#get  ready  for  a  lot  of  music  talk  ooc  sorry  yall
miguelsjoy · 8 months
so like to those who are interested, I present yall with
(disclaimer: this was written before I watched the anime so if this is slightly ooc I'm sorry 🙏)
(also this is self ship Todd x Cola stuff so if you don't like that kinda thing, exit stage right pleek)
Ever since Cola had his last break up, he's been pretty unmotivated and unmoved. it took a lot out of him because Cola was so attached to the man, he made him feel human and made him feel alive...just for him to make him feel like THIS
Cola would then decide to try to take some action on these emotions by making a song about it, he put it on soundcloud thinking it wouldn't take off but by a stroke a luck it definitely did.
He got relatively popular, despite him not doing many performances due to his shyness. He'd later hear from twitter that a vegan rockstar and his girlfriend have broken up because he cheated on her with a fellow bandmate. Just for Cola's manager to call him on the phone an hour later.
Colas manager told him that Envy is taking a break from the band, whether it's permanent or temporary is kind of a toss up, but she was gonna focus on her solo career instead of entertaining his ex's bullshit. Cola was confused why he was telling him all this, just to be told that they saw a brilliant business move
The manager told Cola that he could fill in for envy! their band is pretty popular too, and it could get more eyes on Cola's music as well, and the pay would be pretty good.
Cola was hesitant about doing it, but Cola would go through with it, just as a way get more eyes on his music...but he told the manager he was gonna complain about it and be a bitch about it every 5 minutes.
(A few weeks later)
The manager arranged a session with Cola and Todd, they'd meet up and make a song with each other that'd spearhead the collab!
Todd had a big head about it, since his band was pretty popular, he thought that Cola would be excited to work with him, just for Cola to humble the FUCK out of him.
They'd take a selfie with each other, but Cola was fake smiling, after the selfie, he went pretty cold, not wanting to talk or interact with Todd unless it was about the song. Cola was a perfectionist when it came to his work, so he was kind of a dick about re-recording lines, restacking vocals, etc. However, in Cola's mind he wasn't doing anything wrong just because Todd was a dick to envy.
All this dictating kinda got under Todd's skin, after all HE was the rockstar, so why is some random loser controlling him???
He couldn't argue with results tho...when they reached a stopping point, they both listened to the song, it sounded...perfect.
Todd was impressed, and even kept listening to it over and over, while Cola packed his things and got ready to leave. When Todd was getting ready to high five Cola, Cola just blankly stared at Todd and left for the bus. Todd didn't know why Cola was being so distant with him, they needed to work together after all.
While he was on the bus, Cola held true to his promise, he complained like a bitch about working with Todd, The manager would reluctantly listen to every word.
The next few practices, Todd would try to impress Cola, he felt like the reason why Cola hated him was because he wasn't good enough, so Todd would attempt at getting better when it came to his vocals, the way he played, etc. But it'd end up with him falling on his face and flopping.
Cola would see this and would chuckle. This was the first time Todd saw Cola get close to smiling...Cola would notice this and clear his throat trying to focus on pumping out these songs.
As time went on, Cola was slowly starting to complain less and less to the manager...he saw how much Todd was trying to impress him, and while 50% of the time it ended up failing, he couldn't help but laugh at how cute Todd was at times.
A connection was slowly starting to be formed between the two, during practices, now Todd and Cola would start to joke around a bit. They'd tease each other, laugh at each other, and ultimately make some of the best music the two have ever made! The music was helping Todd show that he was still awesome and worthy of respect, while it was helping Cola break out of his shell and become a bit more relaxed.
Todd would start to question Cola about the lyrics he'd propose sometimes. Cola would become a bit timid as he'd say that the lyrics were a bit personal. Todd would read these lyrics and would have a critique, they are all a bit, bummy...not every song has to be something sad. Cola would take it a bit personally, and would argue that these are experiences that he's gone through
Todd would blink and ask Cola why he just, don't have any happy experiences then, why don't he just, write about happy things so they don't bore the audience. Cola would toss a pencil at him and it'd spiral into an argument but todd would get his point across. Cola would say that he can't think of a time where he's been ACTUALLY happy before.
this would puzzle Todd and would decide to do a little something, just because he
a) wants to use this opportunity to get to know Cola better
and b) at least make the man feel better
and c) so they can go back to making good music
After practice, Todd would invite Cola out to get some (vegan) food with him. Cola was a bit hesitant, but he'd decide to go along with it. Cola would still have his walls up, but he'd also get a bit bashful because he's never been included in something in...a long time.
They'd both ask each other a bunch of questions while they went out. Todd did most of the questioning but Cola responded in such long and detailed answers that Todd couldn't help and listen to Cola speak for hours...eventually Todd would start to smile warmly because he was starting to see Cola for who he truly was instead of who he thought he was in his head..
But Cola would decide to take the moment to cut into his relationship with Envy...Todd was a bit hesitant to answer, even trying to deflect the question, but the persistent Cola would be able to press his foot on Todd's enough to get an answer out of him. Todd would confess that he's really bad with communication, they both kinda were...Envy was getting on his nerves and his ego got the better of him (like it tends to do). He broke things off with Lynette after the news got out, and the band moral has been pretty awkward lately. So Todd his primarily been separated from the band, and working with Cola has been the only thing he was kinda able to do without feeling TOO awkward
Cola sat there with a shocked expression on his face. He didn't expect Todd to be so...insightful...A part of him was moved by the way Todd talked. Usually Todd is pretty simple minded, but maybe this break up was what Todd needed to finally see how bad of a person he could be at times.
Cola would sigh and pat Todd's back, reassuring him that in time, Todd will become a better person..he's already doing a good job music wise...and he could see him and Todd becoming good friends..that's if Todd was open to the idea...
Todd lit up like a star, deciding to take a selfie to celebrate this momentous occasion, and this time...Cola was actually smiling.
the next few weeks the songs Cola would propose would be a bit more positive now.
(Later on)
It was finally time for them to perform. This would be pretty important because Cola rarely does any live performances, plus he's performing with an already popular band, so this was gonna be pretty big..
Cola was noticeably quiet this day, Todd was a bit surprised because normally Cola would be talking a lot and moving around a lot...Cola would confess that he's still pretty nervous about performing live...he's worried that he may mess up or even do something dumb.
Todd holds Cola's hands and reassures him that they'll be fine, instead of focusing on everyone else's faces...just worry about his face
"my...handsome ass face"
Todd meant it as a joke but Cola would blush softly and swat Todd away while laughing nervously.
When they got on stage, Cola did just as todd said, and it was a HIT! Todd and Cola's stage presence blended seamlessly with each other, to the point that some even thought THEY were dating.
Once the performance was over, Todd and Cola celebrated, they both acted like frat bros after they made it to the play offs, and for a moment the two of them locked eyes with each other while hugging...and just as they were about to do something...Cola's manager walked in to congratulate the both of them, causing both of them to have red ass faces while looking away from each other
it was safe to say that they were starting to grow pretty fond of each other, even hanging out with each other on days they didn't need to work or practice! Sometimes Cola would invite Todd over to his place to have a "private listening session" and others Todd would take Cola out on a "totally not a date" date.
but things would escalate until the night of new years eve, Todd was standing off to the side drunk as fuck and looking bummed as hell while everyone was partying. Cola decided to see what was going on since Todd wasn't the type to whine and mope at a party. Todd would sluggishly tell Cola that normally at 12 o clock, him and envy would be damn near swapping spit with each other as a tradition...and this was the first year where that kinda doesn't get to happen.
Cola would pat his shoulder and try to console Todd, but to no avail. Soon the clock would start to countdown, and Cola decided to be bold as fuck (maybe it was his mind, maybe it was the drinks) by kissing Todd on the cheek as soon as the clock struck 12. Todd's face turned red as he held Cola's face, taking a second to admire how cute he was before kissing him like he'd kiss envy...but with a bit more passion~ luckily the place was pretty crowded so maybe one or 2 people saw this happen
after the kiss, Cola would hold Todd close and huff trying to catch his breath...Cola told Todd they shouldn't go any further since Todd's love life is pretty messy right now...Todd nodded and agreed to this.
(The next day)
Cola woke up in a room half naked...his clothes were practically all over the floor...and the room he woke up in didn't look like his....there's no red velvet posters, no switch playing splatoon music...as he tried to peice together what happened...he'd turn around to see Todd smiling ear to ear in his sleep. This would make Cola scream his eyes out causing Todd to wake up in a panic, being just as confused as Cola before he figured out what happened between the two of them
....I guess they both figured out what happens after they both have 8 margaritas/ref
Cola would quickly get his clothes on, while Todd would try to calm him down, trying to explain that this is just a "happy accident", but Cola would toss a pillow at him. He was furious at both Todd AND himself for letting this happen...Cola would angrily tell Todd that
a) they can NOT let his manager figure out what happened
and b) the sex they had was MEANINGLESS and was not to happen again
Todd was a bit...heartbroken by this...he sadly nodded his head as he helped Cola get dressed.
While Cola walked back to his place...he was thinking about everything that happened...but he couldn't help but think of Todd's cute ass....Todd would try texting Cola the next couple of weeks but Cola would just ghost him as he tried to regain his peace and peice his emotions together.
He was trying to ignore the signs, but after the past few months...he felt like he may have fell in love with the man...but he was too nervous to actually say so...
So he did what he did best, and write a song about it. it was more somber and raw than anything he's ever wrote...the only thing left to do was to invite Todd over to another private listening session...
Todd listened to the song, blinking before looking softly at Cola. Cola sat next to him with his body curled up in a ball, his face was red as shit at this time...he felt like he was doing this for nothing because Cola assumed that Todd was straight..but Todd would accept Cola's confession, kissing his face before calling him a loser and a geek.
the private listening session got a lil..
steamy afterwards~ and this time it was a lot more fun now that both of them were in love and REAL love this time.
after they got done, Cola laid on the bed, and told Todd that he should probably keep this relationship a secret for now...he didn't want their relationship to become a public affair, because then none of the moments they share would be personal or meaningful anymore. Todd would assure Cola that this relationship is gonna be theirs and theirs alone.
that following week however...Envy would make a public statement saying that she was ready to go back to being in the band as the lead singer, effectively kicking Cola out. And....she was ready to forgive Todd and go back to being boyfriend and girlfriend...
Cola would read about this on twitter and would start to sweat a LOT...because this situation was gonna get MESSY.
(To be continued, or not idrk)
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asc3nts · 2 years
i’ve  found  mack’s  voice  whew     (  and  another  bc  this  is  my  fav  song  currently  )
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yumenosakiacademy · 7 years
Me.trocon 2017 Saturday
diary for future me, read if you want but it’s rly only 4 myself tbh. Cosplayed: mik.an Tsumiki
OKAY so the morning was rly bad and hectic and i dont like remembering it but i woke up and got ready bc the lol.ita fashion show was at 10 am and dad n i left and dad stopped by burger king to get himself some food but my cramps flared up BADLY and i had a midol in my bag so i took it out but im afraid of pills and cant swallow them so i was shaking and then i started crying and the drive-thru girl was like “oh gosh are you okay?” and i explained what was going on but rushed and sloppily and she was like “oh this happens to my lil sis too.. it’s okay sweetie just relax” or soething and i had dad park the car in the parking lot of burger king and for me to put my midol in a BK crospy crown and take a huge bite and swallow but that backfred and i chewed some of the pill and it was Blegh but the midol didnt kick in right away and the cramps were still v bad so i had dad rive me home so i could lie down for a while and i asked mom to use the heater bc she accidentally woke up so i asked her while she was awake and she kept saying no bc she liked it but when i begged she let me use her bed and used mine and it barely helped but overtime i gradually geew okay and hadd to calm myself so the stress wouldnt make my cramps return and i left at like 11 am and i missed the BB panel too but it’s Okay and i walked in and met up w haji near the ticket place and thankfully her mom let us wander around the con
so we went to the GF panel but i was mainly distracted by a small octopus plushie on some guy’s head and haji n i kept joking abt us knocking it off his head and abt the guy playing space jam and bassboosted music outside the panel room and it being audible whenever someone opened the door to leave or come in pff... but the dipper did the lamby dance and it was cute aa and the dipper offered ppl in the audience scooby snacks to any of the audience so haji n i had one n it was rly good aa i hadnt had one of those in years theyre Yummy...
Anyway, after that, i tried to go to the DR meetup, but it was rly rly tiny?? like we held it inside w like 2 handfuls of ppl and we tried to get the junkos to step on the tsumikis (there were 3 of us, including me) w 2 junkos bc i requested it but the junkos didnt wanna accidentally pantyshot the camera so we got up from our kneeling positions haha and haji went to the dealers room for a while while this was going on and i tried to help the mikan when she said she got a cut on her face but she said it was alright and eventualy haji came back and i left w her and we decided not to go to the m.lp panel that i kind of wanted to go to and instead went to the dealers room and looked around and i showed her the idol merch table and haji said she’d buy me anything bc she didnt get to give me a birthday present earlier on in the year so i looked around for a Big hamster plushie or something but those seemed expensive so we came back to the idol table and got me the tori keychain i’d been wanting since yesterday or thirsday and haji got a tsukasa and then we ran into the ppl running the fine panel and we all joked abt “ALL WOMEN ARE QUEENS, EICHI!!” 
and we walked around for a bit more before going to the rw.by panel but we could barely hear and we had to sit at the back of the room due to lack of seats so haji and i just whispered to eachother the whole time and i had haji read part of an en.stars smut fic w impregnation kink (just kink not actual mpreg) and a lil stupid thing i wrote abt rei and koga and then we watched the service dog near us near the other corner and watched it lick the carpet and Rest and enjoyed watchin it then we tried to walk around and someone asked for a pic of me but i was like “UHH WHERES MY SYRINGE PROP” so haji thought i elft it on the floor of the other panel and she left to go find it while i waited near these ppl bc they were just hanging out anyway and i kept worrying like “shes been gone for a while.. is she okay this shouldve been quick oh god” and my cramps started returning a lil but i tried to keep myself calm and the uraraka was like “are you okay i can go try n retkrkieve her if she got lost” and i was like “it’s okay” and eventually i checked deep in my bag and found it and i tried to call haji but she arrived just as i called her and i was like “i found it im sorry aa” and then we Ran to the en.stars panel
AND THE EN.STARS PANEL WAS SO SO MUCH FUN!! I have the first half recorded on video and since it’s rly late rn, i wont type too much abt that, but i asked eichi if he was anyone’s sugar daddy and, if not, would he be mine and he said he was kind of one to hajime and bought him lots of things and haji asked who was the most into minions and it was apparently Tori and i showed them the scooby doo au i made w some of haji’s assistance and showed wtaru (and the others) the Scoobkai Doonata that i drew and they all were laughing and i wa glad aa and the topic of vore came up again and i showed them shino’s ku.rochia vore post and the kiryu was like “OH MY GOD CAN I GIV U MY TWITTER SO I CAN BE SENT THAT” and the panelists were laughing and tori read the tweet aloud while laughing and i told them the ensemble vore account and eichi was like “well, theyve prob gained more followers today” and i asked if anyone in the audience wanted to see it and omeone rasied their hand so i showed them and they were laughing too and it was Wild.wataru apparently named his doves after fine members and tomoya, and i asked kiryu if he could lift rabits + fine and they nodded and i later asked if he knew that he’s a thicc bara and the fandom thirsts for him and he laughed and nodded. Haji asked them if they’d heard rainbow circus nightcore bassboosted and the eichi said they played it at practice ssometimes (i thick this was ooc not in-character answer) and someone in the audience actually KNEW the person who made that and messaged them and they messaged them that tori said they liked them and the rainbow cisurcus stuff and the person replied w “ Why” and honestly this whole panel was FUN but so someone told us where the en.stars buttons were so the fine group, their friend the kiryu, haji, and i all went to the booth and got buttons and i said goodbye to eeryone and walked around for a minute then haji n i went into the vol.tron talk panel and haji had to leave aww and after that the vol.tron panel was mostly shitty fanfic reading, swearing, and roasts and i wanted to go to vol.tronival but for reason i thought thatd be rude bc the panelists were like “we have to compete w... THAT” and so i stayed and went on my ipad most of the time.
I went to the per.sona 5 q and a and it was so full that i had to stand in the back but they sometimes kept bringing up per.sona 4 and perso.na 3 so i was confused and they said they were abt to start trivia and it might have spoilers so i took that opportunity to leave bc i dont want spoilers and it was kind of boring so i walked around the dealers room and i found a Rock and Uno and i talked to them and turns out the Rock was actually the mondo from the day before bc they said “hey, sweetie!” in a nice tone and i was confused and they were like “ah im the mondo btw!” so we talked and i talked abt how i watched both seasons of nan.baka in like.. 2 days and i was like “uno’s best boy-” and rock (as a joke) went deadpan and walked away and i was like “ROCK IS ALSO A GOOD BOY JUST.. UNO...” and rock came back and i said that uno and nico stole my heart and uno fistbumped me and rock was like “you should cosplay w us sometime~!” and i said i was considering doing uno but couldnt and i cant do most of the characters bc long sleeves and rock said i’d be cute as the chinese qi kid and i was like “i cant paint myself either but thank you!” and they had to leave but i got rock’s tumblr and they called me cute or sweet and i looked around the dealers room for a second more before scurrying to the LL panel and apparently the thing was 2 hours??
but anyway it was p funny and we all just messed around and did q and a and games like handshake  killer and karaoke! i sang half of Sentimental Liars but my voice wasnt as loud as i wouldve liked it and kind of shaky bc i was cold and Nervous and the nico from the panel and another random guy clapped for me and the 2 en.stars fans in front of me said my voice sounded nice and at some point i overheard those 2 talking abt making a screamo cover of melody in the dark and i was like “omfg are yall gonna actually make a cover. go fully hardcore” and Dead girl walking and candy store got sung and it was a Fun panel. the kiryu from earlierwalked in too so when everyone was talkign to eachother near the end of the panel, i asked shino if they wanted to say anything to the kuro and shino asked them how ranking went and the kiryu said they couldnt rank and shino was just so happy and keysmashing and asked f i could say “pls lift me mr.bara” and the kiryu chuckled and the kiryu was like “do they want me to like.. do anyfin?” so i asked shino and all he said was “DAB” so i took a pic of the kiryu dabbing and shino said they hadnt been feeling well so it cheered them up so i told the kiryu that and they said to tell shino that that made them happy and when the kiryu and i swapped tumblr apparently they already follow me and im like “FGNEGN DUDE.. I KNO U IVE SEEN U IN MY FOLLOWERS LIST IM YUMENOSAKIACADEMY ROX...” n they were like “oH” and they showed me a funny post abt shu and i proposed a tri.ch shu hc and then they ahd to leave but i stayed for the vol.tron panel but i was messaging shino thru most of it but i saw lynds (as lance) get hugged by the panel’s lance and i read some en.stars doujins and messaged another friend too so i wasnt paying much attention, then istill stayed in the room for the rw.by panel, but same i was just on my ipad but i saw some of the dares and the jaune sang and stuff and evemtually it was over and i walked around taking pics before going outside to wait for dad to pick me up 
and i took a pic of a pidge, lance, and keith and gav em lollipops and the pidge was like “omg ur nails.. wait, did u go to a hai.kyuu panel last year?” and i was like “ah, no i was casu.al d v a” and they were like “yea, but u went TO  a hai.kyuu panel, yea?” and i said yea and they were like “aa i was the hinata u talked to. i recognized u bc the nails” and i laughed bc thats my only noticable feature, huh. pff
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