#genuinely please don't hesitate to ask for help!! i may not be able to teach you but i can share what has helped me improve!
bluravenite · 1 year
Hi! So I just got an iPad and Apple Pencil to start drawing with and I was wondering if you had any advice for someone just starting out? I just love your art so much. It can be about just drawing in general or drawing digitally. I've got Procreate on my iPad. Thank you for your time.
Oh hi!! I'd love to help! I've been drawing digitally for about 7+ years now but only started using procreate in August! Art is about continuous improvement!
I'll try to go as in depth as i can below the cut ⬇️⬇️
I would also like to make it clear that i am a mainly self taught artist with no formal art education!! So anything i say pertains to my OWN experience learning and what has personally helped me!! But it may be different for you depending on your level!
(this is a very long post sorry for ranting so much lol i just want to make sure you can actually take away some good lessons from this!!)
At first it was very confusing and frustrating because i was used to Clip Studio with a drawing tablet on my laptop, but what helped me get comfortable was doing lots of studies at first, nothing serious just kinda going through each brush, playing around a lot, drawing portraits of people and doing some life drawing exercises!
These are some of my first procreate drawings i did!! They were portrait studies where i was trying to get a feel for the program.
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I do recommend doing lots of studies as soon as you can, do a mixture between drawing for your own personal amusement and also more serious studies, but mainly what has helped me is getting into a hyper fixation (lol it's funny but it's true)
The key to familiarity and improvement is consistency, draw A LOT!! Take notes every time you do something you think needs improvement then note it down and then practice that! but don't lock yourself into trying to be good at one thing only, If something is stressing you out, just leave it and work on something else.
As for drawing in general, it depends on what you want to improve.
I recommend if you want to improve on anatomy, what has helped me a lot is using resources online to practice how you would inside a classroom.
Watch videos on gesture and figure drawing, and google websites that give you life drawing poses (dm me if you need i can share some resources I've used before!) And then try to learn how to do that.
That's what's helped me most with poses, using a combination of gestural and structural drawing
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However when it comes to anatomy, that gets more complicated, looking at real human bodies helps a lot, but you also don't need to study and memorize the 7000000th muscles of the body and how they attach to each bone. However, ART IS ABOUT OBSERVATION!!!
Look at yourself in the mirror and make note of how your body moves!! How do your muscles pull and stretch your chest when you lift your arm up? How does your body accomodate the extra skin on top of your shoulder when it's moved up? How does your ribcage stretch and your skin bunch up when you stretch your torso to one side? When you are sitting down how does your body accomodate? Looking at all these things taught me a lot more than trying to memorize the scientific name for the 3rd ribcage muscle that I've never had to name lmao, learning however the GROUPS of muscles can help!! Especially when drawing buff men 🥹👍 they have like 7 different muscle groups in the torso lmao, AND LETS NOT TALK ABOUT THE BACK MUSCLES CUZ DEAR GOD I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN THAT FAR YET IT SCARES ME🧍🫶
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I am also currently trying study more my value distillation when drawing (see picture), that's something i struggle a lot with when working with light and shadow!! So I'm trying to get better at it, (a good YouTube search on value distillation) will give you a good idea of what i mean.
There are very many good resources out there but i will say this!!!
Don't oversaturate yourself with knowledge because it will stress you out when you know all these academic terms and cannot apply them into your work.
Watching one video will give you some information on how a technique works, you can then rewatch it and try to work along with it, and then practice it a couple more times on your own, but don't expect to be good at it, or understand it immediately.
Drawing is about continuous improvement and you never really should stop learning and experimenting.
PLEASE!! if you ever need help with anything!! Do not hesitate to ask other artists!!
@coreyvoss has helped me figure out a couple things and i am sure neither he or i are opposed to trying to help you out finding some resources if you need! I am eternally grateful for Corey's expertise and encouragement!!
I am very proud of you for already taking initiative to want to learn and engage with the community, i am really honored to know that you like my work, it's the only thing i could ever ask for, and i wish you the best of luck in this journey!!! Digital art is a great tool for artists, but remember, you make the art not the other way around💖🫶
Sorry I'd there's any grammar mistakes, I wasn't expecting such a long post but i genuinely do hope you are able to take something helpful from it.
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the-kingshound · 3 years
Gushing about our MCs, are we? Don’t mind if I do! I tend to get rambly when talking about my children, so please forgive the info dump, lol. This is going to get long, so please don't feel pressured to read this!
My MC’s name is Azriel (Azzy to only a select few), he/they pronouns (but I'm only going to be using he/him in this ask). He’s 6’5” (195.6 cm) and has golden amber eyes, short, wavy platinum hair, and warm golden-brown skin. He has several beauty marks on his face, along with a few small scars. He also has some beauty marks on his body as well as more scars of varying sizes.
When first meeting him, he can come across as somewhat aloof and reserved but is very charming and persuasive when he needs to be, preferring to hold his cards close to his chest and keep his actual emotions and thoughts to himself. However, should you take the time to get to know him, he is incredibly warm and loving to those closest to him. He is fiercely protective of his loved ones and would move mountains or part seas for them. He doesn't tolerate injustice or the nobility talking down on those “lesser” than them and isn't afraid to aim a deadly glare at some pompous noble ass. However, he is also not so righteous that he isn't above employing a little espionage/sabotage to turn a battle in his favor, whether that battle be on the field or in the ballroom. 
He loves strategizing and doing things that require him to use his brain and look for hidden meanings and connections and to think outside of the box, and he excels at diplomatic-related assignments as well. However, that isn't to say he's lazy with his combat skills. He prefers to use twin daggers when fighting in combination with his magic. His fighting style is fluid and graceful, using precise strikes against his enemies to bring them down as fast and clean as possible. (Basically a battle mage assassin mix)
He does have a soft spot for children and will absolutely spoil the hell out of Mordred, should he allow him to, and would be very doting and affectionate towards him, telling and showing him that he loves him often once they are close. Once getting to know Mordred better, he would love to teach him about magic and strategy or anything else the boy wishes to learn and give him the proper care and attention he deserves. Basically, Az is gonna adopt this boy and would take great pride in calling him son if Mordred is comfortable with that, and will not hesitate in reminding any who dare insult or belittle him that the King Consort’s child is not to be fucked with. Ever.
Obviously, he knew that he was arranged to be married for a while now, and while others may be accepting of the fate in store for them, his feelings on the matter are slightly more complicated. Az identifies as Demiromantic Pansexual. Romantic attraction rarely comes to him, and he has never been in love with someone before. Any crushes he has had were shallow and went away quickly, usually because he distanced himself from the person in question because he knew even if he fell in love with them, he wouldn't be able to be with them in the way he wanted to be. I lied earlier when I said he’d never been in love before, there was one person he did love, but they're long gone now. But when he falls, he falls hard, giving all of himself to the ones he is devoted to, both platonically and romantically. Physical attraction, however, is another story entirely. He has had many flings and one-night stands, finding meaningless sex easier to navigate than genuine affection. He is attracted to all genders and sexualities and has had many a casual lover, something he isn't ashamed of in the slightest. He is honest and open with anyone genuinely curious about exploring and has, on many an occasion, been the person to help others discover something new within themselves.
He’s going to fall in love with Arthur eventually, finding that he admires his kindness and gentleness, and he will want to help shoulder the immense weight his King carries. He was attracted to him even before he caught feelings, which isn't uncommon, but he will be surprised when that develops into more. He also will fall for the lovely Evaine, admiring their strength and perseverance as well as their ability to trade quips with him and keep up with his wit. He will also be attracted to them physically before catching feelings. Finding himself attracted to more than a single person simultaneously is nothing new to him. He has had many a physical relationship with more than one person, often more than even two, so he won't be surprised when he desires them both. He will be his lovers’ rock, their shelter in the storm. He will be devoted to them and adore them as they both deserve and will dote on them both and give them anything they desire. He will protect his beloveds from any that would dare want to harm them and will rain hellfire down upon their enemies. In short, he is a simp😂.
Anyway, ramble over! So sorry for the stupidly long post! I genuinely am looking forward to this story and how it plays out! I hope you are having a marvelous day/afternoon/evening, darling! 💙😁
Oh my god darling, don't apologize❤ Azriel is such a marvelous character, I could read about him for hours! Also, every MC I receive makes me so happy, you have no idea!
I love his layered characterization: his protectiveness, his lojalty and his eidetic talents. Mordred is going to love him, I can assure you he's happily going to let Az spoil him to death and to enjoy his claim over him.
I also love his unapologetic approach to romance and his total devotion to his partners. You have caught perfectly the sentment of the King's Hound: they can be someone for the ROs to treasure and protect or they can be the one to care for and help their lovers shoulder their weight.
I cannot say anything other than that I simply love him with all my heart❤
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kaito-is-baby · 3 years
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
A little bit of help
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Okay, hiii~ so... I really don't know what this is, I finished boku no hero and I started to read the manga ASAP and now I just want to give some love to my baby todoroki but this is more like... I was trying to set the ambient for my idea of a Midoriya x "useless" reader scenario but then my love for Shoto took over me and it ended up being about him so... I will write that one someday
Warnings: none, it takes place on season 1 and has no angst. Also gender neutral reader (I think...)
The first class with the great All Might had ended and you felt... stupid.
Every single one of your teammates had incredible abilities at fighting
And there you were, with a sweet gas making them fall asleep, but only if you touched them
It could have been good if they weren't much better, there was no way to touch them.
You couldn't even find the invisible girl
And everytime you tried to approach the half an half haired boy a wall of ice would appear between the two of you
No matter how fast you ran or how hard you tried you felt absolutely useless
Your teammate had to carry you all the fight and you were just a burden for your team, you knew it
You knew you were useless since the very beginning. You had been working with your grandma, recovery girl, in the school nursery this last year and you loved it, don't get me wrong
But seeing all those brave kids getting into fights to save the world, thinking about yourself saving people that way... yeah, grandma had told you lots of times that your quirk did also save people but you weren't her, your quirk wasn't really useful at healing either. Yes you could put on a sweet dream someone who was in pain and that same fluid that made them dream could heal them but it couldn't save a life, maybe an arm but not a life
You wanted to go to the battle and rescue the civilians, you wanted to calm them and cure them when they needed it the most
So you decided to take the joining exam for the UA
You still couldn't understand how you made it through, you wanted to believe that even if your gas did not affect the artificial villains your strength sure did but it was... quite difficult to believe
And your only answer was that your cute little grandma had convinced then to let you join
Of course she claims they let you in because how you threw yourself to heal every single one of the soon to be heroes on the field even altough they were your rivals
But what they wanted was for you to beat the villains not to have a great teamwork and a sweet heart oh baby you should listen to your grandma
You tried to shake that thought of your brain and enjoy your very first day as an student on the UA
You failed
"Let's use our quirks to make our phisical abilities greater" yeah, that didn't work out
Luckily for you that thing about expelling the worst calificated was a lie because you were sure that either Midoriya or you were going back home forever that day
'Things can go better tomorrow' you think but yet again you fail in your prediction
After the disastrous fight on All Might's class you had obviously stated to all of your classmates and teachers that you were, in fact, useless
But then again, you already knew you were useless and yet chose to try and become a hero
And your mind could have thought of something better, maybe ask Aizawa for some help or a nicer classmate
But your feet moved towards Todoroki
If you try to give it a rational explanation you can actually find it. He was, alongside with Bakugo, the strongest one of the class and, being honest, you were not brave enough to get even near that angry boy
So yeah... you could say you chose to speak to him because he was the best prepared but deep inside you, you knew well it was the 15 years old teenage that you, even if you deny to accept, actually were. A handsome tall boy who fitted quite well on your type, and to be honest, everyone's, had fight against you, being pretty close, trying to touch any part of his body, avoiding his attacks and trying to prevent what he was going to do... maybe it had made you develope a little crush, but it was for sure little!
So you took the opportunity when you had it right in front your eyes
He approached you just after your fight
"I hitted you with that last wall of ice right?"
Yes, yes he did, you weren't fast enought to avoid the hit but you were stubborn enough to be too close to him even although you knew he would make an ice panel
Maybe in a desperate intent, you tried to make him step back and don't throw his attack at you directly
That failed
And now you had a little hurting mark on your right leg and your right arm
But you weren't angry, you both did what you had to do to get good grades, this was a friendly competition after all
"Yes but-"
"I'm sorry I may have been too tough for a first class fight" you could tell by his face this wasn't the apologies of someone who is genuinely sorry but of someone who knows it's polite to apologise after it
"it's nothing, really, you were fighting for that 10 and so was I, it's cool"
He nodded and turned his back
"Wait! Todoroki... could I ask you... a favour? Please" your checks- No! Your whole face- was turning red now, you were not good at asking for help and even less to someone you barely knew
"Hm?" He nodded again, giving you permission to request that favour
"I'm so weak, I just can't fight, I can't fight like you or Bakugo or even Iida or Uraraka I just... I can't, I can't do anything but to heal and stay still watching how everyone loses" he kept looking straight to your eyes, truth be said, he hadn't took his eyes out of yours since you started talking but now he looked confused and even kinda angry at your statements
"And so what?" Did he took you for an idiot? He surely talked to you like if you were a 6 years old kid
"That I want to be a hero" his eyebrowns bent "and I need help, I... no one has ever really taught me how to fight, no one saw any potential for that on me and... maybe if you could... give me some basic knowledge? I could at least avoid getting hit"
Absolute silent
You only heard one thing, your heart bumping at an scarily fast race and your
Not only it was beating, your stomach ached, your skin burned and you felt stupid for asking for help so you opened your mouth to retract your words and admit that it was an stupid idea
"I don't train anyone, I have my reasons, I won't train you or teach anything"
And with that he left you, even more disappointed than before
Of course that night you could only think about leaving the heroes course
But after thinking about it you chose to keep fighting
And from that day on, you would train everyday, without any exception.
It didn't mattered that your classmates would though you were a weirdo, you kept imitating every single thing they did.
You stopped attending those classes that were not about fighting, you did not needed them as much as you needed free time on the special playground that the UA had, there you could train much better than on your small room
And one day, while your classmates were eating- something that you hadn't done since the day you started using every second on the UA for training- your body failed you, it needed a break and you wouldn't accept it so it just failed to get some rest.
You weren't able to keep your breathing and your legs weren't going to obey you anymore
So you just... felt
And without having any real strength to stand back you stood there, surrendering
You had been weeks working with no hesitation and yet you hadn't improved in the slightest
You were giving up when Todoroki tended you his hand to lift you up
"I did not want to train you because I really don't want you to get hurt by my training or to feel that I am pressing you too much" you weren't really following him "but if you are going to do that to yourself all alone then it will be better if I help you so you can, at least, improve"
Was he agreeing to train you?
"But first, go eat, second attend all your classes and then we will train"
"Yes!" You answered, ready to become a real hero
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starymintss · 4 years
Please enjoy an essay on why mitsukou has so much fucking potential and why they’re great together
by Elena~
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a connection like the one that mitsukou shares. This ship literally has true canon potential. I have hope and believe that we may be victorious in mitsukou becoming canon- I mean god dammit guys they are “SEMI CANON”-
kounene obviously won’t be endgame. In Houkago Shounen Hanako Kun (the spin-off series) they played a game in which the person who pulled a king card was able to get to command a person that was playing the game to do something no matter what. When Kou pulled his card- he literally decided he wanted his brother Teru who was there and Nene to have a romantic connection (hence- him saying and I fucking quote, “This will make senpai happy!”) He could’ve done it to his own benefit- to maybe earn a kiss or do something of his own benefit. But he didn’t, instead choosing to make his senpai happy.
Besides Hananene is basically canon already like what the fuck
As for Mitsuba he’s a gay coded character and hasn’t denied the guys aren’t his type. Some people who deem Mitsuba straight might use the scene where he tells Kou “Is this a love confession? Sorry but lame earrings aren’t really my style.” That still does not confirm that Mitsuba doesn’t swing that way. A really great piece of evidence is the bonus comics at the start and end of a manga- one titled, “Tell Me, Mitsuba Kun,” in which Kou asks if he ever had a crush on other girls- Mitsuba responding that there are simply no other girls cuter than him. In another bonus comic he says the same thing again when he tells Yokoo and Satou he wants to fall in love. When asked to name some girls he thinks are cute, he asks if it's possible that he was the cutest one of all. On the other hand, Kou has stated that he likes someone with a pretty smile (do I have to explain that) which is a pretty open explanation of his type (not denying or confirming he doesn’t like guys). Obviously as a Mitsukou shipper I can point out different actions that I’ll admit looks pretty gay.
It’s not the fact that it’s very common in manga like this that there’s the straight couple and then the other two people in the group are automatically paired together- they are so much more than that. They have a deep connection, and both Kou and Mitsuba are somewhat aware of that themselves. Mitsuba is willing to protect Kou from harm- he’s willing to stop him from getting himself hurt for others because Mitsuba cares, and he knows that he’s too reckless and caring and fearless for others in a way that isn’t healthy?
Kou likes to be everything for everyone and the reader can see in chapter 64 that Mitsuba really did try to talk to him about the behavior. Yes it’s weird to see Mitsuba actually show true concern to people--because it’s his character to be a jerk and an asshole, but that doesn’t mean Mitsuba is incapable of not having true genuine feelings for people he seems as his friends.
Obviously, Mitsuba trying to talk to Kou didn’t happen due to other events that occurred. But I think a lot of people agree that the moment would’ve been so beautifully written and truly played an extremely important part in Kou’s character development.
As for Mitsuba, Kou is generally a sweet guy. It’s stated he will give up his life for anyone, it was what he was taught growing up as an exorcist and a fighter. Those words do not fail his actions, and anyone can see Kou will die for literally anything which is really messed up. He’s 14 for fucks sake.
Someone against Mitsukou could use that as an argument but we see here in the manga that there’s simply something different about this said connection. Kou is first introduced to Mitsuba in chapter 30 something, and he remembers who he is after Yokoo tells him--what happened to Mitsuba that was ultimately the end of his life. Mitsuba does again by his rumor being changed, and being stabbed by Hanako- but it’s the fact he cries and loses sleep and just cannot let him go for anything that moves me. May I point out that he actually decided to process the photos even after Mitsubas death? He didn’t have to do that. Not at all. But he did anyways. It’s seen that Kou wants to find a way to help Mitsuba get away from Tsukasa and help him fit in more- he wants to be a friend. (Note: after he’s reintroduced to Mitsuba; this Mitsuba being a pure apparition with no memories.)
Mitsuba is deeply insecure about himself, and feels he doesn’t fit in. He’s lonely, and doesn’t have friends even as a ghost. But Kou is there. He’s there to be by Mitsubas side.
The deep connection the two of them have is strong and that’s especially shown in the picture perfect arc. At the beginning Kou first sees Mitsuba as a human and obviously it’s freaking him out because-he’s a ghost you know. But once him and Nene meet Shijima Mei, and are told they must kill Hanako (Amane) and Mitsuba, it’s disturbing to them. At this point in the series literally everyone know Hanako and Yashiro share a connection as lovers. I mean- its the couple that the series revolves around. But Kou is deeply disturbed because he doesn’t want to kill Mitsuba. Yet- Mei also reassured them that things will be alright since after all this is a fake world and there’s no need for hesitation. But it’s still affecting Kou and he’s carrying this information on his back as he learns beside Mitsuba in school and has fun with him while cleaning the pool. At night, when the two of them are walking on the school building and watching the stars from the window, Kou confronts Mitsuba about this (note: by now Kou knows that Mitsuba knows). Mitsuba goes on to reveal his true form, and uses his powers to show Kou the past. He tells him about how he learns about his past self. And he states to just feel so… “envious”
Mitsuba grows angry with Kou- because he can see how he’s looking at the true Mitsuba with such a gaze the fake Mitsuba knows he won’t ever get.
Things lead to one another and he smashes the window in fury. (“It’s that Mitsuba you want, right?!” And I dare you to tell me that doesn’t sound like a fucking quote from a bittersweet romance novel.)
Kou insists on getting Mitsuba out of there. And can I please just point out that Mitsuba says: “What are you doing?!” He asks Kou if this isn’t what he wanted- if this isnt the life they want to live from here on out where they can be happy together along with their friends. This reminds me of a direct parallel to Hananene, in which Hanako is confused as to why Nene wouldn’t want to stay here, and Nene tells him that this isn’t what she wants. Kou says the same thing to Mitsuba.
Kou drags out embedded feelings Mitsuba has as they fight, and he says quotes that are really important to their development. Things such as:
“But… who else is there?! Who else could grant my wish?! Even you, Minamoto- Kun!”
“You see… even you don’t care about me. It’s that “Mitsuba,” isn’t it?! I don't even MATTER!!”
“I’m Mitsuba’s fake, but let’s just call it real! This is a world where the “Mitsuba” you were unable to save can live happily! That’s good, isn’t it?”
“Even if it’s only in this world, be my friend, and stay by my side… I’m just thinking scary things. Over there, I’ll be jealous.”
I think the Picture Perfect arc really shows how desperate Mitsuba is to have friends- to fit in with everyone else and to just feel like he belongs and matters. Kou tries to tell him that isn’t true... he’s willing to do everything to let him know that he is so much more than what he deems himself as. He’s so much more than a “fake” of what used to be his original friend, there's so much more to do than wish wishes and hope things will just go the way you want things to go. There’s a better way than to look to evil to bend and defy the laws of existing.
There’s the famous quote Kou says- the “How about I die too. So that we can be together forever.” And how he decided right there this this fake Mitsuba- this apparition who very much will never become human- is worthy. He’s worthy of his life; this is more than the whole “I will die for every life” because Mitsuba is dead- he’s immortal as a ghost. But a human like him... in Mitsubas words someone who will never understand something as ugly and as horrifying as a apparition born from a real persons soul and lesser about to disappear spirits- Kou will give his life up just to know the hell he goes through. Even if it’s just a glimpse- even if it’s just for a second Kou will do anything to just fulfill Mitsubas wish for him to stay by his side. He will do anything for Mitsuba.
I think writing this out also makes me realize they both have their walls up. Kou has his walls up to try and hide his true feelings- his deepest fears and insecurities- feeling as if he isn’t good enough. Mitsuba has his walls up to do the same. He portrays himself as a guy that he deems will get him friends. He hides the ugliness in himself- hides the fact he’s a total fake; doesn’t belong anywhere and his deepest insecurities.
But the two of them together help each other in such a way that it’s unable to truly analyze every single moment they share together.
They help each other but teach the other to bring their walls down. That it’s okay to talk about your feelings and that you don’t have to be everything for everyone. That you don’t have to give up everything you have living- your health and your literal life- for someone. That it’s okay to feel like you don’t fit in. It’s okay to feel like there’s just no other choice of getting what you want and therefore doing the wrong things. That people will love you just for you; what happened in the past put aside.
Mitsuba and Kou are in love.
The end. 💖
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cheerfullycatholic · 2 years
Hi! Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for referring me to that ('spiritual director') site! I'll go check it out. If I may ask an off topic question, how does one deal with Scrupulosity (with emphasis on Religion)? I've seen quite some posts about it here and there but not so much a discussion about it. Lately, it's been heavier to deal with alongside anxiety. Are some tips on how to at least reduce the stress coming from it? I'm a bit in pain right now because of the disbelief of my family on the mental issues I've shared. All I've gotten pieces of advice are of Tough Love which seem very vague to me. Do you struggle with this too?
Hello again! Sorry for such a late reply, I honestly didn't know how to answer your question.
From everything I've read, there aren't any "easy fixes" to scruples. The best I can recommend is talking to a confessor who has been through the same thing. It could also be caused by a mental disorder, like OCD, so I'd recommend talking to a Catholic therapist, as well, if only to rule out OCD. While I was reading up on the topic of scruples here, I found this website, which offers counseling that is in-line with Catholic teaching. I am so very sorry to just give you another website like this, but I so greatly fear giving you improper information.
My family has been the same with me and my mental struggles. I have anxiety, and it's gotten worse in the last few months. I'm often told to "suck it up, buttercup" by my father, and the other day in the store, my parents both thought it was funny that I was so bothered by the amount of people there (which I found odd, because my mother usually at least tries to understand how upset I get. But she's different around certain people). I think it comes from just not knowing that much about mental illness. It's hard to understand what you don't know, and it can be confusing. I don't blame my parents for thinking I'm too childish or too weak, because they genuinely have no idea what mental illness is or what it does to me. However, it does make me very hesitant to share my other mental problems with them. Kids should be able to trust their parents, but it doesn't always work out that way. The best we can do is find people who understand us, who support us. There are many Catholics on social media who understand, and I guarantee there are some in your own parish. It can be scary, but don't be afraid to each out. We all need a circle of friends to support each other and love each other, and not only with mental illness or scruples. Humans weren't created to go about this life on their own.
I'm sorry if I wasn't helpful. I wish I could've done better. If anyone reading this has anything to add, please do.
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sortavibing · 3 years
hello! your blog is so cute! may i request a romantic matchup please? (english is by no means my first language, so i apologize for any mistakes!)
name's lemi! pronouns she/her, but i wear masculine clothes and hv a boyish haircut, which gets me a lot of trans comments when i'm not. straight! i'm an introverted gemini, and my friends call me the "embodiment of an ISFJ" and that's really all my personality, because apparently i've been described perfectly by those MBTI websites hahaha
i spend most of my time learning new languages(currently going on my 7th!), doing student council stuffs (president for 2 years!), and community services (because your girl does not have any particular hobbies).
i'm a "can't say no to anything, ever" kind of person, but i do genuinely enjoy helping out ^^ i usually have a lot of things on my plate, so i don't have much free time :( i get nervous talking to people, but have to because of my positions, which usually leads me exhausted, so i'd like if my partner is more "chill" and relaxed, ya know?
i'm a people pleaser, so i do tend to put myself last (i can't take care of myself to save my life) and i avoid conflicts at all cost, which i know annoys some people.
thank you so much! have a good day!
hi! thank you for requesting! holy shit- you can speak 7 languages that’s insane, like i can barely speak my first (dumb bitch things). anyways, here’s your matchup!
generating matchup...
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matchup: complete
i match you up with kita!
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what first drew kita to you, was that you were basically him, except you were driven more by your feelings than logic, like he is. he wanted to meet someone that isn’t as over-the-top his teammates/friends are, and since you shared many of the same personality traits as him, you were the perfect fit. you help him understand why some people are driven by their emotions, and he’s always the voice of rationality for you, so it’s a pretty good relationship.
kita is amazed that you know so many languages, and he asked you to  teach him a couple that you know. he was a fast learner, so he quickly learned the basics of the language you taught him. he now is trying to learn his 4th language, and whenever you guys have conversations, you switch between languages with no hesitation, and everyone is so confused when they listen in to your talks with him.
he is always sure that you are taking care of yourself, and not overworking yourself for others. he knows that you tend to forget about your needs, so he will always be there to remind you, with a water bottle, a snack, or just a gentle reminder that you don’t need to put everyone before yourself. he will never get mad, but if you ignore his reminders he will be a little stern and petty until you listen to him.
most of your dates are outside, and they are pretty chill, because kita doesn’t feel the need to do something super extravagant out show how much he cares about you. one of your most memorable dates you had with him was a picnic date, where you both made some desserts and food, and spent the entire day vibing, the sunlight warming your faces and a nearby tree giving you guys the perfect amount of shade.
you guys volunteer for charities a lot, because both of you like to help people out, and though the work isn’t really that fun, the job isn’t that bad because you guys are doing it together. his favorite place that he volunteered with you was the beach cleanup, because after you guys were done you got to chill on the beach, and it lowkey turned into a date.
you and kita often have study dates, and they actually are pretty productive, and both of you cover a lot of topics and learn a lot. after you guys feel like you learned enough, kita will put on one of those old sappy movies (The Princess Bride, Dirty Dancing, etc.), and just make lowkey shady comments about how stupid the movie is, and how dumb the characters are to drop everything for love.
he loves when you go to his games, and he gets really happy that you wanted to come support him. after the game, he will be thanking you profusely, and will be a little more clingy than usual. he will show you to his teammates, and tell them about how nice and caring you are, and if atsumu tries to do anything, kita will not hesitate to emotionally damage him with a smile on his face.
kita memorizes your favorite foods, drinks, items, etc. so he can surprise you with them when he goes and meets up with you. if he ever sees something that reminds him of you, or that he knows you would like while out shopping, he will buy it immediately and give it to you the next time he sees you in person.
he likes to match outfit aesthetics with you when you guys go out together, but he never will mention it to you because he thinks it’s sappy and a little cheesy, but he will always look at your outfit before choosing his own, so he will be able to match you, and if you ever notice it and point it out, he will get a little flustered and pretend that he didn’t do it on purpose, but he’s secretly really happy that you noticed.
overall, you guys are such a chill couple, that is really cute and aesthetic at the same time, and people envy just how much kita cares for you, and how happy he is when you succeed at something you put your mind to. both of you love to help others, so whenever you guys are together, everyone around you is literally blessed to have you guys there, because you both will always lend a helping hand.
i hope you enjoyed!
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zi-i-think · 4 years
12 | The Universe has Other Plans
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Pairing: Zuko x Ama (OC)
Word Count: 6200+
~ Ama ☾ ~
         The bachelorette party came way too quickly. Katara happily agreed to letting Suh join us. Something about how I've made her feel uncomfortable, and that she needs to feel safer with us girls. Oh if only she knew that Suh wasn't here to stay.
         By midday, everyone stood at the village entrance to bid farewell to the groomsmen. The walls of ice were curved around the town and there was a large archway with the Water Tribe symbol carved at the top as the entrance.
         "Have fun, you guys." Katara told all the men, stealing a hug from her fiance.
         "Oh we'll have lots of fun!" Sokka exclaimed with excitement. "Booze, strippers and parting is what I've been waiting for." Suki playfully smacked Sokka's chest.
         Aang tilted and shook his head. "Sokka, that's not what's happening."
         "What!" Sokka gave Aang a disappointed look and then looked over at Zuko. "What kind of bachelor party did you plan?"
         Zuko looked a little uncomfortable with the sudden question. "He planned the kind of bachelor party I asked for." Aang responded for him.
         "Sokka will you act civil for once in your life?" Katara reprimanded her brother with her hand on her hip.
         "The answer is very simple. No." Sokka grinned just to taunt our sister. I chuckled at them while Katara sighed in disappointment.
         "Alright, well I think we should go if we want to make it Milu Island before sundown." Aang interjected the bickering. "Bye, sweetie." He leaned down to give Katara a chaste kiss.
         Suh skipped to Zuko, wrapping her arms around his neck to give him a hug, he in turn wrapped his arms around her waist. He and I shared a quick look. Reminding me that I had to keep a close eye on the suspicious girl.
         After all the short goodbyes, the four men climbed up Appa to go to the small Earth Kingdom island. "There's still gonna be booze though, right?" Sokka wondered as he climbed over the saddle's side.
         "Alright, miss maid of honor," Toph started to ask, drawing the attention to me. "What do you have planned for us?"
         "Well, as per Katara's request. We don't have strippers." I turned to my sister, seeing her shake her head at me.
         "Wow, you and Aang really are meant to be." Toph quipped.
         "What is it with you all and strippers?" Katara wondered loudly. Her expression was genuinely confused and she looked a little concerned. "Don't you all think it's a bit degrading?"
         "Course not." I shook my head and warped an arm around Katara's shoulders. "They're wonderful people. I spent some time with a small group a few years back. A lot of them enjoy what they do and get paid well. I learned a few moves, too. If you want sis, I can teach you for your honeymoon."
         My sister immediately turned red and shoved me off her. "Ama!" The girls and I laughed at her reaction. "Can we just get to the bachelorette party! Please!"
         "As you wish, princess." I teased her. "First stop is the spa." I announced, leading the group of girls through the town and towards the beginning of what would be an insane night.
         After spending a couple hours at the spa, we headed back to the palace. I had some of the maids decorate the living room so that it would look more like an actual party than some boring hang out.
         There was blue and yellow confetti on the tables, where there were some snacks like seal jerky and kale cookies placed on top. The couches and the floors were covered in blankets, because I doubt any of them will make it to the bedrooms. And my favorite touch to the setting. An ice sculpture of shirtless Aang, posing with his air-staff.
         Katara hated it at first, but quickly gave in to her own embarrassment. Blushing a deep red, but still taking the seats closest to it. I didn't find Katara's modest behavior annoying or weird. I knew that Katara just liked to keep some things private and I respect it. I just couldn't help but tease her and push her a little bit out of her comfort zone. I made sure that the sculpture was the only thing that was over the top.
         The girls were chatting for some time and eating the snacks set forth while I grabbed an activity. I made sure to keep an eye on Suh. Currently, she was talking to Suki. And I noticed her glance out the window.
         "All right ladies, we have one game to play before you all black out and I have to keep you all from puking all over the place. Grab a drink and take a seat." I announced, handing Katara a glass of hard wine. I gave the others a moment to get settled in their seat before explaining what was happening.
         "So, this will be more on the bride-to-be than anyone else." I started. "Basically, I asked Aang a series of questions, but Katara doesn't know what he answered. So I'm going to ask the questions and if she answers the same as he did, you all take a sip from your drinks. But if she doesn't, she has to take a sip."
         "Ha!" Katara laughed confidently. "Aang and I know everything about each other. I don't think this game will get me to drink a lot."
         "We shall see dear sister." I cocked one of my eyebrows and unfolded the paper with the list of questions and Aang's responses. "First up. Who's the better kisser."
         "Easy. Me." Katara gave her self-assured answer.
         I shook my head. "Apparently your fiance believes that he's the better kisser."
         Katara scoffed and shook her head as the girls giggled. "That doesn't sound like Aang. Are you sure that's what he answered?"
         "Positive." I nodded. Katara sighed, but still took a sip from her glass. Her face cringed a bit at the strong alcohol.
         "Looks like you two don't know each other as well as you guys thought." Suki teased.
         "Oh please, it was one question." Katara pointed out, still being confident about how she'd answer. "Next question."
         Holding up the paper again, I looked at the next thing on the list. "Who said "I love you" first?"
         Katara smiled lightly, taking a moment to think back. "He did."
         "Correct-a-mundo." I nodded and turned to the girls. "Ladies take a sip."
         "Katara better get most of these right cause I'm trying to get wasted tonight." Toph commented before grabbing her glass.
         "Me too." Mai, surprisingly agreed. She was usually a light drinker, but I guess this was the one exception.
         I chuckled at them and took a quick look at Suh. Noting that she was hesitant to drink and glanced out the window. Perhaps Zuko and I were right. Maybe she was anxious because she was supposed to be meeting the others tonight, but was here instead.
         The night proceeded. I made sure to keep Suh in my line of sight. She avoided me for the entire night, which I was glad about. Instead she was speaking with Ty Lee, who was just a bit more chipper than usual with the alcohol in her system.
         Suki and Toph were both talking with Katara. The bride-to-be was the most out of it compared to everyone else, followed by Suki and Ty Lee. Toph was the furthest from a lightweight, her words slurred a bit but for the most of it, she could hold herself up. Suh had barely drank anything since the end of the drinking game earlier.
         Mai was slouched across the sofa and I sat on the floor beside her. I had to be completely sober to be able to properly manage everything. And Mai, despite being a bit tipsy, could still hold a decent conversation. The alcohol made her more giggly than talkative, which I admit was a bit weird.
         "Ama, are you even listening to me?" She frowned with a whine.
         My head snapped to look up at her. She held her head up with her hand and looked at me with confusion. "I'm sorry, what?"
         "I was talking about how Kei Lo's mom absolutely hates me." She stated and glanced over to where I was just looking. "You've been looking over at Suh a lot tonight. You really are jealous."
         "Am not." I rolled my eyes. Here we go again.
         Mai repositioned herself to lay on her stomach and rest her chin on her hands. "Ama literally one week ago, you and Zuko were cuddling up on the couch. No one asked what happened that night, but-"
         "We told you all, we were reading and just fell asleep." I interrupted to remind her.
         "Okay." She huffed an unbelieving laugh. "You're just lucky Suh wasn't the one who found you guys like that. I don't think I'd be able to handle another one of her screeching rants." Mai rolled her eyes and sipped her wine. "I really don't want to deal with her. As a Zuko’s advisor I’m bound to run into her at least once a week."
         I wanted to tell her that she wouldn't have to worry about that because Suh was a fake. But then again, while Zuko and I were almost positive of it, it was just a conspiracy. "Good luck." I told her instead, getting her to chuckle.
         Loud shrieks caught our attention. I was almost ready to get into a fighting position, but it was just Suki and Katara. Their arms were wrapped over each other's shoulders and their glasses were held high up in the air as they sang loudly.
         "Horror, let's talk about the horror!" They sang incredible out of tune. Toph sat beside them with her hands covering her ears. "I'm the melancholy one! I live my life as if I'm yearning!"
         Mai and I laughed loudly at them. Katara and Suki couldn't even finish the song because their giggling kept getting in the way. Katara set her glass of wine down and doubled over in laughter. Lucking they were sitting on the floor.
         I shook my head at her and grabbed my glass of water to have a sip. Until a large crash interrupted everyone's good spirits. The large living room window was crashed into by two large men completely dressed in black and ski-masks covered their face and hair.
         I jumped up immediately, so did Toph and Mai, ready to fight. Suh scurried away, pulling the drunk Ty Lee with her. Toph stood in front of Suki and Katara protectively. The two girls were trying to get off the ground, but they had way too much wine and their stances were off. I found it ironic that the two girls who made it the most clear that they wanted to be drunk were the two most sober to fight off the intruders.
         The men rolled on the floor and stood up. They used earthbending to pull up chunks of the stone floor up and throwing them at us. Toph, protected herself and the two girls behind her by creating a wall out of the stone floor. Mai and I dodged the chunk thrown at us. Each of us in different directions.
         Mai being the prepared person she was, had her knives with. So while dodging the chunk of stone, she threw the knives at our attacker. It barely grazed his arm, cutting through the black fabric.
         I was jumping in the direction of Katara and Suki. "Get behind the couch!" I ordered them.
         "No, we can help." Katara claimed. But based on her slurred words and her weak waterbending beside her, I knew she was way too intoxicated.
         "Get behind the couch!" I repeated, more violently and authoritatively. I'd be damned if I allowed her to fight in the state she was in. She could barely stand correctly and she wanted to fight?! She'd get hurt.
         With a frown, Katara and Suki scurried behind the couch. I bent the water that Katara just had and held it by my side. I scanned the room for Ty Lee and Suh. But they were nowhere to be seen. They must have already hid somewhere.
         Bending the water, I used it to create a chunk of ice and threw them at Mai's opponent. He had his attention on Mai, throwing stone after stone at her while she gracefully dodged each of them. He didn't see the large ball of ice and it crashed into his side and threw him on the ground.
         Toph slammed her foot into the ground and the stone floor shot up, engulfing her attacker. He was unable to move, thus unable to bend. I took her example and bent my water to engulf Mai and I's attacker completely in ice.
         "Too easy." Toph said cockily.
         "It was way too easy." I grumbled skeptically as I walked to one of the glaring men.
         Toph went over to the other with her arms crossed. "They over estimated themselves, obviously. A bunch of intoxicated girls in one place alone." Her hands rested on her knees while she bent down to one of them. "We just need to know why they did it."
         I sighed, but supposed she was right. At the same time, Toph and I removed their face covering. My breath hitched when I pulled the mask off. I knew this man. He had light brown hair, a wrinkled forehead, despite not being middle aged yet, brown eyes and an unmistakable deep scar that ran across his face.
         I felt like I couldn't move. He just looked up at me with a knowing smirk. He recognised me. He was getting joy from seeing me after he hurt me in the most painful way possible.
         "Ama!" Katara's voice shouted fearfully. My head snapped around. My eyes widened even more when seeing Katara being held by none other than Azula. She stood behind my sister with one arm around her neck and blue fire in her other hand.
         "You know, you should really invest in some better guards." Her venomous voice said while Katara desperately tried to remove Azula's arm. But the firebender only tightened her arm, choking my sister lightly.
         "Let her go, Azula." I demanded with a glare. I wasn't completely sure what the connection was between Azula and the earthbenders that just attacked. I just knew that Azula had my sister in a vulnerable state.
         The woman snickered at me. "You saying that has no effect on what I choose to do."
         "And what if I caved your face in with a boulder." Toph growled, bending a large piece of stone beside her.
         "But you won't." Azula confidently smirked. "Cause I have the Avatar's finance in one hand, and a fire in the other. And it's getting dangerously close to her face." The fire only got closer to Katara's cheek. "What do you say? Should I give her and Zuzu a matching scar?"
         "Stop!" I ordered, but it came out more like a beg.
         Azula looked at me with the most menacing smirk on her red painted lips. "Drop your weapons and stop your bending. And free my friends." She told us. Mai, Toph and I all shared the same questioning look, before dropping our knives, water and stone as well as freeing the two demons. "Thank you. I'm just here to talk." Azula said, moving the fire away from Katara's face, but keeping it ablaze.
         "Is that why you sent two guys to attack us and now have my sister?" I snarled the question.
         "When was I ever one for a less than dramatic entrance?" She pointed out arrogantly. "I'm just a little offended that I wasn't invited to the wedding. After all, if it weren't for my threatening to capture you all, who knows if the bride and groom would even be in love today."
         "Get on with it, Azula." Mai grumbled at her ex-bestfriend.
         Azula sighed and shook her head. "Mai. So impatient. I'm just here to leave a warning. To Ama" I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head. "You remember when you chained me up all those years ago. You interrupted the Agni Kai between Zuko and I. That was cheating."
         "You lost that Agni Kai when you aimed for me. And I couldn't just let you hurt Zuko more than you already did." I clenched my jaw, wondering where she was going with this?
         "This isn't about him. This is about you." She scoffed. "You beat me. Hurt my pride a bit, I'll admit. But no worries, cause I'm here to take it back."
         "You're doing all this cause you got your feelings hurt?!" Toph shouted.
         "Well it's not like I have anything better to do." She laughed. This absolute sociopath. "Look, this doesn't end here. I just need to give Ama a bit of insight about what I'm capable with. Remind her about what she still has to lose." Azula started to move around the couch and moved towards the broken window, dragging Katara with her. The two men also walked closer to the window. "Your little girlfriend was just the beginning."
         Once that was said, Azula threw Katara on the ground and the three of them jumped out the window to escape. I skid over to my sister, holding her in my arms as she wept out of fear. Mai and Top ran to the window. Hoping to maybe take them on now that Katara was safe.
         "They're gone." Toph announced with confusion.
         "They're gone?" Suh's voice came in, peeking her head into the living room from the hallway. "Spirits, that was terrifying."
         I was too concerned with Katara than to stress over Suh. Even though the annoying woman wasn't involved in this little fight, I was somehow even more convinced that she was involved with Azula.
         "I'm going to kill her." I grumbled with my jaw clenched and my arms holding Katara tightly.
         The boys finally got back sometime during the afternoon the next day. After Azula left, the bachelorette party was essentially over. No way was anyone able to get back to that festive and joyous feeling.
         Appa landed in the courtyard and Sokka jumped out first. "Suki, I wrote you a song!" He announced with a grin. But the atmosphere was gloomy and no one smiled with him.
         Katara ran to Aang, engulfing him in a tight hug. "Sweetie, what happened?" He asked her with so much concern.
         "Zu-bear!" Suh ran to Zuko and jumped on him for a hug. "It was so bad. Azula came in and..." She explained everything so rapidly.
         Zuko looked over at me, but I was looking somewhere else completely. My jaw was clenched and I fiddled with my nails. My anger or nerves haven't calmed down at all since last night. I barely got sleep. And I still didn't completely understand what was happening.
         I knew that Azula threatened my sister and basically just told me that she was behind Mulan's death. But also. I looked at the face of Mulan's killer. The man who took her from me. It was all too much too fast. I felt hurt and sad and angry and a thousand other emotions at once.
         I refused to look at anyone and just headed back inside the palace. Tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
         The night sky was filled with bright stars. Being a waterbender, I've always been drawn to the nighttime more than the day. And since a child, I'd stare up at the night sky, keeping an eye out for constellations and finding patterns.
         Mulan and I layed in a clearing together, our shoulders touching as we looked up. Her rough hand was intertwined with mine while my right hand was pointing up, showing her the constellations. "...and if you look there, you can see the twin badgermoles." My hand outlined the stars.
         Mulan didn't say anything for a moment as she tried to find where I was pointing. "I don't see them." She shook her head and her eyes shined in bewilderment.
         "Here." I said, I took my hand that was intertwined with hers and pointed up again. "It takes a moment, but focus more on the brighter stars."
         "I think I see it." Her tone was unsure. I couldn't see her, but I was positive that she had one of her eyebrows cocked upwards and a lopsided grin on her face.
         "You think or you know?" I giggled, letting our arms fall back beside us.
         She giggled along with me and brought her hand up to her face. "I don't know. I think I see it but I also might be psyching myself out." I shook my head and moved to my side to wrap an arm around her waist, keeping my eyes up at the sky.
         "Hey, Ama?" She started with a questioning tone. I hummed a 'what', allowing for her to ask her question. "What do you think about settling down soon?"
         I moved off of her and rested my head in the palm of my hand. "What do you mean?" I wondered. I mean, I was sure she meant what I was thinking, which was stopping from fighting bandits all the time. But I didn't want to just assume.
         Mulan moved into a more seated position to lean on her elbows and look at me. "Well not now, but maybe like next year or something. What if we moved on from this chapter of our lives. We could buy a house. I've always wanted a big one. Somewhere to house all the kids who've been kicked out by their parents."
         I grinned widely at her. She was so pure I loved it. Despite wielding a blade and having a fighting personality, Mulan never killed. She always had hope for people and always looking out for the underdog. Specifically children. I wasn't surprised at her idea to house rejected kids. After all, at 13 her own parents kicked her out for her sexuality.
         She looked down at me, seeing my loving gaze. Her cheeks flushed red and a nervous laugh escaped her lips. "What?" I shrugged, moving to sit next to her. "I think that's a great idea." I told her, looking into her green eyes. "Someplace by a lake or ocean, preferably."
         "And fertile soil." She added, biting her bottom lip in a happy manner. "I want a garden. Or two. One for vegetables and one for flowers." If there was one trait she took from her hateful parents, it was her love for nature and plants. She knew more about them than anyone I'd ever met. Other than Ursa, that is.
         "We can sell our harests for money." I added, already planning a way to earn money.
         "Su Ga Village." She grinned. "It's out west, the beaches are so clear and blue, you'll love it."
         "Sounds like a plan." I laughed excitedly.
         "Really?" A soft exhale left her grinning lips.
         I moved to sit on my knees and got closer to her. My hands cupped her cheeks and smiled contently. "Really." I finalized and leaned down, pressing a chaste and loving kiss on her lips. Mulan's hands cupped my cheeks as well, deepening the kiss.
         She pulled away first, with the happiest smile. "So it's settled. One year from now, we're going to get the house."
         "And we're settling down." I finished. Or so I thought.
         "And I'll finally meeting your friends and family?" She gave me a hopeful shrug and pressed her lips into a thin line.
         I took a moment to think. I loved Mulan so, so much. It was time I got over this fear of not being accepted, and introduced her to the other people that I loved. "Yeah." I nodded. "It's about time they knew about you."
         She squealed excitedly, peppering kisses all over my face as I laughed. "We'll invite them to some sort of housewarming party! You can make your cookies and I'll do the lemonade! Oh, I hope they like me."
         I chuckled at my girlfriend, pulling her face closer to me. "They're going to love you. You know how I know?"
         "How?" She intertwined our hands together, leaning even more until our noses touched.
         "Because I love you." I told her. "And if they don't I'm just going to have to freeze their bodies until they do."
         She shook her head at me. Lightly pushing me back until my back was on the grass floor and she was on top. Our hands were still intertwined. "I love you." She said softly, kissing me passionately. I responded blissfully. Slowly, her lips started to go down my neck and I moved my head back to give her more access.
         But a loud crash interrupted our moment. Mulan jumped off me and I sat up. We exchanged the same concerned look. It sounded like a small scale rock avalanche, which was already concerning as is because we were at a mountain side. But what made it even more terrifying was that it came from the campsite. Where everyone else was.
         The two of us jumped up and sprinted to the campsite. We were both incredibly shocked to find the scene. We were idiots to pick a place by a cliff. The entire side of it had collapsed, burying out entire site in it's gray rock and yellow-brown dirt.
         I sucked in a sharp breath and started to look around for any sign of the rest of the Miraculous Bastards. "Masha!?" Mulan shouted. Getting no response. "Bono!? Taon!?" I ran to the rubble, digging though the rock and dirt.
         They can't be gone. They can't. I'd never have another taste of Masha's meals. Bono would never share his poetry with me. Taon and I wouldn't  go on another adventure. They still had lives to live. Masha and Taon were going to get married!
         I breathed heavily, ignoring the light jabs from the small rocks. Mulan skidded next to me, digging through the rock and dirt with me. She already had tears streaming down her face. They were her family. She knew them since her teen years. They were outcasts together.
         Neither of us saw it coming. A rock about the size of my head was hurdled at us. Luckily, it didn't hit either of us. We jolted our heads up, seeing two men standing at the top of the fallen rock. Both were quite buff. One had light brown hair while the other pitch black hair.
         They had disgusting grimances on their faces while they bent more chunks of earth by their side, throwing them towards us. Mulan and I had to jump away from the rubble to avoid the rock.
         The men jumped down towards us, each landed a few feat away from us. I opened my waterskin, bending the water out and created ice bullets from it. One by one, I shot them at one of the men while Mulan had her katanas out and fought the one with light hair.
         The man I fought with shot columns of earth out at me, but I dodged each of them. My feet stepped lightly from one place to another in a spinning motion as I maneuvered through the moving rock and towards the attacker. Once I got close enough, I created ice claws around my fingers and threw them at the man. They stuck into his bicep and he cried out in pain.
         I sprinted even faster. The man used his good arm to create a wall of earth between us. I almost crashed into it, but stopped just inches away. I grumbled in anger and used a jet of water to push myself off the ground and over the wall. Jumping down the wall, I used the jet of water and forced it onto the man.
         He didn't see it coming and it pushed him back. He fell on the ground and I created an ice sword, pointed it over him. "Where are my friends?!" I demanded to know, refusing to believe that they were dead. The man clenched his jaw, looking at me at me like I already knew.
         A screech caught my attention. Mulan. She was in trouble. I immediately abandoned the man there and ran in the direction of the cry. Using a water jet to push myself over the wall I ran to the scene.
         Mulan was stuck in between the ground and a boulder pressing on her. The earthbender had a satisfied smirk on his face as he saw her struggling against the rock. He saw me running over and in the last moment before I could waterbend at him, he raised the rock a few feet above the air and then let it fall.
         It seemed to be in slow motion. Mulan let out a blood curdling cry while the boulder fell through the air. I made an attempt to save her, sending a forceful push of water, turning into ice at the ends to push the rock away. But it was too late. It crushed her, hitting her chest and gut more than anything else.
         I let out a horrifying shout at the impact while Mulan's voice stopped. In anger, I turned to the man who just crushed her. Light beads of sweat dripped down his face and a pleasurable smile was on his face. I used up all of the water from my waterskin, but there were still the trees.
         I focused on bending the water out of the trees, and the bark and wood broke off, killing the piece of life. I sent ice spears at the man. His smile went away real quick and he jumped back. And I sent more spears while he jumped back more and more until he tripped over a tree root and fell.
         "A-ama..." A weak voice called for me. I immediately stopped my bending, but kept my arms out. This was my chance to get back at him. Bu Mulan needed me more.
         I glanced at the man. "Run." I growled at him. And he did. He scurried up from the floor and ran away.
         I sprinted over the Mulan.The boulder still pressed on her. I bent the water from the ice spears towards me and turned them back into ice under the boulder. I created it like a ramp and the giant rock rolled off of her. I immediately turned the ice back into water and let it float beside me.
         I knelt down to my girlfriend and pulled her weak body onto my lap. "Hold on, okay." I held the tears in. I bent my water over her chest and it glowed over her while I tried to heal her. But even I, a moderate healer, could feel that there was so much damage in her chest. "Hold on."
         "Ama." Her voice was raspy and choked up. I looked from her chest to her face. There were cuts and bruises on her once rosy cheeks. Scarlett blood dripped slowly out of her mouth. Her rough, bloody hand reached for my wrist, removing it from her chest and pulling it instead to her cheek. "It's okay." She assured me with a weak smile.
         "No. No." I shook my head and tears already spilled from my eyes. My thumb lightly wiped across her cheek to make her feel safe with my touch. "We have a plan. We need to get that house. The kids, they need us. And your garden."
         She gave me a tiny smile, her green eyes looked at each of my features as she took me in one last time. "Maybe in my next life." She told me. Her hand that held mine on her cheek got noticeably weaker.  "Ama, I love you."
         I tried to speak. I tried to tell her that I loved her too. But instead I was choked up and a sob escaped my lips instead. Mulan dragged my hand to her lips and placed a soft kiss on my palm. I shook my head. I couldn't let her leave me. We just planned our future. "I love you, too." I finally choked out.
         The redhead smiled that lovely smile, her teeth shining and everything. And then her hand spilled off of mine and her body went limp. I held her in my arms as her soul left her body. "No!" I sobbed. My heart broke right then and there. I hunched over and cradled her into me.
         I shook my head. My tears were making my hair stick to my cheeks. All I could think was that this couldn't be real. The woman I loved couldn't have just died in my arms. But she did.
         I wept for what felt like hours. Finally, I set her body down on the ground. Her eyes were still open. The once bright green eyes were now dull and painful to look at. Another sob forced its way out. My hand covered my mouth as I reached over, closing her eyes.
         This was all his fault. He killed her. Murdered her and then I had to watch the life leave her body. This wasn't fair. Everyone was gone. I was alone. But all I saw was red.
         It was only nights later. I spent my days tracking them. The two men responsible for my pain. My heart was broken and they were about to feel my pain in a different way.
         They were sitting by a fire. Having casual conversation and drinking beer like they hadn't just murdered four people nights before. They were truly monsters. I clenched my jaw and my blood boiled at the sight.
         I jumped out from behind the tree, a curved ice swords in my right hand. They both jumped up at my surprise attack, I kicked the dark haired man back. And my sword swung to the light haired man. I didn't realize how close I was to him, because my sword cut his face. It went from his forehead down to his opposite cheek, being deeper at the cheek. Really, it worked in my favor.
         I breathed heavily in anger. The man touched his cheek, and looked at the blood on his fingers. "You bitch!" He growled and looked at me. His brown eyes glared at me, and I glared back.
         "I'd rather be a bitch than a monster like you." I snarled. He and his friend both levitated chunks of rock to hurdle at me. I frowned and took in deep breaths, knowing that I had the upper hand.
         Not only was it the middle of the night. But it was also a full moon.
         I created two large walls into a triangular shape in front of me to shield me from the rock they threw at me. While being temporarily protected I got into my stance. And when I was ready, feeling the energy of the moon, I let go of the shield and they splashed into the ground.
         I focused on the water into the men's blood. My eyes were closed, hands were out in front of my and my fingers straight. The grunts of pain from the men confirmed that I was indeed bloodbending. I opened my eyes, seeing them hovering over the ground with stiff bodies.
         "You will pay." I said through gritted teeth. My left foot moved to step in front of my right and my hands went down, my fingers curling slightly to suffocate them lightly at first. I could only admit this to myself, but I enjoyed seeing them like this. Terrified expressions and slightly trembling. Completely at my mercy.
         "Please." The dark haired one pleaded. "We can explain."
         I shook my head. "I don't need an explanation. I need revenge." Venom spilled from my lips. They killed Bono. They took away the lives of Masha and Taon. They murdered Mulan.
         I was about to do it. I was about to crush their disgusting bodies and rid the world of these horrid excuses for men. But I couldn't. I thought back to what I said just moments before. That I'd rather be a bitch than a monster. Would I be a monster if I killed them?
         This technique itself was invented by a woman so unethical, that it's now illegal. But even Hama never killed anyone. Just imprisoned the citizens of the FIre Nation. Now I was planning to take someone's life with it.
         They deserve it. My own voice told me. And they probably did. But Mulan wouldn't want me to.
         I didn't realize that I was hyperventilating until I let go of the bloodbending. The stress on their bodies for so long made the men pass out the moment they hit the floor. I fell to my knees, more tears of grief and terror escaping my eyes.
I hope there was enough angst. I haven’t written fanfic for like a year because of school, so I think I’m starting to get the hang of it again, but even before my writing was trash.
Hang loose, amigos 🤙🏼
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