by Rut Etheridge III | It's obvious to those who try to look at life biblically that sexual chaos is running rampant in pop culture. But, tragically and tellingly, what isn't as obvious to us is just how pervasively sexual cruelty is preached and taught in our circles. Courageous victims of abuse have stepped forward within...
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wisdomfish · 1 year
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The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? (Jer 17.9). It is like an unsearchable labyrinth, with endless twists and turns, blind alleys, and dark corners where the Minotaur of our indwelling sin lurks in wait for us. ~ Warren Peel
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averagechristiannet · 8 months
Actual Trust…
This article asks the important question: what is the difference between actually trusting God vs. having a false sense of confidence! From Gentle Reformation………… https://gentlereformation.com/2024/01/13/actual-trust/
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holyavarice · 3 years
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neuwinedesign · 4 years
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globalworship · 7 years
Bless the Lord – Psalm 103 (Psalter Project)
The Psalter Project is “a community resource for singing the psalms in the 21st century.”
https://psalterproject.com/ https://www.facebook.com/psalterproject/
Get the song at https://psalterproject.com/bless-the-lord-psalm-103/
The song is from their latest album ‘The Good Life.’  Check out this guest post on Gentle Reformation about the theme of their latest album: http://gentlereformation.com/2017/06/12/the-good-life/
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by Vanessa Le | You cannot pronounce her name. Our friends and family simply call her “Ba” which means “Ma’am.” No one knows her birthday; her mother died before she was two years old.  She has not, has never been, and never will be, elected to any political office. She does not hold a position in...
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by Matthew Everhard | It may be that we use the word "supernatural" all too loosely. St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274) made a three-fold distinction between the categories of natural, preternatural, and supernatural which I think is helpful. In his morphology, the latter term should be restricted exclusively to such occurrences...
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by Jeffrey A. Stivason | I can imagine the widow of Nain walking beside the casket of her son, her only son. Her support now gone, she trembles from the aching loss and the fear of insecurity. Or think of Jairus. His daughter near death, his only aim in life was to bring Jesus to her bedside. But before that happy meeting could occur, she was gone. Scripture is succinct. Its descriptions are...
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by Andrew Kerr | I was reflecting this morning on the prophetic greeting given to Mary when the unborn infant John leapt in his mother's womb. What did Elizabeth believe? Elizabeth believed that Mary had acted with propriety, kept her virginity and not behaved unseemly...
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by Keith Evans | Long ago, Aesop told a fable about a Lion. This supposedly fearsome ruler of the wild heard a hollow and startling voice, but did not see anyone to accompany the voice—so the lion grew terribly afraid. After some moments of great dread, a frog hopped out of the lake and on to the shore where the...
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by Bryan Schneider | Have you ever tried to memorize the order of the minor prophets before? Let's be honest, have you tried, got it down for a day or a week, and now months later... it's gone? Yeah, most of us have been there. However, the minor prophets are some of the richest books of the Old Testament. They are filled with compelling prophetic words, conviction of sin, and vivid illustrations. And, best of all, they...
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by Barry York | In my youth, I only had three typical ways to communicate with another person. I'm not speaking of mass communication, but of talking to an individual. What were those ways? I could meet face-to-face. I could write a letter. I could call on the phone. Life was pretty simple when I was young...
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by Keith Evans | The need is real—the battle is vicious. Pornography is rampant. 96% of adults and teens today are ambivalent at best about the use of pornography, with most either encouraging or accepting its use. And though the church fairs better than...
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by Vanessa Le | When I die young, please don’t be sad. Know that I am finally free from sin. That beloved and yet hated vice, that secret and yet public sin, that long-fought or recently discovered battle – all are done away with and gone. When I die young, remember it’s okay ...
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by Timothy McCracken | At each of the state prison chapels where I have fellowship, my brothers and I have been studying the New Testament letter to the Romans since the middle of October.  In recent weeks we have been slowing the pace to take extra time to reflect on the truths and hope detailed in chapter eight...
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