivergence can happen at the same time, but they are not necessarily the same thing. Sexuality can be fluid althoughfor some people it isn't, and you have the right to change your labels as you see fit. In general, people aren't lying about their sexuality or gender being fluid.
Don't buy into the TERF nonsense. If someone makes you feel that you're wrong or somehow need to be fixed for being GNC in some way, or being LGBTQ+, consider cutting them from you life. They're not out to help you, they want to get rid of what makes you unique, what makes you you.
Stepping off my soapbox now.
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Asuma asking kakashi what non binary is after choji came out
Kakashi slaps down the biggest book he owns, sits Asuma’s ass down and buys them a round of non-alcoholic drinks because they are going to be here for a while. He starts off with the simple things.
Gender is not a bianary. easy enough to understand, though Asuma does naturally have questions Kakashi can easily explain them and a lot of it is ‘look at Gai’ because let’s face it, Gai is a great starting point. Asuma knows that Gai is gender fluid, so he knows that there are people who switch between the two genders or feel a little more masculane one day and more feminin another, or who just some days...don’t feel like any particular gender.
that last one is where they have to focus.
Choji is like that, but everyday. There isn’t a day where Choji feels like a particular gender, or any gender at all. Choji falls outside all of that and simply does not have a gender.
It takes Asuma a while to understand, but he gets there and he’s damned determined to make sure he understands it as much as possible. He refuses to let Choji do this alone or think at all that he doesn’t support Choji in every single way
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doesponyboyisgay · 7 years
LGBT+ Outsiders headcanons
Ponyboy is bisexual and a trans boy.
Sodapop is Gender-fluid and pansexual.
Darry is arosexual.
Dallas is gay.
Johnny is also gay.
Two-Bit is non-bianary and bisexual.
Steve is pansexual.
Cherry is straight, but is an ally.
@genderfluidsodapopcurtis ayyyyy
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