#An Unfaithful View of Marriage
by Rut Etheridge III | It's obvious to those who try to look at life biblically that sexual chaos is running rampant in pop culture. But, tragically and tellingly, what isn't as obvious to us is just how pervasively sexual cruelty is preached and taught in our circles. Courageous victims of abuse have stepped forward within...
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stheresya · 7 months
"I love him, Father, I truly truly do, I love him as much as Queen Naerys loved Prince Aemon the Dragonknight […]" (Sansa III, AGOT) “Wed?” Sansa was stunned. “You and my aunt?” “The Lord of Harrenhal and the Lady of the Eyrie.” You said it was my mother you loved. But of course Lady Catelyn was dead, so even if she had loved Petyr secretly and given him her maidenhood, it made no matter now. (Sansa VI, ASOS)
I find that these little passages reveal something interesting about sansa's personality. specially when you juxtapose how she's characterized in the text and her worldviews here, and how at first glance they may seem contradictory. but first, let's take two things into account:
the patriarchal society of westeros is very strict on women's sexuality. which means that not only is female virginity held in great value, but also female adultery is very firmly condemned by everyone, unlike men who are allowed to maintain public mistresses and flaunt their bastards everywhere.
sansa is characterized as the conformist, the one who internalizes her society's rules. she's very religious, she's a proper lady in every sense of the word and she often says and does exactly what she's told.
and yet, in these passages we can see that sansa does not care much about societal rules when it comes to intimate feelings. she often hails aemon and naerys' (supposed) forbidden love without a single care that queen naerys was bound by duty to a husband and aemon was meant to be loyal to his king. but most astonishing of all is her nonchalant response to petyr's (false) information that her mother was not a virgin when she married. on one hand it may speak on sansa's views towards women's sexuality, since her current friends (mya and randa) are girls who engage in sex out of wedlock, and she never judges them, just like she doesn't judge her mother for apparently doing the same, and catelyn continues to be the person she admires the most. sansa also doesn't view her parents' relationship any differently because of this, the marriage between ned and cat is still as happy as she remembers, because all that matters to her is that there was love in the home she grew up in. the thing about sansa's character is that she plays by the rules up until a certain point, but on the inside she always prioritizes emotion over societal norms, and that's why she looks more upset at petyr for marrying someone while claiming to love another, because in her mind he's being unfaithful to his heart by marrying out of practicality. we have examples that showcase sansa's prioritizing feelings in AGOT when she, the good daughter, disobeys her father for the first time because she thought she was in love with joffrey, and in ASOS where she never thinks she owes tyrion anything just because he's her husband. so it comes as no surprise that she's so infatuated with the love story of an adulterous and incestuous relationship like aemon and naerys'. one of the main themes in this series is that feelings don't care about honor. and if love is the death of duty then sansa seems more than happy to see duty killed for the sake of love.
of course this doesn't mean she'll stay that way, specially when she's already lost her so much of her innocence and is now tangled in petyr's schemes where she must set her own feelings aside in order to act on his plans. and despite her silent judgement of petyr marrying someone he didn't love, her current betrothal with harry is an entirely practical union on her part since she feels nothing for him and only sees him as a means to an end. there have been many instances since book 1 where she was able to turn off her feelings in order to withstand certain situations. so... what even is sansa's mind? an interesting universe on its own for sure.
I just think sansa's romanticism is one of her most interesting traits (for better and for worse), something that truly contributes to the distinctiveness of her character, and I really hope petyr or anyone else are unable to completely kill that in her.
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avatarkv · 1 year
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Synopsis ! Jake had taken you as his own after Tsu'tey's passing, leaving no one to care for you. Things had been good before your relationship with him had blurred along growing of age. You and him fought all the time; argued each other's ear off and tonight was no different-- except words have been said, severing the already damaged bond. Content & warning Jake sully x Daughter!Reader, Sully kids x Sister!Reader Neytiri x Daughter!Reader. Mentions of violence and death. (wc: 4955 )
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Neytiri was up early– too early. 
She ran her hands tiredly over her face, her fingernails barely grazing the creases of her skin. Her eyes felt heavy, but it wasn’t tiredness that forced itself to weigh on her lids– it was the dread that continued to settle in; she could hardly make out the sound of the pot blowing out steam, rising in pitch with the soup threatening to boil over. The lid covering the kitchen pan was shaking fiercely, trying desperately to contain itself.
No, who was she kidding? She had lain awake all night, tossing and turning in her hammock. Not a single wink of sleep had been granted to her. 
Neytiri swore her heart cried every time she took a deep breath, gravelly gasping along her. She couldn’t sleep even if she wanted to– not when tuk-tuk quivered in her embrace the whole night; the slightest movement made her flinch and the softest touch made her cry. It was gut-wrenching, the thought that her own child felt no safety in the arms of their mother.
Not my children, eywa. Not them too. 
War had started long before her mate had come, Neytiri couldn’t blame him– but sometimes, late at night when the only sounds that grace her ears are the thoughts running through her head, she dreams of a life away from the wildfire and bullets; a life where she had fulfilled her mother's desires and took Tsu'tey’s hand instead. Every once in a while, the idea pierces her heart as she finds herself tucked in between Jake’s embrace. It felt wrong to think so, like being unfaithful, but not quite.
Tsu’tey was never someone who crossed her thoughts as a person that had gotten away from her, nor had she ever been attracted to him in a romantic way. It would’ve been an union of convenience; for the clan and the people itself. They would be unhappy– unhappy and awfully miserable. With Jake, it was something else entirely; like marriage had more meaning to it rather than a simple alliance. Sure, it was miserable, but they were happy– she was happy. Neytiri could never resent her mate, not when they’ve come so far already.
However, in terms of her children’s well-being, she couldn’t help but think if Jake was the bane of it all– the root of every bad thing that has happened to them. There were no softer words to lay it out, but they deserved better. Her children deserved none of this war. 
She was crying again– crying for them. She let the beads of tears roll down her cheek as she stared afar with not a single coherent thought behind her eyes. 
It was no surprise that Neteyam was already up with the sun rising. He moved quickly, quietly lowering the fire and lifting the lid of the pot with caution— hissing when its hot liquid splashed onto his skin. With a concerned look on his face, he glanced over at his mother who sat an arm’s length away from the very stove; how could she not have heard the loud cackle of her own cooking? He was sure it would’ve caused a wildfire if not for him. 
He slowly moved closer to Neytiri, gingerly reaching out and nudging her with his fingertips. He was mindful not to startle her already tired state. “Sa’nok– sa’nok?” Neteyam called out to her, “Sa’nok, are you okay?” 
Neytiri stirred just slightly, turning her head to view the worried face of her eldest. Her lips thinned involuntarily, a feeling of relief washing over her; her children were here, safe and sound. Nothing will happen to them– not ever.  As long as she lived, they will never be harmed ever again. No demon would take this away from her.
A wave of panic swept over her as she finally realized that she had been cooking before. She quickly turned back to see a billowing cloud of smoke rising from its surface. Neytiri cursed under her breath as her small attempts at fanning away the fog that had settled upon the area were to no avail, finding herself in a fit of coughing. “Why don’t you get y/n?” She requested, voice strained. “She can help with breakfast.” 
With a heavy sigh, Neteyam could only nod, quickly leaving.
Right, y/n– you. When was it never about you? 
Neteyam grumbled as he dragged his feet towards their thatched hut, kicking at every pebble that came across his path with a grunt. It wasn’t you who had woken up early to assist Neytiri nor was the one who had stopped fire from possibly spreading and yet, your name just had to be the first he’d heard today. 
It was you. Always you. 
Neteyam would be a big fat liar if he said it didn’t affect him. He saw you as a parasite – a damn leech that was draining the life out of everyone around him. He couldn't understand why you had to be so selfish and callous; why you were unable to look past Jake’s reprimands when all he desired was your well-being or how you had driven his own mother to such anguish that it became her own undoing. 
You weren’t a kid anymore. On top of that, you weren’t theirs– so why had you always been on top of their priority? Why had you become a chore? 
But never his, oddly enough. You were too good for him and he hated that. 
(Heavy steps thudded behind Jake as Neteyam trailed, his disappointment palpable. He had been unsuccessful in his mission to persuade his father to let him come along on today’s expedition, always quick to dismiss him. He had gone through all the training, but what was the point if he still wouldn't be able to put it into practice? 
Being olo’eyktan one day will never feel rewarding. 
“It’s too dangerous, Neteyam.” Jake grumbled under his breath, eyes never meeting his as he gathered his arrows. “I need you here. Make sure Lo’ak doesn’t follow– do you copy?” 
Neteyam couldn't help but wince when he remembered the time they had failed to be spotters, but it was just that one time– why couldn’t he let it go? It weighed down heavily on his conscience; the mistake that even still, months later, sent shame prickling on every fiber of his being. 
Jake expected a copy in return– a curt yes-sir but Neteyam was silent. He finally urged himself to look up, only to see both his eldest locked in an intense stare, eyes never wavering nor breaking away from one another.
It clicked almost instantly the moment you walked through the flap of the hunt, clutching on the strap of your woven bag that held your own weapons. The war-paint drawn across your face had been the salt on the already deep cut of his– you were coming. Jake had asked you to come and he wasn’t. 
You were looking down at him, Neteyam was sure of it; judging him, and no doubt thinking of how much he had failed himself. His sense of shame deepened as he saw the derision in your expression, feeling more exposed than ever before. He wanted to disappear right then and there, anything to escape this moment that felt like an eternity. 
But you were there. You always were– and you could see straight through him. 
If only he knew how different your mind worked– how you desperately ached for the same concern Jake had for his son. You wanted him to understand the immense longing to be seen in the same light that he was in, to receive even a fraction of his unwavering affection; wanted Jake to care enough that this could be the last hunt he would have with you, that you could get hurt or worse. 
Jake was worried enough to sit his golden-child down; the one with capabilities greater than those warriors years older than him– the one he would make olo’eyktan someday. 
Not you. Never you. 
Neteyam was the first to turn away, a deep rugged grunt leaving his lips as he nodded once. 
“Lima charlie.” ) 
What really messed with his head was that, despite his obvious resentment, he couldn’t actually bring himself to truly despise you the way he felt he should. Every time Neteyam looks at you, he swears he only sees himself– the same child that only yearns for the recognition of a father. There is a reflection of each other in the two of you that binds you nonetheless. 
He wanted to truly look up to you; he wanted what Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk felt when they were with you– to have someone older, to feel as if the weight on his shoulders wasn’t his alone. Neteyam tried, he really did, but as much as you were there, you also weren’t. 
It wasn’t always like this. Your relationship with him wasn’t built entirely on rivalry– he knows he had something more familial with you before, but whatever it was had blurred along age. As much as he wanted to come closer, you were always two steps ahead of him. To you, he will always be olo’eyktan– but never a brother. 
It was a harsh reality– the same hands that cradled him when he was small couldn’t even look at him the same; like he had grown so ugly that you couldn’t recognize him at all. You didn’t even want to fly your ikran with him, nor did you want to train the same time he did. 
He hated you, but not quite– he could never hate his sister. You were more of a stranger now that lived under the same roof as him and it was better than to perceive you as someone rather horrible– but that was what you were. A horrible, horrible stranger. Someone who saved him once from trouble and handed him years of headache in return.
You were a horrible sister. That’s what you are. 
(“Tsmuke, what do I do?” 
You couldn't believe your eyes as you gazed down at the mess on the floor of the hut. Beads were all over, and what used to be a clay tray laid shattered into several pieces. Neteyam stood still in midst of it all— the culprit of such doing evident. Your brain wracked itself to move, to do something.
“This is sa’nok’s favorite necklace. She told me to come get it for her, but the shelf was too high–” Neteyam spoke in a rush, hands gesturing wildly as he talked. His face crumpled in worry and his brow furrowed with frustration.
"’Teyam, don't move!" you said in a hurry, alarmed at the thought of him taking a step forward. Moving quickly to his side, you gently stopped him from doing so and scooped him up under his armpits. He was heavy in your arms as you stood there with him, but the shards beneath were sharp enough to cut skin. You grunted as you moved him aside. 
"Tsmuke, what are we going to do?" He asked again, his voice running high with worry. 
You tried to think of another solution, assessing the situation once more. You glanced at him and said, "I'm going to tell ma I broke it so she won't be mad at you." You quickly search for something sturdy enough to scoop the pieces off the floor. Maybe you can redo the necklace, but there was no salvaging the tray. 
“But I broke it– she’ll know.” He visibly deflates, not exactly thrilled about not being truthful to Neytiri.
“Only if you tell her.” You said, looking up at him with a slight smile, though your heart was racing. You felt terrible knowing that you were going to disappoint Neytiri, especially since her beloved necklace had snapped– but something about your little brother's worry-stricken expression tugged on your heartstrings. You understood why her scolding was necessary, but it felt wrong to leave him alone to bear the brunt of it. “This will be our little lie, okay?” 
You immediately dismiss him, gesturing impatiently for him to exit the hut as quickly as possible. “I’ll tell you about it later, but you have to promise now that whatever mom says, just know that I broke it.” 
He only offered a subtle nod in response, his eyes glossed over as he nervously played with his hands.
“Say it, ‘teyam. She’ll be back any minute now!” 
"You broke it!" Neteyam had shouted and almost as if in response, Neytiri had walked in through the hut's entrance, all but gasping as she took in the sight before her– shards of what once held her jewelry now on the floor. She stumbled slightly as she carried the basket of fruits, before dropping it to the ground and quickly scurrying over towards you.
The scolding you got was harsh, but Neytiri couldn't do much other than wrap her arms around you and sigh. You were just a kid, after all. Mistakes like these are inevitable and all she could do was understand. 
Neteyam was patiently waiting just outside the doorway, swinging his legs back and forth as he listened with a heavy heart. He awfully felt guilty. You sat with him moments later.
“Why did you do that?” He quietly asked.
You looked at him with a confused face, “Do what?” 
"Lie." He says, his accent making the word feel awkward in his mouth. It was unfamiliar to him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You only say, casually shrugging as you swung your legs along his. Little Neteyam looked at you with the most confused face; eyebrows furrowing and the creases in between deepening as he tried to make sense of everything that had happened. 
But then you glanced at him again– winked and gave a small giggle. 
And only there did he understand. He leaned his head on your shoulder.
“Thank you, y/n.” )
Neteyam didn’t even realize he had finally reached home. He stared at the flap of the hut, unable to let himself in, despite living here ever since. He wasn’t exactly thrilled about having a moment alone with you– not when the thoughts that ran through his head had been unpretty. 
He knows damn well Eywa could strike him down if she heard herself. 
He sighed, “Y/n? Sa’nok asks for you.” He softly said, waiting for a reply. You had never been a deep sleeper; any little noise would bring you right back to consciousness. Every creak from the floor, every whisper and murmur from outside, even the lightest rustling of leaves would startle you wide awake in an instant. Neteyam knew of that, knew of the many sleepless nights you had. You had the habit of scratching the walls of the hut, carving who-knows-what on its surface. It kept him from being able to get any rest himself. 
When only silence greeted him, he finally urged himself to go inside only to be met with an empty space. 
Your absence now felt different to the other times when you had gone for a stroll through the forest or set out to train before dawn. It was not like that this time, and Neteyam felt it deeply. He frantically rummaged through the hut, searching every nook and cranny for anything that you possessed. Nothing. Neteyam stood at the center of the room, taking in the now cluttered room. 
His fingers nervously reached up to the intercom on his ears. A voice crackled over the device, "Sir, is y/n with you? Over." He took a deep breath as he glanced around once more. 
Almost quickly, Jake answered. “No, she should be back at the hut.”
 Neteyam gulped, “She isn’t– nor any of her things are. What do I do?”
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“You– you! You let this happen, Jake!” 
After spending hours on scouring the forest for any trace of you, they had finally concluded that you had chosen to leave of your own accord. This was not something that anyone wanted to believe and yet it seemed like the only option left; none of your things were to be seen back at home, or at least those that were valuable to you— your worn-out saddlebag, the wooden bowl that you had carved yourself, weapons. All of it. Soon, eclipse neared and everyone was tired.
Neytiri was quick on her feet. As soon as Jake had returned from the south, she lunged at him – pushing him forcefully with a look he didn’t want to come home to. He attempted to grasp onto both her forearms, wanting desperately to soothe– but, try as he might, she continually knocked away his hands with increasingly greater force. It was like his very touch had burnt her skin; the same hands that held her children. 
“What did you do? What did you say?” Her panicked voice quivered as she asked in desperation. She felt her breath quicken, body absolutely worn out from everything that had happened. Neytiri’s tear-stained face was like a punch to his already battered heart. He had caused this. Jake had finally pushed you away. 
“One thing I asked of you– and this one thing you couldn’t do!” Each word that left her mouth was accompanied by a strike to his chest, not enough to cause any physical pain but enough to emphasize the anger he knew he had been keeping to herself for years. Neytiri was patient with him– understanding. Jake had pushed the limits of what she was capable of doing for him and this was the very consequence.
Shame. Nothing but shame. 
People were watching– warriors that had accompanied him on the search and lingering eyes of the clan, but he couldn’t care less. Jake allowed her to hit him, he let her push him around; it was better for him if she inflicted the pain instead of harboring it. He’d let the people talk for all he cared. He failed as an olo’eyktan and as a father. 
Let everyone know he failed his eldest.
“I did talk to her, please listen to me.” He begged, his pleadings faint. He desperately tried to reach out and grasp Neytiri's arm, yet his hands seemed unable to find the strength to hold her. His voice quivered as he spoke, fragile and hesitant in its delivery.
“Tell me how exactly!” 
And he couldn’t answer that. Not when he made the crucial mistake of not checking the hut beforehand. Maybe if he did, he would’ve known you had run away– maybe he could’ve gotten to you. The fact that you weren’t able to hear his vulnerability was a different heartbreak he refused to acknowledge. You were never there to begin with. 
When Neytiri saw that Jake had nothing to say in response, she was rendered speechless. Her hands flew up to cover her mouth as she tried to muffle the cry that threatened to escape her throat. She frantically paced around, harshly tugging on her braids. Jake could only close his eyes, shoulders slumping in defeat. He stood there, stunned in silence. 
“My daughter, Jake! My daughter is out there with those– those demons scattered! She could be lost– dead! Do you not understand?” 
Dead. You could be dead. Jake refused to close his eyes, hoping he could keep the thought at bay. But it came back again and again, wriggling its way into his mind like a snake. He let his heavy eyelids shut and instantly, he was presented with a vision of you in the dark - his sweet babygirl, lying there lifeless. It would be his fault. The blood would be on his hands.
"Ma, please," Neteyam had spoken, his voice gentle in a bid to soothe his mother. He tried desperately to soften the blows, carefully pulling her away from Jake. It was Neteyam that calmed Neytiri and all he could do was stand and let it happen– what the hell was he doing? How could he fail so miserably? His eldest had to step in and do his job, his pride and joy. 
His gaze drifted across to where his other children were, huddled together on the corner. They looked bewildered at what they were hearing, unsure of what to make of it all. It seized him, squeezing what’s left of its already limp heart. Tuk was nestled in Kiri’s protective embrace, asking her– trying to understand. She asks of you, where have you gone? 
A father protects, that’s what gives him meaning and Jake Sully has done the opposite– ushering you to danger. 
“Have we failed them, Jake? Have I been a horrible mother?” Neytiri asked, her voice now barely above a whisper. She tried to be gentle with pushing Neteyam away, attempting to continue nonetheless. Jake placed a firm hand on his son's tense shoulders, and he gave him a subtle tilt of the head. He could see the battle that was raging inside of his young boy's head, between wanting to do what he felt was right and obeying his father's instructions. “Jake what have we done?”
Your mother needs this, his eyes try to tell him, go. Neteyam reluctantly steps back, deciding it was better to return to the others.
“Look for her again. Send out everyone this instant!” She sobs, pounding her fists against Jake’s chest in a desperate attempt to get her point across. Her neck is strained with veins popping out and bulging eyes filled with desperation, pleading him to understand. Each beat of her fists matched the intensity of her wails, no amount of tears ever seeming to be enough. 
Neytiri takes a heavy inhale once more, “I beg of you, Jake Sully. Find our daughter, bring her back home.” 
His gaze finally met hers and the feeling it brought was more than he could bear. He had to make a decision, another choice that would have to let her down again. “We can’t go looking for her now, Neytiri. We are already short on warriors, you know this.” He gently says, as if it was enough to soften the blow– but his eyes saw how her face slowly fell. He could clearly hear the telltale sound of her broken heart, shattering once more.
“I have to ensure everyone’s safety. Warriors are out scouring perimeters and we can’t risk one hold-up. Our family, Neytiri, I cannot risk our family,” 
“She is our daughter!” 
“And I am still olo’eyktan.” He was heartless. He was sure everyone thought so, but he had to be the one to make decisions. His composure was a mask that hid the fact that inside he was breaking apart; that he was failing– that he already had failed. If he let himself break down now, he might as well gamble everyone he loved. 
Jake’s responsibilities weighed down heavily on his shoulders. Everyone was at stake– Quaritch was on the loose. 
Neytiri told him he had a strong heart the moment they had met, but right now, it was stone-cold– shut off and mean. Not the compassionate man she had once saved. “I’m trying, Neytiri. I’ll get her home.” He tries to assure her, but the breathy shudder that left her lips only made him wince. 
He was finally able to wrap his arms around her mate and when he did, it was tight– as if he was trying desperately to piece her back together. He closed his eyes once more, kissing the top of her head. “I promise. She’ll be back, I promise.”
You were out there. Alive. He had a chance. 
Your mama’s crying for you, sweet child, come home. 
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“Mawey, Mawey!” 
You found yourself in an unknown area. How you had gotten there, you could not explain. Your ikran, exhausted from the raging storm, needed some respite and so did you for that matter. After all, it would be cruel to deny her this much needed break even if it were just for a night. You only prayed that it’d be peaceful. 
You searched the space for materials needed for fire, but the rain was ruthless and provided no light. You felt a chill as you curled up beneath the shade of the tree. Hugging your knees to your chest you tried to conserve warmth, shivering slightly as a gust of wind blew past. Nothing around you but darkness - no stars, no moonlight, and not even the bioluminescence around provided much warmth. This was it, you thought.
Should I go home instead? Have they even noticed that I’ve gone?
Why couldn't you just stay? Why couldn't you have simply kept it all down inside rather than running away? You had been content enough to stay silent before, content enough to ignore everything; what had been different now? It was home still— who were you kidding?
Thoughts ran unmercifully inside your head as you sat motionless. 
You are never satisfied. 
I miss my mom. 
They deserve the heartache. 
You should’ve listened instead– now look at where you are.
Why couldn’t they love me?
Maybe I should head back. 
Father will be mad.
You wanted this– needed this. You had to prove yourself. There was no use crying over something small, a night had only passed. 
The snapping of leaves and rustling of bushes pulled you abruptly back to reality, your head quickly turning in its direction. You had been lost in thought before the sound startled you; the somber pool of thoughts still eddying in your mind. But there was something else nestled in that pool now, taking up the space– fear. Genuine and terrible, terrible fear. You might never come home ever again. You will never see them again. 
This was it, you thought, something that had been swirling around in the back of your mind since you’ve left now finally felt certain. You gripped your spear tightly in both hands. 
The cry that ripped through the air was deafening, shaking every part of your being. It felt like each syllable ricocheted around your entire body; coursing through your veins and settling in the cavity of your chest. Even the ground seemed to tremble in response, shaking beneath your feet as you tried to keep composure. There was no mistaking it; it was an 'angtsìk— a particularly angry one, at that. 
The loreyu that once surrounded you shriveled in response; coiling up and retracting to the ground, and then was gone completely, leaving you exposed to the hammerhead. 
You were in a desperate situation. It didn't help either that you were unable to make out your surroundings– you were one on one with an 'angtsìk with nothing but a spear and a lousy handgun (that you don’t even know why you brought in the first place. It was small on the palm of your hand, but it was valuable to Jake– this couldn’t damage any animal even if you tried.)
Lifting your bow and arrow and preparing to shoot would be pointless. The threat could be just a moment away; it could pounce on you in the blink of an eye, leaving you as food for its prey before you even have time to process the danger. 
You stood your ground, constantly shifting on your feet as you carefully backed away. You kept your gaze steadily ahead, refusing to break eye contact with the 'angtsìk– but when it roared again in response to your steps, you couldn't help but express your annoyance with a loud kiss of your teeth and an exasperated groan.
You did something that no one in a million years would ever consider or do– you ran straight towards it. 
You stepped forward with your spear raised, shaking it threateningly in front of the strange creature that had been creeping closer. Your movements were frenzied, a frenetic attempt to scare it off and make it retreat back to where it had come from. You could feel your heart pounding against your rib cage as you readied yourself for whatever would come next. All around you, an eerie silence had descended upon the dank forest that seemed to be holding its breath in anticipation– watching both of you. 
As it was poised to launch a counterattack, the creature suddenly halted; its gaze directed toward something past you with an expression of sheer terror, but your mind was too clouded for you to take any hint of the bigger threat skulking just behind you. You could feel the nervousness bubbling up from your chest, but before you knew it, a confident chuckle had escaped your lips that soon turned into fits of laughter, not believing how that foolish move of yours had made the 'angtsìk retreat.
“Yeah? Yeah! That’s right– you better run!”  You yelled, brandishing the spear in your hands and waving it around in triumph. “Get your punk-ass back to mommy, penis-face!” 
As the 'angtsìk disappeared into the distance, you allowed a sigh of relief to escape your lips. "You're not getting any of this, keep running!" You called out after it mockingly, putting your hands on your hips. In spite of this bravado, your heart was pounding and your knees were weak with fear– you were this close to give Eywa an early visit. 
You slowly turned back, that’s when you finally saw it; the force with which the thicket of bushes violently parted around it, the palulukan emerging from behind. It was like all the air had been sucked from your lungs, and a chill ran through your body as a wave of fear engulfed you. Every part of you tensed up, and you could feel your soul being wrenched from within.
You looked at it like a poor deer in headlights, grip momentarily loosening around your spear.
 If death knocked tonight, let it be instant.
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NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT ?? ???? finally, after a month! (i am gonna be honest, i am this close to loosing interest in avatar.. jesus. i am holding onto crumbs people) this is so long overdue, but i hope it's good enough!
put so many references here, hope ppl can tell! teehee
not thoroughly edited so please feel free to point of any mistakes! thank you so much for being patient with me, until the next chapter loves! smooch <;3
(i removed tags that didn't work anymore :/ again, i am not taking anymore tags! please leave your notif on instead) tags: @reyalvr @sparklyphantom @iwanttohitmyself @planetslove @teyamsjustsleeping @grandgreengrapes @erensbbg @queen-dk @loaklvr @theyoungeagle @ducks118 @teyyyteyyy @yeosxxx @simply-lovely78 @ellabellabus07 @thehoneymushroomhealer @saturdayrj @kingjulian0o9 @hippiezworldz @joemamalackin @random-3455 @zoetrope1997 @cl0esblogg @anxietydrogz @lokisfirstandlastwife @lunyyx @blkmystery @marsbars09 @gcldtom @luna-salem @wolflover384 @mushy-mushroom04 @whatthemonsterfuckisthis @eternalidentity @celi-xxmoon @dumb-fawkin-bitch @pinkeroppi @mellowdiy @jimfiqs @ell0ra-br3kk3r @ayra2452008 @vodoo-heart @rose-brulante @starxao @bluevenus19 @entertain-my-lvst @wwwellacom @starjane312 @mona-aiko @audigay
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re: Charles adultery interview vs Diana adultery interview ( panorama) and why William probably has a better view of Charles interview, but not Diana.
First of all, Charles interview didn't trash Diana at all. That's a huge difference. 
The Charles interview is online, and it wasn't set up as an adultery interview. It's a 1hr broad documentary about his life that year. The usual Charles at work, charles with his charities etc, but it also included a section on his disdain for the paparazzi which was filmed in the grounds of Balmoral and actually includes William and Harold playing with other kids/ retainers/ Charles.
Then there is a 5-10min section which is the proper sitdown interview where he is asked about his marriage. He is clearly relunctant to discuss said marriage and it's more a question and answer session as if he is answering an exam. 
He is asked if he loved his wife and had married her for love to which he said yes. But he also says he doesn't want to go into details because once you start explaining yourself to the media it becomes a runaway train and it's unfair on others( paraphrasing).
Then the interviewer asks him if he was unfaithful, he says yes. Interviewer asks when? He replies that after his marriage had irretrivably broken down, but he doesn't go into further details.
Interviewer then asks whether he cheated with Mrs PB, and he replies that he has many female friends that he holds dear especially Mrs PB. ( again paraphrasing).
Cut to media reporting of this documentary: 
Breaking news: Charles said he cheated with Camilla/ Charles names his mistress ( again paraphrasing).
Fast Forward a year later:
Diana revenge interview ( panorama) is aired. 
She trashed Charles in nany, many ways including saying he wasn't fit to be King all couched in manipulative language that positions her as the victim. 
However, some reporting afew days later regarding William is heartbreaking. 
It seems that news of Panorama interview had found it's way to William's housemaster at Eton. He rings Diana to come to school to explain it to William in person. At first she refuses claiming that William us a big boy and anyway she hasn't said anything bad in the interview. Housemaster insists, and Diana finally goes to Eton to explain to William and leaves him with a breezy nothing-to-worry-about view of coming interview. 
The interview is aired. Housemaster gave William his sitting room to watch it in private. Apparently William cried as he watched the interview. And then for days afterwards was teased by other boys for the interview. 
When he came home for exeat, he and Diana had an almighty, shouting row. He was upset that she'd trashed Charles, aired dirty laundry about herself etc.
But the next day, he apologised to her. She would later tell her friends that she realised in that morning/ apology that she'd broken him, and their relationship would never be the same. 
And she was distraught and regretted the interview in that moment. Prior to that moment, she'd been euphoric at what she saw as her triumph, but seeing it's effect on William, she realised the damage she'd done. 
But more shock was to come 2wks after the interview. As a direct result of that interview, The Queen ordered the divorce which came as a huge shock to Diana because she'd married the only man who by *law couldn't divorce which suited her romantic ideas even if reality didn't live upto it.
The separation in 1992 had been finessed with constitutional experts/ privy council and Palace PR to get around this law on condition that there would be no divorce and John Major, PM of the UK had made separation announcement to that effect. 
*despite Henry 8 divorce shenanigans, our constitution regarding the heir to the throne and the Monarch is that they can't divorce without Parliament's permission. 
The reality is that Parliament often says no,  as George 4 found out with his repeated attempts to divorce his wife Caroline when they were Prince & Princess of Wales and again once he was King and she was Queen Consort. 
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Please don’t take this the wrong way, because I still think you’re writing is incredible and I look forward to every update, but am I the only one who finds Takeshi incredibly weird? Like he’s got a wife and 3 kids and yet he’s still pining over my dad who’s been dead for years now. It’s time to move on dude, come on.
If he was younger and single then I’d understand, but the way it comes off, to me at least, is pretty emotionally unfaithful. It reads like Takeshi views Viktor as “the one who got away” which is kind of a shitty attitude to have when you’re married with kids. We haven’t even met Rins mom yet and I already feel bad for her lol, this whole situation is uncomfortable.
Anyways, sorry for my rambling and if you got offended I really do apologize, I wasn’t trying to be mean. Good luck on your future writing!
I appreciate you being polite when writing this and don’t worry, I’m not offended 😁 I have talked a little bit more about him and his feelings for Viktor and about his marriage with Azami in other asks, but I realize that some of them, I answered like in the early days of this blog being up (boy, time sure does fly because it feels like yesterday to me 😭) and not everyone will have read all of the related asks.
So, everything is a lil bit more complicated for Takashi than what it might seem like on the surface, and of course, I can’t really put all of this history and backstory in the main story because it’s not focused on Takashi, or Rin, or the Aikawa, and thus, I understand why some people end up seeing Takashi in a worse light. This is, of course, not to say that he is perfect. I feel like no one in my story is perfect, even Viktor himself, and I like to keep it that way. But I hope my long-winded explanation in this post will help you get a clearer picture on Takashi and his complicated love life 😭.
And right now in the story, I’ll say that he has actually moved on from Viktor. Sure he still remembers and mourns him around the anniversary of his death, and talking about Viktor (and Yvette) is still a sore spot for him, but as they say, you don’t really forget your first love. Also, he has fixed his relationship with Azami (thus their decision to have the twins) by the time of the main story and they’re at their best right now and I’ll explain more in details below the cut.
I’ll put it under the cut because it’s going to be a long one as I try to summarize Takashi’s and Azami’s history together and some additional lore stuff for those who are interested.
For starter, his marriage to Azami was an arranged one that both of them didn’t really have any say in it and it doesn’t help that both of them didn’t even have time to properly get to know each other by the time they got married. They were also pretty young (around early to mid 20s perhaps? I don’t have my notes open right now).
It was a… politically strategic wedding that Takashi’s father and Azami’s maternal grandfather arranged.
And additional info since I don’t think I have mentioned this anywhere actually, but Azami’s maternal side of family is a Yakuza clan/family back in Japan and by establishing some kind of family relationship with the Aikawas—who focuses their businesses in the US—they hope to keep the door open for possibilities of expanding their own business abroad in the US through the Aikawas. They haven’t really done that, but it’s nice to already have and secure the connection. And vice versa for the Aikawas if they wanna do some business in Japan.
It doesn’t help that Viktor was literally Takashi’s first love and that they’ve known each other since they were kids. So, by the time of his marriage, Takashi didn’t really have enough time to kind of, let go or grow out of his feelings for his first love and he was basically getting married to a stranger.
But to think that this means that he automatically becomes an emotionally distant husband and father is wrong. He spent time talking and hanging out with Azami (mostly initiating them first because Azami is the more introverted and reserved one in their relationship), trying to build a relationship—that should’ve been built naturally in normal marriages—with his wife. It did end up being more like a platonic relationship at first than a romantic one, but still, Azami appreciated that.
He’s also a good, caring, and warm dad for Rin and he did take care of Rin as much as Azami did. I’ve said this before in another ask, but when she got married to what is basically a stranger, Azami expected the worse and Takashi was a very pleasant surprise for her.
I think along the way, Azami fell in love with him for real first, but the fact that Takashi still saw her more of a platonic partner and still had romantic feelings for Viktor at the time… It did put a strain on their marriage.
But both of them didn’t really give up on their marriage and even though it took years, they slowly work on their relationship. It was not an instant progress but over time, Takashi ends up falling in love with Azami as well and that’s also the reason why they had the twins like more than a decade after they had Rin (The twins are still very young in the story right now).
Rin was born because of both of their families’ pressure and expectation, but having the twins is the decision that Takashi and Azami made themselves out of love.
While his feelings for Viktor is still there somewhere in the background, it’s waay weaker and fainter than when he was younger. Right now in the story, I would say he has moved on, although he still remembers his first love occasionally, especially around the time of his death. After all, they say that you can’t really forget your first love.
But yeah, in the story currently, his relationship with his wife is at its best and he’s living happily with his family.
And while a part of his motivation to get Rin to marry MC is in part to kind of fulfilling an impossible dream of his, it is also just for… practical reasons. The fact is that the Aikawas have a little bit more to gain by tying the Morozovs in an alliance based on blood ties than the Morozovs do. The Morozovs have the stronger manpower and raw force/strength and nowadays, they have decent connections too.
I mentioned this before in the past ask about the two families’ history, but their alliance started out because the Aikawas were having a pretty rough time protecting their turf from the other criminal groups and families back in New York. They mostly have power by accumulating and brokering information and connections, but they’re a bit lacking in like raw force and power, and that’s where Grandpa Morozov saw the opportunity for alliance and went to talk with Takashi’s father. And the rest we know how it plays out.
So, yeah… I think that’s all I have to say in this post and I’ll definitely be referring to this post again if I ever get similar asks. I don’t know whether it helps you understand Takashi a little bit more or not, but I do hope it’s not as black and white as it once was 😅
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seleneprince · 2 months
I think that what makes Beron an asshole is not that he's sexist, but that he's a huge classist and egocentric jerk. He hates everyone equally regardless of their gender, but specially if they're low borns. His repulsive aura has nothing to do with women or how he views them, because to him, people are only two things: Useful tools or insects beneath him. He's gonna treat you like shit no matter what you have between your legs. Which sucks anyway, but hey, at least he agrees that men and women are the same.
I've been reading the books and sure, he's obviously an awful husband and father, but there's nothing on his behaviour that implies he's a sexist pig (unlike some other characters who make it obvious because misogyny is their whole personality). He was the first High Lord to give a piece of his power to Feyre UTM to bring her back, and it was after him that the other Lords did it too. He had no problem with his wife living with her sisters, away from him, until Hybern killed and so she was forced to return. They had a somewhat decent relationship at first, until he found out about her affair with Helion. It's after that when Beron begins to treat his wife like absolute shit and despise Lucien, knowing very well he's not the father. He doesn't do that because she's a woman and that automatically pushes him to abuse her, but because he wants to punish her for being unfaithful. It's not justified and, considering they had an arranged marriage, i think they should've just touched the topic of lovers and mistresses at some point instead on inmediately jumping into the torture train.
There's also an scene when the High Lady of Autumn remembers her sisters and her grief shows, and Beron places a hand on her shoulder in a gesture that's described as "comforting". It doesn't make up for all the damage he's inflicted on her, but it was weird to me because, everyone knows what kind of man he is and he's not asshamed. He doesn't need to play a role in public, so why try to comfort your wife, the very same one you've tortured to the point she has becomed a shell of herself? There's also the fact that he knows Lucien is not his, why not get rid of him? He allowed him to be educated just like his brothers and referred to him as another one of his sons.
In my head, Beron is more than just a secondary villain with bigoted beliefs that appears conveniently to show how much of a piece of shit he is. He's a terrible father, but he still considers Lucien his own. He makes his wife's life a living hell, but also cares for her enough to notice her grief and try to comfort her. He doesn't give a fuck wether his subjects are happy or not, but he still puts the court first and has no problem considering an alliance with another dictator to keep his land out of harm. Him stating he wouldn't hesitate to join Hybern if he won the war was morally unforgivable and disgusting, but as a ruler, is a somewhat understable move. He's thinking of what's best for him and his court, and not about what's "right".
Conclusion: Beron Vanserra is a bigoted, classist jerk that only cares about what's his and thinks hurting his family is for "their own good". He's twisted, narcissistic, manipulative and selfish, and also capable of love in his own fucked up way. And I enjoy him for that.
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graysoncritic · 5 months
A (Negative) Review of Tom Taylor's Nightwing Run - What Went Wrong? Melinda Lin Grayson
Introduction Who is Dick Grayson? What Went Wrong? Dick's Characterization What Went Wrong? Barbara Gordon What Went Wrong? Bludhaven (Part 1, Part 2) What Went Wrong? Melinda Lin Grayson What Went Wrong? Bea Bennett What Went Wrong? Villains Conclusion Bibliography
Things do not get any better when it comes to Dick’s relationship to Melinda.
As I believe it is important to own up to one’s biases, I’ll begin by admitting that I dislike secret-sibling tropes. However, the problem present in Melinda’s character does not revolve around the concept of her existence, but rather in the fact that her status as Dick’s sister adds nothing to the story. Taylor does not take advantage of her existence to add to Dick’s backstory, complicate his views of his parents, to add conflict to the plot, or to offer on-screen character and relationship development. In failing to have his original character live up to her full potential, Taylor reduces her to a deus-ex-machina who only appears to either save Dick at the right time, or to put him in danger at the right moment.
That is why in execution, Melinda’s existence is irrelevant. While I would never want John Grayson to be cheater and I do not want John and Mary's marriage to be tarnished, that route would have offered conflict, for it forces Dick to grapple with the reality that parents were not the infallible individuals he remembers.
Instead, Melinda is very conveniently conceived during the span of time between John and Mary becoming an acrobatic duo and them getting together. They were already in love, so Dick does not have to worry about Melinda's mom being John's long lost lover and Mary having been a rebound. Yet, because John and Mary were not yet together, John remains a good person as he was not unfaithful. Melinda's mom doesn't resent Mary for ending up with John while she was stuck in an abusive relationship. Melinda doesn’t resent Dick for having known their father while she lived with Zucco. Neither does she feel any love towards Zucco or seeks his approval — which would have been another interesting and understandable source of conflict. After all, though he was an awful man, husband, and father, for a good part of Melinda’s life, he was the only father figure she had, and it is very common for children who were raised by an abusive guardian to still desire their affection.
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(Taylor, Tom, writer. Redondo, Bruno, illustrator. Leaping into the Light Part Five. Nightwing: Rebirth. 82, e-book ed. DC Comics, 2021. pp 14)
The way in which Taylor quickly and neatly wraps up this story does little to add to either Melinda or Dick’s character. Furthermore, Dick readily believes Melinda and Meilin when he is told their story. He does not know them, yet he simply accepts their words without requiring any evidence, without asking many questions, and without following it up with an investigation. 
Neither do we see him experience denial or any other form of human emotions to such a monumental discovery. In #83, when Dick returns to his apartment, he tells Babs “You heard? I have a sister. And even better… There’s a chance she’s not evil,” to which she replies  “I hear. You need to talk about it?” Rather than replying, or, indeed, talking about how he feels about this revelation, Dick instead passes out. As readers we never get to see if said conversation happened (which would also develop Dick and Babs’ relations), and so we never get to see Dick grapple with this life changing revelation..
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(Taylor, Tom, writer. Redondo, Bruno, illustrator. Leaping into the Light Part Six. Nightwing: Rebirth. 83, e-book ed. DC Comics, 2021. pp 12)
Conveniently, Melinda’s morals and her approaches to solution also perfectly align with Dick’s own. Not only is she not the bad guy Dick originally thought she was, but she is actively working against those Dick wishes to stop. And, again, Dick takes her word for it without a second thought. Dick appears skeptical for a mere second before Melinda gives him an out by asking if he has “difficulty believing someone could have a double life.” 
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(Taylor, Tom, writer. Redondo, Bruno, illustrator. Leaping into the Light Part Six. Nightwing: Rebirth. 83, e-book ed. DC Comics, 2021. pp 04)
This question misses the point of what should be Dick’s understandable suspicion. Just because Dick can believe someone can live a double life, it does not mean he should immediately accept the words of a woman he has never met before without any evidence. Neither should he just take her word for it when she says that she “brought down two crime bosses from within” and that she wishes “to do the same for Bludhaven.”
Just as baffling as the fact that Dick immediately believes is the fact that he is ready to include her in all of his plans to take down Blockbuster without even investigating whether she might have ulterior motives.
And this goes both ways. When Melinda claims to have the same goals as Dick, she does not question Dick’s motivations. Neither does she question the legality of having a vigilante in the city, working outside of the system. 
The problem is not just that they have the same objective — take down Blockbuster — but that their approach to said objective is the exact same, that their beliefs in what would be best for Bludhaven perfectly align, and so they trust each other with critical information almost instantaneously, denying the reader the opportunity to read them about them earning each other’s trust by trying to persuade the to their side.
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(Taylor, Tom, writer. Redondo, Bruno, illustrator. Leaping into the Light Part Six. Nightwing: Rebirth. 83, e-book ed. DC Comics, 2021. pp 05)
fter meeting one another, Dick and Melinda work closely together, and soon they start to think of themselves as siblings. This, however, happens off-screen. Melinda and Dick hardly ever appear together on the page, and Dick only thinks of her when it is convenient to the plot.  
As such, we are left with a significant change to a character’s backstory without having any conflict or significance created by this new addition. Melinda is not evil, so there's no conflict to be added. Melinda and Dick's morals not only perfectly align, but their methodology does as well. Dick is also not suspicious of Melinda, and Melinda views vigilantism and Nightwing’s presence in Bludhaven as a positive. There are no secret identity issues where Melinda doesn't know Dick and Nightwing are the same person and has contradicting feelings for each persona. Since Dick immediately takes her word when she claims to be his sister and when she claims to “not be evil,”  there is no need for her to win him over. There is no need for Dick to get Melinda to trust him. In other words, there is no room for this relationship to develop in front of the readers’ eyes so that we can grow to care for their bond and become invested in their dynamic. Every potential conflict or development is resolved and achieved as soon as the idea of Dick having a secret sister is introduced to the reader, making so that the storyline goes from its beginning to its endpoint in just two issues. 
This further destroys Dick’s characterization. Rather than trusting, Dick comes across as gullible, as he will blindly take the words of others when they tell him they are not evil. Dick comes off as incompetent, as he was unmasked so quickly and so easily when trying to investigate Melinda. And Melinda becomes a plot device, not a character. She is a deus-ex-machina who is there to call Dick when Blockbuster is going to try to kill him so Dick can escape at last second
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(Taylor, Tom, writer. Redondo, Bruno, illustrator. Get Grayson Act Three. Nightwing: Rebirth. 90, e-book ed. DC Comics, 2022. pp 04)
Or to bring Dick to danger when the plot needs Dick to be in danger.
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(Taylor, Tom, writer. Redondo, Bruno, illustrator. The Battle for Bludhaven’s Heart Part Three. Nightwing: Rebirth. 94, e-book ed. DC Comics, 2022. pp 22)
A lot of this could have been avoided if Melinda just wasn't Dick's sister, and instead they were made into reluctant allies. There would be no reason for her and Dick to spend time together outside of Nightwing-business or develop a sibling-bond, and without the Grayson connection, there would be the tension of Dick not knowing whether she is a threat. Losing the Grayson connection would also allow Melinda to become her own person, with her own history and interiority outside of Dick, John Grayson, and Zucco. She, too, could have become a face of Bludhaven so that her relevance to the plot would be through the city rather than Dick’s past. 
But that would require Dick to have meaningful interactions with a woman who is not related to him and who is not Barbara Gordon, and there would have been the threat of any tension between Dick and Melinda to be seen as romantic or sexual. It would have also required Taylor to put in the work to make an otherwise everyday human into someone who can excel in her work despite her ordinariness. 
Instead of letting the audience witness Dick and Melinda grow closer to one another, their bond as allies, friends, and siblings is developed off-screen. Taylor opts to skip over the interesting and messy steps that it takes to create such a relationship by instead having them immediately like and trust one another. 
As I said in the beginning of this section, I was never personally going to like "Dick's secret sibling" concept, but I could have still liked Melinda for her own character. Or I could have fallen in love with the sibling relationship she would build with Dick, had I been allowed the chance to witness it grow for myself. But Taylor makes no effort to endear his readers to Melinda as a character or to her relationship with Dick. Instead, she becomes the perfect example of so many of Taylor’s weaknesses as a writer — his distaste for conflict;  his tendency to show and not tell; his wanting to create plot twists that look shocking in a social media post while having no desire to follow through the consequences of said plot point; his wanting to create emotional pay-offs without putting in the work beforehand; his complete lack of understanding or care for Dick's character. Melinda embodies all of these problems.
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blues824 · 1 year
Good evening and happy early Christmas i found your account by looking through the obey me tags and saw you do obey me request if you don't mind may I get the obey me brothers with a Gilgamesh female reader? Sorry on my whole part if it's too long and if it is you can ignore it<3
Gilgamesh is ‏The strongest heroic spirit. Gilgamesh is the great half-god, half-human king born from the union between the King of Uruk, Lugalbanda, and goddess Rimat-Ninsun. He ruled the Sumerian city-state of Uruk, the capital city of ancient Mesopotamia in the B.C. era. He was an ultimate, transcendent being so divine as to be two thirds god and one third human, and no others in the world could match him. He was a despot possessing high divinity who believed he was invincible. He is not merely a legend, and is said to have actually existed and ruled during the Sumer Dynasty five thousand years ago. He was the King of Heroes (英雄王, Eiyū Ō?) who possessed all things in the world, whose tale is recorded in mankind's oldest epic poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh which portrays Gilgamesh as a hero, destined to be king and achieve great feats, who is driven to meet his destiny, facing challenges together with his best friend Enkidu.
he would reprimand the King and rectify his arrogance. They entered a battle that spanned several days, and Gilgamesh was forced to use all his strength to match his transforming opponent.
He became the greatest and richest king on Earth, who eventually acquired all the treasures of the world. Uruk became unprecedentedly prosperous, and Gilgamesh was considered so powerful that even the gods could not ignore his existence. One goddess, Ishtar the goddess of fertility, even fell in love with Gilgamesh and proposed marriage to the perfect king. He rejected her immediately because he knew her to be a witch who was unfaithful, cruel, and the corruptor of all men. She became furious, feeling that he had insulted her, and went to her father, the god Anu, to get revenge. She begged him to unleash the Bull of Heaven.
The unopposable beast of the gods caused seven years of starvation and destruction on the earth. Working together, they defeated it after binding it with the Chains of Heaven, causing the dark clouds covering the world to fade and saving the land from the flood. Ishtar's reputation was once again crushed, and her fury did not abate. She requested they be put to death for the sin of slaying a beast of the gods with the body of a human. Her request was granted, and Enkidu, created by the gods, was unable to defy the decree.
He slowly weakened and was returned to clay, as Gilgamesh desperately held on to the crumbling clod in his arms. He was angered by this, believing that he was the one who deserved retribution should it be required. Enkidu attempted to assuage him by telling Gilgamesh that he was only one of the many treasures in Gilgamesh's collection, that he would find countless more greater than him in time.
Enkidu returning to dust, meeting death, greatly changed his views. Death had never inspired grief or fear in him until that moment, and it had never once even been in his mind though he knew that it awaited all. Seeing the one who held equal power to him perish before his eyes let him register the true reality of death for the first time. Falling into depression and with his vigor gone, he sought out the Herb of Immortality, a spirit herb of perpetual youth and eternal life.
His title, King of Heroes, is not meant to call him a king who is a hero, but instead implies that he is the king over all heroes. He is mankind's oldest hero, the origin of all myths and model on which heroes are based, so his story is copied within the mythologies of all the countries of the world. The heroes of various myths are derived from his legend, so his Gate of Babylon possesses all of their Noble Phantasms. Though there are several heroes holding the title of "King", the King of Knights and King of Conquerors, he is the only one in all of heaven and earth crowned with the title of "King of All Heroes.He is often referred to as the "golden Archer" and the "golden-sparkling Servant," and Rider generally calls him "Goldie." He is similarly called Gold-glitter (金ピカ, Kin-Pika?) due to his hair, armor, and golden soul, but Rin's reasoning behind the name has less to do with the color of his hair and more simply due to the fact that she thinks he looks like he is living a rich and luxurious life.[8] He looks like a regular foreigner to both Rin and Archer, and he does not openly give off the impression of a Servant or Master due to his body being made of flesh after the Fourth Holy Grail War.
Personality ↓
He is extremely arrogant and selfish, believing himself to be the sole potentate and only king of the world even many millennia after his death. He cannot acknowledge the authority of anyone, including that of other kings and especially that of the gods. He considers all those around him as inferior due to this fact, viewing all other kings and heroes as a collection of mongrels, and loathes any individual who would try to be on the same level as him. The only exception is Enkidu, who he considered to be his equal and only friend.
Gilgamesh greatly differs from most of the sovereigns and leaders in the history of humanity. He placed himself before his nation and the people, and he had neither the curiosity nor desire to conquer, possibly because he had too much in the beginning. He takes the time to enjoy himself, mastering every treasure and every pleasure. With conviction to treat good and evil equally, he has no need for other ideologies and ways of life when the absolute basis is "himself."[5] His actions and way of life left him alone, so Enkidu compared rectifying his attitude to rectifying his solitude
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Sorry for taking so long on this 😭😭. It’s a bit short, but romantic nonetheless.
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Lucifer at first really disliked you until he saw that you acted exactly like him. You were prideful, you were arrogant, and you put yourself first. Being a queen and an overall highly worshiped person might do that to you, though. However, you saw him as your equal. The king consort to your queen, if you will. 
He does find your habit of collecting treasures to be very annoying, but you spent your own money and used your own influence, so it wasn’t exactly affecting him. He actually does like purchasing things for you when you do something good, but you hate it because you think that he’s looking down at you.
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Mammon also thought you were annoying but you pointed out that he had no right to have that much audacity. After all, he was worse than you were. This caused you both to get into a physical altercation, and you surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) came out victorious.
The two of you actually loved buying things for each other as an apology after fights. You both loved hoarding treasures, but to the Avatar of Greed, you were the best treasure yet. You loved how he played hard to get, as it meant that he was something/someone you didn’t have yet. Little did you know, you both had each other.
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Leviathan almost cried because you reminded him of a character from an anime he had watched. Your personality matched them to a T, but you absolutely despised how he compared you to a lowly character from a silly show that was nowhere near as good and as awesome as you were. 
As the two of you really got to know each other, he started receiving small figurines from you as gifts. The acts of affection made him so flustered that he couldn’t face you for a few days after each gift was given. When he finally gathered the courage, you would smirk because you were slowly conquering his heart.
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Satan and you clashed heads at first. You both wanted to be number one, and your tempers were definitely not something to laugh at. Numerous times, Lucifer had to step in and stop the fight before it destroyed the entirety of the House of Lamentation. The fights often ended up in you both panting from yelling and throwing things around.
Gift-giving wasn’t really his love language, but he had to admit that he was impressed at your ability to show that you care about someone else aside from yourself when he saw that you gave him the next book in a series that he was currently reading. In return, he gave you a golden necklace, since you managed to get the book’s cover in true gold.
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Asmodeus thought you were so hot. You know how some people like others who have anger issues because those anger issues are not directed towards them? That’s what the situation was. He got to see your more vulnerable and sensitive side, and it was reserved for him and only him. The thought just made his heart flutter.
He also loved getting you gifts just as you did with him, as it meant that you both could constantly be reminded of each other no matter where you were. You loved the feeling of being worshiped and in the middle of his world. It gave you such a great feeling in your chest, you couldn’t contain the smile that appeared on your face.
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Beelzebub did not appreciate your prideful attitude, but he recognizes that he can be selfish as well. Especially when it came to food. Another thing is as you both get to know more about each other, he learns that you were a queen once. Instead of conquering lands, you conquered treasure because you believed that they were tools to create all of humanity and civilization, and thus are more important.
He also loves giving you gifts, and you like to give him the best food made from Mesopotamian recipes that you remembered with your oh-so-great memory. He might actually have a new favorite food, if you can cook. To be fair, he was surprised to see you cooking because you were a ruler and thus you had cooks of your own back in ancient Mesopotamia.
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Belphegor and you also clashed heads numerous times. When he tried to kill you, he did not know what he was getting himself into. The thing is, you put yourself first. At that moment, you had to choose between either life or death. It surprised no one when you almost killed the Avatar of Sloth, had Lucifer not stepped in to stop you.
Your relationship didn’t repair any until much later, where you extended the olive branch by gifting him a new pillow from the same brand that his old one was from. Seeing it in his room after school made him smile a bit, but there was no way he would let you see that he was going soft for you.
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I love the GoT series, especially for its historical accuracies (I could talk about them for daaaaaays), but I get really annoyed with the age gap debate with ships without taking into account the historical setting (especially Sansa Stark and Sandor Clegane). this has annoyed me to the point where I am writing a book to address the social construct just to tear it down.
In the past noble girls were married early. Not usually as soon as they had their first period (although legal), this was usually delayed until 16-18 years due to negotiations (it was a trade deal). However, most nobles would be married before they turned 20, unless they were undesirable for some reason (this could be appearance, family scandal, illness, physical health, disability, or personality), and they would quickly become known as spinsters - we think of spinsters being unmarried woman past middle age, but in the past, this could be used for an unmarried 25 y/o. Reminder that 'paedophile' refers to the attraction of prepubescent children (by UK law this is under 13).
Women married early for biological reasons; they have a short fertility period (while some men can keep fathering sons for decades; think Walder Frey). From first blood to menopause, a woman had to be married off as quickly as possible to ensure they had the best chance of providing as many children as possible. Menopause is currently between 45-50 yrs (with some biological variation), but in the past, this could be as early as 35 - unclear due to natural variation, but health and hygiene contribute to fertile health and the decline would be noted as the end for many noble women.
Men sometimes married later, usually for education, status, or military reasons. So one could expect a man not to marry until in their 20s (of higher social standing). Commoners skew the statistics, as they would marry at any age, and usually more love-matches (no need for social staus debates and political marriages), however, common men would be expected to have a job in order to provide for a wife and family, and so would sometimes be older, but the
If a man needed a wife, say windowed at 30. Guess what, they'd start at the beginning looking for a teenager. There was no point marrying an older woman (if there were any that were unmarried, that is). Widows were often off the cards if they had children as they would still belong to their dead spouse's family, and the social 'undesirables' would still be undesired by a man seeking their second or third wife. For example, Æthelred the Unready first married Ælfgifu - she was 4 years younger and perfectly normal. She died aged 32. His second wife Emma, was 18 years younger (aged 18 at the time) - a much larger age gap and unseemly by modern standards, but Æthelred would not have married a woman in her 30s whose fertility could decline shortly after marriage simply to marry someone closer to his own age.
Childhood and teenagers are relatively new terms. In the past, they were better defined as prepubescent and of marital age (postpubescent). Meaning you were considered almost adult once you could reproduce. To view historical fiction by modern standards, laws, and norms, is a mistake. One should understand the history to better understand the subject material and fictional writings it has inspired.
The best way to understand this is to understand why marriage was invented: to produce legitimate heirs. This is why infidelity was viewed differently for men and women - a man is unfaithful, it is a distraction and a sin, but bastards have no claim. A woman is unfaithful, this brings into question the legitimacy of her existing children, and she has wasted almost a year providing someone else a child. Not such a big deal now, but childbirth was also dangerous; they could literally die due to an affair... even before the husband found out about it. Therefore, ensuring the bride had enough time to produce children was essential. Bear in mind that during the Middle Ages, one could get an annulment for infertility in many countries (and still can) - as this is a breach of the marriage contract.
P.S. - This is historical thinking. I am pro same-sex marriage and believe this should have been legalised when marriage changed the definition to a declaration of love (circa 18th century)... but that's a religious debate for another time.
Back to the topic; Sansa Stark would not see age as an issue really. Although she hoped for a love match (and thus naturally inclined to someone near her own age), socially, she would see nothing wrong with Sandor Clegane based on age. Clegane would have had issues with any attraction until she reached 'adulthood' (before her first period) as this would have been considered immoral, however, once deemed an adult, this no longer poses an issue legally. Lysa was 21 years younger than Jon when they married - she protested this based on age, but realistically she only protested as she had hoped to marry Petyr.
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mejcinta · 1 year
i am obssesed with the analysis you did on aegon and aemond and their views on marriage
How would you imagine heleana’s view to marriage? How do you think aegon qnd heleana had reacted to betrothal at family dinner table?
I think the answer to this lies in how Helaena and Aegon have turned out years later.
Helaena is busy overseeing her children's needs, spending time with them and shaming Aegon in public for not being an attentive husband.
Meanwhile, Aegon is a drunk and neck deep in various perversions. Moaning and complaining about never being enough while doing jack shit to be 'Kenough' 🙄
I've always said that Helaena is basically Mini Alicent. Programmed by her mother through years of proximity beside her, being sheltered and protected and brought up in the ways of the Seven. She spends a lot of time in Alicent's room with her babies and speaks of the realities of life with such wisdom and kindness and insight. She cannot afford vanity and has no room for folly and expects the same of others. She is also gifted with dreams she doesn't understand and is sort of afflicted with them as a result. I think that would pull her more into religion to try to understand herself.
I expect that when it was announced she would marry Aegon, she felt prepared for what was to come. After all she was well prepared by Alicent in many aspects for marriage.
However, Aegon's constant rebellion and indifference brings challenges that she may not have anticipated. She is ignored. He is infrequent. None of Alicent's tales of marriage seem true now. Life is becoming harder and her dreams are intensifying.
I think that's why she seems more erratic and upset in ep 9. Aegon's unfaithfulness has reached a new low and an intense prophetic dream concerning the beginning of the Dance (i e Rhaenys and Meleys at the coronation her family had staged after orchestrating a coup) had hit her hard.
I'm flying off the tangent here, I know, but what I mean to say is Helaena is loyal and dutiful just like her mother, but her loyalty and dutifulness doesn't come without it's hurdles and this may or may not affect how she relates to some of her family members, especially Alicent.
Aegon raged about his marriage and duties from day 1 but funny enough when time comes when he's required to step up, he does. He bedded Helaena and gave her heirs to the throne. And he will soon take more dutiful steps after Blood and Cheese to become the King all wanted or feared he could be.
I'd say both Helaena and Aegon are duty bound, but react differently to the shackles. One complies and plays nice even through the pain (like Alicent did) while the other rebels, questions and challenges...only in the end to do what is expected of them.
So they both do value duty, but have different mindsets about it. Aegon's is more warped, and he needs constant motivation to get through with it. Be it alcohol, be it a threat against his family.
Helaena is more natural and 'live and let live' about the situations she's put in. She readily adapts and gives selflessly, even if she is met with difficulty.
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
“Camilla is not a happy woman. She has reached the pinnacle of her career, being Queen, and she does not like it. She is resisting the changes that come with her new position with all her might.”
So glad to see you’re back, CC, and feeling better! To me, this reading vis a vis Camilla screams, “Be careful what you wish for, young lady, for you will surely get it” (aka Karma). I remember the Diana era from 1980 on, and - although Diana was no saint, nor am I a Diana fan per se - from the beginning of Charles’ marriage to D, he and Camilla were in cahoots…the pre-wedding intertwined C&C bracelet, Cam’s attendance at the wedding, Cam’s social hovering over a young 20-somethng Diana, etc. Camilla had always remained in Charles’ equation, even before they resumed their physical affair while both were married to other (also unfaithful) spouses. 
Fast forward to the present and we’ve recently gotten gloating BP/Camilla-sourced articles about Cam winning “the Game of Thrones” against a dead Diana, or Cam showing “joy in jewelry” while Catherine is a jewelry disappointment. Camilla (as royal mistress) wanted the King, but without all the hassle of his Crown. But Camilla, dear, that’s not how it works…at least in Charles’ reign, because he would never have condescended to be a King with a Mistress rather than with a Queen. You asked for Charles, you got him…albeit with all of his royal trappings as well. They’re a package deal, Queen Camilla, so suck it up, Buttercup :)
Hi Nonny,
I remember the Diana era as well, and before hand, when Camilla was one of quite a few married women that Charles kept as mistresses (Lady Kanga was another one). No matter how hard I try to not judge and to see things from another person’s point of view, I just can not hold with that sort of behaviour. I do believe that Camilla was a presence in their marriage and that Charles paid her more attention than was wise, and I think that would have been hurtful to any spouse, let along a young woman in her early twenties. 
Those current articles are just gloating and spiteful. It is not a good look on Camilla - or indeed on anyone. I think that Camilla would have been happier today if she had remained the royal mistress, but that didn’t happen. Now she is in a situation where she is very unhappy. There is an element of ‘be careful what you wish for’ in it, I can definitely see that. At the same time, I wish she had the strength to use this situation to take the higher path instead of lapsing into pettiness, simply because it would be so much better for her as a person, and I like to see people work on developing the best in themselves and not the worst. 
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factorydefaultlu · 2 years
Hi dear♥
I saw your open requests and wanted to ask if you could do this https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/tinfairies/698736596504231936 but with yandere twin yandere roose and yandere otto (ON Daddy issues) thanks ♥⚘
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On the outside he'd be calm and reserved. He was not surprised that you already had a lover. But that didn't matter. Roose will have you.
He is not afraid to have the man killed, especially not in front of you.
He'd make it a point to tell you that you're the reason that man died, and if you had just married him then no one would have gotten hurt.
He'd hold you as you cried, telling you it will alright. That your his now, and nothing bad will ever happen to you again.
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Ever the scheming man, Otto would plant doubt in your mind. Have rumors spread of your lovers unfaithfulness.
Comforting you each time you come to him in tears.
Your poor lovers life would be ruined, but that's okay. Otto is there for you, you won't have to worry about money or shelter.
You can come live in the castle, wear the finest of silks and eat the richest of foods.
So long as you accept his hand in marriage.
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loslentesdepedrito · 9 months
Thanks to @fhatbhabie for tagging me! I had to ask for clarification because I'd never heard about the game before, and they so kindly provided me with the information.
Here are three (3) works I'd like to share. Some of these are included in my masterlist with the character's initials followed by a number, but I still don't have definitive titles for them. As always, this blog is for mature audiences, and the snippets may contain explicit content.
Title: Untitled. Character(s): Joel Miller. Marcus Moreno.  Summary: In a world filled with superheroes, Joel’s parents were once part of The Heroics, yet he never inherited any superpowers. Throughout his childhood, he felt like an outcast—a black sheep without love or acceptance—not even from his own family or Sarah’s mother. The only source of genuine love in his life is his daughter, Sarah.  You and Joel have a friends-with-benefits arrangement, and when you confess your love, he can’t accept it.
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Note: I need to revisit and revise this, as the descriptions of Sarah differ from the details in the show; they are solely derived from the game.
Title: Luz or La Loca  Character(s): Joel Miller. Summary: You've been enjoying a happy life alongside Joel and Ellie, your family. But imagine being offered the chance to undo the end of the world—to restore a world where the outbreak never happened. Would you take that opportunity? The catch is, it comes with the price of never crossing paths with Joel Miller or Ellie.
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Note: The reader does have a physical description, albeit vague, with brown skin and the nickname Luz, meaning light in Spanish. Due to this, I'm debating whether to transform the reader into a fully-fledged OC and eliminate every instance of the second-person point of view.
Regardless, edits are necessary as Maria and Sarah from the game have a distinct appearance from their counterparts in the show.
Title: Untitled  Character(s): Marcus Pike. Tim Rockford (formally Javier Peña).  Summary: After years of marriage with Marcus, he drops a bombshell: confessing to being unfaithful. Suddenly, your world is turned upside down. He's not just the father of your children and the man you thought was the love of your life; you've also sacrificed everything to support his career. Your entire existence has been devoted to raising your children, and your social circle is completely entwined with his. With no career of your own, a life with him is the only reality you've ever known.
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@mishasminion360, I loved your Max Philips piece and I'm wondering if you have anything else up your sleeve. No pressure if the answer is no!
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
Which of your OCs has the most traumatic backstory, and why?
Oh man, now THAT'S a tough question... let's round up a few of the top competitors, and you can decide which is the most traumatic:
Ophelia: Grew up in a stable household with a loving family, but was forced to watch nearly every single member of that family die in a series of superpowered events. First it was Norman, who she viewed as an uncle or perhaps even a third parent in her life. Then it was her mother, then her father, then the man she saw as her brother. She got herself through college and graduate school but failed to maintain a healthy social life as she became utterly absorbed by her work. Her attempts at romance all failed due to her lack of emotional vulnerability and work/life balance, and the one partner she thought she'd stay with was killed in her sleep by a supervillain. Finally, she was killed in a laboratory explosion, and sent into the multiverse without knowing whether or not she would survive upon returning.
Gia: Watched her younger sister die of childhood leukemia. Entered a medical study hoping to prevent future cases of childhood cancer, which turned out to be a front for HYDRA. Was imprisoned and experimented on by HYDRA, had her life force irreversibly bound to a patch of clover, had her leg cut off, and was trained to be a supersoldier. Most of this was so traumatic that she doesn't even remember it. Came out of HYDRA incredibly traumatized and depressed, and had to pry herself out of that entirely on her own as she couldn't bear to come clean to her family.
Quinn: Was disowned by her parents after coming out as transgender, had to drop out of college due to losing their financial support, ended up at her lowest in an alleyway. Joined a parkour/thieving crew, met her best friend and love of her life while he was dating another woman, that other woman grew jealous and dropped them both off a twelve-story building during a botched mission. Sustained damage to her legs, pelvis, lumbar vertebrae, and brain in the fall, now lives with mobility issues, chronic fatigue, and hallucinations. Also had to recover on her own, all while believing her lover had died in the fall.
Eris: Was treated as a monster by others on Themyscira after his violent streak first showed itself. Was deemed a harbinger of strife and violence rather than being given support for their issues, was cold-shouldered from their family and everyone else around them, while those others refused to even use her given name. Eventually left, and spent close to a thousand years wandering the Earth, always following the biggest wars and battles. Had to watch each of their rare friends and even rarer lovers die as his regeneration kept him alive for hundreds of years.
Nikoletta: Grew up impoverished in New Orleans, though it was a reasonably stable life until her father passed away when she was a teenager. Left alone, she began running a voodoo scam for gullible tourists to keep herself afloat as she got herself through high school. After continuing this scam into her adulthood, she was captured by STAR Labs and infused with liquid shadows through a series of painful treatments. After a month in the lab, she returned to the streets, only to be captured and sent to Belle Reve for superpower-assisted B&E in multiple houses. She escaped once, but it was only a matter of months before she was captured again, this time for "disfiguring" several civilians with her shadow-touch. From there, she spent 15 years in prison, crafting an icy and reclusive persona known as the Queen of Belle Reve as a means of keeping herself safe.
Vivienne: Met her first husband, a sea captain, while he was at port between trips. Due to the nature of romance during her time period, it wasn't until after marriage that she discovered that he was a coarse, unfaithful, and abusive man, and she could not divorce him due to societal taboo and a lack of evidence for that abuse. He taught her to sail and often took her with him (as an extra crewmate that he wouldn't have to pay) on his ventures. While at port one night, she discovered him cheating on her with multiple other women, and intended to confront him the following morning. Instead, her husband waited until they were far out at sea, then tossed her overboard and left her to drown. Instead, Poseidon took pity on it, and turned it into a siren in exchange for never again giving its heart to a captain of the sea. This in itself becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy - while it does find love and marry another sailor, this one man who loves her and treats her right, he dies before he officially becomes the captain of his ship.
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1solone · 4 months
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1. Many women dress up for the public but they don't put as much effort to dress up for their husband in bed. Lady, your number one audience is your man
2. Many women complain that their husbands don't sex them good, yet they do not express what they want their husbands to sexually do to them. Lady, your man doesn't read minds
3. Many women are shy in bed, largely because of their low self esteem making the husband feel as if he is forcing a sexual encounter with her since she comes off as disengaged in the act. Lady work on your self esteem, it directly affects your sex life
4. Many women do not praise their husband's performance in bed even when he is good. Lady, the more you talk well about his penis, the way he touches you, the way he licks you; the more he want to please you. Work on his ego
5. Many women belittle their husband, talk down at him with disrespect and then expect him to give great sex. Lady, when you undermine him and talk to him as if he is not man enough because he doesn't earn "enough money", he has failed in his goals a few times; be sure he will not be so interested in making love to you
6. Many women are inactive during sex because they think it is the husband's role to lead in sex. So she lies in bed, lifeless, passive and bored expecting him to do all the sexual heavy lifting. Lady, men too want to be sexually made advances on: both of you giving, both of you taking
7. Many women think that complaining and nagging will get a man to do the right thing. What they fail to realize is that it only leads to the man repelling the woman, he will struggle to desire to kiss her and touch her. She will drain him. To get a man to do what you want, inspire him, compliment him for the good he has done so far, show him how him doing right makes you smile because men love to be the reason a woman smiles. Then in bed, he will pursue you because he feels safe with you
8. Many women though they do not have sexual intercourse with another man, they are emotionally unfaithful. They engage another man or men in intimate discussions and chats as they wonder why the husband is angry at this. This makes the husband feel put off
9. Many women complain that the man is talking too much about sex, they tell him off. When the man tones down on the sex talk, the woman complains and becomes insecure doubting whether he still finds her sexy
10. Many women use sex as weapon. During an argument, they employ silent treatment as a tactic denying him his conjugal rights. Soon, the man gets used to living without her sex and suddenly she is the one who desperately wants sex just to prove to herself all is well in their marriage but the damage is already done
11. Many women do not observe good hygiene. When the weave stinks, armpits smell of sweat and the vagina area not well maintained; he will struggle to have sex with her. Lady, stay clean
12. Many women, especially conservative or Christian women view sex as dirty or of the world and so they don't fully release themselves in it, even in marriage. This is perhaps because they grew up being told "NO SEX" that they fail to realize sex is Godly and God's gift to nourish and sweeten their marriage. Lady, God created your body for pleasure with your spouse
13. Many women are rigid when it comes to sex, "Don't do this, I can't do that" - making sex an uphill task. Lady, relax; allow your body to be explored
14. Many women don't know how to say no to their husband. Lady, even when you feel you are not in the mood for sex because of your monthly periods, you are sick, your mood is low or you're tired; don't just brush him off. If you will not give him sex still make him feel loved. Cuddle with him, kiss him, have an intimate pillow talk, tell him you love him, tell him he will get some hot sex when he wakes up; do not make him feel ignored
15. Many women think that the best thing they have to offer is great sex and so they do not work on themselves, their attitude, their character, their dreams and individual progress. They only concentrate on getting tips on how to be sexy, how to twerk, how to squat, how to keep the vagina tight and not content to grow their mind, their business, their spirit. Eventually the man grows tired, drained and feels empty with her. A man needs more than a few hot minutes in bed
16. Many women compare how their current sex life is with the sex life they had with an ex or exes. Lady, the old is gone, the new has come. Hope I'm communicating???
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antis-hero · 11 months
How the Death of Marx’s Daughter Made A Suffragette Into an Anti
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Caroline Elizabeth Fairfield Corbin lived a rather humble life. She grew up in Connecticut and was a Trinitarian Christian, was educated, worked for a time as a teacher, and later moved to Chicago with her husband Mr. Calvin Rich Corbin, who was a grocer and importer. Mrs. Corbin was also an advocate for woman suffrage, that is, until she met Eleanor Marx—a socialist and the youngest daughter of Karl Marx—and her partner, Edward Aveling.
Corbin’s reasons for her switch are discussed in her article “One Woman’s Experience of Emancipation”, which was published in 1904. The article starts in 1896 and follows the story of how Eleanor and Aveling’s relationship ended with the former’s death.
Aveling and Marx had come to America that year to defend some anarchists who were set to be executed. Around this time, Corbin had been drifting away from suffragism because she had been studying socialism. She had been introduced to the topic through her involvement in the suffrage movement, but was hesitant to adopt it herself because, in her words, “…she thought it threatened the purity of women and the integrity of the home…”.
To put this concern to rest, Corbin went to see Aveling and Marx speak. There, she asked a question about her concern, to which Aveling reportedly told her that she had “…read a meaning into the writings which did not exist…” and lamented her concern, saying: “…what can we expect from the uncultured and ignorant?”. Another candid question about marriage and polygamy in regards to socialism was also shut down by Aveling.
The issue of love and marriage under socialism was a key focus of Miss Marx, and when asked questions on the subject, it was noted that Aveling had passed them to her, since it was her specialty. When asked by a man if, under socialism, he could leave his wife and marry a younger woman, Marx “…hesitated for a moment, but only for a moment…” and said that while he could, they would make him ashamed for doing it. Corbin was unsure of how a socialist society could make someone feel ashamed for an action they advocated for (Marx had just explained that divorce would not be possible, as “…when love ceased, separation would naturally ensue”).
After meeting and speaking with the pair, Corbin continued to follow their careers. Her concerns about socialism being a threat to marriage and the home were not unfounded and Aveling’s actions were her proof. He was unfaithful to the woman that many considered his wife, and Marx was deeply hurt by this. Aveling secretly married actress Eva Frye, who was a younger woman, in 1897. When she found out about his marriage to another woman, Eleanor began to plot her suicide. Her depression was also likely worsened by Aveling’s illness, which would later cause his own demise shortly after hers. Eleanor was 43 years old when she died of poisoning.
Corbin blamed Eleanor’s death on not only Aveling’s unfaithfulness, but on the socialist view of love and marriage. It was this issue that steered Mrs. Corbin away from socialism, as well as woman suffrage. By 1898, a year before Marx died, Corbin began publishing anti-suffrage material, and in 1897, the anti-suffrage group that she helped found was renamed to the Illinois Association Opposed to the Extension of Suffrage to Women and began working alongside the other state associations.
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