#get tpin
honestnewsoaoer · 6 months
What is BO id Number?
What is Bo I’d नंबर( बीओ आईडी)क्या है बेनिफिशियल ऑनर आईडेंटिफिकेशन इसका अर्थ ( BO ID) होता है .यानी आप कोई डिमांड खाता खोलते हो  या किसी भी स्टॉक या मुद्रा म्युचुअल फंड जैसे इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मुद्रा फंड के लिए इन्वेट करते हो उनके लिए एक id होती है उनका काम ये BO ID से किया जाता है. यह आपके के इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मुद्रा के सभी लेनदेन का रिकॉर्ड रखने में आपकी मदद करता है जैसे की किसी भी स्टॉक शेयर्स में…
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sassytail · 1 year
Ok I did podcast
I did cleaning
now I’m taking a 10mg edible and sitting on the couch and not moving for several hours.
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aintshitbiz · 1 year
Riichylee "Russian Cream" Single
Dashim Wan, better known by his stage name “Riichylee”, is an independent artist from the Bronx, New York. Today we present to you his single "Russian Cream". Riichylee states, "The song "Russian Cream" to me is me stepping and thinking outside the box, creating a range of witty thoughts & bars and adding them into my process to making a song. When I think "Russian Cream" I think backwoods and that is also why I named the song "Russian Cream", I played around and told my homeboy I’m about to make a song called "Russian Cream", being he had so many of them. Although I don’t really smoke, he does, so I was basically trolling his smoking habit and here it is today." Check out his single today.
Click Here to Stream via Spotify
Connect w/ Riichylee: https://twitter.com/riichylee https://www.instagram.com/riichylee_ https://www.facebook.com/Riichyleee https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPSV2QRCvpy218osumrloeg https://soundcloud.com/therealriichylee https://open.spotify.com/artist/5GQn7F2vmgXvreX8GPXoX9 https://music.apple.com/us/artist/riichylee/1220398191 More about Riichylee: Who’s Most certain to change the music industry & get his message across to anyone with a set of speakers, with his versatility & Unique style of diversity (Riichylee) is an American Chinese rapper better known for his; swaggish, melodic, Vibeful music. “When I realized I had talent for rapping/Music that’s when I took it seriously. I felt like I could be big one day, so that’s exactly what I began to Focus on. Like I literally had dreams about it. “I Feel like Dreams Are Just Showing You, You At Your Highest Level” After years of perfecting his craft Riichylee began to take music seriously and decided to take his music career to the next level.
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In 2020 Riichylee release his first debut single “Tpin” which picked up lots of feedback from YouTube, TikTok, & Instagram after gathering a total of 300k+ views in such little time, along with that came a bunch of comparisons to other artists. (“I don’t sound like anyone I just do me I don’t pay it no mind”). Far from the hustler look but very familiar with it, Riichylee grew his fan base social networking and performing locally every chance he could get. He then later started moving units digitally down to the traditional way hand to hand. Known for his Versatility & the ability to be so diverse, creating witty unique flows and lyrical content in the snap of an eye. Unlike many Riichylee like to freestyle his music for greater content and more feeling-full music. “I call it Swag Rap, but it’s still real at the end of the day” Highly certain and confident of his music guaranteeing he can make anyone sing along or bop to a beat. Riichylee mission is to talk to the people, show the world why he the greatest. “Everybody is great. I’m not the Greatest because I can rap, I’m the greatest because how I can do it”.
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desafia · 2 years
what is something that isn’t immediately pertinent to the writing,  but really integral to getting into the headspace of your muse?  for me it’s my characters personal style and fashion taste
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3am-cheerios · 2 years
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stopped at round 11/19. this is all i've done for the last.... 12 hours? granted a quarter of that was spent trying to understand the pattern/demoing it on easier yarn but The Zone was Entered
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ahorseofeverycolor · 3 years
What needle size would you reccomend for rehairing flutter pony sized ponies? I think my #5s from the DollPlanet are a little too big :Y
Not sure how helpful this might be because I've never ordered from DollPlanet but... Are you using TPins? TPins space the holes enough that the hair can go in safely and help not endanger the needle. I always use the same size needle to rehair any of the ponies, which is one of the mid-sizes from dollyhair. (I think shimmerlocks sells needles too--but I don't know if the numbers each site use always correspond to the same size of needle?) Without seeing the #5, I can't tell what it's size might be. All the vintage ponies were haired on the same type of machine, nomatter their head size. (Variances appear because humans have to use the machine and they all didn't use it the same way so you'd get ones with too-wide space/wavy uncentered lines, or too-close-punching) If you want, I have a rehairing youtube video with a newborn Dangles pony which shows the needle on video.
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janesramblings · 4 years
I’ve been scrolling though the Penderwicks posts (which are amazing by the way, I love this incredibly small fandom), and I love the parallels between Little Women and the Penderwicks, which lead to me think about the OG sisters and the LW parallels because I can’t help but talk about my favorite books all the time:
Rosy, is, very obviously, Meg. She loves fine things and falls in love first and cares for all of her sisters. She’s smart and beautiful and ends up with the love of her life. She’s very family oriented and wants her own family, which is hinted by her looking at her ring finger when talking about Tommy to Batty in TPINS. She cares a lot about her family image as well, since she reminded Jane and Skye that they’d be representing their family in a new state in the third book. I can’t find anything to disagree with that comparison. 
Skye is again, very obviously, Joe. She loves a particular thing (science) that she devotes her life to. She also gets into arguments with basically… everyone, and she is brash and opinionated. She hates love, but she’s fiercely devoted to her sisters. She is the one who moves farthest away from the family, just like Joe. She has a male best friend that the doesn’t want to fall in love with (just like Joe and Laurie). She also goes from hating to adoring her youngest sister (like Joe and Amy), and I absolutely loved that parallel. So if Skye is a parallel to Joe, it makes sense that she marries someone other than Jeffery (although I’ve always thought of Skye as Aro)
Based on the previous two, it’s very easy to think of Jane as Beth, but I never did. I’ve always thought of Jane as Amy. She can be immature (she thought Mrs. Tifton’s first husband was good and bad), like Amy. She also is also obsessed with romance (see: Dominic and the weird motorcycle gang guy from high school) and with being famous (she constantly dreams about having her name on a popular book). Amy is really misunderstood in my mind, she really just wants to be famous and fall in love, and for the first few books, that was Jane through and through (I understand her dislike of marriage in the fifth book but I still disagree with it). Again, if you consider this comparison, Jane and Jeffery would have been a couple, in parallel to Amy and Laurie, and I kind of really like this idea. Jane and Jeffery would be very compatible and they’d get along. They have similar temperaments and dreams and opinions. I also got a Jane-likes-Jeffery vibe from the second and third books, and of course, Jeffery wrote music for Jane. (Also, a musician and an artist!!! That’s Amy and Laurie through and through!!!) (and yes writing is an art).
Thanks to process of elimination, Batty is Beth. This makes sense. Batty and Beth both love animals and are shy and love the piano. They also love their sisters a lot and prefer home to anywhere else. They have very few friends, but love them dearly and they are both closest with their parents. Of course, Batty doesn’t die (thank goodness) but she still gives strong Beth vibes (also TPIS had very dramatic Batty related plots). I never liked the fifth book suggesting that Batty and Jeffery would be a couple, especially since I created the idea of Batty and Keiko in my mind, so having Batty be single like Beth makes me happy. 
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walidulhasan · 3 years
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gomangodigitalblog · 4 years
Chatbot development trends in 2020
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Chatbot development trends in 2020
Featured Image Courtesy: https://www.techaffinity.com
Chatbots are a phenomenal breakthrough in the field of AI. The industry is all set to hit a trillion dollar mark by the end of 2024. It is also estimated that 47% of customer care calls will be handled by intelligent chatbots. Also, 40% of health-care Virtual assistants will be chatbots indeed.
Simple user based queries can be handled by these chatbots or virtual assistants in a placid manner. Developers are also working around advanced predictive analytics facilitating more naturally flowing real-time conversations.
Helping you unveil some of the top Chatbot development trends for 2020:
Develop chatbots that are more human-like
Presently chatbots are unable to understand multilingual accents of people across the globe. The chatbots need to understand the right intent behind what the query of the customer is. Only then, will they be in a position to resolve customer grievances in an effective manner. With this aspect in mind, mobile developers develop chatbots taking help from varied technologies. These include Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP).
This way, chatbots can grasp the varied accents or dialects of people residing across the globe. Thereby providing the right kind of support or help.
AI works at call centers
Businesses can easily migrate to technologies supporting AI. These include usage of chatbots, virtual assistants, messaging platforms, etc. First level queries can be handled by conversational chatbots without much of a problem. These include
Changing passwords
Scheduling appointments with doctors or dentists
Requesting for a bank balance or a statement print of account details, etc.
Providing a 24/7 customer support for educational help lines, health-care centers, etc. can prove to be very expensive to afford. Given the amount of training to employees to adapt to multiple lines of business and handle queries of customers speaking different languages!
Hence, conversational bots can save 20-30% of the overall cost of running call centers across the globe. Moreover, the attrition rate among call center employees remains at 30-45%. This particular constraint can be resolved by emerging chatbots in a hassle-free manner.
Messaging platforms
Chatbots are able to initiate quick conversations with customers who are wanting to buy products online. You must have encountered it yourself. When you log into a website, you have an instant chat window opening in front of you. It asks if you would need any assistance in going further. This can be a perfect example of a chatbot handling the messaging board very intelligently.
It has roughly been estimated that around 68% of consumers prefer shopping for online products or services with chatbots. The chatbots provide a complete overview on what kind of products an e store offers. It helps them locate products from a store. The Virtual assistant further facilitates the sale of the product. Furthermore, an efficient degree of after-sales service is also provided to consumers in a friendly manner. This way, the brand awareness of the firm catapults. Customers love engaging and pleasant conversations that chatbots provide to them. This way, chatbots go a long way in improving customer service and automating sales.
Today, you have a number of mobile companies developing simple and easy chatbots helping you perform various functions. You have Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant doing the rounds for Android and iOS platforms. Starting from helping you track calories on your fitness jog up until keeping doors or windows closed at nights, the electronic surveillance machines do everything for you.
You can use voice bots at banks too to automate varied functions like filling out deposit forms, opening accounts, closure of accounts, etc. This way, when too many customers are there to attend to, voice bots can take over.
AI-pioneered chatbots to help social media
Thousands of brands emerge via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You have FMCG companies raising their brands via FB and Instagram. You have travel firms showcasing their brands via Twitter, FB and Linked In. You have Snap chat providing customers with instant chat facilities.
Hence social media channels may see a huge upsurge of products or brands that get launched online. This being the case, you will have millions of purchase related queries posed by online shoppers who would love buying products or services. Hiring customer support agents or shopping assistants to answer queries repeatedly can be an expensive affair. Automated chatbots may channelize this field too. Simple price related queries or product description queries can well be answered by pre-programmed chatbots or virtual assistants too. Hence chatbots will be taken squarely by social media biggies too.
Food chains
Chatbots are now the preferred marketing personnel of the booming digital era indeed. As these chatbots work tirelessly, you have consumers hooked to conversing with them. Be it apparels, food industry, airlines, health-care or educational sector, you have chat bots or AI programmed virtual assistants taking space at every miniscule corner.
Burger King, Dominos and Pizza Hut have started making use of Food bots to help consumers in a wide-spread manner. Starting from finding tables, ordering food, the foods delivered right across and getting the bills paid by customers, everything is well taken care of. You can order via Food bots at your home too. This can be done via your I-pads, tablets and mobile devices. Some companies have gone a step further to automate ordering and delivery of food. You can have drones delivering pizza packs and a lot more.
Chatbots can take payments
Digital wallets can be organized by leading banks to make payments hassle-free. Instant messaging can be facilitated via FB messenger. You make sure that your customers don’t leave the app while they make the final payments. Conversational bots can allow customers to buy products based on the pricing or the budget they have on mind.
Similarly, digital wallets connect consumers to buy or sell products on a 24/7 scalability. MasterCard has recently organized a chatbot in order to facilitate consumer payments. You can check your account balances. The Virtual bots help you set payment alerts. And also pay or receive money from your business partners. This way, chatbots are entirely helpful in making digital wallets a grand success.
HR initiatives
As you know, Human Resource comprises a tedious and repetitive set of activities that are highly time-consuming. If you look at the overall proforma of the HR unit, there are quite a lot of mundane activities that can easily be tackled via chatbots or virtual assistants. Let us see how this can be done in three real-time scenarios
Human Resource or HR-
As you all know, HR is the pulse of every company. You can use chatbots to help new employees answer basic HR related queries. Plus these bots can complete transactional HR services too. Say like initiating new bank accounts for on-boarding employees or giving them a TPin to access the company’s ATM.
Employee On-boarding
Employee on-boarding is the most complex and time consuming HR initiative. The personnel have to screen through file applications, have a look at relevant employment docs and so on. You can allow chatbots to initiate the interview handling process. You can allow them to field screening questions and simultaneously capture answers too. You can also allow chatbots to guide new hires through the internal policies of the company.
Internal Help desk
Chatbots can handle the IT desk by answering common queries in a neat and stream-lined manner. The bot can answer repetitive queries and can increase the response time too.
These are the 7 fascinating chatbot development trends for 2020. You have AI automating a variety of human functionalities. While many employees fear it might cost them their jobs, there is a positive side added to it. You can allow new employees to directly apply for Senior positions as mundane aspects of the job can be automated by the bots. Hence, decision making or intense management policies can be designed by career focused individuals who have the potential to tap into.
About Us
For your daily dose of technological updates get connected to Mango Digital via https://mangodigital.solutions/ For every tech hangover, there is a Mangoer. Mango Consulting is one of the leading web design & development companies in the UK. We specialize in the field of mobile app development, content writing, IT support, digital marketing at very much affordable prices.
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marissastaxidermy · 7 years
Bird Taxidermy Tutorial
I made a little tutorial for some basic bird taxidermy. Just a warning: this is image heavy and graphic. I had to shorten it a lot to get everything in, so if you're having trouble feel free to drop me a message!
Basic tools: wire cutter, scalpel, cotton, zip ties, superglue, hot glue, wire, bird form/head/eyes, drill, blowdrier, degreasing soap, fat scraping tool of your choice, borax, clay, tpins.
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I usually make only one major incision down the center of the bird from the top of the breastbone to the pelvis. Start peeling the skin away from the body gently with your fingers. You should rarely need to use your scalpel.
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Once you get to the tail wiggle it up and down. You will feel where it bends the most a bit under the hips. Cut through the bones where you can feel it bending, but be careful not to cut so far through that you go through the skin on the other side.
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Once you’ve separated the tail from the body, continue to skin down the back side of the body. When you hit the thighs, cut through the knee to separate the legs from the body. At the wings you will be cutting through the shoulder joint. This joint is kind of buried in the back, so it helps to wiggle the bone a little to help find it. Pull the skin down the neck as far as it will go. If you are using an artificial head (like I am here) you can cut through the neck near the head. If you're having trouble separating the head you can use wire cutters.  
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Here is an example I borrow from the hunting dog association. This is what your skinned body will look like.
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As for the skin, it will look like this.. You can begin rolling the skin down the thighs and separating the meat from the skin. Stop when you’re near the transition from feather to tarsometatarus (the scaly part of the leg). There isn’t enough meat to make the legs rot past this point.
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Time to skin out the wings. Pull the wing bone outwards as much as possible and begin skinning down to the elbow. After the elbow the bottom side of the bone is connected to feather quills. In the picture you can see the straight line if little spikes in the bone where the quills were attached. To skin through this you can either pop each quill out from the bone with your fingernail or cut them away from the bone with your scalpel. Just take it as it comes, one at a time, and be careful with your skinning. Once you're pretty much  at the wrist you're done!
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Here's what it will look like with the legs and wings skinned out. 
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Now we have to clean all the meat out from the legs and wings. On the wings leave at least one tendon to keep both bones connected. If you cut off all the tendons it will come apart. Clean everything you can off the legs. Once clean take wire cutters and snip off the ball ends of the bone. It'll look something like this (probably even cleaner) .
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From here you can use the body as a reference to carve your own form or use a commercial form. Test fit it and make sure it fits inside the body properly. The first photo is of the back and the two dots show where to attach the wings. The second photo shows the front and the dots where your legs should go. 
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Finally we have to remove the head. Remember, this method is only for using replacement heads. Ill add on to this post soon for when you use the real head. 
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Carefully cut around the outline of the bill with your scalpel. Here I had one top and bottom cut and two side cuts. I peel these triangles back, skinning as I go. Be aware of when you get to your eyes and be extra carefull around them. Soon after the eyes you'll hit the ears. You can skin right across them. Dont worry about these tiny holes, but don't cut into the feathers. Skin all the way down until you remove the head any piece of neck you may have left before. 
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Remove any remaining fat and meat from the body and sew up any holes you may have accidentally made. Clean up around your tail and get any pieces you may have missed. It helps to take a wire brush to the skin to remove fat. You can also use a sculpting tool to try to scrape it away. Most beginner taxidermists don't have a fleshing wheel, so get creative! I've heard using a dremel helps too. Give your bird a bath in cold water and degreasing soap to scrub any blood, dirt, and oil out. Make sure to rinse really thoroughly to make sure no soap residue is left. An optional step is to soak in Coleman's fuel to help draw more grease out and help set feathers, but I've done fine without it. Blow dry on cool/high to fluff it up again until mostly dry. The inner skin should be completely dry. Now you can either put it in the freezer to mount another day, or mount it right away. If mounting it right away, rub borax over every part of the inside of the bird. Don't forget to get it in the legs, wings, tail, neck, and head. Take six pieces of stiff wire and make a point on each end. Give yourself plenty of wire, you'll be connecting the extremities to the body with it and also using some to hold up the wing (if flying. If not flying no wire is necessary in the wings). Poke the wire in through the bottom of the feet and guide it internally up the leg until it comes out into your skinned area. Zip tie the wire to the leg bone. Feed wire from the inside of the wing skin to the wrist of the bird and poke out of wrist. Zip tie wire to wing bones.
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Now you have to add cotton to replace the meat you removed from the wings, legs, and neck. You can wrap the cotton with string, tape, or glue it to keep it in place. Wrap your second to last wire with cotton to match the size of the neck, place it in the neck, and stab it into the form. Do the same for the thighs and wings, wrapping cotton around the bone/wire to mimic muscle. 
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Drill a hole in the back of your artificial head to place the neck wire. It helps if you loop the end of the wire to add some extra hold. Bondo or hot glue them together. Add clay to smooth the transition from head to neck. Place glass eyes in the given eye holes with clay and sculpt small clay eyelids. Adjust the wires to form the position you want. If flying, stab the last wire through the body and place the other end into a hole in wood to support it. You can use clothespins and cardboard to help keep things where you want them. I also use plenty of tpins to pin things where I want, especially the tail. 
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Another view to show my flying support wire and how I bend wire to hold up the wing feathers. 
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Finally I use superglue to glue the face skin around the bill. I also frequently use superglue to glue the eyelids around the eyes. Give your bird one last hit with the blowdrier to help you place feathers. Most birds smaller than a rooster don't require anything special done to the feet, they dry on their own. If you do need to inject the feet simply fill a syringe with a preservative (can be as simple as rubbing alcohol) and inject the toes and legs. Snip off any excess wires. Let dry about two weeks, checking in frequently to make sure everything is how you want it and make adjustments as necessary. 
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loginactivaten-blog · 4 years
Citi bank card activate
There are 3 kinds of Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) that a Citibank client gets-
APIN, ATM Personal Identification Number, this PIN will be required at ATMs, POS or for certain online exchanges.
IPIN, Internet Personal Identification Number, this empowers clients to login into the Citibank on the web/versatile financial entrance
TPIN, Telephone Personal Identification Number, It is required when client wishes to execute utilizing the 24 Hour Citibank Service
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mumbwanblog · 6 years
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music-of-silence · 7 years
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Fantastic book for keeping your edge! I started using this book in the form of "Arban and Clarke" in 1946. I was 9 years old and had just picked up my first trumpet. I am now 76 and have played trumpets and cornets all my life from dance bands to city symphony and owe everything to this book. It was used in my high school years by the director for assigning remedial lessons and for sight readings to challenge chairs to move up in the sections. That director was no slouch, we took a high school band Tri-State championship in 1954. Go to Amazon
Excellent Book...Excellent spiral binding! This order was for a spiral bound copy of this big book. I was nervous that the pages would not be wide enough to accommodate the binding or that the binding would be too narrow to hold all the pages. So when it arrived I was joyously pleased that a larger style of binding was used that comfortably held all the pages and that yes, indeed, there is plenty of room for the perforations without compromising any of the music. Very pleased with this seller, the communication and the quick creation and shipping of this music book! Go to Amazon
helping my playing to study/play from this as my only source of practice would be b-o-r-i-n-g. but using it as a supplement to my practice is awesome! all the scales, practice exercises, etc. i spend 10-15 minutes at the end of practicing my music just going over some of the practice exercises and i can tell it's made a difference. definitely worth it, especially for someone like me that really had no structure in his practice other than just going through the music being played Sunday morning. Go to Amazon
Great book is very good condition This is my third copy of Arban's great book for cornet, trumpet and baritone players. I started with Arban's in the mid 1950's. I wore the book out over the years and had to buy another, which I also wore out. If only I had the talent to be a good musician I would be very happy. But even though I lack the talent I still do love to play, and there is no better way than to work through the Arban's exercises and to read about the correct method of playing the instruments that I love. At my age, I know that I will never be good with my instruments but it does not mean that I will stop working at it. Go to Amazon
One of most recommended by professional trumpet players Ordered this book after reading recommendation after recommendation on TPIN email list from professional trumpet players/instructors. Being a come back trumpet player striving to not only regain lost previous skills, but also striving to further develop trumpet playing expertise. Finding the content of this book to be everything professionals claim it to be. Realized real improvement in skills quickly once I began just first few exercises. Another wise purchase of which I heartedly recommend to other trumpet players serious about improving their playing skills. Go to Amazon
My daughter was getting bored after 5 years of trumpet lessons My daughter was getting bored after 5 years of trumpet lessons. This book has reignited her interest and she actually looks forward to practice and play once again!! Go to Amazon
Quality and musicality standards were exceeded. The Arban book is an excellent book that says in simple language key points that are stressed to becoming the desired musician. It details the basics of the instrument as well as the individual studies of several great music theory books all rolled into one. I think it a superb book for the beginning musician as well as the intermediate to advanced. All in all, great book. Go to Amazon
My son & his teacher love this I don't play the trumpet, so bought this because my son's trumpet teacher, with degrees from some excellent music schools (including Eastman), finds it an excellent source. I do know that my son has continued to improve using it, but no book alone can do this, it also takes a good teacher, practicing & of course talent helps, too (but pay to enjoy even if you just do it for fun.) Go to Amazon
Five Stars Four Stars Five Stars Exactly what you would expect Five Stars It is still as good as ever Trumpet Lessons Five Stars Good price. Five Stars
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marissastaxidermy · 7 years
Hey! today I just came across a beautiful Raccoon and all I could manage to salvage from it were it's tail, I have tons of borax on hand already, However, are there any tips you can offer instead of me just throwing it in there?
If you've already skinned out the tail make sure to get all the fat off the skin! Raccoons are super fatty, especially around the base of the tail. You can give the tail a quick good bath in some degreasing soap (don't use hot water) after scraping off the fat and blow dry it on cool to really remove the grease and fluff it up before preserving it. Just make sure to work quickly and that the the skin is dry before putting on the borax. Since borax isn't a tan it will dry stiff be sure to position it how you want. You can tpin it to a sheet of cardboard so it doesnt move much while drying to keep it in place. One other thing: if for whatever reason the borax appears wet, shake it off and put some new borax on! Feel free to ask me any other questions you might have!
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