#getting faster at these.. 1hr30
criticalspell · 11 months
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lee-hakhyun · 1 year
catching up! it's not really liveblogging any more...
lhh's got a new attribute! and it's.. legendary? he tries to check his attribute window, but he's still not able to open it. but the attribute name comes to his mind instead, 'record repairer'. the attribute is affected by the loss he has collected, and begins to repair his vanished records. ...what does that mean? he doesn't know, but it will be fixed in 1hr30.
along with this, the recorders of fear have noticed lhh's existence. and they consider him a threat. that's.. not good, but there's no more information. let's just focus on what's in front of us.
bang cheolsoo and the geumho station incarnations are back!! cheolsoo has become a king, and when lhh points it out, he offers his flag. it's purple, and if he took it he could immediately get the black flag and a king's attribute. but he doesn't take it.
why? he doesn't know why. maybe it's his selfish wish, as a writer. he wants to see their stories a little longer.
at the entrance to the dungeon, lhh decides to enter with just sys. they have to get the star jewels to summon the four yin demonic beheading sword. bang cheolsoo can't go because once you leave the dungeon, there's a 3 hour cooldown time. lhh can't wait, because the readers and lee dansu are definitely in there.
before going in, sys talks to dayoung. tells her that she has to be stronger, so she won't be afraid of adults. and that good adults die quickly.
entering the dungeon, the sub scenario arrives. they're in the star labyrinth, and there are a lot of special rules.
there's a 'labyrinth guard'. a minotaur, maybe?
the labryinth shifts every 3 hours, the entire maze bursting into flames as it changes structure.
there are safe zones that you can enter to avoid the flames. you can choose to exit the labyrinth while in a safe zone. a timer appears, showing just under 2 hours before the next shift. (the memory repair will complete before this. i hope it doesn't incapacitate him...)
incarnations will be given a 'dust man'. a little lump of dust with eyes! cute...
the 'dust man' produces a star jewel when it collects enough of the 'star dust' on the ground.
dust men can be combined. sys and lhh combine theirs into a single dust man, and it collects dust a lot faster.
going through the labyrinth, they explore the dungeon, collecting star dust. there are signs of fights everywhere, with dust scattered around fallen bodies. lee hakhyun wonders why they came to this place, just to die. maybe he knows why. they died to become a story. sys sees the body of a woman who had been kind to her, and says once again that good adults die quickly. lhh asks if she's alright, and she says that this has always happened even before the scenarios. people kill each other. it just wasn't as blatant. sys asks if lhh is religious, and he says no. even in a world where gods exist as constellations, he doesn't want to believe in anything. she then asks if humans have a soul, and he says yes. there might even be scenarios in the afterlife... sys tells lhh to not die, and he does the same.
they continue to get stronger as they go through the labyrinth. sys is about to say everything's going smoothly, but lhh cuts her off. still, the dust man in the air stops. a message pops up saying there's not a lot of star dust left. of course the scenario would never go this smoothly... they'll have to fight other incarnations to continue
7. the ability of an incarnation who has obtained a star jewel increases dramatically. 8. every time you get a star jewel, your 'madness' level rises.
the dust man starts trembling. there's a message saying an incarnation with a star jewel is nearby. something was coming this way, slightly shaking the ground. one of the seven kings is here.
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