#gfflb squad
On another note, MARA THE SWEDISH LESBIANS ARE MAKING YOUTUBE VIDEOS! I can't breathe! Help!-Britt
Wait forreal, omg finally, it was about time they started to do that, finally I can follow them and enjoy them without hoping to catch one of their streams :D
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So we totally got asked if we were getting divorced because we're not active on your blog...? Just to let everyone know, NO WE ARE VERY MUCH HAPPY AND ALL THAT MUSHY SHIT.-Britt
Wait who asked that ahahaha man, you two getting divorced is like saying that the sun is a cold ball of ice...and i have to say for the people thinking that that the mushiness and happiness of these two is even too much at times, I got cavities fromall the mushiness and tbh I love it...
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I don't think it's anyones fault. Sometimes life just gets in the way and we have some priorities. I've been alright! - NA
Well for me more than a priority it was more like crazy parents deciding out of nowhere that your kitchen needs to be renovated...but yeah I agree with you on that...
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I did that earlier with TA to Yaya but I sung it as adele cause she said hello from the other side haha. I swear we all think alike-Britt
omg I think TA wrote that to me too one time and I totally sung my little heart out of that line out loud too ahaha, and that’s one of the reasons why we’re a squad XD
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Hahaha well I'm trying with a large addiction to energy drinks, my everlasting panic because my GCSE exams start tomorrow and it's my only chance to get into college with people out to ruin my life and push me over the edge with my whole family thinking I'm some seething drug addict with a death with because I apparently "Stabbed someone" yea I'm doing better XD
Wait stabbed someone? Did you really do that? What?
Also you’re gonna do great at the exams, remember a little step forward and closer to college.
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Mara it's Yaya I LOVE YOU!!! I'm really bored rn
Hey twin sis, LOVE YOU TOO!!! Why are you bored,where’s your wife?
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Hell yea I'm definitely coming to Italy to visit I'm taking a year out to do some traveling so I'm gonna stop by to say hi, I'll crouch down just for you because my big sis deserves a fair welcome XD #Rainbowlife
I’m gonna get mad if you don’t stop and really no need to crouch Skittles, I can climb a ladder or two to hug you without any problems XD
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just saw Lea's new album on Deezer I can't wait to listen to it! #Rainbowlife
That’s awesome Skittles, you’re gonna like it, it’s not as good as the first album imo but there are a few songs that are fantastic.
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I only know one thing and it's about Cat letting Kara out on her balcony to soak up sunlight while she works. It's a supercat story I just can't seem to find it. I just remember how Kara is welcome at anytime to go out on the balcony whenever she wants.-Britt
Ok I can’t help with that sorry dude, but if any of my followers know the fic they’re more than welcome to come here and let us know :)
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I didn't know you were an ass girl???-TA
Dude yes, ass, boobs, tummies, backs, legs, necks, everything ahaha I just appreciate the feminine body a lot...A LOT, but can you blame me really??!!?!
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Passo per un saluto, perché è da molto che non ti sento. Tutto bene?
Hey ciao, si tutto bene dai, Sheila sta prendendo il brutto vizio di miagolare alla porta d’ingresso e stiamo cercando di farle capire che non si fa ma mi sa che ci vorrà mooooolta pazienza e un bel po di biscottini per gatti -_-’ ahaha però non ci si può lamentare dai XD
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Katt you may not want it but Lucas is totally giving you his slobber baby kisses. Suck it up and enjoy the love! You already know we love you!-Britt
Yes Kath ahaha and believe me slobbery kisses from Lucas are the best XD
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Queenie (new nickname) has actually been laying in my lap whenever I'm holding Lucas. She curls up under his feet and legs and will purr. He even baby kicked her and she just took it like a champ. Also Mara I understand your pain, it's the absolutely best stories though, they just really hurt-Britt
But still you think poor Queenie is an asshole, she loves little Lucas and that should gave her at least 100 points XD
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Britt's phone is replacing me with this Katt person :( What a RUDE phone! XD
I know right, phones these days are just the equivalent of dudebros sometimes ahahahah
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Why does my autocorrect suck so much?! I typed Kath and it changed to Katt! I don't even know a Katt. Stupid phone.-Britt
aybe your phone knows a Katt that you don’t know XD
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Hi everyone this is Ashley I know I'm not a squad member but I wanted to share something with you guys. Saturday was my 18th birthday and it was the most magical day of my life because I have the perfect girlfriend in the the world and I knew then that she's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. See a year ago on my last birthday I spent it roaming the streets of NY because I was 5 months pregnant, kicked out and disowned with $20 to my name. So I did what I had to do to care for...
Myself and my unborn son. 7 months ago while I was having lunch at a shelter I met the most amazing girl that I could lay my eyes on, she smiled and sat with me and she told me her story, told me not worry she will help me out somehow. she came by later that day with her parents and next thing I know I was in an apartment with everything I could possibly need for myself and my 1 month old infant and ever since my life has been a fairy tale and its all because of the women I now call my girlfriend. Her parents are amazing they treat me like their own and my son the same way as their granddaughters. I thank God every day for bringing them into my life because without her I seriously don’t know where I would have been and I appreciate everything they’ve done for me and no words could ever describe how I feel about them. I love them to the moon, I love my amazing girlfriend with all my heart. Sorry I ranted I just wanted the world to know about those angels in my life-Ashley
Ashley of course you’re part of the squad, you started being part of the squad the moment TA started to talk about you so dude you’re stuck with us now but to be serious I’m so glad that TA and her parents have the greatest of hearts and decided to help you, I know you two make each other happy and help each other with life in general and that’s fantastic and there’s really no need to apologize for the rant these are things that everyone should know and thet everyone should take a leaf from what the fantastic people you call family and I call friends did to help you…
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