#getting along with an org member to do a specific mission djhgdkfgf
rxcusant · 5 years
one day but im gonna have a nice long think about the kh3 timeline for my soranort au and mainly what hes doing in the disney worlds and write that all out for reference but i was thinking about san fransokyo a little bit earlier
i like to imagine he gets paired off with each worlds respective org member (marluxia in corona, larxene in arendelle, etc) with specific orders in mind (either seek out the new seven hearts or search for the black box) but i feel like san fransokyo would be the one they send him off to alone with very little orders to go off on. probably something like “we need you to investigate the world, do so at your leisure” and he’s just ‘???yeah yall are definitely up to something but like hell im gonna look this gift horse in the mouth’
and then things play out kinda similarly. he arrives on the world, alone, and thinks “i have GOT to tell riku about this!” and then he remembers Oh Yeah. I Cant See Them Right Now :(  (((side note, riku is the one to rescue aqua. it all plays out the same up to the point where hes like “SORA....” and much like aqua when fighting vanitas asked for terra and ven to lend her her strength his keyblade glows and he goes in to STRIKE and yeah you get the idea)))  and thats when baymax and hiro and the team arrive and sora helps them take out the heartless and they go back to garage with the AR Device etc etc etc It plays out pretty much the same. 
then we get to the darkubes. And rikunort appears. sora says he doesnt know WHAT rikunorts doing. (“As if this stupid experiment wasn’t already a hassle.” “Experiment? Riku, what are you talking about? What’s the Organization doing?”) Hiro explains the thing with the red chip and Riku disappears and they punch it again. Riku comes back to take the chip and Sora asks him again to explain himself. It’s less about revealing Time Travel BS and Replicas and more what the Organization is doing and how Baymax’s heart contributes to the Organizations goals. So the conversation kinda skips to ‘To see if we can recreate a heart from data’ and even the ‘that walking balloon has a heart, or thats the nonsense im supposed to believe’ line. Hiro butts in about the chip, Soras still confused with what the Organization wants,  Riku leaves. 
BH6 needs to rest and regroup and back at the garage is when they ask Sora whats the deal with him and Riku cause like... they obviously know each other and wear the same coat. its hella suspicious. Sora really doesnt like to talk about it and he insists he doesnt know what Riku is doing and asks the group to trust him. They may dress the same but Sora doesnt consider himself an ally (“There’s this... group. They don’t fight fair and say things to get under your skin. I don’t like them or agree with that they’re doing. But I can’t just walk away. That was... one of my best friend’s back there-- Riku. I don’t know what they’re making him do but I need help him. It’s my fault they’re coming after you. Let me help you take back Baymax’s heart.”). BH6 is kinda on the fence but Darkubes are attacking so they head out.
they do the ITS NOT THE SUM OF OUR PARTS BUT THE SUM OF OUR HEARTS and Riku literally jumps in and says THE TERROR OF BEING ATTACKED WITHOUT WARNING etc and Sora and BH6 interject and Riku drops the THATS WHY I MADE SURE OUR CREATION FOUGHT YOU / YOURE GOING TO DESTROY HIM IN FRONT OF HIRO lines. its plays out pretty much the same from here with some added Sora like This is why the Organization wanted me to come here! hes not surprised just disappointed he didnt see this coming sooner. Like he anticipated it but not quite to this degree kjhfdkg
but sora and baymax punch dark baymax and all ends well and pretty much the same. although i imagine theres a final scene in the garage where hiro asks if soras going to be alright dealing with that Organization group and riku and sora smiles his usual smile like ‘yeah dont worry i’ll okay! there’s still a lot left i have to do, and everyones counting on me to do it!’ as if thats not one of the major stressors in his life. BUT HES FINE HES OKAY REALLY : ) and hiro and the team wish him well and sora wishes them the same and then he asks to take a baymax with him 
the post-world cutscene is sora like HEY! RIKU. WHAT THE FIZZITYUCK WAS ALL THAT BACK THERE and i dont know rikunort enough to come up with a response but im sure its antagonistic and soras like WELL I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I like the baby he is. but for reals they prob have a brief chat about what the organization wants with creating hearts from data and tricking sora into it and i feel like riku gives some half hearted “How should I know, I just do what they tell me to do so I don’t get beat black and blue like you :/” and walks away. with no answers from riku i dunno if sora would try another member or not cause he knows its not like theyll tell him much else.
but as a little side note im p sure the Anti Aqua stuff happens after this and i know i said earlier that riku is the one to rescue her but when theyre fighting and riku’s like “SORA......” i feel like soras just sitting in his room and feels his heart go like BA-DUMP and he gasps like RIKU?! as he puts his hand over his heart cause KH would do something like that and Then rikus keyblade glows and punches aqua and then saves her and Yeah! cool. 
this got much longer than i anticipated.
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