#gg 2.02
xstrawmari · 3 years
"I'm gonna teach you"
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pynkhues · 3 years
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gabrielllas · 4 years
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Beth & Rio looking at each other [27/?]
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vd-movies · 3 years
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GOSSIP GIRL SEASON 2 (2008-2009)
Episode: 2.02, Never Been Marcused.
Leighton Meester as Blair Waldorf.
Patrick Heusinger as Marcus Beaton.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 4 years
A few thoughts about ep 3 (episode 2 available here)....
Annie and Ruby impersonating Amber’s commercial is always a delight
Sheila is an underrated character. Now I want to write a fic from her POV about Stan and Ruby’s relationship haha!
Beth begging the girls to ask her to turn around before the border as a grand dramatic moment of “we made an irreversible choice” is dumb af. She could always turn around in front of the craft store and drive back to Detroit with an empty trunk, y’know?
I find it generally hilarious that Annie is always sitting in the back of the car, like the child that she is :)
Mae actually has a pretty great voice, I’d love a singing episode!!!
Beth being all like “ugh, he’s whining cause he got shot in the foot, what a baby” and then ranting about the advantages of healthcare system in Canada is such a fucking mood!!
Rio ignoring Beth and bossing around in the wharehouse is probably his longest line EVER.
When he finally turns his head at her there’s a metallic “tchimp!” sound effect, could they even be more obvious???
I miss those times when Stan and Ruby had this quiet handcuff kink going on so much!!!!
Dean saying “if we were smart we would get back together” is straight telling Beth she’s stupid for kicking him out and I just... UUUUUUUGH!!!!
As much as I love the PEARRRRLS, I keep thinking that Beth’s move doesn’t make any sense? Rio’s clearly gone, there’s absolutely no reason for him to come back snooping around to see if some lady left jewelry behind.
At this point I’ve listened to Written in the water so many times that the cuts they made in the song for the scene kinda bother me??
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So because I don't have access to GG Season 2 yet, I have to live vicariously through the rest of you during this re-watch.
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misshazelevers20 · 4 years
GG 2.02 Discussion Questions
thank you @pynkhues for the lovely questions!!
1. What was your favourite scene of the episode? Tell us why!
Shocking, but I’m not going to choose a beth x rio scene ( even tho they were amazing), I have to say that my absolute favorite scene is “ I’m that bitch” speech. Ruby was amazing and she was 100% right and I love her. 
2. Was there any scene that missed the mark for you? And if so, how? 
I just hate how often the girls get blackmailed and they have to go through so much shit just to get the money and... yikes. Just kill Boomer and you won’t have to worry about getting him money. Also it’s not like he is trustworthy, he could lie to them and say that he is leaving, but then he would testify anyway.  
3. At the start of this episode, the girls discuss Rio’s assignment and they talk about it as a gang initiation - blood in, blood out. Do you think this is what Rio actually intended in giving them the job? Or do you think it was still more of a punishment for his arrest?
It was definitely a punishment, because shooting Dean hadn’t been enough ( let’s be honest, that’s not a punishment, that’s like a gift). I also think that Rio wanted to make sure that the girls would never dare to turn him in to the police again because they would have blood on their hands. Also also maybe he gets turn on by the idea of Beth killing people, we don’t kinkshame around here. 
7. Nancy gets a lot of great scenes in this episode, and in particular it seems to mark an overall turning point in her relationship with Annie twice over – the first when it becomes clear that she wants a relationship with Annie, and secondly the betrayal of realising Annie’s been sleeping with Greg. Why do you think Nancy sought out a friendship with Annie? And what do you think of Annie’s varying responses to the other woman?
I don’t think that Nancy ever disliked Annie, she just found her intimidating in the beginning. But now that she is pregnant with Greg’s child she wants to be friends with Annie and ask her for advice. Annie definitely didn’t like Nancy for a very long time, now I think that she feels guilty for what she had done and she feels sorry for Nancy. 
8. “I don’t think I’ve ever looked at Dean the way you looked at Stan.” Discuss!
Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think that Beth ever loved Dean in a romantic way. Did she had a crush on him when she was a teenager? Sure. Does she loves him as a friend/person? Of course. But I very much doubt that she was ever in love with him. I think that she married him because he had promised that he would take care of her and she cared about him. She wasn’t crazy over him but she told herself that it’s okay, that it doesn’t matter, because they can still be happy. And yes, maybe she was jealous of Ruby because she married the person she was in love with, but that’s something that Beth would never admit. 
9. “I’m that bitch” Discuss! 
I have no words, that scene is absolutely amazing and I love that Ruby is proud of what she had done to save her family. 
10. We’ve seen Beth try to bullshit Rio a lot across the three seasons of the show, but arguably the scene at the pool is one of her most brazen lies. Do you think Rio believed Beth at any point in her story? What do you think was running through both their heads in the moment of it?  
Nope, I rewatched the scene and it’s pretty clear to me that he never believed her. He has the talent of seeing right through her bullshit, and he seemed quite amused by the fact that she tried to lie to him about murdering Boomer. Beth was just trying to keep calm and hope that he got distracted by her boobs and actually believed her lie. 
11. Why do you think Beth aggressively stole / tore down the stop sign?
Because she needed to feel in control at least once. 
12. That final scene with Beth and Rio is another massive turning point in the season overall, and likely one of their most emotionally honest. What are your thoughts on it overall? And what do you make of it in the context of the broader series?
I’m sorry, am I supposed to actually answer this coherently???? asdfghjkl, that scene is amazing and I’ve been obsessed with the song for months and omg can you believe that he touched her again and he is going to teach her and she was so soft and at one point he looked like he was going to kiss her and i died and i cannot with these two. 
13. On a scale of one to ten, how mad are you that we never got the scene where Rio taught Beth how to use a gun?
11, how dare they?! I’ve always had a weakness for Mentor ships and I would never forgive them for not showing us that scene. ( I also have this hc that Rio basically used any excuse to touch Beth and that’s when she realized that he was attracted to her- she married her first boyfriend so she isn’t an expert when it comes to flirting).   
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extrabet365 · 3 years
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✖️ Ov 1.25 HT quota 2.02 stake 2.5
✖️ GG HT quota 3.75 quota 1
Le proposte di oggi sono nel match del tardo pomeriggio di Bundesliga: le statistiche dei due club sono impressionanti: il Moenchengladbach ha 10/10 di over 0.5 ht in casa e ben l’88% di over 1.5 ht; il Leverkusen fuori ha 100% e 89%. Entrambe sono ai vertici della classifica di chi ha fatto registrare il segno goal al 45°: Gladbach al 56% in casa e Leverkusen al 50% fuori a fronte di una media della Bundesliga pari al 22.7%.
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pynkhues · 3 years
One of the things I miss most about this show is getting to watch Christina and Retta play off each other. They're both such wonderful actresses, but they bring such a warmth to their scenes together and I love them a lot.
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gabrielllas · 4 years
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Beth & Rio looking at each other [25/?]
rio watching beth dig herself into a hole
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1tvchannelnews · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://1tvchannel.eu/stoiximan-%ce%bc%ce%b1%cf%84%cf%83%ce%ac%cf%81%ce%b1-%cf%80%ce%b1%ce%bf%ce%ba%ce%bc%cf%80%ce%b5%ce%bd%cf%86%ce%af%ce%ba%ce%b1-%ce%bc%ce%b5-%cf%84%ce%bf-over-2-5-%ce%b3%ce%ba%ce%bf%ce%bb-%cf%83/
Stoiximan: Ματσάρα ΠΑΟΚ-Μπενφίκα με το over 2.5 γκολ στο 2.02!
Μία ακόμη υπέρβαση κυνηγά ο ΠΑΟΚ για να πανηγυρίσει την παρθενική του παρουσία στους ομίλους του Champions League και η Stoiximan σας προσφέρει τη ματσάρα ΠΑΟΚ-Μπενφίκα με ΣΟΥΠΕΡ αποδόσεις και 300+αγορές! Και 0% γκανιότα!
*0% Γκανιότα* σημαίνει καθόλου προμήθεια για την εταιρεία και κατά συνέπεια μεγαλύτερες αποδόσεις του στοιχήματος παγκοσμίως!
Οι καλύτερες αποδόσεις και αμέτρητες αγορές, όπως πάντα στην Stoiximan, τη μεγαλύτερη εταιρεία στοιχήματος στην Κύπρο!
Η νίκη του ΠΑΟΚ δίνει 3.20, η ισοπαλία 3.54 και η νίκη της Μπενφίκα δίνει 2.45. Η πρόκριση του ΠΑΟΚ παίζεται στο 2.10 και της Μπενφίκα στο 1.75. Το over 2.5 γκολ δίνει 2.02, το over 3.5 γκολ δίνει 3.60 και το under 1.5 γκολ έχει απόδοση 3.20. Στο 1.80 το GG, στο 1.97 το NG!
Σε ποιο ημίχρονο θα μπουν περισσότερα γκολ; Στο πρώτο 3.15, στο δεύτερα 1.97. Τα ίδια γκολ και στα δύο ημίχρονα; Απόδοση 3.30! Αν πιστεύετε ότι στο δεύτερο ημίχρονο θα μπουν 2 γκολ, ποντάρετε στο 3.55! Νίκη του ΠΑΟΚ χωρίς μηδέν παθητικό δίνει 6.00 και νίκη της Μπενφίκα με ανατροπή δίνει 9.00!
Ποιος θα πετύχει το πρώτο γκολ στο παιχνίδι; Ο Πρίγιοβιτς, ο Φερέιρα και ο Σάλβιο έχουν απόδοση 4.75! Στο 6.00 ο Σεφέρβοτις, στο 7.00 Πίτσι και Πέλκας. Γκολ του Βιεϊρίνια και νίκη του ΠΑΟΚ δίνει 11.50. Γκολ του Κάνιας και νίκη του ΠΑΟΚ έχει απόδοση 21.00. Πιστεύετε ότι θα έχει απ’ ευθείας αποβολή στο παιχνίδι; Απόδοση 7.00!
Αναλυτικά όλες οι αγορές για το ματς αυτό εδώ.
Αυτές είναι μερικές μόνο από τις αμέτρητες επιλογές που προσφέρει η Stoiximan και στο Champions League (σκόρερ, κάρτες, κόρνερ κτλ.).
Εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε αποδόσεις και για τα υπόλοιπα αποψινά παιχνίδια του Champions League.  
Φυσικά πάντα για νέους παίκτες ισχύει το 100% στην πρώτη κατάθεση.
Και… μπόνους! Στους μεγάλους αγώνες η Stoiximan έχει ειδικές προσφορές που ανεβαίνουν live στο Stoiximan.com.cy κάθε μέρα.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 4 years
Good Girls Tag Game
Tagged by @joeyjoeylee, @gild-and-fire and @medievaldarling (thank you dears! ❤️❤️❤️)
When did you start watching Good Girls?
In early March 2019 for season 1, then I binged season 2 in June when it dropped on Netflix France.
Why did you start watching Good Girls?
I think that netflix started recommending me the season 1 of this show in like December 2018 or something? I already knew Christina from Mad Men and I generally like crime-comedy, so I was like, "hmmm, maybe later" and probably added it to my list or something but didn't watch. And then at the end of January I was on the plane for my trip to Thailand (remember that time when we could hop on planes and like, go to other countries??? Wild...) and was looking for something to watch and they had GG s1 so I was like, "oh yeah, netflix suggested me that show, the trailer sounded fun, might as well give it a go!". I watched the first episode and liked it, but this freaking plane company didn't provide ANY subtitle at all (like even in English!! WTF???) so I concluded to myself that she show was worth a watch but that I'd wait to be back home to watch it properly with English subtitles so I wouldn't miss any line.
Weirdly enough restrospectively, I didn't get hooked before at least 2.02, like, I finished S1 in March and didn't even know by then that S2 was airing nor was particularly impatient, and when S2 dropped on Netflix a couple months later, I was mostly like, "oh, right, this was a cool show, there is more!". And then season 2 happened to me and ruined my life.
Who is your favorite character?
What's your favorite ship?
Beth x sleep, Beth x food, Beth x hugs
Who is your favorite secondary character?
Mary Pat
If you could give Beth one background detail what would it be?
She suffered from depression as a teen
If you could give Annie one background detail what would it be?
She keeps a dreams journal
If you could give Ruby one background detail what would it be?
She has siblings but they live in another State and she doesn't see them/speak to them very often.
What's your favorite crime related moment or storyline?
When the girls go to the drug dealers' house and Beth is on her little power trip of "oh you think you're in charge? That's adorable. See, I'm the reason you exist", and it leads to a bittersweet conclusion because sure, the girls didn't get raped in the basement but they lost their phones and wallets, sooooo...
What's your favorite personal moment or storyline?
THE. BATHROOM. BREAK. It does count as personal, right? Right?!
FMK: I got tagged three times with three different trios, so:
@joeyjoeylee this was hard, once Turner's obviously assigned, you leave me with douchebag number 1 and douchebag number 2. Do I look like some Annie to you?
Fuck: Turner (have you SEEN what the other two look like? I'm not touching that with a six feet pole!)
Marry: Gregg (I guess at least he's got money and is vaguely handsome?)
Kill: Noah. By elimination
@gild-and-fire how dare make me choose between those three lil beans???
Fuck: Turner
Marry: Mick (I’d fuck Mick too honestly but there’s no way I’d marry Turner lol)
Kill: Max (look I love him, but he's unattractive as fuck and I want to be able to buy my own tampons, soooo... Also can't kill either Turner or Mick)
@medievaldarling you really don't spare me any shame, right??
Fuck: Gayle (have you SEEN the other two?? Plus she has perfectly-sized boobs, right?)
Marry: JT (really by default honestly, I don't care about this character but there's no way in hell I'm either fucking or marrying Noah)
Kill: Noah
Bonus: Add 3 characters in the hashtags for your tagged friends to play fuck, marry, kill! (or snog, marry, avoid!)
I’m tagging quite blindly so sorry if you did it already (but please tag me so I can SEE): @whiskeyjack @00gangfriend00 @riosnecktattoo @missmaxime
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crissgilmore · 11 years
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requested by bellapaige88
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pynkhues · 3 years
I think there's an argument to be made that this is the moment Rio realises he's in love with Beth.
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pynkhues · 3 years
Dean might genuinely think about Rio more than Beth does haha
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pynkhues · 3 years
Rio dragging his hand across Beth's back as he leaves after she fails abysmally to bullshit him.
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