#getting someone else’s hate mail is an experience unique to tumblr
armandgender · 2 years
Go back to tik tok
I assume you meant to send this to @icaruspendragon
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clairebeauchampfan · 6 years
The Biter Bit: Sympathy mixed with  Schadenfreude
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Some bitch (since definitely no lady, and most unlikely to be a man, let alone one with pretensions to be a gentleman) has been sending the nastiest anonymous  e-mails to writers of Outlander  fanfic, telling them that their work is tendentious tripe and that they should stick to the day job, yada yada. Unsurprisingly this has caused great hurt to her victims, causing at least one excellent writer to withdraw her story altogether
Now, I happen to adore Outlander fanfic, in the main. I have cried over the best of it, laughed, smiled, sighed, giggled, and swooned with admiration over the quality of writers whose skills I can never hope to emulate. I have groaned with silent fury when I realise that I have to wait to the next chapter of a story that has gripped me from the get go. I have howled with grief when a fine story has suddenly stopped, with no apparent reason leaving me crying “what happened next, for God’s sake?”
To be sure, there is  some dreadful stuff there too; cloying sentimentality; yuk-making, cringe-worthy sex scenes; pretentious purple passages, unlikely scenarios; endlessly repeated plot lines (can we give the Jamie as a whisky-maker, Claire as the newly arrived Doctor a break. Please?).
 But even the worst-written effort deserves support, if not fulsome  praise to the author, especially when he or she is a debutante writer  who, knowing just how good her rivals are in a crowded field,  has the courage to write down and publish, on Tumblr or AO3, the fruits of her labours, showing off her imagination, her writing skills, her very soul so  that others can enjoy -  or not, as the case may be. 
That’s the thing about writing, isn’t it? The need within you to express your thoughts on paper and to share with others the fruits of your labour, whether they be good or bad. 
One such fanfic writer, newly minted compared to some of the other victims of this hateful anon, is Soka, a feminist  academic who has sallied forth with a new and original style quite her own. Not my thing, perhaps, but I salute her courage in writing it at all. This was her reward; I think Kalendraashtar and other fanfic writers have received equally toxic anonymous comments, probably from the same source
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No doubt the last sentence there was supposed to make this anonymous critic’s critique sound more ‘constructive’ ; a dollop of sugar under the bile.
 Soka’s many fans and readers have of course rallied round to offer her support. I give just some examples:
 WTF is with people to post such mean, nasty stuff. I enjoy your writing!!!Why don’t they just scroll in by?
Anon is a loser..Seems to get her kicks putting others down,just ignore them and keep on doing what you do..XOXOXOXO
I cant believe people would take the time to just write mean stuff like that …. what is the point ??? You dont like the story ? Then just dont read it !!!..omg… keep doing what you love and dont pay attention to some ugly people needing to put down others to feel better about themselves. 
 Someone is spending their time sending hate to the best writers around here and it’s sickening. Your story is different and so unique, anon doesn’t appreciate it and can go fuck off 
 These morons seemed to be going after the best writers. So it’s an unintentional compliment. I love your story. It’s different. And that’s a good thing.
This whole anon crap leaves me speechless.
 I am sorry..and I have said it before, these idiots who hide behind anonymous, and leave empty hurtful words…are despised more than you realize from the rest of us who LOVE our writers
I agree with all these sentiments, especially the last ones about the wickedness of anons, sheltering behind the skirts of their anonymity without anyone else being able to take them to task on DM or directly. I absolutely hate the anon function, and make a point of neither sending or receiving anons myself
Here’s Soka herself on the subject
When I decided to write OBT, I didn’t expect everyone (anyone) to find the story appealing but I didn’t anticipate this much meanness. I’ve received so many of these anons after I posted Chapter 5 today and I just had to share three of them (these are the ‘nicest’). And no, I am not looking for affirmation of my writing or your outrage on these anons. I”m just tired. So, damn tired of this crap. Peace, people.
She has my utmost sympathy, as one would be writer (who has had a first novel shot down in flames by a succession of agents) to another.
And yet...and yet...
I could not help myself from feeling a certain schadenfreude in all of this. The biter bit, hoist with her own petard, for here she is, herself the mistress of meanness, who all this 4th season of Outlander has ruthlessly done down, mocked, belittled, sneered at, jeered at, laughed at the efforts of a team of actors, actresses, writers, producers, CGI people, wigmakers, etcetera, in the name of ‘constructive’ criticism. People who have done their level best to compress into 13 short episodes a vast novel. A young actress, comparatively new to her craft,whose every effort has been dismissed with contempt by this self same Soka. Every frown, every arm fold of Caitriona Balfe giffed and reproduced by her to conform to her critique of Caitriona’s acting this season. Every deviation from  the book magnified out of all proportion so that the writers and producers can be damned from here to eternity. No quarter given, no word of praise for honest effort by Richard Rankin, Sophie Skelton, Caitriona Balfe, the writers, directors, producers, costumiers, set designers.... no seeking out what was good to balance what was bad. Just a relentless negativity towards everything and everybody connected with the show. 
Schadenfreude - the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another. 
I know, I know,  I am being unkind. Probably unfair. Mean, even. But at least I strive for self-knowledge.
#anonymous critics #fanfic #constructive vs.destructive criticism
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
Names, I need your names? no.
What is your favorite thing to do while drinking? honestly just sit around with friends, listen to music, eat and smoke lol.
Describe the worst party experience you’ve ever had? oh god, let’s not go there. long story short i ended up crying in the club.
What’s the best and worst trip you’ve had (drugs, not travel, lmao)? best was the molly at coachella. it wasn’t too over the top and sitting on the bus on the way back to our hotel was weirdly one of the best feelings in the world. world was after tomorrowland where we walked the streets of boom looking for a way to get back to our hotel which was 40 minutes away. whatever we had was definitely laced with something else.
What is the most unique or uncommon thing about you? this question is better suited for people i know to answer about me. i have no idea.
What happened the last time you were in a fight with someone? yesterday i had a mini argument with my boyfriend. it was over in five minutes, he just wasn’t listening to me.
Have you ever been in a physical fight? Who started it? no.
What is the most stupidly dangerous thing you’ve done, like something small but really dumb? speed i guess? cutting lanes without looking. i don’t do it often, but i have before oops.
When you are feeling your lowest, who do you turn to for help? i keep things to myself most of the time. if i need to vent i’ll talk to my boyfriend.
What is something you do very differently from others? think i guess.
What is something you do that’s unhealthy? Are you trying to change it? not watching what i’ve been eating lately. yes i need to change it up.
What do you wish was different about your community/neighborhood? i love my neighbourhood, i just wish it was closer to the city.
Do you like to do any type of volunteering? If so, have you/do you volunteer? i haven’t in ages.
Where was the last place you walked? Do you enjoy walking with no real purpose? to my car. i hate walking unless i’m traveling tbh.
Is a backpacking trip something you think you would enjoy? Why/why not? no. i couldn’t imagine staying in hostels and not having a huge variety of clothes packed.
Other than moving out as an adult, what’s the longest you’ve been away from home? 6 weeks, euro trip.
What’s the closest you’ve ever been to death? there hasn’t really been a time.
Have you ever told another person that you wish they would die? What’s the worst thing you’ve said to someone else? no way. idk, when i’m angry i don’t think before i speak. the worst thing is probably saying i didn’t love someone anymore to their face even though it wasn’t true.
What is the longest you’ve gone without food? Water? Going outside? i’ll drink water everyday no matter what. probably about a day for food. going outside... maybe a week that one time i was really sick.
What kind of video games are your favorite, and what are you playing now? What made you pick up that game specifically? i love gta, watch dogs and the sims. not playing anything right now, nothing new has caught my eye.
What was the last new thing you learned? no clue.
What kinds of things turn you on? the scent of my boyfriend haha.
What is your favorite type of kiss/way of kissing? a short make out sesh with a bit of tongue.
What is your favorite body part to have someone touch/etc? can never say no to a shoulder massage.
Favorite form of affection in general/not sexual/etc? hugs.
If you could change or add something to your physical form, what would it be? (even horns, tails, wings, eyes, etc!) don’t think i’d add anything. i’d get rid of stuff though.
What is something you are attracted to that other people normally aren’t? no idea.
When was the last time you felt like something really changed you in some way? i’m not sure. i’m still in the process of changing.
What kind of a relationship do you have with religion? a non existent one right now.
Do you get along with people who are especially religious? Why/why not? yeah i do. i’ll get along with anyone of any religion, as long as they’re not shoving their beliefs down my throat.
Describe a date idea you would enjoy? a weekend getaway in wine country. 
Are you romantic or not so much? What is romance to you? not so much.
What was the last thing you ate? a sandwich.
What do you think about anime? not a fan.
What do you think about Tumblr in general? Good site, bad site, hell site? What you make of it? i used to love it but got over it. i never use my main tumblr anymore, just this one.
What is your Love Language? lol never did a test or whatever it is.
Where do you score on that Kinsey scale thing? no idea.
Are your chakras aligned/underactive/overactive? no idea.
What was the last thing you received and last thing you sent in the mail? last thing i received was a wedding invitation. the last thing i sent were these shoes i bought online that didn’t fit me.
What was the last chore you did? washed the dishes.
If you could have a free personal chef or a housecleaner, which would you prefer? personal chef. i like cleaning.
What is something you’re struggling with right now, if anything? motivation.
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? hmm bacon and eggs i guess.
Do you have any routines you like to follow? Are you someone who enjoys routines? yep. i have many routines.
How would you describe your school experience? Enjoyable, not, etc? it was fine. not good, not bad.
What types of people do you have trouble getting along with? anyone who’s sexist, racist, homophobic or just plain out rude and doesn’t treat anyone with respect.
What is it that draws you to your passions (like if it’s writing, singing, etc)? i just love doing it.
When do you feel the most happy and fulfilled? when i’m traveling.
What was the last thing to break your heart? not sure.
What was the last thing that got unexpectedly better? work today. i got out early.
What is your favorite alcoholic drink? a dark and stormy.
Do you like absinthe? never tried it. 
What day of the week is your favorite? it changes every week. maybe saturday though.
What was the last thing you celebrated? my mum’s birthday.
What is a song for your mood right now? nothing.
And just what IS your mood? i’m super sleepy but need to stay awake since i have night shift tomorrow.
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tmiquotepage · 7 years
I think I’m going to start dialing back all the fandom aspects of my life. At least some of them. People are just so toxic and I don’t need this negativity in my life anymore. It would be great if people just let other people enjoy things, but everyone wants to find fault and things to bitch about everywhere they look, and I just can’t take it anymore. I’m a generally positive person and I tend to unfortunately be the unpopular opinion in a crowd of stans. I tend to like and support the things I’m not supposed to like and support, but I’m tired of pretending I don’t like people/don’t like stories/don’t like certain aspects of a fandom/like things I really don’t like just because everyone else says I’m supposed to.
-I loved the Vampire Academy movie, and I liked the casting and adaptation style just fine. I didn’t make the webseries because I didn’t like it. I made the webseries because I loved it and wished it had continued. I saw it twice in theatres, and watch it whenever I need something to laugh with. -I think book purists are everything wrong with making a book to movie adaptation (and in fandoms, tbh). Like, if a change is for the better, it’s for the better. Sorry. Likewise, though, I think a content creator’s intent should always be respected, and they should be party to the changes made in adaptations, so long as they aren’t overstepping their bounds by demanding something be kept that clearly does not work logistically on the screen. -I love Shadowhunters and their adaptation style. I love the cast. The writing could be better, but I think every episode is getting better. -I love and respect female content creators for surviving and creating their stories they did regardless of my personal beliefs on them as a person. We don’t choose our parents, and good characters don’t choose their creators. Shitty people can write good things, and good people can write shitty things. Don’t rag on people who enjoy good things written by shitty people, and likewise don’t rag on people who enjoy not-so-good things written by decent people. Let people enjoy things. -I love Malec,and I think they’re represented just fine in the Shadowhunters show. I know they aren’t the main characters, so they shouldn’t be the center of attention. I think they get a completely reasonable (maybe even more than is reasonable) amount of screentime. -I definitely don’t like literally any of the ships in Riverdale. I think making Jughead sexually driven at all was a mistake, and I think ace/aro kids had such an opportunity with him that they lost when he started dating, and a couple of the other ships feel random and have no chemistry in my opinion. They also seem to distract from the solid platform that is the script & series arc. Other than that, I love the show and think it’s a breath of fresh air in teen TV. -No, I don’t think authors are problematic for not having a shit ton of explicitly gay/PoC characters in their books, and I am really tired of them having to double back in later books to say that a main character is gay/dark skinned or some shit just because stans slammed their FANTASY STORY ABOUT FAE AND ELVES AND SHIT, their baby that they’ve been developing probably longer than you’ve been in fucking school, as not having enough diversity because, get the fuck out. That’s fake representation anyway. It doesn’t count when someone holds a gun to their head and demands they change what they created. We should be fighting for real fucking diversity. Real ace/aro characters, real PoC characters. Not added lines of action that suddenly take an originally straight character and make him/her gay or bi. Our stories. Our lives. Things that people actually want to write. Forcing people to represent us, no matter the cost to them or what they want for the work they’ve created, is shitty, and I don’t fucking care who you are. Yes, we need more god damned representation. Yes, all industries need it. And yes, it’s slowly edging on getting better. But this is not how we fucking do it, okay? Jesus. -That being said, I’m a firm supporter of feminism, LGBT+ rights, as well as the Black Lives Matter movement. When I write scripts, and when I’m reading them for my job, I always look for strong female leads, strong black women, and strong ace/aro women, and generally all three at the same time get huge marks for me. If a story is unique and has great opportunities for progression in the film industry to hire Asian actors (grossly underrepresented) or any other on-screen minorities, I am instantly intrigued, and often more inclined to pass the script on to my producer boss. -Yes, I believe you can read a kindle or a physical book and still get the exact same reading experience -No, I don’t think reading a popular book first/before it becomes popular/before it becomes a movie makes you any more/better of a fan than anyone else, and yes I will think you are an asshole if you are one of those “just wait for the movie fans who know nothing. Ugh.” people. -No, I don’t think you ever have a right to send non-constructive criticism/hate mail/rude messages to authors, or to ever treat any author/celebrity as anything less than a human just like me and you because, ya know, that’s what they fucking are. -No, I don’t think being a fan from the beginning means the creator owes you fucking jack shit because it’s their show/book, not yours. You don’t know it like they do, so stop being dicks about it. -People in film? Yeah, we’re human too. Those show writers? Real people. People doing a job. People working hard as fuck to bring that show/book to you. Fucking respect them, because they wouldn’t be here for the most part if they didn’t care about the project. -Donald Trump is a dick, and I generally don’t side with the GOP on anything, but I will never condone death threats or attacks on their lives. They are also fucking people. Sick and twisted people, sure, but we can’t start murdering them. -Life is not fucking fair. Neither is fandom life. Neither is being a woman or a minority of any kind. Fight the people who tell you these things mean it’s not worth trying in this life. Know what you bring to the table, know your worth, and fucking demand it from everyone you encounter. That’s what I’ve started doing and my life is looking 500% better than it did this time a month ago. -Lastly, if anyone ever interrupts you where you know they wouldn’t if you were a man/white/straight, etc, stare them in the fucking eye and speak over them to tell them “I am still talking. You’re time to speak will come.” And then carry on.
So yeah. Unfollow me if you want. Any obnoxious asks/messages/reblogs/comments are just going to be deleted. I’m cutting fandom negativity (and general negativity) out of my life because I’m too young to have this much anxiety caused by cowardly and just straight up rude people my age on tumblr dot com. #StopBeingAssholes2k17 #LetPeopleLive2k17 #RespectFuckingContentCreatorsandTheirVisions2k17
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stevensavage · 7 years
Speculation: Living Without Facebook And Twitter?
(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com and Steve's Tumblr)
Facebook was used to harvest data by a highly unethical and bizarre campaign firm, Cambridge Analytica, to sway the US elections resulting in a worldwide scandal, with more coming out all the time. Twitter has terrible controls and policing and still seems infested with bots and haters. It's not looking good for social media out there.
I saw someone post recently (I think, ironically, on Twitter) that the internet becgan being less beneficial with Twitter and Facebook became prominent. That got me thinking as my instinct, as a technophile, is to not believe that any technology is bad. My instinct was there, but it wasn't defending itself very well.
So I'm going to try a thought experiment - what would happen if I suddenly gave up Facebook and/or Twitter? What if they vanished?Let's learn from this experiment.
OK, so Facebook gives us a massively integrated service. Messaging, posting, building groups, events, and more. it integrated with OTHER services as well. It's a one-stop shop of things - which of course was part of the problem for data mining, because it's a great place to get tons of data and influence people.
My intended use for it is:
Keep in touch with friends and family.
Post about my books and projects and provide a way to be reached.
Schedule events without using email or Meetup.com.
Find people I forgot about.
In addition I use it for:
Reading and posting random funny stuff.
Occasional ranting.
Right here I see that one of the big advantages of Facebook is twofold - integrated services and everyone else using it. However it's the latter that means a lot more to me - Facebook is successful as people are using it. If no one else was using it I wouldn't care, it'd just be an interesting thing.
So if Facebook vanished then I'd:
Keep up with friends and family in other ways. I'd probably use mailing lists and chat programs more.
I'd read more friend's blogs/tumblrs to keep up with them.
I'd schedule things via email, meetup.com, or google.
I'd get random stuff through tumblr.
I'd promote my projects differently and probably focus more on blogs and newsletters.
Hmmm. Sounds like that "integration" and "everyone uses it" thing is a big part of Facebook. Those are things that can be done elsewhere (integration) or change (mass exodus from Facebook).
Let's try Twitter.
Yes, I know Twitter is a swamp of BS, bots, hate. it's also a great focused Microblogging service and good for news feeds. I am going to passionately note that the current Twitter could have been something better - a microblogging and news alert system. But I get ahead of myself, though it reveals I probably like Twitter more than Facebook.
So what do I use Twitter for?
Screaming into the void.
Following friends doing the above or doing something useful.
Getting newsfeeds and updates and re-posting them.
Sort-of chatting.
Promoting my work and networking.
Finding and enjoying funny stuff or weird stuff.
I can't say there's anything that surprises me. That also tells me I'm kinda more open about my Twitter usage.
So looking at this it tells me my Twitter usage is broader and more passionate. I get updates that are important, post stuff, and communicate. I'm not scheduling events or anything, just communicating, listening, or yelling. Again it makes me appreciate the odd purity of Twitter.
But what if Twitter vanished and there was no replacement? What would I do?
Get my news via newsfeeds.
I'd probably discuss news more in my blogs.
I'd probably join some news discussion groups and sites and use them.
I'd focus a lot more on my newsletters for promoting my work.
I'd do different marketing for my work.
I'd definitely look more to tumblr for weird and silly stuff.
This tells me that, again, I actually like Twitter more than Facebook, which I may have to process for awhile. Also almost everything it does can be done elsewhere, though not as fast. Twitter is a sort of blog/message board/RSS fusion.
OK if Twitter and Facebook both vanished what would I do? I think it's obvious - everything would be back to blogging, newsletters, meetups, chats, and RSS feeds.
Which tells me, that, yes Twitter and Facebook really changed how we used the internet. If they vanished my life would basically go back to what I did before the service came to be. I'd just have more awareness of the goals, benefits, and disadvantage of integration.
So thought experiment done. Now what have I learned out of all of this? Here's what these two social media services give us:
AMPLIFICATION: One reason we love these services is Amplification. They can reach people and reach a TON of people. That's an obvious answer but it's very important to understand the power (or illusion of power) Facebook and Twitter give us.
That also means that any potential replacements or new incarnations need to keep this in mind - or we ask if we need it.
INTEGRATION: Is useful, it's nice to have, and I think we get used to it. It certainly helps when you use something as primary social tool - but it also brings its own problems of data usage, spamming, or time-wasting.
As social media evolves and changing, we'll need to rethink Integration. What do we need, how do we do it safely, and how often do we care.
AUDIENCE: Twitter and Facebook wouldn't matter if they hadn't built their huge user bases. They're the result of self-fulfilling prophecy. It may be hard to get people off the platforms, but clearly audience matters.
This also means they're vulnerable as part of their weight is just weight - we want that audience.
CONNECTION: We want to connect with people. These services give that - or the illusion of that at the very least. We value that.
We might question if we're actually connecting in a useful or appropriate or healthy way. I'm wondering, as I examine this, if there may be some problems here. It's not always deep connection.
COMMUNICATION: We want to know what's up. Obviously. In many ways Social Media isn't remarkable as there's just so many ways to do this, Social Media just adds all the above.
I question if we're communicating that well via social media considering the various joke posts, bot posts, etc. Maybe we're not really communicating.
In the end, Facebook and Twitter don't do anything unusual, they integrate things, streamline them, and bring a big audience and access. Ther'es nothing wrong with this of course, it's just as I step back I see how they built on known services and our desires.
I think they've proven to be both problems and benefits. I view them as neutrals-to-sort-of-good - but deeply flawed and manipulated. Sometimes I think they both cause and solve problems, which seems a bit of a wash.
If they vanished, though, or I stopped using them I could live without them. Anyone could, we'd just have to rethink how we interact (which maybe we ought to do anyway). It'd just be back to the earlier internet - but we did learn valuable lessons in what we need and want.
After this little exercise it's given me a few things to think about with social media, our dependence, our issues, our mistakes. There's probably a lot more to come out of this.
I have a few changes I'm making:
I'm going to be more thoughtful on my social media and what I use it for.
I want to cultivate more intimate discussions through my various media.
I don't want to depend on any one kind of media.
It's pretty clear I use Social Media to waste a lot of time and need to rethink that.
As for the future of Twitter and Facebook? Well in a way they'r enothing specual or unique, and they can't (and won't) stay the same forever o rbe forever. Things are changing, how they change - and how others change - is going to be something to watch.
But I can choose what I do.
- Steve
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lovequotescom · 6 years
Couple Quotes : What does Authenticity mean to you? The many people who suffer from Comparisonit…
Couple Quotes :
What does Authenticity mean to you? The many people who suffer from Comparisonitis Envy Jealousy or even the bizarre self-plagiarism are all undergoing lessons of what it means to be an authentic individual. We have all done it at some point or another copying others styles looks design writing fashion or even Spirituality. This is all about how to be authentically you and the ways we can start embodying our natural colorful spirit! Click to Read More theawakenedstate…. How to Start Embodying Your Natural Colorful Authentic Self What does Authenticity mean to you? The many people who suffer from Comparisonitis Envy Jealousy or even the bizarre self-plagiarism are all undergoing lessons of what it means to be an authentic individual. We have all done it at some point or another copying others styles looks design writing fashion or even Spirituality. We find ourselves possessing an unconscious desire to be like them instead of learning to be ourselves. A lot of what we embraced growing up was produced from idol worship that ironically shaped who we became today such as idolizing a favorite musician celebrity fictional character author or even a family member. The idea is created through our identity where we begin building our personality through other identities such as family friends and idols. However there comes a point where you no longer desire to compare yourself envy others or even plagiarize your Past self. We no longer desire to be our favorite musician or celebrity we begin creating our own vision of ourselves. Our true identity personality and creating the pathway of truth towards our connection with our natural self. This connection is essential towards being authentic towards your spiritual self. However there becomes a point where you find yourself being triggered by these experiences even as a spiritual being. This is usually because there are numerous resources articles fear tactics new age propaganda and you name it there is always something else trying to get you to believe a certain way and embody a particular lifestyle choice. The food you eat the thoughts you think the clothes you wear detoxing the whole shabang. This reasoning can be inspiring in some regard but it also can create a disconnection between our true identity. We put this idea of spirituality as a light being on a pedestal instead of realizing we are both light and dark. We are negative and positive. We are the plethora of emotions. Dont hold yourself back. Its about seeing The real. Vulnerable. Raw Emotional. Beauty of Simplistic life. THE DISCONNECTED SELF While Dissociation is quite common on the Awakening path there is also the point where we feel disconnected with our natural identity. When we are disconnected from our true spirit we are unfocused indecisive and most of all disconnected from our source energy. You will feel yourself disconnected when you begin experiencing a catalyst of building friction in your reality. The more friction that builds youre starting to dismantle layers of yourself through the past. Disconnection from Source = Pure Chaos in your reality Connection to Source = Direction and Focused design in your reality. In reality when we are disconnected were able to step back and view ourselves from multiple dimensions of thought. This allows us to start letting go of the Past and provides tremendous healing. Sometimes this MUST happen for the soul to move forward we have to go backwards time travel and heal these buried wounds to move onward. Although at some point the chaos reaches a peak where you have a moment of transcendence. You begin letting go of the disconnection and you begin seeing through the illusion of separation we created. This is beginning of authenticity building and discovering the natural identity of the soul. HOW TO BE AUTHENTICALLY YOU icon-bolt Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Do you suffer from comparsionitis? In a world of glitz glam movies and this idea of perfection its easy to fall into this trap. When we compare ourselves were unconsciously forgetting who we truly are inside. Its a slam to the heart. Its also a wakeup call towards healing the heart and self-love. If you suffer from comparsionitis: Dont beat yourself up realize youre building and finding your true voice. Let Go of comparing remove your obsessions and find yourself within just as beautiful as them. icon-eye-slash Remove Envy and Jealousy When were envious and jealous of someone were not realizing and seeing our love for ourselves. Envy can become dangerous especially in the manifesting world because when youre envious youre allowing your ideas to be separated from YOU. Youre removing yourself from you because you wish to be them. In this crazy world of social media and filters we dont see the behind the scenes everyone has a story to tell. I remember there was this time I was resentful of one of my friends thinking she had it all while I was a struggling poor ex-college student. However the more I looked into her world her relationships were full of fighting she starved herself to be thin constantly escaped had issues with her childhood wounds and the list went on. She was far from perfect but I was envious of the illusion I saw. We live in a world filed with seeing the surface but not the behind the scenes realities. When were able to remove our envy and jealousy you will see this was only an illusion you created. If you fall into this trap: Work on the heart center through forgiveness and building self-love. Begin to let go of your illusions of separation from yourself. icon-heart Dont Fucking Censor Yourself I read this hilarious article recently by an interesting fellow Zach Herbert called Spiritual People Dont say Fuck. The idea here that he states is its easy to pretend and be the definition of Spiritual. However realize by putting yourself in this bubble youre not being you anymore youre pretending to be you. Instead the most scary and liberating person we can truly be is ourselves uncensored raw and real. Youre going to offend people but theyre offended because youre being the real you and that is one of the most liberating feelings you will ever experience. In the words of Zach Herbert Fuck spiritual. Be you icon-lightbulb-o Get out of the Idea of Proving Yourself To People Every once in awhile Ill get hate mail to my Tumblr I used to respond in vigor disgust or even pure arrogance about trying to prove how spiritual I am. Its the fiery redhead in me. Now a-days I realize what a WASTE OF TIME this is because youre trying to prove what youve experienced versus what theyve experienced. Its like arguing with a wall. You can explain all you want but until they experience it themselves they wont respond in comparison they will respond towards their subjective experiences. Truth is ambiguous to the subjective experience. There is nothing to prove because your experiences are yours alone and that is absolutely beautiful because they shaped who you are. You dont need to prove them to anyone. This is your truth. icon-smile-o Find Your Voice & Express Your Colorful Soul A huge part of the reason that we fall into these traps is were afraid and hiding who we truly are behind someone elses voice. If you find yourself in one of these realize you are stuck in self-sabotage because youre not being true to yourself. Learn to find you. Youre in there. The more we compare contrast and keep nitpicking were not being ourselves anymore. Express your colorful self! Learn to find yourself through the noise the bullshit and the extraordinary but do it for yourself. No one else. Do it to empower yourself and your natural authentic voice. Its all within we just need to see it. icon-star Believe in You Believe in Your Universe You kick ass! Yes you. Dear God/ Goddess within you you are creating amazing ripples out there just by being alive. Dont you ever forget that. Honor yourself Honor your universe. Begin believing in yourself because this is where the miracles start happening when were ready to connect ourselves back to our natural self. Our divine connection with who we truly are inside. Everyone is here to create their destiny you can either keep comparing yourself to their destiny or you can start learning to create your own unique journey of authenticity. THE BEAUTY OF AHIMSA We all have Negative Emotions. However we have to look into how we feel about ourselves having negative emotions. Most of us are left guilty shamed belittled feeling terrible that we stepping out of our shining bubble and experienced a disheartening emotion. An ugly emotion. we stepped into the shadow and now feel we have to punish ourselves. In this way we fool ourselves and become disconnected from the natural identity. When were able to embrace the beauty of simplicity in our everyday lives we also need to see our authentic raw emotional identity. This is triggered from the fact that many Spiritual figures and idols have a perfect image of how we PROJECT and view spirituality. As if these holier-than-thou people have never had a negative emotion in their life which is a very ludicrous way to look at spirituality. Life is a series of ebb and flow there is going to be negative emotion as much as there is going to be positive emotion. WHAT IS AHIMSA? However we also need to learn ahimsa which means non-violence towards ourselves verbally mentally spiritually and emotionally. Ahimsa means it is okay if you have negative emotions but you need to accept them and be gentle to yourself in the process. No spiritual person is perfect yet many of these people often portray themselves that way as if we are not human capable of emotions. So while many of us are enlightened or self-realized we also need to remember we are human. Sorry to break it to you but you are both positive & negative light & dark ego & soul. Im willing to bet SOMEONE at some point in time has pissed you off broke your heart or you made it your prerogative to fix them/save the world. We all have raw emotions and THAT my friends is the beauty of being alive. We should never put anyone on a pedestal including ourselves! Its important to see we all have both good and bad days but that is what molds who we are. This is you being real to yourself and processing that emotion into your experience. No one is perfect but we are all imperfectly perfect as we are in the present moment. Find your authentic self. Accept that negative emotions happen. It does not mean you need to beat yourself up about it. You are not suddenly switched off from awakening you arent off the spiritual path. We are always on the spiritual path. Life is going to throw challenges and obstacles your way that is naturally a part of the flow but when we resent these emotions when we feel guilt ashamed angry or sadness from them we arent accepting the challenges as part of us. This mental and emotional breakdowns are your personal breakthroughs. This is especially important towards acknowledging the Ego as a teacher rather than a slave to us. The Ego is a catalyst. The lesson is are you going to impulsively react on that emotion or are you going to consciously observe it? You may have a bad day but it is okay! You may hate life you may think youre nothing you may think youre alone lonely that the ascension symptoms are tearing you apart youre low vibrations one minute then flying high the next. But dont suddenly say that youre not on the spiritual path or youre not being true to yourself in that moment which makes you a bad person. I think this type of thinking is underlining self-sabotage and the sad part it is soooo common in the new age community. hes too full of ego I see more than I like It is okay to be darkness It is okay to be the light It is okay to feel the rawness of living. Accept it be gentle to yourself but most importantly Stay Authentically You. Process those emotions. Observe Accept Let Go. This is your reminder from the Universe: Accept being all facets of you because crystals arent created by magic there is hardness and there is softness Respect and Accept the Balance Always icon-heart
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