#georgia rawless
Together Part 1
So this is a Renegades fic where Georgia survived Phobia and gets to Nova before Ace so Evie and Nova are readied by the Renegades along with Adrian.
Georgia finally made it to the apartment. She was scared. She knew that she might have been too late to help the family but maybe, just maybe they were still there.
She almost threw up when she walked in and she knew she had failed. The husband and wife were collapsed on the floor, dead. She reached over to confirm, grabbing both of their wrists to find no pulses. Hugh had said that they had two daughters, a 6 year old girl and a baby not even a year old.
She moved quietly through the house, hearing the faint sound of crying. She weaved through the small hall and to a room in the back, finding a young girl shaking over a body, holding a gun with her eyes squeezed shut. She was so small and drenched in blood, whispering something to herself, barely audible. 
The girl whirled around, gun aimed now at Georgia. She backed up, nearly tripping over the man that lay behind her. He was asleep and he must have been the one who killed the poor girl's parents. How she survived and the killer lay unconscious Georgia was unsure, but she was certain that if the child didn't have powers before, she did now and had used them to protect herself.
"You were supposed to have come! You were supposed to help," She whimpered, gun still aimed up at Georgia. Heavy tears and snot ran down her face, clearing it of blood that was not hers. It must have been her parents and possibly her sister's though Georgia did not know where the baby was.
"They sent someone to stop me. I'm sorry- I'm sorry I wasn't in time." She cautiously approached the girl, taking the gun from her gently and setting it down. "Can you show me where your sister is?"
"He killed her. She started crying and he fired and then-" She started crying harder. "And then nothing. Mama and Papa are dead. I know it." 
"I know but I should check in case."
Georgia grabbed a towel off a shelf and wiped off the small girl's face. The poor girl's skin and clothes were already stained with the blood. She picked her up, and she held on tight, burying her face into her shoulder, crying still.
"She's in the living room," she whimpered.
"Okay. I'll look. You keep your eyes closed."
She nodded as Georgia went through the hall once more and found the baby lying in a pile of blankets. She leaned over, the older girl still balanced on her hip, and cleaned off lots of the blood. It must have been the baby's- Evie's- but somehow, the infant was still breathing, a small silver bullet clutched in her pudgy hand.
"She's alive," Georgia gasped.
"She- she is?" The older one asked curiously, pulling away. She looked at her sister and grimaced. She reached out and touched her sister, he eyes widening with tears, but not ones of sadness. Tears of joy. The girl left Georgia's hip and scooped up Evie, smiling and kissing her.
There was no bullet wound but for some reason there was blood. It was possible that Evie had temporarily died but gained some power that revived her and allowed her to be safe from the bullet.
"You're going to stay with me for a bit while we get things sorted out for you. If there's anything you want to take with you I'd go get it and I'll pack you and your sister some clothes."
She nodded and ran off. In a couple of moments she came back with only a few things in her arms. A blanket, a stuffed bear, a pacifier, a stuffed cow, another blanket, a bottle, a bracelet, and a necklace. There was something strange about the jewelry. It nearly glowed. Georgia realized that it was made of the same material that Ace Anarchy's helmet was made of.
This was Ace Anarchy's niece. Ace Anarchy had sent the hitman to have her and her family killed and he had sent Phobia to make sure that no help ever arrived. He would no doubt be coming soon to make sure that the work was done and to possibly try to take away the two girls.
Georgia rushed and grabbed a bag and shoved things like clothing diapers, shoes, and the girl's winter coat in the bag. She put what the girl had gathered in it too before zipping it up. She also found a baby carrier and put it on, setting Evie inside. She put on the backpack with the clothing and picked up the kid.
"Close your eyes sweetie."
She nodded and covered her face, resting it on her shoulder again with her eyes squeezed shut. She didn't even bother to open them until they were well out of the apartment. Georgia flew back to her own place.
Adrian came out of his room, rubbing his eyes and the babysitter got up from the couch.
"Mom you're back early?" Adrian muttered confused, rubbing his eyes and dragging a blanket behind him.
"Adrian go back to bed now. Don't argue. Just do it," she said as she set down the older girl. She then turned to the sitter and grabbed cash from off the counter. "Here. I don't think I'll be needing your help for a while but thank you."
She nodded and left, heading back to her own apartment, keys between each of her fingers.
Adrian had not listened despite the obvious signs that he should. Instead he went right ahead with asking the older girl questions.
"Did my mom save you? Why are you here?" He asked.
"My name is Nova and I saved myself," She snapped, wiping more tears off her face.
"ADRIAN! Bed now!"
"But mom-"
"This is not something you can argue mister. Go to bed before I make you," Georgia warned, glaring at him as she looked around for a place for the baby to sleep.
"I can make him fall asleep," Nova offered, reaching out to grab Adrian's wrist. Adrian pulled away.
"No thanks. I can do it on my own." He rushed back to his room. For whatever reason, he seemed to either fear or respect Nova. Maybe a mix of both. Why he would not do that for her when she needed him to she could not understand but whatever got him out of the way for the moment.
Georgia finally found the old collapsible crib she had put Adrian in when he was a baby. She never got rid of things. Especially not the way things were now. You never knew when you might need something later and while she did not plan on having more kids, it looked like she might be saddled with two more for a time being.
She set up the crib and put down the backpack before going to the kitchen sink and washing off the baby. Nova followed, her eyes glued to her sister. Evie kept the bullet clutched in her hand and cried, loathed to part with the hunk of metal for some reason.
"She has a fever too," Nova said, climbing on to the counter to help with the baby, a towel that she had found in hand. When Georgia was done getting all the blood off, Nova wrapped her up and helped dry her off. "I help take care of her a lot. Especially now that she's sick."
"You don't have to. I can handle her," Georgia insisted. 
She didn't want Nova to feel burdened in any way by her sister. She was so small and it looked as if she already had the weight of the world on her shoulders. She had just lost her parents, she didn't need to worry about her sister. She was safe here.
Georgia put a new pair of pajamas over Evie before laying her in the cradle. She had stopped crying at this point. Nova came with the stuffed cow and a blanket as well as the necklace. She put them in the crib and kissed Evie's head. The baby's eyes fluttered shut with her touch and she was fast asleep in second.
"She likes the metal dad makes best. I don't know why, but she just does. The necklace was Mama's and probably the bracelet too," Nova said, watching as Evie grabbed the heart shaped pendant of the locket and clutched it in her first.
"Come on Nova, let's go get you cleaned up."
Georgia took her hand and led her to the bathroom, starting up the tub. She got clothing for her from the bag and helped her get out of the bloody pajamas and into the tub. She didn't seem to mind Georgia and accepted the help.
The water quickly went from clear to pink as Georgia scrubbed off as much of the blood as possible. She removed it from everywhere. Her hair, her skin, under her nails. She threw out the ruined pajamas and put new ones on her after drying her off. Nova quickly brushed her teeth and let Georgia comb through her tangled curls when she was done.
Nova remained relatively silent the whole time and didn't look tired at all. More scared then anything. It was probably an odd experience at the least to have a random superhero take care of you and your sister after your parents were killed. If her parents had taught her anything it was most likely not to trust any adult but them.
She curled up on the couch with the blanket and stuffed bear, bracelet now on her wrist. Her eyes were glued on Evie and Georgia had a feeling they would stay like that for a while.
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Together Chapter 5
AU where Georgia saves Nova and Evie and they are raised by Simon and Hugh alongside Max because they deserve a family.
Link to Chapter 4: https://honey-harper-official.tumblr.com/post/190217766136/together-chapter-4-this-is-an-au-where-georgia
Chapter 3 is linked in the comments of Chapter 4 bc I forgot to link it in the summary however the previous chapters are all listed in the chapters that came directly after them.
Sorry that this chapter is shorter then the others.
When Adrian got home after patrol, his mom was there. Most of the time she worked the weird hours and he was used to her being gone all night but being there during the day. 
"Hey sweetie," Georgia said from her spot on the couch. "There's some food in the fridge if you're hungry."
"I'm good." He took off his shoes and then sat next to his mom. "So Nova and I are dating now."
Georgia's eyes lit up. She looked excited to hear it.
"Finally. We've all been waiting on this."
Adrian sighed. He knew that people were waiting, or at least wanting, them to start dating. It was mostly down to Nova in the end as no one could ever know what was going through that girl's mind.
But he was glad that they were together now and he was glad that his mom was happy about it. He didn't expect her to not be yet it was still important to him that she was at least okay with the news.
She grabbed a mug on the coffee table and took a sip. "Now that it's official and you're dating someone who just so happens to be my best friend's daughter, it means you get to have a sex talk!"
"Mom! No!" Adrian sputtered. He could feel heat spreading up his neck and to his face.
He in no way wanted to talk about this with his mom. He and Nova had just started dating and regardless of all that, she was still his best friend. He didn't think they would be anything like that anytime soon and even if they were, Adrian wasn't stupid.
"Okay I know this is going to be an awkward conversation but exploring sexually is a natural thing that teenagers-"
"MOM! I'm not having sex with Nova. We just started dating. Even if we were, I know to use protection.  So I do not nor do I need a sex talk from you."
"Okay. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that while I don't necessarily want you to be having intercourse, if you are I won't be mad. I just want you to be safe."
"Thanks for your support but I'm going to my room now!"
He got off the couch and scurried to his room. Georgia only laughed.
He knew his mom only meant him the best though the topic was still uncomfortable. He didn't think it would ever be comfortable. Adrian wondered if Nova was also getting a similar conversation with her parents.
He sat on his bed and pulled his sketchpad out of his bedside table. He filtered through the pages. Some were filled with in depth drawings of the city line, some were basic form studies, and the ones scattered through the pages at random were his designs for his tattoos. He was still experimenting with them and only Nova knew about him being the Sentinel.
Of course Nova was the only one wo knew about him being the Sentinel. He told Nova everything and he had since they were little. In case something went wrong it was always good to have someone to fall back on and she was always that person. She had even given him some ideas for his tattoos, including one where, in case of an emergency, he would be able to erase what he made instead of having to wait for it to die out.
It had to be her most genius idea yet and she had done hundreds of incredible things. However this was the most useful, at least to him.
Currently, he was working on a new tattoo. One that would allow him to hide any tattoos on his body, including the one that he would enable him to do that. He drew it out on the paper. A little ghost that he would place on his ankle. Ghosts had invisibility and so would his tattoos once it healed. 
He looked at the design on the paper. He changed a few things, just to make it a bit more aesthetically appealing. He changed the curve of the left side of the ghost and made the scalloping at the bottom a little neater.
Adrian grabbed his tattoo kit and cleaned the spot on his ankle where he wanted the tattoo to go. He then took the felt tipped marker he kept in his sleeve and gently drew it out on his right ankle. It was a cute cartoon and honestly, not one that he minded having.
He then took out the ink the needle, turning it on in the process. The initial prick of the needle hurt but it hurt less as he got used to the needle darting into his skin. However, he had done this process several times over so he didn't hiss in pain like the first time.
Tattooing the ghost onto his ankle took only a few minutes. When he was done, he cleaned the area once more.
Now all that was left was wait for it to heal.
As he put things away, his wrist band went off. A message from Danna to the group chat.
Danna: so were you just not going to tell us that you and Nova are dating now!!??
Oscar: Wait what! Really! 
Ruby: this better not be a joke!
Adrian rolled his eyes. He wasn't sure how exactly Danna knew this but he assumed that Danna and Nova must have planned something like how they planned for Oscar and Ruby to leave together.
Adrian: Yes we got together like an hour before patrol. It didn't seem relevant at the time so I didn't mention it.
Ruby: So that's why you looked so much happier then normal.
Oscar: Congrats! We've all been waiting for this to happen!
Adrian: Gee thanks. Also Danna, how did you know?
Danna: We were all betting on it which reminds me Oscar and Ruby now owe me ten dollars. And I fully planned on winning this bet so I may or may not have done my best to set you up. Nova said she needed to talk to you about something and I used my amazing detective skills to assume that it was about you two being a thing. So I then did my best to set you up and asked her what happened. I also asked her really direct questions on if you two were dating or not so she couldn't dodge it in any way.
To be honest, Adrian wasn't surprised. It was such a Danna thing to go sleuthing on her own.
Oscar: Damn okay Danna.
Adrian: So can you guys now stop meddling in my love life or no?
Ruby: That's a very funny joke Adrian.
Danna: So no I will not stop.
Adrian: Thanks.
He turned off his wrist band and then got ready for bed. He turned off the light and then went to bed.
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Together Chapter 4
This is an au where Georgia managed to save Evie and Nova and they get adopted by Hugh and Simon and get a happy childhood.
Instead of doing anything useful at Headquarters, they ended up going to Danna's place to spend time. All of them were off shift until later that night as they had arranged their schedules so they could see her and hang out.
While Nova was a Renegade, unofficial like Adrian but still a Renegade, since she left for college she didn't do patrols any more. She spent most of her time working in the archives with Callum at night, constantly looking for something to help Max be able to leave the quarantine.
She knew that they were taking blood from Max though she didn't know what for. Hopefully they were looking for a way to be able to help him leave it. She couldn't think of anything else that they would need it for either.
But it was late and they all decided to part ways before Danna and Oscar's fake arguments turned real and they would be mad at each other through out patrol. At least that was the cover. All of them had been collaborating to help Oscar get alone time with Ruby. Danna's apartment was in between all of their places, Oscar and Ruby living close together so he would walk home with her in one direction and Adrian and Nova would leave in the other.
However, now it was proving beneficial to Nova. She needed to talk with Adrian urgently. Even if they were trying to put things back to normal and she didn't want to ruin their friendship, Nova didn't want to push off the conversation about his confession off again.
It wasn't nothing and it certainly wasn't a mistake. Not to Nova. Never to Nova.
"Adrian- I know you don't really want to talk about it but I know for a fact that you'll never want to talk about it. We just have to get it over with."
"Nova it's nothing," he said, brushing her off again. It made her blood boil.
"No Adrian we need to talk about this now! You can deny it but it's not going to solve anything!" She yelled, frustrated. He looked taken aback at her sudden outburst but they both knew she had a temper. "Just talk to me please. It's all I can think about half the time. Come on. It's just me. You don't have to hold back. No secrets."
He started to look equally as frustrated, his eyebrows scrunching together as he scowled. Nova rarely saw him like this but even then, she couldn't keep herself from thinking about how cute he looked. Adrian turned his head towards her, eyes softening and his frustrated expression gone as soon as it came.
"I'm sorry for being such an ass about this."
"Don't be. I get it."
Nova did understand. It wasn't a lie or exaggeration. She would probably act similarly if she had just confessed like that to him before he left her for another month or so. He was entitled to his feelings over it. Anyone was in the situation. It still didn't stop her from wanting to discuss what happened.
"No. It's not fair to you to have brushed it aside."
"So just tell me. Tell me what's going through your mind."
"I- I didn't realize that I liked you that way until you left for college and you were going to leave again and I just- I couldn't just let you leave without doing anything. I don't know what came over me but I told you and then you left. I assumed that you didn't want to have a relationship like that with me."
"I wasn't upset. I was just shocked. I didn't know and I was about to leave anyways. I went to call you when I got back to my dorm but.... I didn't know what to say. I have had feelings for you too for a while and I guess, after you told me, they kind of just hit me like a bus and I didn't know how to handle it. You're my best friend and I didn't want to mess it up and once I knew what too say, it was too late," Nova admitted, eyes darting to the ground as heat rose from her neck to her face.
He brushed a piece of hair out of her eyes before smiling slightly. "Your ears get all red when you're embarassed," he mumbled.
She smiled and grabbed his hand, now having a sudden bolt of courage running through her. "Come on. I want to show you some place."
She dragged him out of the main city streets and took him to a sidewalk far off of the central ones. The path grew more and more rocky and uneven, the cement path crumbling for years of damage and no repair. The water from the docks grew closer and closer along with the smell of the salty ocean.
She brought him to the old lighthouse. There was a sign on it that said condemned but Nova disregarded it. She had climbed to the top hundreds of times and knew that it was actually very stable, it just didn't look like that from years of grime and general aging. They had just put that sign there because it was during the Age of Anarchy and someone probably put the sign there to use it as a hide away. Not like it actually worked as it didn't deter Nova in any way.
Adrian said nothing and let her lead him up the steps and to the top where the broken light was, hand gripping hers tightly.
"Watch your step," she warned, turning her head to glance at him. She had memorized where the steps were since she came so often. She didn't think Adrian had ever been here. He usually stayed away from things that said they were not for public use.
They reached the top and he gasped. The lights of boats blinked and moonbeams danced on the dark water. You could faintly hear the horns of the boats and the water lapping at the side of the lighthouse. It was on a cliff and with time, had become sea level though the two of them were still extremely far up.
You could see the next city over and the Gatlon bridge that lead to it, both for cars and for trains. You could also see the faint outline of an amusement park. It wasn't Cosmopolis Park but the LA City Park which had a summer long carnival running still.
"You like it?" Nova asked, leaning on the railing to look over at the water.
"Nova this is incredible," he said, stunned. 
She turned to look at him. The lights flickered on his glasses, high lighting his beautiful brown eyes, making them look like the hundreds of stars that her father would pull from thin air.
She smirked. "I know." 
She turned away from him. She was blushing so much that she didn't need to see it to know and he would be able to tell even in the dim lighting of the run down lighthouse.
Nova felt his hand slide over hers on the railing, his fingers lacing hers. He turned her body to face his.
"I like you and you like me. Correct?"
He leaned in and kissed her, softly and gently. It was nothing like her first kiss where it was rushed and hesitant. Now she was with someone who liked her the same way she liked them but for some reason, she still gasped. It must have been the feeling of electricity coursing through her veins that caused it because there was no reason to be surprised by the kiss, only the new feelings it brought to her. 
He pulled away, concern written on her face as if he had done something wrong. Before he could say anything she grabbed his face and brought it to hers, kissing him harder then before. If she had any second guessing before, there was none now. She wanted him desperately. She had forgotten what it was like to want someone so bad as she did now. To want anything as bad as she did now for that matter.
Her heart was beating like a drum and she could feel her skin heating up. She melted at every one of his magical touches and moaned when he bit her bottom lip. 
It felt good to just be teenagers kissing in a secret hide-away. No adults to make it embarrassing. No worries of someone catching them and embarrassing them. No worries of school or patrols. Nothing but them and a scenic background. It was on their terms. 
"So no more awkward moments," Nova said, finally pulling away to take a deep breath.
Their foreheads were pressed together, her body practically consumed by his. Her arm was still wrapped around his neck, the other holding onto his shoulder. He was grasping her hips tightly but gently, carefully leaning her against the rail.
"I hope so," He laughed. "My mom will probably be excited when she finds out we're dating."
Nova rolled her eyes. "What council member won't be? However you're going to have to watch out for my sister. She loves you but she doesn't like sharing time with me since we get so little now."
"Then I'll help you get your degree faster so you can come home and I can have as much time with you as I want. You're a genius so I don't think it'll be too hard."
"Keep on sweet-talking to me and this night will be taking a different route."
"I don't know if that's supposed to be a threat or some sort of flirty remark but I'm taking it as a flirty remark."
He leaned in, kissing her for another miraculous time. As he repositioned her in his hold, the edge of his fingers graced her stomach, sweeping under her shirt. He paused and cautiously lifted up the edge of her shirt.
"Is there something wrong?" Nova asked, confused as to what he was doing. 
She didn't think he was going to take off her clothes or anything. He would never do anything that made her feel uncomfortable and if he did he made sure that it didn't happen again. He must have had some reason.
"Is that a belly-button piercing?" He asked, looking for the glint of metal in the moonlight.
"Yeah. I thought it'd be fun."
"Did you get any other body modifications? I know you had talked to me about getting a tattoo."
"Maybe. Maybe not." She gave him a Cheshire Cat grin, leaving him rolling his eyes.
"Come on Nova. Tell me." He pleaded. He kissed her neck, lips directly on the part that was her soft spot. She forgot he knew about that spot. "No secrets remember." 
She was hiding back a smile, he could tell by the way the corner of her mouth twitched and Nova knew that. She pushed his head away playfully, making him laugh.
Nova pulled back her hair, showing the piercings on her ear. She had gotten the industrial rod on one and a cuff through the other. Three normal piercings lined each lobe and there were a few more dotting around the inner part of her ears. These were less obvious then the septum nose ring she got. However she didn't show him the tattoo she got as she couldn't without having to take off her jeans. A set of black inked roman numerals rested on the side of her upper right thigh. It was the date of her parent's passing which was always something that was hard for her to discuss, even with him. She remembered it but at the same time, it was like she had blacked out. There was an overwhelming need to erase her mind of the night mixed with her being unable to forget it.
"You went all out. Did you get the tattoo though?" 
She nodded. "It's right here." She guided his hand to where it was, watching as his thumb ran under the ink despite it being under the denim pants she had on. Still, she felt electricity course threw her body and her heart fluttered with the touch. "It's the roman numerals I had told you about. I'd have you draw it on me but I think we'd both be in trouble with your mom for that."
"My mom and your dads would murder us both."
"Where would they start? The fact that I'd be pant less. The fact that I'm pant less and with you. The fact that I'm getting a tattoo and you're giving it to me." He let out a soft chuckle, gentle and pure. He finally released her from his hold, much to Nova's dismay though she would never admit it. He grabbed her hand and started to leave the lighthouse.
"Come on. I'll walk you home. I have patrol soon," he said as they started to leave. Her hand grasped his tightly and she thought he might feel her heart thundering with excitement just by holding it.
The streets were relatively quiet save for a few stray cars occasionally whizzing by. The yellow lights flickered, moths and gnats flying about their strange glow. The walk back to Nova's place was short, but they made it longer, taking any path less traveled and weaving around the house instead of going to it. Sadly, they reached Nova's house. A few lights were on inside and Nova knew that someone could probably see them but it didn't stop her from going on her tiptoes and kissing him goodbye.
"See you tomorrow," Nova said, both of them grinning.
Nova went inside, carefully shutting the door behind her. No one was there and if they were, they didn't say anything. Her suspicion of someone watching them kiss was confirmed when she found Simon and Evie sitting on her bed however. Where Hugh was she had no idea.
"So... I take it you two resolved your fight," Simon said, trying to be as casual as possible. His arms were crossed over his chest and he had a stern expression, though Nova knew it meant nothing.
"Yes. What about it?" Nova asked, leaning against the doorway. 
It felt weird to be doing this. It was her room and yet she was in the doorway and they were on her bed. It wasn't that she ever actually used her bed aside from sitting on it. Occasionally she would sleep if Evie was with her or Evie would sleep in her room. Some nights they needed the other around them to be at peace. Still, it was just weird to have what might become an interrogation with the person interrogating you sitting on your bed.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Evie asked, nose scrunching up. As Nova had predicted, she did not want Nova dating. She didn't want to share Nova or any time they had together though she might be persuaded by the fact that a lot of the time, Nova hung out with Adrian anyways so there wouldn't be much change.
"Yeah. I guess he is."
She was doing her best to keep everything casual and light hearted. Evie and her dads were protective of her even though it was just Adrian. It's not like they wouldn't respect her decision, but there would always be a part of them that was scared to let her be anywhere that they weren't and alone with a boy didn't help. But they all knew that Adrian would never lay a finger on her if it bothered her. Georgia had raised him right and the two of them were already best friends. Nothing bad was going to happen.
"Finally," Simon said, stern expression dropping as she broke into a smile. 
"We've been waiting for like a year for this to happen. That means Evie wins the betting pool."
"You guys were betting on this!" Nova exclaimed.
"Well yeah. And I know my sister so I knew I could win if I started a betting pool." Evie grinned and held out her hand, watching in delight as Simon gave her a bunch of coins. Nova could tell it was more about the objects being metal and shiny then having worth.
"Okay everyone out of my room. I want to go to bed."
"You don't sleep," Simon said as he and Evie left.
"You all exhaust me enough that I think for once I can."
They laughed as they shut the door, leaving her to her own devices which was shoving her face on her pillow to muffle her squeal of embarrassment and excitement.
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Together Chapter 2
This is the second chapter in an au where Georgia was able to save at least Nova and Evie in the end.
Link to Chapter 1: https://honey-harper-official.tumblr.com/post/189105071351/together-part-1-so-this-is-a-renegades-fic-where
"Evie. Come on. We're going to miss the train and have to wait for the next one and that's in another hour."
"I'm coming. Don't worry so much," Evie groaned as she trudged down the stairs. 
"Be back before midnight," Simon told them.
"I don't know if we'll even want to be out that late but alright," Nova said, pulling the door behind Evie and her.
They walked quickly down to the station so they could make it in the station in time. They needed to go to the city over so they could make it to the carnival. The train ride wasn't long but the trains running to LA only came every hour or so and Nova didn't want to wait a while for a train. 
She swiped their cards on the scanner and they made their way to the train for LA. The doors opened and a sea of people came out and just as many shoved their way in, like fish trying to go up a waterfall. It was already starting to get dark and the air had cooled so it wasn't boiling anymore but that didn't stop the humid, sticky air of the train.
Evie held on tightly to Nova. They both hated crowded spaces, but Evie hated them more. The two needed to stick together if they wanted to get out of the train in one piece and that included not being catcalled because if someone even looked at Nova in a way she didn't like, she would make it known to them and a lot of the time, it tended to cause more problems.
The train ride was short and quick, lasting no time. Still, being in the cramped car, it felt like an eternity had passed. They weaved their way through the station before coming to the center of LA. They walked a few parks before they reached the carnival in the LA City Park.
By then the sky had completely darkened, leaving the carnival lights glowing. They flickered, the neon bulbs almost being too bright to bare. Music and other miscellaneous sounds pounded in her ears and the food already smelled sickeningly sweet. She could give 100 reasons why some of the rides were built wrong and already knew which ones she was not letting Evie on. 
But Evie had begged to go with Nova. With Nova usually gone at college for engineering, she had little time to be able to take Evie places like she used to. If anything, Evie was exhilarated by it all. She had been nicknamed Magpie for a reason. She would constantly get distracted by shiny objects and metals due to her powers which made places like carnivals and fairs heaven to her.
She felt a little guilty that their brother, Max, couldn't come. Nova had seen him last night when she came home since HQ was mostly deserted late at night besides him and Callum, who she also said hi to. Max tended to stay up late anyways because it wasn't like there was anyone to really tell him to go to bed and it wasn't like he would be leaving the quarantine anytime soon either. Let him do what he wanted. It was the least anyone could do to let him have fun in his rooms.
"Ferris wheel first. I want to see all of LA!" Evie said excitedly before grabbing Nova's hand and pulling her into a line that doubled by the minute. 
Nova hadn't seen Evie this excited in a while and it took her mind off Max. Usually both of them were extremely cynical and sarcastic and when put together, they only fueled that for the other, making remarks and comments left and right. That and Magpie was entering middle school which was horrible for everyone, both the middle schoolers and their families. Middle school would always be the worst for everyone and everyone changed immensely in those three short and miserable years.
"Since when were you so cheerful," Nova laughed.
"Come on Nova this is somewhere I belong. Metal and shiny objects. That's 90 percent of my powers."
"What's the other 10 percent?" Nova asked. Evie could tell what any metal was by a glance and she knew their values as well. She was also attracted to certain metals, specifically the type their dad made though both Nova and Evie could spot their father's metal from a mile away. However, it was only them that could do so and it most likely had to do with the fact that it was made by their father.
"Not being killed by bullets," Evie said.
Nova flinched. She didn't like talking about it with anyone. She refused to tell anything to Evie, doing her best to shield her sister from the horrifying night. They had barely escaped and she didn't want her to know how slim their chances were to live. Nova had no intention of traumatizing Evie.
The line moved quickly and the two of them got into a cart. The sun was already setting and it was a beautiful view of the city and the ocean, both the glass and steel of the city and the water sparkling in the setting sun. 
Evie was grinning. When around a lot of objects that had to do with her powers, as long as it was one type of metal in mass quantities, she got energized and giddy. However, when it was a lot of small amounts of different metals, like jewelry at a party for example, it was overwhelming. Nova didn't exactly know why but she assumed that it was because it was a lot of different things at once compared to a lot of one thing at once. One large source was easier to handle and then a bunch of little ones. 
And even though there was thousands of people at the carnival, no one really brought jewelry to a fair. At least not anything valuable or overly fancy. Aside from Nova's bracelet, it was most likely all some form of iron.
The ride on the Ferris Wheel was short as they were trying to get through as many people as humanely possible. After that, she let Evie drag her to every single ride there was, not caring about the lines.
She had missed her sister immensely while she was away at college but now she had all of summer to spend time with her. Both of them hated being far away from each other for so long, having separation anxiety after the loss of their parents. Even if Evie was a baby, she knew what happened and she knew that Nova had nearly lost her after they had been separated. It made them not want to split up again.
They had both gone to therapy for it, Nova far longer then Evie for her PTSD in general, but still, there was always lingering feelings about it. 
Nova was happy to be back home.
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Together Chapter 3
This is the third chapter in an au where Georgia manages to save Nova and Evie.
Link to previous chapter: https://honey-harper-official.tumblr.com/post/190026790811/together-chapter-2
The previous chapter is always linked on the latest chapter.
Nova was both excited and nervous. She was seeing Adrian for the first time today in two months and the last time she had seen him things had been awkward between them.
Right before she had left to go back to college after her spring break ended, Adrian had confessed that he had liked her as more then a friend. He admitted that he wanted to date her and Nova was too stunned to know what to say. By the time she did, it was too late and she didn't respond.
Usually they called each other every Friday. It stopped after that and they hadn't spoken since so she wasn't sure how seeing him today would go. There was only one call that had happened between them in the time frame and now she would be back at home all summer so there was no more avoiding him.
Of course, she deeply missed him and the more she thought about it, the more she realized, she liked him too.
It was just her in the house now and she was going to see Adrian soon, a few short minutes when he would stop by so they could go to Headquarters and she could see the rest of her friends from Gatlon.
She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, tucking it back into her jeans.
"No that looks stupid," she muttered to herself, pulling the shirt back out. "No that looks even more stupid." 
She tucked it back in and frantically ran a hand through her hair. She had never felt so nervous about seeing someone, even though it was Adrian.
It was just Adrian. He was her best friend and maybe she did like him, and maybe he had liked her, but they were still friends. She had nothing to be worried about.
This was Adrian, sweet and generous and kind.... and hot. He had seen her throw up and he was the boy who always brought her chocolate when she was on her period. This was the boy she had had sleepovers with since she was a little kid. This was the kid who saw her covered in blood after her parents had died and tried to befriend her because he knew she needed it. This was the person who had always been able to make her laugh and never judged her. It was just him. She had no need to be scared to see him.
Still, her heart leapt to her throat when she saw her phone go off with a message from him and then she heard the door open.
"Nova? You ready?" He called up.
She grabbed her bag and her phone and went downstairs. He was waiting for her at the doorway, smiling. She couldn't help but smile too.
"I haven't seen you in forever. How was your first year at college?" Adrian asked, throwing an arm over her casually and pulling her into a hug.
"Weird. Weirder then HQ weird," Nova laughed, shoving him playfully.
"I think my mom has missed you more then anyone."
"Oh really? Not even you?" Nova asked, joking around. But the way his face changed made her remember that things between them were not normal. His cheeks reddened and his eyes darted towards the ground, his arm falling off her shoulder. Nova followed suit.
There were still things they had to talk about aside from the confession though. The only time she called him was at 1 in the morning after a party and she was a drunk. It was actually a week or so before she came back as it was to celebrate the end of finals. It was her first time dealing with alcohol. The drinking age was 18 and she was only a few months younger then the limit. It was almost expected that she would drink before the legal limit anyways.
For some reason he had picked up when she called and they hadn't talked about that either.
"I know I just got back but we need to talk about what happened the last time I saw you."
"It's nothing," He said, shaking it off, still not making eye contact. "It was a mistake."
She bit her lip and felt her stomach drop. Nova should have seen this coming. Whether it was true or not, it still hurt. It wasn't a mistake and she knew it but he was trying to pass it off because she didn't return the feelings at the moment. He was trying to improve the situation and try to return things back to normal.
"Oh," she said. "Well... also that call at 1 in the morning."
He gave her a lopsided grin suddenly as they started to leave, Nova pulling the door shut behind them. "That was funny."
"What did I even say?"
"You were wasted and you were crying about something in a different language and you were covered in glitter and messed up makeup. One of your friends took your phone and made you drink some water before ending the call."
She snorted. "Did you tell on me for underage drinking?"
He held a hand to his chest, pretending to be offended. "How could you accuse me of such a thing?"
She burst out laughing, causing a few people in the busy city to give her a weird look. She didn't care though. Even if he was avoiding a large moment between them, she was glad that things were going back to normal. If they couldn't date, then at least they were still close friends. 
Of all the things she didn't want to lose, their friendship was one of them. They walked into Headquarters. Already Nova spotted Danna, Oscar, and Ruby waiting together and talking.
"We'll look who finally decided to show up. It's been like three months since we saw you!" Ruby exclaimed, tackling her in a hug the moment she saw her.
"Actually it's been two months."
"So how's college. Can't be any better then spending time with us right?" Oscar asked.
"It has its advantages and disadvantages. I am highly enjoying being able to do whatever and I want and my roommates are great."
Nova smiled, thinking about their 1 A.M. sprees where they would all be so filled with caffeine that they would go out and wander through 24/7 open stores. That or do literally anything but sit in their dorm. The first one was what resulted in all of Nova's piercings. The second resulted in Camilla getting her hands on seven inch platform boots and having Nova put them on because she was the shortest. Nova promptly fell down a flight of stairs but she still had fun.
"Like what. Getting drunk tattoos?" Danna laughed.
"Oh hell no. I mean we took turns sledding down the stairs at 2 in the morning in the middle of an all-nighter for studying. Obviously it didn't effect me but I never said I wasn't going to encourage or partake in dumbassery."
There were more times then Nova could count where they all did something stupid early in the morning. Why her and her friends were like this she did not know, but they had fun and Nova got a lot of new experiences out of it.
"But you definitely missed us being dumbasses right?" Oscar asked, nudging her lightly in the ribs.
"Of course." She nudged him back. The two of them then just looked at each other and laughed.
Poking each other's ribs was a inside joke. The two of them had been hanging out, Nova helping him come up with a plan to ask Ruby out, which he still hadn't done. Nova jokingly suggested that he imply it. Oscar merely laughed and asked is he should poke her in the ribs with his elbow in the process as if it was some sort of comedic act. Since then, they would constantly jab each other in the ribs with their elbows and it confused everyone on the team.
"Wait. I need to stop by Max's quarantine. Evie and I won him something at the carnival last night."
They all got onto the elevator, heading to Max's rooms.
"We should all go to the carnival before it ends. I hear the last night is the best," Ruby suggested.
"The Gala is that night," Adrian reminded her.
"No one said we had to go."
"Easy for you to say."
Adrian and Nova were more or less forced to go to the Gala each year. While Adrian didn't really care, Nova hated it with a burning passion. She hated having to get dressed up and spend time in a giant ballroom with a bunch of people, most of which thought she was dangerous because she was Ace Anarchy's niece even though her parents were two Renegades Council members.
She would do everything she could to get out of it like Evie had. Her younger sister and her friends were extremely good at making plans and since her best friend's birthday fell around the Gala, they had made sure the party was scheduled on the same night so she wouldn't have to go. Even if it was the Gala, Hugh and Simon wouldn't make her go if she was celebrating with her friends for something else.
Nova's best bet was to show up and leave half way through, texting her dads where she went which would probably be home.
"If my sister can get out of it then I can get out of at least half of it. Let's just show up and leave an hour or so later," Nova said.
"That just might work," Adrian said.
"Parents can't catch you if they have to be there and you slip out discreetly. I'm sure Adrian can use his powers to help get us all out without suspicion. Or we all just gradually leave," Danna pointed out.
The elevator opened and they trailed through the winding halls until they stopped at the glass quarantine. Max was sitting in a chair, working on his glass city replica. Occasionally, Adrian would come up and spend hours with him, drawing the glass buildings and people and transportation. Nova would try to help, making him little machines to make it all move but Max really enjoyed the glass since it could be pushed through using Adrian's powers.
Nova opened her bag and pulled out a small stuffed dinosaur. She unlocked a small box on the side with her thumbprint and dropped it in. She shut the box and Max was able to pick it up.
"When can I actually go to the carnival?" Max asked. he looked upset. From his view in the quarantine, he could see the whole city and the blinking lights of the small island where the carnival was. The train ran over the bridge and to the edge of the island.
"I'm working on it Max. Trust me."
He sighed. "I know."
"I could draw you a real one. You'd have to feed it and all but it would temporarily be alive," Adrian pitched. They all looked at him as he pulled out his marker.
On the glass, he drew out a small velociraptor. It was no bigger then Nova's thumb and despite being a dinosaur, would be a decently easy to manage pet. Max's eyes lit up as it came to life. It ran through the city and Max followed it with every turn.
It was good to see him so excited for once.
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We better get a scene where Ace dies and goes to Heaven so we get to read about Tala beating the shit out of them for hurting her precious baby girl the way he did while David and Georgia cheer her on.
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I really wish Georgia didn't die because not only would Adrian still have his mom but you know that Georgia would have figured everything out in two seconds and then have just... Like pretty much accepted Nova as her daughter.
Georgia would have known from the start that her son was the Sentinel and the minute Nova came around she would know that she was Ace's niece and Nightmare she just wouldn't say anything because "clearly my son is in love with her and if I was her I'd be pissed too so I might as well just accept her as my daughter and become her mom because my son can and will marry this little badass"
And then... Georgia just... Telling Nova that she knows but instead of saying anything to the other Renegades she's gonna get her out of the situation and just... Become her mom bc her son is in love with her and you seem like you'd be a good kid if you weren't raised by supervillains.
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The original Renegades, making their costumes:
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