#germain dandadan
akkuun · 7 months
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"More importantly, we have a serious problem. Yes, this is and extreme problem indeed."
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kingofanemptyworld · 1 month
caught up with dandadan (finally) and only cried twice ✌️
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okay so even though there's a lot of dumb humor in dandadan my stupid little alien loving, conspiracy theory ass heart is in a CHOKEHOLD like... they really are throwing in all the fringe theory shit in there, they got COUNT SAINT GERMAIN CONSPIRING WITH ALIENS COME ON
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Week in Review
08/04/2024 – 08/10/2024
Week 26 of missing Cipher Academy
Undead Unluck was super cute…I teared up a little, to be honest. To see Fuuko demonstrate her dedication to Tatiana as a show of her friendship was so sweet… I’m glad they worked something out for Tatiana in the wardrobe department, but judging from the line about the time limit it seems like it won’t be an everyday thing. Now that we’re wrapping up the final recruitment, it feels really exciting to have no idea where the story’s going to go next.
Listened to the first half of He Who Drowned the World while I got some work done, and they weren’t kidding when they said that this book was darker than the first. I don’t mind it, though – I love seeing all of these toxic relationships play out as each character tries to further their own agenda through the power they wield. It’s very Succession-like in that way, which I’m always happy to see. The relationship between Wang Baoxiang and the Third Prince is a level of toxic straight yaoi that I’ve never even seen before, so I really have to commend Parker-Chan on both their willingness to go there and their restraint. Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang and Ouyang slowly bond over their likeness is also great – their relationship was so central to the first book, but here we finally get to see them interact as two individuals rather than the ideals they were upholding as commanders before. I even like the Madame Zhang bits, with her doomed het and seeing her trying to scrape together what power she can as a woman. The payoff for Wang Baoxiang’s posters was so good…I love seeing him strategize and orchestrate movements behind the scenes because he can see the bigger picture – when I’m reading from Zhu’s perspective, there’s a fun irony in watching Wang Baoxiang’s machinations inch ever closer. I’ve heard some people say that this series goes downhill, especially after the 50% mark of this book, but I don’t know, I’m still having fun watching these terrible people destroy the world for their ambitions.
No entertainment today, but I did go out and buy some manga. Got Dungeon Meshi volumes 13 and 14 (I just need 12 to finish my collection…) and Undead Unluck volumes 7 (for my wife Feng) and 15 (for obvious reasons).
Too swamped with work to do anything, but did have a bit of energy left to catch up with Dandadan. Once again, Tatsu’s illustration work is just gorgeous to behold. Plotwise, Dandadan probably would’ve tired me out by now, but seeing the inventive designs and action panelling coupled with the perfect touch of pathos always keeps me energized for chapters of fights on end. I’m glad to have caught up now, when the story has seemingly (and finally) started to show its hand as to what all of these paranormal and fantastical and alien encounters were for. Count Saint Germain is an interesting antagonist – I like that he just seems to have his own goals with no ill will towards the protagonists, but if they get in the way of his ambitions then I’m sure he’d have no problem cutting them down. I’m definitely ready for the story to take a more focused direction, and I’m hoping that that’s what we’ll get after the month-long break.
Work… The worst part about this kind of work is that I can’t listen to or watch anything else while I do it.
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