thenugking · 4 years
WAIT i dont wanna sound weird and its probably been so long ago so its okay if u dont remember BUT ive read some of ur gaffv fic (ITS TASTY BTW LOVE THE CONTENT) and i saw u mention that aurion might not Particularly like if the mc romances phil at the same time, i was wondering how u get that piece of text or even what it said, i KNOW its probably like just a single line but i EAT that shit up - ghxstwriter 👉👈
It’s cool I spend a Lot of time reading the gaffv text files and probably spend the most time on the Homecoming chapter bc there’s a lot of fun info on The Gang there!! Like feel free to ask me any gaffv stuff, even if i don’t know/remember it i am always very happy to go look it up bc i Love this game
Initiating a romance with Phil after Aurion gets this:
He doesn't mind in the slightest that you already have an understanding with Aurion. You suspect Aurion might not feel the same way, however, and resolve to keep them apart if possible.
Kinistra has an extra check if you want to romance her after already romancing someone else, and is the only one who will complain in the next chapter if you tell her you’ll give your other LIs up but don’t, but I feel it’s a shame Aurion doesn’t also have that. The game does specify that Phil and Xi are totally cool with you dating other people, while Aurion is Not, so while I see why they didn’t want to make it too difficult to get the “Romance Everyone” achievement, I wish Aurion had had the chance to object.
Also!! Listen I might be primarily a Xi romancer but Aurion’s route is very near to my heart so fun fact!! The romance initiation for the other three are basically them going, “Yeah, okay, I guess,” I mean:
You tell her exactly this and ask her exactly that. She doesn't react right away.
With everything that's passed between you, this is a lot to ask.
This has clearly been on Kinistra's mind as well, and her heart wins the day. Someone from the band must be watching because as she grabs you and pulls you close to her (knocking the cup from your hand). The music swells in such a pointed way that you're afraid of drawing the attention of one of the chaperones.
You hardly have to say a word. Phil's charm is such that he seems to possess a permanent air of low-grade seduction, and the merest hint from you is enough for him to sweep you into his arms. One of the dance chaperones glares at you, but Phil waves them off.
"It's all right," he says into your ear. "I'll be making out with him by the end of the night anyhow. You can come along, if you like!"
"Why not," says Xi, twining their wires into your hair and pulling you close. Sparks fly.
That was, frankly a bit of a surprise. What about their characterization of you as a pitiful lump of flesh? Their having transcended gender along with all other petty human concerns? The ethical considerations of a romance while being an RA?
Xi explains, in order, that while no mere mortal interchange of fluids can compare with the glory of communion with Information Itself, they certainly don't mind, that they don't see what gender or lack thereof has to do with it, and that if you suggest they are adhering to some form of ethics, they will write you up on DarkBoard for slander. So that's all right. The dance swirls around as Xi neglects their chaperone responsibilities and quietly diverts the DarkBoard monitors from your particular corner.
MEANWHILE here’s Aurion going “omg yes I’ve been trying to ask you All Year” because he’s a Cutie
Yes. It's yes. Turns out Aurion has been trying to figure out how to ask you the same thing ever since you were kidnapped together your first night at the school. He launches into a lecture, mostly for his own benefit, about how even villains are allowed to have love interests, as long as they don't ever allow this to make them selfless.
You cut him off, in a manner much to your mutual satisfaction.
ANYWAY. Aurion’s great and I love him and he’s at least as much of a romantic as the actual Hero Princess love interest, he will just murder you if you mention it.
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