#genuinely distressed ready to jump off a building type beat
seoafin · 2 years
nvm I hate vnc why did they have the adapt the amusement park arc like that I'm in shambles rn
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Last Piece: JB
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title. Last Piece pairing. GOT7′s JB x Reader genre. slice of life, romance, attempts at comedy, angst warnings. cursing, jb being a cute cat dad, brief mentions of bullying and anxiety summary. As an English teacher from abroad, you get a lot of perks. One of the best ones is that you live in an apartment for free. Another perk seems to be the elusive, attractive man who lives two floors above you… Though his cats seem to find their way to you a lot. And so does his mail, which makes you travel to his place pretty often regardless of whether he wants to see you or not. new beginnings masterlist. part one. out of [undecided]
______________________________________________________________ You never wanted to see another box again. Or a suitcase. Or anything involving packaging goods. You were done with moving, but as you looked around your new apartment, you couldn’t help but be proud.  Finally, you were here. In Seoul, South Korea, beginning your lifelong dream of being a EFL teacher and returning to the city that had captured your heart when you came to study abroad years ago. The past few weeks had been overwhelming, trying to reconnect with old friends, connecting with your fellow teachers, and getting ready to start teaching at your school. But as you took out the last of your recycling, you could finally say you were settled in and ready for the year in front of you. On your way back up, you ran into one of your neighbors, a kind older woman who welcomed you in the first weeks of you arriving.  She smiled at you, “Hello dear! All moved in?” “Mhmm! Finally. I can’t wait to actually find out more about this building. I feel bad that I’ve only met you and not anyone else I’m living next to.” You admitted, rubbing the back of your neck. You hadn’t really prioritized getting to know more about your neighbors or the building; you were too focused on getting your apartment together. “If meeting people your age is your goal, I’d go to the rooftop,” The older woman suggested, “There’s a community area there and I’m sure I’ve seen some young folks heading up there every now and again.” Well that was interesting. You found yourself following her suggestion after thanking her and bidding goodbye, hopping off the stairs to reach the roof. And you couldn’t say you blamed people your age for coming up here once you reached the top. It was really pretty, with a great view of the city and comfy seating and a fire pit. You could see yourself and your friends cozying up with blankets and a few drinks up here.  You’re almost too busy admiring the view and seeing if you can pinpoint some places to visit on your weekends to dismiss small mewling sounds coming from the door of the stairwell. The unfamiliar noise caught your attention and you went over to check it out.  Sure enough, there was a small cat looking up at you with big eyes, meowing never ceasing. You leaned down to let the cat smell your hand, eyes immediately drawn to the red collar resting around its neck. “So you’re not a stray... Where’s your owner, little guy?” You asked softly, not wanting to spook the cat sniffing at your hand. Deciding you were okay, he snuggled up to your hand, allowing you to bring him into your arms and look around the stairwell.  The thought to go to the front desk and ask about who owns pets had barely crossed your mind when you heard a male voice call out from the stairwell below.  “Odd??? Odd?? Where are you??” Based on the way the kitty perked up at the voice and name, you figured you found the owner of the little guy. So you followed the voice, and not even a full set of stairs down were you faced with a very distressed, erratic looking young man.  At the sight of the cat (Odd, was it?) in your arms, the relief that visibly took over his form was almost cute. You took the time to take in the owner’s features. Monolid eyes with a couple of distinct moles, piercings, and a dark mullet with shoulders as wide as you’ve ever seen before, he didn’t seem like the type to be cooing and currently chastising over this small cat. “How’d you get out?” He wasn’t even talking to you, fully focused as he leaned down to quietly talk to Odd. It was... a little awkward and so you carefully pushed the cat towards his own arms, finally bringing his attention to you. “Oh sorry,” He took Odd from you, holding him like a baby, “Thanks for finding him, his siblings were worried. I was worried... obviously...” His expression turned sheepish, once again surprising you at how awkward this man seemed to be despite his appearance. You loved animals, so you couldn’t help but ask, “Oh? More pets?” At the mention of his other animals, he smiled. “Yeah, four others. They’re all trouble makers.” “If this one,” You gestured to Odd, “Is anything like the others, I’d say you have your hands full as a cat dad.” “They keep me on my toes for sure... But they’re my kids so I put up with it.”  The two of you stood there in silence for a little while, not meeting each other’s eyes. You cursed yourself for being so awkward with the first potential friend that wasn’t a fellow teacher.  “So, uh.... yeah.” You wanted to hit yourself. “I’m... Y/N, by the way. I just moved here.” “Jaebum.” He nodded, careful to keep Odd in his arms as he bowed. You returned the gesture before deciding the awkward atmosphere was too much. “It was nice to meet you, Jaebum. I’ll see you around?”  He nodded, waving you off as he went back to his hall and you returned down the stairs to your own apartment. Once inside you banged your head against the wall. You always struggled with making friends because of your anxiety, and not everyone was as kind or patient to you as Jaebum had been in that first encounter.   You were determined to show him that next time, you weren’t awkward and he could be your friend.                                    ______________________________ As it turns out, you didn’t show him. A week or so goes by and you fall into a routine of going to school, planning, and sometimes visiting friends. Occasionally you catch Jaebum getting mail or walking out at the same time, but each time you keep clamming up and unable to do more than exchange small talk. Which, judging by his barely concealed grimances, he hated. But he was polite and you honestly were just hoping that you’d pull yourself together and be able to hold a conversation that wasn’t laced with uncomfortable awkwardness. You got your chance, though, when getting your mail after school. Your eyes lit up seeing the package, only to frown and pout when you saw it wasn’t even for you.  It did, however bring you a little excitement to see it’s for Jaebum (with JB in big English letters next to his name, you guessed a nickname) and you saw the apartment number listed in the address. You considered it for only a moment before going up the stairs. After all, he’d want his package right?  Coming up to the door, you hear music from his apartment. You briefly wondered what kind of genres he liked the most before knocking, trying to be a good neighbor (and hopefully friend after this). There wasn’t a response so you knocked again, a bit louder in case he couldn’t hear you over the music.  “I’m coming, can’t you just be patient Yug-- Oh. Y/N.” Jaebum swung open the door, looking a little irritated and tired. Headphones slung around his neck, traces of stubble from not shaving recently, and the bags under his eyes only confirm your suspicions that he hadn’t slept.  “Rough night?” You meekly offer, only to want to throw yourself off a cliff a moment later. Really? That’s what you decide to open with? No wonder he’s not your friend. He rolled his eyes at your question, but nods and gave you a look that clearly said “What do you want and why are you here?”. You certainly didn’t need to be told twice, even with body language.  Barely missing a beat, you held up the package in your arms. “So, uh, I don’t know if this will help, but here! This got delivered to me by accident.”  The second he saw the postage label his eyes brightened and a grin overtook his face as he grabbed it from your arms. You managed to ignore the small jump in your chest at the sight of his genuine smile.  “This must be from Mark! He’s my friend, he lived here for a long time but now he’s back in the U.S... I really miss him but I know he’s doing well.” Jaebum rambled, his eyes focused on the package but once flicking up to you, as if to see if you were paying attention.  Is he... initiating conversation? With you? “I’m glad you can keep in touch this way, I understand how it feels to miss friends far away...” You managed to get out, and his smile turned to you. Oh... He has a nice smile. You wondered if he did it often with friends. You hoped to find out.  A small meow captured your attention, and you look down to see Odd and this other fluffier cat coming to inspect you and what their owner was holding. Just as you were about to ask Jaebum about Odd, the other cat swatted at Odd’s face and pretty much pushed him out the door towards you. Ah... You see how he got out now.  “Nora Stop! You can’t do that to your siblings!” Jaebum immediately put the package down, picking up Nora to scold her. You stifled a laugh, seeing him be such a dad with his cats. He wasn’t joking when he called them his kids. Odd didn’t even try to go back inside, meowing loudly and coming up to you, rubbing himself against your leg as if to gain sympathy. It worked. You picked him up gently, rubbing his ears and letting him relax in your arms. When there was suddenly no scolding, you looked up to see Jaebum looking at you intensely, making you shift a little as your anxiety spiked. Did you do something wrong? “Odd really likes you. Huh.” Was all he said, a small half smile coming on his face as he looked at you. Suddenly the walls felt like they were way too close and you needed space immediately.  Putting the cat down, you made sure he went back into the apartment and cleared your throat, trying not to make eye contact as you said, “Okay! Sorry to bother you, I’ll just leave it at the door next time --”  You’re already making your way down the hall when he calls your name, making you pause and count the seconds before your fight or flight instinct forced you to run to the safety of your apartment. “It’s not a bother. If my cats like you, I like you. See you around, Y/N.” He waved, his voice almost gentle as he closed the door to his apartment. Maybe... he didn’t hate you after all.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Heat Haze Daze
song is Kangerou Days by Kagepro and was also my bop back in seventh grade
With a chilling vibrato, Jane concluded her performance of At Last. Instantly, there was a booming swell of cheering and clapping, and a very radiant look of adoration from both Kitty and Joan. The silver queen smiled bashfully, but proudly and bowed. A second later, Anne crashed into her, spinning her around in a tight hug.
“Oh! My! God!!!” Anne exclaimed, clasping Jane’s hands in hers mere minutes after releasing her from the bear hug. “That was so amazing!! You did so good, Janey!!!”
“Oh please,” Jane waved a hand dismissively. “It wasn’t that good.”
“Don’t be modest,” Aragon said. “You have a wonderful voice, dear.” Her retort was backed up by several agreeing comments in the whirlwind of a comment section on the Live.
Jane blushed. “Thank you, Catalina. Thank you everyone, really!”
After a few more compliments and Jane struggling to not be humble, the Sunday Session was wrapped up.
Or so they all thought.
“W-wait-” A nervous, shaking voice squeaked. “I’m sorry. Can I sing something?”
They all looked over to their fidgety pianist, who can’t seem to stop tugging anxiously on the straps of her overalls. Suddenly, she looked a lot younger and her choice of outfit seemed a lot dumber, but fitting for her current shy demeanor. Only Joan would wear such a thing with a sunflower yellow shirt underneath, despite it being 2020.
“You?” Kitty said. She glanced Joan up and down, as if she were trying to find an ounce of vocal talent in her. “Why?”
“Because I want to.” Joan said, gathering herself up to her full size and this time not stammering, although she didn’t seem any more mature in those stupid overalls. “Please? I have this song I wanted to sing and I’ve really been practicing and...” She trailed off, opting to look up at the queen with hopeful eyes.
Despite most of them not being all that close with Joan, they had to admit that those puppy dog eyes were extremely effective, so they gave in and agreed. Instantly, Joan perked up. It seemed she wasn’t expecting them to say yes.
“Oh joy!” Joan exclaimed in glee. She skittered back over to her keyboard, tripping momentarily on one of the crisscrossing wires on the floor in her excitement. She nearly toppled over when she sat down in her stool, but regained her balance and flashed a grin at the queens and the phone pointed at her. “Ready?”
There’s a scattering of agreements, both in person and in the chat, although she couldn’t see those. She beamed again, then promptly straightened herself up and turned to her keyboard.
In an instant, her glowing smile and shimmering eyes were wiped, leaving her face blank and focused. But even then, it was clear her nerves were beginning to take over, knowing that tons of people, including the ones she desperately wanted to impress and the ones that didn’t like her at all, were there, watching her.
Joan’s stomach flipped at the thought of singing in front of so many fans and the queens. She’d sung before, but nothing like this. Not where other people really noticed or heard her. Stage fright began to get the better of her as she awkwardly fidgeted for a moment, then got her fingers into the right place and began to play an upbeat, fast-paced tune. A moment later, her voice resonated through the air.
“August 15th at 12:30 noon I don't see a cloud above
The sun is shining down, what a pretty day
So sick of this summer heat I can't beat away the haze
The rays are giving way
And spending all of my time having conversations sitting next to you”
The words, slightly rough from a lack of a vocal career, slide gently from her lips. They shake and shudder as they come out, but hold strong and don’t fracture on the tip of her tongue like a few of the queens and many of the viewers were expecting.
Joan was actually singing.
And she was singing good.
“"Hey but I...don't really like the summertime"
And as you were petting on that cat you said such a daring thing
Right from under your breath”
It was amazing. Sure, it was no Heart of Stone or All You Wanna Do, and maybe her voice wavered and strained on simple notes a few times, but Joan was actually doing really well. A lot better than anyone was expecting. In fact, Kitty had been betting that she would have failed the moment she opened her mouth.
“Ah, and as that cat had ran away
You tried to chase it in the end
Jumping right out in front of a
Traffic light that poured a shade of red bright red”
And then, things took a jarring twist.
“Crashing in and breaking you to bits
That truck a heard a scream a little bit too late
Blood dripping everywhere and choking your smell of hair
I breathe in a gulp of air and just can't take it
Are these lies? The heat is mocking me
"What you see is exactly what you're gonna get!"
And with the blue of sky I hear singing crickets cry and
Fall right back into another dark sleep”
It happened out of nowhere- the peaceful, serene song Joan had been singing suddenly wrenched around and turned into something much more sinister with enough force to give everyone watching whiplash. The warm summer day she sang of was gone, replaced by the gruesome image of a grueling car accident. And her tone helped portray that perfectly.
Joan’s voice was dripping with gore. It oozed from her lips like pus from an abscess and stained any ears that heard the lullaby of carnage she was harmonizing. Her eyes were lit up, too, wide and shining silver. She rocked back and forth as she sang, sometimes leaning forward against her keyboard on the more intense notes, only to lean back and relax on the lighter ones, although every word in that chorus seemed to be gratuitously gruesome.
And then, her words die off and the tune of her keyboard morphed back into a gentle, peaceful hum.
“Sitting up in my bed I could hear ticking clocks the shock
Will mock my ever ringing head
I look to see the time
August 14th at 12 something noon I don't see a cloud above
The sun is shining down
And yet I hear a cry of a cricket singing loudly in my head”
The queens were shocked into silence, and not just out of respect during a performance. They were genuinely stunned by the darkness of Joan’s song. And, yes, they knew that she had her own pent up emotions, but never in a million years did they expect their shy, soft-spoken, stuttering music director to ever sing such a thing.
It was startling. Actually startling.
“"Hey but I...I really have to wonder why
Because in the dream I had last night we sat in the
Same old park we are sitting at now
"Hey, I think the two of us should leave."
But stepping slightly off the path, their heads turned up towards sky
And were gaping pointing struggling to keep away a scream”
Something flashed in Joan’s eyes. The queens braced themselves.
“Stabbing holes and splitting you in two
The beam made seam as it fell straight from the sky
Ringing an old wind chime and shaking a passerby then filling the air
Until they hit those park trees
Are these lies? The heat is mocking me
"Bet you wish you were asleep, but it's not a dream!"
Vision it blurred away and keeping my thoughts at bay I swear you stood there while keeping such a dark smile”
A tidal wave of carnage spilled free from Joan’s lips and crashed over the queens. Another vivid death is laid out for them, this one somehow much worse than the first.
The reactions to such a thing were mixed.
Aragon had her chin raised in an impressed manner. She was stunned to see Joan sing such a thing, but proud nonetheless.
Anne looked a little dizzy, as she wasn’t the best with blood, even blood in a song. She shut her eyes, trying not to think about what was happening to the poor girl being sung about, but ultimately failing.
Jane was startled. The look in Joan’s eyes gave her chills, making her feel entirely exposed even though she’s just another face in the crowd at that moment, another spectator in the small Sunday Session audience.
Cleves hadn’t expected Joan of all people to sing a song like this. She didn’t think she had it in her, so the girl had her captivated.
Kitty was backed up against Jane, her face twisted with disgust and fear. She kept looking up at her mother, hoping her pleading eyes would make her yell at Joan to stop and shut up, but she was dismayed to see Jane far too engulfed in the song to notice her distress.
Cathy was intrigued. She never really took Joan for the type to sing, and yet, here she was. And her transitions from slow to fast, from relaxed to intense, from soft to loud, where smooth and amazing. Especially the one right after the first chorus- an elongated, downward spiral of madness.
“Endlessly I see that over heated haze
And again the laughing will repeat on through the days
You've been dying for the past ten years
We are trapped in cycles and the end is never clear”
Joan’s voice has softened, as was her playing. The notes echoed around the auditorium, soft and mournful. It sounded like the ghosts of ancient monarchs whispering from beneath the floorboards.
“But a story is a story all the same
And today like any has an ending so to say
Far away and out beyond that scorching summer day”
For a moment, all is silent. The queens get just a second to breathe and recover from the madness they had just heard, and then Joan is slamming her hands down on the keys and sliding them down the keyboard, causing an awful, but fitting shriek to pierce through the air.
“Crashing in and hitting me instead you
I pushed you aside to nearly dodge a truck
Blood dripping everywhere and choking my smell of hair
You breathe in a gulp of air and just can't take it
Are these lies? I haven't heard him say
"What you see is exactly what your gonna get"”
Her voice is soft at first, but then it builds up and up and up until it’s an uproar of blood-soaked words and shrill, screaming notes. Her eyes are lit up again, this time even brighter, and her vibrato shuddered in the air. At the last line, she suddenly leapt to her feet, knocking over her stool and continuing to play enthusiastically while keeping pace with her music.
“Maybe this summer day has finally gone away
But that's all I'll say so this is where it ends now”
Before the instrumental took over, she slammed her fingers down on the keys and cried over the wailing sound, singing louder and louder and louder.
“August 14th and sitting alone on a bed a girl awakes repeating just the same
Muttering again
"Guess I failed again.." as she sat all alone
And held a cat still cradled in her arms”
With a few final notes, the song concluded. Joan stumbled back, taking deep, heaving breaths. Sweat is dripping down her reddened face. She didn’t bother to wipe it away, instead whipping around to the queens with an eager expression.
“Well?” She said, beaming at their gobsmacked expressions. “What did you think?”
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clacolu95 · 6 years
Don’t Want to Let You Go Chapter 4: The Party
Previous Chapter: Chapter 3: Interlude
Next Chapter: Chapter 5: Truth or Drink
He scanned the papers again, desperately trying to make sense out of the blurry letters that his outworn eyesight declined to focus on, but he was unsuccessful. He let out a tired sigh as the joyful screams of dozens of adolescents invaded the building and made him clench his teeth in annoyance. He had been right all along: There was no way in which he could get the foundation’s paperwork done with all of the noise Lillie’s party was causing.
He looked at the clock hanging on top of his office’s door and was surprised to find out it was barely 10:00 P.M. The blond stared down at the coach Silvally had fallen asleep into and smiled
“I guess I’m just exhausted then, buddy” The Pokémon’s ears twisted in response to his master’s voice but its eyes didn’t open. Gladion really needed to sleep, and suddenly snuggling with his dog kind of Pokémon in the office’s couch didn’t sound like a crazy idea anymore.
He stretched his arms and loosened his tie, ready to approach Silvally when suddenly his PokéDex rang. He took it out of his pockets with a groan and forced himself to look at it.
Lillie [10:03]
Are you coming to the party?
The blonde sighed in annoyance and thought of not answering to her insistent sibling but decided against it, as she would be messaging him for the rest of the night if she didn’t get an answer. She was his sister, and he knew her too well.
Gladion [10:04]
He boldly answered, as he didn’t really have the energy to type anything else.
The young man walked past the room, circled the coffee table in front of the furniture and  gently shoved Silvally the closest he could to the backrest in order to make some room for him on the couch. He snuggled into it, causing the Pokémon to stir, eventually relaxing to the realization that the person trying to invade his territory was no one other than his very own master.
Gladion then proceeded to close his eyes, ready to fall unconscious at any moment when suddenly another loud ring brought him back to life. He groaned and decided to make a last effort to turn down his sister’s invitation, taking out his PokéDex again.
Lillie [10:10]
Is it because Moon’s here? You don’t have to interact with her, you know?
The blonde's eyes widened in surprise as soon as he read his sister's text. He dropped the PokéDex at the coffee table in a frenzy and forced himself to shut his eyes close. He tried emptying his mind and focusing on his fatigue but found it hard to ignore the now heavy pounding of his heart.
Moon’s here?
He thought, trying desperately to take control of his body once again, to shut down his system and make the weird feeling on his stomach stop. The tremble on his hands made its way onto his body, making him shiver and sweat as he realized that that sensation was more powerful than caffeine: His fatigue had disappeared, though his heart still felt as if it was going to burst at any moment.
What’s wrong with me?
He asked himself, not really wanting to know the answer as he got up from the couch and sat on the edge of it, covering his face with his shaking hands. He breathed deep and took his PokéDex from the table.
Gladion [10:20]
Is the open bar you talked to me about real?
He managed to write, looking desperately at the ceiling, trying to recompose himself.
Lillie [10:21]
Yes… Why?
Gladion looked at her sister’s text as another wave of screams penetrated his ears and made him groan in discomfort. He grabbed Silvally’s pokéball and a bright flash emerged from the device, making the chimera disappear. Gladion stored it in one of his pockets, then grabbed his Pokédex again.
Gladion [10:23]
I need a drink
Gladion looked around the backyard packed with what he thought could easily be half of the population in Alola and instantly regretted leaving his kind of peaceful office. Even though he wasn’t sure going there was the best idea he was certain of one thing: he wasn’t going to get any sleep, even if he tried his hardest.
Trying to ignore the surprised glances of the people in the party he pushed his way out of the crowd and walked towards the center of the area, eagerly looking for Lillie to ask her about the mentioned open bar and its comforting promise to provide him with enough alcohol to shut down his system.
When he finally found its way towards the center he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder and instantly looked behind him. His sister was gazing at him with a smile and her eyes sparkling with excitement, Stardust, her newborn cleffa, carried in her arms in an ever so slightly tight hug.
“You came!” She shouted excitedly “I’m sure this will be a great opportunity to relax and get to know some people, brother”
“Yeah, yeah. Where’s the open bar?” Gladion asked irritated, Still unable to control the beating of his heart and the weird sensation of what felt like tickles in his stomach. He even felt as if the pounding had gotten stronger the moment he had entered the so-called party. He felt nervous, but at the same time kind of weirdly excited. He tried really hard not to think about the text that had triggered all those feelings and instead chose to label them ‘exhaustion symptoms’, even though deep down he knew that was far from the truth.
Lillie looked at the blond annoyed and ignored his question, choosing instead to go back to the crowd to grab a girl by the arm. She walked towards him again with a short-haired woman that looked more like a girl than a young adult. Her hair was purple and her eyes big and innocent looking, the tint of blue in them standing out in her matching colored dress. When Lillie approached him again she spoke.
“She’s Acerola” She initiated “She’s a really talented trainer and an elite four member!”
Acerola looked embarrassed by the remark and immediately shrugged off Lillie’s flattery “I’m not that strong… At least not as nearly as strong as our Champion!” the girl said without mean intentions towards Gladion, unaware of the discomfort she was causing him with that comment. Lillie smiled awkwardly at the mention and prayed to Arceus his brother wouldn’t get mad at her for the remembrance of his failed adolescence romance.
Gladion looked at his sister with disbelief and a clearly irritated look “I told you I didn’t want you to introduce me to any of your friends” He bluntly remarked, not really caring if the girl heard him and instantly turning his gaze around, ignoring Acerola and deciding to walk away from the scene to keep looking for the one thing that had managed to convince him to come to the stupid party: alcohol.
But was that the only reason?
He felt a hand grabbing him by the vest and interrupting his thoughts, stopping his movement and forcing him to turn around. He readied himself to find his sister, but instead of Lillie, he found the ghost type trainer, a slight tint of red invading her pale face.
“Care to dance for a bit?” She managed to ask him. Forcing herself to talk despite her evident distress. She looked at him directly at his eyes with her now completely flushed face.
Gladion looked at her from head to toe: She was clearly interested in him. Not only her face had reached a shade of red that only inanimate objects could acquire, but her feet also twitched with nervousness. She brought one of her hands to her face to fix a strand of her violet hair behind her ear and waited for an answer.
He felt kind of embarrassed by the situation as he really didn’t know how to talk to women. All the knowledge he should have acquired in his early adolescence had been taken away from him by early age jobs, a bad mother-son communication and a failed attempt at a relationship.
“How old were you again?” He sarcastically replied, knowing that would startle the girl and make her stop following him. The disinterested comment about her appearance made Acerola’s expression change from ‘blushed and feminine’ to ‘frowning and pissed’ in a second, her whole made up concept of Gladion faling apart with his actions.
“Stupid rich boy” He managed to hear as the purple haired girl walked away from him and finally left him alone to complete his open-bar-search mission.
“That wasn’t nice…” He heard his sister behind him, but decided to ignore her. He walked away from the center of the yard and towards the very back of it. The whole area was crowded with people and their pokémon. Most of them were drinking or dancing, though there were also the ones that were engaging in drunk pokémon battles. He saw no harm in releasing Silvally for a bit, so he grabbed his pokéball, kneeled down close to the floor and gently clicked on the button of the spherical device. A sleepy Silvally made its appearance, but as the sound of music and the scent of other pokémon was registered by it its tail began to waggle. He looked carefully at Gladion, as if asking him for permission to leave his side and interact with the other pokémon that were playing or battling at the yard.
“You can go, buddy. Have some fun” Gladion smiled genuinely. Silvally was the only pokémon that had stayed with him after he had become the president of the Aether Foundation. All of his other pokémon had started to get depressed the next month after he took control of the company, forcing him to release them at the conservation area for an undefined period of time. He had tried to release Silvally as well, certain that he wouldn’t be able to give the pokémon the same attention he had once given it, but Silvally didn’t move an inch. He stayed in front of him, never leaving his side. It was clear at that moment that being with him was Silvally’s happiness, even if that meant not interacting with other pokémon or battling ever again.
Silvally jumped and barked in excitement, running towards a distracted Persian and nearly giving its drunken owner a stroke. Gladion chuckled at the sight and felt his body finally relax, his heart no longer feeling as if it was going to explode as he found no signs of the Alolan champion. He continued inspecting the place, he walked towards the back of the zone towards the swimming pool until he found what he was looking for: A bar stand, kind of crowded but bearable enough for him.
“Brother stop ignoring me” He heard Lillie speak again at his back “You could have been nicer with Acerola, you know? She was kind of interested in you…”
“Could you stop following me Lillie? and also, I told you, I don’t need a girlfriend” He responded, looking back and glaring at her at the remembrance of her pathetic attempt at introducing him with the purple haired girl “Now if you'll excuse me, I think I found the bar”
Lillie bit her lip with nervousness, a habit she had had ever since she was a little girl. It helped her think when the situation got out of her hands.
“You know Aether blood doesn’t mix well with alcohol…” His sister replied with a concerned tone and trying to capture his distracted stare into her own “Plus the open bar is crowded as well and I really don’t think you should go there…”
Gladion looked at her suspiciously as she bit her lip once more and moved her arms in discomfort.
“Are you really worried about me getting a hangover tomorrow? Or are you hiding something else?” He asked plainly and stared at her inquisitively.
“It’s nothing like that! I’m not hiding anything!” Lillie shook her hands in front of her in a negation motion, but her evasive eyes and her nervous chuckle made it hard for Gladion to believe her.
“Well, I’m just having a beer so stop worrying…”
With all her might, Lillie tried to stop his brother from turning around towards the bar stand. She took his hand and pulled, but Gladion was stronger. When he looked at the bar he saw one of the guys crowding the area move and reveal a face he knew too well. His heart skipped a bit and his body felt as if it was burning inside.
It had been so long since the last time he had seen Moon in a dress.
Arceus, she looks so beautiful
Gladion mentally slapped himself for that thought and he could hear Lillie repress a panic scream as he felt her hand grabbing his again. He felt paralyzed, his beating heart and his tickling stomach being the only thing in his body he could feel apart from the tight grip in his hand as Lillie tried to pull him away from the scene.
“I told you not to go there!” He heard her sister nag, but it was too late now. He had seen her, and his body wanted to go with her so badly, even if he knew she wouldn’t talk to him.
It was unfair, he felt. He had been living so peacefully for the past years, he had given up on the chance he had to be with Moon so long ago and learned to live with his decision, still, it looked as if the universe was now trying to put her everywhere for him to see her: His house, his thoughts, his dreams and now in the open bar he had so desperately been looking for.
He surely didn’t want this. He wanted to live without missing her, without regrets of what he had let go when he was a stupid child who didn’t know best.
Resolution filled his thoughts as he felt his body recompose and let go his sister’s hand. She looked at him surprised but he just smiled gently at her. He was 23 years old now, and he needed to start acting like an adult. He needed to stop running from uncomfortable situations and just plainly accept the fact that he and Moon were over.
“I’m an adult Lillie… I can handle it” He muttered “I’ll just have a beer and I’m out of here I promise”
His sister looked at him worried, and he couldn’t really blame her, she was the one who helped him get over the girl after all. When he ended his relationship with Moon she was the only one that managed to break through his barriers and find out the real reason why he had done it. Everyone was there for Moon, but just Lillie was there for him. She had discovered him crying in silence one night and reconstructed everything else by herself with just one look and a loving hug. She was his sister after all, and she knew he wasn’t an egocentric douchebag as everyone else pictured him after what he had said to the champion. She knew he loved her, at least as much as a 17-year-old could love someone.
Gladion took a deep breath. He arrived at the bar once it cleared up a little and glanced at Moon as his pulse grew higher and higher. Her hair was loose and it covered her back, her petite body laying carelessly on the table.
He reached one of the stools and moved it in order to sit on it, earning a not very expressive glance from the girl as she continued to drink what appeared to be a rawst berry vodka. He shrugged his nervousness off once he confirmed what he had expected: She wasn’t going to talk to him. Gladion signalled the barman and he immediately attended him.
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sippin-on-red-wine · 7 years
Frenzy | A One-Shot
Title: Frenzy Author: @sippin-on-red-wine​ Rating: Mature Word Count:  6,241 (Get Cozy) Author’s Note: Another one-shot born from a few different requests. If this was your request and I satisfied your, um, needs… drop me a line!
As always, feedback of any kind is appreciated. It really inspires your girl here!
You cursed under your breath as you collected your luggage from the carousel, angrily wheeling it out toward the airport entrance in hopes of flagging a cab.
Your flights had been delayed due to bad weather. You were supposed to be here hours ago, should have had plenty of time to get to Ed’s New York flat and get… reacquainted before needing to head out to this party. You had called and spoken to him during your layover and he had genuinely pouted into the phone – you’d been apart for quite some time, and you were both bursting at the seams to be together again. He insisted you skip the party, then, and just take the night to yourselves. But she was one of his best friends, and you knew Ed would regret not going. “Baby,” you had told him, “We’ve got a little more than two weeks together once I get there. Just go to the party and I’ll meet you there as soon as I can, okay?” And after a little more convincing, and a hint at all the hot hanky panky you’d have for the next two weeks, he reluctantly agreed.
So here you were, wheeling your baggage through the crowded airport, desperate for a quick shower and a bite to eat. You hail a cab and travel to Ed’s flat, the one he keeps for when he’s here in the city. You’ve got your own key, and so you let yourself in; exhausted, starving, and feeling a little dead inside from having spent the entire day sitting around airports instead of in Ed’s arms.
You drop all your bags in the foyer of the modern apartment. You fell in love with the space the first time Ed brought you here - it had that cool, trendy vibe, but it wasn’t all whites and grays and metals (like most ‘modern’ interiors. It was warm, earthy tones - some wood and brick, yes, but soft textiles thrown in as well, and beautiful artwork adorning every surface (thanks to Ed’s father). There was a massive stone fireplace in the living area, yellow-toned lighting in every room and the overall effect was quite cozy.
Making a beeline for the fridge (need food), you find that Ed had taken the time to stock all of your favorites: you find several bottles of your favorite Rosé chilling; different cheeses, cherry tomatoes, grapes & strawberries. You pull out a little of everything, including the wine, and get to work making a quick snack plate that you plan to devour as you get ready for the party.
You kick off your jeans, abandoning them on the floor in the kitchen, making a mental note to pick them back up before you head out. Ed had the apartment cleaned spotlessly. Your heart kind of swells, beating down the grumpiness you’ve been holding onto from a frustrating day of traveling. You picture him, gathering up your favorite foods and wine, meticulously cleaning up the apartment, excited for your arrival.
It’s been weeks since you’ve held that sexy, sweet man in your arms. Fuck the snacks, need to get my ass in gear, you muse as you head into the master bedroom’s walk-in closet. You have a small wardrobe here, and so you quickly browse through for something to wear to the party. Your slightly sour attitude has you favoring something sassy; so you opt for an old rock band t-shirt dress, a black choker, distressed denim jacket and these gorgeous over-the-knee boots in a deep crimson color. You head into the bathroom, throwing on a winged eyeliner and a nude lipstick. You toss your long hair up into a high pony and your look is complete.
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PING! Your cell goes off. It’s Ed, of course, checking in on your whereabouts.
*If you’re not here by midnight, I’m coming home. I turn into a pumpkin at midnight. I already have pumpkin-coloured hair so let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Love you x
You chuckle, grabbing a handful of grapes left from your snack plate and head toward the elevator. Down, down, down to ground level and you’re hailing a cab. “Greenwich Hotel, please,” you tell the driver as you pull your phone out to tap back a response to Ed. You reconsider, however, deleting the message and opting for the element of surprise.
The ride over to the Greenwich gives you time to catch your breath for what feels like the first time all day. You sigh as you watch the blur of storefronts and streetlights and people littering the sidewalks. Butterflies float in your tummy at the thought of seeing Ed again. Personally, you would have preferred to spend your first night back in town at home, alone, with him. With little to no clothing involved.
But alas, your cab is pulling up in front of the corner brick building that is the Greenich Hotel. You tip generously as you exit, spilling out onto the New York street. You quickly nip into the hotel, giving your name to the PR person handling the event, and are whisked into the elevator and up to the seventh (and top) floor.
It’s really beautiful, all arched doorways and glass-pane partitions. The space is large, but flows well; it must be the entire expanse of this floor? There’s a courtyard set in the center of the floor, large stone arch ways lining the perimeter. And that’s where you spot Ed, he’s sort of hard to miss after all. You saunter through one of the arches onto the little terrace; paved with large flat stones, ivy crawling up the cream colored brick. There are strings of lights out here, the terrace peppered with idyllic mis-matched patio furniture.
Ed is talking BIG with his hands, obviously excited about whatever the topic of choice is. You don’t recognize the man he’s engaged in conversation with, though many of the other party guests have already caught your eye, various musicians and Hollywood-types. You do nothing more than shrug a shoulder at them, though – you’ve found your target. You lean up against the brick for a minute or so, just admiring him from afar. He’s got on a gorgeous blue button-up plaid shirt, the top two buttons are undone, and you can just see the lion tat on his chest peeking through. His hair is long, almost too long – and he’s got the scruffy face to match. His sleeves are cuffed back on his forearms a bit, and he’s got a highball glass in his hand.
It’s perfect timing, the conversation seems to be dying down a bit, and you choose that moment to walk stealthily up behind him. The man he’s talking to sees you coming, and does you a solid by not acknowledging your presence.
You smell him before he’s technically within your reach, that familiar scent of his favorite cologne wafting up and tickling your senses. You pause for a beat to revel in the scent, and some of the memories associated with it. It’s so indelibly Ed.
Your hands connect with his hips as you tuck your head up behind his right ear and whisper, “Hi baby,” and you expect him to jump out of his skin a bit, but it’s almost like his body instinctively knows your touch, knew it before your hands were even technically on him. He spins around, pulling you into an embrace, his bewitching blue eyes affixed on your face, drinking you in.
He releases you briefly, extending a hand out to the man he was talking to before. “Sorry, mate, can we catch up in a bit?” and of the man has a twinkle in his eye as he responds, “Of course,” before patting Ed on the shoulder and walking away.
Ed sets his cocktail down on a nearby bench and holds his hands out to clasp yours, drawing you into his body. His hands push down your back until they rest on your ass, yours naturally go up and around his neck as he pulls you in for a kiss.
“I’ve missed you, love,” he purrs into your ear when your lips finally break apart. “And may I say? You look good enough to eat.”
Is your golden boy complimenting your appearance, or prefacing the sexy times to come? Both, you decide, as you flash him a dazzling smile and ruffle your hands through his fluffy curls.
“Looking pretty dapper, yourself, Teddy.” You reply, tugging gently on the few inches of his shirt that are agape at the top. He knows full-well how much you love when he wears his shirt like this; maybe because you’ve told him so - oh, maybe about a hundred times? You’re thinking it’s by no accident that he’s dressed himself that way tonight.
“I see you stopped at home to change?” he asks, and your heart flutters at the word home. He’d had the apartment before the two of you have even met, but he just drops the word so nonchalantly, like of course it’s your home, too. “Those boots look much more impressive on these legs than they do sitting on the shelf, I must say,” his hands running over the divide where flesh meets suede, a few inches above your knees.
“Why, thank you. And yes, I tornado-ripped through the apartment quickly – sorry, I’ve just remembered that I left my pants on the kitchen floor,” you say with a frown, upset with yourself that you’d mussed the flat up after he had painstakingly made everything perfect for you.
A blonde eyebrow cocks up on his face, sudden interest blooming over his features. “You took your pants off in the kitchen? Without me?”
You laugh, reaching up to push a stray cinnamon-gold tendril from his forehead, his hands still openly grabbing your ass. “You’ve nothing to be jealous about Teddy, I just needed some snacks and a quick gulp of Rosé – thank you, for those, by the way.”
“Anything for my girl,” he says with a sly grin before lowering his lips down to yours again. “Can I get you something to drink?”
You nod, and he leads you by the hand over to the long bar that lines one of the oak shiplapped walls, crossing under the big stone archway again.
He catches the bartender’s eye right away, and he quickly orders two vodka-sodas, one with lime – “EXTRA lime for the lady, please!” He exclaims, and you can’t help but beam. The travel delays and irritation and exhaustion all flood away. He cherishes you, there’s no other word for it. You wonder what you did to deserve someone like him.
Your bodies are angled into each other’s as you wait at the bar for your drinks. Ed’s leaning on his left elbow, while his right hand rests firmly on your hip.
“So glad you’re here, love.” He says, daydream-like.
You lean into his body, acutely aware of your breasts pressing into his chest, and you leave a soft kiss on his cheek. “Me, too, baby.”
You collect your drinks and walk away from the bar. Ed falls behind you and you can practically feel his eyes drinking in your appearance. And to be honest, you are feeling yourself tonight. Kind of surprising given the day you’ve had, not to mention that you kind of just… whipped everything together, slapped on some eyeliner and tugged your hair up into a ponytail. Must be the boots, you muse, and walk out to the dance floor.
Ed trails closely behind you as you weave in and around some of the partygoers to get to the center of the crowd, thick bass pumping in the air all around you. You take a long swallow of your vodka-soda, and spin around to face him. You feel like he may regret the drink he’s currently holding, because it means he can only get one hand on you properly. But he makes the best of it, pulling your waist in with his free hand, your legs intertwining with his so that his left leg is tucked neatly between both of your boot-clad ones as your hand floats to his lower back to hold him extra close.
Your hips are pressed together, swaying in time with the music. Ed tilts his head down to yours until you are forehead-to-forehead, and you want to close the rest of the distance and place your lips on his – but you resist. His hold on your lower back drops a little further south, Ed grabs a handful of your booty as he pushes your pelvis in even closer to his body and your t-shirt dress rides up a bit until your lace panties are pressing up against the rough denim of his thigh and oh, holy shit your clit is grinding against him.
Does he realize? Was that intentional? You’re not sure, until you see the sly grin paint across his face. “Feel good?” he mouths at you, the loud dance music drowning out any chance of hearing his voice. You nod, both arms wrapped around his waist as you press yourself into his thigh, the delicious friction building a fire low in your belly. To anyone else, it just looks like you’re dancing.
You feel his erection press into your left thigh and God, how you wish you were somewhere private right now.
But you’re far from that, literally surrounded by sweaty bodies on all sides. Ed’s strawberry lips are parted, his eyes transfixed on your face as he watches for your reaction. You try not to give anything away – you don’t think anyone would notice, but still…
The song changes, but the beat stays the same, and Ed’s hand on your ass encourages you to ride the hell out of his thigh, you can feel your lace panties dampen, feel the course denim through the mesh parts of them, you’re rubbing your clit against his leg, up and down, up and down. You bite your bottom lip, glancing down at his thigh between your legs, the hem of your dress pushed up slightly as you see just a tiny glimpse of your panties, the point of action, the epicenter of the pleasure that’s coursing through you right now. It had been WEEKS since you had felt his touch – maybe if it hadn’t, you wouldn’t be close to climaxing right here on the dance floor, in the center of the crowd.
But, alas - you are. And Ed knows it, he can read it on your face, in your body language, the tension in your torso where he’s got an arm wrapped around. You snake your left hand up to the bit of flesh peeking out where his top buttons are undone, lightly scratching over the lions mane as you keep grinding onto him, the sensations making you a bit dizzy. You root your hand in the dampened curls at the nape of his neck, pulling his head down slightly so that your lips are pressed to his ears and you still nearly have to shout for him to hear, “Gonna come, Teddy.”
But the message is bright & clear, his mouth pressed to your ear as well, and his hand helps rock your body against his in just the right rhythm, until you’re climbing – your legs go fuzzy and you suck in a sharp breath and hold it there, frantically grinding against him for those last few delicious seconds until it all come crashing down and you can’t help but cry out, into his ear, the sound going unnoticed by all those around you.
He takes your jaw in his hand and pulls your lips to his mouth, his tongue pushing in, cold from the ice in his cocktail. He kisses you slowly, helping you come down from your naughty high. When your lips pull apart, his twist up into a very smug-looking grin. He’s clearly pleased with himself.
You finish out that song on the dance floor, blissed-out to the max, before he takes you by the hand and leads you away, back outside to the courtyard, under the strings of yellow lights.
However risky and naughty that orgasm was, it doesn’t offer you much relief. You’d like to get your hands on his bare skin, trace the edges of his tattoos one by one until he’s begging you for more. Poor boy, you think as you realize his erection is still evident behind the fly of his jeans, even with as little light as there is out here. You’re thinking that, at this point, it shouldn’t take much convincing for you two to get the hell out of here and get properly reacquainted.
But your plan is thwarted as you pass a group of six or seven people, gathered around a bar-height table, a deep stone ledge surrounding the glass rectangle filled with those glass fire-stones, flames flickering and dancing over them. They call out to Ed, “Hey! Come have a drink with us!” and he glances sideways at you, as if to say, “Just for a minute?”
You join them at the table, Ed offering you the last barstool. You politely decline, insisting you’d rather stand – but you’ve got other ideas in mind. You sidle up to the little bar and Ed introduces you to everyone there, though you recognize a few. He stands just behind you, wrapping his arm around your body to keep you pressed close to him. The group was previously engrossed in a deep conversation about some new movie that’s coming out, and you try to look interested and engaged in the conversation… which is a hard thing to do when all you can picture is the way Ed’s hair will be peeking out between your thighs later…..
You discreetly tuck a hand down behind you, shielded from view by the height of the bar and cup his erection, which has not lost any momentum since leaving the dance floor behind. You give him a decent squeeze and he’s mid-sentence, talking about what’s-his-face in the upcoming whatever-movie-it-is. Ed literally gulps in the middle of a word, but recovers quickly.
You step out in front of him, wedging your ass up against his groin, kind of pushing back on him. Someone at the other end of the table is talking now, the attention shifted down that way, and Ed just takes a moment to wrap both arms around you and breathe softly into your hair as he subtly pushes his erection up against your ass…
“Why don’t you say we get out of here, love?”
In reality, the apartment was a short cab ride away. But in your current state, reunited after weeks and having had a naughty moment in a very public place, the cab ride feels like a LIFETIME.
You wanted to straddle the hell out of him in the backseat of the taxi, but you were both showing a miraculous amount of will-power. You’re scooched apart as far as you can be, both of you pressing your bodies up against the doors on either side.
“I’m sorry you had a bad travel day, lovey,” he murmurs, the hormonal need just dripping off of him.
“Worth it, Teddy….”
“Are you terribly tired?”
“Not. In. The. Slightest.”
“Good… I’ve got big plans to celebrate your homecoming,” he reaches out to trail his fingers down your thigh. “All. Night. Long, baby.”
Ed seems awfully distracted by your hand, currently tucked down the front of his pants, squeezing and stroking his erection over top of his boxer briefs as he’s fuddling with the lock on the door, trying at least three different keys before finally getting the right one.
You’re no more than barely inside when Ed kicks the door shut behind him and immediately drops to the floor in front of you, ripping your panties down from under your dress.
He’s backed you up against the wall, nudging himself between your boot-clad legs before he dives into your pussy, sucking on your lips and nudging your clit with his nose as you literally gasp for air, shaky on your feet, and you try to sound convincing as you mutter, “Take me to bed, Teddy.”
But apparently, he’s got other plans.
“Not yet, sweetheart… but I will fuck you on every surface of this damn apartment on the WAY to bed.”
He’s up on his feet, shedding his jeans before he spins you around by the shoulders. “Hands on the wall, spread these thighs for me, love….” his voice is low and husky know and sounds low-key dangerous.
But you do exactly as he says, fingers splayed out on the wall, legs spread apart and you push your ass out toward him as he bunches your dress up around your waist and without any warning, he’s there, his stiff cock aligning with your entrance and pushing in - no foreplay, no lead-up (unless you count the last couple of hours at the party, which you do).
“Ed!” you cry out as he shifts all the way inside of you, you’re up on your tiptoes and his hands are grabbing at the flesh of that place where hips-meet-ass and he rocks up inside of you, grunting and groaning. “Fuck me, baby,” you spit.
He takes your words to heart, thrusting more vigorously up into you and he smacks your ass. “Like this, baby girl?” he asks, and you just moan in reply.
A few strokes later and he pulls out, turning you back to face him. His eyes are laser focused on your face and you reach for him, pulling him into a kiss as he grabs two handfuls of ass and hoists you up, your arms and legs wrapping around him for stability as he carries you into the living room.
He sets you down, flipping you back around and bending you over the back of the sofa, lining up again with your slick entrance before he thrusts his cock up inside of you. You reach down and brace yourself on the couch cushions as he finds his rhythm, those sexy-as-hell growly moans falling from his mouth again almost instantly.
“So tight for me, love…”
You spy the high-back chair with matching ottoman at the other side of the room and a brilliant idea blooms in your mind.
“Teddy? Can we…?” You ask, pointing over to the chair. He tucks a hand over your stomach and pulls you back upright, pulling out of your wet pussy as he growls his approval at you.
You cross the room and shift the ottoman, turning it sideways lengthwise, and pushing it up to the edge of the chair. You push Ed down onto the little makeshift bed so that he’s lying flat on his back, the ottoman supporting his body from his ass and up, his feet flat on the floor.
“C’mere, baby….” He coos, slipping his fingers into yours as you straddle him, reaching down to grip his thick cock, guiding it into you. You sink down on him, taking him in slowly, his mouth spewing soft little ahhs and mmms as you start to raise and lower yourself off of him, your feet both planted firmly on the floor.
While his jeans were shed in the hallway, he’s still got his damn button-up shirt on. Must fix that.
Ed has been manhandling you this whole time and so you figure it’s time for a little payback. You sink down on his shaft, rocking and tilting your hips as you rip his shirt open - little buttons popping off and flying in either direction, the look on Ed’s face is just ace as soon as he realizes what you’ve done. He approves.
His chest is fully exposed now and you celebrate by lightly dragging your nails down his entire torso. He grabs at your hips once again to get you back into your rhythm, which you find in no time. You’re coming down on him pretty hard, and the sounds of skin colliding with skin and breaths and moans fill the room and echo off the walls.
You find your pace and really get in tune with it, your bodies working in perfect synchronization as you revel in the feeling of being in control – and being filled to the brim. It’s exactly what you’ve been craving after all these weeks apart, and the slow burn of the night at the party. Your confidence is soaring.
“Do you like it when I ride you like this, Teddy?”
“Jesus – fuck, yes,” he pants out.
“Tell me.”
“…feels so fucking good, baby girl…”
His words encourage you and you increase your speed, leaning down into your hands which are placed on his chest, right over the great lion in all his beauty.
Ed’s holding his breath, his eyes are closed, “w-wait, slower, slow down, I don’t … wanna… not yet,” he’s gasping, trying to fight off his impending orgasm.
“Just come for me, Teddy.”
“Not – yet –,” he insists, and his hands on your hips are actually trying to slow you down now. But you’ve already gotten one orgasm tonight, and poor Ed has been on edge all evening. After being away from each other for a few weeks, you were certain he really needed that release.
And so you push his hands away from you, pinning his arms back like he does so often to you, your small hands holding down his biceps are surely no true strength-match, but it gets the point across that you have no intentions of slowing and the realization spreads over his face and it’s not but four or five thrusts later and he’s crying out your name, pushing his hips up into you as hard as he can.
You slow your movements, releasing his arms and he immediately reaches for you and draws you down into his chest. You’re both breathing heavily, and Ed pulls your t-shirt up further so that a bit of your belly is exposed and you’re pressing skin-to-skin as he kisses your forehead.
“Love, I’m sorry, I thought I could hold out longer…”
“Shhh, Teddy, it’s –”
“It’s not ‘OK’, I didn’t even get you off yet,” he grumbles.
“I already did, earlier, at the party,” you protest.
“You deserve better than that, love… come on, let’s go to bed, I’ve got something for you…”
Ed sits you down on the edge of the bed, kneeling on the ground before you as he unzips each of your tall boots, peeling them away and freeing your legs. He laughs at your Mickey Mouse socks, “You goof,” he chuckles before he takes each of those off, too. He shrugs off his button up shirt - what’s left of it, anyway. He rises up from the floor, grabbing at the hem of your t-shirt dress and lifting it up and over your head, discarding it casually on the plush carpeting. Another quick beat passes and he’s unclasped your bra, unthreading it from your arms.
“Go on then, get up on the bed properly, love. Get comfy,” he gives you a peck on the forehead and you scoot up to the center of the bed, tons of pillows propping you up. Ed adjusts the lighting, keeping it pretty dim, and disappears briefly into the walk-in closet (giving you a great view of his little round tush).
He comes back holding a little black box and you start to get butterflies low in your belly. Is that…?
Ed crawls up toward you on the bed, black satin box in tow.
“Come here, kitten,” he sets the box down and lowers his body onto yours, his lips finding your mouth and leaving a soft, sensual kiss there as his hand runs down your stomach, over your hip bones, trailing over your slit before he sinks a single finger inside. “Can I play with you?” He asks, that signature smirk on his face.
“Ya-huh,” it pops out of your mouth before you realize it’s probably not the sexiest option.
“Excellent,” he sits back on his heels and pulls your pelvis up into his lap so that it’s at an upward angle. You adjust your pillows slightly until you’re perfectly relaxed and comfortable.
He traced the outline of your slit, admiring what is now fully on display for him.
“Look at you, love….” He breathes, just barely loud enough for you to hear. He’s got concentration written all over his face and you lie there, admiring his fluffy mop of hair and the scruff that covers his face so generously, he trims it less often now (per your request).
Ed reaches down to retrieve the little box, pulling out a velvety-looking drawstring bag and a small bottle of an amber-colored liquid.
“What’s in the bag?” you ask.
He tugs open the cinched top and pulls out a vibrator, black soft-touch silicone, maybe about five inches long, the very top curling upwards.
“This is… a.. um, it’s a G-spot toy? It has lots of different settings, and, um, I’ve got this tingly lube stuff you’re supposed to use with it…”
Is he actually blushing?
“Can I use it on you, kitten?”
You bite your lip and nod. Truth is, you’re a little nervous – you’ve only ever used a bullet vibrator on your clit, never something inside. But the thought of Teddy controlling it, essentially fucking you with it…. You don’t quite understand why, but it’s really turning you on.
You hear the click of the little bottle as Ed takes a little on his middle finger, then lowers it down to run up and down your slit. It’s a bit warming, but not too hot – it’s got a nice tingle. He adds a bit more to the tip of the toy, spreading it over it’s smooth length with his hand. When he’s done, he rubs the excess from his hand onto his own shaft which, while not completely erect again (yet), is still quite impressive.
He clicks the vibrator on, the first setting just a low and steady buzz. He runs it over your clit first and it makes you jump a little bit, it’s quite strong. This makes Ed giggle, and he presses down above your mound and whispers, “Easy, darlin’.”
The soft tip of the toy floats down over your glistening slit, as Ed very carefully manipulates the toy.
His eyes are trained on your pink lips, mostly, but he glances up to your face to get the “go-ahead” before he goes in.
You shake your head 'yes’ and he smiles, his eyes fixed on you for your reaction as he lets the toy sink inside of you.
“Feels good, yeah?” He asks, that shit grin still painted across his face as he watches you, the pleasure evident in your face as the vibrations hit you from the inside out.
He’s got it all the way in, now, and that curled tip is pressing firmly on your very front wall. He starts to move the toy, deliriously slowly, letting you get accommodated to the feel of the foreign object.
“Want the next setting, love?”
“Yes, please.”
You’ve piqued his interest, his blonde eyebrow cocking high on his face. You know he’s got a manners thing.
“Good girl….”
He clicks the vibe to the next setting, which is about the same intensity but in low, rolling waves. You watch the flick of his wrist as he begins fucking you with the toy. The friction seems to have activated the lube which is now tingling a bit more intensely.
Each full stroke in has that curved head hitting your front wall with a soft thud, the tip dragging out with each pass.
“Next setting, please…”
He’s quick on the controls, the next speed is an even stronger vibration, this time the pattern is like a bzz, bzzz, bzzzzzz and it’s got your knees quivering a bit, your legs wrapping tighter around Ed’s waist as he fucks you with the toy, staring down explicitly at your pussy as he does so.
Something about watching him, he’s got your hips all pulled up into his lap, his deft fingers handling the vibrator, concentration painted all across his face… it’s really fucking hot, and paired with the vibrations beating on your delicate tissues, the push-and-pull of the toy – you know it’s not going to last too much longer.
And then he goes and backs up, laying your pelvis down flat on the bed as he drops to his tummy in front of you, all propped up on his rainbow arms, and he lowers his mouth to the top of your slit. He’s still fucking your warm, wet hole with the vibe, but you watch as he looks up and locks eyes with you, then drops his tongue to your clit.
Your hips take over, bucking and writhing and squirming under this assault of all your senses. His flattened tongue is warm as he flicks your clit, the head of the toy bumping up against that elusive place, the movement of his bicep as he works the toy in and out of you.
You can’t help but to let the moan escape your lips, tension now building deep down in your belly.
You bring your hands up to your tits, pulling and rubbing on them, brushing your thumbs over your nipples and your moaning gets louder, the slow, constant build growing with each moment that passes.
Ed clicks up to the next speed and you swear, the vibration intensity doubles. Your grab fistfuls of his gorgeous ginger curls, needing to ground yourself somehow before it all gets too overwhelming.
But Ed takes your hair-grabbing as a sign that you want more, need more, and he switches his strategy from flicking to sucking and his lips come down around your clit, sucking at you as the toy vibrates inside, lighting up all your nerve endings on each pass.
Your toes curl and you dig your heels into the mattress, shoving your hips up toward the wiry scruff on his face and you hold your breath for just a brief moment before the warmth is spreading, your thigh muscles contracting, your fingers tugging at his beautiful hair as you fall over the cliff, crying out.
Your orgasm is at its peak when Teddy takes the toy away, and he’s pushing your hip, rolling you onto your side as he sidles up next to you in bed. Your thighs are clamped shut, still riding out the waves of your climax when you feel the thick mushroom head of his cock pressing up against your entrance, his left hand squeezing your breast as he whispers, “Need you, love, that was so fuckin hot…”
“OH, Teddy, yes….”
The toy was nice, and watching Ed control it had been sexy as fuck, but nothing beat the feel of his warm, rigid shaft pressing up and into your body. Especially coupled with this spooning position, all of his skin pressed against yours, the most you had touched all night.
His thrusts were much slower and more deliberate than before, as he kissed and sucked at your neck, breaking away to moan your name or drop a breath in your ear.
“So… fuckin… tight, wet – Fuck,” he was basically just a dirty stream of moans and groans and filthy words in your ear as his cock rocked you from behind, as you arched your back to press your hips to his.
He laces his fingers into yours, and moves your hand down to the warm apex between your legs. He’s moving your fingers, now, tapping over your clit – still sensitive from your orgasm.
“Teddy, no, I can’t – again,”
“Please, baby? Want you to come with me…”
God damnit, you want to give him what he wants. But you honestly don’t think you can, your body is so wrecked and over stimulated right now. You close your eyes and breathe, focusing on his vibrant arm wrapped around you, the feeling of his scruffy beard on your neck as he kisses and licks and sucks and nips at your earlobe, his tight hips fucking you from behind.
“C’mon kitten, one more? Wanna feel you come all over my cock…”
Fuck, you want that, too. His fingers push your fingers down, grinding out little circles over your swollen clit.
“Let me have it, sweetheart,” he coaxes, and you hold your breath, clinging on to that little light at the end of the tunnel, but it just seems so far away, you don’t think you can get there…
But it’s there. And you focus on his rough hand holding your delicate one, pushing your fingers into your own clit and his thick girth inside you and his chest hair pressed against your back and before you know it, a moan is dropping from your mouth.
“That’s it, baby, you feel it, yeah?”
“Mmm, uh-huh,”
“You gonna let me have it, yeah?”
His rhythm is rock-steady, keeping in perfect time, the constant stimulation of his cock and your own fingers building you up.
“Fuck, Teddy….” you whine.
“Come for me, baby,” he instructs before sinking his teeth into your shoulder and who knew, but it’s exactly what you needed, a tiny sting of pain to push you over the edge and your orgasm hits, not as strong as the last one, but it feels good, like relief, and you feel Ed push his hips into yours as he says, “Fuck..fuck..fuck,” as he empties himself into you.
You let a few moments pass, both of your chests heaving as you recover from this intense session. You sigh as Ed brushes your hair back, off your face, pressing a gentle kiss just behind your ear.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you’d like to see next!
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