#giant wapon
soleberlandieri · 1 year
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brsb4hls · 11 months
Ok, making my own post on the two 'big ships' cause manners.
Sylki first: why does Sylvie treat Loki the way she does? Gee, Idk, maybe because he was a giant pain in her ass from the beginning?
He helped the tva to hunt her down, messed up her first shot at getting to the timekeepers, landed them on Lamentis and broke the temppad. So if they died on Lamentis it would have been 100% on Loki.
Sylvie still forgives him for that and starts to built an emotional bond.
In the void she asks him flat out if he'd betray her in the end. He says he wont and suggests building a life together. Then he betrays her in the end. So she gets him out of the way (while most likely being heartbroken about it. Here she was, trusting for the first time in her life and for what).
It's spelled out in the show, no other way of interpreting that really.
Sylvie then tries to built a life on her own and Loki shows up in full time cop uniform.
She still helps him.
He mentions Kang variants as a threat.
When she goes to kill the first variant that shows up (Timely), because they're supposed to become a threat, duh! Loki stops her.
She cannot do right, no matter what.
Different perspectives and different goals and broken trust do not make a healthy relationship of course, but an interesting dynamic. And Sylvie's actions are very easy to understand from her point of view. She's not just an angry, irrational fury, she actually has a point, multiple points even.
As for Loki, his actions are also understandable, since due to his different upbringing, he sees the bigger picture. She can't from her position.
Loki is still emotionally fixated on Sylvie, because contrary to popular believe she was the one to make him care first (in the show, we know he cared about others from the movies but well)
"Her name is Sylvie and she needs me" Loki was so proud to be needed, to get to fight for somebody. He wanted to figure out life with her. He "just wanted her to be ok".
So she triggered his character devolopment first.
Now Lokius.
First off, Mobius isn't even Mobius. People seem to forget that. He is a variant of some dude who got brainwashed. Before he should built any relationship he should maybe work on that.
Secondly, he had zero respect for Loki (as a human being, not in the authority way). He called him a pussycat and a cockroach and emotionally manipulated him, because he was pissed, that Loki tried to get out of the tva (which held him captive) to follow Sylvie.
They do built a friendship, but Mobius still does not take Loki seriously. Reminder that Loki is a god and even without magic extremely strong. He took a beating from the Hulk and basically shook it off. He should be able to break Mobius like a twig. So actually there's a massive power imbalance that Mobius tries to play down constantly.
And Loki for some reason goes along with that, but that's not healthy.
The only time Loki retaliated, was the cracker jack scene. Mobius basically called him a dumb brute, while trying to appear intellectually superior (which is bullshit to anyone who's seen Thor 1. Loki is the one with the tactical, cerebral approach, thank you very much). Loki in return mocks Mobius, because he doesn't even notice the crumbs on his chin. Interesting scene and not cute at all.
Mobius also doesn't just let Loki use his magic the way he likes, he tries to controll it and waponize it, uses Loki as a tool to get people out of the way.
He also uses Loki to torture Brad. Very healthy dynamic indeed.
They still like each other and clearly consider each other friends, no doubt about that, but it's not the wholesome relationship people make it out to be.
(As for the dying for eachother thing: it was necessary for the mission. Not specifically about Loki. He knew what was going on and possibly how to fix it, so Mobius had to stabilize him to keep him as an asset. And yes, as a friend, but it's not dramatic romance here.
The talking to eachother part, well duh. They work together, are they supposed to just stare at the walls in silence?
Loki also talked to Sylvie on Lamentis, because they spent time together there and had an emotional conversation about his mother. If you spend time with people, you talk to them.
While I do prefer Sylki, since to me it's the more interesting dynamic, at this point I just want Loki to be fucking powerful again for once, so Mobius reflects himself a bit maybe.
That would be great.
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erafar · 3 years
Gods from the stars
The battle was almost over. It had been a long and bloody one for both sides, but Sverre and his men had been lucky. The gods had been fighting with them. They all knew the stories of old, about how the fimbulwinter had killed almost all humans after the big war last time the gods had visited, almost 7 generations ago. This time the gods didnt fight among themselfes, but with the humans, against humans, and so they probably wouldnt experience such a catastrophy again.
The stories about giant beasts, lightning killing people in the tenfolds, mighty heroes being slaughtered where they stood, made the hairs in his neck stand up, just by the thought of it. He was glad they hadn’t experienced that today. Today only men had died. Lots of them. The gods who had fought with them had made sure of that, with their mighty weapons and magical armour. No matter how good a sword the enemy had, none of them had managed to harm any of the gods.
They had arrived only 2 days earlier, a huge cart had sailed down from the sky, fire,  lighting and smoke comming from big round wheels at the back of it. It could only be one god arriving like that, Thor. He was tall with huge muscles, almost impossibly strong, with long red hair and beard, almost looking like it continued down under his armor. Such long hair was a sure sign of a mighty person.
There were other gods arriving with him too, all with impressive hair and beards. They had spoken the language of old, so they hadnt understood each other so well at first, only Thor seeming like the one that had kept up with what had been going on down at Midgard since the war. Therefor he did all the talking for the rest of the gods.
Sverre had barely belived his own eyes, being visited by the gods. He hoped he was lucky, and it was not a trick. They were to go to war in a couple days, and would need all the luck they could get. A large army had been spotted at their kingdoms northern border, the one towards Telemark. Rumours said it was the king of Hedmarka that had invaded south to expand his kingdom, and Sverre being a proud Egde, had not wanted to be ruled by a king not from Agder.
There had been sent for the leidang to gather, to meet this invading army, and when joined by the gods, the battle had easily gone in their favor. Thor had been wielding his hammer, crushing shields and men with easy. He had even sent lighting from it, flames spitting from a hole in the hammerhead, and a huge bang sounding from it. Lightning and thunder, just like the old tales had said he could do. The other gods had also used their magical wapons, Spears you could point at the enemy, and they would be ripped to pieces, didnt have to throw the spears even.
They had won the battle, but many men had died. The gods talking loudly among themselfes, almost like they had been disagreeing on even being there, In the end, Thor had told Sverre that them being here, had been frowned upon among the other gods, and they had been told to go back. Such power they had, was still to dangerious for the humans, and they would be leaving them alone until the Humans one day would come join them among the stars.
Sverre stood looking at Thors chariot take off into the sky, sparks flying everywhere from the big glowing wheels at the back, and it sounding like a thunderstorm. To travel to Åsgård to meet the gods again, was not something that would happen while he was alive.
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