Hahaha well I'm trying with a large addiction to energy drinks, my everlasting panic because my GCSE exams start tomorrow and it's my only chance to get into college with people out to ruin my life and push me over the edge with my whole family thinking I'm some seething drug addict with a death with because I apparently "Stabbed someone" yea I'm doing better XD
Wait stabbed someone? Did you really do that? What?
Also you’re gonna do great at the exams, remember a little step forward and closer to college.
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Hell yea I'm definitely coming to Italy to visit I'm taking a year out to do some traveling so I'm gonna stop by to say hi, I'll crouch down just for you because my big sis deserves a fair welcome XD #Rainbowlife
I’m gonna get mad if you don’t stop and really no need to crouch Skittles, I can climb a ladder or two to hug you without any problems XD
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just saw Lea's new album on Deezer I can't wait to listen to it! #Rainbowlife
That’s awesome Skittles, you’re gonna like it, it’s not as good as the first album imo but there are a few songs that are fantastic.
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Just got some good news today 😊 #Rainbowlife
Good news? Ok I wanna know all about it...
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It makes life easier for both of us and then You don't feel uncomfortable anymore and no anon she is not in four months then yes but rn it's just me and my mum :D #RL
It makes life a lot easier yes and anon here your answer ^^^
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Wooooo vacation I'm on mine rn, it's been good just surrounding myself by my friends and hardly getting any sleep and hating being a girl but I can't really complain ^^
I’m happy you’re on vacation and surrounded by your friends but please at least try to sleep a little because everyone needs it, also I hope you overcome your hating being a girl in the best way for you Skittles!
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How's life been treating you recently? ^^
Life has been treating me good, I’m busy as hell but I can’t really complain, plus in a little less than 3 weeks I’m gonna be on vacation and I can’t really wait for that tbh, what about you Skittles?
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Hey hey there Rainbow-Chan! What song would you describe your best friend? Mine would be That Poppy- Lowlife (in a none romantic way obviously XD)
Hey there Skittles, mmmh I never thought about a song to describe a best friend but the first song that popped in my head was Oath by Cher Lloyd and Becky G but only because I saw Power Rangers again the other day and Becky G is hot ahahah, plus even if the song is not the best in my opinion at least it has relatable lyrics for me…
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Damn it's the same over here too, so boiling, what's the temp over there?
here it goes between 34° and 37°, it’s not too hot yet tho, Milan tends to go beyond that in the middle of summer but still all the humidity is killing me here, and I believe you are in an even worse situation considering where you live the sun is like something that you see just a handful of times...
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I'm doing great! It's my seven month anniversary today, how are you doing? 😊
Oh happy seven month anniversary skittles...I’m doing good today even if the spawn of Satan is in the sky today and I’m pratically melting like an ice cream in an oven...
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*Peeks head around the corner* Hewwo! Long time no see ^^
Hey there lil’ sis, how ya doing this day?
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Awwww I'm blushing! Thank you so much TA That means the world to me and know I love you all no matter what Because you're family to me 💖
All of this, I love when the squad is supportive of each other :D
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Nuuuu you're the real cutie since you're short and you're face is adorable nobody can deny that and I love you too ( ^ω^)
I know I’m adorable and I know I’m short too ahahahah but we can be cute together, it’s always better be something together...
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Awwwwwww you're making me blush Rainbow-Chan! (///▽///)
That’s because you’re a cutie whom I love so blush all you want hahaha
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Hahaha it's like life insurance but instead of money and when I die it's all my life and your proudness XD
Of course ahaha my pride for you will follow you in paradise too, it’s a special feature that only people I love can have in their insurance options XD
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Hahaha I just wanted to let my big sis know other than my mum you're the first person I've told because I love you and I knew you'd believe in me like I always believe in you 😊
Thank you for thelling me Skittles and you know with me you’re always covered if you need someone to believe in you ahahah
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