firefisted-sabo · 10 years
gentlecooksanji said: 
//quality ahahahha im laughing nah you’re a lovely luffy omfg<33
[And you're a great Sanji and a godly Hancock. I really need to bother your Sanji as much as your Hancock.]
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strawhatladies · 10 years
gentlecooksanji replied to your post:gentlecooksanji replied to your post:OOC cause...
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nope!!!! abort abort
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gentlecooksanji replied to your post://I WANT TO WRITE A DRABBLE ABOUT DRAGON AND...
WELL you could always go with Lucy? haha. or even a petname/nickname to cover up for the name thing!
//OOOOH LUCY IS A GOOD IDEA. Like... He gave his son the name Luffy because it sounds like Lucy. OMFG that's so cute.
And yes, a nickname is also a great idea! Thanks! :D
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barabaranobuggy · 10 years
(( on mobile ugh they didnt fix the computer at work. anyway i answered some peeps about rps and i'm stoked to get buggy some action!! Tagging you guys and message me if anyone else is into it! Going back to work now :(
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strawhatladies · 10 years
gentlecooksanji replied to your post:OOC
cause you’re hella awesome :3
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are you sure about that
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captainbonney · 10 years
"I'm afraid I've made all the food we have unless I go shopping..."
"Isn’t your captain a bottomless pit? Anyway shopping sounds like fun."
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College AU||
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He wakes up to a different, yet oddly familiar ceiling, and an unfamiliar scent that he can’t quite place in his hungover stupor. He blinks rapidly and tries to place the events of last night in some reasonable manner in his memory. He becomes aware of another body lying next to him, her blonde hair draping over his arm, which was numb.
This room is familiar, he concludes, for a very good reason.
This is his apartment. His shitty two-bedroom above the restaurant he works at, down the street from his shitty second rate college. The one he shares with someone who is oddly familiar to himself. They even share the curled eyebrow and their passion for both women and cooking. She’s his twin in nearly every way.
And she is currently dozing next to him. He suddenly is very aware of their mutual absence of clothing and the… stickiness… of his situation… Gently he shook her shoulder, softly saying “Hey, HEY, wake up!” This was going to be weird and he was determined to get this over with as quick as possible. Knowing how she felt about men… this might not go over too well… He needed a smoke.
     There was something a bit off– an unfamiliar hum lulled in the background, but maybe that was her hangover becoming ever more present. It wasn't her style to go out and get trashed like this as she favored not feeling like a she'd been hit by a truck in the morning. Circumstances of a bad date and an open invite to a party led her in that path last night. 
     She could have sworn she went home last night, but she couldn't for the life of her remember who took her home. She really didn't want to open her eyes, but a warm hand touch her shoulder and a gentle familiar voice calling her to wake up. It was Sanji's voice. So she did make it home. 
    He was one of the very few males she trusted, so much like herself, meeting him randomly was honestly one of the nest things that had happened to her. She even finally found a roommate out of the deal who had so many of the same tastes and trustworthy. Bonus, that she could go out some nights after a busy day to chase some tail with him. 
     She didn't make anything of the urgency of his voice, it was likely he knew she had drank to much and made something to eat. Though she wasn't smelling anything like that.
"Hm? Just let me sleep a bit longer will you? My head is pounding."
     She went to move over but was surprised to roll into warmth, becoming surprisingly aware how naked she was. Her eyes flickered open to see Sanji in bed– next to her– just as naked as she was. She continued to stare at his equally unsure eyes clueless of what to say. If it were any other guy in the world, they'd be dead right now, but she didn't know if she should feel betrayed or– maybe she came onto him she didn't remember. She obviously had too much to drink last night and she wasn't going to freak out needlessly. She knew Sanji wouldn't take advantage of a lady, he just didn't run that way.
Doesn't mean she didn't want to kick his face in.
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"What the hell happened last night?"
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gentlecooksanji replied to your post:(/v)
//oh man sorry you feel crappy I hope you feel better soon!
// Thanks! Me too @.@ I think the weathers messing with me
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rowan-sawyer · 11 years
I am so sorry that i havent been around alot this month. I have a lot going on and my phone data ran out. I promise that at the beginning on April i will get back to all replies, okay? I love you all!
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bubblexbitch · 10 years
I want the K (hey figured I'd return it why not haha)
4. Spiderman Kiss:
Based on the kiss in the 2002 movie Spider-Man, the Spiderman kiss involves kissing someone whose face is upside-down from yours, so your top lip kisses their bottom lip and vice versa.
Kalifa couldn't heel the corner of her mouth from curling up into a confident smirk as she looked down at the blond man. Somehow she'd managed to knock him onto the ground, where he now lay on his back, a dejected expression on his face. She stood near his head before kneeling down and running her fingers through his hair. As she looked down at him, she found herself thinking that it truly was a shame to let such a handsome face go to waste. 
Her gloved finger ran down his cheek before she leaned down. She smiled down at his face, which was now upside down from her point of view. Without putting much thought into the action, she leaned further and pressed her lips against his in a short, but forceful kiss. After pulling her lips away from his, she traced a finger along his lips and stood up. 
"Pull yourself together." She said with a flip of her hair before turning her back to him and smiling to herself. 
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"I'll carry you, hold still or it'll hurt more."
"No…It’s fine…" said Alice while struggling to get up, but her legs couldn’t support her weight and she fell on the floor. 
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