#gh vip
kurishiri · 3 months
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16 . . . main story & letter
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or may contain creative liberties. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost or claim these as your own!
— cw: kidnapping, mentions of human trafficking, character death, murder, possessive behavior.
——When I came to, my nose was met with a pungent scent, and I could hear the light sound of water.
(...Hm? What, was I...)
My eyes felt heavy as I peeled them open, and before me was slightly dark; it looked like I ended up in a sewer.
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Somehow, I felt a little fuzzy.
(If I remember, the auction ended, and...)
—— Flashback ——
Elbert: ...Kate—?
Kate: ...! Lord Elbert—
—— End flashback ——
(That’s right... I got separated from Lord Elbert, and someone who looked like one of the workers came, and...)
(...and, what happened after? I can’t remember... why, am I in a place like this?)
Kate: Agh, oww...
When I tried to move my body, pain rushed through my limbs——
(Eh... what... is this?)
(I’m tied up?)
The fuzziness that had been blanketing over my consciousness suddenly became clear in that moment, and I realized my arms and legs have been tied with a rough rope.
???: Tch... ya awake, huh?
Kate: ...Eh?
Someone appeared from the darkness: the man who had approached me as a worker at the auction venue.
(The way he’s speaking is completely different... and, he said that he was going to take me to the VIP room.)
Kate: Gh... who, are you...?
Man from the Company: Haha, I’m not really worth knowing the name of, I reckon. I’m just one of the lower ranking members of the Bernard Company.
The man’s mouth widened into a broad smile that made me feel uneasy, as he confessed his status almost in a hesitant manner.
An unsettling feeling bubbled up from the pit of my stomach.
(Don’t tell me, they found out our true goal in coming to the auction...?)
(...No, I can’t jump to conclusions yet.)
(If I open my mouth and say something careless, it may end up putting Lord Elbert in danger too.)
Taking note of the man’s complexion, I chose my words carefully.
(I have to make sure they don’t know that I’m aware that they are a criminal organization.)
(But, I also need to find out why they are holding me captive like this.)
Kate: ...So, does the Company kidnap people like this?
Man from the Company: You didn’t know?
Man from the Company: We make it a policy of ours to fulfill the ‘collectors’’ demands. No matter what they are, you see.
Man from the Company: The top of the Company also says it all the time. You know, “we are our ‘collectors’’ best confidants.”
Man from the Company: And “the desire to pursue beautiful things transcends principles and morals” and allat... well it doesn’t have anything to do with a grunt like me.
Kate: So, what you’re saying is that... there is someone who made a deal with the Company to kidnap me?
Man from the Company: Yep, we got a request like “I’ll pay a high reward if we can sell you off.”
Man from the Company: ——It was a request from the head butler of the Count Greetia house.
Man from the Company: He wants to shock some sense into his young master, whose fallen in love with a commoner, by tearing you two apart. Quite like a typical tragic love story, you know?
(Jeffrey... did this...?)
—— Flashback ——
Art dealer: And I would like to extend an invitation to you to attend that auction. How about it? Is it to your fancy?
Elbert: ......Alright, I accept.
Art dealer: Well then, please sign here for the payment.
—— End flashback ——
At that time, Jeffrey had left the room with the art dealer.
I thought they had just been talking about the transaction, but apparently that was not all.
(So... when I saw those two, this is what they had been talking about...?)
That meant this situation I was in right now had nothing to do with them finding out about Crown’s mission, but rather Jeffrey’s personal grudge against me.
(...I’ve thought this before, but now I’m sure you should dismiss him, Lord Elbert!)
I knew it was too late to complain now, but frustration seemed to set aflame from within my body.
Man from the Company: The one who accepted these request upfront was someone who couldn’t bother getting their hands dirty from something like this,
Man from the Company: so, they came to me. As long as they receive some royalties for referring me to the job, I get the rest of the reward.
Man from the Company: And so I’ll receive the reward for ‘selling you’ itself from not only that butler head,
Man from the Company: but also from whoever buys you. Now that’s what I call the best deal there is, yeah?
(It seems like this person’s only doing all this for the money.)
(So, if I can offer something of higher value than what he’ll get from this deal, then maybe he would be willing to let me go...)
Kate: ...As I understand, Lord Elbert is a valued client of the Company, right?
K: If you do anything to said valued client’s partner... if the deal ends up annulled, what would you do then?
K: And, does Mister Bernard even know about this in the first place?
Man from the Company: Can’t say he does. If he knew I was out here making easy money off of you, I’d be kicked out from the Company.
Man from the Company: I gotta say, though, I was thrown off a bit when you came along so easily.
Man from the Company: ...Well, that’s enough chatting. I’ll be having you become a little doll for a bit with this.
The man took out a syringe.
(Gh, now matter how you think about it, this is too much...)
Man from the Company: It would make my job harder if a ‘product’ resisted, you see.
The hairs stood on end when I saw those dark eyes, devoid of any warmth or emotion.
(I have to get away—)
I felt I was going to break down from fear, and I tried to back away by doing my best to move my legs, but I couldn’t with the ropes tightly binding me.
Kate: Is there anyone here!!
Man from the Company: Ah ha ha! You do know this is a sewer located in the most inner part of the backyard? Besides...
Man from the Company: Everyone in the venue is only interested in pretty things. There’s no way anyone from there would come to a dirty place like thi—
Elbert: —What, do you think you are doing to her?
Man from the Company: ...!?
That voice was monotonous enough to make one freeze where they were at.
It was as though a hand had reached out to grab my wrists from amid the deepest depths of the water.
I focused my sight toward the direction of the voice that seemed to instill a sense of instinctual fear in those who heard it.
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(Lord... Elbert...?)
The one who appeared from the other side of the dim darkness, was a person whose being seemed to clash with a place like this — the most beautiful person in the world.
Elbert: ...
His expression unreadable, it looked like he was a real bisque doll himself, moving toward us.
Kate: Ah... hh...
(B-but why...)
(I can’t... say... ‘please help me’...)
Man from the Company: Gh... w-well, if it isn’t Count Greetia! Isn’t it about time you sign the contract? What of that?
Elbert: ......
Man from the Company: You see, actually I had just rescued Miss Kate from a crazed man who tried to kidnap... her—
Lord Elbert did not utter a single word as he approached the man, and—
Man from the Company: Guh...! ——?
In a fluid movement, Lord Elbert unsheathed his blade from its scabbard and pierced it through the man’s body.
Elbert: ......I’ll be, taking her with me now.
Man from the Company: Guh... ga...ah...
The blade that protruded from the man’s back was soaked in red.
Kate: Ah...
I couldn’t let out any shout or scream — I could only stare at the scene before me.
The fresh blood had stained Lord Elbert’s white clothes red.
(Lord Elbert... went straight for it...)
Blood gurgled from the man’s mouth as his body unsteadily lurched.
Elbert: ......
Lord Elbert lightly pushed against the man’s shoulders,
and the man fell into the muddy water with a plop, his corpse being swallowed up by its waves——until it disappeared.
(He didn’t waste a beat — the man couldn’t finish his excuse... and he couldn’t even beg for his life.)
(The Lord Elbert before me...)
It was the first time I had seen him kill someone before my eyes.
I couldn’t help but feel fear and confusion, and on instinct my breath quickened.
(Ah... first, I have to thank him...)
(Or... otherwise...)
Kate: T-thank you... for, for saving... me.
I had to squeeze my voice out, and it trembled so much it felt unsightly.
Elbert: ......
(Lord Elbert...?)
(Why, won’t you say anything?)
Lord Elbert remained silent as he approached me, and he untied the rope from my hands and legs.
Elbert: ...There are marks from the rope.
Kate: That’s fine, it doesn’t hurt as much as it looks—
Elbert: And not only on your wrists... but also on your legs.
Lord Elbert’s fingertips lightly traced over the places where they stung.
(I, wonder why...)
(...even though Lord Elbert saved me...)
(I should be relieved, and yet... I can’t stop shaking.)
I should feel safe now that the person I love had saved me,
but my fingertips continued to tremble with small, stiff movements without stopping.
(Why, am I... still this scared...?)
Lord Elbert’s gazed was fixated on the marks, his eyes seeming deeply dark and inhumanly cold——
I wondered if it seemed that way to me because he had killed someone before my eyes.
(I... I need to say something.)
(That’s right, the mission... we were in the middle of a mission, and—)
Kate: Uhm, so... about the mission... how did... the blue diamond purchase—?
Elbert: ......I can’t forgive them.
Kate: Eh...?
The words that came out of his lips in a brief murmur had nothing to do with my question.
It was as though he couldn’t hear me at all.
Kate: ...L-Lord... Elbert...?
Elbert: ......
Lord Elbert turned to face me, looking at me at last.
I was usually reflected in those dark shadows that clouded his eyes, but now we couldn’t see eye to eye.
Elbert: They tried to take you away before my eyes...
E: ...and not only that, they tried to hurt you... and I can never forgive them for that.
Kate: Lord Elbert—
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Suddenly, he pulled me in with both of his arms and locked me in an embrace.
Elbert: ...So, if I don’t make you mine soon,
E: someone will make you theirs before me.
It was the third time I had seen those beautiful eyes laced with craze, and it terrified me.
—— Flashback ——
Elbert: ...I’m so glad this painting wasn’t scratched.
E: Perhaps  it could be what I’ve been looking for.
—— End flashback ——
—— Flashback ——
Elbert: Could it be... that you were the one?
E: The thing I have always been searching for.
—— End flashback ——
Kate: Lord, Elbert—
I had a feeling I was shaking at my feet.
Those eyes resembled the deep depths of the water, vividly reflecting that dark yet heavy obsession.
And, as if I were trapped within those depths,
a sense of hopelessness and despair that I couldn’t go anywhere crawled up from under me.
——I finally understood why I still felt so scared.
Why, despite the fact the person I loved had come to save me, my body couldn’t stop trembling.
Elbert: ...Let’s go back, Kate.
E: I’m, glad you’re not hurt.
It was because the Lord Elbert here, who saved me,
looked at me like an ‘object’ that could be bought, exactly like that other man had.
We couldn’t return to the auction venue with the bloody state Lord Elbert was in,
so, while keeping me in his arms, we discreetly exited through the side and returned to the castle.
The entire way through, we didn’t exchange a single word.
Lord Elbert kept his lips sealed, and I couldn’t bring myself to speak to him.
We went to the dining room during dinner in search of Victor to make a report.
And there, we found Victor, Alfons, and Roger waiting for us.
Even after we had returned to the castle, Lord Elbert’s hand were wrapped around my shoulders.
Victor: ...I see, I understand what happened now.
Upon hearing what happened from Lord Elbert, Victor smiled sympathetically.
Victor: First, I want to thank you for taking on such a dangerous mission. ...And, what happened was truly unfortunate, Kate.
Kate: I really apologize for my blunder. I... should have exercised more caution.
Victor: There’s nothing you need to apologize over. Regardless of the circumstances...
V: You had only fallen victim to it, and blaming the victim is wrong. That’s what I think, at least.
Kate: But, even so... in the end, because I had let my guard down, the mission wasn’t a success.
Elbert: ...No, it wasn’t because of you.
E: I ended up... letting go of you for a moment, and so this happened.
E: The fault... lies with me.
Kate: That’s not true...!
I tried to deny his statement then and there, but——
Elbert: ......
Kate: ...
The moment I looked up and met Lord Elbert’s gaze, an unsettling feeling made my heart jump,
and, without thinking, I turned away from him.
Ever since I saw that smile in the irrigation channel... I couldn’t look Lord Elbert in the eye.
Alfons: Now, now, there is little use in ruminating about what had already happened.
Suddenly, a nonchalant voice broke through the serious air, purging it in one swoop.
Alfons: It was merely a mission. It’s not as though Elbie or Kate had died along the way.
A: If you had, this pleasant dinner would have turned into something like a gathering for a funeral, after all?
Seeing Alfons play with his fork without a care for manners, the heavy air seemed to subside.
Kate: ...Thank you, Alfons.
Alfons: My, I was going to laugh at you for being so folly as to take this so seriously... but to see you thank me like this is quite commendable.
Kate: Yeah... allegedly, the top didn’t know about any of this. Only the organization’s lower ranked member was aiming for me.
K: So...
K: Perhaps, we should go back to the venue and apologize for disappearing on them before the transaction was completed, and have them prepare another contract...
K: Maybe... I think that would create another chance for us to get close to Mister Gabriel Bernard.
Alfons: You’re already proposing a plan to go back? I take back my prior statement; you really are serious...
Elbert: ...Even if we were to go through, with that proposition,
E: I won’t take Kate outside anymore.
I was still in Lord Elbert’s arms when I felt caught in his gaze.
(Lord Elbert...)
I should feel happy that I’m being treasured like this by the person I love,
but the smile I saw back at the irrigation channel pierced my heart as though with a needle, and a stinging pain rushed through my body.
Victor: Anyway, I say we look and see how the Company takes this and responds.
V: Elbert, Kate, feel free to eat lots of tasty foods here and take your time to rest your bodies and minds.
Roger: If that’s the case, guess I’ll do an examination on the lil lady?
Kate: Huh? An examination...?
Elbert: ......
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Roger: From what I heard, it seems you were taken captive by a man you didn’t know. You didn’t feel faint or dizzy during that time?
R: That guy might’ve injected some suspicious drug in you while you were unconscious.
Kate: !? N-now that you mention it...
Roger: Well, as far as I’m concerned, lil lady, I’m also fine with just keeping an eye out until you start acting strangely or collapse on the spot...
Kate: P-please, do an examination. I, would like that.
When I asked him in a panic, the corner of Roger’s lips quirked up egotistically.
Roger: Then, let’s go.
Kate: Okay— ...?
When I tried to follow Roger out of the room, I felt the hands around my shoulders tighten around me.
Kate: ...Lord Elbert...
Without thinking, I turned back to look at him, and was once again met with those dark eyes.
Elbert: ...I’ll, come with.
Kate: ...
My heart beat so hard, it had become painful.
(...No, I can’t.)
(Right now, I need to distance myself from Lord Elbert.)
(Otherwise... if I look into those eyes...)
(I, will surely——)
Kate: I...
K: ...I will be fine, on my own.
Elbert: ......
I forcibly peeled my gaze away from him as I told him this.
Until just a little bit ago, I could dream an optimistic dream, saying things like ‘if only this was a simple jealousy...’
But now... I could no longer dream.
(To Lord Elbert, I might as well be the same as that painting of the ocean, or that cat.)
(It... had always been like this.)
(But, that truth seemed to thrust itself at me... and it hurt my heart much more deeply now.)
When I tried to grab the hands on my shoulders and push them away by force—
Elbert: ...!
As if he had been stabbed by a sharp blade, Lord Elbert’s face contorted in pain for a moment.
(——The reason my heart hurts so much now,)
(and the reason why you seem to make such a sad face every time I push you away...)
(...maybe, just maybe, is because you do ‘like’ me, in that pure, simple way, but you are hiding it...)
(...is what I end up thinking, hoping.)
When that gaze of his from the irrigation channel pierced me, I felt that faint hope make my heart beat and my blood flow.
And right now, I couldn’t bear this pain.
Kate: ...Good night, Lord Elbert.
Elbert: ......Kate.
I never received a ‘good night’ back.
Lord Elbert’s palms weakly withdrew from my shoulders, leaving them wandering in the air.
And I... killed the impulse rushing through me to hold his hand evermore, before leaving the dining room.
This pain may be a sin.
If I ever end up becoming his,
maybe, something like true love could break this wicked curse?
——Even though I knew it wasn’t that simple,
it was a sweet dream I ended up embracing — one meant for me.
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A memo written after you left for treatment
I shouldn’t have let my eyes off of you at the auction venue. And, it was my mistake to hesitate because I didn’t want to step in peoples’ shadows.
I should have chased after you, and kept you in my arms, and it’s because I didn’t do so——that you ended up going through what you did.
I can’t help but think back on how you were tied up, on how that man held that syringe, and how he left marks on your wrists.
When I remember it, my heart becomes a mess.
You are probably receiving treatment from Roger right now.
And when I think of that, I... feel as though I might end up facing a violent urge, even if it’s toward Roger.
—Elbert Greetia
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🏷️: @magicalkoo @complexivelovely @just-a-writerr (leave a comment, send an ask, or dm me saying you want to be added to the tag list if you want to be tagged!)
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guilty-shot-au · 8 days
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We're moving out, direct orders from the first king.
Up the road and then 9-o-clock.
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Really? Mister mystery king with something that finally makes sense?
The entire crew started to get on their trucks while Sol and Niko got back on the firewheel.
With everyone nearly ready to move, Sol pointed his hand out to quickly measure what "Up the road then 9 o' clock" even lead to. He quickly realized that this was offroad into seemingly nowhere.
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This makes no goddamn sense! Where are we going?
But, happy or not, they all moved out.
The whole ride was going for so long… With barely anything to relieve the stress.
Niko was never under this much pressure, oh the horrible weight it all had… All those things he was warned of were now showing, instead of telling.
Everything seems to be going so wrong, he had no idea what to do, the path ahead was dark, and what could he loose with just one mistake? This entire world and all the friends he made? All the people that deserve another chance? The way back home? His own life?
Maybe he had already lost all of it… Lost all of them… Even himself…
And he felt like it was, at least partly, his fault.
His heart was being pulled into the depths, which he was observing with closed eyes. The lungs breathed heavier and heavier air, destroying the hope to even sit upright. Having already cried all the tears he could, he could only resort to quiet, dry weeps.
It was a sorrow left unheard and unnoticed, truck engines are louder than sadness, after all.
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At least the endless stream of dread was interrupted by a high pitched whirr from above, one of an unnatural machine. It was even more concerning to the sensitive, young ear.
Everyone looked up to see some a pair of planes, and most recognized them being from the Union airforce.
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So, he was leading us to meet up with the Union?
…Sol's remark was met with general comotion amongst the near soliders.
…this is unplanned!
Is… this a rogue force?
No one informed us of this, sir!
the hell-
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//Now Playing: Thrill
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With Sol harshly swerving the firewheel off to the side and Niko blocking with the excalibur on impulse, the VIPs of this sketchy escort barely avoided a fiery disaster of metal shards that a truck turned into on the front. The screeching of tires sounded from everywhere on the ground, as several more explosions followed.
Barely gaining control for a moment, Sol shouted -
Fuck Ky's orders! Make a run for it!
-Before accelerating the hell away, the soliders following, both Illyrian and the Union's.
The trucks, able to keep up with the red bike off the road, started counter attacking with whatever ranged units they had. The twin triggers kept firing shots and missing, until an actual anti-air wiseman fired three magic missiles out.
The two drones responded by firing flares and dissapearing in the smoke, which only helped one of them. The damaged one dove down, grazing a truck with an explosion, the other dodged the missiles, but got unlucky enough to be struck by a trigger shot.
And if that seemed like it, a look on the horison had shown five larger aircraft on the way.
"How are we supposed to outpace jet planes by desert truck?" - was the only thing on the collective mind, besides panic and confusion.
There was no way.
The second wave of attacks hit, as the five planes all launched missiles from far away, all chaotically landing, taking out another truck of the five remaining.
Another plane got unlucky with stray ballista shots, three fell to the anti air.
One seemed to have made it through, but as it prepared a missile to fire up close, it was hit off course and into the ground by skyward swords that were released by soliders earlier.
As the smoke cleared from the 6th vehicle explosion of the wave, everyone saw the reinforcements of more planes, one of which was the size of a bomber.
The large plane proved a threat immideatly, as it fired a beam-like shot at the one truck with anti-air specialists, annihilating it.
Do something!
Niko, who had basically zoned out from fear, snapped out of it the moment Sol shouted at him. With a simple and anxious thought, he branded the excalibur like a long rifle, steadying his shaky aim...
The flying behemoth fired another shot this time nearly hitting the duo on the motorcycle, only forcing them to sway off to the side. This threw Niko off.
And steadying another shot, hands shaking even worse, assuming these were all machines and finally firing a powerful shot...
Niko managed to hit the wing of the large plane and take it out of the air.
The explosion took in a few more planes, but now the lack of anti-air set in.
Now they could only dodge.
Immideatly after the cannonship went down, a stream of gunfire flew by the motorcycle. Two bullets hitting Niko in the shoulder, and another managing to graze Sol's neck.
Niko only got to blocking the oncoming attacks after the duo was hurt. The firehweel swayed off to another side.
Sol looked behind himself in fear. Seeing more and more air forces, even he was loosing composure.
Swaying... Swaying... Blocking... Blocking... The hopeless parts of the battle stretched forever...
Sol accelerated the bike, and… Snap! Ding...
The chain shattered and the engine was now spinning into nothingness, screeching a high pitched whirr as the firewheel slowed down instead.
Map says covered C4 ravine up ahead! 10-o-clock!
-Shouted a solider off of a truck, and the escort sharply turned, as the main duo instead drove forth, deccelerating, death approaching.
Sol's mind was torn.
Turning would loose all the speed, but the ravine in front was certian death…
Map says class four covered ravine up ahead…
Up the road then 9-o-clock, direct orders…
Finally, mister mystery king with something that makes sense!
As the sands below started shifting down in chaos, as the planes nearly caught up, as the duo was about to be engufled in missile explosions, as everyone abandoned them, as all hope was lost…
Sol struck the ground with his sword.
Everything flashed a blinding yellow and the only thing the two could hear was pain in their ears.
The duo was shaken by some sort of rough ride down an invisible slope, before it turned to uncontrolled spinning, and concussions…
Sol, barely gathering the mind to do anything, struck the ceiling.
It all hurt.
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seafood-33 · 1 year
Javier was in Gran Hermano VIP 8
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getitfrenchship · 1 year
Hello, friends! Hope you're all doing well. In fact, I'd like to know what you're all up to so I can reconnect with friends again. What things are you watching/playing/doing now? Any new things in life you'd like to discuss?
Below the cut I'll say what I've been up to!
Just got back from my local con today and while I did spend a lot on game collecting + VA stuff, I'm glad I went. Thankfully I got paid Friday (though that means I'll have to wait to get paid again in 2 weeks) and my financial situation isn't dire. It's kinda like when you go to Disneyland and get caught up in the spectacle of things. Oh yeah, an IRL friend from high school helped me with a lot of the VA stuff since she had a VIP pass & could skip long lines. (On that note FUCK F//UNKO SCALPERS FOR HOGGING LINES AND MAKING ME WAIT 2 HOURS FOR ONE VA AAAAAAAAAA)
Thankfully, no insurance adjuster lady to drive me up the wall this past month at work. A few eh client encounters but overall it's been way more pleasant than it was a few months ago. ...Might still need to figure out vacation time just so I can take a longer break (and maybe find a government job if I'm able to find something so I have guaranteed holidays).
That being said, S//aimon's series is starting to see a spike of discourse and one of the servers I'm in keeps talking about it. It's making me feel bad as a result. Thankfully, none of the people in it are starting the discourse, but they tend to go "getaloadofthisguy" a lot. Along with usual self ship discourse that I see on my dash (that again thankfully neither friends nor I directly participate in), it kinda just drains me.
Seasonal anime I'm watching are Detergent (hopefully one of Shitsui's big scenes will happen next week; they took a break this week), Und//ead Mur//der Far//ce, Hel//ck (though I'm admittedly not really paying attention to this one), Happy Marriage, J J K season 2 (i am not ready for this arc AAAAAAAAA), and Z//om 100. When there isn't a seasonal anime for me to watch at work, there's Sai//ki K (I think watching Bla//ck Lag//oon kinda helped make me more bitter at work, but I'm feeling better now that I'm watching Sai//ki). Oh, I might check out OPLA since I hear it's an actual good adaptation. Aaaand F//ionna and C//ake too! God, I went "kindred spriits" with Simon's episode
Currently I'm playing Se//a of St//ars and I really like how it looks & plays so far! (Of course, I loved Chr//ono Trig//ger, so the gameplay feels right at home). I wooould continue Gh//ost Tri//ck, but I'm at a stealth section and like I expected, I'm looking up a lot of the puzzle solutions online instead of figuring it out for myself. Curse you, time limits!!! (And for Bom//b R//ush, I feel like I need to play with music, but I keep forgetting to bring my wired headphones. Bluetooth is for my phone mainly due to personal preference). I also watched the endings for OT2 and AUGH I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH!!!
Oh, a new manga I found called "Inv//isible Man & his soon to be bride" is cute so far.
someday i will find balam merch. somedaaaay
I might do a separate post showing my current ideas for S/I's/OCs, but hhhh I'm hesitant. Right now I just know for a P3 OC he takes inspiration from "The Stranger"
boy howdy i sure hope bluesky finally makes my account or i can get an invite because i really want tweetor to die. ...though i'd miss posting switch screenshots directly
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musicaelectronica · 3 months
buenos aires trap buenos aires trap 2024 lineup que es el buenos aires trap line up buenos aires trap 2019 cuando es el buenos aires trap buenos aires trap 2019 buenos aires trap tickets buenos aires trap 2018 buenos aires trap 2024 ticketek buenos aires trap precio buenos aires trap 2024 buenos aires trap artistas buenos aires trap artistas 2024 ysy a buenos aires trap trap argentina buenos aires quienes van a buenos aires trap is there a train from buenos aires to mendoza latest news from buenos aires argentina what not to miss in buenos aires buenos aires neighborhoods to avoid buenos aires sayings buenos aires trap 2024 artistas a todo trapo la plata provincia de buenos aires a todo trapo morón provincia de buenos aires buenos.aires trap buenos aires trap bad bunny buenos aires trap boletos buenos aires trap banco galicia buenos aires trap 2020 buenos aires trap cantantes buenos aires trap.com is buenos aires a dangerous city buenos aires airport review buenos aires tram buenos aires train crash parque de la ciudad buenos aires trap que paso con el buenos aires trap is there a cordoba in argentina buenos aires trap donde es buenos aires trap diciembre buenos aires trap duki buenos aires trap donde queda buenos aires trap diciembre 2024 buenos aires trap 2024 donde es address in argentina buenos aires duki buenos aires trap buenos aires trap entradas buenos aires trap entradas precio buenos aires trap entradas ticketek buenos aires trap entradas 2024 buenos aires trap que es buenos aires entry requirements entradas buenos aires trap 2024 entradas buenos aires trap buenos aires trap festival buenos aires trap fest festival buenos aires trap wo liegt buenos aires trap buenos aires buenos aires trap grilla buenos aires trap galicia buenos aires trap gh buenos aires trap horario buenos aires trap historia buenos aires trap instagram buenos aires trap invitados buenos aires trap info buenos aires trap información buenos aires trap line up buenos aires trap line up 2024 poor areas of buenos aires line up buenos aires trap buenos aires trap lineup line up buenos aires trap 2024 what is la boca in argentina buenos aires trap medios de pago buenos aires train map buenos aires transit map buenos aires trap oficial buenos aires trap pagina oficial buenos aires trap parque de la ciudad buenos aires trap preventa buenos aires trap 2024 precio is there a train from buenos aires to patagonia buenos aires trap quienes van buenos aires trap quienes vienen buenos aires trap quienes van a estar buenos aires trap quienes estan buenos aires trap quien va buenos aires trap quien toca buenos aires trap quien va a estar buenos aires trap quien lo organiza buenos aires trap quienes tocan buenos aires trap registro buenos aires travel reddit buenos aires trap sacar entradas buenos aires train system buenos aires trap ticketek buenos aires tourist traps ticketek buenos aires trap buenos aires trap ubicacion buenos aires trap venta de entradas buenos aires trap valor entrada buenos aires trap vip buenos aires trap valor what is a milonga in buenos aires buenos aires trap x gh buenos aires trap ysy a buenos aires meaning buenos aires trap 2024 city park 7 dec buenos aires trap 2023 buenos aires trap 2024 entradas 4 things to do in buenos aires buenos aires trap 7 y 8 de diciembre buenos aires 8
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supatainmentbuzz · 7 months
🌟💍👸🕺💃🎥 future diplomat and political ambitions Luna, who will turn 20 this year, is studying a double degree in Political Science and International RelationsLast year he worked for the Spanish Embassy in Nepal Despite the frictions, it acts as...... 🎶🏆💔📸🎉
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vavalladolid · 7 months
Indignación al descubrirse que Susana Bianca —’GH VIP 8’— pretendió que Zeus pagara sus deudas: “Nadie tiene empatía conmigo”
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ghanashowbizonline · 1 year
GH Trends - Why ‘Sewing Machine’ is trending in the world of sports betting
Twitter user ‘Sewing Machine’ has gained attention by leaking VIP bets from tipsters who charge punters for odds. By subscribing to these VIP channels, Sewing Machine pays for the odds and then shares them online for free. Although controversial, some netizens have praised Sewing Machine for leaking VIP odds in the Ghanaian betting industry, which has grown due to high unemployment rates. Credit…
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Modelo. Fan del Carnaval. Bailarina. Influencer. Y ahora concursante de Gran Hermano VIP. Así es Susana Bianca Berry, de 30 años y de Maspalomas. En su perfil de Instagram (@susanabiancaberry) tiene más de cien mil seguidores que seguro irán en aumento con el paso de los días en el reality. Ha hecho pasarela, fotografía y
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rafamartintv · 1 year
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prnanayarquah · 1 year
Emogy Djr, Minab, Kofi Fava, Amankrado and more enlisted for Central Artiste Night June Edition
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/emogy-djr-minab-kofi-fava-amankrado-and-more-enlisted-for-central-artiste-night-june-edition/
Emogy Djr, Minab, Kofi Fava, Amankrado and more enlisted for Central Artiste Night June Edition
Organizers of the annual Central Music Awards Heritage Promotions and partners Toppiard Event Center are at it again as they embark on another journey to uplift the entertainment circles in the central region and empower musicians/creatives in the showbiz industry in the region.
After the successful hosting of the first edition of the Central Artiste Night in April, the 2nd edition comes off on Saturday, June 24, 2023, at Toppiard Events Center – Cape Coast at 7 PM.
Minab, Aunty GH, Emogy Djr, Raggay Bee, Amankrado, Zelloys, Khofy Guyson, Is Hommie and Kofi Fava and more will be performing at this month’s edition. This month’s edition comes in stronger as Fays Lounge comes in as Sponsors. 
You can buy tickets for GH 20 (regular) or GH 50 (VIP) by dialling *920*26*200# or visiting www.njet.app/jetcast.
Central Artiste Night is a monthly event organised by Heritage Promotions organisers of the annual Central Music Awards and Toppiard Events Center to uplift the entertainment circles in the Central Region and boost the creative circles in the region.
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assintalks · 1 year
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We're sharing FREE tickets tonight. Follow our official page Heritage Promotions and answer a question about our Creative Industry here in the Central Region. Win a ticket and join us this Saturday for a mega music experience at the Central Artiste Night. DATE: Saturday, 29th April 2023. VENUE: @toppiardeventercenter - Cape Coast TIME: 7PM RATE: Regular - GH 20 VIP - GH 50 NB: The Central Artiste Night is powered by Heritage Promotions in partnership with Toppiard Events Center. #CentralArtisteNight #HeritagePromotions #ToppiardEventsCenter #AssinTalks #WeGlobal🌎 #TheTalksFromAssin📣 #CleanHeartPromotions🔑 (at Cape Coast, Ghana) https://www.instagram.com/p/Crliyy0IjAK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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makazimpanda · 1 year
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zorrasbasicas · 6 years
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cabriadiego · 6 years
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mercadonaldtrump · 6 years
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La máxima autoridad en ocultismo, siempre apoyando de incógnito a su amante. Es la Corinna de los Estados Unidos.
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