#german!izzy is hilarious I feel like he almost works better in a language that has a formal you
bookshelfdreams · 1 year
other translation choices the german ofmd dub makes that I adore:
"lily-livered little rich boy" - "kleines feiges Bonzenbürschchen" Bonze (Bürschchen is like Boy (disrespectful)) being the interesting word here - it's a derogatory term for rich and powerful people who abuse their enormous influence for their own benefit. Out of the mouth of father Bonnet it's an epic self own
"Don' trifle with me" is translated as "Don't play games with me" ("Spielen Sie keine Spielchen mit mir!") which deteriorates into "Nicht spielen!" ("No playing!") said with the same tone of voice someone might use with an unfamiliar but suspiciously growly dog. Amazing 10/10
Mate - Kumpel. Which, ik, is the obvious choice but: Kumpel is originally what miners called each other (and still do afaik). It's not really nautical but does have strong working class vibes, which delights me for reasons of Themes and Motives.
When Izzy spits and mutters "Pirates my ass" in ep2, german!Izzy says Schwachmatenpiraten. (Schwachmat meaning imbecile/idiot/moron) Excellent use of compound nouns, this is my new favourite word.
Speaking of Izzy insults, another fave: at the beginning of ep6, when Ed demostrates a fuckery, Izzy snaps at Stede for failing to call Ed Blackbeard and calls him Banause. This is an insult for people who are uncultered/uneducated and don't appreciate art.
After Calico Jack tries and fails to shoot the bottle he says "Daneben" (missed) to which Buttons replies "Ein bisschen" (a bit). Fun little bit of passive aggression - something or someone being daneben can also mean it's inappropriate or unpleasant.
The quiet, thoughtful way german!Ed says "... du." right before the kiss. He sounds much less certain and more questioning than the og which I feel Very Normal about.
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