#gerald gillum imagine
hate ~ g eazy
word count: 1612
request?: yes!
“Can you do a G-Eazy story that has complete and total hate sex like they don’t say that they have feelings for each other”
description: in which they have a love-hate relationship, but keep denying their true feelings for one another
pairing: g eazy x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut, angst
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Her legs were wrapped around his waist as he roughly thrusted in her. Her nails dug into his back and she was sure that they would’ve been leaving marks if it wasn’t for the leather jacket he was wearing.
She had her head buried in his shoulder to muffle her whimpers and moans. The last thing either of them needed was for someone to hear and to leak to the press that G-Eazy was fucking some girl in the dressing room of a talk show.
A knock on the door startled both of them. Gerald covered her mouth as he continued to thrust into her, calling out, “Yeah?”
“You’re on in five, G!” came the voice of his manager.
“Yeah, give me a minute man!”
“Make it a quick minute.”
Gerald rolled his eyes as his thrusts became rougher, the sound of skin slapping against skin becoming louder. He pressed his hand against (Y/N)’s mouth to keep her growing moans silent. He bit his lip to hold back any noises he’d make as he felt himself hitting his climax. (Y/N)’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she rode out her own shortly after.
Gerald carefully put (Y/N) down before grabbing his pants and quickly pulling them up. (Y/N) grabbed her discarded pants and panties from the floor and pulled them on.
“Could’ve done it in a minute without being so fast and so rough,” she muttered as she checked her makeup in the vanity mirror.
“Fuck you,” Gerald muttered as he swung open the door.
She smirked over her shoulder. “You already did.”
Gerald rolled his eyes and continued to the talk show set. (Y/N) shook her head and used a nearby tissue to wipe off her already smudged lipstick.
She wasn’t quite sure why she and Gerald were this way. They had been friends once, or at least close to being friends. Then suddenly...they just weren’t. They had a complicated love-hate relationship - they didn’t exactly like one another, but they also didn’t want to stop being friends.
Then, just to make things more complicated, they started having sex. (Y/N) was also unsure when that happened, but she remembered roughly what had happened: they had a fight. Some harsh things were said, harsher than they had ever said before, and suddenly Gerald’s lips were on hers. The next thing she knew, she was collecting her clothes off of his bedroom floor.
It was supposed to be a one time thing, they had both agreed that it would never happen again. And then came another fight, and thus another hook up. Then they decided that this somewhat friends with benefits situation just might be a good thing for the both of them, even if they still despised one another.
Once her makeup was fixed, (Y/N) followed the rest of the crew towards the main stage of the talk show. They had already begun the interview when I arrived, so I tried to stay as quiet as possible.
“I’ve just had a lot of inspiration lately,” Gerald was saying. “Like, every waking minute I’ve been writing or recording, and before I knew it I had enough for an album. I have enough for almost two albums, but I’ll save the other songs for that.”
“Would one of your inspirations happen to be a girl?” the host asked.
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at this. Inside, she felt the familiar pang of jealousy at the thought of Gerald with another woman, although she wasn’t sure why she felt so jealous. She didn’t have feelings for Gerald, she knew she didn’t...right?
Gerald laughed and shook his head. “Not at all. I’ve been single for a while now and I don’t have any intentions on dating.”
The interviewer gave him a look. “Are you sure about that? Cause a picture recently surfaced of you with an unknown lady at an after party.”
Gerald’s face went pale as the host put the picture up on the screen for the audience to see. (Y/N) covered her mouth as she felt her stomach lurch with shock and slight anger.
The picture was of the two of them leaving a club the night before. Both were super drunk and had been all over each other inside the club the whole night. Moments before the picture was taken, Gerald had been grinding against (Y/N) and whispering dirty thoughts in her ear. She had taken hold of his hand and dragged him out of the club. While they waited for a taxi, she couldn’t stop herself from kissing Gerald, right there out in the open.
Gerald was unsure what to say. He wasn’t prepared for this. How was he going to explain the situation between him and (Y/N)?
“That’s no one,” he blurted before he could stop himself. “Just some chick I met is all. We got a little hot and heavy and I took her back to my hotel room. Not exactly the type of shit I want to be made public, but I guess you can’t help it when you’re famous.”
Tears welled up in (Y/N)’s eyes at Gerald’s words. She wondered if that’s all he thought of her; not even as an enemy, but just as an easy fuck.
Before she could stop herself, (Y/N) turned and raced out of the studio. Luckily, no one had been paying her any mind anyways, so she didn’t cause too much of a fuss. She raced directly to the bathroom and shoved the door open. She didn’t have time to get to the privacy of a stall before she broke down into tears.
The truth was, (Y/N) did feel something for Gerald. She hadn’t realized it at first, she had only seen him as a friend. When he started being rude towards her, her opinion changed and they became somewhat frenemies, but she soon realized that her feelings had never been entirely friendly. She had felt something for Gerald, something he obviously didn’t feel back, and that just made her more frustrated with the way he treated her.
She wasn’t sure how long she had been there, but when she heard footsteps approaching (Y/N) quickly turned on the sink and splashed cold water on her face. She was wiping it with a paper towel when Gerald shoved the door open, a look of concern on his face.
“You’re not supposed to be in here,” she pointed out, refusing to look at him.
“Are you okay?” he asked, ignoring her comment.
“I’m fine,” she responded. “Get out before you get in trouble.”
Gerald took hold of her chin and forced her to look up at him. She batted his hand away and backed up. “Fuck off, G.”
“I’m serious, (Y/N), are you okay?” he asked.
“Why do you give a fuck? I’m no one, remember? Just an easy fuck you met at a club.”
Gerald rolled his eyes. “You know I didn’t mean that, (Y/N). I was just trying to get their attention away from us. The situation we’re in is not an easy one to describe, it’s just easier to lie.”
“How do I know you didn’t mean it?” (Y/N) asked, crossing her arms. “I mean, what the fuck are we doing Gerald? You hate me and yet we fuck like it’s no one’s business. What do you call that, cause it’s sure as hell not a relationship.”
“I don’t hate you,” Gerald insisted.
“You don’t? So, is that why you did a sudden 180 with the way you treated me? Is that why, suddenly, it felt like you couldn’t stand to be around me? You can’t deny that the dynamic between us changed a few years back, and it’s never really recovered.”
Gerald shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t hate you.”
“Then what? What did I do to make this happen?”
“You didn’t do anything! That’s the problem!” Gerald snapped. His sudden change in tone shocked (Y/N) and she even had to take a step back. “Fuck, you’re so fucking perfect, it’s always been hard to keep my hands off of you. But we were friends, only friends, and I knew you’d never want anything more. The best course of action was to try and push those feelings away, which, admittedly, came off as rude and cold I’m realizing now.”
She was shocked by Gerald’s words. Never once had (Y/N) ever believed that he had feelings for her, even before everything suddenly went downhill with them.
“I had no idea,” she admitted.
“I made sure you wouldn’t,” Gerald responded with a shrug. “I didn’t want to ruin things between us.”
“And then we just ended up having sex anyways,” (Y/N) pointed out, a slight joking tone in her voice.
Gerald couldn’t help but chuckle at this as well. “Yeah, we ended up having sex anyways. Just...hateful sex, and not the good kind.”
(Y/N) crossed her arms and looked down at her feet. “So, what happens now?”
Gerald copied her stance and shrugged. “I guess that’s just up to you. What do you want to happen?”
“I want to work back to where we used to be,” (Y/N) decided. “I want to get back to being friends, and then see where things can go from there.”
Gerald smiled and nodded. “Okay, I think I can do that.”
“You have no choice, cause if you pull this shit again I’ll fucking kill you.”
They laughed together, the first time they had truly laughed as friends in years.
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avenging-fandoms · 6 years
can i request 180 ‘you have no idea what you do to me’ for g-eazy? please and thank you
180: “ You have no idea what you do to me. ”
it was a relationship literally no one expected to happen, and actually work. you and gerald were the complete opposite people, but you two were perfectly made for each other.
you liked to stay inside and read, watch movies and drink tea while gerald liked to go out, party, and drink until he can’t remember the night.
but there were times where your two worlds collided, you were finally out of the house at a club with your friends, but you still watched movies on your phone. gerald walked over to you and started to talk to you, offering you a drink. when you declined, he found you interesting.
“normally girls wouldn’t reject a free drink. i like you” he smiled and sat next to you, and you paused your movie to talk to him. you and gerald talked for over an hour, laughing, smiling, like it was a date. you had seen this guy on your phone before, heard his songs on the radio. after talking to him for that hour, you realized he was a real person with real emotions. yeah you knew he was real, you just knew some people saw celebrity emotions as invisible, like they didn’t have feelings.
after talking for a few months, he invited you to come out to parties, but you politely declined every time.
“parties aren’t my thing, i hate being around so many people” you say over the phone, flipping the page in your book. “i’d much rather be in a world on a page, rather than a crowded party where i could easily have a panic attack. i’m sorry, but i have to-“
“why don’t i come over tonight? we can watch movies, eat snacks, and fall asleep in each other’s arms. sound like a plan?” he said and you smiled.
“yes yes yes! i’m so excited!” you squeal and hang up, setting up snacks and some games like uno. in about 15 minutes, a knock sounded at the door. “come in!”
gerald walked in in sweatpants, a loose t shirt and slides. he walked over to you and wrapped his arm around your waist, kissing you deeply. “hello baby”
“hi ger” you smile back and turn back to the cookie ingredients.
“what’re you making, love bug?”
“i’m making pumpkin spice cookie with white chocolate chips. it’s now september, which means it’s basically halloween. i’ve made these before, and they’re amazing! do you wanna help?”
“i don’t know how to” he shrugged and tied on an apron. you helped him follow step by step instructions, and soon you put the cookies in the over. “it’s like sending your kids off to college”
“i’m so proud of you!”
you two played a few rounds of uno until the timer dung, gerald taking them out and letting them cool down before scooping them up and eating one, moaning.
“wow! we’re badass!” he gave you a high five and you giggle.
“who knew? gerald gillum making pumpkin spice cookies” he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, your arms around his waist as you looked up at him.
“you have no idea what you do to me.” he whispered and leaned down, kissing you sweetly.
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gsbabygirl · 6 years
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Just chilling in Paris
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yungg-endlesssmr · 4 years
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ladimagines · 7 years
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xxmoonxgirlxx · 7 years
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lushbarb · 7 years
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this was a request but i always gotta do extra and flip it | y'all better not let me flop 🙄 i'm back bitchessssssssss
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fruitykian · 7 years
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Just recieved my hand signed G-eazy baseballcard + merch 😍
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bad reputation ~ g eazy
word count: 1765
request?: yes!
“Diferent Geazy fan. Can I request an imagine like from enemies to lovers where reader is a bit taken aback because of gerald reputation? But in anin cliche way”
description: in which she hears he’s a bad boy and forms an opinion before meeting him, but is taken back when she finds the rumors are untrue
pairing: g eazy x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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Although I knew it was wrong, I had formed an opinion on Gerald before we had even met.
I saw his name through tabloid magazines and websites in scandalous headlines more than I could count. Countless tales of him being a partyaholic who loved to drink, smoke weed, and fuck anything that walked, numerous cheating allegations that Ashley had even confirmed to me when I met her on the red carpet, and overall just nothing good to be sad about Gerald ever.
He wasn’t the type of person I wanted to surround myself with, which was why I tried my hardest to stay away from him. That is, until my record label decided they wanted me to do a collab with him on my next album.
“There’s so many rapper I could collaborate with, why him?” I asked my manager over the phone as I drove to the studio.
“That’s just who the label wants. He’s one of the biggest modern rappers right now, they think it’ll be a huge hit for you.”
“He’s an asshole!”
“You’ve never met him, (Y/N).”
“I don’t need to meet him to know he’s an asshole. I’ve never seen one good article written about him.”
“You of all people should know that tabloid media is not the best thing to go off of in regards to someone’s character.”
I threw my head back and groaned, earning me a strange look from the cab driver taking me to the studio.
“Fine, I’ll try to work with him, but warn the studio that if he is as much of an asshole as he seems to be that I’m not doing it. I don’t care how big of a hit it would be, I’m not working with a certified dickwad.”
My manager chuckled. “Alright, I will. Good luck, hun.”
I rolled my eyes and hung up. I rested my head against the window, dreading the moment I would pull up to the studio.
That moment came quicker than I would have liked and, before I knew it, I was paying my cab driver and looking at the entrance to the studio. I would’ve done anything to turn around and go home, or at least to go to a different studio and record on my own. But I knew the label wanted this, and I couldn’t go against the label. Not without any concrete evidence that I actually couldn’t work with Gerald.
So, I had no choice but to suck it up and walk into the studio. I felt my dread growing as I neared the studio I knew we were working in, and the moment I walked in I was hit with an overwhelming stench of weed smoke.
Gerald was sat on the couch, a pad of paper balanced on his lap as he held a pen in one hand and a joint in the other. He took a hit from the joint and exhaled the smoke into the room. I wasn’t someone who was against weed, far from it actually, I found it helped with my writing process. But something about watching Gerald take puffs from his joint and exhale them into the windowless room just made my blood boil.
“Could you put that out?” I asked him. “It’s making the room feel claustrophobic.”
He looked up suddenly before smiling. “Oh hey! Sorry, didn’t hear you come in.’ He rose from the couch and extended a hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
I glanced at the joint in his other hand before reluctantly shaking his outstretched one. “It’s nice to meet you, too. Could you put that out?”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry, I find having a joint helps with my creative juices.”
He stubbed the blunt out in a nearby ashtray, one I assumed he had brought with him or taken from somewhere. The studio didn’t allow smoking under any circumstances. I wondered if we’d get in trouble for that.
I sat on the other side of the room as far away from Gerald as possible. I folded myself in the usual manor that I did when writing and rested my notebook against my legs.
Across the room, I heard Gerald chuckle. I glared at him over my notebook. “What?”
“That doesn’t look comfortable,” he noted, nodding to how I was sitting.
“It’s how I write,” I snapped. “It’s comfortable to me.”
“Okay, okay!” he said, putting his hands up. “Sorry, just making a note. I figured the couch here with be more comfortable.”
“I’ll just sit about the same way,” I told him. “I like it over here.”
Gerald rested his head against his hand, looking at me. “You don’t like me.”
“What gave you that idea?”
He chuckled at my response. “I’m just wondering what I did to offend you so bad. We’ve only just met.”
I sighed and placed my pen and paper aside. It was obvious that I wasn’t about to do any actual writing any time soon. “You are a bonafide bad boy, and I don’t like bad boys. Especially not the ones that are so stereotypically bad that it’s almost comical.”
A small smirk tugged on Gerald’s lips. “Who told you I was a bad boy?”
“Believe it or not, you’re very well written about. I’ve seen basically every story - ”
“Every tabloid story?” he cut me off. “I feel like, if anyone should know how bullshit those are, it should be you. I’m sure you’ve had a good few written about you.”
“Of course I have,” I said with a shrug. “But there’s a difference between tabloids writing and people confirming. I mean, two of your past girlfriends have admitted you cheated on them, there’s numerous videos of you out partying till the brink of dawn basically every night, and when I walked in you were smoking a joint in a studio that very clearly has a sign stating no smoking.”
He looked amused by my answer, and that pissed me off a little. “Okay then, tell me all those stories are wrong.”
“They’re not wrong, but they don’t automatically made me an asshole.”
I raised an eye at him, silently encouraging him to go on. Gerald sighed and placed his notebook aside as well, sitting forward and looking at me.
“I did cheat on Lana and Ash, I’ll admit that. Fuck, I’ve admitted it so many times I can say the words in my sleep. It was a mistake, both times were mistakes. I was in unhappy relationships and didn’t know how to get out, so I just moved on to the next girl. The girl I was with after Ash, when things started going downhill I left her. End of story, that was it. I’m not proud of what I did, and I’ll never be able to make it up to Lana or Ash for what I did, and I don’t deserve that, but it’s in the past and I’m working to fix that.”
I felt myself soften with every word he said. I was shocked at how mature he sounded. Part of me thought he would just deny the cheating allegations despite them being confirmed by Lana and Ashley themselves. To hear him own up to them, and to say he was trying his best to not be that person anymore, shocked me. I wasn’t sure what to say.
Gerald used my speechlessness to keep talking. “And yeah, of course I like to party. I’m fucking 31! I’ve been doing this shit since I was in my twenties, sometimes I need an escape from the bullshit of being famous, and drinking, smoking, and partying does just that. And, to ease your worried mind, I asked the woman at the desk if it was okay to smoke a little before we started recording. She said it was fine, we won’t get in trouble.”
I sighed as he finished talking. I ran my hand through my hair and slumped back in my chair. “I’m a total dick.”
Gerald smiled and chuckled a little. “I wouldn’t say total. Only partial.”
I smiled back at him, my first genuine smile. When I did, I watched his face brighten even more.
“I’m sorry I judged you before I even really got to meet you,” I told him. “That was beyond stupid of me, I shouldn’t have just assumed you’d be a bad boy because of your image.”
“At least you’re admitting it,” he joked. “I’m fine to move past that. It’s over now, we’ve gotten it all out there.”
I agreed and, being the dorks we were, Gerald and I decided to shake on it.
The writing process went very smoothly after that. We ended up writing two songs as both of us kept coming up with so many lines that we realized they couldn’t possibly fit in the one song. By the time our studio time was up, we had figured out the two songs and the partial beats for both.
Gerald offered to drive me back to my place, which I graciously accepted. The car ride was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. I didn’t feel as tense or angry as I had on my way to the studio. I was glad Gerald and I managed to get along, and I was grateful for the new music partner I had made in the short time we were together.
“This is me,” I said as we pulled up in front of my house. “We’ll have to scheduled another studio day sometime soon. The label is gonna want these songs as soon as possible.”
“Maybe we could figure out a time and a date over dinner tomorrow night?” Gerald suggested.
I looked at him, confused, for a moment, like the naive fool I was. “If we’re both free for dinner, why don’t we just go to the studio then?”
Gerald laughed and rolled his eyes. “I’m trying to ask you out on a date, dummy.”
My mouth opened in mock offense. “Rude! I don’t think I’ll accept your dinner offer now!”
“Fine by me, we have to meet up in the studio anyways. I’ll just ask again.”
He smiled and I felt my heart racing seeing the way he looked at me. I smiled back at him before opening the door to his car. Before closing it, I leaned down to look at him one last time before saying, “Pick me up at 6:00 sharp, if you’re even a minute later I’ll lock my doors and go to bed.”
He laughed and nodded. “It’s a date then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow, G.”
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avenging-fandoms · 6 years
Gerald Gillum fluffy A-Z
requested: could you do a nsfw and a sweet alphabet for g eazy? there’s not enough imagines & blurbs on tumblr about him 😩
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A = Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
how supportive you are. when times got rough, you always helped him through it. if song writing wasn’t going well, and he just started to cry because he was so frustrated, you were always there to be next to him and hug him and talk him through it, telling him that he was so amazing and just helping him. 
B = Baby: do they want a family? why/why not?
yes, but when his career isn’t so hectic. he would love to have a little boy, he would love to teach him to do better things than he did when he was younger. but, he didn’t really care about the gender, because he would still love them just the same. 
C = Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
gerald likes to cuddle with your leg over his waist, one arm around your back and the other rubbing up your thigh with your arms around his neck, his head tucked under your chin.
D = Dates: what are dates with them like?
since he’s busy a lot, he tries to take you on the best dates he can. whether it’s a nice restaurant around where he is, or lights around the tiny living room in the tour bus, snacks, a blanket, and movies. he tried his best to take you on dates you enjoy, but you always told him how it didn’t matter where you guys were, just as long as you two were there together. you two would turn off your phones completely, 
E = Everything: “you are my ____” (e.g my life, my world…)
“you are my sunshine” 
(if you’ve read my g-eazy imagines on wattpad you’d understand) (read it to understand, it’s linked below)
F = Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
when he saw you singing along to his songs on the side of the stage. he watched as you lipped every word, dancing subtly. whenever he glanced over to you, you gave him a wide smile and a thumbs up, and it would just give him butterflies, which wasn’t normal to him. but his eyes loved to be on you.
G = Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
when he’s gentle, he’s g e n t l e. gerald is probably the softest he can be, and it freaks out his friends because they’re used to this hyper, crazy ass dude. but when you’re in his arms or holding his hand or he smells something that smells like you, he melts.
H = Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
since he’s taller than you he liked to stand behind you and wrap his arms around your neck, chin on top of your head or on his arm next to your head. he liked to interlace his fingers with yours, thumb rubbing over the back of your hand. 
I = Impression: first impression/s
he thought you were gorgeous. you were next to him at the bar, ordering the same drink as him. he used pick up lines that made you laugh, and you called him out on it. he loved that you were confident and independent. he offered to pay for your drink, but you declined and told him you could pay yourself. he literally waited outside of the club to meet you and get your number. and he later texted you, and it wasn’t his stupid pick up lines.
J = Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
somewhat. the occasional jump scare, nothing extreme. there was a prank that he loved that he did once and it was he destroyed your favorite bag, but he bought you a new one. 
K = Kisses: how do they kiss?
holding your chin/jaw, always smiling. 
L = Love: who says I love you first?
he did, and he did it on stage. after performing “no less” he brought you on stage and told you he loved you and that was probably the only time he’d publicly show he was a soft son of a bitch when he’s with you.
M = Memory: their favorite moment together
when he took you out on stage to sing your guys’ song “Him and I” he loved watching you sway your hips and loved to slightly grind himself behind you, he loved to share such an amazing experience with the two things he loved: you and his fans.
N = Nickel: do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
is that even a question? of course he spoils you. even sometimes where you don’t want anything, he gives you it. he doesn’t understand that spoiling you makes you love him. 
O = Orange: what color reminds them of their other half?
as weird as it sounds, black. you and him matched clothes and when you do, it’s always with black clothing.
P = Pet names: what pet names do they use?
baby girl, princess, baby.
Q = Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
vinylssssssss he has a whole collection at home.
R = Rainy Day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
gerald likes to stay inside and put on a record, dancing with you and acting stupid with each other. he also would like to play games like uno, bullshit, stuff like that.
S = Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up
he listens to you. you’re usually around him when he’s upset, so he listens to your soft voice and hugs you and just listening to you makes him feel so much better.
T = Talking: what do they love to talk about?
his music and you. he’s so proud of both.
U = Unencumbered: What helps them relax?
your kisses, sometimes it’s writing music, other times writing can be stressful. he also likes to listen to his records that are soft sounded.
V = Vaunt: what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
you, and he also likes to show off the things you bought him, like a watch and his ring.
W = Wedding: when, how, where do they propose?
it was on vacation in hawaii, the first vacation you guys went on together. he took you to the beach where you gave him his promise ring, and now the beach was going to be where he gave you your engagement ring. 
X = Xylophone: What’s their song?
back to sleep - chris brown
Y = You’re the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
you’re the sunshine to my cloudy day.
Z = Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
i feel like he would get a german shepard or a golden retriever. he loved big dogs, but not too big. 
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gsbabygirl · 6 years
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weirduniverse · 7 years
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yungg-endlesssmr · 5 years
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When it’s dark out
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aya-fay · 7 years
Prompt: “Just close your eyes and breathe.” &  “You’re so mean when you talk about yourself.”
Author: Aya-Fay
Fandom: -
Pairing: G-Eazy x reader (platonic)
By Anonymous
PS: I have no idea how i came around writing it haha
ASK is open <3
Request are closed for now, but drabble game is on.
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And here is my Masterlist. (It’s Up to Date)
New story should be up soon.
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I do The 100, Gotham and Fantastic Beasts.
But you can always ask me in pm if i will be able to write the character you want.
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“How could this fucking happen?” Gerald’s frustrated groan rang through the recorder room as the meaning of newest text slowly started to sinking in. He just got damped. And it happened right after he promised that thinks will get better. So much for wishful thinking.
Well, truth be told, things did get better, but the girl he thought he loved and who he thought loved him in return was not in the picture to watch him getting greater.
Sad, he was left the studio and walked to the parking lot, lighting up a cigarette and smoking, feeling as his muscles started to relax as the smoke was dissolving into the night’s dim light.
“Just close your eyes and breathe.” Came from the left side of his sudden occupation near the wall. He turned his head towards the source of an unexpected voice, watching a small figure started to become more and more visible as it got closer and closer.
“Dude, you look hella awful! What happened to you this merry night?” The figure asked, as it turned out to be a petite young woman about his age, whose posture was showing her stressed out mood. She was wearing black jeans, black top and black long cardigan to top it all up. She gave out the sense of style he has never seen before.
He handed her a cigarette with one hand, which she gladly took and, put in her mouth as she bowed her face to his hands for fire. As she lit the cigarette, she looked closely at the man next to her.
Taking a drag, she smiled as the smoke filled her lungs and looked down, waiting for the stranger next to her to say something. She has already said more than enough.
“Breakup.” Said the man, as he slowly was smoking his cigarette, watching the earth under his feet in shame. “I might not be the best person in the world. Could actually be the worst one, but it was not intentionally!” He angrily started, but was suddenly stopped by soft woman’s hand on his shoulder.
“You’re so mean when you talk about yourself. It couldn’t be good for anyone and most definitely not good for you.” The woman said, smiling at him as if she knew him his whole life. “I might not be a psychologist, but I do recognize the view of regret when I meet one. And yours is too consuming and too far mixed with guilt and sadness, darling.” She smiled as she handed him a small piece of paper with her number on it. “If you ever need a stranger to talk to – go ahead and call me. I know the feeling of being lost and depressed too well, to let it consume another person.”
And with that she was gone, leaving the feelings of happiness and confusion taking their rightful place in his soul. Never has he ever met this woman before, nor will he meet her after, but in that exact moment, he felt like he was holding on to the feeling of calmness she gave him. And that was more than enough.
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xxmoonxgirlxx · 7 years
Just a little nasty, but always kept it classy”
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