#genuine best writing in all of starwars and easily my favorite thing to come out of the franchise. ever.
let-them-fight · 7 months
jar jar was never annoying btw the world just couldn’t handle his unmedicated adhd swagger
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agvbya · 7 years
To her next “forever”:
Hey, I know you’re probably so confused as to why I would ever write anything directed to you, I now what youre thinking but just hear me out. The girl you’re with was someone who I once considered to be the love of my life, I once loved the girl you are with right now and I loved her with my whole heart. It wasn’t ever just a game to me. It wasn’t a relationship to pass the time, and although it had its fair share of complications, it was everything I wanted in my life then and all I thought i’d need in the future. But life got in the way and theres was nothing either of us could do to stop it from doing so.I’ve had my time to cry and wonder if I had made the biggest mistake of my life, if I should’ve kept on fighting or if this was simply the way of the universe telling me that there’s some kind of different plan for me, I still don’t know the answer to that but ill still wait for it.I won’t lie to you, it hurts. It hurts to picture her with someone else. It hurts to wonder if she says the same things to you that she once said to me, but im sure it will  eventually stop hurting. Until then, I have some things I want you to know about her.Things you won’t know right away, things that make her happy and things that don’t, things that took one year for me to learn. I won’t say everything because I still want to keep certain things to myself. Take care of her for me, she likes warm tea, and bitter coffee drinks.. i never understood why. Her music taste is all over the place.. she'll even listen to your requests, just don't get upset when she doesn't like it, she can be brutally honest at times, learn to love it just like i did. She loves to be touched, in the most innocent ways at times. She loves compliments even through she says she hates them. tell her how beautiful her eyes are. update her on the gray ring around her pupil, tell her it looks smaller, she's always been afraid the gray will take over the beautiful shades of hazel and green. call her sweet names, she loves to be called baby, babygirl, and well everything in spanish. she thinks it sounds more genuine in spanish for some reason. She loves soup, specially " sopa de letritas" and " estrellitas" they all tasted the same to me but for some reason i started to enjoy those two the most. she doesn't have a specific favorite color, even though she says she does, she changes every month or two.. from red, to black to gray and every other one, and gets mad when you tell her that wasn't her favorite color a month ago. She loves chicken nuggets, not any kind tho.. she loves chicken nuggets from jack in the box and french fries from mcdonald's, also ask for some buffalo sauce at jack in the box.. it used to be our thing but you can make it yours because i know how much she loves it. she loves to be cold and absolutely hates to be hot. she loves the feeling of being under millions of blankets and be warm, but never hot.. if she does get hot she'll get in this whiny mood that gets fixed with the help of food and kisses. She has an obsession with puppies, it's so bad it can even make her cry. she'll steal your tshirts and hoodies, even though she might have the same one, she'll want to keep yours too. she obsesses over things she has no clue about, she loves starwars and harry potter but has never watched the movies or read the books. she loves musicals and i'm sorry to tell you you'll have to learn every song to them, don't worry though.. you'll start to enjoy them eventually. she loves disney and obviously Disnleyland, specially tomorrowland. she loves Aladdin and a Nightmare Before Christmas too, those are two of her millions of favorite movies. she knows every word to a lot of movies she'll make you watch, she'll recite almost the entire movie, do not get stressed or annoyed, you'll learn to love it, eventually you'll enjoy more to look at her than the actual movie. ask her about her favorite movies if you want an almost 2 hour rant you will for sure enjoy, not because of what she's saying but because she's just so passionate about the things she likes. she'll say your full name when she's angry. She'll hold your hand and compare the size of them, she has tiny hands and she loves it. she calls them her "baby hands" it's cute. She has an obsession with makeup, and you’ll know every brush and will know every name to each thing that goes on her face when you least expect it. She loves remembering old shows that she used to watch when she was a kid.. like Teletubbies and Rolie Polie Olie, we used to watch them late at night and for some reason we found them absolutely hilarious. She’s incredibly smart, its actually amazing how you can go from having the most stupid and pointless conversations to speaking about afterlife and the deepest things. You’ll have different opinions and perspectives, don’t let her change yours and don’t try to change hers because these differences are what make the conversations even better. She thinks a lot, like a.. lot so don’t give her too many bad  things to think about, shell think about them 3 nights in a row. She gets sad, really sad at times.. specially at around 1:40a.m, just know theres nothing wrong with you, you’re doing enough… give her lots of reassurance, tell her everything is going to be fine and that you won’t ever leave her side, and when she wakes up shell be that happy beautiful girl that you love. She doesn’t like walking alone, she absolutely hates it for reasons that she will eventually tell you. She doesn’t trust people easily so consider yourself lucky if she even dares so mention the reasons as to why she doesn’t like walking alone. She can get scared at times, hold her. Make beautiful promises. Love her. I know you’ll love her but im sorry to tell you no one will love her like I did. Make her happy. Make her laugh. She knows how to fake her laugh by the way… if she laughs for longer than 5 minutes and continues to do so every once in a while after the joke is no longer even funny, you did a good job. She’ll laugh at it whenever you bring it up, no matter if its a month after it happened. Like I said, theres things Im not going to mention like what her hand gestures mean or what her eyebrows do when she’s excited, or how to know when she’s sad, happy, mad, disappointed or excited by just the sound of her voice… those are things you’ll put effort into learning. You’ll love them, I promise you will. she isn't this crazy girl that has done millions of drugs, and gets drunk every night. Understand that people don’t know what you know,  imagine if they only knew that she spends those nights, drawing, painting, listening to music, watching movies and trying to learn every word to them. Also, get her the charcoal pencils.. she loves to draw with those, I still keep two of her drawings because I really enjoy them, but ill give them to you if you want them, although im sure shell give you some herself. she's more than a pair of pretty eyes and a nice body, i promise you she is. Im sorry to tell you I think I met the best her she has ever been...and last but not least, be careful. She can suck the life out of you in a matter of seconds. She can leave you hopeless, heartbroken and lifeless. She can hurt you as much as she can make you smile. She can make you miserable, she can make you believe as if you weren’t enough, as if you weren’t worth it. She can make people believe she is someone she’s not and make you look absolutely stupid when you try to explain it to them. between you and I, I still hope she comes back to me one day... but please take the risk, don't get too scared.. maybe you’ll change the only thing that I couldn’t. Maybe she won’t leave you like she left me, Good luck, and once again..you’re incredibly lucky.
Your girlfriend’s first love and shortest forever.
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