#gg 2.12
pynkhues · 3 years
It’s the way Rio can’t even look at her! Her face when he told her she was just work The angst !!!!! gosh they both are so good in this scene
Yesssss, the way he can't look at her as he says it only to look at her immediately afterwards, unblinking, like he wants to see the hurt of it.
There's such a great parallel in it to their 2.09 break-up where Beth left him when she was the one to badly navigate what it was they were to each other. She made love to him only to tell him she was out of the business, acting like he'd understand the latter meant an end to the former as well. She made their relationship work first, and now Rio throws that back in her face and it hurts her.
The fact that it's punctuated by this sort of attention versus a lack thereof too – Beth leaves immediately in 2.09, like I said, she doesn't look back at him, but Rio looks back at her now. Has to, because he has to know that what he's done has had the same impact that what she did had on him.
They both spend so long denying that there's anything between them, that sometimes I think they both find it satisfying to hurt the other. After all, if it hurts, it means there is something there, that it's real, that it's something alive enough to be killed, and bright enough to claw it's way back and survive.
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xstrawmari · 4 years
Can see Rio deleting just enough voicemails so Beth could leave more and get annoyed that the mailbox is full all over again
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jade-marie · 4 years
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I’m literally just trying to fill the time here
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Spoilers for GG 2.12 "Jeff". Check it out! The last paragraph has me shook!
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orange1896 · 3 years
DK300-1003001C-C64 HEAD GASKET DK300-1003001C YUCHAI
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DK300-1003001C-C64 HEAD GASKET DK300-1003001C YUCHAI
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400201387 XCMG 500KG.22.2.8分配阀安装板组件 822735536 XCMG 87311-24-24软管接头(用803164868替代) 9345991 859979478 XCMG 圆钢φ8045 955863 252109361 XCMG LQC120.8.9.4皮带罩(删除) 401000290 XCMG XC8220.11-5销轴 252800390 XCMG XG21L(B)-3513002储气筒 9505214 402208403 XCMG J6.14-9II型号牌(RP601J+475出口用) 822701287 XCMG XAP320.05.1.1-8齿轮 705222837 XCMG 300F(CQ).902-04-007矩形管 705213023 XCMG 85Z.角撑 9368183* 400403157 XCMG HZS181.8-3电铃安装座 805100196 XCMG 612600062526多楔带(备件) 802005696 253103025 XCMG 1200K.12.2.12-3钢管 252118784 XCMG Z5G.030-113.3弯板 860104829 XCMG Z8G.7.1.20BF型胶管 401004578 XCMG Z5G.654-1-701立板 805300069 XCMG DV25D.10.50.25米盖板总成标准件 252112283 XCMG 扩压管WD615(粗)(备件) 400406403 XCMG 500K(LNG).底板总成 705221750 XCMG XS302Ⅱ.0振动压路机 201000658 XCMG 902-1705-10钢管(80×8×2000) 805047565 XCMG 902-1191-2方管 819941881 XCMG LW280B.9电气系统 201001217 XCMG FT2NC90C202012-1730-PS-K90马达进油管 228900185 XCMG 垫片2.163.504 3004144 253405248 XCMG WA1210.741-1-6可调支承 9356907 252800430 XCMG 300K(PKS).11.1仪表盘线束 "WHATSAPP/WECHAT:0086-1525 4934 126 Email:[email protected]" 239900380 XCMG 900KN.1.4-8A上水管II 705228864 XCMG JK932-700K组合开关 7S1637 402200415 XCMG GB/T5780-2000螺栓M12×140 803604319 XCMG 1200K.30.1铲斗 Z00340090 252903893 XCMG 300K.斜板 A3-2768 705220628 XCMG 1200K.12.2.2-2垫板 860148646 XCMG YP250.051000右箱体总成 9365793 276101178 XCMG 948.右后视镜支架 252807854 XCMG XT680.9.4检测装置 859980798 XCMG HZS180.槽钢筋120 803407748 XCMG XGXL5-10X100滤油器总成(作废)现用250200471 860105155 XCMG XC760K.11.1.1-1外侧板 705204245 XCMG 重庆泰宏增加包 J320F.B11-5B 820101255 XCMG Z3G(CE).8.2-4加强板 800138214 XCMG XAP320.3IIA除尘系统 228100299 XCMG XP203.18-2接头 803166248 XCMG 300K.030-66B.1.1-2板 700101560 XCMG 500K.731-25-1底座 102030053 705242014 XCMG 英文说明书YL16C/YL20C(备件) 402207194 XCMG TL0131091型护套 805600200 XCMG WJ04.11.7-2主板 225700487 XCMG 缸盖垫片D6114(备件) 252804044 XCMG 500KG.6.1-8左翼板 250100289 XCMG 800KVII.10.1.3-6锁安装板 253010614 XCMG GFT13T27438行走减速机 253401784 XCMG XS82.12.2.1-1右侧板 A3-4621 400404213 XCMG XS122ⅣPD.1Ⅱ车架装配 WJ0005175 269800245 XCMG GG-902转速传感器 705110992 XCMG 300KV.6II.1-6安装板 200300364 XCMG 679-压紧座 801141399 XCMG 800K.22-3(L)筋板 803407925 XCMG 874-104-2压板 252200449 XCMG EGEO15LM27×2EDOMD接头 252604140 XCMG 600KVM.40III.1-23卸载限位块 "WHATSAPP/WECHAT:0086-1525 4934 126 Email:[email protected]" 253011239 XCMG ZYTZ286-2012700k改制车退库件 401005556 XCMG XS262II.5.2-5变径管 276202851 XCMG XAP120.5.8.2沥青出油管 D0-3786 705240280 XCMG 300KV(TD).10B.1驾驶室总成(工艺1)上柴 705235809 XCMG XE80CⅡ.17.1-1盖板 252118105 XCMG 500KLT18.8A.2-11封板 860100578 XCMG 1100K.030-2.12翻转定位支架 253502269 XCMG 2102W.05.4摇杆 276600884 XCMG DL1200K.5.1-19横板 252118056 XCMG XD111.030-06.2-3筋板 276400420 XCMG XT680.8.1.9-1底板 250301720 XCMG 900KN.4.7-2横撑 803006668 XCMG 700HV.734-1.1-2定位键 227300402 XCMG LW320G.8.1Ⅴ-1斗壁 705204617 XCMG Z5G.030-123.1安装座 A4-0831 860126463 XCMG RP602L.1.2.3-2筋板 225100372 XCMG 600K.4B.4.2-1右压型板Ⅰ 9700379 253105466 XCMG 300KL.加强板 252805202 XCMG 130305拨叉(卡拉罗)(特机备件) 253104252 XCMG DL210KL.7.2.5胶管总成 253005799 XCMG 300FS.22-侧卸整机增减包 803676786 XCMG 600KXI.31.1-2*动臂铰接板I合件 312000197 231500298 XCMG XD122.13-25A水管 860136535 XCMG XD1500.1-6B型销 5012292 269801081 XCMG 400FV.燃油箱焊合件 705245350 XCMG 500KV.加强筋 276600695 XCMG 900KN.1.6集中放油水管路 253203770 XCMG 400KV.2II.2.1发变连接组件 250400295 XCMG 500E(II).8.1-4法兰 252802197 XCMG TZ3S.05.2.1-27尾架左侧板 822537614 XCMG F481CACF282212-3770软管总成 9363116 226500106 XCMG BF6M1013ECP发动机 7B2420 413403774 XCMG LW160K.5.1前车架 860117246 XCMG N481HAHF080804-1080软管总成 253205169 XCMG 700K.50.1.2销轴 253304748 XCMG 902-1395.1-1角钢40 803604739 XCMG XC360.5.16-1A安装板 B2-0619 253502912 XCMG 500KIII.7(工艺)液压系统 400704122 XCMG JB/T8406-2008胶管B8×1100 281100657 XCMG 475.6.1.1Ⅱ.1喷火板 803704310 XCMG MYF200.16.12转向泵轴承润滑油管 252911331 XCMG 95Z.8-9螺栓 803164901 XCMG 制动器防尘圈475F(备件) 705210657 XCMG N902-753.1.2-3圆钢 L00360128 252805026 XCMG 902-862.2-1钢板 252804950 XCMG 700KN.5.2翻斗缸-前车架销 252116598 XCMG N902-677-003方管 231400590 XCMG 743058耳板 9502802 803130298 XCMG 679-29.1.1-1上板 803004168 XCMG Z5G.8.1III.1.1-1斗底护板 253205014 XCMG 减速电机CPZH34B18-D112MH-4G-L3 252113841 XCMG E600TV.1.3.3-3下连板 Y00170060 200901598 XCMG XP203.5.4.1右后盖板焊接 225702177 XCMG 1200K.26**1200K集中润滑(博涛)管路接头备件 Z00310032 "WHATSAPP/WECHAT:0086-1525 4934 126 Email:[email protected]" 705256736 XCMG 1183681起动机(备件) 276610365 XCMG 700KLNG.4.2.1-6加强筋 7E5435 253600413 XCMG LQC120.高支腿(删除) A4-9248 227301308 XCMG C13BL-M2S6160平垫圈(上柴CB0264)(备件) A7-07604 705225685 XCMG XP261.20-6配重块Ⅲ 860106976 XCMG 600K.10II.1.12.1地板总成 705211157 XCMG R4L.9.5.1-1左前侧罩 860132432 XCMG PD410-1产品标牌V58     Read the full article
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valeriemperez · 7 years
Not to nag on that Anon but in comparison Iris does get more development compared to every other character who is not Barry. She's certainly given more to do and development in comparison to Wally, Harrison, CS, etc. I know it's not what everyone wants to sometimes but iris does get treated decently well imo. Of course it could always be better but it's not as dire as people sometimes make it out to be
Yeah, it’s definitely a matter of perspective when it comes to what Iris gets. I tend to agree with you that Iris gets a fair amount considering how everything in this show goes back to Barry, but at the same time of course there are things I want to see for her that I’m not getting.
The show would 100% benefit from Iris tracking down stories & being at CCPN, like in 2.12 and 3.11. And the show would benefit from Iris having recurring female friendships, so I am disappointed that those things haven’t emerged yet. But I am happy about Iris being the Overwatch of the team - and I stringently disagree that she’s not suited to it because she very much is. And I’m happy that it seems Iris and Cecile will be bonding, because I think they can mine a few episodes worth of plot from that as well.
I think that clip in the new promo is Barry explaining why he went into the speedforce at the end of season 3. Hopefully the writers will show Iris has a point from where she’s coming from. CP seemed to explain that Barry needs to understand how Iris felt about him leaving too at sdcc. Your thoughts?
I agree that this is what the scene is, and I’m pretty sure Iris will have laid out her feelings by this point. I think they will come to the joint realization that they’re in this together and they both need to keep the other in mind when making decisions. I wouldn’t be surprised if they wind up re-decorating the apartment with Iris’ input tbh, as a gesture from Barry that he hears her.
I think people are nervous cause typically the show focuses on Barry's perspective. However CP said the two of them need to work on communication before moving forward. I think iris will say her piece about being left behind to pick up the pieces, while Barry will say if in the moment he needs to do something extreme to save everyone then he will. GG did mention Barry was going have to work back the trust from the whole team, not just Iris.
Yes, it’s understandable that people worry Iris’ POV will be undercut in favor of Barry’s. But I think we will at least get to hear her air out her feelings, or else Candice wouldn’t have such a clear understanding of them. And I’m glad Iris won’t be alone in her concern.
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In recent years, K-Pop music videos have shown a surge in popularity, with many MVs from popular artists gaining millions or tens of millions of views in no time at all. It’s less common for debut MVs to get so many views, since oftentimes people aren’t interested in listening to a new artist or simply aren’t aware of them, but the following 15 debut music videos didn’t have that issue! A lot of the artists listed are from groups created by competition shows or are members from already popular groups, but not all of them. They’ve racked up both impressive view counts as well as likes, the latter of which can serve as a better indicator of an artist’s popularity. These are the top 15 most-liked K-Pop debut MVs! 15. “Flash” by X1    X1’s debut music video, “Flash”, came out on August 27, 2019. With 101.7 million views, the MV also has 1.57 million likes! 14. “Bon Bon Chocolat” by EVERGLOW    EVERGLOW’s debut music video, “Bon Bon Chocolat”, came out on March 18, 2019. With 73.8 million views, the MV also has 1.63 million likes! 13. “LATATA” by (G)I-DLE    (G)I-DLE’s debut music video, “LATATA”, came out on May 2, 2018. With 147.8 million views, the MV also has 1.70 million likes! 12. “I” by Taeyeon    Taeyeon’s debut music video, “I”, came out on October 6, 2015. With 202.5 million views, the MV also has 1.88 million likes! 11. “Energetic” by Wanna One    Wanna One’s debut music video, “Energetic”, came out on August 7, 2017. With 135.7 million views, the MV also has 2.12 million likes! 10. “Like Ooh-Ahh” by TWICE    TWICE’s debut music video, “Like Ooh-Ahh,”, came out on October 19, 2015. With 369.2 million views, the MV also has 2.33 million likes! 9. “Lil’ Touch” by Girls’ Generation-Oh!GG    Girls’ Generation-Oh!GG’s debut music video, “Lil’ Touch”, came out on September 5, 2018. With 132.9 million views, the MV also has 2.40 million likes! 8. “Birthday” by Somi    Somi’s debut music video, “Birthday”, came out on June 13, 2019. With 80.5 million views, the MV also has 2.41 million likes! 7. “Monster” by Red Velvet’s Irene & Seulgi    Red Velvet’s Irene & Seulgi’s debut music video, “Monster”, came out on July 7, 2020. With 45.3 million views, the MV also has 2.60 million likes! 6. “DALLA DALLA” by ITZY    ITZY’s debut music video, “DALLA DALLA”, came out on February 10, 2019. With 211.5 million views, the MV also has 2.92 million likes! 5. “No More Dream” by BTS    BTS’s debut music video, “No More Dream”, came out on June 11, 2013. With 149.9 million views, the MV also has 3.80 million likes! 4. “Crown” by TXT    TXT’s debut music video, “Crown”, came out on March 4, 2019. With 117.4 million views, the MV also has 4.51 million likes! 3. “Daydream” by J-Hope    J-Hope’s debut music video, “Daydream”, came out on March 1, 2018. With 120.5 million views, the MV also has 5.04 million likes! 2. “Whistle” by BLACKPINK    BLACKPINK’s debut music video, “Whistle”, came out on August 8, 2016. With 530.6 million views, the MV also has 5.29 million li by Korea Stars TV
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weblack6668 · 5 years
[LIVE] 墨西哥超級聯賽 拿根亞vs墨西哥美洲 場中
新發財情報已發佈到 http://black66.com/3430/
[LIVE] 墨西哥超級聯賽 拿根亞vs墨西哥美洲 場中
[LIVE] 墨西哥超級聯賽 拿根亞vs墨西哥美洲 場中
作者wl02061274 (妞妞寶)
標題[LIVE] 墨西哥超級聯賽 拿根亞vs墨西哥美洲 場中
時間Sun Nov 3 08:56:30 2019
09:00 準時開踢 各位早安阿
拿根亞PK 3.40 和局 3.10 墨西哥PK 1.70 拿根亞受 1.65 讓和 3.60 墨西哥讓 3.20
0~1球 3.50 2~3球 1.75 4+ 2.85
40′ 墨西哥美洲(進球) (0:1) HT 67′ 拿根亞(進球) 71′ 拿根亞(點球) (2:1) FT
完賽 拿根亞獲勝
— ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SportLottery/M.1572742592.A.D8B.html ※ 編輯: wl02061274 ( 臺灣), 11/03/2019 08:58:50
推 love072642 : 2-3 11/03 09:01
推 louisxxiii : 2.5大給不給吃啦 11/03 09:02
推 yeisyuan : 妞妞早安(′・ω・)σ 11/03 09:02
→ wl02061274 : 早安阿葉大 墨超有想法嗎:) 11/03 09:03
推 kobe7477 : 墨超第一次玩 11/03 09:04
→ wl02061274 : 墨西哥紀錄都踢滿大的 拿根亞紀錄都是被踢爆的那方 11/03 09:06
推 kobe7477 : 感謝鼠大資訊 11/03 09:08
推 willieyang : 看好第一球美洲(不負責分析) 11/03 09:09
推 yeisyuan : 我是抓1:1啦 不過不熟 11/03 09:09
→ willieyang : 這兩隊前4次美洲主場交手 3場小2.5 11/03 09:10
推 iimk0918 : 拿根亞很爛買他都被踢爆 11/03 09:11
→ wl02061274 : 這兩隊交手資訊都很久之前了qq 喜歡看兩隊近況 11/03 09:12
推 rayes : 孬剛第一次開墨超場中 11/03 09:14
推 willieyang : 上季有過一場 大概每季一場場中 XD 11/03 09:16
推 z954008 : 快睡著了 11/03 09:16
推 nO25948 : 開這種垃圾場不如開nba 11/03 09:18
→ wl02061274 : 足球就是這樣沒辦法~ 太快進也不好XD 11/03 09:20
推 willieyang : 昨天看到威剛選這場 就覺得大概這場小球了 XD 11/03 09:21
推 z954008 : 上一場場中已經1:0了 11/03 09:23
→ wl02061274 : 上半有球小玩一下 11/03 09:23
推 white8520 : 等隊長起床 11/03 09:23
推 all035 : 來顆上半球吧 11/03 09:24
推 NBALBJLEG : 破蛋吧 11/03 09:25
推 bluestack : 上半應該1:0之類 11/03 09:25
→ NBALBJLEG : 賠率看能不能等到2 11/03 09:25
推 omgbase0914 : 墨超尾球多嗎 11/03 09:28
推 all035 : 鎖 11/03 09:28
推 kobe7477 : 鎖 11/03 09:28
推 willieyang : 墨超尾球不少 11/03 09:28
→ omgbase0914 : 隔壁被退XD 11/03 09:30
推 iimk0918 : 客0球 11/03 09:30
推 willieyang : 隔壁蒙特雷被退兩球了 XD 11/03 09:31
推 omgbase0914 : 感謝墨超王XD 11/03 09:31
→ wl02061274 : 這射門次數很漂亮 但就是進不了 11/03 09:32
推 bluestack : 2.30了 11/03 09:32
→ NiNiHOT : 1.2名之爭 看小球也很正常 11/03 09:33
推 hao19961216 : 猶豫要不要進場 11/03 09:33
→ wl02061274 : 墨西哥近幾場上半都沒球 怕了QQ 11/03 09:33
推 gtvbsg : ……… 11/03 09:33
推 all035 : 上半有球再補一張 11/03 09:34
→ wl02061274 : 等1.5大好了 11/03 09:34
推 hb050317 : 墨西哥足球有特色嗎?剛剛看到有人很多尾球? 11/03 09:34
推 rayes : 我看的大陸轉播危險進攻會卡 這場一直都很順 11/03 09:35
推 willieyang : 特色嗎? 前幾輪大球場一堆 前幾輪中有一輪 8場大球 11/03 09:36
→ wl02061274 : 11111111111111111 11/03 09:39
推 JAYLIHSU : 爽啊~ 11/03 09:39
→ wl02061274 : 3.75倍!!!!!!!!! 11/03 09:40
推 hao19961216 : 3.4倍 11/03 09:40
推 gtvbsg : 噗 11/03 09:40
※ 編輯: wl02061274 ( 臺灣), 11/03/2019 09:40:24
推 yuiscarlet : 才剛要進有球… 11/03 09:40
推 omgbase0914 : 馬的 3倍轉半天沒買到就進了 11/03 09:40
推 kobe7477 : GOAL 11/03 09:40
→ hatsuta : 賠率真漂亮 11/03 09:40
→ wl02061274 : 水啦~~~ 11/03 09:40
→ hao19961216 : 3.75吃 感謝墨超王 11/03 09:40
→ kobe7477 : 爽 小賺1K 11/03 09:40
推 rayes : 黃色的進了 尾球欸 11/03 09:40
推 canttorati : 靠北 進錯邊 11/03 09:40
→ wl02061274 : 這才是足球阿 賠率甜又尾球 11/03 09:40
推 godsong : 買太早2.65而已 11/03 09:41
推 vincelala : 感謝墨超王 11/03 09:41
→ hatsuta : 還要加一句 然後是正盤 11/03 09:41
→ gtvbsg : 對啊 11/03 09:41
推 all035 : 收8張百元0.5 大(逃 11/03 09:41
推 willieyang : 有中就好,恭喜恭喜~ 11/03 09:41
推 bluestack : 再一球啊啊啊啊啊啊 11/03 09:41
→ wl02061274 : 1.95 2.12 3.75都收 貪賠貪賠 11/03 09:42
→ willieyang : 上半場不看好有球了 11/03 09:42
→ all035 : 下一球應該在下半了 11/03 09:42
推 twchih018 : 感謝墨超王 11/03 09:42
→ wl02061274 : 紀錄果然不會騙人 11/03 09:43
推 omgbase0914 : 轉一分鐘才買到 是要玩什麼… 11/03 09:43
→ wl02061274 : 這射門次數很多阿 可以拼有球 11/03 09:43
推 willieyang : 有中就好,恭喜恭喜~ 11/03 09:44
推 wite : 收怪賠2.18XD 11/03 09:44
推 twchih018 : 剛好跟到 11/03 09:44
→ wl02061274 : HT 11/03 09:45
※ 編輯: wl02061274 ( 臺灣), 11/03/2019 09:45:58
→ willieyang : 拿根亞在美洲主場打得不太好 不看好上半還有球 11/03 09:46
推 all035 : 沒補時… 11/03 09:46
推 bluestack : 請問如果賽前買2-3球1.75,那下半場該怎麼套呢? 11/03 09:46
推 omgbase0914 : 沒補時XD 11/03 09:46
推 twchih018 : 上半美洲再收 11/03 09:46
→ wl02061274 : 我覺得2球應該不是問題 比較怕4+ 11/03 09:46
→ willieyang : 我覺得2~3還有機會 下半應該有球 11/03 09:46
→ wl02061274 : 沒什麼問題就不太會補時了 11/03 09:47
推 qvt : 進一球就503? 11/03 09:47
→ bluestack : 如果買2-3球,兩隊滿3球時再買大3.5嗎 11/03 09:47
推 CAKB : 早上場中也要拔線哦 11/03 09:47
推 hao19961216 : 尾球虧錢就拔線 11/03 09:48
推 s2042335 : 乾 才進一球就拔線 11/03 09:48
推 willieyang : b大 是可以買保險啦 但我不看好4+ 11/03 09:48
→ wl02061274 : 滿3球再買3.5大賠率會很難看 看你現在要不要套一點 11/03 09:48
→ s2042335 : 我想買阿拓都不給機會阿 11/03 09:48
→ wl02061274 : 我也覺得最多3球 11/03 09:49
→ omgbase0914 : 3k 0.5大 3.4沒下到好幹…. 11/03 09:49
→ omgbase0914 : 驗證碼輸入完直接轉到卡死 重整重新輸入已經進了.. 11/03 09:49
推 willieyang : 那個等等要出門了 走前分析一下 下半場拿根亞應該有 11/03 09:51
推 duncan30236 : 0.5大小買1k撿到 11/03 09:51
→ willieyang : 1球 看看美洲有沒有第2球 11/03 09:52
→ willieyang : 祝大家賺大錢~ 11/03 09:52
推 bluestack : 謝謝兩位w大,那就不套了反正輸了認了xdd 11/03 09:53
→ wl02061274 : 數目很大我一定套 如果輸了不痛不癢 就不套看戲吧XD 11/03 09:55
推 bluestack : 只下500xdddd 11/03 09:56
→ wl02061274 : 看你囉~ 有人喜歡套利 有人喜歡承擔風險 11/03 09:58
推 bluestack : 月底換經銷商準備賺水錢所以這個月都當百元仔.. 11/03 09:59
→ wl02061274 : 真好 我好像還要再一個月才能換 11/03 10:01
推 hsb23 : 好像只有我買1.5小 11/03 10:02
推 goodmonmon : 我也有買1.5小 等套 11/03 10:03
→ wl02061274 : 心臟太大了吧~ 11/03 10:03
→ wl02061274 : 我都想買2.5大了哈哈 11/03 10:03
推 hsb23 : 因為小好久沒出了,靈感 11/03 10:04
推 goodmonmon : 小 4.4倍 大只要1.33倍就回本 接下來就看想賭多少 11/03 10:05
→ wl02061274 : 辛苦了 11/03 10:06
推 goodmonmon : 還是直接壓2.5大 賭他不掉洞XDD 11/03 10:09
→ wl02061274 : 現在沒什麼想法 等70後再買好了 11/03 10:10
推 hb050317 : 鎖 11/03 10:11
推 kaimah0912 : 假鎖 沒事 11/03 10:11
推 z954008 : 歐gg睡著沒買到 11/03 10:11
→ z954008 : 1:0了 11/03 10:12
→ Stojakovic16: 鎖很久 11/03 10:14
→ kaimah0912 : 工讀生買早餐? 11/03 10:15
推 henkyu : 照經驗估計收到風 11/03 10:15
推 asd1114 : 要鎖到進? 11/03 10:15
推 twchih018 : 別鎖了 11/03 10:15
推 iimk0918 : 上廁所 11/03 10:16
推 kaimah0912 : 下一球客玩玩看 11/03 10:18
推 tender573 : 看來收到屁風了 11/03 10:18
推 goodmonmon : 卡1.32 11/03 10:20
→ goodmonmon : 馬的 是在監看聊天室? 11/03 10:21
推 goodmonmon : 套了 兩邊不管怎麼踢都賺兩百 今天午餐有著落了 11/03 10:23
→ wl02061274 : 1:1 11/03 10:24
推 twchih018 : 水 11/03 10:24
推 asd1114 : 1:1 11/03 10:24
→ goodmonmon : 好險 11/03 10:24
→ twchih018 : 再一顆來 11/03 10:24
推 kaimah0912 : 下一球客收收收! 11/03 10:25
推 godtim : 水啦 11/03 10:25
→ ggchou : 靠,客真的進。主不讓讓我吃一下啦 11/03 10:25
推 junibookye : 感恩墨超王 買客 賠變賺 11/03 10:25
推 lovecute04 : 爽拉 客收 11/03 10:25
※ 編輯: wl02061274 ( 臺灣), 11/03/2019 10:26:05
推 gtvbsg : 想説70再補一單的@@ 11/03 10:26
推 cesarean : 下一球主 11/03 10:26
→ wl02061274 : 剛剛1.5大賠率多少呀 在看籃球沒注意 11/03 10:26
推 twchih018 : 1.4 11/03 10:26
→ wl02061274 : 好低 11/03 10:27
推 PSU : 水喔 收客 11/03 10:27
推 asd1114 : goal 11/03 10:27
→ asd1114 : 大分收啦 11/03 10:27
→ etugood : 逆轉 11/03 10:27
推 abb6704 : 哇靠 客勝剛剛有20倍… 11/03 10:28
→ twchih018 : 水來啦 2.5大 2.85get 11/03 10:28
推 qwe138794 : 哇靠 11/03 10:28
推 s2042335 : 2.5大收了3.5大繼續啊啊啊 11/03 10:28
推 phx79814 : 20倍!!!!! 11/03 10:28
推 kaimah0912 : 買個早餐又夠?太bar了吧 11/03 10:28
推 lovecute04 : 靠 不給押 殺小 11/03 10:28
→ s2042335 : 乾沒買到倒打只有買到初盤3.4 11/03 10:28
噓 ggchou : 主不讓公祭 11/03 10:28
推 jeffrey80921: 瞬間逆轉也太誇張 11/03 10:28
推 goodmonmon : 還好等我套完才bar起來 11/03 10:29
→ twchih018 : 乾 原來是送錢場 11/03 10:29
推 white8520 : 真的bar起來 11/03 10:29
推 gtvbsg : 靠,頂到了 11/03 10:29
推 liunhow : 瞬間大球 11/03 10:29
推 yuto2173 : 靠 2.5大 瞬間收 11/03 10:29
推 z954008 : 剛剛點喔 11/03 10:29
→ kaimah0912 : 感覺會有追平尾 11/03 10:29
→ z954008 : 點球 11/03 10:29
推 YiMaple : 墨超完全不熟阿,蒙特雷場進了沒 11/03 10:29
推 cesarean : 等尾球了 11/03 10:30
推 etoh522 : 2.5大 3.25收 11/03 10:30
推 asd1114 : 有4+嗎~~ 11/03 10:30
※ 編輯: wl02061274 ( 臺灣), 11/03/2019 10:30:53
推 gtvbsg : 還好開這場,另一場蛋蛋中 11/03 10:31
推 abb6704 : 雖然剛客勝有20倍,但主隊近5場主場不敗,應該難吃@ 11/03 10:31
→ abb6704 : @ 11/03 10:31
※ 編輯: wl02061274 ( 臺灣), 11/03/2019 10:31:31
推 yuto2173 : 感覺還有追平球 11/03 10:31
推 hb050317 : 逆轉了 11/03 10:31
推 junibookye : 有看到14倍 不敢買 可惜 11/03 10:31
推 z954008 : 為啥剛剛點球有人有看比賽的嗎 11/03 10:32
推 s2042335 : 現在都流行下半場10分鐘內開大是嗎?,從昨天的川 11/03 10:32
→ s2042335 : 崎 馬賽 到這場都是上半0-1下半場開2.5大 11/03 10:32
→ hb050317 : 我是看到15倍 11/03 10:32
推 activ : 足球在每一國都是很迷的… 11/03 10:32
→ junibookye : 對戰幾乎都主勝 主場王 這次不一樣 11/03 10:32
推 ohyaDUNCAN : 買個主逆轉 11/03 10:32
推 csgod41 : 3.5大 衝 11/03 10:33
推 love072642 : 買張主pk15倍 11/03 10:33
推 godtim : 好爽 買到逆轉 11/03 10:33
→ s2042335 : 剛剛主隊禁區內清球沒鏟到球結果鏟到人 11/03 10:33
推 gtvbsg : 等FA大貼20倍 11/03 10:33
推 omgbase0914 : 主有點龜… 11/03 10:34
推 z954008 : 了解 謝謝 難怪鎖了3.4分 11/03 10:34
→ s2042335 : 看來4+只能靠客對了, 11/03 10:35
→ cesarean : 在龜就被射爆 11/03 10:36
→ asd1114 : 點 11/03 10:36
推 qwe138794 : 又點 11/03 10:36
→ etugood : 客點 11/03 10:36
→ asd1114 : 客又點了 11/03 10:36
→ cesarean : 鎖 11/03 10:36
推 yuto2173 : 幹 才要下啊!!! 11/03 10:36
→ s2042335 : 客對又點 11/03 10:36
推 hsb23 : 好扯的比賽 11/03 10:36
推 white8520 : 真送 11/03 10:36
推 omgbase0914 : 笑死 制裁啦 11/03 10:36
推 st941101 : 又… 11/03 10:36
→ qwe138794 : 沒事 11/03 10:36
推 z954008 : 無限點 11/03 10:36
→ asd1114 : 沒給? 11/03 10:36
→ qwe138794 : 好像沒 11/03 10:37
→ etugood : 繼續踢? 11/03 10:37
→ wl02061274 : 沒給的樣子 11/03 10:37
推 kaimah0912 : 又開ㄌㄜㄅ 11/03 10:37
→ s2042335 : 收了,開球出來了 11/03 10:37
推 sead11 : 主隊也太鳥了吧 落後還踢這麼消極 11/03 10:37
→ qwe138794 : 繼續了 11/03 10:37
→ yuto2173 : 補一張就好 11/03 10:37
→ kaimah0912 : 又鎖 一直開開鎖鎖 11/03 10:37
→ wl02061274 : 墨西哥竟然被踢爆 11/03 10:37
推 cesarean : 主不踢客快虐 11/03 10:38
→ hatsuta : 上半的又不派彩了 笑死 11/03 10:38
推 sumfm921 : 感覺和在一球 11/03 10:39
�� z954008 : 被燙成美洲豹了 11/03 10:39
推 louisxxiii : 2.5大收 11/03 10:39
推 yhlin93 : 2-3守好 11/03 10:40
→ wl02061274 : 2.5大我記得進之前賠率超高 11/03 10:40
推 sumfm921 : 別藏球快和 11/03 10:40
推 kaimah0912 : 本來想買主追平…改買客下球好了 11/03 10:41
推 qwe138794 : 和起來 11/03 10:41
推 sead11 : 鼠大有買3.5大? 11/03 10:41
推 yuto2173 : 主場王 絕平來一個阿~~~ 11/03 10:41
→ kaimah0912 : 主各種亂射QQ 11/03 10:41
→ wl02061274 : 我沒買 我在看籃球哈哈 不太看好4+ 11/03 10:41
→ wl02061274 : 這場也是佛心場中了 11/03 10:42
推 omgbase0914 : 主感覺就不想贏 不是往後踢就是亂射 11/03 10:42
推 z954008 : 比上一場好。1.5大絕殺開出 被沒收 11/03 10:43
推 sead11 : 落後還踢不積極 應該就這樣 11/03 10:43
推 bluestack : 套完收工….突然進兩球太恐怖 11/03 10:43
→ bluestack : 2-3賺5元 4+賺21元xddddd 11/03 10:43
推 omgbase0914 : 客快制裁啊 11/03 10:44
→ wl02061274 : blue大 你用淨利去套喔? 不然怎這麼少 11/03 10:44
→ sead11 : 客別期待太多 正常一球已經靠點球2 11/03 10:44
推 gtvbsg : 鎖了,不給買 11/03 10:45
→ wite : 一個瞬間 變賺一瓶多多哈哈哈 11/03 10:45
→ Stojakovic16: 假鎖了一下 11/03 10:45
推 NBALBJLEG : 4+開出來啊 11/03 10:45
→ omgbase0914 : 主自由球 11/03 10:45
推 yhlin93 : 應該沒了 11/03 10:45
推 bluestack : 對啊2-3買500=375元 11/03 10:45
→ bluestack : 然後1.72/1.92各買100 11/03 10:45
→ bluestack : 剛剛3倍多時買170.. 11/03 10:45
→ bluestack : 總之做白工了 11/03 10:45
→ hatsuta : 來一顆看看 11/03 10:46
推 lovecute04 : 馬的 第��球想押客 結果沒派彩又關盤 11/03 10:46
→ wl02061274 : 沒事 沒虧就好 打發時間也不錯 11/03 10:46
→ wl02061274 : 上半派彩了 11/03 10:46
推 angelgarden : 鎖了 11/03 10:46
→ omgbase0914 : 上半0.5沒下到 補單一直輸 幹 11/03 10:46
推 gtvbsg : +? 11/03 10:46
推 ROCOL : 鎖到底不給下餒。幹你娘孬肛 11/03 10:47
→ wl02061274 : +4 11/03 10:47
→ omgbase0914 : 兩邊都在亂踢 沒戲 11/03 10:48
推 bluestack : 應該沒球了 11/03 10:48
推 sumfm921 : 快和啦 11/03 10:48
推 yhlin93 : 結束了嗎 11/03 10:50
→ wwe2646162 : 大3.5加油一下 11/03 10:50
→ wl02061274 : 還沒 再依分鐘 11/03 10:50
推 all035 : 幸好2.5 大有收 沒多追3.5 大 11/03 10:50
→ all035 : 全場2.5大也派了 11/03 10:51
→ qvt : 逆轉最高幾倍? 11/03 10:51
→ etugood : 有戲? 11/03 10:52
→ kaimah0912 : 給牌拖時間耶 11/03 10:52
推 omgbase0914 : 場外給雙紅XD 11/03 10:52
推 PSU : 20的樣子 11/03 10:52
推 bluestack : 居然還沒結束 11/03 10:52
→ kaimah0912 : 直接把加時耗完…. 11/03 10:53
→ wl02061274 : FT 11/03 10:53
※ 編輯: wl02061274 ( 臺灣), 11/03/2019 10:53:23
→ PSU : FT 11/03 10:53
推 gtvbsg : +到進嗎@@ 11/03 10:53
→ omgbase0914 : 卡3 沒聽墨超王的話亂追gg 11/03 10:53
推 rayes : 正確三球3.xx倍收了 11/03 10:54
→ omgbase0914 : 下午都沒場中 日甲澳甲都不開 垃圾孬鋼 11/03 10:54
推 nashieh : 沒買到逆轉 只有買3X1盤前PK 串冰球加人跟拿加沙PK 11/03 10:55
推 hb050317 : 倒3.5大 6倍 11/03 10:56
→ nashieh : 希望拿加沙等會贏一下 隔壁墨超要開9倍倒打? 11/03 10:56
推 all035 : 日假不是有開場中嗎? 11/03 10:56
推 z954008 : 下午不是有日足場中 11/03 10:56
推 willieyang : wow 真的1:2不過我看錯邊 11/03 10:56
→ all035 : 湘南比馬 11/03 10:56
→ z954008 : 大阪豬腳 11/03 10:57
推 asd1114 : +1沒聽墨超王 亂買4+… 11/03 10:57
→ willieyang : 另外一場超屌 蒙特雷蒙了 11/03 10:57
→ z954008 : 客1.5大先買 11/03 10:57
推 godtim : 503是3小 11/03 10:58
推 duncan30236 : 沒尾球也503 11/03 10:58
推 twchih018 : 下一場墨超建議買大嗎想拿來串 11/03 10:58
→ willieyang : 我也不是真的很準的 有幫到大家最重要 11/03 10:58
推 omgbase0914 : 我看成星期六的……. 11/03 11:00
→ omgbase0914 : 氣到眼花 11/03 11:00
推 twchih018 : w大客氣了,至少方向是對的 11/03 11:01
→ wl02061274 : 今天場中好多喔 謝謝威剛 11/03 11:03
推 duncan30236 : 亂追3.5大最後只贏300wwwww 11/03 11:03
推 z954008 : 晚上還有英超場中 這個6.日開好多足球場中 11/03 11:04
推 Lin82219 : 下一場看拿加沙贏球 11/03 11:10
推 willieyang : 結果另一場真的殺尾球 11/03 11:24
推 Lin82219 : 垃圾拿加沙…… 11/03 11:39
推 Popaieric : 拿加沙這敗類 11/03 11:45
→ Lin82219 : 拿加沙逆轉樓下168p 11/03 12:33
推 DDD0412 : 好 11/03 12:39
推 xicexlovex : 有網投固定退4趴的歡迎站內 11/03 12:39
推 willieyang : 今天客隊超強耶 11/03 12:43
推 junibookye : 感謝墨超王 原賠變賺 又可以玩下去了 11/03 12:51
推 twchih018 : 夭壽骨墨超都是在踢後面加時的嗎,2.5大1.5撿到 11/03 12:57
推 willieyang : 有中就好,恭喜恭喜 11/03 13:12
→ willieyang : 墨超真的尾球很多~~ 11/03 13:12
0 notes
pynkhues · 3 years
Mary Pat seeing them and bolting, abandoning her four children, is still one of the funniest scenes on this show.
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xstrawmari · 5 years
Beth: I'm about to be arrested for murder.
Rio: That sucks (that chuckle, like he's remembering that she got him arrested way back when. I love it!).
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Rio: Hey, I don't work while on vacation.
Beth: That's what I am? Work?
Rio: Pretty much, yeah.
(Y'all.. no matter how many times I watch this scene, my Brio heart breaks)
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(Why, I love it, but why)
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Beth: Welcome back, boss (hahahahaha I love her).
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jade-marie · 4 years
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Absolutely fuck all to do - can’t even boredom snack because my groceries don’t get delivered till tomorrow. Not fun. Have more meme
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cancersfakianakis1 · 6 years
The rs2147578 C > G polymorphism in the Inc-LAMC2–1:1 gene is associated with increased neuroblastoma risk in the Henan children
The rs2147578 C > G polymorphism in the long non-coding RNA gene Lnc-LAMC2–1:1 is associated with increased susceptibility to a few types of cancers. However, its role in neuroblastoma has not been evaluated yet.
We investigated the association between the lnc-LAMC2–1:1 rs2147578 C > G polymorphism and neuroblastoma susceptibility in Chinese Han populations. A total of 393 neuroblastoma cases and 812 healthy individuals from the Henan and Guangdong provinces were enrolled and subjected to genotyping. Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were used to determine the strength of the association of interest.
Combined analysis revealed that the lnc-LAMC2–1:1 rs2147578 C > G polymorphism was associated with increased neuroblastoma susceptibility (CG vs. CC: adjusted OR = 1.33, 95% CI = 1.01–1.75, P = 0.045; CG/GG vs. CC: adjusted OR = 1.34, 95% CI = 1.03–1.74, P = 0.028). In stratification analysis, children under 18 months with rs2147578 CG/GG genotypes had an increased neuroblastoma risk (adjusted OR = 1.70, 95% CI = 1.08–2.67, P = 0.022). Females with rs2147578 CG/GG genotypes also had increased neuroblastoma susceptibility (adjusted OR = 2.08, 95% CI = 1.37–3.18, P = 0.0007). In addition, children with lnc-LAMC2–1:1 rs2147578 CG/GG genotypes were prone to develop earlier stages of neuroblastoma (adjusted OR = 1.46, 95% CI = 1.01–2.12, P = 0.046).
The Lnc-LAMC2–1:1 rs2147578 C > G polymorphism may contribute to increased neuroblastoma susceptibility in children of Henan province.
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crissgilmore · 12 years
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195 notes · View notes
pynkhues · 3 years
The car scene is a top tier break-up, they're literally just:
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pynkhues · 3 years
Mae's always great, but her line delivery of "She's a victim, Boomer raped her" is one of her best on the show, I think. It's so loaded with empathy and pain and the memory of what he tried to do to her too, and I love it a lot.
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pynkhues · 3 years
"I'm totally chill I'm allowed to be not chill"
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