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Gendersanghe: A gender that feels thick, sometimes dangerous, iron-like, and related to blood. It can be connected to winter, darkness, and death. A part of the Genderstajon system.
Flag and term made by @polinumgender (if the tagging is getting annoying tell me!)
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madtrender · 3 years
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My MOGAI headcanons for Brook from the webcomic I'm The Grim Reaper because all the requests blogs were busy. Flags from left to right are: aroace, contreogender, muphridian, duragenderless, genderunique, aporagender, mogaihypic, cloudgender, rabbitgender, vulturehoarder, mortugender, lykh, corpsegender, bloodgender, zanggender, tentiagender, gendersanghe.
Definitions and reasoning under the cut!
Contreogender: A gender for someone who (generally speaking) believes society's attitude surrounding gender/gender roles is harmful and believes gender should not be so important. This belief leads them to not pay much attention to their own gender/only share their gender if absolutely necessary/only tell close friends about their gender. [Listen. Listen. Brook is over a century old. You think he gives a fuck about gender roles? At some point in time he probably had long hair, and there were probably a few people who assumed he was a woman, at which he probably realized that Gender Isn't Real.]
Muphridian: being man/masc-aligned, AGIN-aligned, and xeno-aligned. [Sums up his experience with gender pretty nicely. He doesn't really care about it, but he was born a man so he feels some connection to it, but his experience is beyond society's traditional understanding of gender.]
Duragenderless: when your gender is always partially agender. [As I said, Brook doesn't care that much about gender. In a way, this makes any gender he experiences sort of muted by his apathy. He perceives this as a small dose of genderlessness.]
Genderunique: a very personal, unique and interpretative gender that cannot be described using existing terminology. [Exactly what it says on the tin. Brook is so old and has been through so much that at this point they're probably the only person on Earth with their particular experience of gender. They sort of shrug it off when asked if they're a man or a woman, and says "I'm a reaper" or "I'm me".]
Aporagender: a strongly gendered feeling that is not male, female, or inbetween. [This kinda goes hand in hand with Brook's genderuniqueness. Not male, not female, something other and entirely separate. May or may not be related to the disconnect they feel from humanity as a whole.]
Mogaihypic: when your gender is affected by your hyperfixation on MOGAI. [Hear me out... what if Brook had ADHD? As anyone with ADHD will tell you, boredom is excruciating. It's even worse when you're immortal and have nothing but time on your hands. Brook hyperfixates on gender and hyperfixates on it hard, to the point that they hoard labels and probably run a (not very popular) MOGAI blog.]
Cloudgender: a gender which can’t be fully realized or seen clearly due to depersonalization/ derealization disorder. this gender is only for the use of neurodivergent people. [I headcanon Brook as having some sort of dissociative disorder due to trauma and the fact that she's over a century old, a timespan the human brain isn't really built to comprehend. Her dissociation makes it difficult to introspect and leaves gaps in her memory, which affects her view of herself and by extension, her gender.]
Rabbitgender: a subset of bungender for when one feels their connection to bunnies is not soft or cute, but rather feral, skittish, and territorial. [Need I explain? Brook feels a deep connection to rabbits because they're her demon, the thing she's spent decades caging and training and restraining, the thing she knows better than she knows herself. Of course she doesn't view them as anything resembling soft; how could she?]
Vulturehoarder: when you hoard AGIN and death-related genders. [Brook is dead. Xe's dead. It affects every part of xyr life; why not xyr gender? As this is pretty much the reasoning behind every gender after this, I won't be expanding further on those.]
Mortugender: a gender / gender addition that has strong ties to or relates to death in a deep way. The prefix mortu- is added to a gender when said gender becomes stronger in the presence or feeling of death. Coined with people with Cotard’s Syndrome in mind, but isn’t exclusive.  
Lykh: A xenogender characterized by supernatural vigor and a sense of disembodiment. Someone who identifies as a lykh might feel like their gender exists in spite of or apart from their earthly existence. Synesthetically, this gender feels undead, incorporeal and/or extradimensional, like a conspicuous absence. 
Corpsegender: A xenogender / kingender relating to one’s undeath. One’s gender perception is altered by the fact that they are undead, their gender might be muddled or weak but not necessarily. Some examples of “undead” can be zombies, vampires, ghosts, etc.
Bloodgender: A gender that is shrouded in confusion because of an overwhelming feeling of animalistic rage and feralness. This gender has a lot to do with frenzied confusion, anger, and visuals of gore and violence.
Zanggender: A gender based off or related to the "zannie" unnatural (Kovit in particular) from the book series Market of Monsters by Rebecca Schaeffer (or the Webtoon adaption 'Not Even Bones'), and/or a gender that draws energy from others' pain/violence. May or may not feel malevolent and/or related to blood. From the French word 'sang', meaning blood.
Tentiagender: A gender based off of or related to Nita's (main character of Market of Monsters by Rebecca Schaeffer) ability to control bodily functions, and/or a gender that feels made of many parts, each of which can be controlled through concentration, but is draining to control. From the Latin word 'potentia', meaning power/force.
Gendersanghe: a gender that feels thick, sometimes dangerous, iron-like, and related to blood. It can be connected to winter, darkness, and death.
I also headcanon xem as sepulcherine/ morguegender but I couldn't find a flag for that!
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gendersanciau · 4 years
Genderstajon system additions pt. 6
Gendergairnéad: A gender that feels rare, small, and connected to Genderrubinur. It is connected to garnets, mining, and clean weather. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderadreilu: A gender that feels boxy, small, but still strong. It is connected to building, fire, bricks, and clay. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderbrics: a multigender alternative to Genderadreilu. It feels like a brick wall, and is only different by that. A part of the Genderstajon system and the Genderadreilu subsystem
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Genderpourpre: a gender that feels strong, proud, and bright. It is connected to summer, cool summer drinks (particularly watermelon lemonade), lemons, and citrus orchards. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderkarneoli: a gender that feels connected to carnelian, mining, and summer. It is small, round, and rocky, and hard to get around in. It can also be fluid. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderkinaver: a gender that feels powerful, hearty, and calming. It is connected to cinnabar, the periodic table, and autumn. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderburgunder: a gender that feels dark, sad, and cool. It is connected to burgundy, wine cellars, and darkness. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderpiment: a gender that feels flaming, hot, and small. It is connected to peppers (particularly chilis), summer weather, hot forests, and cold drinks. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderkarmiini: a gender that feels calming, warm, and connected to the color carmine, late spring, sunny mornings, cloudy afternoons, and sometimes it can be fluid. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderkardynal: a gender that feels connected to cardinals, northern winters, summer, flight, and clouds. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Gendersanghe: a gender that feels thick, sometimes dangerous, iron-like, and related to blood. It can be connected to winter, darkness, and death. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderanbar: a gender that feels large, spacious, and sometimes dirty. It is related to barns, farming, and gardening. It can also be connected to flat fields, meadows, and cloudless skies. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderziresa: a gender that feels tall, proud, and clean. It is connected to cherries, cherry blossoms, cherry trees, and summer. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Gendergranato: a gender that feels small, but has many parts. It is connected to lemonade, pomegranates, summer, and trees. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderascua: a gender that feels that it is slowly fading away, or simply gone faint. It is connected to fire, embers, and cinders. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderpetunie: a gender that feels small, blooming, and tall. It is connected to petunias, warm weather, and spring
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Gendercigl: a gender that feels flamed, but not burnt. It is connected to bricks, ovens, and heat. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderazalé: a gender that feels small, related to Genderpetunie, and bulbous. It is related to azaleas, summer, and swimming pools
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Genderrozo: a gender that feels familiar, small, and calming. It is related to roses, calm weather, Valentine's Day, and love. A part of the Genderstajon system.
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Gendercaravel: A gender that feels connected to Genderpetunie, Genderrozo, and Genderazalé. It is slightly feminine, but has no differences, and can be seen as a mashup of the three. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Gendermagia: a gender that feels magical, flamboyant, and calming. It is connected to magic, clear weather, and the Sun. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderbaozum: a gender that feels like it has to "clean" up other genders, similar to a broom. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderfaire: a gender that is flammable, fiery, and hellish. It is connected to flowers, fire, and fireplaces. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderpano: a gender that feels large, flat, and full of energy. It is related to bread, baking, and bakeries. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Gendertorento: a gender that feels related to rain, torrents, downpours, and deluges. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderpluvego: a gender that feels related to Gendertorento, and is masculine. It is connected to huge rainfalls, floods, and rivers. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderriu: a gender that feels gentle and related to rainfall. It is connected to rain, small droplets, wet earth, and the ocean. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Gendermarte: a gender that feels small, terrestrial, and grounded. It is connected to the planet Mars, summer, and iron. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderneptunioa: a gender that feels related to neptunium, radioactivity, and is extremely fluid. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderúran: A gender that feels connected to uranium, radioactivity, and is moderately fluid. It is slightly neutral in nature, and is a part of the Genderstajon system
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Gendercindro: a gender that feels faded, fallen, and flaming. It is connected to cinders, fireplaces, and bonfires. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderkaffeo: a gender that feels energetic, warm, and clean. It is related to coffee, cool mornings, and crisp autumn air. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderaere: a gender that feels airy, clear, and warm. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Genderookean: a gender that feels vast, pangender in nature, and related to all water genders, rain genders, and rainbow genders. A part of the Genderstajon system
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Gendervezi: a gender that is related to Genderookean. it is also connected to other genders such as ice genders, ocean genders, and river genders. A part of the Genderstajon system
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