#ghs rhixak
rizardofether · 29 days
What is he even doing..?
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rizardofether · 29 days
All characters I've decided to keep in my homesteads on my two accounts:
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rizardofether · 29 days
Spent a full day unlocking the homestead on both my accounts and then putting my characters in them and taking photos with them.
Here they all are:
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Commander & His Dragon
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The Evil Boyfriends
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The Asuvari Squad
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The Roommates (Who are finally actually roommates!!)
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Detective & Spy (Their size difference is supposed to be somewhere in between the miniature form and normal form Kido..)
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Skritt Asura Krewe
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Cat & Gay Rats
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Dragon Hunter Mercenaries
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The Two Weirdos
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The Pals (I really do need to develop their relationship at some point)
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The Commander Polycule
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Rat & His Demon
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The Autism Plants
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Warband Boyfriends
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Plant Boyfriends
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Mentor & Mentee
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rizardofether · 3 months
Been thinking about my Grand High Sovereign version of Rhixak again lately. I made him way back in 2018 based on the Infinity Ball personal story instance for asura.
I just made him for fun and didn't give him much further thought. But now I started thinking about him again.
It starts with meeting Shodd and the story goes similar to how it goes in the personal story part. Rhixak is a bit of a control freak which led to the invention of infinity ball in the first place, though he gave up in the end as in canon
With Shodd's encouragement, he continues, ignoring Zojja's warnings. In the end though no other version of him comes out, instead the two of them somehow succeed in making it predict the future.
The two's collaboration is of course full of homoeroticism, and the two only grow closer through working together. Though Shodd is only changing Rhixak for the worse. He purposefully manipulated Rhixak to go on with the project, and ends up getting carried away, encouraging even worse behaviour.
Using Rhixak's anxiety and worry for others, Shodd eventually leads the two of them to take over the world so they can protect it. They work together to take down the elder dragons, though Aurene's egg is lost, and she is never born in this reality. Though the two of them succeed in defeating the elder dragon threats, the dragonvoid appears unexpectedly.
Maybe it was beyond the infinity ball or maybe it ends up destroyed at some point, still working on the details but in the end the dragonvoid destroys Tyria.
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rizardofether · 9 days
4, 6, 7 and 9 for Rhixak (both timelines if you want)
4. How is their social life? Are they generally well liked or despised? Are they involved in any drama? Do they make more enemies or friends? Do they have any meaningful friendship or bond?
Rhixak as the Commander is pretty much about what the canon Commander is, friends with the NPCs they are. Besides that there's Prim and couple other OCs he's sometimes in contact with but not much anymore. Pwan is an acquaintance from the Pact, Kettux & Emil are two wanderers he's worked with before, Ketter shows up from time to time but keeps his distance.
So yeah, pretty well liked as the Commander. On the other hand the bad timeline where he becomes the Grand High Sovereign, he's mostly in contact with Shodd, though they probably work with some underlings, they don't come into contact with him directly. Despised by many except Shodd and few others.
6. Do/did they have any non-sapient companions, like a pet or a golem? If not, would they want one?
Main timeline has the things canon in the game, cats in the home instance + M.O.X. is also there. He has robotic mounts. Though he was given actual animal mounts, he feared for their safety and either gave them away or has them live in a safe space. Home lab -> a farm he found that could keep them safe while he was searching for a new home -> the homestead. While these animals exist, he doesn't really have names for them. He's terrible with names.
GHS Rhixak never gets any pets. At most serving golems but those aren't really companions.
7. Do they prefer to work alone or with others? Do others like working with them? Are they competitive or do they prefer that others take the spotlight? How would they fare in the opposite situation?
With others most of the time. He's very good at it, making sure everyone is working together well and such. He is a natural-born leader despite after all. He really needed a krewe for his invention days, it takes a whole krewe for these big projects, so he wouldn't have succeeded as much alone.
Later on though when he moved to the Orders and the Pact, he could work just as well with others or alone on various tasks, though reading his reports was a chore for anyone.
GHS Rhixak worked together with Shodd through their entire campaign. Of course he could do things by himself, but why bother when you have the most capable and willing right hand man right there, right?
As for 9, I answered it just earlier in the previous post, and GHS Rhixak would have the same, just different duties that kept them busy, except for the change just after EoD as that is where GHS Rhixak's story ends.
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rizardofether · 2 years
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It's been years but I got it finally. Like Bloodstone Fen was released, what 2016, the same year I started playing, some months after I had begun. I wanted this backpiece for Rhixak as red, and before dyeable backpieces, but lost motivation and stopped. As Rhixak now has another backpiece that's been dyed it was no longer needed, but it was perfect for Great High Sovereign Rhixak, the evil alternate universe Rhixak based on the Infinity Ball personal story.
Now I ended up running through Bloodstone Fen a bunch of times as it's the fastest map to complete for keys, and I really wanted the new dragon horns helm skin.... I didn't get it though, and I'm all out of motivation for it.. Anyway Bloodstone Fen sure is a cool place and has interesting lighting that interracts with stuff nicely, here are some other caps during my runs:
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rizardofether · 6 years
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"See my crown? I am king I love the endless worshipping"
I created an evil version of Rhixak, Grand High Sovereign from the infinity ball personal story part.
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