#genetic doctor in Siliguri
drarunavadutta-blog · 22 days
What is Bipolar Disorder And How Do You Treat It?
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Bipolar disorder is known as manic depression in which a person has extreme emotional lows and highs. Extreme mood swings affect the quality of life, influencing the behavior, activities, and thinking of a person. Ongoing treatment and expert advice help manage this chronic mood disorder. Visit the top doctor for bipolar disorder treatment in Siliguri.
Medical attention is a must. Shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels can interfere with how you perform daily tasks, maintain relationships, and live a stable life.
Understanding Bipolar Disorder – What is It?
This mood disorder is marked by cycles of intense emotional states:
Mania or Hypomania. Mania is a more severe kind of elevated mood (hypomania), leading to increased energy levels. During a manic episode, a person may feel euphoric, more active, easy to distract, excessively energetic, or unusually irritable. They are more likely to engage in impulsive behaviors, including excessive spending, risky sexual behavior, reckless driving, etc. Here, hypomania is a less severe kind of mania.
Depression. The depressive episodes in bipolar disorder cause feelings of intense sadness, loss of energy, hopelessness, restlessness, loss of interest, and thinking of suicide. Sleeping too much or too little, appetite changes, etc., are common in major depressive episodes.
Bipolar disorder is not a single condition and here are the types:
Bipolar I Disorder. In this case, one has at least one manic episode, often followed by depressive episodes.
Bipolar II Disorder. It means a person has at least one hypomanic episode and one major depressive episode, but no manic episodes.
Cyclothymic Disorder. It is a basically milder form of bipolar disorder in which a person has periods of hypomanic and depressive symptoms lasting for at least two years.
Causes and risk factors for bipolar disorder
The exact cause of the bipolar disorder is unknown, but there are factors suspected, including:
Genetics or a family history of bipolar disorder.
Abnormalities in brain structure or neurotransmitter function may be a risk here.
Stressful life events, trauma, or significant life changes can cause or trigger the symptoms of this mood disorder.
Recreational drug and alcohol abuse can put one at risk of bipolar disorder.
Medical Care Options for Bipolar Disorder
Medications are more often the first-line treatment for manic depression. Psychiatrists may prescribe:
Mood Stabilizers
Antidepressant-antipsychotic combination
See the top psychiatrist for bipolar mood disorder treatment in Siliguri.
Psychotherapy to treat and manage bipolar disorder:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps people with bipolar disorder identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors and helps them live a quality life.
Psychoeducation means educating people and their families about bipolar disorder (manic depression) to improve treatment outcomes and help manage the condition lifelong.
Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT) focuses on stabilizing daily routines, from sleeping and eating patterns to regulating mood.
Lifestyle changes are a crucial part here to improving mood and overall health, including:
Regular Exercise
Healthy Diet
Sleep Hygiene
Stress Management
While bipolar disorder is a long-term mood condition, many people with this mood disorder live successful and fulfilling lives with expert help and advice. Regular checkups, a balanced diet, taking medicines and therapies as advised, stress management, etc., are vital to bipolar disorder management. Consult Dr. Arunava Datta for effective bipolar mood disorder treatment in Siliguri.
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drtwishampatinaskar · 22 days
8 Signs You Might Have Bipolar Disorder
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Apart from impairing your emotional and psychological well-being, mental health illnesses can lead to familial issues and a general decline in quality of life. Bipolar disorder is a severe mental illness that can cause extreme highs and lows in mood as well as a general sense of hopelessness and sadness. You must have the best bipolar mood disorder treatment in Siliguri from a reputable psychiatrist to manage the symptoms.  
The majority of the time, genetics or biological variations may lead to individual variations in symptoms for this mental illness. If your parents, siblings, or other close relatives also suffer from bipolar disorder, your chances of developing the illness's symptoms increase. When bipolar disorder is not properly treated in a timely manner, it can lead to suicidal thoughts and poor performance at work or school. The doctor will do a thorough mental evaluation to determine the exact type of bipolar disorder before recommending a customized course of treatment for a full recovery.
Top Signs Indicating That You Suffer From Bipolar Disorder 
1. Psychosis 
If the manic and depressed phases of bipolar disorder are not appropriately managed, psychosis may potentially develop. Delusions, hallucinations, and confused thinking all of a sudden are the clear indicators of psychosis. Irrational ideas, difficulties talking, and decreased social contact are some of the early signs of bipolar disorder psychosis. 
If you are deluded, you might also have steadfast beliefs about things that aren't true. Here, you should never put off receiving treatment for psychosis because it can also be brought on by several other illnesses, including multiple sclerosis, stroke, malaria, brain tumors, and neurological disorders. You should note that the psychotic episodes associated with bipolar disorder can be a blend of hallucinations and delusions. 
2. Sleeping disturbances 
While there are many factors that might contribute to sleep problems, bipolar disorder can have a significant impact on your ability to sleep. Bipolar disorder and sleep difficulties include hypersomnia, insomnia, co-occurring sleep apnea, and irregularities in rapid eye movement sleep. You may also have irregular sleep-wake cycles if your mental health condition is not properly handled.
Furthermore, certain bipolar patients may also experience delayed sleep phase syndrome, a condition primarily brought on by the disorder's symptoms of insomnia and daytime sleepiness. To recover from sleeping disturbances, you must contact the best psychiatrist in Siliguri. Along with sleeping pills, the doctor might also recommend therapeutic interventions to manage the condition. Note that ignoring the sleeping issues can contribute to making bipolar symptoms worsen. 
3. Mania and hypomania symptoms 
The primary signs of bipolar disorder are periods of mania or hypomania. The main symptoms of the manic phase include nervousness, excessive happiness, and rapid speech. This is where you might want to abruptly change the subject because your mind is racing. You cannot sleep properly during these periods because you'll be restless and impulsive all the time. 
Sometimes, persons who are hypomanic also experience a loss of appetite, which may lead them to engage in dangerous behaviours. If you don't manage your manic episodes in a timely manner, you can wind up spending a lot of money on shopping or losing all of your life savings on gambling. Moreover, you experience severe disruptions in performing daily activities due to the mania and hypomania symptoms. 
4. Hallucination 
Bipolar disorder symptoms and mood swings can sometimes get severe, causing the patient to lose their sense of reality. Children with this mental illness may frequently think erratically and hold unrealistic beliefs due to this symptom. In most cases, hallucinations happen when they enter the psychosis stage of bipolar disorder. It may be challenging for the patient experiencing these kinds of delusions or hallucinations to learn about the world around them. 
Herein, one can also make up a fantasy world with themselves and maintain their distance from friends and relatives. Remember that hallucination episodes can impair all your senses including smell, sight, sound, taste, and touch. The chemical reactions in the brain need to be controlled through therapies by availing of the best bipolar mood disorder treatment in Siliguri. 
5. Behavioural issues 
Extreme mood swings caused due to bipolar disorder may also contribute to the emergence of behavioural issues. Both at home and workplace, the patient can exhibit disturbed behavioural patterns. You must note that this type of behavioural problem is more common among children suffering from bipolar disorder. This frequently prevents them from interacting with other kids, which worsens their mental health in general. 
Getting bipolar mood disorder treatment at the right time is crucial if you want to support your child in overcoming these problems and leading a regular life with more productivity. If the concerning behaviours are left untreated then it can impact daily activities. Regular medication, therapy sessions, and recreation are essential to cope with this symptom. 
6. Substance use 
Bipolar disorder patients frequently tend to substance abuse. Alcohol or illegal drugs may become your go-to means of diversion from the upsetting bipolar disorder symptoms. If you are unable to manage your strong desire for addictive substances, you should see a reputable psychiatrist right away. 
Always keep in mind that managing a substance use disorder can make treating bipolar disorder more challenging. Furthermore, abusing drugs or alcohol regularly to escape the harsh realities of life might lower your quality of life and increase your risk of developing severe depressive and manic symptoms. A dual diagnosis for both bipolar and substance abuse disorder can work wonders in improving your overall psychological condition. 
7. Mood swings 
One of the primary symptoms of bipolar disorder that can suggest you’re suffering from bipolar is low mood. Herein, you may exhibit several symptoms during these moments of low mood, such as disinterest, sleeping more than normal, feeling depressed without apparent cause, and displaying rage. You may also find it challenging to establish or preserve relationships with other individuals as a result of these symptoms. 
Additionally, the mood swings caused due to bipolar may also involve high mood episodes. Patients experiencing spells of elevated mood can also experience a variety of symptoms, including being easily agitated, having trouble establishing consistent sleep schedules, and exhibiting excessive happiness without any obvious cause. Moments of elevated mood can also make it difficult for the patients to focus on basic tasks, which may result in poor performance.  
8. Abnormal behaviour 
When a patient behaves aggressively, we frequently assume that he has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which can be associated with bipolar disorder. You should be aware, though, that bipolar disorder may also manifest itself as this kind of nature. This sign is more prevalent among children suffering from mental health issues.
The child suffering from aggressive behaviour due to bipolar may engage in verbal abuse, tantrums, defiance, and bullying as a result of this problem. Your child is always changing, and you need to be aware of this so that you can provide the necessary support if any abnormalities are discovered.
Do not delay seeing a doctor to receive the best bipolar mood disorder treatment in Siliguri if you experience any of these symptoms. To help you feel better, the doctor may prescribe mood stabilizers, psychoeducation, antipsychotics, antidepressants, and psychotherapy therapies. Furthermore, the doctor can also effectively manage childhood bipolar disorder with a variety of family-focused interventions and counseling. 
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drsudiphaldar · 28 days
What Women Need to Know About Lung Cancer
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The symptoms of lung cancer shown in men and women are not noticeably different. Lung cancers unrelated to tobacco smoking are more common in women than in men. Regardless of sex, everyone has the same risk factors for lung cancer.
Did you know long-term tobacco smoke exposure is responsible for 85% of all lung cancer diagnoses? Book an appointment with your doctor if you have symptoms of lung cancer. Receive lung cancer treatment in oncology in Siliguri from the best cancer doctor.
Let’s understand the symptoms of lung cancer in women.
Both men and women have similar lung cancer signs and symptoms, such as:
Shortness of breath/ dyspnea
Hoarseness and wheezing
Unusual fatigue/tiredness
Anongoing cough or wheezing without improvement
Blood in cough
Chest pain and trouble swallowing
Unintended weight loss
Lung infections that come and go
Having excessively low or loss of appetite
If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor for diagnosis without delay.
Lung cancer starts in the lung cells because of DNA mutations. The abnormal cells in the lungs grow rapidly and divide and form a mass or tumors that affect the normal functioning of the lung.
There are two main types of this disease: non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which is the most common, and small cell lung cancer (SCLC), which is less commonbut spreads quickly.
Compared to men, women are more likely to get an adenocarcinoma when they develop lung cancer. Here men aremore likely to develop squamous cell lung cancer, which is the most common form of lung cancer among smokers.
Men are more likely to have lung cancers that involve the main lung airways. Thus,coughing and breathing issues are more commonly seen in them.
Women may have unexplained fatigue and shoulder-back pain if they develop cancer in other parts of the lungs. Medical care in oncology in Siliguri helps treat cancer under the top doctors.
Understanding the risk factors for lung cancer in women
Here are the factors that contribute to lung cancer in women:
Cigarette smoking
Long-term exposure tosecondhand smoke
Industrial or environmental exposure to materials like asbestos, smoke, or radon
A personal record of lung disease, or lung cancer
Genetics or family history of lung cancer/ KARS, EGFR, and GRPR genes.
Adiet low in nutrients and high in processed foods, highly refined foods alcoholic beverages, etc.
Prolonged exposure to estrogen
Lung cancer risks in women are similar to men’s. If you have lung cancer risks like tobacco smoking, family history, poor diet, or a personal history of a lung condition/cancer, consult your doctor for screening or diagnosis.
Treatment of lung cancer and accurate diagnosis help improve the success rate, especially when diagnosed earlier.
Surgery: This removes the tumor or nearby affected lung tissue.
Radiation Therapy: Using powerful energy beams or rays to kill cancer cells present in the lungs.
Chemotherapy: Using drugs or strong medicines to destroy cancer cells in the lungs.
Targeted Therapy: Using medicines to target specific chemicals present in cancer cells.
Immunotherapy: This uses medicines to enable the body’s immune system to fight cancer effectively. Lifestyle changes, awareness of lung cancer symptoms, and seeking fast medical care are vital to lung cancer healing. Reach out to the top oncologists in Siliguri for advanced lung cancer treatment.
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shantinursinghome · 2 months
6 Benefits of Early Diagnosis in Neurology issues
Neurological disorders can completely change your life due to the distressing cognitive and physical symptoms. Some of the most common neurological diseases that can interfere with your health are Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, seizures, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and brain tumors. If you experience any of the symptoms of these disorders then don’t worry because with early diagnosis and intervention from an experienced neurologist in Siliguri most of these disorders can be managed effectively. 
In most cases, the symptoms of neurological issues can be subtle which makes it overlooked and ignored by thinking of them as normal physical issues. This can lead to missed opportunities in treating the disorders at the right time. Herein, routine neurological check-ups can play a vital role in detecting any concerning neuro issues at an early stage that need to be managed medically. You must never hesitate or feel uncomfortable while sharing the symptoms as it can delay the diagnosis as well as lead to a wrong treatment. 
Top Benefits of Early Diagnosis For Neuro Disorders
1. Prevent long-term complications 
Neurological issues are one of the leading causes of death across the globe. This mainly happens due to its long-term complications which can interfere with the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems. You must know that early diagnosis can treat neuro issues and stop your exposure to some of the life-threatening complications. 
Reducing the likelihood of these irreversible neuro-related complications will definitely increase your mortality rates while helping you to learn a normal lifestyle. Some of the serious complications that can be prevented with early diagnosis are- 
Loss of coordination 
Memory loss
Slurred speech 
Blurry vision 
These complications mainly affect the older population while leading them towards mental retardation. However, through early diagnosis, your movement, vision, communication, and physical health can be sustained successfully.
2. Identifies the underlying causes
Another benefit of early diagnosis is that it helps to identify the underlying causes of neurological issues. Most of the neuro issues are progressive which worsens over time and hence, it is essential to identify the cause so that appropriate measures can be taken to stop the progression. 
This will help the doctor to enhance the standard of living of the patient through timely intervention. The common causes of neuro issues that can be identified during diagnosis include- 
Infections: Encephalitis and meningitis are some of the conditions that can lead to neurological issues. Herein, early diagnosis can detect any inflammation in the neuro system then long-term issues associated with it can be prevented. 
Genetics: Early diagnosis includes a thorough examination of your family history which will enable the doctor to identify any genetically influenced neurological disorders. Such illnesses caused by mutated or defective genes are Huntington’s disease and Muscular Dystrophy. 
Degenerative diseases: Any presence of degenerative diseases that may have an impact on your neurological system can also be determined during early diagnosis. If Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s diseases are detected at the right time then its effect on the neurological system can be reduced. 
Trauma: A significant amount of damage can be caused in the nerves and brain due to physical trauma or head injuries. Herein, a detailed diagnosis is required after you have suffered a trauma as it can stop neurological complications. 
3. Manages distressing symptoms 
Neurological symptoms can be quite distressing which can affect your daily life hugely. Henceforth, early diagnosis can maintain your independence while managing the symptoms of neurological issues. This will help in sustaining one’s ability to talk, walk, eat, and see things normally. If these symptoms are left undiagnosed for a longer period then various physical and cognitive functions can be impaired. 
You must visit the best neurologist hospital in Siliguri immediately after the development of the symptoms as it will enable you to improve communication, maintain motor function, and enhance life quality. The most common warning signs that indicate a neurological issue and the need for diagnosis are-
Sudden mood changes
Difficult to swallow and speak properly 
Confusion and short-term or long-term memory loss 
Muscle weakness 
Tingling sensation and numbness
Vertigo or dizziness 
4. Helps to curate a proactive treatment 
Allowing the doctor to develop a proactive treatment is another major benefit of early diagnosis for neurological issues. Each patient has specific health needs and diagnostic tests help in identifying those needs so that a personalized treatment approach can be curated. 
During the diagnosis procedure, your lifestyle, experienced symptoms, and medical history will be evaluated to attain the best possible treatment outcomes with a successful plan. It is understandable that getting diagnosed with neuro disorders can be daunting but effective treatment can manage those effectively. The available treatment options for neuro issues are- 
Occupational therapy 
Physical therapy 
Speech therapy
Neurosurgery such as brain tumor surgery, deep brain stimulation, endoscopic procedures, and many more. 
5. Improved life quality
When you’re suffering from neurological disorders, the most frustrating part is to determine the answers for the experienced symptoms. Neuro issues tend to decrease your quality of life quality while creating problems in communicating, walking, and seeing things clearly. 
In such conditions, early diagnosis can provide you with the answers for the neuro issues so that you can stop them to get an improved life quality. You must know that managing neurological disorders as quickly as possible can lead to successful treatment outcomes.
6. Successful recovery 
It is true that there are various available treatment approaches for neurological disorders. However, if the neuro conditions have progressed to a serious stage then the most effective treatment also cannot cure them completely. 
To avoid this issue, early diagnosis is important which not only leads to early intervention but also enhances the success rates of the treatment. As a result, you can expect a successful recovery from the neuro issues with a reduced likelihood of serious complications. 
Early diagnosis and treatment for neuro issues from the top neurologist in Siliguri can save your life. If you or your near ones are experiencing any neurological symptoms then don’t delay or hesitate to schedule a neurological examination today! 
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A Complete Overview On The IVF Treatment Procedure
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Sometimes as a result of several complications, you cannot conceive a child naturally. In this situation IVF comes into play, it is a type of treatment procedure using which the eggs are fused with sperm in a laboratory. You can also go for an IVF in Siliguri and get blessed with a lovely kid. Though the IVF treatment is quite complicated, it is very effective.
Reasons to choose an IVF treatment
You can go for an IVF treatment if you have some adverse health condition or have an infertility issue. People generally tend to choose this treatment method in case the other fertility methods have not worked. Some reasons for choosing the IVF treatment method include-
Low sperm count
Blockage in the fallopian tube
Fibroids in the Uterus
Genetic diseases
PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome)
Time taken in this process
This is a complicated process with several different steps, thus the process can take about six weeks to completion. Despite the complicacy of the process and lengthy time, you can still go to one of the best IVF doctors in Siliguri if you fail to conceive naturally.
Steps involved in the IVF treatment
Different steps are involved in the IVF treatment procedure including-
Taking birth control pills- Your doctor will prescribe you to take birth control pills before starting the IVF treatment to avoid the development of any cysts in the ovary along with controlling the menstrual cycle. This will allow your healthcare provider to retrieve many mature eggs at the time of egg retrieval.
Stimulation of the ovary- At the time of your menstrual cycle one egg becomes matured and can be ovulated. In the IVF treatment, hormones are injected into the patient so that all the eggs of the cycle become matured fully. The steps involved in the stimulation of the ovary include monitoring and trigger shots.
Egg retrieval- In this step your health care specialist will insert a very thin needle through the vagina in each of the ovaries.  After which the eggs will be placed inside an incubator. Your doctor can recommend you to do some meditation to get rid of any kind of discomfit that you might feel during the process.
 The entire process takes almost 36 hours after you are last injected with the hormone.
Fertilization- In this step, the embryologist tries to fertilise the eggs which are matured by injecting them with an ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection). And the immature eggs are further placed with nutrients and sperm in a dish.
Embryo development- After fertilisation, a specialist will monitor the embryo’s development carefully for 5-6 days. After the embryo passes some significant amount of hurdles it gets ready to be placed in the uterus.
Transfer of embryoo- Two types of embryo transfer include fresh transfer of embryo and frozen transfer of embryo. Both are effective methods of embryo transfer. The only difference is that the fresh embryos are inserted in the uterus shortly after the egg retrieval is completed and in the frozen transfer embryos can be transferred years after the retrieval process is completed.
Pregnancy- You will get pregnant after the embryo which is transferred implants in the lining of the uterus. After 9-14 days of the embryo transfer procedure, your doctor will run a blood test on you to confirm your pregnancy.
Steps to follow to prepare for an IVF treatment
Some of the important preparations that is required before starting an IVF treatment are-
Consulting with an IVF specialist
Examining the uterus
Analysing the semen
Blood test, urine test
Signing in the forms for consent
An IVF is a complicated process to give birth to a child and can be quite costly as well. However, when you lose all kinds of hope you can go for IVF in Siliguri and experience the joy of bringing a new life into this world. Your healthcare facility will give you the required support that you need while undergoing the entire treatment procedure.
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ivffetus · 3 months
Common Tests and Procedures Used in Infertility Evaluation
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Infertility tests can tell why you have issues with conception. Doctors recommend tests for people or couples with more than six months of conception challenges. Before your infertility specialist orders tests, your doctor may ask you about your sexual habits or practices. This understanding helps the doctor identify whether you need tests, the types of tests you need, etc. You can seek guidance from the top infertility specialist in Siliguri, North Bengal.
While tests let doctors know the reason for infertility, there are cases in which the cause of infertility is unexplained. There are varieties of tests and procedures to detect and treat infertility in men and women.
Let’s talk about initial checkups and tests for infertility evaluation.
Initial health assessment for infertility begins with reviewing the medical history and a physical examination of both partners. This helps the infertility expert identify any potential factors that might be contributing to infertility in your case.
Medical history includes a review of:
menstrual cycle regularity
ejaculation issues
erection problems
painful intercourse
sexual habits
past medical conditions
current medications
Physical examination means assessing your general health, body weight, blood pressure, pulse rate, etc.
Tests for men
For men, infertility doctors may recommend:
Semen analysis
In semen analysis, the sample of semen is collected and tested in a lab for:
Sperm count measuring the number of sperm available
Sperm motility detecting the movement of sperm
Sperm morphology examining the shape and structure of sperm
Semen volume and liquefaction identify the semen volume and how it liquefies.
Hormone testing
This includes a blood test to check hormone levels, like testeron and other male hormones.
Testicular biopsy
In a testicular biopsy, a medical expert will remove a sample of the testicle tissue for lab tests. Doctors look for the cause of infertility in men, especially when semen analysis shows abnormalities.
Genetic testing
Doctors may order a genetic test to identify if there is any genetic defect present in men causing infertility.
Imaging tests
Among imaging tests, doctors may order an ultrasound of the scrotum, a brain MRI, etc. See the best infertility specialist in Siliguri for male infertility.
Tests for women
For women, infertility doctors may recommend:
Blood tests
Blood tests are done to measure the levels of hormones, such as progesterone, estrogen, thyroid, prolactin levels, FSH, and LH levels.
Ovarian reserve testing
This clinical test helps your doctor rule out how many viable eggs you have for ovulation, which often starts with hormone testing early in the menstrual cycle.
This medical test helps identify if there is a condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Plus, this test examines if there are blockages present in the fallopian tubes.
Imaging tests
Pelvic ultrasound is more commonly done in imaging tests in this regard. Sometimes, doctors suggest saline infusion sonography.
In some cases, infertility doctors may order hysteroscopy and laparoscopy to examine female reproductive organs and their conditions. These may include blockages, scarring, benign growths, etc.
Infertility tests are not one-size-fits-all. Hence, you may not need all of the tests to evaluate your reason for infertility. You can consult the leading infertility doctors in Siliguri for comprehensive health checkups and advanced care. Based on your test reports, your infertility expert will ensure a personalized treatment to benefit your well-being.
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nrkss · 3 months
Obstetrician or Gynecologist: Which Specialist You Must Visit?
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Women need proper care to ensure a smooth pregnancy journey and attain gynecological wellness. If you’re suffering from any gynecological problems or you’re pregnant then you will think of visiting an obstetrician or gynecologist. However, you must know that both of these doctors have certain differences, where there are also specific health conditions indicating you need to visit one of them. You must know that if your health concerns are related to pregnancy then without any second thought, you can book an appointment with the best obstetrician in Siliguri.
Many hospitals also have OB/GYN who are specialized in both obstetrics and gynecology. These doctors are trained to treat gynecological issues as well as assist you during pregnancy. If you don’t find any of these professionals then you need to evaluate your health status and then select a medical professional who can effectively diagnose and treat your condition.
Vital Signs Indicating That You Must Visit An Obstetrician
Experiencing symptoms of pregnancy: The main reason for visiting an obstetrician is to get the best prenatal care. This is why you must book an appointment with this doctor immediately after experiencing pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue, missed periods, urination, breast tenderness, and other physical changes. Herein, the doctor can confirm the pregnancy while performing necessary prenatal screenings.
High-risk pregnancy: Another sign that indicates your need for an obstetrician is high-risk pregnancy. Certain pregnancy complications, history of miscarriage, and multiple gestation are some of the causes that can make the pregnancy risky. If you’re pregnant and suffer from underlying medical issues such as high blood pressure, asthma, and epilepsy then also visit an obstetrician for specialized care.
Pre-pregnancy concerns: Some women may prefer pre-pregnancy counseling before conceiving a baby. In such cases, you can contact an obstetrician who can solve your pregnancy concerns and indicate the probability of any risks or genetic problems associated with the pregnancy. This will help you minimize complications during pregnancy.
Post-partum problems: You’re more inclined towards taking care of the baby after delivery but it is also essential to take care of your health during this time to minimize post-partum complications. If you experience any post-partum issues such as side effects from anesthesia, infection, and bleeding then contact the obstetrician immediately
Vital Signs Indicating That You Must Visit A Gynecologist
Vaginal infections: Using contraception, taking antibiotics, and vaginal hygiene products can increase the risks of vaginal infections such as chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis, and genital warts. If you experience symptoms of this condition such as vaginal pain, itching, and redness then contact a gynecologist in Siliguri immediately.
Irregular menstrual cycle: One of the most common reasons for visiting a gynecologist is menstrual irregularities. Premenstrual syndrome, painful cramps, heavy bleeding, and infrequent menstruation are some of the menstrual disorders that the doctor can treat effectively. Herein, the doctor may perform an ultrasound and another test to evaluate the underlying conditions behind irregular periods.
Infertility: If you’re unable to conceive a baby for more than a year then the first thing you must do is book an appointment with a gynecologist. Infertility can happen for male or female-related factors and the doctor will help you to know the main causes of infertility in your case. He can also treat the underlying conditions through medication or surgery for a successful pregnancy.
Symptoms of severe gynecological issues or reproductive cancers: Several gynecological conditions such as uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, and endometriosis can be resolved with the help of a gynecologist. You can also contact these specialized healthcare professionals if you experience any symptoms of reproductive cancers such as pelvic pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, and sores around the vulva.
It may be quite confusing to select the right doctor but assessing your signs can help you in such situations. Contact the best obstetrician in Siliguri if you experience pregnancy problems but if you suffer from some gynecological symptoms at any stage of your life to get the best treatment solutions. Attain gynecological wellness with effective advice from specialized medical professionals.
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drswarupkrroy · 4 months
From Children To Seniors: The Importance Of Routine Eye Check-Ups At Every Age
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Eyesight is one of the most important senses of our body that helps us see all the beautiful things in the world. You must know that our eyes are extremely delicate and to avoid any potential complications affecting our eye health, it is crucial to maintain good eye health. One of the pivotal steps that you can take to take care of your eyes is to schedule regular eye check-ups by contacting the best eye specialist in Siliguri. 
During a routine eye examination, the doctor will perform various tests to evaluate the condition of your eyes. Some such tests include dilated test, visual acuity, slit lamp test, and eye pressure monitoring. If your eyes are healthy and your eyes are not exposed to any risk factors then it is advised for children as well as seniors to arrange routine check-ups at least once a year. This frequency may increase based on your underlying health conditions and the presence of any eye disorders. 
Explore The Possible Benefits Of Regular Eye Check-Ups For All Ages 
1. Preserves Vision 
One of the main importance of routine eye check-ups that are mandatory for all ages is that they help in preserving vision. Various disorders can lead to irreversible vision loss and with regular examination, these disorders can be stopped. Herein, the doctor will also check your near and far vision which can also give you clear vision with improved performance and quality of life.
2. Identifies Early Symptoms 
Some eye disorders have extremely mild symptoms which are hard to detect. During a routine eye exam, the doctor can identify the abnormal symptoms and offer you early intervention. Some such disorders include macular degeneration and glaucoma. Herein, the doctor can monitor your eye pressure and if any fluctuations are detected then it can be a symptom of glaucoma. Treating this condition at an early stage can help you prevent vision loss.  
3. Helps To Prevent Life-Threatening Disorders 
Regular eye examination conducted by the best eye doctor not only helps in preventing eye disorders but can also prevent multiple life-threatening disorders affecting any part of our body. If the doctor sees that the blood vessels present in the retina are working properly then it can indicate the proper functioning of the blood vessels throughout the body. Improved physical and vision health can be attained with regular eye examinations. 
4. Risk Assessment 
You must know that during routine eye check-ups, the doctor performs a thorough risk assessment. This assessment includes reviewing your medical and family history to determine the chances of any serious eye disorders related to genetics or underlying medical conditions. Starting from glaucoma and nearsightedness to farsightedness and cataracts, all the eye disorders can be detected during the examination. 
5. Updating Eye Prescription
If you were previously detected with any eye disorders then you must increase the frequency of eye examinations. This is because regular eye check-ups will help you get updated eye prescriptions with the required treatment modifications. The effectiveness of the medications or eye drops as well as the progression of the disorders can also be determined during the test. 
6. Decreases The Aging Effects
Ageing has a significant impact on your eye health. Various underlying health issues and physical problems can lead to vision loss and increase the risks of glaucoma and cataracts. This is why regular eye check-ups are important where the doctor will determine the risk of eye disorders while recommending lifestyle strategies to improve vision health. 
Contacting an eye specialist in Siliguri will help you preserve your vision and attain an improved life quality. The eye specialist can also advise you on effective measures such as eating a healthy diet, reducing screen time, and exercising regularly that can improve eye health.
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mindcareshanti · 4 months
Why We Need To Stop Judging Mental Illness?
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Stress and anxiety are part of day-to-day life. But, when stress or anxiety has become dominant, interfering with our quality of life, asking for professional help is important. Now, one of the doctors that keep people with mental illness or issues from asking for medical attention is fear of judgment. For compassionate mental health care, talk to the best psychiatrist in Siliguri.
Discrimination, Stigma, and Mental Health – How We Can Help
With time, the notion of seeing a mental health patient has improved. However, stigma or misconception is still around. The awareness of mental health issues has improved significantly in the past few years. Despite these advancements, disgrace or fear still exists.
So, this negativelyimpacts people with mental health troubles. Let’s understand why we must encourage them to see a doctor and change our mentality.
Mental illness stigma is of many different forms. Health conditions may worsen as a result of judgment, such as slurs, avoidance, or making fun of them. This significantly affectstheir ability to seek expert attention for mental health care.
We need to understand that a mental condition is not a choice. It can result from various reasons, such as exposure to a stressful life event. Loneliness, financial downfall, ongoing stressful situations, mental pressure from work, relationship struggles, addiction-induced mental condition, or family history can affect mental health.
A lot of people think of mental illness as a sign of weakness. Mental illnesses are like physical illnesses that need medical attention and lifestyle modifications. Both physical and mental conditions are influenced by environmental,genetic, biological, and psychological factors.
Like no one chooses to have heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, or cancer, no one chooses to have clinical depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, or schizophrenia. As per data, the reason for many mental health conditions is unknown. Researchers and doctors only show risk factors.
Empathy, compassion, and education can only help eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness. We’ll be able to debunk stereotypes and promote a healthy atmosphere for those with mental illness by educating ourselves and others about mental health.
Open conversations about mental health are of immense importance. This will assist people to feel secure in expressing their experiences without fear of judgment.
Sharing stories of recovery in seminars, or awareness camps provides hope and inspires others to get expert help. An accurate sketch of mental health issues can help reduce the stigma around us. Listening without judgment, showing compassion, offering empathy, and encouraging medical help aid in better outcomes. Our acts of kindness and intelligence can make a remake change in the lives of people struggling with mental health issues.
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siliguriivfcentre · 4 months
Best Surrogacy Centre in Siliguri: Siliguri IVF Centre
Siliguri, a burgeoning city in the foothills of the Himalayas, is fast becoming a hub for advanced medical treatments, particularly in the field of reproductive health. Among the numerous facilities available, Siliguri IVF Centre stands out as the premier destination for surrogacy services. This article delves into the reasons why Siliguri IVF Centre is the best surrogacy centre in Siliguri, highlighting its state-of-the-art facilities, experienced medical team, compassionate care, and unparalleled success rates.
What is Surrogacy?
Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproduction where a woman, known as the surrogate, carries and delivers a child for another person or couple. This process is often sought by individuals who cannot conceive naturally or carry a pregnancy to term due to medical conditions. There are two main types of surrogacy:
Traditional Surrogacy: In this method, the surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the intended father’s sperm. The surrogate’s own egg is used, making her the biological mother of the child.
Gestational Surrogacy: This method involves creating an embryo through IVF using the eggs and sperm of the intended parents or donors. The embryo is then implanted into the surrogate, who carries the pregnancy to term. The surrogate has no genetic link to the child.
Siliguri IVF Centre specializes in gestational surrogacy, ensuring that intended parents can have a biological connection to their child.
Why Choose Siliguri IVF Centre for Surrogacy?
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Siliguri IVF Centre is equipped with the latest technology in reproductive medicine. The facility boasts advanced IVF laboratories, modern operating rooms, and comfortable recovery areas. The centre’s investment in cutting-edge equipment ensures that every procedure is performed with the highest precision and care.
Experienced Medical Team
The success of any surrogacy program heavily relies on the expertise of the medical team. At Siliguri IVF Centre, patients are in the capable hands of highly qualified and experienced fertility specialists, embryologists, and support staff. The team is led by Dr. [Doctor’s Name], a renowned fertility expert with over [X] years of experience in reproductive medicine.
Comprehensive Surrogacy Programs
Siliguri IVF Centre offers comprehensive surrogacy programs tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. From initial consultations to post-birth support, the centre provides a seamless and supportive journey for intended parents and surrogates alike. Key components of the program include:
Initial Consultation and Evaluation: A thorough assessment of the intended parents’ medical history, fertility status, and surrogacy goals.
Matching Process: Careful selection and matching of surrogates to ensure compatibility and mutual understanding.
Legal Support: Assistance with all legal aspects of surrogacy, ensuring that both intended parents and surrogates are protected and informed.
Medical Procedures: High-quality IVF procedures, including egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo transfer, and pregnancy monitoring.
Emotional Support: Counseling and support services for intended parents and surrogates to address any emotional challenges during the surrogacy journey.
High Success Rates
One of the primary indicators of a successful surrogacy centre is its success rate. Siliguri IVF Centre boasts impressive success rates, thanks to its skilled medical team and advanced technology. The centre’s commitment to excellence ensures that a high percentage of surrogacy arrangements result in healthy pregnancies and successful births.
Compassionate Care
Siliguri IVF Centre prides itself on offering compassionate and personalized care to all its patients. The journey to parenthood can be emotionally challenging, and the centre’s dedicated support team is always available to provide guidance, reassurance, and emotional support. The centre’s approach is patient-centric, ensuring that every individual feels valued and understood throughout the process.
Legal and Ethical Practices
Surrogacy involves complex legal and ethical considerations. Siliguri IVF Centre adheres to the highest standards of ethical practice and complies with all legal regulations governing surrogacy. The centre works with experienced legal professionals to ensure that all parties’ rights and responsibilities are clearly defined and protected.
Testimonials from Happy Families
Nothing speaks louder than the testimonials of those who have experienced the journey firsthand. Siliguri IVF Centre has helped numerous families achieve their dream of parenthood through surrogacy. Here are some heartwarming stories from happy families:
Story 1: The Patel Family
“We had almost given up hope of having a child when we came to Siliguri IVF Centre. The team here was incredibly supportive and guided us through every step of the surrogacy process. Today, we are proud parents to a beautiful baby girl, and we couldn’t be more grateful.”
Story 2: The Sharma Family
“After years of trying to conceive, we decided to explore surrogacy. Siliguri IVF Centre matched us with a wonderful surrogate, and the entire experience was smooth and positive. Our twin boys are a dream come true, and we owe it all to the amazing team at Siliguri IVF Centre.”
Story 3: The Das Family
“Our surrogacy journey with Siliguri IVF Centre was exceptional. The medical team was highly professional, and the emotional support we received was invaluable. We are now parents to a healthy baby boy, and our family feels complete.”
Community and Global Reach
Siliguri IVF Centre not only serves the local community but also attracts patients from across India and around the world. The centre’s reputation for excellence in surrogacy has made it a preferred choice for international patients seeking high-quality reproductive care. The centre’s team is experienced in managing the unique needs of international patients, providing comprehensive support throughout their stay in Siliguri.
Affordable and Transparent Pricing
One of the major concerns for intended parents considering surrogacy is the cost. Siliguri IVF Centre offers competitive and transparent pricing for its surrogacy programs. The centre provides detailed cost breakdowns and works with patients to develop flexible payment plans that suit their financial situation. The goal is to make surrogacy accessible to as many people as possible without compromising on the quality of care.
The Surrogacy Journey at Siliguri IVF Centre
Here is a detailed overview of the surrogacy journey at Siliguri IVF Centre:
Step 1: Initial Consultation
The journey begins with an initial consultation where intended parents meet with a fertility specialist. During this meeting, the specialist will review the medical history, discuss surrogacy options, and outline the process.
Step 2: Medical Evaluation
A comprehensive medical evaluation is conducted to assess the fertility status of the intended parents and determine the best course of action. This may include fertility testing, genetic screening, and other necessary evaluations.
Step 3: Surrogate Matching
Siliguri IVF Centre has a rigorous surrogate selection process to ensure the health and suitability of potential surrogates. The centre matches intended parents with surrogates based on medical compatibility and personal preferences.
Step 4: Legal Agreements
Legal agreements are a crucial part of the surrogacy process. The centre’s legal team assists with drafting and reviewing contracts to ensure all parties understand their rights and responsibilities.
Step 5: IVF and Embryo Transfer
The medical process involves IVF to create embryos, which are then transferred to the surrogate’s uterus. The centre’s advanced IVF laboratory and skilled embryologists play a key role in the success of this stage.
Step 6: Pregnancy Monitoring
Once the surrogate is pregnant, regular monitoring and prenatal care are provided to ensure the health of both the surrogate and the baby. The centre offers comprehensive prenatal care and support throughout the pregnancy.
Step 7: Delivery and Post-Birth Care
The final stage is the delivery of the baby. The centre coordinates with a reputable hospital for the delivery and ensures that the intended parents are well-prepared for the arrival of their child. Post-birth care and support are also provided to both the surrogate and the new parents.
Siliguri IVF Centre stands out as the best surrogacy centre in Siliguri due to its state-of-the-art facilities, experienced medical team, comprehensive programs, high success rates, compassionate care, and commitment to ethical practices. For anyone considering surrogacy, Siliguri IVF Centre offers a trusted and supportive environment to help you achieve your dream of parenthood.
If you are ready to start your surrogacy journey or want to learn more about the services offered, contact Siliguri IVF Centre today. Your path to parenthood begins here, with a team dedicated to making your dreams come true.
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drarunavadutta-blog · 5 months
Impact of Age on Depression and the Role of Psychiatrists in Recovery
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Depression is a common mood disorder. Depression can affect people of all ages, including older people. Feeling down sometimes is normal. But if this feeling persists is not normal. Not everyone will have the same types of depression symptoms. Initially, you can visit a general physician. Or, you may directly see a psychiatrist. You can visit the best psychiatrist doctor in Siliguri.
However, depression is actually not a normal part of aging. If your elderly shows symptoms of depression, visit a specialist. Untreated depression affects the quality of life of your elderly. Many older people don’t prefer to talk about depression. They feel uncomfortable or they may feel a sense of shame. This can lead to further complications of depression.
Depression Across the Ages
Adolescents and Young Adults
It’s estimated to occur among 2.8% of individuals aged 15-19 and 1.1% of adolescents aged 10-14. As per WHO reports, one in seven aged 10-19 years experience a mental disorder worldwide.
Adolescence is a period when individuals develop social and emotional habits. Such as sleeping patterns to interpersonal skills. Things that can affect during this age include:
Peer pressure
Media influence
Personality traits
Issues with self-esteem
Exposure to bullying
Exposure to physical violence
Having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Having an unsupportive environment
Abusing alcohol, or other drugs
Family history
History of anxiety
Middle-aged People
Several reasons for middle-aged depression, including:
Chronic illnesses
Financial stress
Caring for children and aging parents
Work and relationship troubles,
All these factors can put adults between the ages of 30 and 60 at risk of depression. To cope with situations, some people engage in drug or alcohol abuse. They may develop excessive anger, risky behavior, and abusive or violent behavior.
This is the time when people used to become busy. And, there’s a lack of people who have time to listen to them. Lack of a supportive environment can trigger or worsen the symptoms of depression.
Older Adults
However, it is common to develop depression in old age. Studies found that the prevalence of depression is about 28.4% of older adults.
Symptoms of depression in older adults may include:
Social withdrawal
Sadness and anxiety
Difficulty sleeping
Mood changes
Feeling guilty
Changes in appetite
Trouble focusing or making decisions
Physical aches
Suicidal thoughts
It’s known as geriatric depression – a mental health condition that particularly affects older adults. Here persistent loss of interest and feelings of sadness are two common symptoms.
As per the World Health Organization (WHO) Trusted Source, while most older adults have good mental health, many are at risk of mental health conditions such as depression.
Receive depression treatment from the best psychiatrist doctor in Siliguri. Genetics, brain chemistry, stress, hormonal imbalance, environment, and substance abuse can increase the risk.
Medical care for depression in psychiatry
Psychiatrists ensure personalized treatment. It’s also known as patient-centric care. That addresses the unique needs of individuals across different age groups. Diagnostic test reports and physical and neurological exams help plan the treatment.
Doctors may recommend medications, and lifestyle changes at first. Some people may need therapy – talk therapy. These may include:
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
Interpersonal therapy (IPT)
Dialectal behavioral therapy
Individual therapy
Simultaneously, yoga, meditation, and art therapy improve mental health.
Compassionate care and advanced treatment help patients recover optimally. Get in touch with the best psychiatrist near your location to get expert care today. You can talk to the top psychiatrists in Siliguri, North Bengal.
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drtwishampatinaskar · 3 months
5 Common Conditions Treated By Neuropsychiatrists
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Neuropsychiatric disorder is a well-known term that is used to describe various illnesses involving psychiatry and neurology. Genetic predisposition, environmental factors, injury, or infections can lead to the development of these disorders. If you experience the early signs of this disorder then the first step you must take is to book a consultation with an experienced neuropsychiatrist in Siliguri.
Neuropsychiatrists are specialized medical professionals who are trained in diagnosing and treating neuropsychiatric health issues. These doctors are the best option if you’re suffering from any issues concerning your mood, personality, behaviour, and thought process. Starting from medications and counseling to therapy sessions, neuropsychiatrists can curate a perfect intervention for you based on your unique health needs. 
Common Health Conditions Managed By A Neuropsychiatrist 
1. Migraine Headaches 
A migraine headache is a medical condition that arises from the nervous system's hypersensitivity or dysfunction. Most migraine attacks are caused by the trigeminal nerve, which is found in the muscles, tendons, teeth, and skin of the face. You can feel a throbbing or pulsing sensation in your head as a result of this aberrant brain activity. 
Warning signs of a migraine headache: Mood swings, blurred vision, trouble speaking, sensitivity to light, nausea, throbbing pain, and confusion. 
A migraine attack can also be brought on by a few other things, like physical strain, stress, and disturbed sleep. These headaches can be treated with painkillers and medications for depression, high blood pressure, or seizures. 
2. Seizures 
Seizures are another disorder that is primarily caused by abrupt electrical activity in the brain that can be effectively treated by a neuropsychiatrist. Sudden changes in behaviour, emotions, and movement may result from this uncontrollable activity, and you might even feel partially unconscious. In case you have more than two seizures in a span of two days, your doctor will diagnose you with epilepsy. 
Warning signs: Breathing problems, jerking movements, loss of consciousness, appearing confused, stiffening of body, and staring. 
A head injury or stroke can also cause sudden seizures, which usually last only a few seconds but are deemed a medical emergency if they persist for longer than five minutes. Deep brain, vagus nerve, and responsive neurostimulation electrical stimulation, along with medication and surgery are some of the treatments the doctor can adopt to control seizures. 
3. Cognitive Deficit Disorders
Cognitive deficit disorders are another category of mental health issues when you must consider booking an appointment with the best psychiatrist in Siliguri who has a specialization in neuropsychiatry. Amnesia, motor skill deficits, dementia, substance-induced cognitive impairment, and developmental abnormalities are examples of common neurocognitive disorders. You can experience a range of emotional and physical symptoms due to these conditions. 
Warning signs: Paralysis, loss of consciousness, changes in sleep patterns, personality and behavioural changes, severe headache, and imbalance. 
The doctor may prescribe a variety of drugs to treat the symptoms and slow the disorder's progression. A successful recovery from these illnesses depends on early identification. Various relaxation therapies, cognitive training, physical activity, and mind exercises can also improve your cognitive health and alleviate the symptoms of these disorders.
4. Uncontrolled Anger 
All of us occasionally struggle with rage, but when anger spirals out of control, it's deemed to be a neuropsychiatric disorder. Uncontrolled anger, which can result from several underlying illnesses such as depression, alcohol abuse, obsessive-compulsive disorder, grieving, and bipolar disorder, is very detrimental to your mental and physical health. 
Warning signs indicating an anger outburst: Irritability, racing thoughts, rage, pounding heartbeat, shaking, temper tantrums, property damage, angry speeches, and heated arguments. 
Anger can also take several forms because it can be passive, outward, or inward-directed. You can discover different methods of managing your anger difficulties with the assistance of a neuropsychiatrist. Behavioral therapy, deep breathing exercises, anger management classes, and medication for underlying mental health conditions are some of the popular approaches.
5. Depression 
One of the most prevalent mood disorders is depression, which can cause several unsettling symptoms that can be effectively managed by a neuropsychiatrist. This kind of neuropsychiatric illness can have a serious effect on children, adults, youth, and senior citizens. Depression is typically brought on by hormone imbalances, physiologic variations, and alterations in brain chemistry. Depressive episodes can also arise as a result of alcohol addiction or specific traumatic experiences. 
Warnings signs to notice during a depression episode: Loss of appetite, feelings of hopelessness, self-loathing, anger, loss of interest, unexplained aches, concentration issues, suicidal tendencies, and reckless behaviour. 
While contacting a doctor for treatment, you will be advised to undergo a thorough psychiatric evaluation. Herein, based on the results the doctor may recommend brain stimulation techniques, psychotherapy, or antidepressants. 
Contacting a neuropsychiatrist in Siliguri will enable you to get the best course of action for your neuropsychiatric conditions. Along with the above-mentioned disorders, these doctors can also treat eating disorders, addiction, attention deficit disorders, palsies, and anxiety with accuracy and advanced treatment approaches. 
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drrajeshnanda · 5 months
Why Young People Get Heart Attacks? - Dr. Rajesh Nanda
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The number of heart attacks among the 30-40 age group is increasing. There was a time when heart attacks were common in older adults. Now, the situation has changed, and young people are getting heart disease. A recent study found heart attacks increased by 30% in 25-44 age people compared to the first two years of COVID-19. You might consult a reputable cardiologist doctor in Siliguri. Get expert advice to keep your cardiovascular health fit.
Let’s understand why young people are more likely to get heart attacks:
Lifestyle choices and heart attack risk
A 20-year-old individual can have a heart attack. However, it’s rare. Such uncertain risks may increase with an unhealthy lifestyle. Below are some lifestyle choices that can increase heart health risks for young people:
Physical inactivity – more time sitting. As per data, about 35% of coronary artery disease mortality is due to physical inactivity.
Eating more processed meals and fast food meals. It may lead to cholesterol buildup and obesity. These both are risk factors for cardiac arrest.
Cigarette smoking is home to thousands of chemicals. Around 1 in 5 deaths from cardiovascular disease are related to cigarette smoking.
Changes in the blood chemistry due to smoking cause waxy plaque buildup. That affects the blood flow, and eventually, it may cause a heart attack or stroke.
Substance abuse can play havoc with heart health. Data found younger people who’ve had a heart attack mostly due to substance abuse. Marijuana and cocaine use significantly increase the risk of cardiac arrest.
Researchers found in 2022, about 37 million children under the age of 5 were overweight. And, about 16% of people aged 18 years were living with obesity. Excessive body weight causes fatty build-up in the arteries. These affect the blood flow to the organs. Restricted blood flow to the heat due to damaged arteries can cause a heart attack.
Type 2 Diabetes
High blood sugar levels damage your blood vessels over time. It can lead to fat deposition in the arteries and cause blockages. One of the reasons for type 2 diabetes in young people is low physical activity. Others include diet, family history, premature birth, etc.
Family history
Family history or genetics can make you more likely to have an early heart attack. Having a first-degree male relative like parents and siblings can put you at the same risk. Consult your cardiologist doctor in Siliguri. By modifying lifestyle and diet, we can reduce the risk of heart attack in young people. Routine health checkups are also essential, especially for people with chronic conditions. See your heart specialist in Siliguri North Bengal.
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indianvaidyas · 8 months
Obesity is a medical condition characterized by the excessive accumulation of body fat, leading to adverse effects on health. The causes of obesity are multifaceted and involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and behavioural factors. To shed extra kilos without any harsh procedure, book a consultation with a good ayurvedic doctor in Siliguri for obesity.
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shantinursinghome · 11 months
Common Causes And Symptoms of Bell’s Palsy- Explained
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Bell’s palsy is a health condition that leads to the development of sudden weaknesses in one side of your face. This condition can occur at any age and may lead to severe inflammation and swelling in the affected side. The facial paralysis is often temporary and can be treated successfully with proper diagnosis.
If you are experiencing any symptoms of facial muscle paralysis then you can contact the best ENT doctor in Siliguri. The doctor will run physical examinations first to check whether you are suffering from complete or partial weakness in the face.
Given below are some of the most common symptoms and causes of Bell’s palsy.
The key symptom of Bell’s palsy is facial paralysis that happens on one side of the face. This can make your facial parts such as the corner of the mouth, forehead, eyelid, and eyebrows look drooping. The common symptoms of this condition often come suddenly and can become severe within 72 hours.
Proper diagnosis and treatment during the initial 48 hours of facial paralysis help reduce the risk of developing permanent symptoms and total face paralysis. Another common symptom during the initial period includes a heavy and numbing feeling in the face, where it may become difficult for you to blink or wrinkle the forehead.
The other probable symptoms associated with Bell’s palsy are difficulty speaking, drooling, sensitivity to high volumes, dry eyes, ringing in the ears, loss of taste, and headache. Without early diagnosis, the condition can become severe with the warning signs of chronic pain near the ears and fever.
One must also consider the fact that the above-mentioned symptoms of Bell’s palsy can also be similar to other serious disorders such as stroke. This is why it is essential to seek the guidance of the top ENT specialist in Siliguri immediately to determine the causes of the paralysis.
Genetics- If a person is suffering from recurrent attacks of Bell’s palsy then it can be associated with genetics. In most cases, these recurrent attacks are rare but if they happen then there is a chance of family history of such attacks. Familial Bell’s palsy is often harder to diagnose and treat as compared to the normal ones.
Weakened Immune System- Another probable cause of this health condition is a weak immune system. A weak immune system due to certain underlying complications can trigger Bell’s palsy attacks hugely. Some of such disorders that can weaken the immune system include physical trauma, stress, and sleep deprivation.
Inflammation In The Cranial Nerve- The compression and severe inflammation in the seventh cranial nerve is the main cause of the condition. This cranial nerve is the main part that carries all the nerve signals for controlling facial expressions and movements.
Viral Infection- Certain viral infections can be the key reason behind the development of cranial nerve inflammation and Bell’s palsy. The diseases that can cause this face paralysis are COVID-19, herpes, chicken pox, and respiratory illnesses.
Visiting the best hospital in Siliguri will enable you to get the most effective diagnosis and treatment for Bell’s palsy. The common treatment options that the doctor may recommend include antiviral drugs, decompression surgery, corticosteroids, and physical therapy to normalize the facial movements.
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ivffetus · 4 months
Low Sperm Count: Causes and Treatment
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Low sperm count is a medical condition that means semen contains less than an adequate number of sperm. Also called oligospermia, low sperm count reduces the chance of sperm fertilizing eggs. Some men havea complete absence of sperm, medically known as azoospermia.
Did you know fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen is considered a low sperm count? Consult your infertility doctor if you’ve been having trouble conceiving for more than twelve months. You can speak to the best infertility specialist in Siliguri.
When You Should See a Doctor
Consult your infertility specialist:
Difficulty maintaining an erection
Difficulty with ejaculation
Low sex drive
Swollen testicles
Lumps on the testicles, and pain in the testicles
Reduced body and facial hair
When your low sperm count results from an underlying condition —testicular issue, blockage in the testicles, a hormone imbalance, varicocele, or tumor – you’ll notice symptoms of that condition. Otherwise, infertility or trouble conceiving is the main symptom here.
Causes of Low Sperm Count Explained
Factors that lead to low sperm count, include:
Lifestyle Factors
Tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, drug use, emotional stress, physical inactivity, etc. can impact your sperm quality and count. See the best infertility specialist in Siliguri for male infertility.
Medical Conditions
Certain medical conditions can interfere with your sperm count or reproductive health. These include -  hormonal imbalances, undescended testicles, infections, ejaculation issues, chromosome defects, problems with the tubules that transport sperm, varicocele, low testosterone, tumors,obesity, and genetic disorders that can affect sperm production and quality.
Environmental& Industrial Factors
Exposure to xylene, lead, organic solvents, benzenes, toluene, herbicides, pesticides, radiation, painting materials, etc. can affect fertility in men, causing low sperm count.
Certain Medications
Certain meds can cause temporary sperm-relate concerns, such as antibiotics, antidepressants, and steroids.
Diagnosis and Medical Cae for Low Sperm Count
To diagnose low sperm, your infertility doctor may order a few tests along with a physical exam, which include:
Blood tests
Semen analysis
Scrotal ultrasound
Post-ejaculation urinalysis
Generic testing
Transrectal ultrasound
Testicular biopsy
Anti-sperm antibody test
Here are medical care options for low sperm count:
Treatment depends on the underlying cause, your overall health and how severe is the condition.
Lifestyle Changes.Maintain a balanced diet, regular exercise, yoga, breathing exercises, and medication for stress management, have quality sleep, and avoid tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, and smoking.
Medications.Your fertility physician may prescribe medications like hormone treatments or antibiotics.
Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART): These procedures include intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
Surgery. Your doctor may recommend surgery to correct anatomical abnormalities that affect your sperm production.
Talk to your infertility specialist for comprehensive guidance. In many cases, treatment and lifestyle changes can’t treat fertility issues. Here, you can opt for donor sperm. You might consult the best infertility doctor in Siliguri, North Bengal.
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