ggblasts · 9 months
Admin S needs your help!
So, as you all know, I love doing the fashion blasts posts and I love seeing how creative you all can get with your outfits, however, when some of you (myself included) post more than one photo for one character, it can get overwhelming for me. Going forward with the events for 2024, I would appreciate it if you made a collage of your outfits if you're going to post more than one photo. Or, you can photoshop a picture of your mun and that would help. It just gets to be so much for me and it takes me longer to collect the pictures, make the collage and then post the fashion blasts. If you need help, I use PhotoJoiner but I'm sure there's much better sites and apps to use. If you need a reference photo, let me know and I will give you one. Please like once you have read.
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 4 months
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Good morning beautiful members! I have no clue what sleep is anymore haha.
In other news, I wanted to update everyone on our unfollow days! We've gotten some new faces since our last one and I just want to put this out there in case people don't know haha.
We currently do our unfollows every three months! The last one was back in March on the 20th and the next one is Thursday, June 20th!
The way that they work is that if you have not posted in the 20+ past days, then you will lose your roles.
If you play more than one character and want those characters back, we'll ask that you apply for one, be active for two weeks consistently and then you can get your other characters back.
I personally feel like the group isn't big enough to do an activity check/unfollow more than every three months, but then again, I could be wrong.
If you guys want to bump up the activity checks/unfollow, we'll do it, but for me, I think when/if this group hits 100 different characters, then that's when we'll do them once a month.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, I'll be here or Rian will be here to answer any questons that you might have!
-The Admin Team
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ggblasts · 3 months
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Hello friends, Adim Rian and I have decided to add in a bi weekly sentence starter meme. This will not be mandatory at all, it's just a fun little thing to get people talkig to each other.
The sentence starter post will be a once a month event and whatever it is will be posted on the first of the month. You will have until the last two days of the month to reblog the sentence starter post and every Saturday, I will post the list of who is participating!
Please make sure that you include everyone in the sentence starter. Admin Rian has already started sending out messages here.
If you're confused about anything, please do not hesitate to ask.
We cannot wait to see who likes this idea and who'll do this!
-The Admin Team
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ggblasts · 2 months
Quick pop in from Admin S
I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm on vacation but I'll be doing the outfit blasts tonight after my day is over. I have all the outfits that have been posted (so far) liked and I will continue to keep an eye out on the tag whenever I can today!
For the blasts, I would love to see more come in! If you want, for drama, Admin Rain and I can start posting fake blasts for drama. Like Gossip Girl spreading lies and rumors about your characters.
For the sentence starters, I will post the list as to who reblogged the most recent one later today.
For the starters, I will do the same thing as the sentence starter as well.
If you guys have any questions on anything, please do not hesitate to ask!
I love you all so much and thank you for being so amazing in this group!
-Admin Sarah
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ggblasts · 3 months
Another request from Admin S!
I love doing the fashion blasts, but I hate doing them after the event has ended, so I’m gonna ask that if you guys stop posting outfits for the event 24-48 hours before the event ends. That way, whatever I have in the drafts, I can post and I won’t have to feel rushed in the morning after the evnt to get them out.
If you have any questions or are confused about anything, just ask.
Can’t wait to see what you all come up with for this month’s event!
-Admin Sarah
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 1 year
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Hey beautiful members! As Kayla asked, would Julien, Audrey, Max, Obie, Luna and Monet and anyone of the other OC characters that were in the same grade as the reboot characters, be out of Constance and St. Jude's and the answer is yes! If you're confused on that, it's because while the show was on hiatus between season one and two, we continued as a group. They were juniors, then summer hit and became seniors and now another summer has gone by. Now that it is fall, they would be out of high school. It is your personal choice if you want them in college or not. If you were playing someone younger than them, then they would move a grade up. If you were playing someone older than them and in college, then they'd be either in college or out of college by now. This month actually makes two years that this group will be open so of course people are gonna age and move up in their grades and college years. If you have any questions, please ask! I am gonna pin this post and send it out to everyone too!
-GG Admin Team
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 6 months
Couple of things real quick!
First, I want to remind everyone that today, March 20th, is our unfollow day! Like I stated in a pervious post, if you have not posted in the 20+ past days, you will lose your role! Second, I want to apologize for not putting up the starter list this past Sunday. It completely slipped my mind. I am working on it now though and this upcoming Sunday, one will be posted. Last, but not least, for the upcoming events, you do not need to post an outfit if you don't want to! They are more relaxed events and the only thing I'm asking you to focus on, really, is the tag that you'll be using. So, for example, I have three female characters, they will be at Blair's spa event and not Chuck's lost weekend. If I had three male characters, it'd be the other way around. So just be sure to use the correct tag if you post a starter or picture for the event! Okay, that is all (for now) I love you all and I hope this week has been good to y'all!
-Admin Sarah
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 8 months
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Due to deactivating, Jenny Humphrey and Amy Abbott are now open! Due to deactivating for the 8th time, the mun is now longer allowed to rejoin the group
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 9 months
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Hello babes, I am going through and deleting old messages that contain the truth or dare and those of you that have sent in the secrets, I am gonna delete those messages too. As weird as it sounds, it'll help me keep track of everything. The messages in both the main inbox and the blast inbox (direct/instant messages, whatever you wanna call it) are jumbled with everything from people who aren't here anymore and stuff that isn't relevant anymore so they are geting deleted. Think of it as a new year, fresh start lol If you have any questions, please ask, but I just wanted to let you all know in case it said something was deleted from us!
-Admin Sarah
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 10 months
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Hey all, so, as you all know that we have started doing Honesty Hour and I can't remember if I stated it in the last post or not, but it is not mandatory. If you have gotten a message and don't want to answer it, you can ignore it or delete it. That's completely up to you. Also, I have noticed that people will post starters but not get any notes, or one or two reblogs, so, we will start posting the starters every Sunday night. It'll help boost starters and help more people interact. If you have any questions, please ask!
-The Admin Team
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 1 year
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Happy Easter Sunday! We hope that you are all having a great and wonderful Sunday even if you don’t celebrate Easter.
No onto group things haha. We want to make this group more interactive with each other and we started doing that with the truth or dare. Some of y’all did the that last month, but not all of you, so if you did end up doing the truth or dare, you will not be asked to do April’s April Foo’s task.
However, if you did not do last month’s truth or dare, you will be required to do this month’s April’s Fool’s task. Like previously stated, we want this to be more active and more interactive with each other. Mainly more interactive and not have the same three people talking to each other and just each other.
So if you did not do last month’s task, you will be required to do this month’s task and you’ll have until the end of the month to do so.
We also want to do more events, like birthdays, wedding anniversary, divorce parties, bachelorette/bachelor parties. You name it so if you have an idea for an event, please don’t hesitate to message us!
-The Admin Team
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 1 year
Good afternoon and happy Monday to all! I need all of you lovely members to send me your characters ages! It has been requested that they be put on the resident page so please send us those in and I will update them as they come in!
If the OG or the reboot show never gave your character a birthday, feel free to make it up!
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 18 days
Hey y'all, I just wanted to let y'all know that since we haven't been getting much blasts from y'all, we are randomly blasting people. You might have already seen it, but in case you haven't, that's what we've been doing. We have a good bunch in the queeue and every day we add to it, but, if you do not want to your characters to be randomly basted, please let us know and we won't blast them!
-Admin Sarah
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 4 months
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Due to deactivating without warning, Finnick Reed (Joe Jonas) is now both open! Due to the players constantly joiing and deactivating, they are now banned!
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 4 months
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Due to deactivating without warning, Jensen Ackles and James Lafferty are now open! Due to the player constantly joining and deactivating, they are now banned
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xoxo-gossipgirlrp · 4 months
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Hey y'all, lately we have been getting the same questions asked to us over and over again and nomrally we do not mind answering questions, but these questions are word for word the same, down to the punciation that is included. We are asking anyone that lurks, or anyone in general, to please check out our tagged faq page before asking us a question. Again, we don't mind answering questions, but when it's the same question over and over again, it does get tiresome for us.
-The Admins
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