The many Skulls of the Lurid Crypt
I am one of the overseers (players) of this succession fortress organized by @dorfposting And I succeeded the Dwarf from @impossiblepackage first, then @jv to finally me. Here is my story of Ërtongnòm - Gerbilgod
First of Granite, year 152 in the fortress Ërtongnòm: Gerbilgod
After stumbling along searching for my mountain-home, I, overseer Erika, daughter of Hawks, found the fabled Ërtongnòm.
Two things about the fortress that caught my immediate attention was the impressive stockpile of foodstuff. A good abundance to ensure our citizens are well-fed. The other thing was the smell however…
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Understanding the discomfort miasma would bring to a fortress, and with discomfort brings temper tantrums, I instructed our miners, the Dwarves Ber and Mistêm, to dig out the dumping pit a little deeper. A crude solution, but one that will suffice until magma becomes our servant.
And in ensuring that refuse and other garbage is to be dumped, I ordered the Dwarf Besmar Närèrith, our fisherdwarf, to specialize in trash collecting so that the only labor they are concerned about, other than fishing, is to ensure our fortress’ stink does not sicken us all. Then I asked Goden Shedlok the Herbalist to specialize hauling food, so that our carefully prepared meals do not go to spoil and spoil all of our moods.
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Hopefully, the Dwarves’ other labors do not hinder their new found responsibilities too much.
11’th of Granite
An Elven caravan had just arrived on the morning. They didn’t carry too much, nor was anything too valuable, save the fruits, vegetables and nuts. I felt that the necessary course of action was to simply ignore our nature-protector friends. Afterall, our stockpiles are more than sufficient.
We would find better trading partners later in the year, I’m sure of it.
25’Th of Granite
Looking at the state of the Dwarven Bunks, I decided the best course of action, while the fortress was cleaning up, was to set up personal furniture for the dwarves, so they may have personal coffers to hang up their clothing or other objects of subjective value.
I have the dwarves use the available shale to set up these stone workshops, one will focus production on cabinets, the other on coffers, and the final one on doors.
With the abundance of Rock Salt, and my reluctance to use economic stone for anything other than steel production, I ordered the furniture to be made of rock salt. Not the best material in my not so humble opinion, but us Dwarves make do with what we got. Perhaps when we have more migrants come in, be it this year or the next, we may assign them masons to work specifically on these tasks. But for now, this is work available for anyone.
6’th of Slate
Besmar has been spotted working on refuse removal, yet, most times I spot her praying fervently to her Gods, meditating on their spheres of influence. Though I am not one to get in the way of others’ personal beliefs, I find her lack of work disturbing. Had I any extra laborers, surely this would be no issue, but I must rely on her solely to dump refuse without sacrificing the other Dwarves’ work.
I am happy to report that no complaints of miasma have been announced by any of the Dwarves. So at least we have that.
21’st of Slate
I spoke too soon about the Miasma situation, I turned a corner to check on the bunks, and I find the purple clouds of miasma torturing the animals. The remains of Crundles continue to rot as our dumper continues to pray. 
1st of Felsite
Ask and ye shall receive. Migrants have arrived.
Now our humble fortress of 28 (including monster hunters) is boosted to a modest 59
More children arrived with their parents. Which means more haulers, which hopefully means more refuse dumping. 
Now a new task was set forth, to house all these new workers, for our glorious fortress.
At Elevation Level: (-7) going downwards, I set up mining orders to rapidly set up new housing for the Dwarves as well as any bunks for future migrant waves.
11’th of Felsite
Let it be known, on this day, the farmers of Ërtongnòm have petitioned for a guildhall for the Farmer’s Guild named: “The Guild of Meadows”
In other news, I have switched the children’s chores away from most hauling activity to refuse hauling, in order to better streamline the sanitation process of the fortress. There are poor moods across the board so I hope the construction of the guild will help build the morale of the citizens.
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I felt that in honor of a Dwarven Farmer’s Guild, the Hall itself could resemble that of a Plump Helmet. When the final touches of the fortress have been completed (Dug out, smoothed, with some furnishing), we will boast our finished product for all to see (on Tumblr).
22’nd of Felsite
May Lumnum, God of The Stars and Freedom, watch over us. A fearsome beast approaches.
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The Worst of these troubles: we only just noticed this beast towards our gate (Because I was only notified as it transformed near our entrance). I pray that the monster hunters, with the aid of our cage traps, can defeat this creature before any of our citizens die, or worse, become infected. 
I haphazardly set up a burrow called the Panic Room in the Oily Chestnut and a small space where the lever is so that a dwarf may press it before the monster can invade… hopefully.
23’rd of Felsite 
Our Prayers are answered, Stinthäd Melbilastel, the were-lizard (and not a citizen btw) has worn off her transformation. Which now gives us ample ability to destroy her. Though I pity her and her curse, I cannot allow such a threat to exist near our fortress endangering our proud citizens and those lazy monster hunters who did nothing. I organized a small militia of Dwarves to deal with this threat. Even though we had no military equipment, we at least had numbers. Finally, with no casualty to us (no injuries or deaths) we walk off in mourning of this poor soul. The least we could do is engrave a slab in memoriam. 
26’th of Felsite
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I would like to personally congratulate comrade ‘jv’ for their victory in the fortress elections. You represent the will of the people, may you lead us to glory!
By the gods’ very flame, one of our children has been afflicted with a strange mood! I eagerly await the artifact young Urdim Cilobrulush will create!
They claimed one of the Craftdwarf workshops on the main floor, and has been seen hauling giant mole bones to their shop.
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Five Days Later…
Finally, I turned my attention towards the merchants, and decided against purchasing any foods or such, but did trade for some leathers in bins. Having leather fashioned into cloaks, I believe, would give our military dwarves some extra protection.
3’rd of Malachite
A little outside the Tavern is the entranceway to the housing facilities for our Dwarves. Mud marks the path forward and I found it appropriate to till out some farm plots for more cavern diet variety. It completely slipped my mind to build additional bunks for so many new Dwarves. So I immediately worked to remedy that. I also started to commission more furnishing for our veteran Dwarves, the dwarves that were here before the wave. Though fortress life is hard, a comfort here and there can make it all worth it.
15’th of Malachite
The worshippers of Lumnum, who band together as “The Tenebrous Order,” have requested for the construction of a temple in service to the God of The Stars and Freedom. A small temple, humble and non-obstructive to our time, could be arranged. Though I’m not too religious myself, I recognize the faith of the people in their gods, and I hope morale could be raised by this new holy site. Very well my Dwarves, construction is underway.
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Because Lumnum is the God of The Stars as well as Freedom, I thought the best way to honor that sphere of influence was to design the temple in the shape of a five-pronged star. I’ll commision some statues of copper in the image of Lumnum to decorate the temple. 
11’th of Galena
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And now we find ourselves with yet another uninvited guest to our territory. Mostly unarmored Dwarves position themselves behind the drawbridge, and I bring the monster hunters out of their comfort zone to help defend our fortress. Our soldiers, due to the armor not yet being fully forged, are mostly unprotected, with only Hammers to keep them safe.
I lead our Dwarves onwards to battle. Unfortunately, not every Dwarf had heard the call to the Tavern and several children were playing in the mud outside. So, bravely, I led our soldiers to dispose of this garbage, and swiftly, the threat was taken care of, with only one fatality.
Unfortunately, one of our soldiers, young Mörul Likottorad was lost during the conflict. We know not their whereabouts, but we assume the worst. Due to the missing nature of the body, we will engrave a memorial slab in her honor. Go to the ancestors lost hero, your struggles are over. 
Haphazardly, I arranged for a hospital to be built on the main floor. Though our casualties were minimal, some Dwarves, like our siege operator Kulet Alisbesmer, had sustained some injuries, they for example had lost their ability to stand. We will need to commission some crutches, and our Chief Medical Dwarf (CMD) will need to treat their wounds.
1st of LimeStone
Now, don’t ask me how, but Kulet seems to have gotten better with minimal input. She wasn’t even on her last legs, she could barely stand, now here she is, working as if nothing traumatic happened. Ah well, Dwarves are just built differently. Construction of the Hospital is going well enough, we have some beds, a coffer to store our medical supplies, and I am building a Soap Maker’s Workshop inside the hospital so we may be able to clean wounds in the future. This really should’ve been something I built first, but better late than never. Across the Hospital, where the training barracks are, I am constructing a Bedroom, an Office/Dining Hall, and a set of prisons for the new Captain of the Guard, Minkot Datantoral/Ironlaw (I mean come on, with a name like that, why not?!). I also realized the mayor JV needed some extra effort into their living standards, being mayor and all. And why not, surely ImpossiblePackaged, for their labors as overseer, requires a new living standard. 
4th of Limestone
More child snatchers arrived, they ran away just as quickly. I pray for peace, my Dwarves have seen enough action.
14’th of Limestone
A Caravan from Litast Likot has arrived to Ërtongnòm. I seem to be getting what I want in terms of peace. So far, things have been relatively peaceful. The problem, I’ve been skimping out on the Fortress’s trade goods production, so as a result, we’re not trading for anything. Shameful, I’m aware, but with the formation of a militia, threats arriving to the fortress and trying to specialize workers into other industries I deemed important for the time, it just slipped my mind. 
15’th of Limestone
A day later and the liaison offers us a barony. Though my thoughts on the nobility are less than flattering, I recognize this is a huge prestige for us Dwarves. So, in honor of their labors in guiding us to this mountain home, I felt it necessary to award comrade ImpossiblePackaged the title of Baron. Glory to our eternal fortress! For my successor, i ordered us some subterranean plant seeds and spawn as well as extra logs for bed production. Make use of this as you will, honored overseer. They want, in return, bracelets, and are offering a 196% increase to purchase any the next time they visit. I’ll commission some bracelets for the fortress and encrust them with gemstones. The future looks bright for us. Glory to the Future!
21’st of Limestone
So, for reasons beyond my comprehension, it did not occur to me to check the finished goods bins for trade goods. Fortunately, the liaison has not left us, so I sent our broker to trade. After considerable trading, and feeling a little ripped off, I bought the fortress additional provisions to ensure its survival. I also purchased bins of different cloths and bags of seeds and spawns. We can craft more goods to replenish our loss and use the new silks/yarn-cloth/plant-cloth/leather to dress our citizens into something fresher.
18’th of Sandstone
 It’s been an uneventful Autumn as of yet. A long while ago when constructing the trash pit, we ran into some semi-molten rock. This could indicate magma below. Right now, coke is becoming a rarity, so magma forges and smelters could be very helpful to us economically necessary. The magma sea was discovered, now to figure out pumps, or move metalsmithing operations downwards. This also means our dumping pit for trash no longer will emit a smell, because the magma will burn it all! So long miasma, you purple cloud of anxiety!
22nd of Sandstone
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This is so far what I have for the new magma workshops that will mostly replace our need for refined coke. After the workshops are dug out with storage space, we’ll begin actually channeling into the sea for the forges and smelters. I did see some magma snakes and other nasties, hopefully this won’t present itself as too much of a problem, I may consider putting guard detail down to these depths.
23rd of Sandstone, or as I like to call it, as soon as I unpaused the game:
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Made of water, no wonder you were forgotten. Although such an announcement scared me, I realized there was no real way for the monster to enter the fortress properly. It’s in the caverns, we have traps set up for this beast, and it’s made of water. I’ll set up a guard post with our war dog, but I think the monster hunters in the tavern are more than enough. 
1st of Timber
The great big ball of agua fled. Kinda hoping for a fight, but this is probably for the best. At least this means nobody dies. The miners continue to dig deep into the depths of this world. I am eager for some metal bars into our workers’ hands. We also just received a new migrant wave pushing our population from 69 to 77. We deconstructed the upstairs Metal Forges and Smelters. The anvils will be relocated to the lower levels and housing for our smiths will be located near the workshops. And then move the storages near there as well. Because the steel industry still needs carbon in order to forge steel, coke will still be located by the smelters.
10th of Timber
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Do you think Armok hides in heaven because they too are far too tired to deal with all this? Our Dwarves do not like listening to burrow orders, so my only solution is to send soldiers to throw themselves at the enemy in order to deal with threats. Here’s hoping we don’t make more engraved slabs.
13th of Timber
No deaths!!! The giantess Istrath Absamistrath Muraktesum is dead by the hands of Mebzuth Athelilrom, the killer of the cyclops invader that resulted in the death of another Dwarf in the months prior. Truly, the title of Hero of Ërtongnòm is earned here.
26th of Timber
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I dug out the forge shops and this thing came out of the rock. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!?! We are going to lose miners and gain some coffins and slabs. I have the soldiers guard a hallway that leads to the rest of the fortress so that the soldiers can regroup and not take this thing one at a time.
1st of Moonstone
There are so many casualties. That THING charged the blokade and killed seven soldiers (Including Mebzuth) and ten civilians. I ordered the Dwarves to wall off the forges. A vile siege of darkness has arrived to Ërtongnòm. Goblins charge the gates. The Gates are closing, whoever is outside is just going to have to fend for themselves, because we absolutely cannot defend ourselves. After more dwarves threw themselves to kill the fiend, thus killing themselves, the thing finally died, but we are out of soldiers. A vile force of Darkness has arrived. We have no soldiers, our workforce was cut by 27% and the winter has only just begun. The gates are closed. Armok save them, because I cannot.
16th of Moonstone
The baron, ImpossiblePackaged, was injured during the fight in their fight against Skullscrypt the Lurid, that maroon fiend that slaughtered much of our citizens. Though they killed the beast, they are left in critical condition that has already been patched up, and sutured. The only task left to do is to clean them up, lest they die of infection. A statue in honor of the death of the Lurid will be erected of course, but it will be a somber moment. Too many lives were lost thanks to that death machine.
19th of Moonstone
I’m not sure which of the Gods I’ve angered, but I'm going to assume I did something serious. This must be the third Forgotten Beast that has visited our fortress. We still haven’t been able to rebuild our militia, so I think it’s best to simply keep the gates closed, and never venture out into the wild.
20th of Moonstone
It got into the fortress. It came from the caverns and attacked our war dog first, then it set off our many stone traps. In a miraculous turn of events, it fell into the entrance of the garbage pit. A small hallway that is inaccessible to the rest of the fortress. So now we have a pet monster that I hope starves to death. In any case, I need to replace that dog. It served us well and will be remembered.
7th of Opal
Some Good news…finally. Likot Idudos, our mechanic, has entered a strange mood and is gathering goods for their latest artifact. I am excited about what new goody we may yet receive!
12th of Opal
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Our Newest artifact! Though I would’ve preferred the creation of armor or a weapon, this artifact will truly be a delight to display around the fortress. Perhaps I’ll set it up in the guildhall or the temple, and allow those buildings to finally be complete.
4th of Obsidian
As I realize my tenure as overseer draws to a close, I look back at my progress here in the fortress of Gerbilgod. Could I have done better? I came here smelling the miasma, hoping to clean it. Then the migrants came to help, then the monster came to feed. We have no more coal to refine into coke, and thus, an end to our metal industry. To try to substitute, I awoken the slumber of a beast best left forgotten. My Dwarves, oh my precious Dwarves, will you ever forgive me? The gates remain closed. Perhaps the next overseer will find success in my downward descent into madness. I truly hope so, for the sake of Ërtongnòm. The previous overseers built great foundations for wealth, but the outside world proved too hostile, too greedy. To any overseer who wishes to avenge our people, build up our strength, destroy the beasts in our fortress and prove to all the glory of Ërtongnòm! My final message to you all: bring us Glory!
In remembrance: 26 Lost but never forgotten
Ber Dallithonddom, Miner
Aban Degëlîton, Carpenter
Vucar Dumatrìthar, Herbalist
Besmar Närèrith, Fisherdwarf
Goden Shedkol, Herbalist
Zulban Idbal, Gem Cutter
Kol Össeklikot, Animal Trainer
Zuntîr Rovodmedtob, Macedwarf
Kib Takùthducim, Marksdwarf
Rimtar Estunaban, Trader
Mebzuth Athelilrom, Hero of Gerbilgod
Atír Mosusgoden, Hammerdwarf
Nish Zulbanrutod, Dwarven Child
Zulban Litastkobeb, Sworddwarf
Mörul Likottorad, Hammerdwarf
Rovod Dalzatshorast, Miner
Erika ProudAutsiticComrade (Minkot Ironlaw), Captain of the Guard/Hammerdwarf
Feb Ustuthód, Bone Doctor
Zuglar Akrulfotthor, Metalsmith
Udib Likotuvel, Hammerdwarf
Goden Mebzuthmishthem, Dwarven Child
Amost Tangathlibash, Doctor
Tulon Alåtharist, Farmer
Kogan Likottulon, Glassmaker
Fikod Rakustardes, Pump Operator
Inod Thîkutzuntîr, Peasant
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bullrunpicnicker · 2 years
i was in command of year 154 of @dorfposting's succession fort. my knowledge of what was going on in the fort prior to my turn: limited. my strategy: unclear. my goals: just kinda dick around
redid the squads and put people in them to train
sent a mission off site to ask for tribute from some humans and they agreed???? and gave us like. a handful of random items
redid the labors so people would actually do stuff like 'gather plants' and 'hauling'
directed magma to fuel the unlit magma forges with only one casualty
dealt with some ghost issues. there might be more ghost issues in the future. it happens
caught a minotaur in a cage
moved all grazing animals inside for their safety
dug out this great room
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put some fun traps in the trap corridor
renamed the fire breathing forgotten beast that lives in the closed off first cavern "trogdor the burninator" at my friend's request. watched trodgor fight and kill multiple forgotten beasts in awe
notable nonsuccesses:
the trap corridor will hurt citizens so. watch out for that
some dwarfs died
right as my year ended a weretortoise started charging the front gate. good luck to the next person. id suggest channeling it into the trap corridor
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dorfposting · 1 year
Hello! There was a bit of a hiccup with the takeover of Gerbilgod, and we find ourselves in need of a new overseer! Volunteer in the replies, preferably if you can manage to play through a year and make your post in about a week.
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impossiblepackage · 2 years
We left our comfortable homes behind and began our trek eastward. We found a promising location beside a river and a great hill some 10 stories tall. As we looked about the immediate area, the wheel of the wagon fell off, which made the decision to stay much easier.
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We were in a peaty bog, beside a large hill, and across the river from the red sands of that terrible desert. A quick survey from the top of the hill showed us a bounty of plants to forage, many beautiful feathertrees, and the desert stretching out far beyond the horizon.
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There were some otters and a snapping turtle in the river, along with a great many fish. And another creature, in the sand.
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An elf, carrying a stringed instrument, was standing in the desert, just watching us work. We made a mental note to keep an eye on her, and got to digging. We had barely finished digging out a first farming room when an abhorrent sludge began to fall from the sky. Thankfully, it seemed confined to the desert, but that poor elf was caught in it. We took pity, and hastily constructed a rickety bridge and urged her to come inside. Considering the circumstances, I hope she doesn't mind that its made of wood.
Punching through the aquifer was troublesome, as it was deeper that expected, but Ber the miner did an admirable job. We had to go 15 stories beneath the surface before we got through and the real work could begin. It was the 20th of Slate when we finally started hollowing out our new home.
I laid out a simple floor plan. A carpenter's shop on one side, jeweler and stoneworker on the other, and dining hall, with kitchen and brewery attached. The floor below would have bedrooms, and some food storage.
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Or, at least, the floor below WOULD have those things. Instead, while carving the stairs down to where the bedrooms would go, Ber mined his way into a cavern. The floor of the cavern was very muddy, so I decided we had best farm down there, instead. Our crops would like the cavernous soil much more than the peat above. Ber became the manager, and set our stoneworker Zutthan to work making blocks for the wall we were about to build in the cavern.
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Summer went by quickly, with little to report. We started cutting gems for trade. A wandering monster slayer found their way here, and offered to hang around and kill anything lurking in the caverns. Some new migrants came, one of whom is a talented armorer. We also began construction of a larger bridge across the river, in case somebody comes by on the wrong side of it. There are quite a few rutherers down in the caverns, large four-legged creatures covered in thick fur. At one point one of them snuck up through the fortress, and wandered off into the desert. Poor beast.
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Ah! The first trade caravan arrived, and I've completely forgotten to build a depot! We got it built in time, but still! We traded for some leather and cloth, some rock nuts to plant later, a mixture of food, to give us some more variety.
The rest of autumn was fairly uneventful. A giant cave spider was spotted in the caverns, but we locked the door up tight and it stayed away. We built a grand gate to seal up the front door in case of emergency, and started smoothing the walls up. More monster slayers have offered to stay, but I turned them away so far. And the damn cats keep leaving fluffy wambler remains all over the place!
Just before winter ended, I carved out a small room to use as a rudimentary temple, to keep our spirits up. Eventually that room could be used for something else, and a better temple built elsewhere, but it'll do for now.
The elf from before has been spending some time there, and has actually been making friends with Zutthan, our stone carver. That bard hasn't done any work, or even officially petitioned to stay, but Zutthan likes her anyway. It's funny, because Zutthan is not a musical dwarf whatsoever, but maybe a song while carving out the rock isn't so bad?
In the last month of winter, something like 20 crundles were seen in the caverns. They ventured too close to our cavern entrance, forcing us to close it up for now. Nobody was hurt, thankfully, but our resident monster slayer will have to wait a while before heading back out there. I hope he's alright. He's been upset and depressed ever since he got here. Apparently he's just like that, but I'm hoping a little time off will cheer him up a bit.
Just before the end of the year, I spied a demon rat running around in the desert's muck. Awful creature.
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But the year is ended. It was uneventful, overall. We have bedrooms, food, drink, a place to eat, a place to pray, and we've started making some crafts to sell to the next caravan. They'll be bringing lots of seeds next year. You can never have too many, I always say. But anyway, it's time for me to retire, do some whittling, and cook some food.
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autistic-autumn · 2 years
I began my tenure of Overseer of Gerbilgod in the year 155.
1st Granite, Early Spring, 155
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I was immediately struck with the horrors! A vicious weretortoise bolting directly for the fortress entrance. My first order of business would be to take down this beast.
Just kidding! I have no clue what to do, nor do I care. Plenty of tasty dogs out there and a useless angry fisherdwarf.
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As it turns out the weretortoise was almost completely useless in battle and was able to be taken out by a bunch of useless civilians with only one casualty. However it seems a bunch of dwarves were in combat and now may be infect with the curse.
Now of course I could simply expel these dwarves, but I have a more interesting idea in mind.
There was a few poets and others who I have no control over who seem to have got infected so just kind of hoping they leave.
While I prepare that there was a number of general fortress administrative businesses to attend to.
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There was an unfortunate number of petitions to get through. All rejected because they sucked, except of the petition for a temple by the Order of Embracing.
With that all sorted I decided to unpause again (still 1st granite) and long behold!
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Wonderful! the perfect time for a siege.
2nd Granite, Early Spring, 155
I don't know how burrows work in the new version. Those idiots better know how to move.
The goblins all seem well armored and skilled, although only totaling about 12 goblins.
3rd Granite, Early Spring, 155
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Idiot fishdwarves server as good cannon fodder. We are creatures of earth and stone! Those who dare defile the good dwarven name with fishing get what they deserve.
Decided to just set the military out against them because it's a smaller siege than I anticipated and they probably will be fine.
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the trap hall does seem to be doing a good job at trapping everyone but the goblins (heard rumors from a previous overseer that the hall is hostile to local dwarves).
I think it's caught a few dogs in the system.
4th Granite, Early Spring, 155
Siege seems to have been broken with only a few causalities. I think that's a success at least.
Back to the fortress business and there is a temple to build. This of course is The Order of Embracing who worship Ano, the god of fertility and love.
There is of course the rather aptly shape 'Giant Cock room', although that is currently filled with animals.
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In the end I decided to go for a simply heart design on the floor below the star temple. While I'm sure there are many hilarious phallic objects I could have made for the temple of fertility and love I thought this was a better option.
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There seem to be a few injured dwarves, worryingly some of the sacrifices dwarves who fought the weretortoise. Hopefully they recover before the next full moon.
26th Granite, Early Spring, 255
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So it turns out there were two travellers that was infected with the weretortoise curse. Nothing I can really do at the point.
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Also one of the dwarves from the hospital who was yet to leave to the sacrifice room ended up turning as well.
I'm going to remove all visitors from the fort in an attempt to remove anyone who may be infected.
Results: All the were-tortoises were quickly killed, although I am yet to check if there were any infections. I have carefully sifted through the combat logs to either expel any children bitten and get the remaining bitten dwarves into the sacrifice squad.
There is also now a tavern brawl occurring.
23rd Slate, Mid Spring, 155
Turns out there are 11 weretortoises in the fort. My best efforts to contain them all seem to have failed. The sacrafice chamber has four of them contained but preparations for the ritual are not going well.
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A collection of the weretortoises. A lot seem to be in places that can be locked down and contained.
most seem to have been killed successfully however I am also too lazy to attempt to look through all the combat logs to find all instances of citizens being bitten, particularly given it proved to be unsuccessful with both one and four weretortoises.
I have simply decided to expel anyone in the vicinity of a weretortoise corpse that is also injured. I was hoping to do more interesting stuff involving sacraficing the were tortoises to forgotten beast although it seems futile. I would rather keep the fortress intact for now.
With everyone injured out of the fortress the current population is 107. Any visitors who were injured I was unable to do anything for. I was also unable to evict one of the monster hunters and the mayor. They shall be added to the sacrifice collection.
Currently anyone else injured has been locked in the hospital with the assumption that they are a weretortoise.
14th Felsite, Late Spring, 155
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A new forgotten beast has appeared in the third cavern layer. I believe it is stuck in the caverns for now so hopefully it'll be fine to ignore.
There also seems to be a bit of a rotting corpse problem right now.
21st Felsite, Late Spring, 155
The weretortoise problem seems to be resolving itself, only two wild weretortoises and I have continues to expel all those that are injured. I shall continue to keep the hospital as a quarantine zone for the time being.
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One of the sacrafices also went up against the burninator, although seems to have been quickly killed off.
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One of the exiles seems to have returned as well. They were killed by a bunch of war dogs and attack no citizens.
Current population: 96
9th Hematite, Early Summer, 155
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you know what I thought would be a great and awesome idea. Capturing the Burninator. Unfortunately all the dwarves are completely useless and didn't bother flicking the lever (probably all too busy being "upset") when needed. Anyways, this should all go well.
11th Hematite, Early Summer 155
Good news everybody!!
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flying web beast!
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It was even kind enough to let itself in on the first cavern layer (Right where it has access to the surface). However, if the dwarves can figure out how levers work we should be fine.
12th Hematite, Early Summer, 155
Praise be! A caravan of human traders have arrived!
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also the minotaur was in a wooden cage and is running towards the tavern.
15th Hematite, Early Summer, 155
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The beast has been successfully trapped, albeit in completely the wrong location. Don't know what happened to the minotaur but probably dead because people aren't complaining about it.
Unfortunately the caverns are now blocked off with an even more dangerous beast so can't even reclaim those. (There of course is a fun solution to his problem)
Current population: 51
16th Malachite, Mid Summer, 155
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Metal deadly dust forgotten beast! This is the third forgotten beast this year, it seems perhaps the world doesn't want us in the caverns.
19th Malachite, Mid Summer, 155
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It is too my horror to discover the third caverns were in fact, not sealed.
1st Galena, Late Summer, 155
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I believe I have captured the beast in the room opposite the other beast. I have simply locked the doors, likely ineffective solution but no dwarves are available to place walls in.
Currently there are 11 dwarves remaining: 1 Weretortoise mayor, 9 badly wounded, unconscious, rotting dwarfs and a monster hunter who is convinced he is socializing in the oily chestnuts.
6th Galena, Late Summer, 155
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I have moved all the dwarves to the old hospital, where the weretortoise mayor was residing. I have him recovering the patients and attempting to treat them. However with the curse I am going to have to prepare carefully and isolate him away during the full moon.
15th Limestone, Early Autumn, 155
The Dwarven merchants have arrived, although I have no plans to trade. The populations is down to seven citizens now, three of whom can't do labour as they aren't full citizens. The weretortoise mayor and another dwarf are currently attempting to keep the remaining hospitalized dwarves alive. Unfortunately a few have died of starvation or dehydration as there is enough dwarves to tend to everyones wounds.
20th Limestone, Early Autumn, 155
None of the remain dwarves in the hospital survived. The fortress currently contains two functional dwarves and three monster hunters.
21st Sandstone, Mid Autumn, 155
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A new hope appears on the horizon. With that the population is up to 13. Hopefully the fort can begin to be tidied up.
28th Sandstone, Mid Autumn, 155
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Fourth Forgotten Beast for the year. This one has direct access to the fortress through the third cavern layer, although there appears to be a door I might be able to seal to keep it out.
23rd Opal, Mid Winter, 155
Progress in the fortress has been much slower. The population is at 20, however many of these are poets, musicians and monster hunters who have requested residency. As such there is only a small number of dwarves able to do labour.
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Saying that the temple from earlier in the year has been finished, and while anyone part of the Order of Embracing has since left the fortress, it still stands as a grand temple for all those that wish to worship Amo.
1st Obsidian, Late Winter, 155
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Concerning news. One of the new migrants must have been a vampire and has killed the manager, one of the only two surviving dwarfs from from the earlier attacks. I has a strong suspicion on a dwarf named Domas given they have a vast amount of skills, including one or two legendary skills. They also happen to be almost 160 years old. Given there are many possible suspects I had decided to just simply evict this guy rather than try conduct and investigation.
11th Obsidian, Late Winter, 155
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A final Forgotten Beast appears before the end of the year. Makes a total of five in one year. This one is stuck in the third cavern layer where it can fight it out with the eight-legged Dimetrodon.
28th Obsidian, Later Winter, 155
That concludes my time as overseer of Gerbilgod. Overall probably a general success with only minor grievances throughout. I am somewhat confused as to how powerful doors appear to be in the steam release. I recall a locked not being enough to stop a werecreature or forgotten beast but they seem to be enough in this version.
The fortress still needs tidying and the catacombs need to be expanded. The mayor is still the Werebeast and remains his office during the full moons to avoid him attacking anyone. There is still the webbed beast in the cavern layer that could theocratically be captured but I didn't dare attempt. The lever and bridge system is place from the attempts to capture the Burninator.
As for naming my dwarf I chose the new fortress manager. She also happens to be the bookkeeper, broker and chief medical dwarf as there weren't many with any skills in the fortress.
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adamantinetower · 2 years
Gerbilgod Year 3: Mausoleums
I’m next in line for the Tumblr Succession Fort, with @proudautisticcomrade having preceded me. The game is overseen by @dorfposting​. I’ve had my attention split quite a bit these past few weeks n’ days so I admit I’m not as well versed in the Fortress’s history as I probably should be. But its an angle I can make work.
This ended up being quite a long post with many images, so here’s a readmore for everyone’s sake.
First of Granite, year 153 in the fortress Ërtongn��m: Gerbilgod
Well this is a right mess I’ve found myself in. The latter end of the past year has not been kind to this fortress, so much so that I - a passing stranger - have found myself thrust into the role of overseer for the time being. As shocking as this is, I am loathe to turn my back on my fellow dwarves.
My first order of business is to carve out a place to put all those poor souls to rest. Monuments for those wholly lost, and coffins for those whom we can still find some remnant of. No dwarf will go unhonored. It is the patience, or rather the lack of it, of the dead that has me worried.
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The design is something concocted in quick desperation to appease both the living and the dead. A central hall for monuments, large enough for our immediate needs. Off of this will be dug space for coffins. The rooms are meager and the hallway narrow, but I’m afraid that such spaces is the limit of luxury we can presently afford.
After all, a vile force of darkness is upon us.
 It hasn’t even been one day yet.
8th of Granite:
Praise the Gods, the siege was short. The small band of invaders swiftly dispatched by visitors loitering outside the gate. With that settled, I’ve ordered it lowered. I hope to gather what wood we can.
13th of Granite:
I’m convinced this fort is cursed.
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A terrible winged beast with the gift of flame has come to us. The thing arrives by way of the muddy caverns that much of this fort is built into. I pray that the hands that this fort was previously in had managed to plug any unsecured holes.
Not making matters any better are the returned spirits of our fallen warriors.
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Ah, brave souls! If only you yet lived to protect your home!
17th - 19th of Granite:
The beast has disappeared from sight, and we are out of wood. If there is a way for it into the fortress, I hope it takes it through the monster hunters and poets that live under our roof.
It is not all ill news, however. Despite the goblin attack, we are met with an elven caravan. In the chaos I haven’t had much time to assess any needs trading could alleviate, and with the rain of abhorrent sludge impeding the gathering of plants and trees I have to consider-
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This... Odd little warrior has scarcely stepped foot in the bog surrounding the fort before his intention to steal one of our beloved rings was made known.
He does not seem compelled to act peaceably, and so I send the militia to contend with him.
24th of Granite:
Tragedy and outrage!
While my attention was elsewhere a deadly brawl broke out between some monster slayers and citizens. Our poor Mayor and one other of our own died in the conflict.
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To add to the outrage the beast Ongor had snuck up and, just outside the very tavern, claimed the lives of two children.
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The rampage continues unabated. Fire and fang claim dwarf after dwarf.
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The hunters continue to do nothing.
Tragedy after tragedy, crisis after crisis. I don’t know if I can salve this.
The beast did fall, its last victim - and opponent - a stray puppy. It decapitated the poor creature, but died soon after. I know not the cause. Did a God finally take offense to this last act? Did it die to its own fire and smoke? I don’t have the time to find out. The dead keep piling up.
13th of Slate:
twice now within the past week two humans have come with ambition to steal Tamemoon, and we are unable to really offer much in the way of resistance.
Damn it all. I’m shutting the gate.
20th of Slate:
Migrants! Oh, praise the miners. A large mass of manpower that brought our struggling population up to 77 from a floundering... 44? 40-something. With all the death I didn’t dare keep count, lest I tempt fate.
I hope we have enough room for everyone.
3rd of Felsite:
The construction of the catacombs is going achingly slow. Not helping matters was our manager having no office. With that fixed, hopefully all will go more smoothly.
The fortress also has a new artifact to its name!
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A grate will be useful in some project later on, I’m sure.
2nd of Hematite
Summer graces the land, and some measure of stability has been tentatively achieved. The mood in the fortress is dour and our wood supply has run fully dry. I have assigned some to work as woodcutters, but the lack of action has me suspecting a shortage of tools. Hopefully some new iron axes will solve that problem.
11th of Hematite
A human caravan from Erianthath has come! Bless them. Hopefully they come with tools.
14th of Hematite
The rock itself trembles. Another great beast has come to claw at our walls.
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Fortunately for us it lurks in the lowermost caverns, of which there is no present entry to our fort. None that I am aware of, at least.
Unfortunately, that means my plans to breach the cavern for a sludge-free source of wood will have to be put on hold. Without a military proper I dare not face it.
1st of Malachite
Our human guests are still here, and have handily dispatched a prospective thief. Why so many seek Tamemoon, I’ll never know.
The caravan, alas, had slim pickings. I bought two bins of both woolen cloth and leather, as well as some cheese and cheap cages. In exchange we gave them a bevy of stone trinkets and worn clothing. Not the most glamorous of goods, but I made sure to be generous enough to entice them to bring a larger selection in the future.
[breaking character to note that I’m experiencing a bug where the diplomacy menu is unavailable. The diplomacy popup just disappears when I click on it. Hopefully that wont have any lasting consequences.]
There are rumors of a new overseer to arrive by the start of next year. I confess that I hope the rumors to be true. I was an ill pick made of desperation. Still, Hopefully I can stay the course well enough that the fortress will be prime material to be shaped by more brilliant hands.
The catacombs, though rough, are slowly being filled with coffins and bodies. Ghosts are being laid to rest as monuments start to fill the hall.
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Outside the fortress our new lumberjacks make quick work of producing lumber for our otherwise idle carpenters.
4th of malachite
A small wave of migrants brings the fortress up to a population of 84.
Tamemoon has also been stolen. It appears that it was held within one of the bins of goods I had brought to the depot. Out of pride I will have the guard investigate this. Privately, however, I am glad if the thing would disappear. Perhaps now we’ll have less trouble with wayward brigands.
24th of Malachite
Our broker accused a human maceman of the theft. Good enough for me, I thought, and ordered the conviction. The man now lies dead.
I should probably care more. Meh.
Unrelated to that I’ve decided to cover up and wall off the pit outside the tavern. There was probably a plan for this, but I’m desperate to avoid another Ongor disaster.
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14th of Galena
A monster of the surface, for once!
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Thankfully it is one vulnerable to cages. With traps in place in the entrance. I had thought to simply raise the alarm and let the thing stop itself. Unfortunately, a spat of children and one dimwit of a carpenter remained outside. The carpenter, one Urvad Onuculdist, perished. The children, however, seem to have made it out alive. One of our two hammerdwarves slew the beast.
This does bring to mind, however, our woefully sparse defenses. We also lack a water supply within the fort itself. I doubt I have time to fix it wholly, but I can try.
Ghosts continue to rise as we struggle to find corpses and engrave slabs fast enough.
23rd of Galena
The Oily Chestnut has been enclosed!
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The drawbridge is linked to one of four new levers I purpose built for new defenses, on the main floor, off to the side of the central stairwell.
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It has been labelled for clarity of use. With industry on pause I doubt I can make a fully outfitted death tunnel in time, alas. But perhaps I could get one started...
1st of Limestone
Autumn has come, and with it a vile force of darkness. Raise the gates! Hunker down! We still have food and drink enough down here to last us. What we don’t have is manpower enough to fight them off.
Unfortunately, a Gelder was lost when trying to lower the gate for them. Our outside livestock is also being slaughtered. The herbalist Dumed also didn’t make it back in time, and was slaughtered in a tree.
9th of Limestone
The cheesemaker Olon Cattenbidok is not accounted for, and we can only assume they to have perished outside. Damn it all, if only there was some way we could properly fight back...
18th of Limestone
The raiders have dispersed and a caravan from the Mountainhome has arrived. With them comes news that, yes, a new overseer will arrive in the coming spring. All I have to do, then, is keep the place from falling apart.
For next year I requested an all-around spread of weapons, clothing, trap components, cages, cloth and leather. Toys for the little ones as well.
An axedwarf, meanwhile, has slipped into a depression. This can’t be good.
15th of Sandstone
Another axedwarf has slipped into depression, the both of them being among the monsterslayers currently residing in the fortress.
I have been permitting any and all such warriors to stay, even if there are no monsters to be had. Hopefully they will eventually petition for citizenship as a soldier, wherein they can help quickly bolster our military.
I’ve made a new squad to host two human warriors who have already done so, along with some other citizens that have some skill with weaponry. For now the squad is simply standing by. They’ll need barracks and a place to train, hopefully I’ll remember to get around to it.
In other news, a small band of migrants has come to the fort, bringing the population up to a servicable 92. With some careful management I’m sure much can be done to bring this fort back on track. Straight after that, a stonecrafter by the name of Fikod was possessed by a strange mood, and claimed a crafter’s workshop.
17th of Sandstone
Another forgotten beast has come.
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Thankfully, it would appear that the Oily Chestnut is secured enough to keep the beast out. We can hear its rampage outside the walls, and feel the heat of its fire warm the rock. But for now, we are safe.
1st of Timber
Fikod emerges from his mood, holding high the newest artifact to the forts name!
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A bright moment amidst all the gloom.
I have also allowed entry to the inactive magma workshops, that the bodies left there may finally be buried. I’m embarrassed that they slipped my attention for so long. Hopefully this will greatly improve our ghost problem. I’ve had to extend out the memorial hall for all the monuments!
18th of Timber
A guild of craftdwarves, aptly named the Company of Crafts, has formed and requested a guildhall.
Following the sensibilities of my predecessor, I have designated for one to be dug out in the shape of a hammer.
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1st of Moonstone
Winter is upon us. My tenure as overseer is nearly done. For these last few month’s I aim to get some things cleaned up and smoothed out. Try to finish more bedrooms, perhaps. The catacombs continue to fill up with what few remains can be found.
In hindsight, a few erected slabs may have been made in the honor of those that languished in the magma workshops. Ah well, the poor souls aren’t undeserving of it.
9th of Moonstone
Damn it all! The depressive slayer, Zaneg, has toppled the still in a mad tantrum. Hopefully the damage wont go beyond that.
1st of Opal
Better late then never is my motto for these last few months. I have constructed the beginnings of a death tunnel. Though we don’t have much materials as of yet, with enough weapon traps this worm of a passage should defeat most any invaders without us having to lift a finger.
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The drawbridges and their levers have both been labelled. The levers themselves being among those Constructed on the main floor.
Along with this I thought to dig out a section of the dirt portion of the mountain to become an enclosed grazing area. It seems that it’s shaping up to be more stone than dirt, but it gives me an idea. Why not expand up into the mountain? After all, just this much into the area has revealed limonite and coal both.
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3rd of Obsidian.
Word has come from the Mountainhome that the next overseer is on their way. Looking back, there's much I could have done differently. Hell, there’s much I could have just done.
My biggest regret is not making a special place of rest for our fallen major. Jv rests among the rest of us. But who knows, perhaps that is what they’d want.
10th of Obsidian
One more beast to see me off!
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This one, to, arrives via the muddy caves. I wonder if its kin with Paboz? I had hoped the two would kill each other, but Omus would soon fall after a prolonged battle with a blind cave ogre.
25th of Obsidian
My last act as overseer is the designation of digging out an inside pasture further up the mountain.
To you who succeeds me: good luck.
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cptponcypants · 2 years
A Year of Recovery
I am the 7th overseer (player) of @dorfposting​‘s Dwarf Fortress succession fortress Gerbilgod. Here are the results of my year of running the fortress!
1st of Granite, 156
Gentledwarves, I am uncertain that I have ever before encountered catacombs so large and yet so full. The tombs are nearly all occupied and many slabs memorialize the fallen untombed. This place needs a turn of good fortune, but - alas - it appears that they look to me to deliver it. I will do what I must, but can make no promise to these desperate folk.
Much in the fortress appears to already be in good order. Food is in abundance, the mechanisms of most industries are in place, and standing orders have been given to keep essentials flowing. The issue, however, is a dearth of labor. We already have only a small number of residents, and this problem is exacerbated by many of them being permanent residents tied to particular jobs within the fortress rather than citizens proper.
I will attempt to convince them that it is in their best interest to throw their lot in with the rest of us and join the fortress in earnest. If I succeed then we can begin training them into skilled professionals who will hopefully be of more use in attempting to keep things afloat. More important than that, even, will be the ability to draft them into the militia, which is presently nonexistent.
(I've heard that if you remove the entry under the 'Labor/Locations' menu of permanent residents, they are more likely to become real citizens, so I'm going to give that a shot.)
Also in the interest of establishing a more robust defensive force, I am considering assigning a full-time laborer to steel smelting work. We have sizeable stocks of iron, processed coal, and flux stone, so the only thing preventing us from full-scale steel production is labor and time. If my attempts to convince our residents into citizenship are successful, I may assign one of them this task.
15th Granite, 156
So far, I have not managed to convince any of our residents to engage in real citizenship, but I have not given up hope. They will not join our military but may yet be willing to perform labor.
Furthermore, an elven caravan has appeared. I will see whether they have brought anything worth having and whether we have anything to give in return.
21st of Granite, 156
The elves brought little of worth, but I traded for it anyway in the hopes that someday they may bring something of more use. I also noticed no small number of trade goods crafted of flux stones. Our supply of flux is large but not endless, so I have forbidden the further use of flux stones for crafting purposes.
10th of Slate, 156
I have established a dedicated furnace operator and assigned them to a furnace with orders to produce only pig iron and steel. The weaponsmith will first be tasked with the production of an assortment of steel battleaxes, maces, warhammers, and shields before moving on to armor. The aim is to prepare to fully equip 3 squads, each with 8 axedwarves supplemented by a macedwarf and a hammerdwarf.
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The idea is that axes are reasonably effective both against the unarmored, with their limb-loppery, and against the armored, with their large striking surface and good force multiplication. Then, the hammer and macedwarves can further support anti-armor efforts as well as provide more pulping in the event of needing to fight undead.
13th of Slate, 156
Migrants! And many of them! A full twenty two(!) new dwarves have joined our dingy outpost, and all but one are grown adults ready for labor and, of course, militia service. They were all drafted immediately apart from the medical professionals, who were assigned posts in the hospital.
After the draft, we now have two full squads of non-essential dwarves ready to be assigned barracks and rotate through training. Given that the old barracks have been overtaken by butchers workshops, I have designated space for new ones to be hewn from the earth. They will be near down to the magma forges so as to ensure militia dwarves are able to patrol for wandering magma creatures regularly.
24th of Slate, 156
One of the new woodcrafters immediately set about creating a new artifact for the fortress: a walnut wood earring!
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I'll be honest, I wasn’t much impressed by the notion of a simple wood earring, but upon closer inspection it looks pretty neat!
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It has also occurred to me that in order to accomplish my defense goals I will have to re-open the passage to the magma forges. Closing them was perhaps judicious in the past, but I am hoping now that things have calmed down enough that this won't invite total disaster.
2nd of Felsite, 156
The first Forgotten Beast of my tenure has arrived. I have done my best to identify what gaps my predecessors have left in our defenses that might allow access to the cavern it has appeared in, but I cannot be sure I have identified all possible routes. At the least I have identified one door that I think must be walled off to prevent a flying beast from entering, so I shall assign a dwarf to dedicated construction duty and hope they are swift.
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4th of Felsite, 156
It seems my concerns were unwarranted. Even if the beast ever had a path into the fortress, it became immediately distracted by the presence of another of its ilk which quickly slew it upon their meeting. Good riddance, I say, and I hope its killer soon dies from its injuries.
21st Felsite, 156
It has come to my attention that there is the spirit of a bard haunting our dwarves. Despite its fullness and the number of slabs already stood within it, it seems our hall of memory is far from sufficiently memorializing all of our previous fallen. This will have to become a major aspect of my activities, now, as the restless dead are the last thing we need.
Upon closer inspection, this appears to be in part because there are a great many corpses left untombed. I will begin expanding the tomb complex immediately.
11th Hematite, 156
A human caravan. Two of them, in fact! Naturally our overworked Broker is taking some time to get to the depot, but hopefully some useful trade can be accomplished.
Work expanding the tombs is proceeding at pace. There are more than a few ghosts now, however, and we've already had one of our human residents scared to death.
Also, my layout of the barracks for our hopeful 3 militia squads has been completed. All of the rooms are hewn and smoothed and most of the furniture has been designated if not laid out. The only thing missing is to finish producing armor stands and a few weapon racks for the attached armory rooms.
17th Hematite, 156
The were-tortoise mayor was re-elected. I suppose this demonstrates our residents' opinion of local government.
The human merchants had little of use, but some cheeses and exotic meats seemed a reasonable enough excuse to dump a load of tattered clothes onto them. They don't seem to mind anyway.
20th Hematite, 156
The expansion on the tomb complex has been mined, but now it must be filled. The current rate of door and coffin production is insufficient, so our dedicated miners have temporarily been put on stonecarving duty. We needed to give some of these miners a side-job anyway.
8th Malachite, 156
One of our recruits was killed by a giant olm in an area exposed to one of the cavern layers. I think I will start walling these places off so as to prevent any more pointless casualties. We need these people to live until we can train them into soldiers dammit!
14th Malachite, 156
Another seven migrants - this time one of the new arrivals is an expert record keeper, so I have appointed them bookkeeper and assigned them an office. Hopefully this helps take some of the workload of our present manager/broker/chief medical dwarf. These new migrants will fill in the gaps of the latest fallen dwarves in the existing squads and begin to fill the third.
9th Galena, 156
The new barracks is just about complete, with the first set of armor stands being designated for placement in the militia commander's squad's armory. Here it is in all its boulder-filled glory!
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Presently the squads are set to train periodically but I may set up a new schedule for them that trains more lightly until we boost the population further.
15th Galena, 156
Oh come on. We were just getting back on our feet here.
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Well, Mr. Udil Etesathel, Recruit. Yeah, you with the axe. Have at 'em.
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I guess at the least I won't have to quarantine them.
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Please just punch alpacas until you bleed to death...
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Why did the were-creature have to be the veteran mercenary!
16th Galena, 156 Ok, the were-camel’s bled to death now. I genuinely don't think there are any dwarves that tussled with him and lived so I'm going to hope that nobody got infected and this was a one-time single-shot temporary setback of just under 10 individuals mixed between citizens and residents. All while the monster hunters stood around and did nothing. Typical.
1st Limestone, 156 Given our latest mercenary misadventure, I am inclined to temporarily make our tavern accessible to citizens only so as to discourage dangerous guests from setting us back further. I may well go about carving out a new publicly-accessible tavern near the trade depot that can be locked down in the event of more were-creature guests.
Furthermore, I have a concern that may not warrant immediate action, but has loomed over all my efforts so far this year. Many dwarves, especially those longest-term residents, are generally unhappy - some of them very much so. This is almost certainly due to living in a place piled with corpses and haunted by the restless spirits of those who once inhabited said corpses, but despite our present efforts to alleviate that particular problem, it's slow going. It may be worthwhile in the mean time to provide something new and energizing into the lives of our dwarves. This idea may be foolishness, but given that we have a river, a series of mist generators would not be untenable. I'll blueprint something out but we may have higher concerns.
13th Limestone, 156 Our first full moon since the werecamel attack - only the tortoise mayor transformed! I dare not count on this sort of luck again.
We also received a caravan from a neighboring dwarven civilization. I traded for some thread, quivers, waterskins and the like, uncertain whether our textile industry is functioning properly and knowing that waterskins and quivers will be useful for our militia if we decide to expand it to include crossbows. I sent them back with such a load of tattered clothing as to be the talk of their mountainhomes for the next year. Why they agreed to take it all I still cannot comprehend.
10th Sandstone, 156 Eight more migrants, including a blacksmith. They are not particularly good as of yet, but I think I will start training them up constructing flasks for the militia. Also these new arrivals can fill out the gaps in our squad that was decimated by the werecamel attack and get us back to having two full squads and one 7-strength squad! I do not expect more migrants this year, but if more come in spring, we should be able to finally fill out our militia properly.
25th Sandstone, 156 It came to my attention that steel production has been dramatically delayed by two crucial smelting jobs being stuck in the traditional smelters which have halted production in favor of the magma smelters - this held up the entire process. The blocker has been removed by simply deconstructing them - now for progress and the power of magma alone!
18th Timber, 156 Finally! After much labor to produce slabs, coffins, doors, etc. I've finally managed to get enough residents focusing on furniture hauling duty that they're actually filling out the catacombs and putting ghosts to rest. We've lost a handful of residents and animals to these hauntings, so I can only hope we can continue at pace with this.
25th Moonstone, 156 There is a path to the caverns somewhere. I don't know how, but residents have been getting down there and are being attacked by cavern dwellers! We've lost two to this nonsense already, so I'll have to figure out how to plug up the gap.
Having inspected the fortress layout, I believe the only viable path may be some dangling up/down stairs that hang over the cavern. Perhaps ghosts have haunted citizens causing them to dodge and fall down the gap? Either way, I have designated the bottom of these for removal and shall floor over the gap and re-route the stairs, but will remain vigilant for more pathways.
15th Opal, 156 It appears my hypothesis has been confirmed. Somehow one of the cavefish people seems to have climbed up into these dangling stairs, but was quickly dispatched by the militia. Once the gap can be floored over, we should have security again.
1st Granite, 157 It seems my time is now up. I have endeavored to leave this place better and more secure than I found it, and I hope I do not flatter myself to think that I indeed have. Though I suppose the migrants would have shown up either way so I can't take that much credit.
Nevertheless! The barracks is complete. The militia is equipped with weapons and shields. Armor is soon on its way.
Some of the last gaps into the caverns are designated to be plugged, and a new airlock into the lowest is nearly completed in case a mission to retrieve corpses proves necessary.
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(these floor designations are necessary to prevent cavern invaders from climbing the foliage below up into the downwards stairs, which used to be up/down - whoever’s next, make sure they get finished!)
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Some new quarters have been carved and designated to be furnished for the furnace operators and smiths in order to keep metallurgy moving swiftly.
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Last and certainly not least, the catacombs have been expanded, furnished, and zoned (or at least designated & zoned). This has not altogether stopped our haunting problem, and may well not sufficiently memorialize all of our dead, but these structures and the many unengraved slabs that remain should provide much fodder with which my successor can work to put all of our remaining spirits to rest.
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And with that, to my successor, I say good luck! Beware of the were-beasts, and do not trust to the soldiers to defeat them. Now I retire.
I've chosen to dorf (or rather gorb) myself as our only goblin resident. Please don't throw them into the magma sea! I've named them 'Smörtukbuse', which is the goblin for 'fancypants' ('poncy' not appearing in the goblin dictionary) but without the diacritics which I couldn't figure out how to type into the text box.
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Many thanks to @dorfposting​ setting this succession fortress up! This is the first opportunity I've had to get in on one and it was very enjoyable.
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dorfposting · 2 years
Welcome, friends, to the Future Universe. A world of many wonders, and just as much danger.
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Can you see it? The home of our people? The great mountains from which our mothers and fathers sprung forth, a mere hundred and fifty years ago?
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The mountains of our home are warm and loving, not like that profane peak to the east. Some of us have taken to the western forest, maybe one day to settle among the blissful hills rumored to lie on the other side. That is, if the elves of that land will let them. Both south and west of us are the humans, stone towers rising above the plains. And all around, goblins lie waiting, and watching.
But damn the neighbors, there is work to be done. Our last time attending the Constructive Celebration has come to an end, and we must leave. We will miss Threathells, once a goblin settlement, now shared between both goblin and dwarf, but new soil awaits.
Our queen, Sibrek Zatamiteb, Cloutedposts, has given us leave to settle farther from the Mountainhome than any other dwarf of the Torch of Ink ever has. There are many natural treasures in the eastern bog, which would be reason enough, but they say our Queen was once a spy, and she sees the value in a fortress that can keep an eye on the horrors wandering the desert.
She says the Cloak of Visions, goddess of Fate, decided on the foundation of Ërtongnòm before the world began, and it must be true.
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impossiblepackage · 2 years
The thing I really appreciate about Gerbilgod is just how fucking chaotic it is. The way that it starts growing somewhere and that area or project might get abandoned and maybe revisited later. At the end of this I might take a stab at turning it into a dungeon for tabletop games. It's fuckin labyrinthine.
I'm gonna upload the most recent save tonight if anyone wants to take a look. After the current person finishes, I might go through and take a bunch of screenshots and give a little tour of how everything looks. A 5 year check in might be cool
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dorfposting · 2 years
After another person has dropped out of their turn some time in, I have come to the realization that the way we're doing things is maybe not so great. So, we're gonna take a more traditional approach!
Starting now, the fort goes to whoever claims it first. I'm limiting the claims to people who signed up earlier for the first 24 hours to give them a chance. I'll make another post this time tomorrow if nobody steps up, opening it up to anyone. Just make a comment or a reblog or something letting me know you're getting started, then play it and make your post, then send me the save so I can put it back up in the google drive.
As always, I am open to suggestions. Sorry to everyone who signed up for a slot, I thought that would go smoother. Hopefully opening it up like this will get things moving. Thanks for being a part of this
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dorfposting · 2 years
The Tale of Gerbilgod
Hello, friends, and welcome to the story of the dwarven fortress Ërtongnòm, or Gerbilgod. It is a story of sticky bogs, burning sands, and hard labor. The story of these brave dwarves has only just begun, so be sure to check back every now and then to see how they're doing, ere the wolves get hungry.
All entries will be regblogged here, as well as linked in the list below.
Year 150, A Lost Elf (@impossiblepackage)
Year 151, The Danger Motel (@jv)
Year 152, The Many Skulls of the Lurid Crypt (@proudautisticcomrade)
Year 153, Mausoleums (@adamantinetower)
Year 154, Successes and Unsuccesses (@bullrunpicnicker)
Year 155, Absolute Disaster (@autistic-autumn)
Year 156, A Year of Recovery (@cptponcypants)
The sign-up sheet is here, and under the break is a list of everyone who has signed up, in turn order. They may all have their turn in the same fort, or maybe the fort will tragically fall, and one of them will be have to begin anew. Who knows. Also, down at the bottom is a link to a discord server to facilitate communication between everyone, if you are so inclined, and a googledrive with a copy of the save everyone finished with, plus one at embark and another that's just the world pre-dorfing.
Dorfposting Discord
Dorfposting googledrive
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dorfposting · 2 years
Another year at the fort has been concluded! @autistic-autumn did a fine job handling a series of absolute disasters. Whoever comes next will have their work cut out for them.
Speaking of, who wants to go next? For the next day or two, I'll accept people on the list. I'll open it up to all if nobody claims their spot.
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dorfposting · 2 years
Hoo boy! Sorry for the delay, everyone! @cptponcypants just finished up a year in the fort (nice work on the tombs!), and now @fractalkitty has volunteered to take a turn. Best of luck!
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dorfposting · 2 years
Another year over
Hoooo boy, @proudautisticcomrade had one hell of a year. Don't forget to read about it! Next up is @adamantinetower. With a name like that, I'm sure you're up to the task!
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dorfposting · 2 years
Hello again! It's me. Our compatriot @adamantinetower has just concluded their tenure as overseer of Gerbilgod! Check out their post, which is linked in the master post pinned on this blog.
Up next is @phantomoftheshoppera! Good luck! Don't flood the fort with lava!
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dorfposting · 2 years
Hello, friends! @jv has just concluded their tenure as overseer (linked in the pinned post) and now it's time for @proudautisticcomrade to take over! Hopefully we start seeing some more migrants, and put all that metal to good use!
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