#get fuckin dipped luis
energon-goodies · 5 months
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they're necking. ashley's been kidnapped and they're necking
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
Kylo doesn't like wearing the skirt? Imagine if he does wear one, you could see his third leg just swinging around.
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kylo does NOT like the skirt.
“Hey,” you cooed. Running your finger across Kylos broad back from behind the couch. You leaned over the lip, giving him your best puppy eyes, “What if we did something new?”
“What do you mean,” he mumbled through a mouthful of cereal. Kylo didn’t even turn to look at you, staring directly at the screen. History channel was on, its more important than you. You traced your finger up to his ear, brushing his long hair back to expose it. Kylo shuddered as you traced it, giving you a sideways glare before taking another bite of his precious meal.
“I just wanna try some stuff with you...”
“What kind of stuff? We already do enough.”
“Like in the bedroom,” you leaned further, almost flopping into the couch in the process. “I wanna try something new.”
Kylo snorted, “I’ve already fucked all your holes, unless you want me to try and burst your eardrum there’s nothing new to work in.”
“Okay gross,” you sighed, “I was thinking some roleplay.”
You had his attention now, you climbed over the lip. Perching next to him on your heels and puffing your bottom lip out. Being sure to press your breasts together so he was nice and buttered up. “I wanted to do like a school girl role play.”
“School girl?”
You nodded.
“Angel, we haven’t been in school in like 7 years. I’m almost 30.”
You groaned, slumping into his lap dramatically. Smushing your face into the cushion on the other side of his thigh, “That’s why it’s a role playyyyy.”
Kylo smacked the back of your thigh, “Dont fuckin’ whine. What would it even be? You getting a fucked for an A?”
“Not exactly...”
“You didn’t even get As in college.”
Three nights later you executed your plan, laying out a school girl uniform on the bed. Along with various toys, you were wearing a black lingerie set. Looking extra tantalizing for his royal jackass to come see you.
“I’m home,” you heard him holler from the kitchen, you perked up right away. Vibrating from excitement as you waited. Soon he strode through the door, dead in his tracks when he saw you.
“What’s this?” He asked, his eyes dancing across your skin and finally settling on the outfit. He scrunched his forehead, “Arent you supposed to have that on?”
You shook your head, your smile wide across your face.
“Well,” Kylo kept staring at it, “Whose it for then? This isn’t like a threeway thing again, right? Because last time you picked the girl and she didn’t stop calling me for a month.”
“It’s for you.”
Just when you thought he was froze before, he somehow became even stiffer. His smirk falling into a deep frown as he back away from the bed. “Why would I wear that,” he stuttered.
You crawled to the edge of the bed, grasping his collar before he could run away. Bringing him close to your face as you whispered, “Because I’m going to fuck your pretty little ass.”
Kylo visibly gulped, “Are you serious?”
You nodded your head, placing a plush kiss before you whispered again, “Since you’ve been such a slut, needing to get your grades up by fucking your teacher.”
“Oh my god, your fucking serious right now.”
“Get your outfit on,” you pushed him away, “Dont keep me waiting.”
“This thing is uncomfortable,” Kylo whined from the bathroom, he had been in there for 10 minutes. You weren’t sure if he spent it cleaning himself or trying to break out through the window, but you were done waiting.
“Come out here or I’m giving you an F!”
“I thought you were giving me a D!”
“Just for that,” you sneered through the door, “I’m not going gentle!”
Kylo finally emerged, face beet red and scrunched in embarrassment. You were so excited, it was so snug on him. Caressing his muscles, every dip and bulge of his skin, right down to his cock. Which was harder than you expected, peaking out from under the pleating.
You placed your palms on his cheeks, sloppy kisses against his mouth. Kylo hummed into you, the tension from before melting away as he wrapped his large hands around your waist. His fingers digging into your skin as your tongues danced. You grinded into him, causing him to hiss as you squeezed his cock between the two of you. “This better be worth it,” he growled into your mouth. Lifting you from the floor and walking the two of you to the bed.
Kylo slotted between your legs, pushing your open with a palm behind each knee. He stared down at your pussy, glistening and bare. Lips parting as he spread your legs more. Kylo gathered some spit, letting it fall on your clit before he rocked his cock against you. The skirt pulled back enough for him to coat him in your juices.
“Baby,” you whined, “I’m supposed to be fucking you.”
Kylo shook his head, “Not yet, professor, I need to be sure your good enough to fuck my ass.”
His hand dropped your leg, popping the tip inside you. You moaned at the stretch, even after all these years together. He still split you, stretching and pushing you apart to make room for his monster cock. Kylo grunted as he sunk inside you, a loud squelch when he was flush with your hips.
“Am I good enough?”
He nodded silently, sucking in a breathe through his teeth before pounding into you. Anchoring himself over you, his stupid skirt covering the image of his cock ripping you.
“You like getting fucked by me?” he growled, “In this stupid outfit?”
You dug your nails into his shoulders, pulling him down to your face. “It’s a mandatory uniform you filthy slut.”
Kylo growled again, slamming harder and harder into you. He latched his mouth to your neck, sucking a deep purple welt. “Everyone’s gonna know you let one of your students fuck you, you’re going to get fired.”
You grabbed his face between your thumb and forefinger, just the way he does to you, “Do you want the whole class to know I fucked you?” Kylo froze, trying to work his jaw close from your steel grip. You brought his real close, “Get on your fucking hands and knees, you need to earn your grade.”
Shockingly enough, Kylo obeyed without a word. The slight whine from his throat was all you heard when he pulled out. Centering himself on the bed and bending over, you smiled when you saw him. His firm, pale ass up in the air for you.
And nestled inside in was a plug, just for you to take out.
You brought a finger to it, taping the base experimentally. “Look at you,” you mused, giving a light tug to it, Kylo shuddered underneath you. Nuzzling his face into the duvet, he let out a lewd moan. “Fuck Angel,” he whimpered, spreading his legs a little wider for you. Even arching his back so you would reward him with more touches.
“Are you eager to get fucked?”
Kylo nodded, “I’m eager to get this skirt off, now fuck me.”
You scowled at it him.
“Please,” he whimpered.
You reached to your side, grabbing the strap to nestle inside you. Being sure to place the base right over your aching clit, you then squirted copious amounts of lube on the length. Fucking yourself with a fist while you tugged at the plug. Kylo groaned beneath you as the largest part pulled out. Exhaling hotly once it was free, you wasted no time bringing the tip to him. Thrusting your hips slowly, you scratched your nails up his thighs. Digging them into his skin just the way he likes.
“Okay Ky?”
He nodded into the blankets, “Mhm, please move. I’m going to fucking cum if you don’t do something.”
You smiled, snapping your hips into him. Both of you groaning out from the double sided toy. You saw one of Kylos arms fold under his chest, tugging at his weeping cock. Still slick from your pussy, you canted into him. A symphony of smacks, moans, and cries as you fucked him.
Kylo cried out, “Fucking fuck! Cumming... I’m fucking cumming!” His body seized below you, followed by more choking sobs as he sat up on his hands and sank back into you. His cock spurting cum all over the covers, pooling between his legs as he trembled.
You softly pushed into him, trying to move him off so you could get out. Kylo took the hint, wincing as you pulled away. Quickly standing from the bed to grab towels and water for him.
When you came back he was still panting, laying in a u-shape around his mess. A weak had stretched out to grab the bottle, chugging the entirety in one move.
“I’m never wearing the skirt again.”
i’m hot and HARD.
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads @caillea @roanniom @contesa-lui-alucard @historyandfandoms50 @relationshipwithmybed @emeraldsiren20 @shesakillerkween @jynz-andtonic
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sugarblood7 · 7 years
Chapter One: VampFed is Cancelled
Sugar Pine 7 Vampire AU
Author: @oncemorewithvodka
Editor: @sugarpinecrews
            “Hey everybody raise your hand if you still have a job!” Mike asked the room. No one raised their hands. Not even the ghosts who haunt the halls and would still be here after we left.
           VampFed is Cancelled. There are four nights left.
           All the sets were being dismantled. All the stuff we used to relate to the humans in boxes. Even though VampFed was ending it was nice to know everything was staying the same. Even our human prisoner James was thinking of staying behind.
           “Steven, I’ve been trapped here all weekend. Please help me get down,” James let me know as he worked on taking down our lights. I closed the door and let him get back to work as he begged for me save him. But that’s what he gets for being a gross human who can’t fly. For some of our untalented employees, it was interesting to see what they had planned for the future. I did end up asking James what his plans were to which he responded, “I dunno what I’m going to do now.” Yikes. Kind of a bummer for that guy! Probably staying with the ghost unless he can learn how to deal with heights.
           One of our studio techs, Zach Taylor on the other hand, was taking initiative.
           “Uh. My name is Zack Taylor. I am for hire. This is my resume. Um it looks good.” Actually, it was just okay. It failed to include exactly how much blood he drinks in a single day which is good for any company to be aware of, especially if you’re company that hires vampires.
           I decided to go around the office testing everyone’s ability to find a new job. The test involved employees stating three things they’re good at in a matter of twenty seconds.
           “You have fifteen seconds to say three things you’re good at, otherwise you’re fired,” I told fellow vampire host Candace who responded with just staring into the distance. Though, Sam Bashor was able to answer with talking, swimming and running. Pretty good dude. That was good.
           I asked some of the others who were around their three things
“Design, editing, typography!” Hired!
           “Drawing, illustration, graphic design.”
           With Chris’s consistently snarky attitude, I was really hoping he wasn’t going to be able to answer in time.
           “Camera work, lighting, audio.” Fine.
           Making my way around the office I was given more answers.
           “Uh, not having a job, getting fired, and uh being a new unemployed wereboy” Fired.
           I even asked James who had somehow either gotten help from a witch or overcame his fear of heights.
           “Everything, nothing, and most things,” Fired.
           “I don’t know” Candace finally answered.
           I went to ask Zack who responded he same answer as Chris’s. When I told him he couldn’t double dip he explained he was like Chris but an inch taller. This was the wrong answer because Zack is a vampire and Chris is an elemental. Unbelievably James came in to the save the day.
           “Licking, he’s good at licking” Zack agreed with this. Hired! It’s important for a vampire to lick their victim though it worries me that James knows the difference between a vampire’s bad licking and good licking.
           “Cooking, eating, sleeping. Goodbye” were Matt Lieberman’s answers. Fired on the grounds that vampires don’t need to know how to cook. But he heard my response which put me in danger.
           “You take my firing back, Steven Suptic. You’re just a chicken vamp with a camera. I’m a vamp with a practice sword!” My unlife was at risk as the sword was made from wood.
           “You’re dangerous, you’re hired, you’re hired!” I yelled as he backed me into a supply closet.
           “Cool, thanks. What’s my salary?”
           “Fourt,” I responded and then chased him away. He was a little boy and I chased him. I was once again, safe.  
           You know, one question that I think really deserves an answer and I don’t think anybody knows, is how did this office keep spreading diseases so easily? Maybe it comes from the licking that is important in any vampire or werewolf society. For those of you who think vampires cannot get sick let me tell you we have our own illnesses and we can spread to them to other beings including humans. How do you think the common cold happened?
           I know what you’re thinking. Are people really okay with you filming them during such an emotionally draining process?
           “Okay, I get that you’re trying to document what’s happening here for personal gain. But…I want some too.” You could have put it up on your own vlog channel Liberman.
           “I hope you make a good bit of money off of filming all these people who just lost their jobs. I hope you make a nice bit so you can pay off the government for your fuckup,” Zack told me.
           Clearly, some people were very jealous of my enormous wealth. While others took things more seriously. Rickey Mizuno for example pretended to shoot himself with a gun, which we all know doesn’t kill vampires but then he farted thinking it would be funny. Unfortunately, that was a lot more dangerous of fart than he thought it was gonna be. Vampire farts are the worst.
           “And that was the last we saw of Rickey Mizuno” Zack mentioned.  
           Joel Rubin, one of the oldest vampires of all time came into the room. He may be old and powerful but very much a drifter as he goes from one supernatural brainwashing company to the next.
           “Guys, we need to have our Oddity meeting for the next three months of Oddity,” Joel told the room.
           “And that was the last we saw of Joel,” Zack told me, but I highly doubt it.
           I went over to Audrey, who stayed covered in her hoodie as to not expose us to the danger of her unknown power. I wanted to check in on how she was dealing with the end of VampFed but she did not look up from her editing.
           “And that was the last we saw of Audrey,” Zack was setting a theme was these announcements. Maybe it was from his extra power to see the future.
    ��      I went to go check on Sofia, a very dangerous witch when Zack assured me:
           “We would, however, see Sofia again,” and knowing that I left the room to go bother one of the werewolves Eric.
           “Are you working on VampFed stuff?” I asked him.
           “No, no. I’m uh messaging everyone I know asking for a job.”
           Eric’s comment about reaching out to friends made me realize, I have a lot of connections in the YouTube industry. I decided to reach out to a pervious VampFed employee for help, Ian Dokie, Ruler of the channel Zombi Noggin.
           “Hey Steven.”
           “Hey Ian.”
           “What’s up?”
           “You hear the news?” I asked kind of nervously but I heard him take a deep breath.
           “That VampFed’s cancelled?” I wondered if he knew why I was calling already.
           “Yeah. So I just figured I’d just call you and see how, um, Zommbi Noggin’s doing.
           “Good. It’s doing good,” he sounded skeptical. He knew why I was calling.
           “Yeah, I’m not really the kind of guy to beg on my feet, but um, do you have, do you have a- Please give me a job,” I blurted out
           “Uh huh?”
           “I’ll get back- You’ll get back- I’ll get it. Alright I got the job, thank you, thank you,” I was in, I wouldn’t be stuck roaming the streets.
           “Someone will reach out-” I hung up when I saw Joel, and worked up the courage to confront him.
           “You got me fired, you son of bitch,” I told him.
           “Well, maybe you should have done a better…work.” Hmm! Maybe I should have done better work!
           That’s when I found a telephoto lens lying around and after all these months I was finally able to spy on Luis. He was an editor but I knew he was secretly a vampire hunter. I was able to get footage of Sofia destroying her paper trail. Zack was right, we did see her again. Though I didn’t feel like I was done talking to Joel about exactly why VampFed was being shut down.
            “I mean, it does suck, because we were doing really well. I mean, we had the most brainwashing, like the most sustained, over five months of brainwashing for the first time since 2013 on the channel? I’m looking at the human subscriber analytics right now and we haven’t had this good of subscriber numbers,” he turned the screen so I could see a guinea pig eating carrots, the code for brainwashed humans, “in I don’t even remember how long. I mean at least since, maybe July?” That was hard to hear.
            What else was hard was seeing everyone else working knowing it would coming to end soon. Filip wrote a 17-page script that I’m sure everybody was very excited to film during their last week. I suddenly then got a vision of what Matt was up to, he was writing a letter.
            “Dear guinea pigs, I’m Matt Lieberman,” he was writing. What business he had with the brainwashed humans?
            That’s when I saw the unthinkable. Look at this little punk-ass werewolf wearing the same shirt as me, making my day fuckin’ worse. I figured I would get my mind off it by playing Star a song.
            “Alright, so are there any requests? Any song in particular?” I asked sitting ready at my keyboard.
            “Shooting stars.”
            “Shooting stars, who’s that by?” Of course I knew.
            “I don’t know,” Star failed my test but I’m a gentleman.
            “Ah, I know that one! Here we go!” I began to play the song thought the keyboard did it in the voice of a banshee. I jammed more out as the keyboard contained drum beats and horrifying animal noises that I think added to the song.
            So right here. This is about the point I stopped having fun for the day, and started recognizing that everything was going to end.
            I went with my camera to one of the last meals we would all have together before the company ends. We even let James have a regular human beer instead of being the meal like he normally is. That obviously seems very abrasive. Filming people while they’re eating- it was, but everybody was a good sport about it and after this week I dunno when I’ll be able to see these guys again.
            I’m sure most of us are going our separate ways. But at the end of the day, you can’t count on a company, or another monster. You just have yourself. But when you’re feeling lonely out there, and you miss your old co-worker Steve it’ll be easy to look back on these videos and remember working for a channel called VampFed. And maybe a couple years later, you’ll shoot me a text, and we’ll get a human to feed on, and talk about the old times. Or maybe our chapter’s done. Whatever the case, it was a pleasure working with all of you. When I was alive I was an only child, and I don’t know if this is what having brothers and sisters is like, but it’ll do.
            Together everyone watched the video where we told the humans and other beings who watched the channels that VampFed, VampFed Nerd, and Vampires Be Like were canceled. We filmed our last VampFed podcast where we talked about the good memories and many nights we had spent together like a family. Because that’s what VampFed had become, a family.
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