#gersha phillips you are an artiste
poebrey · 1 year
I love S4 Captain Burnham with my whole heart but there's something about S3 Burnham and her many casual looks and tactical suits and just the braids with the Disco blues that will forever have my heart
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aphelyons · 6 years
Winter Asks (?)
A tag meme to combat the dreariness of winter! Answer the questions and tag ten people (if you want). I was tagged by @30minuteloop  <3
OH BOY I WISH I WAS COMBATING THE DREARINESS OF WINTER. I freaking hate summer, and I haven’t seen a winter in 3 years. Ugh. Tropics suck. Tho, the lizards are neat.  
What artists are you listening to right now?
Constantly shifting with my mood, lol. I also listen to a very wide selection of music. But this week; Momford & Sons and the Whitlams (as always.)
Favourite comfort book, movie, etc?
Move: Mad Max; Fury Road. TV: ST;DSC (obviously, lol) Book; idk, I really like Beatrix Potter stories.
 Favourite activity in whatever the winter weather is in your climate?
Just walking through the cold air, breathing it in. I love playing with frost. I love taking photos of things that are frosted or iced over. I just really love anything to do with the cold, I just feel really good in the cold. Love sitting outside at cafe’s in the freezing cold nursing a chai or coffee, maybe a soup. Love soup. I’d love the snow, but it really doesn’t snow in my country. It’s super rare. (And it’ll never happen where I live now, being in the tropics.)
  Favourite cheesy self-care activity?
Baths. Though I haven’t had one in years, but, I love baths with candles, herbs, oils, music, tea. Love that. Other than that burning oils.
 Winter headcanon for your favourite ship(s) or character(s)?
Hugh is obsessed with huge throw blankets. They would have a good collection of them. He loves to curl up on the couch encased in a massive blanket cocoon to keep warm, burying his nose in it else it gets too cold. Though he enjoys pressing his frozen nose into the crook of Pauls neck, making him yelp. Paul melts into his apologetic kisses on his neck, predictably every single time.  However, Paul gets him back with his ever cold hands and feet at all times of the year, so it’s only fair that Hugh takes advantage of the one time he can with his frozen nose. Paul also has really dorky, daggy slippers, and walks around in several layers. He gets cold easily, but I don't think he minds it at all. (shut up, not projecting, not at all.) He only minds in the case of it being so cold he won’t get any mushrooms. He absolutely takes Hugh along with him for forest walks through the colder months and on either side, foraging for mushrooms. Hugh loves the outdoor clean, crisp air. They go to early morning markets to pick up fresh and organic produce. (Which leads into another HC that Paul loves to cook, and out of the two of them is the better and more adventurous cook. He loves to surprise and delight Hugh with new recipes and dishes that he invents from all the new and strange things that he comes across. Hugh has learned to stop asking what some of those ingredients are though. Mostly because while whatever Paul makes out of them is always delicious (give or take a few misses) he’d rather not know what some of the things are because they either sound awful, look awful or smell even worse.) Although, Hugh makes a mean vegetarian asopao with mushrooms and cassava, and they both love treating themselves to maduros in which Paul makes an accompanying (heavily) spiced custard. I think they would really like to go on frequent impromptu hiking and camping trips. Partially for casual scientific reasons, but mostly just to enjoy each others company. Hugh really enjoys looking up the natural medicines of the area and documents medicinal plants on their hikes, perhaps takes a few samples.  He also has to take a full med kit with him, because no doubt Paul will recklessly bound towards something and usually ends up hurt in one way or another.
 Current WIP (any fanwork type) you’re most excited about?
Just working on the MU fic right now, made a lot of headway with it and keep connecting plot points in my head, so that feels good. Just waiting on Gersha Phillips to release some information on the MU ranking system that she teased she would (need it need it need it) so that I can release the first fricken chapter already (after it’s Beta’d, of course.) Also a couple little artworks, hopefully those by the end of the week/weekend.
 I also zero and no-pressure tag @soundofcosplay , @toreachthestars (fellow lovers of winter) and @drstrangewillseeyounow
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