#getting lost in nature to escape the harm and surveillance of man..... yeah. YEAH
thereweresunflowers · 5 months
you can't catch me now ophelia song of all time
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cowandcalf · 7 years
Shapshifter AU McDanno
Teaser, will one day be a whole story.
Inspired by Kiana Davenport’s book „Shark Dialogues“. Kiana Davenport is an American author of par-Hawaiian ancestry.
The book tells the fantastic story of the Hawaiian cultur and the Hawaiian shamanism, the Ho'oponopno and Huna spirit. An ancient wisdom about a force of nature. Pono, the main character, is a shapeshifter. She is able to  transform into a shark. She is strong and wild like the sea. A shaman, a wanderer between the worlds.
This is a mongoose.
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Kala - A Hui Hou Kakou (There are not limits - until we meet again)
Danny carried the sliced mango carefully on a plate outside. The little clipper stuck in his back pocket of his pants. His furry friends were rubbing against his legs while he prepared the fruits near the small woods which bordered on his garden.
The three stray cats were his permanent guests. Danny fed them daily and they all had names. Grace chose them for the homeless creatures. There was Hannah, Flinn and Hazel. All were normal tabby house cats, abandoned from their former owners.
Since his early childhood Danny had this weak spot for lonesome, homeless animals. They always seemed to find him, sensing his gentle and caring soul. Danny hid this part of his personality. He was a badass cop, a fierce officer of the law, working with the HPD. The bad guys feared him. Danny had is reputation. No perp could assume Danny had this soft spot in his character, when they had to endure the hard questioning in the interrogation room.
"Okay guys, you know what's at stake tonight, right? You better stay away when the little mongoose hopefully shows up again. I really need to cut him loose from this idiotic rusty piece of wire, that traps his leg. He is pain and I don't want him to get any infection." Danny talked in a soft voice with the cats, stroking their silky fur, scratching their ears. And of course they all stayed around him, wanting to climb in his lap when he sat on the ground, not far from the fruit pieces.
Danny waited about 15 minutes until he heard the rustling of leaves. He kept still and only watched. The little, grey head with the black beady eyes peeked out under a bush. Since one week Danny tried to gain the trust of this wild, shy animal. He almost got the job done yesterday, but the little blighter got spooked and run off.
"Hey, buddy. Here you are. You know we have to get that wire off your leg. But first eat your mango." Danny spoke in his special voice which was only reserved for animals and Grace. He had all the time in the world and he avoided any hasty movements. He watched as this sweet, little animal ate one piece after the other. Danny knew it couldn't hunt because it was already limping. Danny believed that animals could sense when a human wanted to help.
Danny crawled on all four slowly toward the mongoose, crooning silly words to calm it, showing he was no danger. Out of an unknown reason all three cats just sat there, eyeing their new guest but not interrupting. His heartbeat was a little bit wild and he was excited. Always when nature invited him in a space where he normally wasn't allowed to be.
Danny held the little clipper in his outstreched hand and inched is way forward. The mongoose was watching him intensely while he ate his mango slices in a hurry. The soft sound of the cutting didn't seem to distraced the wild animal. Danny almost had the impression that it waited, watched and knew exactly what Danny was doing, calmly let this human free him from this wire.
"Ey, buddy, you're a brave little guy. Look, I cut it off. You're gonna be okay now. See? Here's the wire." Danny was relived, he managed to finally succeed. He didn't dare to touch the mongoose although his fingers itched to comb through its fur.
After Danny sat upright again, he was astonished the animal didn't want to escape as fast as possible.
"I should give you a name too. I will ask Grace. She will find a nice one for you. Promise me to drop by every now and then, so I know you're all right. Deal?" Danny smiled at this funny animal. He had to suppress the urge to wrap his hands around it's little body and to press it against his heart, nuzzling his fur, putting a soft kiss on top of its head.
Danny's held his breath when the mongoose slowly approached him, never leaving him out of sight, almost searched his eyes. A strange feeling pooled in Danny's stomach and he watched carefully what the sweet buddy was up to. Danny forgot to breathe when the mongoose stood with his fore-paws on one of his thigh and sniffled at this hand, nibbling softly at the skin. The contact lasted only a few seconds but Danny felt a strange intensity while the touch lasted. He inhaled shivery, moved by this moment.
"Do you try to thank me, little guy?" Danny whispered softly.
The spell broke and the sudden opening of the door to Danny's Ianai scared the mangoose off. I vanished so fast, Danny only saw his tail before he lost sight.
"Danny! Are you out here? Hey Danny!" Chin called his partner and close friend.
"I'm here, Chin! Coming!" Danny stood from this postion on the ground and made it right in time to hide his face expression. He was still very moved, almost a little bit shaken. He couldn't grasp what just happened. He hoped to see the mongoose one more time to make sure he was okay.
"Yo, Chin. What's up? Do you want a beer?" Danny turned greeting Chin.
"No, thanks. I just was on my way home. Did you hear anything from this Steve McGarrett? He was supposed to hand me over the surveillance report, which we should get from the Navy. You know the one the Governor asked for. Actually McGarrett should have been back on duty today."
"No. Actually I haven't. I will organize it first thing in the morning. Do you have a phone number from this guy?" Danny walked Chin back to the front door discussing some other work related stuff.
 Meanwhile hidden in the woods, under a bush, a naked man moaned and panted hard. He rubbed his wounded leg. Finally this dangerous wire was cut off. It was not easy for Steve to overcome his primal instincts when he was in animal shape. It took him quite some time before he knew this man was willing to help him, not harming him. His grandma always warned him to keep away from iron and other metalls. This material prevented the energy from flowing and he couldn't shift back to his normal human body. Steve lived one long week as a mongoose. The last time he spent that much time in the shape of his spirit animal, his ancestors legacy, was in his early teenager years.
Steve was exhausted. He only hoped the man understood his way to thank him. Steve never felt drawn to humans before while he was in his animal shape. He still couldn't explain why the presence of this man tugged that much at his heart. It was the man's light that let his soul glow in this special way and this love that emanated from his heart. Steve could think about this later. He really needed to get his spare clothes from his secret place and get the hell home.
"Danny, Steve McGarrett is here to see you. Can I send him in?" Danny lifted his head looking at Chin.
"Yeah, sure Chin. Send him in. Let's get it over with. These NavySEAL guys are a special species. I like to be quick and get it over with."
Chin opened the door and stepped aside to let McGarrett pass.
"Good morning Detective Williams. I'm Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett. I appologize for being one day late with my report. Unexpected circumstances."  
The moment Danny turned to stand up and take McGarrett's outstreched hand, Steve almost dropped the folder with the report. He stared at Danny unable to form any words. He swallowed several times before he could shake Danny's hand. His inner world was in a turmoil seeing his savior at close range, messing with his feelings.
"What's up Commander? Any ghost nearby?" Danny chuckled hidding his nervousness which was attacking him out of nowhere, making him almost angry.
(This idea lingers already some time in the back of my mind. Mongoose are animals on Hawaii living in the wild. I didn't want to choose a shark or another sea creature. And on Hawaii there are no lions, or tigers or pumas...*smiles*, so Steve's spirit animal is a mongoose. And besides you don't question the gift that is handed to you from your ancestors :-))
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