#getting an appointment with an allergist to get a prescription and schedule allergy shots is excellent if it's available to you
reggiemess · 2 years
Hi, I saw your post about being able to be near cats now that you've had your allergy treatment. My friend has a severe animal allergy and I was wondering if you'd mind sharing what the treatment you had was? I'd love for her to be able to pat an animal and play with them without getting all swollen and sneezy!
If you aren't comfortable sharing or replying that's totally fine, no pressure at all and I'm sure I can find this out with a bit of googling, but I never heard of this before and it's super cool that it's a thing!! Whether you reply or not, I am very very excited for you and hope you encounter a wealth of delightful furry friends 😊
What I got involved a combination of allergy shots, prescription medication, and otc medication. I actually am not on the prescription drug that is normally the go-to because that one could have interactions with my antidepressants. The otc medication I use is budesonide nasal spray. Because I might as well be allergic to air I do take both my prescription and the nasal spray every night and found that just one doesn't do the whole job.
That's just what has worked for me, and a different combination/schedule of drugs might be more appropriate. I'd definitely recommend the nasal spray though, it's the best otc allergy medication I've come across.
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acuaticamber06 · 2 years
It’s been ten days since I started having symptoms of an allergic reaction. I’ve had two steroid shots, two courses of prednisone, and a short run on prescription strength Zyrtec.
It started with itchy patches on my hips. Then it spread up my torso. Up my chest and neck. Then down my legs. I had whole body hives for three days until I got a shot and the medicines were prescribed to me. On day two of the prednisone, I woke up vomiting an entire stomach’s worth of just mucus, and puked so hard I gave myself a nose bleed that took 30 minutes to stop. Got another shot. I had weird goosebump surges almost constantly, as if I had a fever and chills, but without a fever and not a chill in sight. My skin would crawl with no trigger. My throat and lungs burned as if I had the worst acid reflux in existence. And the medicines they gave me dampened all of my symptoms… but did not eliminate them.
When the prednisone ran out and I was told not to take any more antihistamines for my allergy appointment on Wednesday, I spent three days watching my skin freak out and feeling my throat slowly swell closed, dancing the line of discomfort and the need for medical intervention.
Now, with prednisone round two, my skin only feels like it’s on fire most of the time (only a couple little actual hives here and there), and the golf balls in my throat have shrunk to much more manageable (but still very noticeable) quail egg sized disruptions that are present, but not actively trying to choke me. I still get regular skin crawling surges, my throat and lungs burn all the time, and my lips and tongue tingle 24/7.
And even though I’ve only had three hours of sleep, I am awake and desperately washing down another dose of prednisone with a glass of milk because my skin woke me up feeling like it was on fucking fire again. As if I spent the last two days in full sun with no shade and I am sunburnt to hell… but I’m not.
What. The fuck. Is wrong with me?!? Why is it that the only medical professionals that seem actually concerned for me are the wonderful folks at my local urgent care? Why is it that my GP doc can’t see me at the end of his very busy day for what is clearly an emergency situation… and then the best the allergist can do is a slot a full week away from my time of call in a city that’s a solid 45 minute drive away from where I live??
Why is it like this? Why does it take so long to get medical care to respond to you? I begged for a visit with a cardiologist to get a second opinion when my last GP told me it was just “normal” for people to develop a random new tachycardia out of the fucking blue and that appointment had to be scheduled FOUR MONTHS AWAY. And now I’m in the middle of a very active and very upsetting allergic reaction that no one can tell me a reason for and the only person to ask “Have you been seen for this yet?!?” was the urgent care doctor who gave me prednisone round two.
And I keep asking “Is this an emergency? Is this worth going to the ER?” Because hospitals are supposed to take care of overwhelming medical mysteries like this. And every single medical professional I ask has said no, that if I can breathe it’s not an emergency. But short of checking myself into a goddamn hospital and forcing them to run tests and running up a bill that’s ten miles long, how else do I get them to react with the urgency I feel like this deserves?!?
What if it’s something really common and prevalent that I’ve developed an allergy to, that I will need medication to treat for the rest of my life? What if it’s a rare parasite or disease transferred through bug bites? What if it’s something catastrophic, like cancer in a weird place? Or cancer all over? What’s wrong with me? WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME?!?
And!! And as if all of that wasn’t bad enough, all of the urgent care doctors have told me that I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE! They’ve all been treating people for days with mysterious hives that no one can explain! But somehow no one is talking about it! I can’t find anything anywhere about people developing this reaction or what the hell has changed. Did the county spray some new pesticide? Are the local mosquitoes carrying something dangerous?!
I’m sorry. I’m venting. But I’m scared. And all I can do is try to keep functioning and wait for Wednesday to get here. I’ve never wanted time to fast forward as much as I do right now.
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sneezyminniejo · 3 years
Hi, can I request a sneezy Jimin with cat allergies? Thank uu
This 100% got away from me, but I hope you enjoy
You Don’t Always Outgrow Things
The seven members of BTS had decided it was time to get another pet. They loved Yeontan, but felt bad about constantly leaving him at the dorms alone, so they decided to get him a companion. They didn’t feel like they could properly accommodate a second dog, so they decided on getting a cat.
Jimin was super excited at the prospect of getting a cat. He hadn’t been able to have a cat nor a dog when he was a kid because his parents were allergic. Truthfully he was slightly allergic to cats when he was kid as well, but he hoped he was one of the people that outgrew his allergy, so he never felt the need to tell the others about it.
A couple hours after they had gotten the cat moved into the dorm and settled, it was becoming apparent to Jimin that he hadn’t outgrown his allergy. His nose had been getting itchy, and his eyes had been watering a bit as well. Because he didn’t want to disappoint the others with the bad news, Jimin decided that he was going to try to play off his symptoms as the beginning of a cold until he could buy some allergy meds.
“Heptschh, hetschh.” Jimin had sneezed for the fifth time in two hours and he could see some looks of concern beginning to form on the other members’ faces. Jungkook got up and grabbed a box of tissues, bringing it over to the third youngest. Meanwhile Yoongi had disappeared into his room. “Here hyung, you sound like you could use some tissues.”
Jimin gratefully took the offered tissues and began to blow his nose. By the time he had finished Yoongi had reappeared holding a thermometer. “Open up Jimin-ah. You’ve been sneezing a lot today, and you might be getting sick. I want to take your temperature to see if you have a fever.” Jimin wanted to protest at getting his temperature taken, but he knew it was either that or admit to his allergy, so he just went along with it.
When the thermometer beeped, Yoongi was quick to take it and look at the reading. “98.4, If you are getting sick, it might just be a cold. How do you feel?” Jimin sighed before speaking. “I feel okay hyung. At the moment it’s pretty much just in my nose and sinuses, probably just a head cold.” Jimin lied, but Yoongi and the others accepted the answer. Seokjin had disappeared at some point and came back with a tray of tea for everyone.
Things weren’t getting much better as the afternoon progressed. Jimin found himself constantly rubbing at his nose in an attempt to quell the ever present itch, and every so often he’d break out into small fits of messy and itchy sneezes. The others were getting more and more concerned about Jimin’s well being, but no one really wanted to press the matter, except for the second youngest.
“Jimin-hyung? Do you want any medicine? It might help with some of your symptoms.” Jimin was only able to nod before pitching forward into a tissue for the upteenth time that day. “Heh-tschh. Me-medicine wou-would be gre-heptschhh great Tae-ah, thank you.” Yoongi was about to get up to look at their medicine stash, but Taehyung stopped him. “I’ve got it hyung.” Taehyung quickly left and returned shortly with the medicine and a glass of water. Jimin quickly took it after Taehyung explained that it was merely a decongestant and painkiller for the headache he had most certainly developed from all the sneezing.
After a little while, Jimin’s headache began to fade along with a small amount of the congestion. He knew however, that unless he could get his hands on some allergy meds, his symptoms weren’t going to get any better anytime soon.
Namjoon and Hoseok had decided they wanted to go to the store to grab some groceries, as they had completely forgotten to shop for themselves when they were getting the pet supplies. Jimin asked to go with, and even though the two older members were hesitant to let their sick dongsaeng leave the dorm, they couldn’t resist his puppy dog eyes.
At the store Jimin tried to sneak a box of antihistamines into their shopping cart, but was caught by Hoseok who turned to the cart at just the right time. Hoseok looked extremely confused, but before he could ask anything, Jimin cut in. “They’re for Jungkook, he asked to grab some on our way out.” Hoseok merely nodded knowing that the pollen count was supposed to get pretty high this week. To be on the safe side he grabbed another box and put it in the cart along with the box Jimin had grabbed. They also picked up a few more boxes of tissues for Jimin’s sneezy cold and apparently Jungkook’s impending allergies.
When they arrived home, the trio began to unpack the bags. “Jungkook, here’s the antihistamines you requested.” Hoseok called. Jungkook came out of his room looking confused and was about to say something before he caught Jimin giving him a pleading look. “Right, thanks hyungs. You all are life savers.” Jungkook took the medication and went back to his room.
Now that Jimin was back in the environment with his allergen, his sinuses were burning again. He needed to get the medication from Jungkook. He was almost at Jungkook’s door, when his breath began hitching. He managed to make it to the door before he couldn’t hold back anymore. “Heh-itschh, heptschh, hep-TIEW.” The last one ended up being louder than the other ones, as he hadn’t been able to stifle the force of it. Jimin was able to hear a slightly muffled ‘bless you’ from Jungkook on the other side of the door before it opened.
Jungkook gave Jimin a sympathetic look as he walked into the room. He also didn’t feel like partaking in any smalltalk, so he got straight to the point. “Okay, hyung. Why did I pretend that I asked for allergy meds? I have plenty right now.” Jimin sighed before plucking a tissue from the nightstand and blew his nose before responding. “I don’t have a cold Kook-ah. I’m allergic to cats.” 
Jungkook stared at Jimin, dumbfounded at the revelation. “So your plan was what exactly, secretly take antihistamines and if anybody asked why we were getting more you were going to say they’re for me?” Jimin nodded, a blush creeping up his cheeks out of embarrassment. “Hyung, you need to tell the others, we can’t keep the cat if you’re allergic.”
Jimin’s eyes became wide at that statement “No, everyone was so excited about the cat. I don’t want to disappoint anybody. Let me see how I fare on the meds first, and if I don’t get any better then I’ll tell them.” Jungkook really wanted to tell Jimin was being stupid, but he looked so determined to make it work, he decided to let it slide. “Okay hyung, if the meds aren’t working after they kick in, I’m telling the others.” Jimin agreed to that quickly and took the meds and left.
Now that Jimin was properly medicated, he was doing significantly better. He was still sneezing occasionally, but not nearly as much as earlier. However, he was still sneezing at least once every half hour or so and Jungkook decided that that wasn’t good enough, especially since the plan was keeping the cat. Jungkook decided to call a group meeting.
Everyone looked very confused once the meeting started, because normally they’re only called if there’s a problem that needs to be addressed. “So Kook-ah, why did you call a meeting?” asked Seokjin, genuinely concerned that he had somehow missed tension amongst his dongsaengs. Jungkook got straight to the point. “Jimin hyung has been hiding something, and I feel that it needs to be shared. If he doesn’t say anything I will.”
All eyes turned to Jimin, who was subconsciously rubbing at his  nose. He was so preoccupied with it and how to formulate his answer, he didn’t notice the cat jump onto his lap. But he certainly noticed when the cat’s tail brushed under his nose though. “Heptschh, het-ischh, hicktiew,itshchh, ngxt.” Taehyung was quick to offer some tissues to the slightly older member.
Once Jimin finished blowing his nose he started speaking. “Jungkook’s right, I have been hiding something all day. I’m not sick and I don’t have a cold.” The other members were about to cut in with their own objections, but Jimin held up a hand signalling for them to wait. “I’m allergic to cats. I was really hoping that I had outgrown the allergy, but I clearly haven’t. I didn’t want to disappoint you guys, and I don’t want to get rid of the cat.”
Namjoon sighed as he weighed their options. The easiest and quickest fist of course, would be to take the cat back to the shelter, but he knew Jimin would beat himself up over it. The second option was to leave things be, which Namjoon didn’t really think was viable based on how symptomatic Jimin was. Before he could ponder any more options, Hoseok chimed in.
“Jimin-ah, what if we schedule you an appointment with an allergist? You can probably get an allergy shot or some prescription allergy meds that will be more effective than what we bought at the store.” Jimin nodded excitedly at the idea, and Namjoon was quick to call their manager to schedule an appointment.”
The appointment had managed to be scheduled for the next day, and the doctor gave Jimin a shot saying that if that didn’t resolve his symptoms to his desire, he should take some over the counter meds as well. When Jimin arrived home, the first thing he did was go find the cat to see if the shot was working. To his glee, Jimin’s symptoms had almost entirely disappeared. “Now that that’s taken care of we still need to name the cat.” said Jungkook. Jimin smiled widely and said “Seokyeong, because she’s like a beautiful little flower petal.” All the members agreed happily.
Yeontan warmed up rather quickly to his new playmate, and they soon became best friends. It soon became rather normal for the members to find both Yeontan and Seokyeong curled up together on the same bed. They would also play with each other throughout the day, which relieved all of them, because it meant they succeeded in finding their pup a playmate so he wouldn't be alone so much anymore.
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peachybbies69-blog · 4 years
 y yoTo prevent allergies, you must know what you are allergic to. Knowing what you are allergic to can help you avoid being exposed to these allergens. 
Examples of these allergens are:
1. Animal Dander (fur, skin flakes)
2. Foods (crustaceans, eggs, seafoods such as shrimp)
3. Plants (Pollens)
4. Medicines (prescription drugs)
5. Mods (Mushroom, spores)
6. Chemicals (industrial, household chemicals)
Maygawd, These Allergies!
1. Be aware of allergy symptoms.  It is likely that you'll first discover your allergy by having an unexpected allergic reaction. It may be difficult to recognize these symptoms if you've never had a reaction before, but learning the signs to look out for will help you take the right steps that could save your life 
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2. Monitor your symptoms for a few hours after your reaction starts.  Allergic reactions can start anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour after you came in contact with the allergen. Mild symptoms could possibly progress into a more serious reaction. If at any point you experience shortness of breath, itching in your mouth and throat, or trouble breathing, call Emergency Services immediately. If swelling obstructs your airway, you could asphyxiate within minutes.
3. Follow up with an allergist.  When your allergic reaction passes, schedule an appointment with an allergist. The allergist will test you to find out what triggered your allergic reaction and can prescribe medication or give you allergy shots to help manage your symptoms. 
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Avoid your triggers 
Use caution when preparing food 
Avoid dust 
Control the movements of your family pet (poor doggo:( or cat lol)
That’s it! I hope you learned something. Look out for signs and consult your doctor or allergist, because you never know it might get serious amd severe. 
G10 Dannielyn Francis Obille
G12 April Tricia Ret
7- Bulacan
source: https://www.wikihow.com/Deal-With-Allergic-Reactions
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