#with them in the soranort au
sorunort · 5 months
Okay, here's a proper pinned post.
My name is Sammi but I also go by Sam. I'm 27 and use any pronouns. My url is a play on soranort because it's my favorite Kingdom Hearts AU + i wrote soranort for 10 years lmao
I've been drawing Five Nights at Freddy's for 2 years now, though as of late I've been drawing a lot of In Stars and Time, but it's kind of an eclectic mix of content here. One day it's OCs, the next it might be Code Geass. i follow my whims haha
If you're interested in commissioning me, this form here has my TOS and full prices!
This blog is a side blog meaning I can't directly send messages or like posts without them showing up as my main, which is my old rp blog @rxcusant. Sorry for any inconvenience this may pose!
When it comes to my art, I do not authorize the repost of any of my works to any platform. Do not repost them to facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest, tumblr, anything. Especially not without credit. Where I post them is where they need to stay. If I find you reposting my work, I'm going to report you.
You may use my art for icons, rp icons, profile pictures, banners, in your AMVS, so long as I'm credited somewhere!
Other places to find me include:
Instagram (INACTIVE)
Pinterest (I use this mostly for moodboards, I don't post my art here)
That's all! Thank you and hope you enjoy! <3
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rxcusant · 5 years
one day but im gonna have a nice long think about the kh3 timeline for my soranort au and mainly what hes doing in the disney worlds and write that all out for reference but i was thinking about san fransokyo a little bit earlier
i like to imagine he gets paired off with each worlds respective org member (marluxia in corona, larxene in arendelle, etc) with specific orders in mind (either seek out the new seven hearts or search for the black box) but i feel like san fransokyo would be the one they send him off to alone with very little orders to go off on. probably something like “we need you to investigate the world, do so at your leisure” and he’s just ‘???yeah yall are definitely up to something but like hell im gonna look this gift horse in the mouth’
and then things play out kinda similarly. he arrives on the world, alone, and thinks “i have GOT to tell riku about this!” and then he remembers Oh Yeah. I Cant See Them Right Now :(  (((side note, riku is the one to rescue aqua. it all plays out the same up to the point where hes like “SORA....” and much like aqua when fighting vanitas asked for terra and ven to lend her her strength his keyblade glows and he goes in to STRIKE and yeah you get the idea)))  and thats when baymax and hiro and the team arrive and sora helps them take out the heartless and they go back to garage with the AR Device etc etc etc It plays out pretty much the same. 
then we get to the darkubes. And rikunort appears. sora says he doesnt know WHAT rikunorts doing. (“As if this stupid experiment wasn’t already a hassle.” “Experiment? Riku, what are you talking about? What’s the Organization doing?”) Hiro explains the thing with the red chip and Riku disappears and they punch it again. Riku comes back to take the chip and Sora asks him again to explain himself. It’s less about revealing Time Travel BS and Replicas and more what the Organization is doing and how Baymax’s heart contributes to the Organizations goals. So the conversation kinda skips to ‘To see if we can recreate a heart from data’ and even the ‘that walking balloon has a heart, or thats the nonsense im supposed to believe’ line. Hiro butts in about the chip, Soras still confused with what the Organization wants,  Riku leaves. 
BH6 needs to rest and regroup and back at the garage is when they ask Sora whats the deal with him and Riku cause like... they obviously know each other and wear the same coat. its hella suspicious. Sora really doesnt like to talk about it and he insists he doesnt know what Riku is doing and asks the group to trust him. They may dress the same but Sora doesnt consider himself an ally (“There’s this... group. They don’t fight fair and say things to get under your skin. I don’t like them or agree with that they’re doing. But I can’t just walk away. That was... one of my best friend’s back there-- Riku. I don’t know what they’re making him do but I need help him. It’s my fault they’re coming after you. Let me help you take back Baymax’s heart.”). BH6 is kinda on the fence but Darkubes are attacking so they head out.
they do the ITS NOT THE SUM OF OUR PARTS BUT THE SUM OF OUR HEARTS and Riku literally jumps in and says THE TERROR OF BEING ATTACKED WITHOUT WARNING etc and Sora and BH6 interject and Riku drops the THATS WHY I MADE SURE OUR CREATION FOUGHT YOU / YOURE GOING TO DESTROY HIM IN FRONT OF HIRO lines. its plays out pretty much the same from here with some added Sora like This is why the Organization wanted me to come here! hes not surprised just disappointed he didnt see this coming sooner. Like he anticipated it but not quite to this degree kjhfdkg
but sora and baymax punch dark baymax and all ends well and pretty much the same. although i imagine theres a final scene in the garage where hiro asks if soras going to be alright dealing with that Organization group and riku and sora smiles his usual smile like ‘yeah dont worry i’ll okay! there’s still a lot left i have to do, and everyones counting on me to do it!’ as if thats not one of the major stressors in his life. BUT HES FINE HES OKAY REALLY : ) and hiro and the team wish him well and sora wishes them the same and then he asks to take a baymax with him 
the post-world cutscene is sora like HEY! RIKU. WHAT THE FIZZITYUCK WAS ALL THAT BACK THERE and i dont know rikunort enough to come up with a response but im sure its antagonistic and soras like WELL I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I like the baby he is. but for reals they prob have a brief chat about what the organization wants with creating hearts from data and tricking sora into it and i feel like riku gives some half hearted “How should I know, I just do what they tell me to do so I don’t get beat black and blue like you :/” and walks away. with no answers from riku i dunno if sora would try another member or not cause he knows its not like theyll tell him much else.
but as a little side note im p sure the Anti Aqua stuff happens after this and i know i said earlier that riku is the one to rescue her but when theyre fighting and riku’s like “SORA......” i feel like soras just sitting in his room and feels his heart go like BA-DUMP and he gasps like RIKU?! as he puts his hand over his heart cause KH would do something like that and Then rikus keyblade glows and punches aqua and then saves her and Yeah! cool. 
this got much longer than i anticipated.
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valorxdrive · 3 years
would you ever write a soranort au?
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I actually would be! Though, it’d be a hard diversion from the ‘Fall from Light’ angle that comes to be popularized.
With the whole Soranort idea, I feel like the biggest boon but also the biggest trial would be having a connection with Xehanort. While that predominate control that the old man has over him would be real, I’d like to take the approach that with him being upon his side, they’d come to gradually realize how much trouble making Sora a vessel actually is.
Sora would have a front row seat to actually witnessing not only Xehanort’s plans, but also if he comes to discover the extent of the history that led him to this point. So Xehanort would have to pay the price of giving benefits to his forced at the same time.
Ultimately they’d come to still fight, just in between he’d need the help of his friends to truly help him back. (And in some ways, come to sabotage some of the plots Xehanort cooks up like with getting Xion broken free a lot earlier.)
At the same time, with how the subjugation vs the connection method of the Heart would battle between them, it’d easily lead to the potential of him being a highly dangerous vessel if he doesn’t succeed in this particular tight rope.
In short, you’d get more of a secret agent stance of Sora who’s working to flip this whole scenario over on them. (I’d like to say that Ventus’s resting Heart would play a good deal of assistance on this until he awakens himself.)
Otherwise? It’s time to receive a ton of psychological horror and struggles as a battle for identity is rekindled anew.
(Also if my one theory is right that Xehanort absorbed one of the 13 Darknesses left within Daybreak town, ooooh is that going to get interesting.)
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minijenn · 4 years
Here is an AU idea. Here Sora's struggles agaisnt the Darkness in him get worse as due to it something unexpected happens. Sora develops a second personality based on a corrupted version of him. He'll even randomly change from his regular form, into the Xehanort form depending on who is in control. So basically Sora is now trying not only to keep the Darkness out if him, but also to keep this Soranort part of him from taking over completely. Thus the stakes are much higher as a result due to the split personality thing. Xehanort even wondersif he should separate them into two beings.
Ooo neat idea! It kinda reminds me of an early concept I had for Keys where Sora’s personality gradually shifts into being more cruel and vicious throughout the story, until I decided it would be better for him to retain his usual personality (just ya know with the added additions of anxiety and depression imo). Still this would make for a nifty AU concept for Keys all the same!
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soranort-headcanons · 4 years
I'd love some fic recs. I'm in the mood for reading right now!
Ok lets do this
Called Out In The Dark by Ironic-Sarcasm
As a child, he was thrown into darkness. It wasn't long until he was found by DiZ, the man who raised them. Shortly after that, Aqua found them. It didn't take long for the two of them to discover he was the Key to their way home. But… should they even want to return home? The universe is in shambles. And the two heroes working to save it aren't enough.
- The og. This thing inspired me to come up with my own au, If Light Started Dark, a monstrosity that honesty I should edit and start posting again. This fic is extremely creative, and while unfinished, is worth a read. I admit I haven’t read it in a while, but have fond memories of it.
An Opportunity Taken by Kiri_Kaitou_Clover
There were a few chances, where the Organization could have moved against the Guardians of Light. Marluxia sees an opportunity, and takes it.
- Look I have to live up to my url and share at least (1) Soranort fic. Its the law. Written by my good friend @rainixdra , this fic is amazing. Read it and drop a comment, ok?
Where Our Crossroads Meet by EmpressArianda
Yozora has been searching for months. Searching for a savior. Searching for the truth. Now that search has led him to rumors of a mysterious crystal formation hidden in the darkest part of his city. What he finds is not what he expects, but perhaps more than what he could have dreamed of. With his city slowly fading away, he doesn't have much time left. His truth is out there. Isn't it...?
Meanwhile, Riku begins the start of a lonely, hard, long, long year.
-I found this like, three days ago. Its very good and satisfies my needs for Yozora content. Give it a read.
On The Heels Of Retinence by QuillOwl
Like the crux of a hurricane, the torrent of senses – of memories - overpowers Terra before he is cast into startling clarity. He remembers it all.
Or: Five times Terra let Sora run away, and the one time he didn't.
(Will contain KH3 spoilers)
- Sweet Sweet Terra and Sora interacting content. Beautiful, give it a read
Selfish and Safe by crusdrabbles
"I wish he was back in the pod." Riku thinks, and hates himself for it.
- oh god this is beautiful. Very interesting on character thoughts. Poor Riku
Destiny Shots by DragonThistle
"Destiny is what you are supposed to do in life. Fate is what kicks you in the ass to make you do it."
Kingdom Hearts one shots, in no particular order and generally unconnected. Copious amounts of friendship, fluff, and angst all bunched together in one big (maybe not quite so) happy Keybearer family.
- another prekh3 era fic. Its beautiful, and its sequel Shotlocks is as well. Very much worth your time.
Guardian of Darkness by Dawnwaves
Sora looked around. He was alone, on his island. He looked down to see his hands had black gloves on them, his feet had black shoes on, and he was wearing a black cloak. He reached up as he realized the material was covering his head and pulled the hood down. Why was he wearing the organization’s clothes?
A feeling of dread washed over the young wielder as he stepped into the water, looking down. Dread turned to horror as he saw his reflection staring back at him with silver hair. But that wasn’t what made him want to turn away. It was his eyes.
His once-blue eyes were now a blazing gold.
- Another Soranorr fic. While I do admit that im not as obsessed with this concept as I once was, its still a cool thing to think about. Plus, its angst, what more do you want of me
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venvanitas · 5 years
Hi I was just wondering if you had any fic recommendations, for I have read Worry for Me far to many times now 🤗
Oh god where to begin, that was is such a good fanfic. Let’s see... Atmosphere is really good, So is Ten minutes too late. Hold on.
https://demnocts.tumblr.com/post/184314010451/vampire-au-only-ventus-is-the-vampire-and-vanitas <~ fave au fanfic, hit it up it’s super creepy vampire vanven and I ADORE it.
Atmosphere (ichikanohakko)
Ten minutes too late ( @alangdorf )
Chains unbroken ( @bookwormally is amazing at vanven fics)
Fledgling emotions ( @saoryemanoelle . I think this one has some warnings)
Like spinning plates (starmuphin)
Reminiscent (therasia)
Those are all the really good things I can think of off the top of my head. They’re all vanven or just Vanitas and Ventus in the same fic so if you want ones that aren’t those boyos hit me up because I have some good soranort stuff, as in I have one good soranort thing called Dark Heart which is amazing.
Honestly my favourite fic writers for kh are @violetstar-writes @apiegohome @demnocts @bookwormally
Though some of them are just a tad nsfw ;)
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kayura-sanada · 5 years
I'll reserve full judgment until the remind DLC comes out. But I am annoyed it seems like once again we're going to be focusing on "Aqua was in the dark realm". I hope they at least give the same amount of focus on Terra losing literal control of his body and his heart being forced into the guardian.... But I don't really trust Nomura that much.
Controversial opinion, so be warned:
A lot of people are praising Re:Mind for looking like it’s answering a lot of fans’ criticisms on KH3. To me, this seems dangerous, foolhardy, and overall insulting.
Why not listen to what fans have been excited for for the past several years as we waited for KH3? Why not incorporate these things before ever ‘finishing’ the game? Why only wait now, when it’s already obvious you failed as a writer? What, to make it seem like you care about our interests? To make it seem like you are a good writer, after all?
Then, of course, there’s the problem of listening to popular demand. Popular doesn’t mean right. It doesn’t mean everyone will like the changes. It may even mean listening only to those screeching the loudest and not actually a majority desire. I know very well that Aqua stans (and fans) are very vocal in their love for her. I also know anyone who doesn’t share this view is immediately beset upon by fandom. I’m not a big name, and even I have been attacked over and over again by both Aqua and Kairi stans. The loudest fans are usually not nearly as popular an opinion as those listening to them think they are. Catering even more to Aqua fans while ignoring Terra fans is crass.
More than crass, however, it’s an insult to the story up to now. The more Nomura caters to what people want, the less he maintains his integrity and the integrity of the story. How many characters and their stories, how many sideplots and developments, have already been erased or ignored for the sake of The Next Big Thing? This is how bad stories are written! You ignore everything you’ve created, everything you’ve led up to, in order to cater to either the fans’ whims (usually bad, I mean the whole ‘Soranort’ and ‘Ventus and Roxas are the same person’ things were huge in fandom, and both of them were proof of fandom’s propensity for Bad Writing) or your own selfish desires! ‘I want to focus on KHUX.’ How about focusing on finishing your other stories first? Hm?
This DLC is looking more and more like it’s nothing but a marketing ploy. A way to make more money. And never, ever say that that’s what this game has always been about, since it’s been placed on the market. No. That’s what games without plots are about; Call of Duty has a farce of a plot in its games. That’s something originally made just to get another quick cash grab. Stories exist for the plot, they receive money based off the plot (and the game design, when it’s a game, but even bad game designs have been lauded because of their plot). Writing a story means taking on the burden of that story. The burden of writing it to its end, in a satisfying way that, even if it has a sad ending, has the readers/viewers going, ‘yes. okay. well done.’ You can’t abandon your story at some point and expect those who have been following said story to be okay with it. Now that it’s begun circling around just marketing, the story has been completely dropped, just for the sake of getting more money off the name ‘Kingdom Hearts.’ And it’s becoming more and more obvious with every release.
And perhaps the worst thing? This entire DLC is an AU.
Don’t bother to disagree. It all circles around the ‘if-then’ of that ridiculous ‘black hole’ theory Nomura cooked up. ‘What if Sora had to go get Kairi’s heart back and needed to leave the graveyard battles to find it?’ Amazing. Something that didn’t even happen in the original story (that would be KH3′s story, btw), and we’re still supposed to think it matters. Amazing. Wtf.
I… I could continue ranting forever, omg, I’m so sorry. Just. This whole squealing about Re:Mind going on in the fandom has begun fraying me at the edges. I’ve unfollowed practically everyone I used to who blogs about Kingdom Hearts, because I just can’t believe how easily people have been pulled into this. A part of me wonders how long it’ll take before they get as disappointed as I am, and whether they’ll feel as betrayed, and I legit worry about them. Another part just wishes they’d get there faster so we could all stop seeing this farce of a story continue. Kingdom Hearts is going to continue on like all other media does these days, and instead of going out with a bang, it will go out with a whimper. Re:Mind is just proof of that.
Sorry to everyone excited about it, but your excitement is just making me more and more annoyed with the upcoming release and the fandom in general.
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violetstar-writes · 5 years
Ok guys
In a few days (or today, if I get the time), I will start moving the yakuza au fic to AO3. Dealing with the tumblr app has gotten too frustrating.
But for the parts I posted here, I'm going to keep them as they are. I'll add AO3 links to them once they've been copied and transferred there. Every chapter past the fifth one will be written on AO3. I will put up the links here for all of you, like I did when I was writing about Soranort.
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AO3 Stats
I was tagged by @phoenix-downer ​. Thank you so much ♥
I posted my first fanfic on AO3 on December 24th 2016 and I have written 12 works for one fandom as of now. I have more works on Fanfiction.net, but I consciously decided to make a cut and not transfer my old stories to AO3.
What are your five most popular works? (starting with the most kudos)
Sleepless Night (A Terraqua fanfic for Terraqua week 2018)
The First Strike (A Soranort/Sokai fanfic)
Two who finally meet again (A KH3 AU oneshot based on the BBS secret ending and 0.2 opening)
Ghosts of the Past (A KH3 AU fanfic from Lea’s POV with a dash of Sokai because it’s my jam)
Caramel Cappuccino (A Terraqua coffee shop AU for Terraquaweek 2018)
What are your five least popular works? (starting with the least kudos)
New Beginnings (A friendship!Rikai fanfic and what I hope to happen in KH3)
Folding what now?! (A slight crack fanfic about Naminé and Ven baking a cake for Terra and Aqua)
Kiss me once (A Rokunami fanfic)
Kiss me twice (A Terraqua fanfic)
The Perfect Time (A Sokai fanfic inspired by PotC: At World’s End)
Are you surprised? Why?
A little to be honest? I expected The First Strike to have the most kudos because I wrote it inspired by/for someone popular in the fandom and once they reblogged it, my reach for this fanfic exploded xD Also it’s darker than Sleepless Night and I know how much people love their angst, so it makes sense the two of them are the highest rated. It also makes sense that my first and second fanfic are high up there because they’ve been uploaded for (nearly) two years now.
Optional: If you want to calculate this, what are your works’ average number of notes? (AO3 stats only)
My average number of kudos is exactly 35 :O ♥
Today’s date, so you can see how your results might change if you do this again in a year.
January 9th, 2019
Tag six people to do this next!
@queen-elenya-hawk, @lyssala, @keydreamer, and anybody else who might see this because my mind is blanking out on writers right now >_<
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squiishiichaos · 5 years
(number 40 anon) Yeah!! Its very fun to play actually //Horror games get me really jittery tho tbh... And i dont handle them well but i love the lore and story behind them//
I *love* Horror games and movies.  I love trying to figure out who the bad guy is and I love getting to thwart them.  But I also just like how villains are written.  Btw, sorry it took so long to answer this, I was busy crafting a Soranort AU with a friend.
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imagine-kh · 6 years
Headcanon- Kairi and sora went on their first date and ate bugs together
I REALLY don’t know how to answer this…
But I’ll give you my thoughts on it, initially I was (still am) confused about this ask but, it makes me think of @chachacharlieco ‘s Tarzan AU, so if I put it there I can actually see some HCs(though this is still very weird) ~Mod Xion 
Down the rabbit hole I go--
After meeting and Kairi becoming increasingly interested in Sora’s eating habits she asks if he could show her what he normally or sometimes eats
Sora is happy to see Kairi’s interest and they swing to a clearing
On the way Kairi is wondering what they may eat, mostly she thinks of fruits, berries, and fish
Sora leaves, Kairi waits patiently until he returns. When he is done she is surprised to see that he is holding BUGS of all things to eat.
Kairi promptly screams bloody murder until Sora gestures for her to try them. On the verge of being sick, she still tries it!
It was the look in Sora’s eyes, ones that wanted to share something about himself to her and maybe even learn more about this strange girl who makes his heart pound…
Kairi sighs and steals her nerves and picks a bug and then takes a bite
The crunch of the bite was awful and unpleasant but, the taste wasn’t all bad and upon looking into Lady Aqua’s books she learned that those bugs are actually great sources for protein and sustenance which was something quite interesting to know.
When retelling the tale to Lady Aqua, she says with a grin “~My, my, that is quite the unorthodox first date Kairi.~” Which leaves Kairi blushing and not able to even look at Sora for a few days.
Ok, this was me being serious (somewhat, lol) if Y'all haven’t seen charlie’s works, go check them out, though there is some dark material. Which I love because there is never enough soranort to hurt my heart...
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rxcusant · 5 years
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hewwo out there My name’s Sammi your local memelord and I love Sora & Vanitas and what a coincidence that I rp them both! this is my rp blog for Soranort and Vanitas Remnant with verses both During and Post KH3. I’ve been rping them for years and they’ve both very headcanon based. Despite that tho Sora’s still a sweet kid and Vanitas is still a binch. I know this AU isnt everyone’s cuppa tea but if youre ready for a fun Snort time I invite you to come on down!! 
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sorakairi · 6 years
More additional fic/art concepts for sokai week
Sokai recreating a famous movie scene or promotion picture
Sora attempting to style or braid Kairi's hair (just to caress her hair)
Pampering each other’s birthday with anything they want
Sokai at a Japanese spa
In which Kairi has to witness Sora converting to a nort: "Kairi, Kairi! I don't want... Kairi, please, don't look–”
Destiny Islands and Radiant Garden as monarchies and are at war. Sora and Kairi are faced to meet on battlegrounds.
Soranort encounters his omen (Kairi): When he looked into her alluring eyes, and saw that her lips was poised between a laugh and silence– he felt bound to this moment alone without explanation, only certainty.
Kairi in trauma of Sora fading away within her grasp again; subconsciously clutches onto him when she grows anxious
Sokai attempting to cook each other's favorite meals
Sokai and The Chocolate Factory
Toy!Sora where Sora has no recollection how he became a toy, but Kairi isn't too concerned
Sokai lightbike racing (Tron)
Pride & Prejudice AU
Sokai as circus performers (trapeze, diabolo, tightrope, etc.) where one of them suffers an injury from rehearsal or training and is too stubborn to rest, because the show must go on.
Sokai stranded in the wilderness
Friendly paopu eating contest except (Sora or Kairi) decides to be cheeky and take a bite from their partner’s fruit, ultimately sharing a paopu together
Sokai parasailing or jet skiing as a date
Sokai at a masked ball
Sweet, comforting sokai napping positions
Kissing each other’s old wounds/scars (figuratively or literal)
Interpret these prompts however you want. You can also base off your creativity through songs you think relate to Sora and Kairi’s dynamic.
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*See many fanart of Sora, Terra, Aqua, Kairi, Xion, Roxas, and other popular characters are suffering because of Soranort au*
Me: Stay away from my fave.
*Must protect Riku, Naminé,Aced, Ava, and Ventus from them*
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minijenn · 3 years
Now image an AU where Sora is successful in killing himself and not only are Roxas and Xion free but his own Heart is purged and now all thst is left is the cruel sadistic Soranort. Thus he becomes the thirteenth vessel just as Xehanort wanted and ironically Sora's plan partially backfired. The first people he goes to see are Donald and Goofy who seems happy to see him only to see something is wrong. After a tense talk Soranort revals that Sora had killed himself and ironically had allowed Xehanort's Heart to take over, thus Soranort is now his own person. Donald and Goofy are horrified to learn the fate for their friend but Soranort says that if it's any comfort he said thst he loved them before he died. Soranort then walks over to them revealing that he intends on making sure that his friends join him. He also has the kids as hostages. Axel then comes by and sees them. At first he is happy to see them but then notices something is wrong with Sora. Axel attacks and saves the kids and Donald and Goofy and he asks then what is up. Donald and Goofy are hesitant but Soranort says to Axel that Sora had been keeping a Dark Secret from them and demands that they tell them. Donald and Goofy then tell Axel everything much to his horror. Soranort then says that at least Roxas and Xion are free. Then our hero's now have to fight the creature that has control over Sora's body. However he quickly defeats Sora's friends and revals thar Sora actually never had any intention of telling them and had lied to keep then safe and that he was feeling jealous of Riku and was veen angry at him because he wanted to be leader. So now he will do what the real Sora would never do. Unleash his wrath and vengeance upon them all and plung the world into Darkness. Soranort then leaves, leaving everyone in shock and sadness. Oh AND he takes the Key to Return Hearts and the Keys our hero's already had making things worse as well as making sure that all their work was for nothing. Now as a nod to another retelling called Key to Return Hearts, if the key falls into the hands of Darkness then hearts shall fall to Darkness. So now things are worse with Sora gone, Xehanort in his body,, The Key to Return Hearts in Xehanort's hands, and most if the keys in Xehanort's possession as well. Everyone is Heartbroken and saddened by these turn of events, especially that now they had to fight the body if their former friend. Riku wonders if he can try and use the power of awakening or even stealing the Key to Retun Hearts from Xehanort in order to bring Sora back. Kairi even tries to think of some timgs as well. Whatever happens next is up to you. But there will be a point where Soranort has to fight Kairi and Riku and Soranort even turned Riku's famous quote back on him by saying "Come on Riku! I thought you were stronger then that!" Wh7ch makes him upset. Weather you want Riku to get Sora's Heart back of have him strike down the body of his friend is up to you.
Wow that was... a lot. Though tbh its not very much at all like what’s actually gonna happen next in Keys. A neat AU concept though I suppose. 
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soranort-headcanons · 7 years
I'm bored so here's my newest attempt at Angst.
Basically, a Soranort AU in which Soranort IS Sora.
He behaves like Sora, has Sora's memories and looks like Sora minus the golden eyes.
But here's the twist: the only thing Xehanort did was flip his morality switch.
He thinks Light is bad and Darkness is good
So every time he sees the Guardians of Light (minus Mickey) he's like:
"Riku, don't let the light blind you! "
"Kairi, I don't wanna fight you! "
"Don't you see? Mickey and Yen Sid are just using you! Don't let them trick you!"
And on and on...
*Sits back to watch the fireworks* feel free to republish, I wanna see what you guys do with this
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