#getting into the groooooooooooooooooove hell yea
Taken from an Interview from Pokemasters Weekly
Interviewer: "You say one of the pokemon you train the most expensively with is your Lucario, right?"
Nate: "Oh yea, for sure! I'd say he's the ace of my team after all."
Interviewer: "Do you have any tips for other trainers who have a lucario of their own?"
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"Sure! Well, I'd say first off if ya're trainin with a lucario then either you evolved it from a Riolu or that Lucario was attracted to ya aura for one reason or another. It's pretty damn rare a trainer catches a Lucario off guard in the wild for a surprise catch. Either way, you gotta keep up that friendship. Lucario evolve with high friendship, if ya aren't a buddy with one then ya won't have a good chance of ensuring that ya buddy will become healthy and strong."
"Train with them often, and when I mean with them I mean with them. They're fightin types after all, so they respond well when you're right in the thick of things with them! Just know your limits and respect them; don't go overboard while trainin yourself."
"Secondly, and this is kinda tough since not everyone is aura sensitive, but really focus on the aura training. Lucario are naturally adept at it and know how to manipulate aura. I mean, that's what Aura Sphere is, right? Still, newly evolved and untrained lucario will still need to hone their skills."
"Don't just focus on improving Aura Sphere either. Help ya buddy use Aura to change it into different shapes; that will help Lucario better learn Bone Rush in the future. Give Lucario some tough challenges that force him or her to use Aura to enhance their bodies and keep up their endurance. Focus on improving Force Palm too to be more potent and controlled."
Interviewer: "Wow, there seems to be a lot of things to keep in mind."
Nate: "I mean it ain't easy, but it's sure is rewarding. Though, I'm really touchin on one half of the equation. The other part is improving Sensin."
Interviewer: "Sensing?"
Nate: "Yea! It's a bit like how psychic pokemon can sense others, but with Lucario it's aura. It's how Lucario use Detect, and also is the reason why Aura Sphere can't miss. I know we're a bit short on time now, but I'd say use games like hide and seek and dodgeball to help train this in real time. Oh, and I guess some of the old books on Lucario say meditation works too, though I'm not really the best at it. Though it still does help."
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