#germinal 1.3
solarpunks · 1 year
Autonomous Self-Burying Seed Carriers for Aerial Seeding
Aerial seeding can quickly cover large and physically inaccessible areas to improve soil quality and scavenge residual nitrogen in agriculture, and for post fire reforestation and wildland restoration. However, it suffers from low germination rates, due to the direct exposure of unburied seeds to harsh sunlight, wind and granivorous birds, as well as undesirable air humidity and temperature. 
Here, inspired by Erodium seeds we design and fabricate self-drilling seed carriers, turning wood veneer into highly stiff (about 4.9 GPa when dry, and about 1.3 GPa when wet) and hygromorphic bending or coiling actuators with an extremely large bending curvature (1,854 m−1), 45 times larger than the values in the literature
Read more here or here from Nature
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📆 07 October 2020 🗞 Mechanisms of Dysregulated Antibody Response in Lyme Disease 🗞 Frontiers
Lyme disease (LD), caused by the spirochetal bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, is transmitted by the black-legged tick Ixodes scapularis (Hu, 2016). LD is the fastest growing global tick-borne disease and annually affects >300,000 people in the U.S. alone (Steere et al., 2016). The economic impact is a staggering $1.3 billion dollars per year (Adrion et al., 2015). LD can cause long-term, debilitating symptoms, including arthritis, carditis, and neurological complications (Hu, 2016; Steere et al., 2016). A longstanding question is why antibodies produced during primary infection are not able to completely clear spirochetes or confer protective immunity (Barbour et al., 2008). Antibody titers can remain for years in some LD patients while in others, they wane over time or never develop at all (Kalish et al., 2001). Herein, we describe animal studies that reveal mechanisms behind dysregulated development of adaptive immunity and provide insights that may be relevant to human immunity to B. burgdorferi infection.
Antibodies produced through B and T cell interactions either within or outside germinal centers are termed T cell-dependent (TD) whereas those produced without the aid of T cells are T cell-independent (TI). One mechanism whereby B. burgdorferi attempt to evade adaptive immunity is by continuously changing the sequence of a unique surface protein called variable major protein-like sequence (VlsE) (Norris, 2015). Such sequence variation generates a large repertoire of antigenically-distinct spirochetes that become unrecognizable to the antibodies that are mounted against a previous version of this protein. This may allow B. burgdorferi to persist for months or years if not effectively cleared through innate immune response and/or early diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics. Another defensive strategy relies on switching which immunogenic proteins are surface expressed [e.g., Outer Surface Protein A (OspA) and OspC], as spirochetes transit from one environment to another. OspA and OspC are predominately expressed when spirochetes are in the tick vs. the mammalian host, respectively...
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... While B cells regulate disease progression and resolution in wild-type mice (McKisic and Barthold, 2000), adoptive transfer of CD4+ T cells into RAG-deficient mice prior to B. burgdorferi infection increased arthritis and carditis severity (unless B cells were co-transferred), and CD8+ T cell transfer increased arthritis severity (McKisic et al., 2000). Conversely, adoptive transfer of serum from immunocompetent B. burgdorferi-infected mice into SCID mice ameliorated both arthritis and carditis (Barthold et al., 1997; McKisic and Barthold, 2000). Transfer of immune serum into naive recipient mice either prior to or at the time of inoculation also prevented B. burgdorferi infection (Barthold et al., 1997). Immunization of mice with late-stage LD patient sera that demonstrated strong antibody reactivity to several B. burgdorferi proteins, including OspA and B, provided partial protection against B. burgdorferi challenge (Fikrig et al., 1994). These findings reveal that humoral immune responses generated in experimentally-infected mice and LD patients play an important role in the resolution of some of the most commonly reported clinical manifestations (arthritis and carditis), which are driven principally by activation of inflammatory T cells and release of potent inflammatory mediators.
...while B. burgdorferi infection prompts strong serum antibody levels, and titers increase over the course of infection, the antibody response is ultimately ineffective in completely eradicating spirochetes and/or establishing long-term immunity (Tunev et al., 2011; Hastey et al., 2012; Elsner et al., 2015). B. burgdorferi benefits from this maladaptive immune response. This premise is corroborated by a study of antibiotic-treated human LD patients, which included patients who had persistent symptomatology and those who had returned to health within 6 months after diagnosis and treatment (Blum et al., 2018). The researchers focused on plasmablasts, activated B cells that mature into plasma cells within germinal centers. They found that patients who ultimately recovered their health, as compared to those with persistent symptoms, had significantly more plasmablasts during early infection. The researchers determined this by comparing the percentage of plasmablasts as a total of all B cells at the initial clinic visit, during early infection (even before beginning Doxycycline therapy).
In addition, patients who ultimately returned to health had significantly higher titers of antibodies to a diverse array of B. burgdorferi proteins (Blum et al., 2018). Taken together, this is evidence that B. burgdorferi infection redirects the adaptive immune system away from a long-term protective antibody response and toward a less efficacious, rapid and strong, though short-lived antibody response (Richards et al., 2015).
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michellebill · 1 year
Seed Starting and Propagation: Tips and Techniques for Growing Plants from Seeds and Cuttings
Starting plants from seeds or cuttings is an exciting and cost-effective way to expand your garden and cultivate a variety of plants. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, understanding the techniques and tips for successful seed starting and propagation is essential. In this blog post, we will explore the step-by-step process of seed starting and propagation, along with valuable tips to ensure healthy plant growth. So, grab your gardening tools, get your hands dirty, and let's delve into the world of seed starting and propagation!
Preparing for Seed Starting: 1.1. Gather Supplies: Acquire the necessary supplies, including high-quality seeds, seed trays or pots, seed starting mix, labels, and a watering can or mister. 1.2. Determine Seed Starting Time: Research the recommended sowing time for each plant variety, considering factors such as the last frost date in your area and the specific requirements of the plant. 1.3. Seed Treatment: Some seeds benefit from treatments such as soaking, scarification, or stratification. Understand the specific needs of your seeds and follow the appropriate treatment method, if necessary.
Seed Starting Process: 2.1. Seed Tray Preparation: Fill seed trays or pots with a seed starting mix, which provides a light and well-draining medium for optimal germination. Moisten the mix before sowing seeds. 2.2. Sowing Seeds: Follow the instructions on the seed packet for proper sowing depth and spacing. Gently press the seeds into the soil and cover them lightly with the seed starting mix. 2.3. Proper Watering: Use a watering can or mister to water the seeds gently, ensuring the soil remains moist but not waterlogged. Avoid overwatering, as excessive moisture can lead to fungal diseases. 2.4. Light and Temperature: Place the seed trays in a warm and well-lit area. Consider using grow lights or placing the trays near a sunny window to provide adequate light. Maintain the recommended temperature for seed germination.
Transplanting Seedlings: 3.1. True Leaf Development: Once the seedlings develop their true leaves (second set of leaves), they are ready for transplanting into individual pots or larger containers. 3.2. Handle with Care: Gently lift the seedlings by their leaves or use a small tool to carefully transplant them, taking care not to damage the delicate roots. 3.3. Soil Preparation: Fill the new pots or containers with a suitable potting mix, ensuring it provides good drainage and nutrient availability. 3.4. Transplanting Process: Create a small hole in the potting mix and carefully place the seedling into it. Firmly press the soil around the seedling to provide stability.
Propagation through Cuttings: 4.1. Selecting Cuttings: Choose healthy and disease-free plants for taking cuttings. Look for stems that are free of flowers or buds and make a clean cut just below a leaf node. 4.2. Preparing Cuttings: Remove the lower leaves from the stem, leaving only a few leaves at the top. Dip the cut end of the stem into a rooting hormone powder or gel to promote root development. 4.3. Rooting Medium: Use a well-draining rooting medium, such as a mixture of perlite and peat moss or a specialized rooting mix. Ensure the medium is moist but not waterlogged. 4.4. Rooting Process: Insert the prepared cuttings into the rooting medium, making sure they are secure and upright. Cover the cuttings with a plastic dome or a plastic bag to create a humid environment that promotes root growth.
General Tips for Seed Starting and Propagation: 5.1. Provide Adequate Light: As seedlings and cuttings grow, they require sufficient light for healthy development. If natural light is insufficient, supplement with artificial grow lights positioned at the appropriate distance from the plants. 5.2. Maintain Proper Moisture Levels: Monitor the moisture level of the soil or rooting medium to prevent under or overwatering. Water from the bottom by placing the pots in a tray of water, allowing the soil to absorb moisture gradually. 5.3. Gradual Acclimation: When transplanting seedlings or rooted cuttings outdoors, gradually expose them to the outdoor environment by placing them in a sheltered location for a few hours each day. This process, known as hardening off, helps them adjust to the outdoor conditions. 5.4. Prune and Pinch: Regularly prune and pinch back the seedlings or newly rooted plants to encourage branching and compact growth. This will result in fuller and healthier plants. 5.5. Monitor for Pests and Diseases: Keep a close eye on your seedlings and propagated plants for any signs of pests or diseases. Catching and treating issues early can help prevent them from spreading and causing significant damage. 5.6. Patience and Persistence: Remember that seed starting and propagation can be a trial-and-error process. Not all seeds will germinate, and not all cuttings will root successfully. Be patient, learn from your experiences, and don't be afraid to try again.
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thejohnlocktrash · 2 years
How deep to plant cannabis seed
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Thinking about how profound to establish weed seed? You've come to the perfect locations!
Establishing pot seed is a basic move toward developing your plants, and getting them right is significant. The profundity of your establishing opening will decide how well your plant develops and how sound it is.
The short response for weed seed establishing profundity is 0.5 to 1.5 inches (1.3 to 3.8 centimeters) profound. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you're developing marijuana plants in a pot, picking a sensible profundity for the space is ideal.
Continue to peruse for extra experiences into how profound to establish weed seed now.
Keen on getting familiar with the weed space? Try to look at our post about picking the right seed-to-deal programming before you go!
Whether you are developing pot for individual use or for money, giving your plants the most ideal beginning in life is urgent. Similarly likewise with creatures and youngsters, solid starting points will energize, areas of strength for quick. You have two essential choices for developing your own pot: begin with seeds or use clones.
Assuming that you pick the seed course, you will need to know the most ideal way to sprout maryjane seeds. Exploring different avenues regarding cannabis germination is your smartest choice for figuring out what you want, since even prepared cultivators frequently quarrel over the best techniques for developing pot seeds.
Furthermore, perhaps you have been utilizing experimentation yet wound up thinking, "For what reason won't my cannabis seeds sprout?"" Truth is, you've probably been committing a few errors without knowing it. You can build your outcomes, albeit a few seeds definitely will be duds. Nobody can achieve 100 percent germination; however there is opportunity to get better in any case.
Drip works is glad to give this introduction on the most proficient method to grow cannabis seeds quick. These strategies can start you and your seeds off very well.
Moves toward Plant Weed Seed
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Marijuana seeds should be established sufficiently profound to develop and develop appropriately. Assuming you plant them too shallow, the seed might not have sufficient dampness to sprout. On the off chance that you plant them too profoundly, the seed will be unable to get through the dirt to arrive at the surface.
In any case, similarly critical to note is that the profundity you plant your pot seed at isn't the main thought. Here are moves toward plant cannabis seed illustrated more top to bottom:
Stage 1: Developing the Seeds
What amount of time does it require to develop pot seeds?
Growing weed seeds include absorbing them water until they sprout. This cycle can take anyplace from a couple of days to seven days. When the seeds have sprouted, they should be planted right away.
Stage 2: Sowing the Seeds
Establishing weed seeds requires two key things: soil and water. The dirt ought to be free and very much depleted so the roots can undoubtedly develop through it. Assuming the dirt is too compacted; the roots will experience issues developing and may try and choke.
The water ought to be at room temperature and clean (ideally sifted or refined). To extreme or too little water can both be impeding to the plant.
When you have your dirt and water, now is the right time to sow the seeds. The profundity of your establishing opening will rely upon the seed size. As referenced before, you ought to for the most part sow the seed 0.5 to 1.5 inches (1.3 to 3.8 centimeters) profound.
In the event that you're developing marijuana in a pot, the profundity of your establishing opening ought to be around 33% the level of the pot. In this way, for instance, on the off chance that you're utilizing a 12-inch (30.5-centimeter) pot, your establishing opening ought to be 4 inches (10 centimeters) profound.
Cherishing this article? Give our other post characterizing marijuana programming a fast perused before you leave!
Stage 3: Really focusing on the Seeds
Keeping your seeds damp however not waterlogged is fundamental since your seeds have been planted. Water the dirt delicately consistently or two until the seedlings arise. When the seedlings have arisen, you can water them all the more profoundly yet less as often as possible.
Contingent upon your environment and develop arrangement, you'll likely have to water your plants each four to seven days. Notwithstanding, this will shift contingent upon different factors in your develop room.
It's additionally vital for keep the temperature in the room where your plants are developing reliably. The ideal temperature for marijuana plants is 68 to around 77 degrees Fahrenheit while in their vegetative stage. Notwithstanding, 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit is great assuming your plants are blossoming.
At last, guarantee the room where your plants are developing has great ventilation. Marijuana plants need a ton of outside air to appropriately develop.
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kenresearchcompany · 2 years
5 Key Insights on More than US$ 11 Bn Opportunity in Global Seed Treatment Market
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Driven by the Benefits of Low-Cost Crop Protection and Improved Germination Potential of Seeds, the Global Seed Treatment Market is Forecasted to Cross US$ 11 Bn by 2028, says Ken Research Study.
Agricultural farms and farmers worldwide are always looking for ways that would help increase their yield and combat the adverse effects of an uncertain climate on their crops. Seed treatment procedures are providing that opportunity at a low cost and easy-to-manage way. Seed treatment can be deployed on a variety of crops, including grains and cereals, oilseeds and pulses, fruits and vegetables, and a host of other crop types. The treatment techniques, including the dressing, coating, and pelting of seeds, serve both the purposes of seed protection and seed enhancement and can be carried out in a chemical or non-chemical way.
According to Ken Research estimates, the Global Seed Treatment Market –estimated to be of a size of nearly US$7 Bn in 2022 – is expected to grow further into a more than US$ 11 Bn opportunity by 2028. Ken Research shares 5 key insights on this expanding market from its latest research study”.
1.   With Key Global Players Investing Heavily in R&D, the Seed Treatment Market is Expected to Witness a Steady Surge in Size
Stakeholders associated with the Agricultural Industry are keen to leverage the opportunities that science and technology have brought to them. Large global players, like Bayer, and Syngenta, are investing heavily in R&D to launch new, efficient products and solutions that would meet this growing demand, resulting in a steady expansion of the overall market.
In 2021, BASF spent around US$1 Billion in R&D in the Agricultural Solutions segment of its business. According to reports published by Bayer AG in March 2021, the company had an annual investment of around US$2 billion in its Crop Science R&D. Another well-known global player in the field of protecting crops and seeds through scientific means, Syngenta Global, declared an annual investment of US$1.3 billion in R&D.
Such high-value investments in science, technology, and innovation are prompting the end users to leverage advanced solutions that are more efficient and cost-effective.
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2.   With the Global Population Rising, Meeting the Growing Demand for Food Requires Efficient Agricultural Techniques
The global population is rising at a rapid pace. Between 2001 and 2020, the world population rose from 6.19 billion to 7.76 billion, according to World Bank data. During the same time, the world witnessed a significant decrease in agricultural land, depleting from more than 48.7 million sq. Km in 2001 to nearly 47.4 million sq. Km in 2020. Producing more food from less arable land is a challenge that requires seeds with high germination potential and high levels of immunity against pests, insects, diseases, and adverse weather. Proper treatment empowers the seeds to achieve these properties.
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3.   Global Soybean Market Experienced a Dip in 2019 and is on the Path to Recovery Since then, Boosting Demand for Seed Treatment
Oilseeds and Grains are one of the most significant crop categories to go through well-structured seed treatment procedures. According to data presented by the Soybean Processors Association of India (SOPA), more than 50% share of World Oilseeds production is occupied by Soybeans alone. During the 2019-2020 period, Soybean production across the globe saw a significant dip. It even went below the 2017-2018 levels. However, the production of soybean made significant recoveries in both the consequent years of 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. In the forecasted period, it is expected that efficient seed treatment methods would play a crucial role in keeping the production growth rate intact.
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Request for Sample Report @ https://www.kenresearch.com/sample-report.php?Frmdetails=NTk2MDEx
4.   Huge Production of Rice in the Asia Pacific Makes it a High Opportunity Market for Seed Treatment Companies
Although North America – being one of the earliest adopters of seed treatment methods – dominates the global market, the consistently increasing production of rice in Asia-Pacific is also expected to boost the demand for seed treatment to a significant extent in the region. Rice production in Asia grew by more than 16 million metric tons between 2015 and 2020.
Key global players are launching new products and solutions to efficiently leverage this market. For instance, Corteva Agriscience, the first company to introduce treated seeds in India, is soon coming up with solutions that would protect paddy crops from pest attacks and increase productivity. In 2019, Bayer AG launched Routine Start in the Chinese market as the first dry rice seed treatment product, offering protection from rice blast disease and rice bakanae disease.
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For more information on the research report, refer to the below link:
Global Seed Treatment Industry 2028: Ken Research
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arcadianambivalence · 6 years
#Germinalclub: 1.3 Thoughts
Full disclaimer: I’ve already read Germinal, so I can’t promise any discussion here won’t include vague references to what happens later in the novel.  If you’re reading this for the first time and don’t want even a hint of what’s to come, I’d suggest skipping this post.
Part I, Chapter III
The star imagery continues with the lamp in the checkweighman’s office.  Likewise, the comparisons of humans to animals and the pit to a beast increase in this chapter.  
Zola writes the elevator to the coal pit as an esophagus carrying people through the mine.  Everyone’s a beast and no one is human under this company.
Etienne enters a disorienting maze of deadly machinery as he looks for work. After learning about how the mine goes over five hundred feet deep, Etienne panics.  His instincts tell him to run, and he almost makes it out...then he runs into the Maheus.
Last chapter, we saw how the mine negatively impacts the workers, yet Touissant tells his kids that they are lucky to have a job at the mine instead of wandering in search of work like Etienne.  A bad job is better than nothing.
But Touissant eventually helps Etienne get work as a putter.  Etienne is so relieved, he grabs Catherine’s hands, thinking she is a boy.  This is an interesting way to have two of our main characters interact for the first time...
The cringe factor increases: Etienne literally cracks a “is that your elbow, or are you happy to see me?” joke to Catherine, but Etienne’s fish-out-of-water status is the real punch line of this chapter.
The characters interact with another female character, called La Mouquette, who is a putter like the Maheus.  She can’t be much older than Catherine, but Zola emphasizes this character’s sexuality to an alarming degree.  Does anyone have any thoughts about how La Mouquette is characterized?
Another new character, the deputy Richomme, used to be one of the workers and is still sympathetic.  When Touissant complains, he warns him, “Walls have ears.”  Terrifying conditions that treat people like animals: acceptable. Complaining about these conditions: unacceptable.
As Etienne and the Maheus descend into the mine, Touissant explains the layout of the mine, complete with the unnerving fact that the elevator shaft needs work because it’s starting to leak.
During the journey through the seam, Etienne has already banged his head, scraped up his back, and bruised his legs—and he hasn’t even started work yet!
I should note the gender dynamics here.  Many mining families push girls to work in the mine to help provide for the family.  As a man, Etienne’s employment would, in the words of the worker Chaval, “steal the girls’ bread out of their mouths.”
As for Chaval, he immediately dislikes Etienne, who wastes no time becoming his enemy for life in return.
Between the monstrous machines, the long drop to the bottom of the mine, and every claustrophobic’s nightmare of a trek, this chapter should be used to explain how to write horror through sensory details.  It’s like a roller coaster to Hell!
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newstfionline · 4 years
Trump Plans to Suspend Immigration to U.S. (NYT) President Trump said on Monday evening that he intended to close the United States to people trying to immigrate into the country to live and work, a drastic move that he said would protect American workers from foreign competition once the nation’s economy began to recover from the shutdown caused by the coronavirus outbreak. “In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter, “I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!” The president’s late-night announcement on Monday signals his most wide-ranging attempt yet to seal off the country from the rest of the world. A formal order temporarily barring the provision of new green cards and work visas could come as early as the next few days, according to several people familiar with the plan.
“I just can’t do this.” Harried parents forgo home school (AP) Frustration is mounting as more families across the U.S. enter their second or even third week of distance learning—and some overwhelmed parents say it will be their last. Amid the barrage of learning apps, video meet-ups and e-mailed assignments that pass as pandemic home school, some frustrated and exhausted parents are choosing to disconnect entirely for the rest of the academic year. Others are cramming all their children’s school work into the weekend or taking days off work to help their kids with a week’s worth of assignments in one day. That stress is only compounded for families with multiple children in different grades, or when parents work long hours outside the home. In some cases, older siblings must watch younger ones during the day, leaving no time for school work.
A century later, victory gardens connect Americans again (AP) During World War I, posters proclaiming “Food will win the war” encouraged Americans to grow victory gardens. A century later, home gardeners are returning to that idea in the fight against a global pandemic. Backyard gardeners are coming together, mostly virtually, to learn and share stories on how to grow vegetables, fruits and flowers as the novel coronavirus raises fears about disruptions in food supplies and the cost of food in a down economy. “World War I, to me, is a pretty stark parallel,” said Rose Hayden-Smith, a historian and author of “Sowing the Seeds of Victory: American Gardening Programs of World War I.” “Not only was there a war, but there was an influenza pandemic.” Now, gardeners new and old are getting online and on social media to post pictures of freshly tilled backyards, raised garden beds, seeds germinating under grow lights or flocks of chickens. Some of these gardeners are newly unemployed, or working parents stuck at home with bored kids. Others are gardening enthusiasts who never had the time before to delve deep into the hobby. Urban community gardeners are ramping up production to feed families who have lost income and kids who no longer get meals at school.
Mexico’s president praises inmate amnesty as ‘humanitarian act’ (Reuters) A prisoner amnesty law in Mexico aimed at releasing non-violent inmates as a coronavirus containment measure won praise from President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Tuesday, coming as health authorities expect the virus to spread faster in the days ahead. The Mexican Congress passed the amnesty late on Monday. It will allow for the release of low-level offenders, including those convicted of robbery and small-scale drug possession, as well women jailed on abortion charges. It will also apply to indigenous convicts who did not receive an adequate defense due to language barriers and those who were coerced to work with criminal gangs.
British tabloids: ‘Distorted, false, or invasive beyond reason’ (CJR) Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have written to the British tabloids promising never to work with them again. The couple, who moved abroad and ended official royal duties last month, sent the letter to four of the main British tabloids—The Sun, Daily Mail, Daily Express and Daily Mirror—on Sunday evening. The former royals said they were implementing a new media-relations policy toward the outlets after the publication of what they believed were distorted and invasive stories. “It is gravely concerning that an influential slice of the media, over many years, has sought to insulate themselves from taking accountability for what they say or print—even when they know it to be distorted, false, or invasive beyond reason,” the couple said.
Normal influenza cases all but vanish in Europe (Reuters) Influenza, which each year kills hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, all but vanished in Europe last month as coronavirus lockdowns slowed transmission, according to EU data and scientists. The northern hemisphere’s winter flu outbreak normally runs from October until mid-May and in some seasons has claimed lives on the scale of COVID-19, despite the existence of a vaccine. Influenza killed 152,000 people in Europe in the 2017-18 winter. So far, COVID-19 has taken nearly 100,000 lives across the continent, albeit in a shorter period of time.
Virus forces cancellation of iconic events like Oktoberfest (AP) Spain canceled the Running of the Bulls in July, the U.S. scrapped the national spelling bee in June and Germany even called off Oktoberfest, making it clear Tuesday that the effort to beat back the coronavirus and return to normal could be a long and dispiriting process.
India’s migrant workers start heading home (Reuters) In one of the biggest mass movements of people in the country since the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, after the shutdown, the cities themselves began to empty. Dayaram Kushwaha and his family were among the first to move. As the days went on, and the situation became more desperate, hundreds of thousands of migrants emerged from factories and workplaces in search of a way home. Indian officials say the shutdown is necessary to beat coronavirus in the densely populated country of 1.3 billion people, with a health infrastructure that can ill afford a widespread outbreak. But for Dayaram and many of India’s estimated 140 million migrant laborers, the epidemic is much more than a threat to their health—it endangers their very economic survival.
Assertive China (Reuters) As the coronavirus crisis eases in China and rages elsewhere around the world, it is becoming increasingly assertive in the region. In a significant strike against democracy activists in Chinese-ruled Hong Kong, police in the city arrested 15 people on Saturday, just days after a senior Beijing official called for the local government to introduce national security legislation “as soon as possible.” China has also been flying regular fighter patrols near Chinese-claimed Taiwan and has sent a survey ship flanked by coast guard and other vessels into the South China Sea.
Netanyahu’s Power Is Extended as Rival Accepts Israel Unity Government (NYT) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and his former challenger, Benny Gantz, agreed Monday night to establish a unity government, a deal that finally breaks a yearlong political impasse and keeps Mr. Netanyahu in office as he faces trial on corruption charges. After three inconclusive elections in the past year, the creation of the new government forestalls what had appeared to be an inevitable fourth election and offers a deeply divided Israel a chance for national healing as it battles the coronavirus pandemic. For Mr. Netanyahu, the agreement buys him time to try to resolve two contentious issues central to his legacy: to sidestep his prosecution or at least prevent it from driving him from power, and to extend Israeli sovereignty over occupied Palestinian territory.
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Plants: Holly (Ilex aquifolium): Part 2
Holly is also known as: Holm, Holm Chase, Holy Tree, Hulver Bush, Hulm.
Holly grows very slowly (though more quickly after the first 4-5yrs), and is more likely to grow tall when among trees that don't grow faster than it does.  In Italy, and in the woods in France (especially Brittany), is grows to a much larger size than in Britain, where it seldom grows over 1.0 – 1.3 metres tall, or 60cm in diameter.
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Holly tree.
It will grow in any soil (so long as it isn't too wet), but grows best in rich, sandy or gravelly loam, with good drainage and a moderate amount of moisture at its roots.  Its growth is usually stunted in very dry places.
Holly will grow in nearly any soil that isn't saturated with stagnant water.  The best place is a thin, scattered oak wood – it will grow up at once in the gaps.  Even the worst winters rarely injure it.
Like the beech tree, the trunk of the holly tree often has small wood knots – smooth nodules of solid wood embedded in the bark.  They can easily be knocked off/out by a quick blow.  The bark is smooth and light grey, often with faint crimson touches.  It is often infected with a very thin lichen, which has many curved black lines as its spore-bearing structure (fructification).
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Bark of an old holly tree.
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Knobbly growths on a holly tree trunk (Cumbria, England).
The leaf's prickles point alternately upwards and downwards.  Only the end prickle is in the same plane as the leaf, and most of the upper leaves only have this one prickle.
The leaves have no taste or smell.  They fall off the tree after several years, and because of their leathery texture & durable fibres, they take a long time to decay, withstanding effects of both air and moisture.
Flowers appear in May (late spring), and are succeeded by berries, which mature in October/November (late autumn).  One tree will rarely produce an abundance of flowers two years in a row.  The male flowers fully develop, but the female flowers don't [?]  If the tree is clipped a lot, there aren't likely to be many berries.  The berries are usually most abundant in the upper part of the tree.
Birds, rodents and large herbivores (including deer & sheep) eat the berries in late winter, after the frost has made them softer & more edible, and they have fallen to the ground.
Each seed has 3-4 seeds, which germinate in their second or third spring.  This delay means by that time, they will usually have been buried in a heap of earth for a year (or more) previously.
Young plants should be transplanted when 30-45cm high, and in autumn. Holly exhausts the soil around it more quickly than most deciduous trees, so if it's going to be a holly hedge, the soil around it should be well-trenched and moderately manured if necessary.  The holly plant will take at least 2yrs to recover from being transplanted.
Holly is excellent for a hedge, as it is easily kept trimmed.  It forms very thick hedges that are basically impenetrable.
In Morbihan (a department in Brittany, in north-west France), the peasants gather the young holly stems to feed to cattle from November to April (late autumn to mid-spring).  The stems are dried and bruised, and fed to the cattle three times a day.  They are a very wholesome food; and lead to good milk & butter production.
Apparently, a holly-stick placed in a hutch for the rabbits to gnaw on will act as a tonic, and restore their appetite.
Uses of the Wood
Holly wood is hard, compact, and very even throughout.  It is beautifully white (except in the centre of very old trees), and polishes very well.  Because of this, it is much prized for ornamental ware, especially for inlaying (such as in Tunbridge ware). Its grain is also very even, making it valuable to the turner [woodturner?].
It has a slightly greenish hue when freshly-cut, but soon becomes perfectly white.  Its hardness makes it superior to any other white wood.  It retains sap well, causing it to warp, so it must be well-dried and seasoned before being used.
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Examples of the wood.
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Spalted English Holly (turned).
The best time to cut holly is in the spring, before the sap rises.  A sloping cut, as opposed to a straight cut, prevents moisture from remaining on the cut part, which should also be covered in a coating of tar for the same reason.  The side growths help draw up the sap, so they should be left.
Holly wood is often stained blue, red, green or black.  When stained black, it usually serves as a substitute for ebony (e.g. in the handles of metal teapots).  Holly wood is used to make mathematical instruments, and blocks for calico printing.  Although it is inferior to boxwood, it has been used as a substitute for it in wood engraving.  Wood of the silver-striped variety of holly is said to be whiter than the wood of the common kind.
Straight sticks of this wood are often used for the stocks of light drivings whips, and for walking sticks.
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English holly (sanded).
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English holly (sealed).
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English holly (endgrain - cut across the growth rings).
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Endgrain (x10).
In Ancient Rome, people sent holly boughs, together with gifts, to friends during Saturnalia.  The early Christians adopted this custom, but some obviously didn't approve – an edict of the Church of Bracara forbade Christians to decorate their houses with green branches at Christmastime.  (Saturnalia was about a week before Christmas.)
In pre-Christian Britain, the Druids decorated their houses with evergreens during winter, so their home could be an abode for forest spirits.
In old church calendars, Christmas Eve is often marked templa exornatur (“churches are decked”).  According to legend, holly first sprang up under Jesus' footsteps.  In Northern Europe, the plant is referred to as “Christ's Thorn” for this reason.  It is also called the “Holy Tree” (including in England).
“Holme” and “Hulver” are also popular names for holly.  It used to be called “Holme” in Devon, “Hulver” in Norfolk, and “Holme Chase” in one part of Dartmoor.
The leaves, berries and bark have medicinal properties.  Leaves that will be dried should be collected in May or June (late spring/early summer), on a dry day, preferably around noon, when there is no longer any trace of dew on them.  Stained or insect-eaten leaves shouldn't be used.  Fresh leaves are also used.
Holly leaves have been used as a diaphoretic (to induce sweating), and an infusion (prepared by soaking the leaves in liquid) of them have been used to treat catarrh (inflammation of the mucuous membrane leading to excessive mucus in nose/throat), pleurisy and smallpox.
Juice of the fresh leaves has been used for jaundice.  The leaves' febrifugal (fever-reducing) & tonic properties have been useful for intermittent fevers and rheumatism.
They have been used successfully when cinchona bark (an Andean flowering tree in western South America) has failed, in the form of a powder, infusion or decoction (prepared by heating/boiling the leaves to extract a concentrated essence).  This substitute works because of ilicin, a bitter alkaloid contained in the leaves.
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Cinchona bark.
The berries, on the other hand, are violently emetic and purgative (laxative).  Even only a few will cause a human to vomit excessively very soon afterwards.  However, they have been used to treat dropsy; and powdered berries can treat bleeding as an astringent (causing the contraction of skin cells & other body tissues).  They were also used in the past to treat colic.
The English botanist Nicholas Culpeper (c. 1616 – 1654) stated that “the bark and leaves are good used as fomentations for broken bones and other members as are out of joint.”  A fomentation is a poultice.
Holly bark can also be used to make birdlime.  The bark is stripped off around midsummer, steeped in clean water, and boiled until it separates into layers.  The inner green layer is piled up into small heaps, and left until it ferments, which takes about a fortnight.
The sticky substance is then pounded into a paste, washed, and put aside to ferment again.  Finally, it is mixed with some oily substance (preferably goose-fat).
In northern England, holly was once so abundant in the Lake District that large quantities of it were used to make birdlime, which was shipped to the East Indies for destroying insects.
In the Black Forest (in south-west Germany), holly leaves have been used for tea leaves.  In Brazil, “Paraguay Tea” is a popular drink, made from the dried leaves & shoots of Ilex paraguariensis, a South American species of holly also known as yerba mate.
Ilex gongonha and Ilex theezans are also used for tea in Brazil.  All three of these species are valuable as diaphoretics and diuretics (increase urination).
The leaves of Ilex paraguariensis (and several other species) are used in dyes.  The unripe fruits of Ilex Macoucoua have high levels of tannin, so when bruised in a ferruginous mud, they can be used in dyeing cotton, acting somewhat like galls (a type of abnormal swelling growth on the outside of plants, fungi and animals).
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Ilex paraguariensis.
Pliny the Elder (d. 79 AD) wrote about holly in his Naturalis Historia, calling it Aquifolius (“needle leaf”).  He states that it was the same tree that Theophrastus (c. 371 – c. 278 BC) called Crataegus, but later commentators deny this. According to Pliny:
Crushed holly leaves, mixed with salt, are good for diseases of the joints.
Holly berries – for menstruation, coeliac problems, dysentery and cholera.  A wine made from them can help with diarrhoea.
A decoction of holly root can extract objects embedded in the flesh, and can also be used for dislocations and swellings.
A holly tree planted in a town/country house will ward off magic influences and protect the house from lightning.
Holly flowers cause water to freeze (he attributes this to Pythagoras).
If you throw the wood at an animal and miss, it will roll closer towards is (also attributed to Pythagoras).  It will also compel the animal to return and lie down by you.
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naturecoaster · 2 years
All About Alligators
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With multiple alligator attacks in Florida recently, NatureCoaster wants to help you learn all about these amazing reptiles, as well as how to stay safe should you encounter one in the wild. While an average of three alligator attacks has been recorded annually since 1948 in Florida, each attack is more frightening. The number of alligator attacks appear to be increasing dramatically in Florida over the past few years. Across Florida, the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is investigating sixteen attacks so far in 2022, with less than seven months of data! There were twenty-one alligator bite incidents reported in Florida in 2021. Nine of them involved an unprovoked alligator! Still, the likelihood of a Florida resident being seriously injured during an unprovoked alligator incident in Florida is roughly one in 3.1 million, according to FWC. There are ways to minimize the possibility of attacks on you or your pets, and it is important to know them.  This dramatic increase in the number of alligator attacks leads one to think the destruction of their native habitat for housing and commerce has caused this native apex predator to move into neighborhoods, swimming pools, and other public gathering areas where they would not have been seen before. Building on marshlands is building on an alligator’s natural habitat. American alligators are most comfortable in water. They eat fish, reptiles, invertebrates, birds and mammals. They are opportunistic feeders. photo: Tim Donovan, FWC Alligator Facts The American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), lives in freshwater ponds, lakes, slow moving parts of rivers, and marshes. They generally do not go into saltwater but have been seen in brackish water throughout Florida’s coastal areas. They have been in this area for over 8 million years, making the term “living dinosaur” accurate. In 2016, a Miocene fossil skull of an alligator was found in Marion County, Florida. Alligators are reptiles. They are cold-blooded and hatch from eggs. The warm themselves in the sun. They generally become sexually mature by the time they reach 6- 7 feet in length. Courtship begins in early April, and mating occurs in May or June. Then the female adult makes a nest, usually along the banks of a freshwater pond, slow-moving river, or lake, and lays her eggs. Htchlings have yellow bands around their bodies to help camouflage them. Image courtesy of FWC Hatching occurs in late August or early September. The sex of the hatchlings is determined by the temperature at which they germinate. The hatchlings look just like their parents, just tiny and have yellow bands around their bodies to help camouflage them from predation. Momma gators are very protective of their nests and their hatchlings, so if you see alligator eggs or babies, steer clear! Adult gators range in size from 6-12 feet on average, with nineteen feet as the maximum. Can you imagine a nineteen-foot alligator?!? The typical weight for adult American alligators is 440 – 770 pounds! Their shape ranges from long and slender to short and chunky, but all of them have a broad snout and a lot of teeth – 74-80 teeth to be exact. These prehistoric reptiles may be olive, brown, gray, or black as their primary color from the top. They naturally camouflage with their environment and have several rows of ‘scoots’ or scales along their topside all the way down their tail.  The gator’s underside is cream colored with smooth scales. They have four short legs with “feet” that feature strong, sharp claws and they can run up to 35 miles per hour on land. FWC photo by Andy Wraithmell In the water, a gator ‘swims’ by moving its pelvis and tail, giving it real power and speed to catch its aquatic prey. American alligators are designed to hunt and capture prey in water. American Alligators in Florida This is Florida’s state reptile. With approximately 1.3 million alligators, Florida is home to the second largest population of American alligators in the U.S. Today, they are Federally protected by the Endangered Species Act as a Threatened species because they look so much like the American crocodile. Before the 1950s, alligators we so overhunted for their hides and meat that they were an endangered species with concern for their extinction. Today, Florida’s Alligator Hunts help manage adult alligator populations. The statewide recreational alligator hunting season runs from Aug. 15 through Nov. 1 each year. Permits are issued to harvest two alligators in state or private waters of the county your permit is issued for. The Florida Recreational Alligator Hunt program is recognized as a model nationally and worldwide for wildlife management. Seeing Alligators in Florida Often seen in manmade lakes and ponds, on golf courses and in retainer ponds for subdivisions., they can be viewed hovering in the water, with their snout and eyes just visible, sunning themselves on fallen trees or alongside bodies of freshwater, and even walking from one body of water to another. It is always exciting to see an American alligator in the wild. FWC photo by Andy Wraithmell It is always exciting to see an alligator in the wild. While their diet primarily consists of fish and invertebrates, birds and reptiles, a hungry alligator has been known to consume mammals and becomes a nuisance gator if it predates upon a pet or worse yet, a human! Alligators who have been fed by humans begin to associate eating with people. That is a very dangerous combination, so please, don’t feed any alligators! It is illegal to feed alligators in Florida. Safety Around Alligators Florida Fish and Wildlife has created this simple video to help learn how to be safe around alligators in Florida. It is quick and simple, with some interesting footage. https://youtu.be/yxoSB9Ka4ec Living with Gators video by Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. Meanwhile, follow these safety tips to avoid having problems with an alligator - Never feed an alligator. - Keep your distance if you see an alligator – no selfie is worth your health. - Swim only in designated swimming areas during daylight hours. - Keep pets on a leash and away from the water. If you are chased by an alligator on land, run as fast as you can away from it. You don’t have to run in a zig zag pattern. Alligators are designed to hunt and kill prey in the water, and will likely lose interest quickly. Alligators are opportunistic feeders that will eat animals that are readily available to them. They prefer to go after prey they can overpower easily. Opportunity is the primary factor that causes an alligator to pursue prey. Most alligators are naturally afraid of humans but may lose that fear when people feed them. Feeding alligators teaches them to associate people with food. For that reason, it is illegal to feed wild alligators. Alligators seldom bite people for reasons other than food. Female American alligators open their mouths and hiss to warn intruders to stay away! FWC photo by Andy Wraithmell Females may protect their nests by hissing and opening their mouths to frighten intruders but rarely bite people. Alligator bites are most likely to occur in or around water. Bites on humans have occurred in a variety of water bodies, many of which are small and not regularly used by alligators. Although alligators can move quickly on land, they are not well adapted for capturing prey out of the water. However, they can lunge at prey within a few feet of the shoreline. Alligator bites can result in serious infection. Victims should seek immediate medical attention if bitten. What to Do if you are Concerned about an Alligator If you are concerned about an alligator, call FWC’s toll-free Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 866-392-4286. An alligator is deemed a nuisance if it is at least 4 feet in length and it is believed to pose a threat to people, pets, or property. If smaller alligators wind up in swimming pools, garages, etc., they are also considered a nuisance alligator and must be removed.  Catching a nuisance alligator. photo: Tim Donovan/FWC If you call the Nuisance Alligator Hotline, Florida Fish and Wildlife will dispatch one of their contracted nuisance alligator trappers to resolve the situation. Where to See Captive Alligators in Florida’s Nature Coast It is always safest to see an apex predator with a fence between you and the predator. You can see what they look like with your own eyes, but don’t have to risk your life for the viewing. Here are a few places around Florida’s Nature Coast where you can see American alligators for yourself. - Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park - Boyett’s Grove Sources for this story include Wikipedia and Florida Fish and Wildlife Service Read the full article
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grazhir · 3 years
Sims 4
As usual, more riveting thoughts that I know all 1.3 people paying attention are breathless to read.
Played with the pond tool in an unused corner of the lot. Yeah, that didn't go so well. It hit something invisible, which ended up in household inventory. A nice invisible nothing with a thin red X and a name of DEBUG. Deleted that fucker.
I mean, the pond I eventually finagled works after putting the sign in place and tossing a bunch of fish I had on hand in. It's just ugly, even with me trying to disguise the edges.
I'm sure next time will go better. ... ... ... Of course.
Some dude kept trying to plant a can of olives for some reason. I don't know if I should be blaming SCCO or not.
Another dude (much earlier) spammed me with "failed to germinate" messages. Turned out he was over in the common area and trying to plant a black bean in a spot that was ringed with kava roots. Eh? Okay, fine, whatever. I shift-click deleted all the kava, and it was fine after that.
Still, that gardening continues to be a mess...? Seriously? My plants held steady for a good week, and then wham, most of them dropped to just planted stage, others suddenly became fully grown...
But on a happier note, I really do like the world. My mother's English. She's a Yorkshire lass. The aesthetic there is very familiar (though a bit off) and comforting. I just wish there were more lots (as usual).
Of course, if TwistedMexi keeps going the way he is, we'll have CAW back in our stable of tools, and people will come out with one or more exceptional worlds to play around in.
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dsfsposts · 3 years
Health Benefits of Peanuts
Surprisingly, peanuts are not actually in the nut family. They are classified as legumes along with foods like green peas, soybeans, and lentils. The peanut plant likely originated in South America in Brazil or Peru. Scientists have found 3,500-year-old pottery in the shape of peanuts, as well as decorated with peanuts, in South America.
Peanuts grow below ground as the fruit of the peanut plant. In the early 1800s, Americans started growing peanuts as a commercial crop. On average, Americans eat more than 6 pounds of peanuts per year. Today, 50% of the peanuts eaten in the United States are consumed in the form of peanut butter.
Health Benefits
Many people believe the peanut is not as nutritionally valuable as true nuts like almonds, walnuts, or cashews. But actually, raw peanuts have many of the same health benefits as the more expensive nuts and should not be overlooked as a nutritious food.
Heart Health
Much attention has been paid to walnuts and almonds as “heart-healthy” foods, given their high content of unsaturated fats. But research suggests that peanuts are every bit as good for heart health as more expensive nuts.
Peanuts help prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels. They can also stop small blood clots from forming and reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
Weight Loss
Foods with a lot of protein can help you feel full with fewer calories. And among nuts, peanuts are second only to almonds when it comes to protein count. Studies have shown that people who include a moderate amount of peanuts in their diet will not gain weight from peanuts. In fact, peanuts could help them lose weight.
Longer Life Span
Eating roasted peanuts might help you live longer too. A large-scale study found that people who regularly ate any kind of nuts (including peanuts) were less likely to die of any cause than were people who rarely ate nuts.
Because the study was observational, it cannot prove that peanuts were exactly what caused the lower death rates, but they are definitely associated with them.
How to Save Seeds
1. Know what to grow
Start With Open-Pollinated Seeds
Open pollinated varieties, aka OPs, are like dog breeds; they will retain their distinct characteristics as long as they are mated with an individual of the same breed. This means, with a little care and planning, the seeds you produce will be true-to-type, keeping their distinct traits generation after generation as long as they do not cross-pollinate with other varieties of the same species.
Annual, Biennial, Perennial
Not all plants flower, set seed, and die in a single growing season. Those that do, like lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers, are called annuals. Biennials, such as carrots and onions, don’t flower until their second growing season, after they have gone through a cold period. Some long lived plants, like apple trees and asparagus, are perennial, surviving and flowering for many years.
Learn About Species
A species is a group of individuals that are able to reproduce together. In the garden, most crops are different species from one another, but not always. There are several species of squash and two distinct species of kale - meaning some varieties of these crops are not able to cross pollinate with each other. On the other hand, Cucumis melo, commonly categorized as a melon, also contains some varieties that are sold as cucumbers like ‘Armenian’ because fruits of the variety are unsweet and sometimes pickled.
2. Plan for seed saving
Start With Easy Crops
Some crops like peas, beans, lettuce, and tomatoes are great for beginning seed savers. These annual, self pollinating crops require little to no isolation, and only a few plants are needed to reliably produce seeds.
Grow Enough Plants
Some crops have a hard time producing seeds when too few plants are around. Others can reproduce with just a single plant. If the population size of a seed crop is too small, some genetic diversity may be lost and over many generations; in time this can result in a noticeable decrease in plant stature, overall vigor, germination, and yield.
Put A Little Space Between Varieties
In order to produce seeds that are true-to-type, a little garden intervention is needed to prevent unwanted cross pollination between different varieties of the same species. For some crops like lettuce and peas, all that is needed is a little extra space between varieties. For others, more advanced methods can be used, including larger isolation distances, pollination barriers, or hand pollination.
3. Collect Your Bounty
Know When Your Seeds Are Mature
For crops that produce wet fruits, the seeds are not always mature when the fruits are ready to eat. Eggplant, cucumber, and summer squash fruit are eaten when the fruits are immature and still edible, but before the seeds are actually mature. This means that seed savers need to leave a few fruits to fully mature in the garden when they want to save seeds. Dry fruited crops, like grains, lettuce, and beans, can be removed from the plant once seeds are dry and hard.
Know How To Harvest Seeds
Garden crops can be classified as either dry fruited or wet fruited. Collecting seeds from dry fruited crops, can be as simple as going out to the garden, handpicking a few mature seedpods, and bringing them into the house for further drying and cleaning. Fruits from wet fruited crops must be picked when their seeds are mature. The harvested fruits are either crushed or cut open, and the roasted seeds are extracted from the flesh and pulp before the seeds are dried.
Store Seeds
Raw seeds are happiest when they are stored in a cool, dark, and dry place. A dark closet in a cooler part of the house or a dry, cool basement are both good spaces to store seeds for a year or two. Once properly dried, seeds can also be sealed in airtight containers and stored in the refrigerator or freezer for several years. The seeds of some crops are naturally longer lived. Tomato seeds and beans can be left for many years in adequate storage conditions, while onion and carrot seeds are notoriously short lived. Don’t forget to label your seeds with the crop type, variety name, and any useful notes about your seed source, when you harvested the seeds, and how many plants you harvested from.
Snack foods
Snack foods are a very broad category with a wide range of processing steps. In general, snack foods have a more robust flavor profile and require a standard or reduced-flavor sage or rosemary antioxidant. If possible, the antioxidant should be added to the dough of the snack food. This could be predispersed in a water or oil phase or added directly to the blender. If adding without predispersion, an antioxidant should be chosen with a less concentrated form of antioxidant and used at a higher dosage rate (i.e., 0.2%). This will allow for even distribution throughout the dough and avoid “hot spots” that could occur when using a more concentrated product. If the snack food does not have a mixing step (i.e., potato chips), the antioxidant could be added to the frying oil or after preparation as a spray-on step. For snack foods, the easiest way to measure oxidation is use of GC to measure hexanal or another marker compound.
Is peanut butter good for you?
Peanut butter is a firm favorite among adults and children alike. Although tasty, many people wonder about the health benefits of peanut butter.
Peanuts and peanut butter contain nutrients that may boost a person’s heart health and improve blood sugar levels.
Depending on how people use peanut butter in their diet, it can help them lose weight, or put on pounds during weight training or bodybuilding.
However, peanut butter is high in calories and fat, so people should enjoy it in moderation.
In this article, we look at the benefits of eating peanut butter and explain the risks associated with consuming it.
Peanut butter provides a good amount of protein, along with essential vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
Most notably, each 2-tablespoon (tbsp)Trusted Source serving of smooth peanut butter provides the following nutrients, minerals, and vitamins:
Protein. Peanut butter contains 7.02 grams (g) of protein per 2-tbsp serving. This counts toward the
recommended dietary allowances (RDA)Trusted Source
for women of 46 g and 56 g for men, which varies by age and activity level.
Magnesium. With 57 milligrams (mg) of magnesium, each serving helps towards the
RDATrusted Source
of 400–420 mg in men and 310–320 in women. Magnesium is essential for health, playing a role in over 300 chemical processes in the body.
Phosphorous. Each serving contains 107 mg of phosphorus, which is about 15.3 percent of the RDA of 700 mg for adults. Phosphorus helps the body to build healthy cells and bones and helps cells to produce energy.
Zinc. A serving of peanut butter provides 0.85 mg of zinc. This is 7.7 percent of the
recommendedTrusted Source
daily intake of 11 mg for men, and 10.6 percent of the RDA of 8 mg for women. Zinc is necessary for immunity, protein synthesis, and DNA formation.
Niacin. Peanut butter contains 4.21 mg of niacin per serving, which makes a useful contribution towards a person’s recommended intake of 14 to 16 mg. Niacin benefits digestion and nerve function and helps produce energy.
Vitamin B-6. With 0.17 g of vitamin B-6 per serving, peanut butter provides almost 14 percent of an adult’s
RDA of 1.3 mgTrusted Source
. Vitamin B-6 plays a role in over 100 enzyme reactions in the body and may be necessary for heart and immune system health.
However, there are also nutritional disadvantages if a person eats more than the recommended amount of peanut butter.
Peanut butter is high in calories, saturated fats, and sodium.
Each serving contains 3.05 g of saturated fats, which is 23.5 percent of the American Heart Association’s maximum recommended daily intake of saturated fat for those consuming 2,000 calories a day. People should aim for less than 13 g of saturated fat per day.
It also contains 152 mg of sodium, which is 10.1 percent of an adult’s ideal daily upper intake of sodium of 1,500 mg.
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swanandcmiprs · 4 years
Malt Ingredient Market 2017 – 2027
The malt is one of the most popular cereal grains that is produced by using barley in which barley is soaked in water then dried in the hot water, this process allows germination of barley. This process is called malting. Malting process enables the starches in the grains to convert into sugars, such as glucose and fructose and glucose. There are two types of malt powder available in the market called diastatic and nondiastatic. Diastatic malt product is used during baking in order to ensure the proper rise of the baked product. Nondiastatic does not contain any enzymes and thus mainly used as a flavor in the beverages. It is gaining huge demand as a functional ingredient in the preparation of functional food such as nutritional foods and drinks as it contains essential vitamin-B and amino acid and is also consider as a rich source of fiber.
The global malt ingredient market is projected to reach around US$ 8467.6 million by the end of 2027, in terms of revenue, growing at CAGR of 4.7% during the forecast period (2019-2027).
Growing demand for functional food among consumers is expected to foster the market growth of malt ingredients. According to the report published by the Institute of Food Technologists in April 2018, sales of natural and organic foods reached US$ 253 billion in 2017; functional/fortified foods totaled US$ 247 billion. Hence, the rising demand for functional food is expected to accelerate the market growth of malt ingredients.
Increasing production of grains such as wheat and barley is expected to a major role in the overall growth of the malt ingredient market. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. producers harvested 1.95 million acres of barley in 2017 with an average yield of 72.6 bushels/acre. Total production in 2017 was 141.9 million bushels. Therefore, the rising production of barley is expected to fuel market growth.
On the basis of the region, North America dominated the global malt ingredient market in 2018, accounting for 38% share in terms of value, followed by Europe and Asia Pacific.
Figure 1. Global Malt Ingredient Market, Revenue Share (%), By Region, 2018
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Market Restraints
Non-availability of substitutes with the same characteristics as malts can lead to a shortage of malt ingredients is expected to hinder the market growth. However, the shortage meets by using other types of grains such as rice, this alternate does not contain the same nutritional as well as other qualities as that of barley and wheat. Hence, this is expected to restrict market growth over the forecast period.
Increasing usage of malt in breweries is leading to a shortage of malt ingredients is expected to restrict market growth. Malt is a very crucial raw material used in the manufacturing of gluten-free beer. According to the Coherent Market Insights analysis, around 75%–78% of total barley malt produced globally is utilized by brewing industries, and hence a moderate volume remains for other applications such as bakery, pharmaceuticals, food, and distillery applications.
Market Opportunities
Expanding food and beverage industry especially in the Asia Pacific region is expected to provide potential growth opportunities for the malt ingredient. India Brand Equity Foundation, the Indian food processing industry accounts for 32 percent of the country’s total food market, one of the largest industries in India and is ranked fifth in terms of production, consumption, and export. In 2017 India’s exports stood at US$ 1.3 billion. Hence, the growing food processing industry is expected to accelerate market growth.
Growing production of beer is expected to propel the market growth of malt ingredients. Barley malt is mainly used as a flavor in the production of beer. According to the National Beer Wholesalers Association, in 2018, the U.S. beer industry shipped (sold) 202.2 million barrels of beer – equivalent to more than 2.8 billion cases of 24-12 ounce servings. In addition, the industry shipped approximately 2.3 million barrels of cider, equivalent to more than 32.2 million cases.
Figure 2. Global Malt Ingredient Market– Opportunity Analysis
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Market Trends
Rising consumption of non-alcoholic malt drink is expected to foster the market growth of malt ingredients. For instance, in August 2019, Coca-Cola has launched its global brand Barbican in India, a high-volume non-alcoholic malt drinks market. A non-alcoholic malt-drink is a high energy beverage, brewed in the same fashion as beer or ale. Hence, the rising demand for energy drinks is accelerating market growth.
Growing consumption of sugar-free bakery is expected to accelerate the market growth of malt ingredients over the forecast period. For instance, in November 2018, Ulrick & Short launches a gluten-free sugar replacer for bakery goods. Avanté 9 is the latest in Ulrick & Short's sugar reduction range and promises to reduce more than 20% of sugar in gluten-free bakery formulations while maintaining the volume, texture and crumb structure.
Figure 3. Global Malt Ingredient Market, Revenue Share (%), By Application, in 2018
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On the basis of the source in 2018, the barley segment has accounted the largest market share of 58% in terms of value, followed by wheat and others.
Competitive Section:
Key players operating in global malt ingredient market includes Axereal Group, Cargill, Incorporated, RAGLETH LTD., GrainCorp Malt Group, IREKS GmbH, Dohler GmbH, VIVESCIA Industries, Muntons plc, Polttimo Oy, Malt Products Corporation, Briess Malt & Ingredients Co., Malteries Soufflet SAS, and Simpsons Malt Limited
Few Recent Developments
Axereal Group
Key Developments:
In 2015, Axereal acquired all shares held by Ameropa in Agri-Négoce and its subsidiaries, which is expected to strengthen the company’s position in the grain business in France
Key Developments:
In 2016, Anglia Maltings (Holdings) Ltd. acquired Tivoli Malz GmbH (Tivoli) and its subsidiary GlobalMalt Group, which is expected to expand the company’s presence globally
In 2015, EDME Ltd. established a mill in the U.K. to produce gluten-free flour for application in various food products that are high in fiber content and nutrition
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  Source: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/market-insight/malt-ingredient-market-3693
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microaquaticshop · 4 years
What is an aquatic moss?
Aquatic moss is classified as a moss plant; this name is traditionally used for all land plants that lack vascular tissue. This group also includes moss and hornwort. Aquatic moss lacks vascular tissue and cannot effectively transport water and nutrients. That is why moss growth does not exceed a few inches. Moss does not produce roots, but it does produce "nodules" that are used to adhere to the surface of rocks and other structures. Instead, they produce spores carried by wind or water in areas suitable for germination. If you want, you can also buy freshwater shrimp because of freshwater shrimp for sale.
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Moss Advantage
In addition to improving the aesthetics of a freshwater aquarium, aquatic moss offers many other benefits. Aquatic moss, for example, contributes to improving water quality by absorbing nitrates and other nutrients from the water column.
Most aquatic plants require high lighting and fertilizers to facilitate this process, but not aquatic moss. Like all living plants, aquatic moss produces oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis, helping to maintain ideal oxygen levels in tank water.
Aquatic moss can improve the quality of the water in the tank, but should not be used as a replacement for regular water changes.
Another common use for aquatic moss is in tank farming. Soft aquatic moss is ideal as a spawning medium, especially for fish that spread eggs. Fresh fry, hatched from live fish seeds, also want to hide in aquatic moss. The microorganisms tend to grow around the moss, so growing aquatic moss in a breeding aquarium can also feed the newborn fry.
Another advantage of aquatic mosses is the reduction of aquatic bacteria, although this field is still a new area in the study of the properties of aquatic plants. There is evidence that at least some mosses add substances to water that inhibit or at least affect microbial growth.
An aquarium with lively plants has a large number of fish and is less susceptible to fish than an aquarium with few or no mosses. Almost all aquarium owners who have had to deal with different types of aquariums are experiencing this.
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Cultivation of aquatic moss
Growing moss in a home aquarium can be different from growing traditional live plants. Aquatic moss can adapt to higher temperatures but grows more slowly. Another requirement for growing aquatic moss is to provide a surface to which the moss can adhere.
Moss types- There are several different types of aquatic moss, but some are more popular than others. Below is an overview of some of the most popular aquatic mosses.
Java Moss - This is probably the most popular type of aquatic moss and is also very easy to grow. This moss thrives under a variety of conditions and can be stored in tanks with more or less light.
Christmas Moss-Christmas Moss is known for its bright green tree-shaped leaves. This type of moss requires a little more light than Java moss to grow and is very attractive when mounted on driftwood.
Singapore Moss-Singapore Moss is another fascinating moss seed, and, as you can imagine, it is native to Singapore. This type of moss forms large groups of leaves approximately 1.3 mm long with sharp tips.
Aquarium Moss For Sale are for sale so hurry up if you want them and this article will also help you in choosing them. To know more visit-   https://microaquaticshop.com.au/
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Cost of Happiness Hovers Somewhere Around Application Expense of Vietnam Electronic Visa
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 Besides so much in the sack, Vietnam electronic visa should be the priority in your scheduled, owing to the business germination and expansion scope here. There are numerous supporting factors in Vietnam, committed to make your goal a success whether it be a fantabulous trip or financially rewarding professional opportunity.
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Applyvietnamvisa.org Team
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Juniper Publishers - Open Access Journal of Ecology
Population Trend of Grasshopper (Chortjippus Brunneus) and Cabbage Butter Fly (Pieris Brassicae) on Mustard (Brassica (Campestris L.)
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Authored by :  Muhammad Umer
Present  study  was  conducted  on  population  dynamics  of  two  insects  Grasshopper  (Chortjippus  brunneus) and Cabbage Butterfly (Pieris brassicae) on mustard (Brassica campestris). The results of weekly mean population showed that the mean population of Pieris brassicae ranged from 0.0 to 1.4 in first week. Among the population maximum attack of caterpillar (1.4) was recorded in treatment 5; whereas no attack of caterpillar was recorded in treatment 1 (0.0). Second week the attack of caterpillar ranged from 0.3 to 3.0. Among the population maximum attack  of  caterpillar  (3.0)  was  recorded  in  treatment  4;  whereas  the  minimum  attack  of  caterpillar  was  recorded  in  treatment  2  (0.3).  Third  week the attack of caterpillar ranged from 0.0 to 21.7. Among the population maximum attack of caterpillar (21.7) was recorded in treatment 1; whereas no attack of caterpillar was recorded in treatment 4 (0.0). Fourth week the attack of caterpillar ranged from 0.0 to 3.3. Among the population maximum attack of caterpillar (3.33) was recorded in treatment 3 whereas no attack of caterpillar was recorded in treatment 1 (0.0). While the mean population of grasshopper per plant ranged from 0.7 to 2.0 in first week. Among the population, maximum attack of grasshopper (2.0) was recorded in treatment 2; whereas the minimum attack of grasshopper was recorded in treatment 5 (0.7). Second week the attack of grasshopper ranged from 0.3 to 3.33. Among the population maximum attack of grasshopper (0.3) was recorded in treatment 3; whereas the minimum attack of grasshopper was recorded in treatment 4 (3.33). Third week the attack of grasshopper ranged from 0.3 to 3.0. Among the population maximum attack of grasshopper (0.3) was recorded in treatment 5; whereas the minimum attack of grasshopper was recorded in treatment 1 (3.0). Fourth week the attack of grasshopper ranged from 0.0 to 2.4 and so on whereas no attack of grasshopper was recorded in treatment 3, 4 and 7. Keywords: Population Trend; Grasshopper; Cabbage Butterfly; Mustard plant
  IntroductionRapeseed  commonly  known  as  sarson  belongs  to  the  family  crucifereae.  Among  different  types,  the  most  common  grown  in  Pakistan are B. campestris, B. napus, B. juncea and Eruca sativa. In General, the rapeseed refers to B. campeastris and B. napus [1] The term  rape  is  derived  from  the  Latin  word  “rapen”  means  turnip.  The  rape  seed  is  obtained  from  species  of  Brassica  consisting  of  about 160 species. Many of them have economic importance and all parts of the plant contribute to their usefulness [2,3].The origin of rapeseed and mustard is not definitely known. Its cultivation has been traced to 2000 B.C in India, China and Ja-pan. Pak-Afghan region, Mediterranean region and the Turko-Ira-nain region are also its origin places. Brassica seed was first used for oil extraction in India [1]. According to Peolman & Borthakur [4] the origin of the different rapes and mustard has been reported as Asia, Europe and perhaps Africa. Rape and mustard are ex-tensively cultivated in Asia, Japan and Western Europe.Rapeseed and mustard are annual Rabi crops. It has a tap root system  with  many  roots  concentrate  in  the  shallow  surface  soil  and produce usually yellow flowers. Self-pollination is the rule in B.  napus  but  B.  campertris  is  both  self  and  cross  pollinated.  The  fruit is a pod, 5-10cm long. Each pod contains 15-40 small round seed of different colors, weighing 4-6 g per thousand seeds [1].According to Patel & Dee [5] B. campestris L. tends to a light-er, shorter and more erect growth habit than B. napus L. Its stem height varies considerably with variety from 50-200cm (with 80-150cm most common).
China  is  the  largest  producer  of  rape  and  mustard  and  to-gether with India and Pakistan they grow over 90 percent of the world production [4]. The average yield of this crop depends very much  on  climate  and  variety  of  the  crop  grown  (Holmes,  1984).  The  highest  yield  is  being  obtained  in  the  Netherlands,  whereas  the  average  is  just  over  2.6  tones/ha.  While  the  average  yield  of  rape  seed  and  mustard  in  Pakistan  based  on  the  average  of  four  years  (i.e.  from  1990-91  to  1993-94)  is  745  kg/ha.  The  total  production  of  rape  and  mustard  in  KP  in  the  year  1993-94  was  14396.2 tones [6]. Weiss [7] stated that rape seed initial use was mainly  to  produce  oil  for  industry  and  domestic  lighting.  Oil  has  been produced from oil seed rape and other brassica seed crops in Europe since at least the fifteen century and for a much longer pe-riod in Asia probably China [8]. Oil is now produced from rape in every continent [9]. Young leaves of rape and mustard are used as vegetable and as fodder. The oil is used in cooking and in making pickles and in industry as lubricant. Since the oil of conventional varieties  contains  high  levels  of  erucic  acid  which  is  injurious  to  human health; cultivars have been evolved which are low in both erucic acid and glucosinulates which are designated as ’00’ types [1].  Jourges  [10]  mentioned  that  the  averages  percentage  com-position  of  rape  is  oil  (45%):  protein  (22%),  carbohydrates  (22-25%),  Klason  lingnin  (5%),  phytic  acid  (2%)  and  glucosinulates  (1-4%). Pathak et al. [11] stated that the B. campestris L. Seed has 46.38% oil, 17.67% protein, 6.0% moisture, 3.74% ash and 0.46% allyl-iso-thiocyanate.Nazir  [1]  mentioned  that  the  major  insect  pests  of  rape  and  mustard  are  the  painted  bug  and  aphids.  Both  the  adults  and  nymphs of these insect’s suck cell sap from leaves, flowers and pods.  Aphid  control  should  be  started  when  the  nymph  popula-tion reaches five per leaf. According to Gould [12]; like many other Brassica,  rape  falls  prey  to  the  infestation  of  a  wide  spectrum  of  insect, from the seedling stage to maturity damaging the crop and result in yield reduction. Srivastava et al. [13] stated that the aphid (L. erysimi) causes considerable damage not only to mustard but also to rape, tori and several other crop species. The incidence of the pest increases with the delayed sowing, while proper sowing time reduces the pest infestation.The pollen beetles, mustard sawfly, pea leaf miner, flea bee-tles, seed pod weevils, hairy caterpillar and cabbage butterfly are the  most  damaging  insect  pests  of  the  rape  crop.  Majority  of  the  pests infest the plant reproductive parts. The insects like pea leaf miners  which  attack  the  vegetative  parts  are  less  damaging  and  often more easily measurable [14].The present study was carried out to record the incidence and population  density  of  Grasshopper  (Chortjippus  brunneus)  and  cabbage butter fly (Pieris  brassicae)  on  mustard  (Brassica  camp-estris L.) crop.Materials and MethodsThis study was conducted to record the incidence of grasshop-per  (Chortjippus  brunneus) and cabbage butterfly (Pieris  brassi-cae) on mustard crop at the Agricultural Research Institute Tarn-ab Peshawar, Pakistan in the year 2016 Rabi season.The  mustard  variety  ‘Bulbul  98’  was  raised  on  ridges  in  well  prepared  soil  at  Agriculture  Research  Institute  Tarnab,  during  September 21, 2016. The experiment was conducted in RCBD with three replications and five treatments per replication. The length  and  width  of  each  experimental  unit  was  5  and  3  me-ters, respectively. Each experimental unit was 3 meters apart from other.The  direction  of  replications  was  East-West  and  treatment  direction was North-South. Crop germinated on September 21, 2016. The field was visited regularly to the record population den-sity of the concerned insect pest Table 1
Data RecordingCommon insect pest of mustard crop is Grasshopper and cat-erpillar which attack on leaves. The data was collected on five randomly selected plants in each experimental unit and averaged over plant i.e. to present data as number of insects per plant. ResultsThe insect pests of mustard other than aphids were recorded from its time of germination till harvest. The mean population of Grasshopper and Caterpillar were recorded on at weekly interval as given in Tables.
Mean  population  trend  of  Grasshopper  Chortjippus  brunneusper  mustard  plant  during  October  to  December  2016  is  given  in  Table 2.The  mean  population  of  grasshopper  per  plant  ranged  from  0.7 to 2.0 in first week. Among the population, maximum attack of grasshopper (2.0) was recorded in treatment 2; whereas the min-imum  attack  of  grasshopper  was  recorded  in  treatment  5  (0.7).  Second week the attack of grasshopper ranged from 0.3 to 3.33. Among the population maximum attack of grasshopper (0.3) was recorded  in  treatment  3;  whereas  the  minimum  attack  of  grass-hopper  was  recorded  in  treatment  4  (3.33).  Third  week  the  at-tack of grasshopper ranged from 0.3 to 3.0. Among the population maximum attack of grasshopper (0.3) was recorded in treatment 5;  whereas  the  minimum  attack  of  grasshopper  was  recorded  in  treatment 1 (3.0). Fourth week the attack of grasshopper ranged from 0.0 to 2.4. Among the population maximum attack of grass-hopper  (2.4)  was  recorded  in  treatment  3;  whereas  no  attack  of grasshopper was recorded in treatment 4 (0.0). Fifth week the at-tack of grasshopper ranged from 0.3 to 2.3. Among the population maximum attack of grasshopper (2.3) was recorded in treatment 2; whereas no attack of grasshopper was recorded in treatment 4 (0.3). Sixth week the attack of grasshopper ranged from 0.6 to 2.3. Among the population maximum attack of grasshopper (2.3) was recorded  in  treatment  4;  whereas  no  attack  of  grasshopper  was  recorded in treatment 3 (0.6). Seventh week no attack of grass-hopper  was  found  on  mustard  crop.  Eighth  week  the  attack  of  grasshopper ranged from 0.0 to 1.3. Among the population max-imum  attack  of  grasshopper  (1.3)  was  recorded  in  treatment  3;  whereas  no  attack  of  grasshopper  was  recorded  in  treatment  1  (0.0). 
CaterpillarMean population trend of cabbage butterfly Pieris  brassicaeper  mustard  plant  during  October  to  December  2016   ment 4; whereas the minimum attack of caterpillar was recorded in  treatment  2  (0.3).  Third  week  the  attack  of  caterpillar  ranged  from  0.0  to  21.7.  Among  the  population  maximum  attack  of  cat-erpillar  (21.7)  was  recorded  in  treatment  1;  whereas  no  attack  of caterpillar was recorded in treatment 4 (0.0). Fourth week the attack of caterpillar ranged from 0.0 to 3.3. Among the population maximum  attack  of  caterpillar  (3.33)  was  recorded  in  treatment  3  whereas  no  attack  of  caterpillar  was  recorded  in  treatment  1  (0.0).  Fifth  week  the  attack  of  caterpillar  ranged  from  0.3  to  2.7.  Among  the  population  maximum  attack  of  caterpillar  (2.7)  was  recorded in treatment 1; whereas the minimum attack of caterpil-lar was recorded in treatment 3 (0.3). Sixth week the attack of cat-erpillar ranged from 0.2 to 3.3. Among the population maximum attack  of  caterpillar  (3.3)  was  recorded  in  treatment  1;  whereas  the  minimum  attack  of  caterpillar  was  recorded  in  treatment  3  (0.2). Seventh week no attack of caterpillar was found on mustard crop.  Eight  week  the  attack  of  caterpillar  ranged  from  0.0  to  2.0.  Among  the  population  maximum  attack  of  caterpillar  (2.0)  was  recorded in treatment 4 whereas no attack of caterpillar was re-corded in treatment 3 (0.0).
DiscussionPromptly growing population and alterations in dietary habits linked with urbanization increased the demands for food and fuel. Pakistan has become world’s third largest edible oil importer. Edi-ble oil seed crops of Pakistan are classified as conventional (rape-seed, mustard, sesame, groundnut), non-conventional (sunflower, safflower, soybean) and non-true oilseeds (cotton, maize and rice bran) [15].Oil seed mustard (Brassica compestris L.), has become one of the most important oil crops in the country. Conventional mustard varieties impose health concerns due to the presence of erucic acid in oil and glucosinolate in meal. Canola has the advan-tage over other vegetable oils because it contains lowest content of saturated fatty acids and moderate content of poly-unsaturated fatty acids [16]. In Pakistan, the farmers associated with brassica crops face a lot of problems from insect pests, particularly white-fly, thrips, aphid, painted bug, Grasshopper and Cabbage Butter Fly. The control of pest insects has relied heavily on chemical in-secticides which are often overused or misused. The beneficial species, such as parasites and predators are used to control pest insects  that  established  a  solid  foundation  for  environmentally  safe system for brassica growing farmers [17].Among different insect pests attacking mustard, the Grasshop-per (Chortjippus brunneus) and Cabbage Butter Fly (Pieris brassi-cae) are the most serious and destructive pest and major limiting factor for mustard cultivation [18] The rate of reproduction varies from 5 to 9 Youngs in a single day by a single female and the to-tal  number  of  Youngs  produced  by  the  female  varies  from  76  to  188  [18].In  current  studythe  mean  population  of  Pieris  brassi-cae ranged from 0.0 to 1.4 in first week. Among the population maximum  attack  of  caterpillar  (1.4)  was  recorded  in  treatment  5;  whereas  no  attack  of  caterpillar  was  recorded  in  treatment  1  (0.0). Second week the attack of caterpillar ranged from 0.3 to 3.0. Among  the  population  maximum  attack  of  caterpillar  (3.0)  was recorded  in  treatment  4;  whereas  the  minimum  attack  of  cater-pillar was recorded in treatment 2 (0.3). Third week the attack of caterpillar ranged from 0.0 to 21.7 [18-30]. Among the population maximum  attack  of  caterpillar  (21.7)  was  recorded  in  treatment  1;  whereas  no  attack  of  caterpillar  was  recorded  in  treatment  4  (0.0). Fourth week the attack of caterpillar ranged from 0.0 to 3.3. Among the population maximum attack of caterpillar (3.33) was recorded in treatment 3 whereas no attack of caterpillar was re-corded in treatment 1 (0.0). While the mean population of grass-hopper per plant ranged from 0.7 to 2.0 in first week. Among the population,  maximum  attack  of  grasshopper  (2.0)  was  recorded  in treatment 2; whereas the minimum attack of grasshopper was recorded in treatment 5 (0.7). Second week the attack of grass-hopper ranged from 0.3 to 3.33. Among the population maximum attack of grasshopper (0.3) was recorded in treatment 3; whereas the minimum attack of grasshopper was recorded in treatment 4 (3.33).  Third  week  the  attack  of  grasshopper  ranged  from  0.3  to  3.0. Among the population maximum attack of grasshopper (0.3) was  recorded  in  treatment  5;  whereas  the  minimum  attack  of  grasshopper was recorded in treatment 1 (3.0). Fourth week the attack  of  grasshopper  ranged  from  0.0  to  2.4  and  so  on  whereas  no  attack  of  grasshopper  was  recorded  in  treatment  3,  4  and  7  [31-47]. ConclusionThe  results  of  weekly  mean  population  presented  that  the  mean population of Pieris brassicae ranged from 0.0 to 1.4 in first week. Among the population maximum attack of caterpillar (1.4) was recorded in treatment 5; whereas no attack of caterpillar was recorded in treatment 1 (0.0). Second week the attack of cater-pillar  ranged  from  0.3  to  3.0.  Among  the  population  maximum  attack  of  caterpillar  (3.0)  was  recorded  in  treatment  4;  whereas  the  minimum  attack  of  caterpillar  was  recorded  in  treatment  2  (0.3). Third week the attack of caterpillar ranged from 0.0 to 21.7. Among the population maximum attack of caterpillar (21.7) was recorded in treatment 1; whereas no attack of caterpillar was re-corded in treatment 4 (0.0). Fourth week the attack of caterpillar ranged from 0.0 to 3.3. Among the population maximum attack of caterpillar (3.33) was recorded in treatment 3 whereas no attack of caterpillar was recorded in treatment 1 (0.0). While the mean population of grasshopper per plant ranged from 0.7 to 2.0 in first week.  Among  the  population,  maximum  attack  of  grasshopper  (2.0) was recorded in treatment 2; whereas the minimum attack of grasshopper was recorded in treatment 5 (0.7). Second week the  attack  of  grasshopper  ranged  from  0.3  to  3.33.  Among  the  population  maximum  attack  of  grasshopper  (0.3)  was  recorded  in treatment 3; whereas the minimum attack of grasshopper was recorded  in  treatment  4  (3.33).  Third  week  the  attack  of  grass-hopper  ranged  from  0.3  to  3.0.  Among  the  population  maximum  attack of grasshopper (0.3) was recorded in treatment 5; whereas the minimum attack of grasshopper was recorded in treatment 1 (3.0).  Fourth  week  the  attack  of  grasshopper  ranged  from  0.0  to  2.4 and so on whereas no attack of grasshopper was recorded in treatment 3, 4 and 7.
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loufloresblog · 6 years
“The Clash of Civilizations” Samuel Huntington, 1996…Pulitzer Prize
Samuel Huntington is a political scientist who studied at Yale, the University of Chicago and completed his Ph.D. at Harvard.  In 1996 Huntington wrote “The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order.” This text is considered a milestone in the field of geopolitics.  It is engaged with how the ending of the Cold War shifted focus on to new conflicts involving the divisiveness of human civilizations that now challenge world peace and stability.
Huntington points toward future human disagreements that will manifest less from political or economic distinctions as with communism and capitalism; but that these fractures will prevail more along cultural and religious “fault lines” that have germinated well before the fall of the Berlin Wall.  Huntington begins with the current nature of countries and regions with similar qualities of civilization.  He envisions nations that are bonded through language, religion, culture, laws and/or values being drawn together in kinship.  At the same time those states that have mixed cultures and tend to abide by the wave of multiculturalism that is apparent in the West are coming apart.  
Huntington partially wrote this study partially in response to Francis Fukuyama who wrote “The End of History and the Last Man.”  Here Fukuyama was examining the victory of democratic-liberalism over communist-totalitarianism.  Fukuyama argued that the ideas of universalism, Western democratic values, and modernization would unite the world into a new era of egalitarian thinking that would spread across the globe as communist states crumbled under the weight of their own bureaucracies and oligarchs.    
Huntington’s research takes a different path from Fukuyama revealing that the world has morphed since the 1990s.  It has altered from two super powers (the US vs. the USSR) each challenging the other into eight distinct civilizations vying for recognition.  These cultures include Chinese, Japanese, Africa, Islam, Orthodox, Latin America, Western, and Hindu.  However, the two that will generate the greatest confrontation toward the West will be the Chinese and the Islamic states that range from Morocco to Indonesia.  
Historically we are made aware that each time civilizations bump up against each other there is inevitable discord often leading to war.  We must ponder that the balance of power may well shift from the West as it abates in stature and slows in growth while Islamic and Asian countries are seen to be expanding in influence and wealth.  Where the West looks to inculcating the ideals of universalism into other nations, other states see the West as peddling neo-colonialism and fostering Western interference through economic and political might.
“The Clash of Civilizations” outlines how China came to its position of mega-power under Mao that propelled China with immense growth in a short time.  The major problem for China now is that it has begun the process of unleashing the constraints of communism allowing “shades” of capitalism and individualism to become imbedded into the Chinese culture.  This was the “disease” that led to the demise of the USSR under Gorbachev and Yeltsin.  Once the gates of democratic-liberalism were opened subjugated groups and clans began to demand increased rights of equality. Currently, the Communist Party in China numbers less than 100 million who have run rough shod over the various distinctive groups that compose the rest of the 1.3 billion many of whom live in poverty without a social net.  Given enough time the West may watch as China, too, erodes like the Berlin Wall as the “great unwashed Chinese” clamor for more rights and greater opportunities from their “betters” in the Communist Party.
On the other side of the coin Huntington turns to Islam and analyzes the position of Muslim countries that have been dominated by the West and local corrupt leaders who in turn are in the pockets of the oil companies.  Where birth rates are dwindling in the West Islam is growing. We also find a large proportion of Islamic states with younger populations who are often unemployed. This becomes the perfect breeding ground for radicals who foster discontent toward the West.   The possibility that Islam will change to the liking of the West anytime soon is fantasy as both civilizations are entrenched against each other.  At present America is seen as “the Great Satan” that must be vanquished for Muslims to be released from the yoke of Western oppression.  However, prime directives within Islam call for both religion and state act as one and guided by the Quran from ideas created over 1000 years ago by Mohammed.  How does this bode to the West?  This theocractic-philosophy is deemed as inflexible in a modern nation or group of nations dealing with other current economic and social systems.  The Christian West is adamant about keep church and state separate.
It is revealed by Huntington that religion and culture have brought humanity back to the focal point of “them vs. us.”  We are once again at the juncture of Christians in opposition to the Muslim world where further crusades and jihads are on the horizon.  Huntington is sounding a warning signal if Western ideals and universalism are to be maintained.  Ancillary, he asks to be aware of the feud that is currently within the West regarding those supporting multiculturalism and those supporting Western civilization.  At the same time he notes a “decline in American values” where data finds increases in “crime, drug use, family disunity, lack of work ethic, slower economic growth, and the onslaught of the ‘me-generation’” all of which appear to be leading the West toward general decay.  Perhaps the Muslims and Chinese are rubbing their hands in sanctimonious pride that they indeed are better than the “decadent Americans.”  Furthermore, America has slowly pulled itself back as a world leader on the verge of the “isolationism” of pre-World War 2. America is no longer in the forefront of space technology allowing other states to invent dynamic strategies in new frontiers.  Other states await in the wings to fill the vacuum.
Having written all this I am also aware that Huntington efforts have been challenged and called into question.  Norm Chomsky wrote that Huntington’s concepts regarding civilization as a “cart blanche” for the US to commit wholesale “atrocities” and “first-strike” action against those it sees as enemies to America.  Various academics in the Middle East have written of the “Clash of Civilizations” as inspiring racism and violence toward Arabs and Muslims.  What is equally powerful is that this insightful tome was written before 9/11.  It is obvious then that Huntington has hit the nerve of a mighty theme that allows for weighty criticism and discussion.
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